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The Secrets of 66 Canterbury Road
The Secrets of 66 Canterbury Road
The Secrets of 66 Canterbury Road
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The Secrets of 66 Canterbury Road

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How far would you go to hide your darkest secret?


Daniel and Pandora Clarke appear to have an idyllic marriage. Daniel is blissfully unaware of his wife's hidden traits of manipulation and control that began long before their union. The dark web of secrets begins to unfold ultimately leaving him to face the truth or remain in denial.


Matt and Verity James have an inquisitive little boy who unknowingly becomes the connection between reality and a darker presence. The entity in their new home at 66, Canterbury Road causes their once-happy family dynamic to become divided.


Verity, in particular, attempts to battle the demon tormenting her growing family. It remains to be seen if she is successful in her quest or if the revengeful spirit will continue on its path of destruction.


Matt is unaware of the entity's presence until it is too late. It seems that in whatever form, the haunted soul residing in the house creates chaos, invokes fear, and acquires control. This leads Matt to a turn of events he could never have predicted.


This novel is a dark and suspenseful tale, layered with the twists and turns of two families dealing with psychological disturbances and the supernatural…at what cost?


If you enjoy a thought-provoking read and riding a rollercoaster of nail-biting suspense within a psychological thriller, this book is a must-buy for you!


The Secrets of 66 Canterbury Road is a fictional novel that encourages you to escape from reality and explore the darker aspects of human nature and beyond. It will challenge you to think deeply about the characters' motivations and actions.


Join Bourne & Harris as we take you on a journey to another world, and immerse yourself in a gripping and suspenseful story!






PublisherYuki Harris
Release dateMay 3, 2023
The Secrets of 66 Canterbury Road

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    Book preview

    The Secrets of 66 Canterbury Road - Misha Bourne

    Chapter one

    Pandora took a pregnancy test and the two blue lines immediately crushed her. A giant shockwave engulfed her from head to toe as reality hit. God, no . Pregnancy was definitely not on the cards; the horrific thought of a baby revolted her. She was a meticulous planner and didn’t want her future taken out of her hands. Pandora wasn’t ready to give up everything she’d worked so hard for and devote her life to an unwanted child. Her husband, Daniel, had always made it clear he wanted children but secretly it was never part of her life plan. She figured there were ways of dealing with these inconveniences; she liked it being the two of them. She was sure she’d be enough for him, and it was the only flaw in their otherwise perfect union. As Pandora felt the room narrowing around her, she reflected on the beginning of their relationship…

    Pandora first met Daniel at a mutual friend’s dinner party. They were both single and embarking on their chosen careers. He was in the I.T. industry and she was a nurse. Discussions over dinner of babysitting and family life issues clearly bored her.

    Daniel smiled at her, understanding how she felt. He’d been the odd one out at so many of these social gatherings too, and it was great to have a comrade. As the anecdotes flew across the large dining table full of guests, he couldn't help feeling drawn to the attractive woman sitting across from him. Her laughter was infectious, and he found himself wanting to be the one to make her smile. He leaned in a little closer trying to catch her eye, and soon enough they were engaged in their own private conversation. The other guests faded into the background as they talked, each oblivious to everything but the other.

    'So do you think they’ll stop talking about their kids if I start bleating on about software programming and cyber security?' Daniel whispered, his deep brown eyes locking with hers.

    'God, even I’d rather hear about that than how darling Felicity’s potty training is going; yawn!' Pandora colluded.

    'Well, the binary code for our latest programme…' continued Daniel as Pandora laughed at his playful nature.

    'I’m a nurse; I bet my work anecdotes can beat yours,' she challenged.

    'A nurse, well there's a vision I need to remove from my imagination!' he joked. Their eyes danced with unspoken promises.

    The night wore on, and the wine flowed. Daniel found himself completely captivated by Pandora. Her long, silky dark hair was draped over one bare shoulder, exposing her graceful, enticing neckline. The fuschia pink dress clung to her shapely, trim figure and delicate ankles. He’d never met anyone like her. He couldn't remember the last time he’d felt such a strong connection with someone. Daniel had missed his chance at love once before and didn't want to lose a second opportunity.

