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A Necessary Convenience
A Necessary Convenience
A Necessary Convenience
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A Necessary Convenience

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They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. They're wrong. It's paved with lies, surprises, and necessary conveniences...


Aila Peterson is living her dream. Between a fulfilling career as a nurse practitioner and raising her adopted daughter, her life seems perfect until the unexpected death of Sofie's birth mother reveals that her reality is built on betrayal and deceit.


Nolan Bishop isn't prime daddy material in any universe. A globe-trotting, womanizing, billionaire hotel magnate, he's stunned to learn he's fathered the child he's never wanted. He's equally surprised to discover he wants to be intimately involved in that child's life.


Even if that means becoming intimately involved in her mother's...

PublisherTori Lennox
Release dateMay 24, 2023
A Necessary Convenience

Tori Lennox

Tori Lennox has always preferred reading to sleeping. With a love for all genres of romance, she enjoys writing both contemporary and historical romances, Originally from South Carolina, Tori now lives in Florida. When she isn't writing, she enjoys cooking, gardening, and walks with her toothless blue and tan dachshund, Mir.

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    A Necessary Convenience - Tori Lennox


    Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides, Scotland

    Jackson, go away. Bishop barely glanced at the man entering his study. I came home for a reason. One that didn’t include entertaining his best friend’s lapdog attorney.

    I know. Jackson’s tone conveyed the other man’s reasons didn’t impact his duties one way or the other. He was just doing his job. Even if that meant catching the Red Eye three thousand miles to the middle of nowhere. While I’m sorry for interrupting your working vacation, I have an emergency that needs your immediate attention.

    Right. Bishop looked up from the document he was reading. What prompted Abby to send you to my doorstep uninvited? I don't want to witness the happy event if she’s suddenly decided to marry some boy toy. I have too much on my plate to deal with her whims.

    While not a full-fledged cougar, his old friend wasn’t above dating much younger men if the mood struck. She also wasn’t above crying wolf over a hangnail. He’d learned long ago that Abby’s emergencies weren’t necessarily his. As often as he indulged his gal pal, Bishop wasn’t up for her shenanigans right now.

    Not when he was taking his first real break in several years. Or what passed for a break with him. He still put in twelve-to-sixteen-hour work days the same as always. The major difference, his meetings were virtual instead of face-to-face. While he missed the constant globe-hopping, there was something to be said about staying in one place for a few days. He enjoyed the natural beauty of Mull. Though he’d never admit it, he even enjoyed visiting his dysfunctional family on the mainland as well. Or he had until Jackson showed up to interrupt his peace.

    I wish it was something that foolish. Walking across the room to pour two fingers of prime single malt from the bottle Bishop kept for guests, Jackson finally settled in the leather chair across from his quarry. Here, you’re going to need that before we’re done. Watching the other man set the glass on the coaster beside him, the attorney sprang the news he’d come to deliver. Abigail is dead.

    Dead? Blanching at his words, Bishop automatically drained his glass. She was fine yesterday when we talked.

    More than fine. The woman was aggravatingly upbeat to the point she wouldn’t shut up for two hours. He was late for his family dinner. However, it wasn’t all mindless chatter. She’d brought him up to speed on her newest designs, the parties he was missing, the gossip he should know, and the professional rumors he might find interesting. Giving credit where credit was due, she’d turned him onto a couple of potential takeovers he might pursue. Sometimes Abby was a godsend. Or she had been.

    Yes, she was. Jackson agreed. Fine and healthy. Unfortunately, Abby decided to ignore the warnings not to drive after dark. She hit a patch of black ice near her cabin, went over an embankment, and plowed through several trees on the way down. She was dead before the second impact.

    I don’t know what to say. Bishop studied his empty glass. Who’s taking care of her businesses?

    Hopefully, none of the estranged relatives now circling her coffin like a kettle of vultures waiting to pick her bones clean.

    You are. Jackson set his drink aside before catching Bishop’s eye. She left everything to you with a caveat.

    Why? Bishop’s eyebrow rose at his statement. That doesn’t make sense.

    He didn’t want or need anything Abby had, and she knew it. He could easily buy her out a hundred times over on his worst day.

