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Gay From The Ankles Down
Gay From The Ankles Down
Gay From The Ankles Down
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Gay From The Ankles Down

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When Adam and Tyler meet at a gay bar, they don't tip-toe around their desire for each other. Tyler has two feet and a foot-long, and he wants all three inside Adam.

Release dateMay 16, 2023
Gay From The Ankles Down

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    Gay From The Ankles Down - Sebastian Davidson

    Gay From The Ankles Down

    By Sebastian Davidson

    Adam's heart raced as he walked into the crowded gay bar. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he knew he was looking for something different. Something that he couldn't find in his everyday life.

    As he scanned the room, he saw Tyler sitting at the bar, sipping on a drink. Adam's eyes locked onto Tyler's feet, encased in a pair of tight sneakers. He felt a surge of excitement as he saw Tyler flex his toes. It was then that he knew Tyler was the one.

    Hi, Adam said, walking over to Tyler. I'm Adam.

    Tyler, Tyler replied, giving Adam a grin. Nice to meet you.

    They chatted for a few minutes, exchanging small talk, until Adam couldn't resist bringing up the subject of feet.

    So, uh, I don't want to be too forward, but I couldn't help but notice you have nice feet, Adam said, trying to keep his voice casual.

    Tyler's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, Adam worried he had gone too far. But then Tyler leaned in, his own excitement radiating off him.

    Thank you, Tyler said, his voice low. I was hoping someone would notice.

    They spent the rest of the night chatting about their shared interest, trying not to be too overt about it in front of the other patrons. Eventually, they exchanged numbers, promising to stay in touch.

    Adam went home that night, feeling like he had found a kindred spirit. It was a feeling that he had not felt in a long time, and he knew he had to see Tyler again.

    As the days and weeks went on, Adam and Tyler talked more and more, slowly building a connection built around their love of feet. They exchanged stories, shared their favorite photos and videos, and tried to find ways to indulge in their fetish without drawing attention.

    Eventually, they decided to take the next step and meet up in person. They leapt at the chance to be together, to touch each other's feet, and to explore their mutual love.

    For Adam and Tyler, it was the start of a journey that would challenge them, excite them, and bring them closer together than they ever thought possible.

    As Adam and Tyler continue on their journey together, they soon realize that keeping their fetish a secret is not going to be an easy task.

    I'm not sure about this, Tyler, Adam confessed one night as they laid in bed together. How are we going to keep our love for feet hidden from everyone else?

    Tyler sighed and pulled Adam closer to him. I know it's difficult, but we can't risk revealing our secret. Not everyone is accepting of our lifestyle.

    I just don't want to have to hide who I am, Adam said, his voice filled with frustration.

    I understand, Tyler replied, running his hands through Adam's hair. But we knew from the beginning that this was something we had to keep between us. We can have our own special world together.

    Adam sighed, but knew deep down that Tyler was right. They had something special between them, and he didn't want to risk losing it by being careless.

    As they continued to navigate their new relationship, Adam and Tyler had to come up with creative ways to indulge in their fetish without raising suspicion. They would often engage in foot play while watching movies or listening to music, making sure to keep the volume low to avoid any unwanted attention.

    Their friends and colleagues had no idea what was really going on between the two of them, and Adam and Tyler made sure to keep it that way.

    But as their relationship continued to deepen, their desire for one another grew stronger, making it harder for them to keep their love for feet hidden.

    One night, while they were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, Tyler leaned over and whispered in Adam's ear, I can't resist your cute little toes.

    Adam blushed and pushed Tyler away. Shh! Someone might hear you!

    But as Tyler continued to tease him with feather-light touches and kisses on his feet, Adam grew weak in the knees and allowed himself to give into their forbidden desire.

    It wasn't until the next morning that they realized they might have been too careless, as their roommate gave them a strange look over breakfast.

    Adam and Tyler exchanged worried glances, realizing that they needed to be more careful if they were going to keep their secret safe. But as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that their love for feet was something worth fighting for.

    Adam and Tyler were both excited and nervous as they moved into their new apartment. They had been together for six months now and felt ready to take the next step in their relationship. However, they knew they had to be extra careful to keep their foot fetish a secret from their new neighbors and roommates.

    As they unpacked their boxes, Tyler turned to Adam with a sly grin on his face.

    You know what we're going to need, right?

    Adam raised an eyebrow in question.

    A footstool, of course, Tyler said with a chuckle. We need to be able to indulge in our fetish without getting caught.

    Adam shook his head in amusement. You always have a new idea up your sleeve, don't you?

    Tyler just grinned and continued unpacking with renewed energy. They spent the next few hours setting up their new home, carefully placing their foot-related toys and accessories out of sight. They had to be subtle and sneaky if they wanted to keep their fetish a secret.

    As they finished settling in, Adam and Tyler collapsed onto the couch with a sense of relief.

    We did it, Adam said, beaming with pride.

