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Multilayer Perceptron: Fundamentals and Applications for Decoding Neural Networks
Multilayer Perceptron: Fundamentals and Applications for Decoding Neural Networks
Multilayer Perceptron: Fundamentals and Applications for Decoding Neural Networks
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Multilayer Perceptron: Fundamentals and Applications for Decoding Neural Networks

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About this ebook

What Is Multilayer Perceptron

A fully connected class of feedforward artificial neural network (ANN), a multilayer perceptron, or MLP, is referred to as a multilayer perceptron. The word "MLP" is used in a way that is rather vague. Sometimes it is used to refer to any feedforward ANN, and other times it is used more specifically to refer to networks that are constructed of several layers of perceptrons; for more information, see "Terminology." When they just contain one hidden layer, multilayer perceptrons are sometimes jokingly referred to as "vanilla" neural networks. This is especially true when the term is used in a slang context.

How You Will Benefit

(I) Insights, and validations about the following topics:

Chapter 1: Multilayer Perceptron

Chapter 2: Artificial Neural Network

Chapter 3: Perceptron

Chapter 4: Artificial Neuron

Chapter 5: Activation Function

Chapter 6: Backpropagation

Chapter 7: Delta Rule

Chapter 8: Feedforward Neural Network

Chapter 9: Universal Approximation Theorem

Chapter 10: Mathematics of Artificial Neural Networks

(II) Answering the public top questions about multilayer perceptron.

(III) Real world examples for the usage of multilayer perceptron in many fields.

Who This Book Is For

Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of multilayer perceptron.

What Is Artificial Intelligence Series

The Artificial Intelligence eBook series provides comprehensive coverage in over 200 topics. Each ebook covers a specific Artificial Intelligence topic in depth, written by experts in the field. The series aims to give readers a thorough understanding of the concepts, techniques, history and applications of artificial intelligence. Topics covered include machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, ethics and more. The ebooks are written for professionals, students, and anyone interested in learning about the latest developments in this rapidly advancing field.
The Artificial Intelligence eBook series provides an in-depth yet accessible exploration, from the fundamental concepts to the state-of-the-art research. With over 200 volumes, readers gain a thorough grounding in all aspects of Artificial Intelligence. The ebooks are designed to build knowledge systematically, with later volumes building on the foundations laid by earlier ones. This comprehensive series is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to develop expertise in artificial intelligence.

Release dateJun 26, 2023
Multilayer Perceptron: Fundamentals and Applications for Decoding Neural Networks

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    Book preview

    Multilayer Perceptron - Fouad Sabry

    Chapter 1: Multilayer perceptron

    A multilayer perceptron, sometimes known as an MLP, is a kind of feedforward artificial neural network that is completely linked (ANN).

    There is no clear definition of MLP as a phrase, Occasionally used in a broad sense to denote any feedforward ANN, Sometimes used only to refer to networks that are made up of numerous layers of perceptrons (with threshold activation); see § Terminology.

    Multilayer perceptrons are a kind of neural network that is frequently referred to informally as vanilla neural networks, in particular when there is just one layer that is concealed.

    If a multilayer perceptron has a linear activation function in all of its neurons—that is, a linear function that maps the weighted inputs to the output of each neuron—then linear algebra demonstrates that any number of layers can be reduced to a two-layer input-output model. This is because a linear function maps the weighted inputs to the output of each neuron. Some of the neurons in MLPs make use of a nonlinear activation function, which is a model that was established to simulate the frequency of action potentials, also known as firing, produced by biological neurons.

    The two activation functions that have been historically prevalent are both sigmoids, and they are defined by

    y(v_i) = \tanh(v_i) ~~ \textrm{and} ~~ y(v_i) = (1+e^{-v_i})^{-1}


    The first one is a hyperbolic tangent, and its value might be anywhere between -1 and 1, whereas the other pertains to the role of logistics, which is similar to the other in form but varies from 0 to 1.

    Here y_{i} is the output of the i th node (neuron) and v_{i} is the weighted sum of the input connections.

    There have been suggestions made for different activation functions, consisting of the rectifier as well as the softplus functionalities.

    Radial basis functions, which are used in radial basis networks, are an example of a more specific kind of activation function, other models that fall within the category of supervised neural networks).

    In the most recent advances in deep learning, the rectified linear unit, also known as ReLU, is being employed more often as one of the viable solutions to solve the numerical issues connected to the sigmoids.

