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A Soul on Fire
A Soul on Fire
A Soul on Fire
Ebook205 pages2 hours

A Soul on Fire

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About this ebook

Kash is back with a new set of exciting characters as we explore her life after Vinny in Miami. On her own in her new city, Kash has everything she has always dreamed of having: the loft apartment, the Lexus, the glitzy Miami nightlife, and her own business that she was able to start with the help of her neighbor, Oscar. Everything seems to be miraculously falling right into Kash’s lap. She even rekindles her “situationship” with Anthony—a move she seriously debated after moving out of Vinny’s apartment. Working, dating, enjoying life to the fullest, Kash has it all.

Toward the end of a Chicago party summer, Kash slowly begins to realize that everything in her life is not exactly what it seems. Strange coincidences that were always present prior start appearing more frequently, causing suspicion to rise.

Upon returning to Miami after the devastation of Hurricane Irma, Kash is faced with a choice that will unknowingly change her life forever. Deceptions, betrayals, and unfathomable drama ensue, causing her to sever connections she thought she would have forever.

Isolated and alone, Kash struggles to navigate her once glamorous life, trying to figure out who is responsible for the manufactured chaos.

After the loss of two good friends in a short time span, Kash decides to set out on an adventure with the hopes of getting the answers she has been looking for. Cuba, Vegas, Los Angeles, Sedona, Iowa, and the Ozarks, all the places she visits seem to have a common theme. Memories from her upbringing arise as she experiences suspicious behaviors across the western side of the nation. It becomes evident to Kash that these are not simply just coincidences. #theawakening

Release dateJan 7, 2022
A Soul on Fire

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    Book preview

    A Soul on Fire - Kristen Drysch


    A Soul on Fire

    Kristen Drysch

    Copyright © 2021 Kristen Drysch

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2021

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6009-8 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6008-1 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 1


    Kash sat in her assigned seat on the Boutique Airline plane. She had never flown overseas, let alone first class. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she thought about every possible scenario that could happen besides them landing safely in Paris, France.

    She looked out the window and then over to the aisle where Vinny was making his way back to his seat.

    Fucking lying cheating ass, she thought to herself as he took his seat beside her.

    Hey, baby. What’s up? she asked, sitting up after she inclined the seat up for the fifth time since she sat down and began fidgeting with all the gadgets accessible to her for the flight.

    My parents are going to sit separate from us. Is that okay? he asked.

    Relieved, Kash agreed. She tried to make small talk with his mother in the lounge before boarding the flight, and she didn’t seem very receptive to Kash.

    No problem, Kash thought.

    She had no time to entertain anyone anyway. Besides being preoccupied with thoughts about Vinny’s dishonesty in the weeks leading up to the trip, Kash had fourteen hours to think about the strange coincidences she’d been experiencing shortly after moving to Miami.

    Kash’s thoughts were interrupted by the pilot instructing all passengers to return to their seats for takeoff. She looked at Vinny, her face showing both excitement and anxiety. Vinny laughed and grabbed her hand.

    It’s going to be okay. Just relax, he said.

    She reclined back in the seat with her blanket. When she woke up, they had successfully landed in Paris without even giving her the chance to ruminate in her thoughts.

    Bustling through the terminal, this large man with an English accent stepped in front of Vinny and Kash. He looked back and mumbled something under his breath. In the same second, Vinny’s brother pushed past them to get closer to the man.

    You’ve been unpleasant this whole plane ride. Pick on someone your own size you miserable oaf.

    Kash laughed, and Vinny turned away, faking embarrassment in front of Kash but secretly enjoying the conflict. Vinny’s mother pushed everyone along, pretending not to hear the exchange.

    My family is crazy. Excuse them, Vinny’s mother said to Kash.

    Never would there be truer words spoken.

    After sorting things out at the hotel, located in a nicely landscaped courtyard, Kash and Vinny settled into their room at the top floor of what seemed to be a never-ending, winding staircase.

    We’re here! Look at our shoebox room. What is this, two by two? Vinny said.

    Kash laughed as she opened the window to see their view. It was not bad. Vinny pushed past her to see what he was paying all this money for. He turned toward the bathroom as Kash fixed the drapes.

    For the love of God, who’s showering in here? Dobby? Vinny sarcastically exclaimed upon seeing the size of the shower.

    It’s fine. We’re not going to be here that much anyway—Relax! Kash said mockingly.

    She crawled onto the bed toward him.

    The bed looks nice, Vinny said as he took his shirt off and climbed into the bed.