    As the dinner party ended, he couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye to her. With a boldness he didn't know he possessed, he asked Pandora if she would like to go out with him sometime.

    Pandora smiled, her glistening eyes fixed on him and answered without hesitation. 'Yes.'

    Her plan had worked. Daniel was easy on the eye and well-educated. She thought he was laid-back, and it was exactly what she required from a partner as it allowed her to be the one holding the strings. Pandora had virtually brought herself up, and although preferring to share her life with someone, she had to be able to mould them into shape.

    Pandora knew together they could be a formidable partnership, and they soon began to spend more time in each other’s company. Their relationship was fast-paced and full of promise and after only two months, they threw caution to the wind and decided to move in together. They were spending every waking moment together anyway, and committing to each other was a statement. Daniel decided that renting seemed the best option then they didn’t have the pressure of a mortgage if things didn’t work out long-term.

    Pandora wasn’t as keen on renting, wanting to secure a permanent tie, but needed to refrain from being too pushy too soon. She couldn’t allow her prey to become jittery and ruin the work she had already put in.

    They quickly found the perfect rental, and enjoyed spending their free weekends at the theatre or hosting elegant dinner parties. Pandora loved fashion and her expensive dresses were accentuated by Daniel’s well-groomed appearance, making them a handsome couple. Scenic woodland walks led them to quaint pubs and picnic spots, allowing them to indulge in each other and discuss the future. Daniel was an academic man, focused and dedicated to whatever he set his mind on. His kind, understanding nature made him easy to live with and the perfect future husband material.

    Pandora was the extrovert of the pair, yet retained an air of mystery about her that indicated no one would ever know all of her secrets. Her magnetic personality and engaging conversation as a dinner hostess naturally commanded an audience. Daniel was happy to remain in the background, admiring her from afar. They were like chalk and cheese but balanced each other out perfectly. The young couple knew they were in the relationship for the long haul, and breaking tradition, Pandora soon asked Daniel to marry him.

    Although aware their relationship was moving at pace, Daniel quickly acquiesced. They married soon after in a small, understated ceremony. Daniel thought that with her passion for socialising and being such a natural beauty, she would want everyone to witness their special day. Pandora assured him that the day was about them and nobody else, and he felt honoured to be the centre of her world. She made a beautiful bride, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was to share his life with the woman he believed to be his soul mate.

    Although Pandora would have secretly loved an ostentatious wedding to show off her prize, she settled on a small wedding to avoid any delays organising a larger wedding could bring. It would be more difficult for Daniel to walk away from a marriage than a relationship, and it was a small price to pay to secure his commitment.

    Following the wedding, they decided they wanted to buy a home of their own. Opting for a small wedding had kept their finances in order and they’d saved enough for a house deposit. They started to investigate options and narrowed down their search area to within a five-mile radius of Pandora’s work. She had a long-term job opportunity in the town’s old hospital, and it would reduce her current commute by half. The hospital had recently added a Psychiatric Wing and were recruiting for a Head Psychiatric Nurse. Always striving for the next new thing, Pandora wiped out the competition and secured the role.

    Pandora’s evenings were spent obsessively trawling the property websites and she’d registered with every local Estate Agent. After viewing and discarding many options with Daniel, a house jumped out at her. She phoned the agent and insisted on an appointment the same day, knowing how fast the market was moving particularly in that sought-after part of town.

    Arriving early to meet the agent, 66 Canterbury Road lured them in. The picturesque bay window radiated warmth as Daniel and Pandora Clarke peered through it. The three-bedroomed terrace had an inviting sage green front door that beckoned them inside. It was nestled at the end of a cul-de-sac on the outskirts of the Kentish riverside town of Gravesend. The modest front garden was teaming with wildlife buzzing around the beautiful fragrant flowers. It was the kind of road where children could play outside under the neighbours' watchful eyes. The agent let them in and told them to take their time having a look around the property.

    'This would make a lovely family home wouldn’t it?' said Daniel as they wandered around.