    It makes more sense than you think, but you need to read this for the facts to gel. Jackson slid the envelope across the desk knowing his old friend needed to see, rather than hear, the shocking revelations within. While I’ve never read the letter, I know the general contents.

    Tearing the seal, Bishop skimmed the handwritten page garnering facts from fluff.

    I have a child? He looked up in total disbelief. Why didn’t Abby tell me as soon as she found out?

    He could think of a million reasons none of which excused a betrayal of this magnitude.

    I can’t answer that. He couldn’t divulge what he didn’t know. I can tell you Sofie’s not just any child. She’s a bright, beautiful little girl who looks more like Abby than you. Staring at Bishop, Jackson was suddenly hit by the thought something was wrong with his reaction. Why aren’t you questioning paternity?

    Why would I? Bishop stared him down. We had an encounter close to six years ago and the child is five. The timing is right. Besides, we both know Abby wasn’t a liar and she didn’t need my name or money. So, I’d say it’s highly unlikely that girl was fathered by anyone else.

    Added to that, Abby wasn’t casual in her affairs. Not unless you counted them. The same free spirit that soared through her work didn’t apply to her relationships. The woman was faithful to a fault. She’d never cheat on a lover much less her fiancé. Unfortunately, Alfonse didn’t feel the same. The rock he’d put on Abby’s finger didn’t curtail his wandering ways nor did his hasty exit ease the gaping hole he’d left in her heart.

    That wound was part of the reason she’d acted so out of character that night. They both had. They each needed the comfort the other offered for vastly different reasons. One very personal; the other professional. That they were briefly involved in college made it easy to tumble into bed together. They were only going where they’d been before. As simple as it seemed then, they both felt differently in the light of day.

    But not conclusive. Jackson gently reminded him. You haven’t asked for proof.

    You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have proof. Bishop called his bluff. Abby hadn’t been with anyone for months when we got together. She was still too raw from Alfonse’s betrayal, and too wrapped up in designing her new shoe collection to come up for air. It took me two weeks to convince her to attend that party, and I dropped her back at her studio the next day after brunch.

    Sounds like Abby. Jackson snorted at how well they both knew the woman. It was easier to live in her creative fantasies than in the real world. Maybe that’s why she wasn’t cut out to be a mother.

    Maybe. Bishop agreed. I don’t think that matters now.

    It doesn’t. Jackson decided to drop the paternity test now that it wasn’t necessary. He didn’t want Bishop questioning how they’d acquired a DNA sample in the first place. It wasn’t difficult, but it wasn’t voluntary either. Although your daughter goes by Sofie, her full name is Sophia Danielle Peterson and she turned five two days ago.

    I see. Bishop quirked a brow at him. Where is she and who is she living with?

    Not one of Abby’s relatives or he wouldn’t know she existed.

    A small town in North Carolina. Jackson removed a photograph from his briefcase and laid it on the desk. The woman is Aila Peterson, her adoptive mother. She’s a divorced nurse practitioner working in a doctor’s office. From the look on his face, Bishop found that unacceptable. Don’t get that judgmental look. Sofie is well-loved and well-provided for. Her mother takes her to school every morning and picks her up from daycare after work. They do her homework together every night. Don’t think for a minute that child doesn’t come first. She does and she always has. Never doubt that. Aila is devoted to Sofie.

    How do you know that? There was more to this than met the eye. Abby didn’t have someone watching them?

    Hardly. I handled the adoption. Abby and Aila bonded over the course of her pregnancy since Aila worked for her Obstetrician. They became close. Jackson knew sharing this wasn’t wise, but he’d received a letter outlining his client’s final instructions as well. They kept in touch over the years. As strange as all this seems, Abby never regretted her decision to give her child to another woman. While she loved your daughter, she had no desire to be a mother. She believed Aila was best for Sofie, and I think she was right. From what I’ve seen over the years, the woman is a wonderful mother.

    Far better than a workaholic father and a stream of nannies. Bishop bluntly stated what Jackson wouldn’t. Maybe; but that doesn’t excuse Abby’s actions. I had a right to know about that child. To be there from the start. To hold and love my child as a father should.

