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How to Create the Perfect Life: A Step-By-Step Guide
How to Create the Perfect Life: A Step-By-Step Guide
How to Create the Perfect Life: A Step-By-Step Guide
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How to Create the Perfect Life: A Step-By-Step Guide

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What is the perfect life? For some it’s financial security while others crave the ideal relationship or physical fitness. However you define the perfect life, there’s a good chance that you haven’t achieved it yet. Why are some people able to achieve all their dreams while others linger in mediocrity? Frank Canace examines this question and provides answers in the form of specific skills which will help you create your perfect life. Rooted in the law of attraction and the power of positive thinking, Frank’s philosophy is broken down into forty chapters that are quickly and easily read and provide daily lessons that can be immediately implemented into anyone’s life.

Release dateNov 24, 2020
How to Create the Perfect Life: A Step-By-Step Guide

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    How to Create the Perfect Life - Frank Canace



    A single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we must walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

    —Henry David Thoreau²

    What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.

    —Ralph Waldo Emerson³

    As you begin the incredible journey that I hope this book takes you on, I want you to continually keep one thing in mind: who you are changes into who you were every second of every day. So, if you haven’t been living the type of life that you desire, it’s not too late. Just make the next moment more productive than the last and make yourself, second by second, into the person that you have always dreamed of becoming. I guess the logical question that follows is: how do I make myself into the person of my dreams? The answer is simple. Reinvent yourself.

    As a police officer, I watched many of my colleagues get promoted to supervisory positions, and as you may have guessed, not all my contemporaries were stellar patrol officers. Almost without exception, however, all the marginal cops who were able to reinvent themselves when they received their promotions became extraordinary bosses. You can turn your life around the same way those people did, and here is how.

    Neville Goddard, in his book Manifesting Miracles, makes the point that we can’t serve two masters. The masters that he was talking about are our thoughts and emotions. Think about the way your emotions fill your head and, in fact, take over your entire being. When you are feeling love, all you feel is love; when you are scared, all you feel is scared; and when you are feeling confident, well you guessed it, confidence. No matter who you are or how in control of your emotions you are, your brain has room for only one dominant emotion at a time. So, if you are feeling worried, the only mental path that you are making in your mind is that of worry. If you’re mad, you can only feel anger. Those feelings will just sabotage your chances of success. If you want to achieve all your dreams, you have to fill your mind with thoughts of confidence, expectation, and abundance. What about the negative thoughts though? How do we eliminate them? The short answer is that you don’t, and trying to will just make them stronger. There is a Zen saying that what you resist persists.

    Scientists estimate that we have between sixty thousand and one hundred thousand thoughts per day. Think about what a staggering number that is. Imagine just trying to count to one hundred thousand, and it may give you some perspective on how massive that amount is. There’s entirely no way you’re going to control all those thoughts and the emotions they evoke. What you can do, however, is accept the fact that you’ll have bad thoughts from time to time and then just allow them to come into and then flow out of your head without giving them any of your attention.

    Most of us don’t pay attention to our thoughts as we have them, and then we give them too much of our attention once we realize we have received them. Confused? Okay, let me explain. Most of us don’t triage the thoughts that pop into our head. We just let them in. Then once we let them in, and because of the way we have been trained to think, we obsess over the wrong thoughts and allow them to become our masters.

    Don’t fret. Remember that what you are changes into what you were every second of every day, so you can shut down this negative and vicious cycle right here and right now. The first thing you have to come to grips with though is that people have been using your thoughts against you your entire life. Some of those people had good intentions, and some of those people had evil plans, but whatever their reasons, their actions had the same effect, they influenced you negatively. I think about how many times I expressed to someone how wonderful things were going for me, and they either told me to knock on wood or that I better not jinx it. Think about the message they were sending to me and, more important, the message I was sending to the universe when I gave their comments my attention. We, as a society, are so afraid to think positively that even when we have good thoughts, we fear that those good times won’t last. Our master in that thought is fear. Get it?

    That negative way of thinking has become so ingrained into our being that we don’t even think about feeling bad about feeling good any more. It just happens. In his book, The Master Key System, Charles Haanel utilizes a twenty-eight-week course to teach his readers how to change what has been ingrained into their subconscious minds by learning how to control their conscious minds.

    The best way to describe the subconscious and conscious minds is through this example: When you first began to drive to work, you probably paid very close attention to where you were going so that you could learn the route and didn’t get lost. That was your conscious mind at work. Over time, however, you probably stopped paying attention to the path you were taking, and on most days, you probably didn’t even remember driving to work. That’s because you used your conscious mind to train your subconscious mind to know the route to work, and then your subconscious mind completely took over from there. It’s the thoughts that are in your subconscious mind that connect you to the universe and control your reality. So, you can see why it is so important to train your subconscious mind to think correctly.

    Right about now, you are probably thinking, there’s no way I can train my subconscious mind to think the way I want. Don’t worry, that’s just your subconscious mind telling you that. Pretty freaky, right? Yes, your subconscious mind is responsible for most of your negative thoughts because that’s the way you have trained it all these years, but that’s not who you are anymore, is it? It’s who you were. What you’ll learn in this book are the tools that will train your subconscious mind so that it works for you, not against you. Oh, it’s going to be hard at first. Trust me. It’s still hard for me sometimes. Remember this though, when you have a bad or negative thought, pay attention to it as you begin to have it. Don’t fight it; remember, what you resist persists. Then if you deem it to be counter-productive to your dreams and goals, don’t give it any more attention. Just let it pass. The first gazillion times, it will be tough, but at some point, your subconscious mind will take over, and that’s when the fun starts.