    Pandora replied, dismissing the reference to having a family. 'It’s a lovely size and not too far from work so that’s a bonus. I quite like the size of the back garden as I want to learn more about horticulture as well.'

    'I think this could be the one,' Daniel said, smiling brightly at his wife.

    Daniel continued looking around with a view to making it a lovely family home to fill with children. With Pandora’s nursing background he was sure his wife would be a brilliant mother and the house would easily accommodate a growing family.

    With another couple having offered on the property, a bidding war ensued. Pandora insisted that Daniel increased their already decent offer. She had to have the house at any cost. For some inexplicable reason, it felt like she belonged there, and she wasn’t accustomed to losing at anything. Their vastly increased offer was accepted. With a short chain and Pandora chasing the solicitors every few days, the conveyancing process was straightforward. Ten weeks later, moving day arrived and between them and the removal company, they were soon settled into Canterbury Road. Surrounded by boxes, they sat down on the sofa surveying the room while drinking a well-earned cup of tea.

    'Phew, I’m glad that’s done aren’t you?' stated Daniel.

    'Yes. It's been a long day but worth it; we’ll sleep well tonight! It’ll be so nice to be able to decorate and make our own decisions about what we want to do rather than being tied to some landlord’s god-awful taste. We can even get a cat now!' Pandora said with glee.

    Pandora was in her element. All of her plans had come to fruition. They had their own house and her promotion at work made her feel fulfilled. Taking on more responsibility in the Psychiatric Ward was challenging, but she took it all in her stride. She was pleased the years of study had finally paid off and helped her up the ladder into the role she’d always wanted. Life couldn’t have been better.

    The first few months in their new home flew by. Pandora adopted a stunning black British Shorthair cat from a local breeder. He had piercing amber eyes that bore into Pandora’s soul, begging her to take him. She hoped he would fulfil Daniel’s need to have something to love and dull down any thoughts of children. She named the cat Sarason, and he completed their little family.

    Daniel successfully ticked off the odd jobs on the house one by one, enjoying the learning curve of being a homeowner and all that came with it. They tackled the decorating together on their weekends off, and it soon felt like home. Pandora knew that she wanted to be there forever.

    Mentally tired from long hours and challenging cases at work, Pandora had been feeling off-colour for a few weeks. She wasn’t surprised as she’d put all her energy into performing well in her new role along with investing time into the house. It stood to reason she wasn’t firing on all cylinders. Pushing through it, she ran into overdrive. Feeling generally unwell continued despite all the vitamins she was taking, so after exhausting all other options, Pandora decided to take a pregnancy test. Although believing it wasn’t necessary as she was on the contraceptive pill, she wanted to cover all bases.

    The awful truth was revealed. Life had thrown a curve ball.

    Chapter two

    Pandora looked again at the two blue lines staring her in the face. Thankfully with Daniel working away until the weekend, she had some time to digest the results. Keeping the unplanned pregnancy a secret for a few days was easy. Pandora had mastered the art of keeping up appearances, her mask always in place. The secrecy allowed her time to consider her options, and the act of deception came naturally. She prayed for a spontaneous miscarriage, but the pregnancy had regrettably stuck so far. She wasn’t surprised as she never failed at anything. Termination was Pandora’s other route, which would be easy for her, but it would break Daniel’s heart if he discovered she'd been deceitful. Despite her desire to be in control, she loved him and couldn’t risk him uncovering an abortion. Losing him was not an option, and her conflicting thoughts consumed her. Pandora finally decided it was best to get it over and done with and have the child Daniel desperately wanted. It would stop the frequent conversations he brought up about it once and for all, and ensure he remained tied to her for life. Every cloud has a silver lining , she hoped.

    The following weekend the weather was unseasonably warm. Hand in hand, the newlyweds strolled along the riverbank towards their favourite pub. The sun was high in the sky, casting dancing sparkles over the water. They could hear the gentle sound of the river flowing and the distant chatter of people enjoying their afternoon.

    When they arrived at the pub, they chose a table outside in the garden.

    'What would you like to drink, Darling, a glass of wine?' Daniel asked.