    Unfortunately, life didn’t work out that way so get over it. Jackson was firm even though he agreed with the ruthless businessman sitting across from him. Those years are lost. Accept it and move on. Love your child now as you would have then. Trust me when I tell you there’s more than enough love in that little girl’s heart for a mommy and a daddy. She’s a precious, precocious child her mom won’t mind sharing.

    You’re right. Bishop laid the letter aside. Arrange a meeting with this Aila person next week at a place of her choosing. It’s best if we meet first in a neutral, nonthreatening location. I’ll meet my daughter after I’ve determined my next step.

    Don’t even think about taking that child from Aila. Jackson finished his whisky. From where I sit, that would be the worst possible move you could make.

    He’d help Aila stop him if he tried.

    I’m not entertaining thoughts either way. He was still too busy trying to get his mind around the fact he’d fathered a child at all. If it makes you feel any better, I only want to meet them. See how they interact. I’ll decide my next move from there. I will ask that you keep what you know between us. If there comes a point the world needs to know about Sofie, I’ll make the announcement my way.

    The last thing he wanted was the press descending on his daughter and her mother when they weren’t prepared for the nightmare.

    I can do that. Jackson agreed setting his empty glass aside. Well, as interesting as all this is, I have a flight to catch in a few hours. I’ll be in court in a couple of days handling a messy divorce and I’d like to fire on all cylinders. I’m coming against Cindy Gallagher. She’s hell on a good day. She’ll be worse on this one. The cheating wife she’s representing is her younger sister, so I’ll have a real fight on my hands.

    While he’d never met the woman, her reputation as one of the nastiest divorce attorneys in New York preceded her. He didn’t envy his old friend one bit. He was in for a hell of a fight.

    Yes, you will, and I wish you luck. Bishop stood to shake hands with the other man. You’ll need it. However, I’m going to ask you to do me a favor and arrange that meeting before you get sidetracked by your favorite opponent.

    I’ll give Aila a call on the way to the airport. Jackson agreed knowing Bishop was right. While he and Gallagher were evenly matched, he had to stay on his toes if he wanted to win. That meant less important things could unintentionally fall by the wayside. I’ll call you with her response.

    I’ll be waiting. Waiting and reading through the contracts on his desk. Oh, and Jackson, I expect my request to be favorably received. If it isn’t, you can assure Ms. Peterson I will take stronger measures to ensure my next offer is.

    Catching the other man’s nod, Bishop watched him leave his office and close the door behind him. Reaching for the 8 X 10 professional photograph, he studied the cute, snaggle-toothed child and the surprisingly attractive woman embracing her. While Sofie took after him in her coloring and curly hair, she had her mother’s features and eyes. However, there was no denying his child was going to be a tall, olive-skinned, mahogany-haired teen by the time she reached puberty. In fact, as startling as it was to see, his daughter resembled her surprisingly pretty, ebony-haired adoptive mother more than she did the coolly beautiful blonde who had given her life.

    Locking the photograph away in a drawer, Bishop sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers. Although he had promised Jackson otherwise, he wasn’t comfortable leaving his child with that woman. He’d already lost too much time with the only offspring he’d ever have. That was a situation he’d remedy as soon as possible.

    Grabbing his phone, he dialed his assistant and smiled when she answered on the first ring. Hanging up a few minutes later he turned back to the contracts on his desk confident Connie was hot on the trail of her newest assignment. When he got back to New York, he’d have four exceptional nannies of the mature, compassionate, no-nonsense variety from which to choose. In the end, he’d have the best of the best. He had that much faith in his p.a. She was thorough with her assignments. He expected her to be extra diligent with this one. He’d told her to interview potential candidates with the same care she’d use for her grandchildren. His final command had done the trick.

    Connie would be merciless in her quest even if she had the wisdom not to ask why he’d made such an unusual request. She probably thought he was helping a new business associate settle in. That was fine by him. It wouldn’t be the first time. Nor the last. All that mattered was she never considered that a nanny could be for him. The longer Sofie remained a secret, the more time he had to prepare for when she wasn’t. He was under no illusion he could hide her existence forever. He was much too infamous for that.

