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Wish's Curse
Wish's Curse
Wish's Curse
Ebook365 pages4 hours

Wish's Curse

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A year. 

Well, ten months. 

Ten months and Dee is no closer to finding her way than when she started. She can't help but wonder if the possibility exists for her to separate her life from the fantastical. At every turn four new obstacles rear.

Worse, Zibanitu's plans may erase all her progress. It's a double-edged sword to hope the other Rishis still want to play. Their curiosity might be all there is to override their leader's claim.

When friends turn foes and enemies abound, Dee's mental health takes a plummet. With Hamal still absent and ostracized from the rest, apathy rears strong. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel and accept her role as pawn.

Dee will continue to be pushed and pulled. Games will change. Stakes will mount. An uncovered past reveals secrets none could have guessed and could just be the thing that destroys Dee for good.

Release dateJul 1, 2021
Wish's Curse

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    Wish's Curse - C.M. Martens


    Book Two was a bit shorter than planned, but I hope this third installment makes up for that. It was a difficult decision to choose where to sever you from Dee’s path in We Are Forever. While most books have a clear beginning, middle, and end, Rishis’s Wish as a whole, encompasses that span.

    Reading the books consecutively creates this experience. I can’t wait until we’ve followed her to the end so we might all pick up a single volume that contains her entire story.

    This next stage was difficult for me;

    Wish’s Curse, this book you hold in your hands.

    It strays a bit from Dee’s path so far. So much that I considered skipping it. But, in the end, this was how the story asked to be told, and I stayed true to that.

    I hope you enjoy, can forgive me (maybe you’ll like it more), and continue on.

    We meet all kinds, and all kinds shape our world, including Desiree’s.

    That said,

    please be aware this book is meant for adults and may contain triggers of sexual assault.

    Much love and appreciation to you!


    PART 8


    Snow covered the world in a shimmering blanket that stretched to the towering mountains in the distance. It was cold. Colder than the high mountain retreat of Asellus’s estate. Where there the air was thin and brisk, here it bit and stung.

    Still, it might have been beautiful if it wasn't so ill-received.

    Dee's forced travel sat like a bitter pill at the back of her throat. After a cursory glance at the white desert, she ignored her surroundings to huddle further into the fur-lining of her jacket. With barely a glance, she followed her guide into the ground, the hidden entrance a marvel she failed to note in the fog of her despair.

    The similarity of the camouflaged entrance with another set of stairs that had led her into the belly of the Earth was too obvious to ignore, even in the haze of her despondency. That time, a red-gold desert had surrounded her. That time, she'd felt like she was progressing forward rather than crashing down.

    This idea that she stepped to her doom flickered like the last vestiges of a dying candle. It forced her to stop, to turn and look over her shoulder towards the exterior world. She imprinted the crisp, cloudless expanse to memory, ignoring the nagging feeling that it would be a long time before she saw it again.

    The thought sat indifferently in her mind. An idea that might have caused panic on another day, might have conjured simmering anger or even a claustrophobic attack, was cast minimal attention. Her continued despair allowed no such emotions. Her continued isolation from anyone she might call friend meant there was no one to drag her out of her misery. Daniel had continued to ignore her, his cursory glances filled with an animosity she had yet to decipher, and Hamal had never shown his face. Dee didn't even know if he was alive.

    Mike would know how to get her out of her head, how to pull her back to the world, to find the things that mattered more than her self-pity. So would Steve.

    At least Mike was off living his life. If she believed their last conversation, and there was no reason not to, he was doing great. Finally unburdened from watching over his strange friend, he'd fallen into the life he might have made for himself if Dee hadn't been there to hold him down. There was no reason to think he was lying to her as she was to him, keeping him in the dark about the strange twist her life had taken.

    Then there was Steve. Steve, who she thought she'd lost years ago, along with Kim and Ray. But Steve was alive. It was a piece of information she'd buried in the back of her mind until she could act on it. Only now, after waking from the attack Zibanitu had staged, did she think that time might never come.

    The thought clenched in her stomach. She stumbled. Only Boots' hand on her arm kept her from falling forward down the wide staircase.