    We haven’t even been here five minutes, Kash said as they both laughed and resumed what would be the makings of one of the most chaotic energy exchanges in the history of the universe.

    That evening, everyone got ready and headed to a restaurant not far from the hotel. It was Thanksgiving evening, and the moon was waning above them as they walked to meet Vinny’s family for dinner.

    Let’s go to the Eiffel Tower after this! Kash told Vinny.

    I don’t know. Let’s get through this dinner first. If we don’t go tonight—first thing in the morning, I promise, Vinny said as he swung the door to the restaurant open for Kash.

    Kash walked into an empty restaurant and was ushered to the back where Vinny’s family was already seated. They took their seats at the table, and fifteen minutes later, the restaurant was packed. Kash sat as Vinny’s family caught up with each other, taking turns giving updates on their lives. She was half listening and half trying to sample all the wines set out before her on the table before they were finished.

    What do you do, Kash? Vinny’s aunt asked.

    Midwine sip, Kash hesitated. I’m trying to do something new in Miami, Kash said nervously.

    The attention at the table shifted to Kash as she awkwardly squirmed in her seat.

    Do you have brothers and sisters, Kash? Vinny’s stepdad asked.

    No—I mean yes. Two sisters, Kash said.

    Why was she so nervous?

    That’s good. Family is important. These two are sisters—nobody messes with these two, Vinny’s stepdad said referring to Vinny’s mom and aunt.

    Yeah, wow, this wine is good. What kind of wine is this? Kash said, changing the subject and pouring herself another glass.

    Vinny looked at her in the mirror and smiled. He took out his phone and took a picture of the bottle of wine for her.

    Kash looked on and tried to be as natural as possible even though she could feel the stares from the eyes at the table next to them, burning holes through her.

    After dinner, Kash and Vinny walked back to the hotel.

    Get lots of sleep! We have a full day of sightseeing tomorrow! Vinny’s mom called from yards back.

    Yeah, sure, Ma, Vinny said jokingly as they turned the corner, and he smacked her on the ass.

    Kash stopped and waved to them.

    It was nice meeting you all. See you tomorrow! Kash said, trying to be as polite as possible.

    Vinny and Kash resumed walking.

    That was awkward. I’m awkward. But does your stepdad really have girlfriends? Kash asked.

    Vinny sighed. Who knows. Let’s get some sleep, he said sarcastically as he opened the door of the hotel for Kash.

    *  *  *  *  *

    To the Louvre! Kash screamed as she bounced down the stairs to meet Vinny’s family for a day of sightseeing.

    Vinny followed closely behind her. He woke up in a mood this morning, but Kash was not going to let his erratic mood swings ruin her Paris adventure. They had a full day of sightseeing planned, and it was happening whether he liked it or not.

    Vinny’s mom stood with a full itinerary of what they were going to do that day:

    Notre Dame

    The Louvre

    The furniture museum

    The Eiffel Tower


    Towns square for crepes

    Vinny shook his head. We’ll go to the Louvre, but I am going to take Kash to do other stuff, Vinny told his mother.

    Kash was not trying to go to the furniture museum either, so she was not disappointed.

    After touring Notre Dame, Vinny pulled his mother aside to tell her he promised Kash to go to the Eiffel Tower first thing in the morning, so they were going to separate from the group and meet up later at the Louvre. She was not too excited about this news, but nonetheless, Vinny and Kash set out on their day in Paris together.

    They arrived at the Eiffel Tower at around 1:00 pm. There was a line to take the elevator up, so Vinny suggested they take the stairs.

    Are you insane? she asked him as he led her by hand to the stairs of the Eiffel Tower.

    Come on. It will be fun, he said.

    He stopped as they got to the base of the stairs, and he turned to pull her close.

    I’m sorry for everything that happened before this. Can we forget about it, please? he said, hugging Kash before they made their ascent to the top of the Eiffel.

    Kash agreed knowing full well she would never be able to trust him again because not only did he cheat on her with his ex-girlfriend and lie about it—he also lied about being Jewish, which she had to learn for herself by meeting his whole family in an unfamiliar place miles across an ocean. As she climbed the stairs nearing the top, all she could think of was what else he could possibly be lying about.

    They made it to the top. The platform was bustling with people from all over the world. Vendors lined the perimeter of the room as Kash looked around at the gorgeous view for miles and miles in front of her. As she stood there in awe, this tingling sensation swept over her, and this sudden burst of energy came astonishingly out of nowhere.

    Let’s keep climbing! Kash said to Vinny as they searched for a place to finish their hot chocolate.