    Tyler nodded in agreement. We have our own little haven now. Somewhere we can be ourselves without fear of judgment.

    Adam took Tyler's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I'm so grateful for you, Tyler. You make me feel like I can be myself.

    Tyler leaned in for a kiss, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace. They had been waiting for this moment for so long, and they weren't going to let anyone or anything stop them from being together.

    Over the next few weeks, the couple settled into their new routine, carefully sneaking in moments to indulge in their fetish without raising suspicion. They would stay up late, blindfolding each other and taking turns teasing each other's feet under the covers. They would use subtle signals and codes to communicate their desires without anyone else realizing what was happening.

    One evening, as they were cooking dinner together, Tyler leaned over and whispered in Adam's ear.

    I have a new idea for us. But we have to be extra careful this time.

    Adam couldn't help but feel intrigued by Tyler's words. What is it?

    Tyler leaned back with a devilish smile on his face. Let's have a little fun in the kitchen.

    Without any further prompting, Tyler stepped back and lifted up his shirt, revealing his bare feet. Adam's heartbeat quickened at the sight, realizing what Tyler had in mind. They had never been this daring before.

    In an instant, Adam was on his knees, worshipping Tyler's feet as he stood there cooking dinner. They had to be careful not to make any loud noises or suspicious movements, but they both reveled in the thrill of indulging in their fetish in such a taboo location.

    As they finished cooking dinner, their hearts pumping with excitement, Tyler turned to Adam with a satisfied grin on his face.

    I think we're getting better at this, Tyler said, chuckling.

    Adam leaned in for a kiss, their lips meeting with an intense passion that only their love and fetish could create.

    They knew they had to be careful, but they were determined to keep exploring their love of feet in new and creative ways. As long as they had each other, they knew they could overcome any obstacle thrown their way.

    Adam and Tyler had been planning their romantic beach vacation for months. They were excited to spend quality time together, indulge in their foot fetish, and forget about the stresses of the world for a little while. As they arrived at the resort, Tyler started to feel anxious.

    Adam, I don't know if we can keep our fetish a secret here. There are so many people around, and we're going to be in public all the time, Tyler said with concern.

    Don't worry, Ty. We'll figure it out. We can always sneak away to a secluded spot or come up with some creative cover stories, Adam replied with a reassuring smile.

    They checked into their room and headed to the beach. As they lounged in the sun, they couldn't resist playing footsie under the umbrella. A few passersby looked their way, but they quickly pulled their feet apart, hoping no one had noticed.

    That night, they went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. The tables were close together, and they struggled to keep their feet from accidentally touching under the table. They whispered naughty things to each other, and their eyes sparkled with desire.

    After dinner, they took a romantic stroll on the beach. It was dark, and they couldn't resist holding hands and sneaking kisses. As they walked, they looked for a quiet spot to indulge in their fetish. They found an empty cabana and snuck inside, giggling with excitement.

    Tyler slipped off his sandals and lifted his feet onto Adam's lap. Adam ran his fingers gently over Tyler's arches, eliciting a soft moan. They indulged in their passion in secret, feeling more alive than ever before.

    As they walked back to their room, they felt a sense of relief. They had managed to keep their fetish a secret, at least for now. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to make the most of their vacation.

    I'm so glad we came here, Adam. I feel so free and alive with you, Tyler said, looking deeply into Adam's eyes.

    Me too, babe. This is our special place, where we can be ourselves and enjoy each other's company. Let's make the most of it, Adam replied, leaning in for a tender kiss.

    They walked hand in hand, the sand between their toes, feeling the ocean breeze on their faces. They knew there would be challenges and obstacles ahead, but they were ready to face them together. They had each other, and their love was all that mattered.

    As Adam and Tyler walked up the stairs to their apartment, they noticed their neighbor, Mrs. Henderson, peeking out her door.

    Good evening, boys, she said coyly, holding onto the doorframe. I couldn't help but notice the two of you were out quite late last night. Any fun activities?

    Adam and Tyler exchanged a nervous glance. They knew Mrs. Henderson was a bit nosy, but they never expected her to insinuate anything about their secret fetish.

    Oh, just a late-night walk on the beach, Adam said with a forced smile. You know how it is.

    Mrs. Henderson nodded sagely. Yes, I remember those days. Young and in love, nothing else matters. Well, you two boys take care now.

    As she shut the door, Adam and Tyler both let out a sigh of relief. That was too close, Tyler whispered. What if she figures it out?

    Adam shook his head. We can't let her. We need to come up with a plan to keep our secret safe.

    Over the next few days, the two men brainstormed ways to keep Mrs. Henderson from finding out about their fetish. They made sure to never come and go from their apartment at the same time, and they kept all of their foot-related items hidden away in a lockbox under their bed.

    But their greatest challenge came when Mrs. Henderson invited them over for dinner. I want to get to know you boys better, she had said with a sly grin.

    Adam and

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