    Chapter One

    Taylorsville, North Carolina

    Staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, Aila applied lipstick before making a disgusted moue. There wasn’t much she could do about her appearance. Jackson had called her at work demanding they meet as soon as possible. She’d immediately known something was off. Something more than just the unexpected death of her daughter’s biological mother. She sensed it. However, Abby’s death shouldn’t impact her life beyond the loss of a dear friend. The adoption was legal and aboveboard. Airtight. Or it should be. But something in Jackson’s tone said it wasn’t.

    In all the years she’d known him, Abby’s lawyer had never asked to meet on the spur of the moment. He’d always scheduled their yearly appointments weeks in advance. Since their last review was barely three months old, there wasn’t any reason he should need to see her so soon. Nothing good anyway. Straightening her black suit jacket, she ambled back into the reception area only to be met by Jenny with a file in hand.

    Following the paralegal towards the familiar office, Aila resisted the urge to ask the other woman what this was all about. As curious as she was, she knew better than to waste her breath. Jennifer wouldn’t betray her boss’s confidence by telling his client what was better coming from him. Sitting in her usual chair, Aila watched the other woman lay the file on Jackson’s desk and quietly depart the way she’d come. Sitting in silence, she waited for the lawyer to join her.

    Good morning, Aila. Jackson swept through the door, took a seat behind his desk, and opened the file his paralegal left him. I’m sorry for disturbing you like this, but Abby’s death changed the playing field.

    How so? Aila leaned forward in her chair. We both know Sofie’s adoption is legal, so any relative of Abby’s crawling out of the woodwork doesn’t have a leg to stand on. We went through all the right channels to ensure that.

    Right down to Abby leaving a will clearly stating she didn’t want her crazy family having any contact with her biological daughter. Not unless Sofie chose to reach out to them when she was legally old enough to do so. But that was her decision when the time was right. In the meantime, she wouldn’t have her mind polluted by malicious gossip while she was still too young to filter the truth from the lies.

    Yes, we did. Jackson agreed. However, dotting those I’s and crossing those T’s have nothing to do with Sofie’s father.

    Sofie’s father? Aila felt the blood drain from her face. That creep doesn’t care two bits about his daughter.

    The creep didn’t know he had a daughter to care about. Jackson calmly informed her. Abby never told him that she was pregnant.

    You can’t be serious. Aila’s heart dropped to her knees. You are. What does that mean for us?

    Nothing right now. Jackson stated honestly. Sofie’s father’s name wasn’t on the birth certificate initially. That paperwork was amended since Abby’s death, but Aila didn’t need to know that. I’ve convinced Bishop not to do anything rash until he knows more about you and his daughter.

    I guess that’s something. Aila leaned forward. So how do we go about letting him know more about us?

    By meeting him. Jackson laid the file on his desk. He wants to meet you as soon as possible. Not Sofie. Just you.

    I see. Aila sat back in her chair deep in thought. I’m not sure I want to do that. While you seem to know this Bishop well, I don’t even know his full name.

    I’ve known Bishop for years. Jackson admitted. Although I didn’t know he was Sofie’s father until a couple of days ago. He was my client a long time ago when I lived in New York. Aila nodded knowing Jackson was licensed in both N.C. and his home state. We parted ways once his business interests outgrew my realm of expertise although we’ve stayed in contact over the years. Bishop is responsible for Abby becoming my client. He brought us together initially.

    And Jackson had brought Abby to her boss when the woman relocated to Taylorsville for the duration of her pregnancy.

    So, you aren’t friends. Aila saw any help from that direction swiftly dwindling. I was hoping you were.

    Not close, no, not anymore; but we do respect each other a great deal. Jackson offered. If it makes you feel any better, Bishop knows you’re a good mother. He also knows I think taking Sofie from you would be the worst possible move he could make.

    Thank you, Aila spoke quietly. I appreciate that, and I hope he takes your advice. Right now, neither of us has a clue what he’ll do, do we?

    I don’t believe you have anything to worry about on that front. Not unless she blew their meeting. Bishop isn’t prepared to raise a child now or in the foreseeable future. Managing his empire takes all his time and effort. It has for years. That’s probably why the man doesn’t have a wife and family.

    Empire? Aila closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Exactly who is Sofie’s father, and do I really want to know?

    Maybe not; but you need to. Jackson pushed the file towards her. Aila, don’t go ballistic when I tell you this.