    The color-scheme of the snow-filled world maintained its monotony as their descent evened out into a wide corridor. Farther on, past sentry stations that were nothing more than alcoves on either side of the hall, where Soldiers watched them pass with blank expressions, when the corridor opened up into a cavernous room, did the snow-white motif change. Not so grand as the spacious underground of Zosma's sanctuary, this natural cave stretched ahead, illuminated with multi-colored lighting that matched the bright pinks and neon-greens of the decor. After the stark whiteness of their passage, this colorful contrast seemed—wrong.

    Curious as the bizarre color scheme was, Dee was a quarter of the way into the space before the rest of what was there to see caught her attention. Gaze settled on the back of Daniel's head, who led the group towards the far side of the room, she hadn't attempted to see outside her bubble of guards.

    Forced to allow Soldiers into her House, LeSath had negotiated Zibanitu's condition to a unit of five. It was another point Dee might have questioned if she had it in her to wonder about the motivations of the Rishis. Instead, she'd accepted the information as more she had no say in, allowing another point to shackle her to her chains of dejection.

    Each Soldier assigned was a face she recognized from her flight on Porrima's plane. A trip that had transferred her from Zosma's care, a place she'd asked to be, to Zibanitu's, a place she'd been forced to go. A flight that had almost cost her her life.

    How much simpler things would be if Amrae had succeeded.

    The notion, one that should have garnered stern chiding from her inner-voice, incited no reaction. It was simply a fact of her life.

    Once her attention was caught by what surrounded them, she couldn't unsee it. Spread around the room, couches and beds, some draped with sheer hangings, most facing the rest of the room for unhindered viewing, bodies were in the throes of all manner of sexual exploration. Eyes turned to her as she passed, curious expressions welcoming. Some even smiled or gestured for her to come to them.

    Dee's face blazed. Eyes pinned forward, she refused to stare at the last thing she'd expected to walk into. Even through her haze of sorrow, she felt the uncomfortable twinge of awkwardness, glad for the Soldiers who surrounded her that added a layer of protection against the shocking world she found herself in.

    Their pace slowed. Boots attempted to disentangle himself from a pair of brunettes, while a leggy redhead had latched herself to Tynan. Even Lēza and Rachel found themselves distracted by the attentions of naked bodies.

    Daniel seemed the only one immune to the distraction of this place. Dee wondered if it was because his prickly attitude hummed around him like a shield. It definitely had worked to keep her from forcing him to speak to her.

    At the far end of the room, LeSath's towering form stood. Blonde hair fell around bare shoulders, leather died a dark pink it was almost red wrapped around her torso in a tube top that showed more than it covered. Leather pants of the same color seemed painted to her long legs made longer by the stilettos that added five inches to her already towering height.

    Of all of them, Dee wondered how LeSath could pass for human. There was something in the way she moved, in the way she cast that piercing glance at all around her, that screamed other. Dee didn't need her sixth-sense to tingle along the back of her skull to tell her this woman was powerful and scary and something that should never have lived next to the race who now ruled Earth.

    Dee pinned her eyes to the Rishi who moved towards them with predatory grace, only able to hold her gaze as a distraction to the room around her.

    It's about time. The Rishi gave Dee's escort a scathing look as if they had deliberately held up her guest.

    The bodies who'd swarmed the guards scurried away as LeSath pressed closer. She stepped past Daniel like he wasn't there, and pranced around Dee as if appraising some prize poodle.

    Hmm, we'll have to do something about those clothes. Whether it was the crimson and gold colors of Zosma's house she didn't like or the loose cut of the baggy pants and top, Dee didn't care enough to ask. That Zibanitu had let her keep the outfit and let her leave wearing it, she'd assumed was because he didn't care enough to make her change. Now, Dee wondered if it weren't to get under LeSath's skin.

    LeSath stopped pacing. But that will come in a little while. First, the fun part!

    She clapped her hands in unexpected delight, her scorn replaced by glee that rocked Dee on her heels. Dee didn't know whether to think she was a little crazy or a lot eccentric. Whatever the case, Dee was more put off by her fast-changing emotions than by the room around her.

    Weaving her arm through Dee's, the taller female pulled Dee towards the far end of the cavern.