    The Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is made up of at least three layers of nonlinearly activating nodes. These layers include an input layer, an output layer, and one or more hidden layers.

    Given that MLPs have complete connections, each node in one layer connects with a certain weight w_{ij} to every node in the following layer.

    The perceptron is able to learn by adjusting the connection weights after each piece of data is processed. These adjustments are made depending on the degree of mistake in the output in comparison to the result that was anticipated. This is an example of supervised learning, and it is accomplished by backpropagation, which is a generalization of the technique for finding the linear perceptron with the least mean squares.

    We can represent the degree of error in an output node j in the n th data point (training example) by e_j(n)=d_j(n)-y_j(n) , where {\displaystyle d_{j}(n)} is the desired target value for n th data point at node j , and {\displaystyle y_{j}(n)} is the value produced by the perceptron at node j when the n th data point is given as an input.

    The node weights can then be adjusted based on corrections that minimize the error in the entire output for the n th data point, given by

    {\displaystyle {\mathcal {E}}(n)={\frac {1}{2}}\sum _{{\text{output node }}j}e_{j}^{2}(n)}


    Using gradient descent, the change in each weight w_{ij} is

    \Delta w_{ji} (n) = -\eta\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}(n)}{\partial v_j(n)} y_i(n)

    where y_{i}(n) is the output of the previous neuron i , and \eta is the learning rate, This is chosen to make certain that the weights arrive at a response in a short amount of time, without oscillations.

    As was said in the earlier phrase, {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial {\mathcal {E}}(n)}{\partial v_{j}(n)}}} denotes the partial derivate of the error {\displaystyle {\mathcal {E}}(n)} according to the weighted sum {\displaystyle v_{j}(n)} of the input connections of neuron i .

    The derivative to be calculated depends on the induced local field v_{j} , It fluctuates within itself.

    It is not difficult to demonstrate that this derivative, when applied to an output node, may be reduced to

    -\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}(n)}{\partial v_j(n)} = e_j(n)\phi^\prime (v_j(n))

    where \phi^\prime is the derivative of the activation function described above, which does not fluctuate on its own.

    Because of the change in weights to a hidden node, the analysis is made more challenging, However, it is possible to demonstrate that the relevant derivative is.

    -\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}(n)}{\partial v_j(n)} = \phi^\prime (v_j(n))\sum_k -\frac{\partial\mathcal{E}(n)}{\partial v_k(n)} w_{kj}(n)


    This depends on the change in weights of the k th nodes, Those are the layers that reflect the output.

    Therefore, in order to adjust the weights of the hidden layer, The derivative of the activation function is used to drive the weighting adjustments made to the output layer, Therefore, the backpropagation of the activation function is represented by this procedure.

    It is not correct to refer to a single perceptron as a multilayer perceptron since this word does not apply to such a thing. Instead, it is made up of a great number of perceptrons that are stacked in different levels. Multilayer perceptron network is an alternate formulation. In addition, the perceptrons that are used in MLP are not perceptrons in the most conventional sense. A threshold activation function, such as the Heaviside step function, is used by true perceptrons, which are technically considered to be a subtype of artificial neurons. MLP perceptrons are capable of using a variety of different activation functions. A genuine perceptron is capable of doing binary classification, but an MLP neuron, depending on the activation function that it has, may choose to either conduct classification or regression.

    Later on, without regard to the nature of the nodes or layers, the name multilayer perceptron was used. These nodes and layers may be formed of arbitrarily specified artificial neurons, thus the phrase does not refer solely to perceptrons. With this reading, the term perceptron does not have the same connotation as an artificial neuron in general, which prevents the definition from being too broad.

    The Perceptron was first released by Frank Rosenblatt in the year 1958. Saito, a student of Amari's, used a five-layer MLP with two changeable layers to do computer experiments. These tests demonstrated that the MLP learnt the internal representations necessary to identify non-linearly separable pattern classes. In reality, Rosenblatt was the one who came up with the phrase back-propagating mistakes and first used it in 1962, MLPs are valuable in research because of their capacity to tackle issues stochastically, which frequently enables researchers to find approximate solutions for exceedingly difficult problems such as fitness approximation.

    Since Cybenko's theorem demonstrates that MLPs are universal function approximators, it follows that one may utilize them to develop mathematical models via the process of regression analysis. Since classification is a kind of regression that applies only when the response variable is categorical, multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) are effective

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