    Ergh, this is where my sacrifice begins. I can't even have a drink, thought Pandora.

    'Just a pineapple juice, please. You have one though,' she replied.

    While waiting for their Sunday carvery, Daniel remarked on how quiet Pandora had been since he’d returned home from work on Friday night. She decided it was now or never. Knowing there was no way back, she broke the news.

    'I have something to tell you, and it may come as a bit of a surprise.' Her eyes looked down as she fiddled with her wedding ring. 'I’m pregnant.'

    As expected, Daniel’s eyes widened, and his face radiated happiness.

    'Are you sure?!' he exclaimed. His eyes danced with excitement, which confirmed she’d made the right decision for him.

    'I’m sure. I’m already over eight weeks.' Her apprehensive eyes met his contrasting ones. 'This wasn’t in the plan yet. I’ve only just settled into my new job.'

    Daniel took her soft, manicured hand in his. He tried to hold back his emotions, but now they threatened to overwhelm him. With a deep breath, he looked into his wife's eyes and began to speak, his voice constricting with raw emotion.

    'I want you to know I'm here for you, always. I know you like to have everything organised and under control, but it will be okay. I promise to take care of you both.'

    He meant every word. They’d finally be a proper family. Daniel couldn’t help but immediately go from nought to sixty in record time, excited about what the future held. With his mind racing, he babbled his thoughts at his wife. Should the nursery be a neutral colour, or would they find out what gender the baby was? Would they want a surprise, or prefer to prepare for their new arrival?

    Pandora focused on her glass, watching the condensation run down the side of it as his voice faded into the distance. The more he spoke, the further her heart sank. She felt her life slowly slipping away.

    As the pregnancy progressed, Pandora found that she couldn’t cope with the frequency and severity of her sickness. It became too much to handle, and she was forced to stop working. She was frustrated and angry that her body was betraying her in this way. She’d always been a strong and independent woman therefore the restrictions enforced upon her by the pregnancy fuelled her resentment even more. Pandora however couldn’t fault her husband over the following weeks.

    Daniel met his wife’s every need during the debilitating sickness stage. Armed with baby books from Amazon, he kept the cupboards stocked with ginger biscuits and herbal teas. He even bought her some nausea bands to wear. Daniel was relieved he earned a decent salary meaning Pandora didn’t have the pressure of going to work now or after the baby was born. She could concentrate on herself and the baby, and their welfare was the only thing that mattered to him.

    As the weeks passed, Pandora felt herself tumbling into a deepening sense of resentment. She blamed the unborn child for causing her so much discomfort. She knew she shouldn't feel that way, but couldn't help it. The sickness had robbed her of her independence, and she didn't know how to reclaim it. Working hard for many years to get where she was now seemed pointless. The child had already taken over her life and body, and hadn’t even been born yet. I should’ve had my tubes tied when I thought about it before. She rebuked herself.

    The morning sickness eventually subsided, and with Daniel’s devotion, Pandora’s initial reservations about the pregnancy gradually dissipated. She was enjoying the consideration shown by other people now that she had a visible baby bump. She decided that maybe there were some benefits to it after all. They planned the new baby’s nursery as her perfectly formed bump grew.

    'Shall we have one colour for the baby’s room or a few different ones?' asked Daniel, flashing an array of paint chart samples in front of her.

    'Let’s just do one neutral one. Maybe yellow or light green?' she suggested, trying to express an interest for his sake.

    They settled on a soft yellow since Pandora had decided she didn’t want to know the gender beforehand. The decision even surprised her as she usually liked to be in control, but the thought of Daniel cooing over a specific gender before it even arrived would be more than her patience could bear. She wanted to remain in denial that her life would change for as long as possible.

    Daniel looked online at the baby furniture they would need to furnish the nursery. He plonked himself onto the sofa next to her, laptop in tow, and animatedly showed his wife.

    'Look at this! It’s a changing station so you can store everything away and not have to bend down all the time to change nappies. What do you think, shall I order one? Ooh and here's a gorgeous rocking chair; we definitely need one, that's going in the basket!'