    At LeSath's initial inspection of her guest, the room had gone quiet. All eyes continued to follow the pair as they settled, an occasional murmur all there was to break the echoing stillness.

    "Don't look so nervous, love! I haven't brought you here to harm you. No, no! I want to show you some fun. I'm sure the others hadn't thought of that, instead insisting you work."

    A twinge of nervousness broke through Dee's wall of indifference. If what she’d witnessed in the room gave insight into the kind of fun the Rishi alluded to, Dee wanted nothing to do with it.

    LeSath clapped her hands in quick staccato. A door opened to let in a long line of males, all Soldiers, from what Dee's senses told her.

    She might have stared, might have allowed herself to enjoy the fine display of testosterone, except they were naked. She turned her glance from the approaching line, stomach knotting. Never had she wanted to leave a place more then she did right now.

    Striding single-file, they stopped in front of Dee and LeSath, eyes staring over the pair's heads with expressionless gazes.

    Dee's eyes flashed to her guards, tried to gauge from their reactions if they knew what this was all about. None seemed surprised. She couldn't help but send a silent curse to all of them that they hadn't warned her what to expect.

    I know Soldiers should be warriors first, but I just can't seem to bring myself to create those who aren't also beautiful. LeSath dropped her chin onto the palm of her hand and stared wistfully at the men in front of her.

    Dee's head spun. She felt thrown into some lurid version of King Louis' French Court. Some new game she didn't know the rules to was developing, and she was in over her head.

    LeSath turned her attention back to Dee, who took her time shrugging off her thick winter coat to avoid the subsequent interaction. Whatever climate control in the cave had eliminated any need for the extra layers. That, and rushing adrenaline, had brought a layer of sweat to bead over her skin.

    LeSath continued. But beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. There are many kinds of beauty, wouldn't you agree, Desiree? LeSath drew out her name, and Dee wasn't sure what to make of the underlying tone. An implied threat? A come-on?

    The Rishi turned her attention from Dee before Dee could formulate an assessment. "Longed-for. That's what your name means. Did you know that? Desiree: Longed-for. Ironic, no? As if Zosma had named you himself. Or that you'd been born for this, and your life until the Fire Lord seized you was simply a placeholder in time."

    She studied Dee, waiting expectantly to see what her words might evoke in her guest.

    But Dee was too stunned, too afraid, to make any response. As if she were buried deep inside herself, there was too much space to climb through for her to react in the corporeal world.

    Disappointed, but not put-off, LeSath turned back to the men, stepping with sultry grace towards the Soldier in front of Dee. This one, especially, I thought you might like.

    The Rishi trailed around the figure in a seductive dance. She came to a stop behind him, her height allowing her to peek over the Soldier's shoulder to maintain eye contact with Dee. Whatever expression was lodged there had LeSath grinning and she swept hands over the tight musculature of the Soldier. Dee's gaze was charmed into following, despite the voice in her head that told her to look away.

    Dee had plenty of time to take in the line of the Soldier's obliques that fell to trace his hip bones, and back up over washboard abs. A full chest and arms convinced her he could bench press a car. Then, LeSath drew attention to his face, and it was there Dee's eyes lingered. He resembled Hamal in every way, including a similar scar marring the left side of his face.

    Dee frowned. Did everyone know about Hamal's involvement in her life? Why did they all think that there had been something going on?

    Her despondency was too in control for her to ask.

    Whatever new expression gave way to Dee's features had LeSath show all her teeth. The Rishi clearly thought she'd gotten under Dee's skin. She was right, just not in the way she'd thought.

    LeSath whispered in the male's ear, and he stepped forward, bowing to a knee when he was within arms distance. Behind her, someone place a chair and she was pushed into it when the Hamal look-a-like crept forward. Dee sat dumbfounded as he placed his hands on her knees, leaning in, closer and closer. She froze, the warmth of his lips covering hers, mind staggered from the shock. Regaining control of herself, Dee snapped her head back, sure her face showed shock and disgust. But the Soldier only grinned.

    The sounds of the room, along with the sights she'd tried not to see, swarmed her mind. Did LeSath expect her to be a part of her orgies, or whatever it was that went on here?