    I won’t, Aila promised. That won’t get me anywhere.

    Not really. Jackson agreed. While I won’t tell you the circumstances of Sofie’s conception, I will tell you her father’s identity.

    Then do it. Aila knew she didn’t want to know by the look on his face. Just spit it out.

    Fine. Jackson agreed. Sofie’s father is Nolan Bishop and, yes, it’s that Nolan Bishop.

    The hotel magnate? Aila fervently prayed it wasn’t. You’re kidding me.

    I wish I was. Jackson patted her hand. From your reaction, I see you’re familiar with the name.

    Who isn’t? Aila fired back. He dates up-and-coming models and starlets.

    Or they date him. Jackson said quietly. Don’t let what you read in the rags influence your opinion of Bishop. None of those relationships are serious and his partners all know the score from the start. He’s a lot like you in that department. Too busy with his professional life to develop a personal life. That he wants to slow down enough to build a relationship with his daughter is a good sign Sofie matters greatly to him.

    I’ll trust you on that one. Aila blinked back tears of frustration. I have a feeling he’ll make my life hell if I don’t cooperate with his wishes. But, between you and me, I don’t like this. Any of it. I won’t let this Bishop toy with Sofie. He’ll either be a permanent part of her life or he won’t get his foot through the door.

    Jackson laughed at how fiercely Aila was fighting for her child and the battle hadn’t even begun. He already saw the sparks flying. With any luck, she and Bishop would quickly work through their differences for Sofie’s sake. Somehow, he thought they would although they might butt heads in the beginning. In fact, he expected it. However, neither of them was unreasonable. They’d quickly get on the same page for their daughter’s sake. If they didn’t, he’d verbally knock some sense into them.

    I’m sure you’ll make that clear at your first meeting. Jackson’s voice cut through her thoughts. One he’s expecting to happen between the eleventh and the fourteenth wherever you choose.

    Excuse me? Aila wasn’t sure whether to laugh at his audacity or be offended. Bishop seriously expects me to jump at his command. I don’t think so.

    It’s not like that. Jackson backtracked realizing he’d used a poor choice of words under the circumstances. Bishop isn’t commanding you to do anything. Yes, he was, but Aila didn’t need to know that. He would like to meet you as soon as possible. Those dates are the only days he has free for the next three months.

    If he’s that booked up, how will he ever find time for Sofie? Aila wondered at the wisdom of meeting him at all. It doesn’t sound like he has time for a child.

    He’ll make time. Jackson reassured her. Right now, he has several major deals intersecting. The best advice I can give you is to work with the man. It’s in your best interest to cooperate. Bishop is very wealthy and powerful. He’s used to getting what he wants, even if he’s forced to take it. Meet him halfway. He isn’t autocratic or rude. His bluntness is more necessity than outright arrogance. You’ll see that the longer you know him.

    Wonderful. Aila wondered briefly how she got herself into this mess then realized she hadn’t. Abby had. By not telling the father of her child she was pregnant. Again, I’ll take you at your word. I don’t think I’ll sleep a wink until this meeting is over and I know that man isn’t trying to take my child.

    Right now, that won’t happen. Jackson repeated. I’ve told him you’re a wonderful mother and Sofie is happy. When he gets to know you, he’ll see I wasn’t lying. In the end, I believe you’ll reach a joint custody solution that works for both of you.

    I hope you’re right. Aila glanced at her watch realizing her lunch hour was almost over. I have to leave soon, or I’ll be late for my next appointment. Tell your client we can meet on the eleventh at Sadie’s. It’s a Wednesday night, so the place won’t be that busy. It will also give me an extra day to digest everything since the office is closed on Thursday.

    Forget the norms, Sadie’s did a steady business all week. But Thursday through Sunday they were swamped. If they were going to have any privacy, then their meeting had to be on Wednesday. Whether she wanted it or not.

    Works for me. Jackson agreed. I’ll give Bishop a call and let you know his response. Are you available another day if the eleventh doesn’t work out?

    Any of those days is fine for me. Aila admitted. Just let me know as soon as possible so I can make arrangements for Sofie."

    I’ll do that. Jackson closed her file before looking at her. "Aila, keep your chin up. This

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