    Invested in the whole experience, he missed the signs Pandora wasn’t as engaged in the process as he was. Their first child would want for nothing, and Daniel mistakenly thought he knew how important this journey was for her. He’d noticed her initial lack of enthusiasm when she told him she was expecting their child and was sure her past had a part to play in it. Daniel wanted her to feel loved and supported, to know that she was an integral part of a family that would always be there for her. He wanted to create a home where she could feel safe and secure. This would be the family she'd never had.

    Pandora was the only child of loveless adoption from a young age and had always wondered why they took her in since they were disinterested in her at best. As soon as she came of age, she left home and never looked back. She didn’t know anything about her biological parents other than they’d abandoned her. Pandora had no parental relationships to speak of. The burden of rejection and feeling of insignificance weighed heavily on her throughout her childhood, making her fiercely independent and driven as an adult.

    Their friendly neighbours, Mr & Mrs Banks, were happy for them upon discovering the news of their growing family. Their kind comments made Pandora glow, and it seemed even strangers were fascinated with this everyday event.

    'What a delicate little bump, Pandora!' said Mrs Banks. 'You look absolutely radiant.'

    Pandora's slim figure bore the new little life well, and her long dark hair was shinier than ever. It complemented her striking green eyes perfectly. Daniel thought his wife was even more attractive than when she first caught his attention. An aspect of pregnancy finally suited her, and she enjoyed being the centre of attention. Birthing the child would be a different matter entirely.

    The pregnancy flew by. Pandora immersed herself in the garden, planting a variety of flowering shrubs and restoring it back to its former glory. As Daniel’s excitement continued to build about the impending arrival, so did Pandora’s dread. After a few days of minor niggles, Pandora’s waters finally broke early one Saturday morning in the bathroom. She took a deep breath and stared at the fluid surrounding her feet, horrified that the moment had arrived. At least it was the weekend, meaning Daniel was there. Pandora waddled back into the sunlit bedroom like a ship coming into port and woke Daniel up.

    'It’s time, Daniel. My waters have broken. We need to go to the hospital,' she said in an unenthusiastic tone.

    Pandora couldn't shake off the feeling of loathing that had been creeping up on her as her due date approached. It wasn't because of the pain she knew she would endure but rather the profound life-changing event. She’d always been protective of her personal space both mind and body, and the thought of sharing Daniel's attention with their new baby was disconcerting. She knew that Daniel loved her deeply and would always be there for her, but she couldn't help feeling jealous of the baby about to enter their lives. She feared that the baby would steal Daniel's heart and that she would be left behind, alone and forgotten. Pandora tried to push the thought aside and focus on the task at hand. She knew the baby was coming and there was no turning back. She took deep breaths to try and remain calm, but the fear and uncertainty lingered in the back of her mind.

    'Really, it’s time?' exclaimed Daniel rubbing his sleepy eyes, oblivious to his wife’s apprehension.

    Pandora nodded as she looked at his excited unshaven grin, and held back the tears that threatened to fall. It was the last time they would be in their home alone.

    Daniel jumped out of bed, ran his fingers through his unruly hair, and haphazardly pulled on his clothes. As Pandora dressed slowly, he ran downstairs two at a time, grabbed the spare key from the bowl, and darted next door. The day was bright with sunshine and promise, the kind that made Daniel feel like anything was possible. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, and the sun was warm on his skin. A gentle breeze carried the sound of birdsong filling the air.

    The father-to-be knocked firmly on his neighbour’s front door. Ivy Banks opened the door, cleaning off her flour-covered hands on her apron.

    'Mrs Banks, the baby’s coming! We’re going to the hospital in a minute, please can you feed the cat later and maybe tomorrow if we’re not back?' Daniel quickly asked.

    'Ooh, yes of course. Let me have the key, you run along. Good luck!'

    Daniel returned home, his fingers fumbling with excitement and panic as he gathered the hospital bags and helped his wife downstairs and into the car.

    The expectant parents made their way to Pandora’s former place of work. She remained quiet the entire journey, contemplating the future while retreating into herself as the pain took over.