    When the Hamal-look-alike rose, Dee's eyes were trained on LeSath rather than follow his path around her, where he stood. She was grateful he didn’t touch her, but still, she squeezed the arms of her chair, and made to stand.

    LeSath was a step ahead of her. "Relax, love. I only want you to have some fun, not be uncomfortable. You don't have to do anything outside your wishes."

    LeSath watched Dee's face intently, eating up the range of shock and embarrassment that passed over Dee's expression.

    The Rishi laughed. Oh, this really is going to be a great pleasure. She clapped her hands. "There's so much for you to learn. So much to consider. So much to discover."

    Dee's eyes flitted about the room in the hopes some idea of how to save herself would be revealed.

    Unfortunately, there was nothing. The small group of Soldiers who'd come with her were behind the line of naked men, most distracted by playmates of their own.

    LeSath put a hand out, and Dee took it for lack of options. Led down the line of men, LeSath talked as if they were shopping for shoes. All I ask is that you choose at least five of my men. Have sex with each at least once.

    Dee's steps stuttered.

    LeSath laughed again, brushing away Dee's embarrassed shock.

    Once at the end of the line, they pivoted to face the way they'd come.

    Dee stared down the row of Soldiers. There were at least fifty of them. She couldn't help but wonder how the Soldiers felt about being put on display.

    So? What's your usual type? LeSath must have asked more than once, irritation evident in her voice.

    Dee swallowed. Umm, I don't really know.

    LeSath snorted. How can you not know? What kind of guy gets those panties wet?

    Dee's face flamed.

    The Rishi chuckled, delighted at Dee's reaction to her words. Well, let's find out, shall we?

    She placed her arm through Dee's and pulled her back down the line. The pair stopped in front of each Soldier so LeSath could explain her own judgments of each attribute of the men; their pros and cons. Each man stared forward as if they were just automatons here for LeSath's pleasure.

    -Your pleasure, it would seem.-

    As Dee drifted into more uncomfortable territory, her inner-voice came alive, commentary adding levity to the situation she had no way out of. Embarrassment, and the need to remove herself from what she'd walked into, shook her from the void. Melancholy morphed to desperation to pseudo-acceptance. Still, she didn't engage, never allowing her attention to fall where LeSath directed her.

    In the end, Dee found herself with a selection. There was no other choice. Each man was as different from the other as she could make them.


    The matter of Dee’s personal boudoir complete, LeSath proudly escorted her guest to her apartment, showing her, in minute detail, all the amenities the Rishi offered, including a large training room, complete with sparring dummies and weights. Beyond that was an actual shooting range, though Dee noted no weapons stocked the lockers and cages. While a fun addition to what she’d come to expect from her suites, she was less than thrilled about the idea of spending all her time here with five males she didn’t know, especially as the bedroom and even smaller bathroom was not enough space to share. Maybe the shooting range could become a secondary living area?

    I understand it’s time to call your friend. Mike, is it?

    Dee’s heart skipped that LeSath knew that name.

    The Rishi laughed, flipped her hair. Relax. As much fun as I think it would be to bring him here, I’ll follow the rules. Those rules incorporate the necessity of keeping said friend under the delusion that you’re off being a productive member of society.

    Her mocking was clear, but Dee didn’t care. All she cared about was the part where Mike would remain outside of this nightmare.

    LeSath handed over a phone, then sprawled across the giant bed that dwarfed the room.

    Her eyes shifted from the goddess to take in the five men standing along one wall of the room, her imagination considering that all six of them would fit neatly on that bed—

    She pulled her eyes away, blush heating her face. LeSath’s delighted laughter brought her attention back to the task at hand.

    Still smiling, LeSath moved from her sprawled posture to upright with liquid motion. Dee couldn’t help but get caught by the movement. Grace, poise, confidence, LeSath had it all. As overbearing as she was, no one told her what to do.

    With continued training, Dee hoped she might move like that. Every motion seductive, enticing her victims to beg for whatever she might give. As repulsed as Dee was by this whole place, there was something in the way this Rishi was in charge that called to a piece of her.