    We have to meet my family soon. I really don’t want to upset my mother. She’s already sort of pissed, he said.

    Kash looked past Vinny. Look! It’s the French Statue of Liberty, she said, trying to hide her disappointment that she couldn’t climb off this unexplainable energetic jolt.

    Vinny stood holding his cup and looked out at the statue. He turned to look at Kash who was already pushing her way past the crowd to view something else.

    Let’s take a picture! she said, visibly having the time of her life.

    Vinny and Kash met up with his family again at a café in the Louvre. They sat down to have coffee and lunch with them. Kash was exhausted from the climb up the Eiffel and the walk it took to get there to the Louvre.

    While drinking her coffee, she overheard Vinny’s mother talking about their cousin and how she was dating an Arabic person. This interested Kash because she has Syrian/Lebanese roots and had previously dated a Palestinian man in the past.

    I tried to explain to her they don’t think like us was all Kash really heard. Kash looked over at Vinny, and he looked embarrassed. Kash was confused.

    Did this woman really just say that? And who’s us? Jewish people? Kash thought.

    She decided not to say anything because it had already been a long day. She didn’t want to make Vinny uncomfortable after they had just had a pleasant day.

    *  *  *  *  *

    I can’t wait to get back to the dogs, Vinny said as they waited to board their returning flight.

    Kash missed them too. She was looking through all the pictures that she took on the trip of her and Vinny and smiling. Vinny asked what she was smiling at, and she showed him the picture of the two of them on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York hours before they went to the airport to leave for Paris. They walked six miles to get there. Vinny sure made her do a lot of walking and physical exercise on this vacation.

    How are your blisters? he asked.

    Fine, but I am so exhausted after all this walking and climbing, she replied.

    Vinny’s phone chimed, and he shifted in his chair to check it. His expression went from happy to enraged. Kash didn’t need to ask what it was about—she knew it was his ex-girlfriend emailing about the dog that they shared.

    It was nice while it lasted, almost too nice. It then occurred to Kash that upon returning to Miami, she should just focus on herself, go with the flow, and brace herself for any new revelations about this man she blindly decided to move in with. Kash looked over at Vinny’s mother and asked to see her photos from the trip. She figured she could at least try again to bond with her while her Vinny stewed in the corner about the possibility of losing his pet.

    *  *  *  *  *

    Give her the fucking dog back or I’m moving out, Kash screamed.

    Why do I always have to lose something? Why am I always in this position of choosing between things that I love? Vinny sobbed.

    Kash didn’t understand it then, but the trauma of constantly having to choose between his wife and his mistress on a daily basis was manifesting itself in this current debacle of relinquishing the dog back to his ex or Kash staying.

    Kash’s feelings for Vinny were strong, but it was becoming apparent to her that this man had serious issues with letting things go after he moved into new relationships. Red flag.

    If I give the dog back, she wins! he said.

    Honestly, I feel like that’s a personal problem, Kash said flippantly.

    You don’t give a shit about me, Vinny said.

    That was not the truth. Kash cared for him immensely, but she couldn’t help but feel like collateral damage fixed in with all of Vinny’s other emotional baggage.

    Kash looked up pets for sale online. She showed Vinny the page and told him to pick one. Vinny did not like that very much. He did not like losing things he loved, and he would go to pretty much any lengths or measures to keep those things in his life even if it meant sabotaging his current situation however blissful it was for him.

    The two decided to give the dog back to Vinny’s ex and purchase Rocco—a spirited miniature pinscher with the most beautiful greenish hazel eyes. This sacrifice would not come without punishment for Kash for this would, in Vinny’s mind, be his get-out-of-jail-free card when it came to doing things he wanted to do behind Kash’s back. The returning of the dog to the ex would lead to Vinny’s unfaltering resentment toward Kash that would create a toxic chain reaction ultimately leading to the couple’s dissolved union.

    Chapter 2

    Free at Last or so She Thought

    After a painful breakup, Kash and Vinny went their separate ways. On one hand, Kash was devastated about the breakup and all the things that went wrong at the end, but on the other hand, she was excited to start her new life in her new city apart from Vinny. She was once again back on the adult entertainment party scene and ready to work. It took some time to adjust to her life without Vinny, but once she did, there was no stopping her.

    We cannot continue this story without a brief introduction to the four people that played fundamental roles in how the coming years in Miami would shape up to be for Kash.

    Meet Nina

    Kash was reorganizing her room when her phone rang. It was Nina, and she was at Space. It was noon. Kash and Nina had gone out

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