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The Art of Peace: Creating the Harmonic Humanity
The Art of Peace: Creating the Harmonic Humanity
The Art of Peace: Creating the Harmonic Humanity
Ebook66 pages

The Art of Peace: Creating the Harmonic Humanity

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We are living in exciting times.

World peace is something we have all wanted but was seemingly unachievable. Now, however, through a global humanity awakening, our aspiration for a harmonious society is within our reach.

Through the irony of paradox, this book theorises that by understanding what we do not want we can establish what we do want. If peace is what we want, surely this can be created by practising the polar opposite of war?

Using psychospiritual philosophy and quantum psychology, Susan Broomhall is part of the global community currently co-creating heaven on earth. It is Susan’s belief that global peace and harmony and the co-creation of the new humanity is assured – if everyone trusts in themselves as creators of peace.

While each individual is contributing to the rich and diverse tapestry of humanity, not everyone understands what this means. This book reveals ‘how to’ create a harmonic new humanity through the art of peace.

World peace starts with you.

Release dateMay 17, 2023
The Art of Peace: Creating the Harmonic Humanity

Susan Broomhall

Susan Broomhall is a social scientist with a major in psychology and over 30 years practical experience applying behavioural science to real world issues. With a passion for world peace and harmony, Susan aspires to empower people to be happy and well by encouraging everyone to understand and believe in their innate ability to create their own reality.Susan has transformed her life experiences into translations of psychospiritual philosophy and quantum psychology. She has done this in order to bridge the divide between science and spirituality to understand what it means to be human and realise the purpose of our life journey. She is inspired to be part of the global community co-creating the new world, living in a harmonious and peaceful society where love, caring, and happiness are the valued qualities.

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    Book preview

    The Art of Peace - Susan Broomhall


    Sun Tzu’s The Art of War outlines military strategy for the effective defeat of an opponent. Originating somewhere in the 6th century BC and traditionally attributed to an ancient Chinese military general, the strategy and ensuing book of 13 chapters has historically influenced military and intelligence applications globally for centuries, shaping modern thinking and theory in areas of politics, culture, sports and business.

    Somehow, over the years, the psychology, philosophy and theory of war Sun Tzu enunciated became an acceptable form of business management and an awarded recognition of success, which was then transformed into an acceptable form of social moderation and control. With exactly the same stealth described by Sun Tzu, ‘leaders’ played out the strategy and society embraced the ‘Us vs Them’ narrative of war, chose sides, and sought to destroy their ‘opponents’.

    There have been none more successful in destroying their ‘opponent’ than military leaders, politicians, and government hierarchies. Those who embrace the ‘Us vs Them’ strategy design the rhetoric of a perceived ‘enemy’ that must be conquered. This rhetoric permeates societies manipulated into believing their fellow human must be stopped. Wherever there is division, there is war. And while this is seen in many contexts globally, a prevailing exemplar is closer to home – the toxic workplace.

    Success for toxic leaders is relatively easy when using the art of war as a management style. In true Machiavellian fashion, hapless and helpless lower echelons are collateral damage when the titans of war clash. Much like in war, there is a handful of people at the top, calling the shots, and the masses of people underneath who pay the price.

    The strategic conquering of a foe has become such an acceptable form of leadership that it has gone undetected that this leadership style equates to ‘bullying’. When detected, opposition to the style has been silenced. And when ‘success’ is measured by how effective leaders are in achieving their intent, how can we as a society not understand that bullying is being exemplified as how to be ‘successful’. As a society, we are complicit in this perpetual war by acceding to play by the rules set by bullies.

    We continue to lament the distress that bullying causes in our society and half-heartedly attempt to curtail it through the vilification of those ensnared in it. Rarely do we turn our attention to the foundations of bullying – leadership that uses bullying as a strategy for control and as a measure of power, which are characteristics of the art of war. Consider that Sun Tzu’s teachings have continued to be published far and wide, translated, printed and reprinted, exalted as the blueprint of successful strategy, while those who proclaim peace have been gaslit and ridiculed as drug addled hippies. Even more rarely do we accept responsibility for letting it all happen.

    As one global humanity, we each as individuals are responsible for the choices we make, the decisions we rationalise, the words we speak, the actions we play out, the life we design, the path we walk. If we live in dystopia, it is our dystopia we collectively imagined into realisation. This is what we chose.

    At a time of global humanity awakening, we are now realising we are the creators of our own reality. Our past has been designed by those that were well versed

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