    -You’ve always played by the rules. Always done as you were told. This one takes orders from no one. This one’s playing field is life itself.-

    Dee’s eyes moved back to the men she’d been forced to choose, contemplating her subconscious’ statement. Maybe she should just embrace this insane circumstance. When in Rome and all that.

    Yet, wasn’t that just more following the rules?

    The predatory gaze of her ego took in the men in a way she’d been too shy to do before now.

    LeSath broke her attention before she embarrassed herself. "Call your friend. When you’re finished with that business, I order you to relax. To smile. To let loose a little."

    The Rishi met each of the men’s eyes with some silent communication before sashaying from the room.

    A great weight fell from Dee’s shoulders at LeSath’s departure, but she was faced with the fear of turning towards the force of five pairs of eyes.

    She can be a bit much.

    And she’ll push all your buttons.

    But we’ll all be better for it.

    Dee closed her eyes as if that might block their voices, but she kept her awareness on them through her sixth-sense in case they moved closer.

    -You can’t avoid them for long. Might as well nip this in the bud.-

    The word nip brought to mind images she was trying to keep her thoughts away from.

    She shook her head, took a long breath, let it out slowly. Then again. She would not be embarrassed. There was nothing for her to be embarrassed about.

    She turned, ready to explain how she had no intention of sleeping with any of them, that, in fact, maybe they should just go back to their rooms, or wherever it was they stayed when not part of some reverse harem, but the phone in her hand went off.

    The display told her it was Mike.

    Stunned, she answered. Mike?

    Hey,’ Case! Moving up the ranks already, huh? Have to schedule calls? Your people calling my people and all that.

    She hadn’t known the call was arranged, but Mike’s words gave her a good idea of how LeSath had set it up.

    She turned her back to the Soldiers, wishing they’d at least get dressed.

    Yeah, apparently I am good at something. How easy it had gotten to lie to him brought tears to her eyes.

    Her head hung to her chest as she spoke, though she managed to infuse her words with warmth. He never once picked up on her ruse. Most of her was glad for this, but a small piece suffered that he didn’t see through to her misery.

    Talk behind her distracted her from her phone conversation—something about whose turn it would be, and what order.

    She spun, cutting off her conversation with Mike as she focused her glare at those in the room.

    ’Case? You busy?

    What? No, well, yeah. There’s some new help I have to assimilate to the way things work around here.

    Five perfectly formed bodies stared at their new mistress. A couple even looked chagrined, though the majority seemed unaware their conversation was inappropriate.

    Well, I won’t keep you any longer. I’ve been looking at some real estate out near San Fransisco. You’ll have to meet me out there in a few weeks so we can decide where’s best.

    Her brain faltered. Meet him in a few weeks? Had they talked about that?

    Right, right. We’ll work out the details.

    Yeah, I’ll have my people call your people.

    Her forced smile was short-lived. As soon as the call disconnected, her attention returned to the men in the room. She forced her eyes to hold each of theirs. Please tell me you weren’t just talking about what I think you were talking about.

    Graffias, the Hamal-look-a-like, stepped forward, eyes downcast, palms forward. He was going for passive, but there was nothing passive about him. The seductive saunter that closed the gap between them was too arrogant to plead regret, and a body carved over decades of strenuous combat training could never pull off passivity.

    Dee snapped her eyes to his face from where they’d been trailing down his chest.

    Stop! Stop moving. She would not turn away. She would not run.

    He stopped, eyes looking up at her from a downturned gaze. Her breath caught. She shook her head, embarrassed at her reaction to him. It had nothing to do with Hamal and everything to do with him.

    Tapping them all, convinced some mind play was going on, her senses detected nothing.

    We thought since I looked like—

    She held up a hand, closed her eyes, and clicked her tongue. "See, that’s where LeSath was wrong. You looking like Ha—him, will not help you. We weren’t like that. He was my trainer. My mentor. That’s all.

    Graffias huffed. He was an idiot then.

    She opened her eyes to meet his, to throw some comeback, but the venom seated in his expression stopped her. A piece of her retracted from that look, while the rest puffed up at the threat. There would be none of that. Not from these Soldiers who were here to serve her. If LeSath wanted her to

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