    Chapter three

    Pandora’s colleagues couldn't contain their excitement when they saw them entering the maternity wing. Pandora was less enthused.

    'Pandora, I can’t believe the time has come already!' exclaimed the midwife.

    Neither can I, thought Pandora, grimacing through another contraction and dreading what was to come.

    'I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m in a lot of pain. Is there something you can give me to take the edge off?' she asked urgently.

    'Yes of course. Let’s get you settled in a side room. Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you,' the midwife reassured her.

    The labour progressed swiftly without any difficulties. With the final stage approaching, Daniel spoke words of encouragement to support his wife. He didn’t move an inch from her bedside except to get fresh ice cubes to refresh her dry mouth. Ignoring his headache and rumbling stomach, his emotions spilled over as the small but perfect six-pound bundle of joy entered the world. Daniel brushed Pandora’s wet hair strands back from her beetroot face and kissed her head in amazement.

    'I love you so much, you’re incredible,' his soft voice whispered in her ear.

    They were now a family, and his heart burst with adoration as he looked down at his daughter in her mother’s arms. He was proud and grateful his wife had given him everything he’d always wanted.

    Pandora played her part in an Oscar-winning performance but secretly resented the competition dozing in her arms. A boy would've been better. A daddy’s girl was sure to put her in the shadows. Aside from stealing her husband, she’d never forgive this little wolf in sheep’s clothing for the physical pain she’d just put her through. How on earth women did this time after time was beyond her.

    The hospital grapevine was in full flow, and a flurry of visitors soon appeared. The staff came in to peep at the new baby nestled in her Daddy’s embrace and congratulate the new parents. Pandora had never experienced this amount of admiration, not even from her husband on her wedding day, and it was unexpected. The new baby bubble of happiness created by others was something she hadn’t considered, and she perked up at the attention it brought. Despite her initial jealousy, having seen this glimmer of hope, Pandora wondered if it may have been a worthwhile exercise after all. It softened the blow of disappointment that flooded her body when she looked at her child. She didn’t feel the connection that Daniel obviously did. To her, the baby was the key to her padlock that had been well and truly locked.

    Daniel couldn’t wait to take his wife and daughter home and start their new chapter together. A couple of days later, the doctor confirmed their discharge, and Daniel noticed his wife’s indifference. He'd read about the baby blues shortly after birth and assumed that was the cause of her distant mood. After a careful trip home with his precious cargo on board, he unloaded the car and settled his wife and new baby into their home.

    Baby Arianne brought pure joy to her father, and despite the lack of sleep and steep learning curve, the first few days at home were magical. He sat poised, watching her sleep for hours, marvelling at how tiny and beautiful she was.

    'Look at her, isn’t she perfect? I can't believe she’s ours can you?' Daniel said.

    'Well, she is ours so there’s no going back now,' Pandora half-joked.

    The new mother put on a happy front for her husband’s sake. She couldn't summon any genuine enthusiasm or interest in the child, more distracted by the painful bathroom trips and awful pins and needles torturing her milk-engorged breasts. Pandora hoped it wouldn’t be too long before it dried up. Bottles were for feeding babies, and her body had sacrificed enough.

    Daniel looked after his wife and daughter attentively, doing as many feeds and nappy changes as possible to ensure Pandora got the rest she needed. The sweet smell of baby powder and tiny vests on the clothes airer filled the house and turned it into a family home.

    Friends popped in and out with all sorts of considerate gestures. Home-cooked meals, beautiful flowers, cards, and little knitted gifts for the baby. Everyone told Pandora how well she looked and remarked how motherhood suited her. She was a natural, they said. Admiration came from all directions, and Pandora basked in the limelight. It made the darker moments more bearable. She was a better actress than she was a mother, and Pandora had to live with the decision to keep the baby. Maybe, just maybe, she had an idea that would release her from this godforsaken tie. The cogs started turning, and the new mother had renewed hope that she could turn the situation to her advantage. Failure was unthinkable.

    'Gosh, I wish I looked as together as you do after having my children!' joked Mrs Banks from next

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