    I’ll share a story with you that will almost certainly disappoint my mother but may help with this concept. When I was in high school, my friends and I used to skip school and drive to Atlantic City to play blackjack. One day, I was playing at a table with an older gentleman who was flipping chips in his hand. If you don’t know what I mean by flipping chips, do an Internet search for the James Bond movie Casino Royale and look at how the Le Chiffre character flips his poker chips in his hand. That’s exactly what the man at the blackjack table was doing, and it looked so cool. I asked him to show me how to do it, and within ten minutes, I understood the mechanics of how it worked. I was so intent on becoming fluid at flipping those chips that I practiced every chance I had. At first, I had to look at the chips. Then over time, I didn’t have to look at them, but my body was so tense as I concentrated on how to maneuver the chips that my shoulders would eventually ache.

    Over time, the more I practiced, the easier it became until one day I was able to flip those chips without even thinking about it. In fact, today the process is so ingrained in my subconscious that if I think about it as I move the chips, I almost certainly drop one. When I just let it happen though, I can give any James Bond character a run for their money. I still carry three poker chips around with me and flip them constantly. Not because I want to look like an expert gambler but because I want to remind myself that I can set anything into my subconscious mind. You can too. Did I mention that I can juggle, ride a bike, and swim also? Starting to get it now? Good, keep reading!



    Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.

    —Barbara Marciniak

    There are 6,700,000 people currently on earth and 102,000,000,000 who have lived on this planet at one time or another. If every person has or had their own idea of what God is or isn’t, that would be a lot of Gods. Whoever you are, whenever you have lived, or whatever your beliefs are, one thing is for sure, there are laws that govern our world and its operation. It doesn’t matter if you are Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic, Atheist, or Agnostic, the laws of our universe apply to you. If you jump off a bridge, you are going to fall. If you turn on your light switch, the light will go on. If you stop your car suddenly, you will keep moving. These laws are in existence whether you believe in them, understand them, or not. It doesn’t matter if you’re a good person or a bad person, devoted to your religion or apathetic, gravity, electricity, and inertia apply to you every second of every day. What’s more, these laws need nothing from you to operate. There is no question, however, that if you understand them and know how to control them, you can use them to your advantage.

    The law of attraction is no different from these laws. It is there, always working. You can either let it operate unchecked, or you can learn to use it to your advantage. It is when I began to understand and learn how to control this law that my life began to change drastically. If you put all your preconceived notions aside, this law will change your life too. So, without further ado, here it is:

    A—Thoughts Equal Things

    There is a universal energy that has been referred to universal substance, universal stuff, or thinking stuff and is responsible for everything in our universe. It is thought that has built and controls everything and every operation that we know and understand. With me so far? I know this may be difficult to digest right off the bat, but consider that quantum physicists all agree that thought controls our universe, and without thought, there would be no universe at all. These brilliant people have dedicated their entire lives to understanding who we are, where we came from, and how everything we know and understand operates. They all subscribe to differing theories, but all these physicists agree that everything begins and ends with thought.

    Still with me? So how do our thoughts build and control our universe? The answer is simple: our thoughts become things. Yes, that’s right. Whatever you think about can become your reality. Okay, even I’ll admit that it’s going to take a while before that one sinks in, and once it does sink in, its operation takes a bit of practice. If, however, you learn to focus, the key word being focus, on something clearly, consistently, and intently enough, it will become your reality. These thoughts connect with universal energy, and the universe makes your thoughts into things. I know you probably think if it’s so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it? Remember, I said the key word is focus. That is where most people who understand this law and practice it fall short. Let’s face it, we have become a very mentally lazy society, and this law is not for the intellectually lethargic. It takes patience, practice, and hard work, and it’s something you have to continually perfect every day. If you’re willing to put in the mental effort though, you can have, do, or become anything you want.

    When you think of something, you can make it become a reality, but are there limits? Yes, of course. Remember, the law of attraction has to work in conjunction with the other laws of the universe. So, if you want to fly, without assistance, the law of gravity isn’t going to let that happen. However, if your thought doesn’t conflict with any other law, it can become a reality.

    B—Intend for Your Thoughts to Become Things

    Everybody has dreams, but very few people’s dreams become a reality. Why? It’s simple, most of us hold onto our thoughts but never really intend (expect) for them to come true. For instance, every time I drive my car, I become one of the greatest country music stars of all time. That is a dream of mine, but I never intend for that thought to come true. Of course, if it did happen, I would be incredibly shocked to say the very least, but I would gladly accept the fame with open arms. Since I don’t ever expect for that to happen, though, it won’t. Similarly, almost everyone has the dream of being rich. For most of us, that idea is like my dream of becoming the next Garth Brooks. It’s something we daydream about, but we don’t expect for that thought to manifest itself into reality, so it won’t. This is why most of us never become the person of our daydreams. Sooooooo…how can we fix that? For starters, put a well-formed thought into the universe and expect for that thought to become a reality.

    C—Have Faith That Your Thoughts Are Already Things

    If A and B weren’t hard enough for you to digest, wait until you hear this one: I’ll concede in advance, this is going to be a tough one to believe in, but some of the most significant intellects in science support it. Quantum physics tells us that there is no time. Everything happened and is happening at the same time. That means that your future is already playing itself out on some other timeline. Your dreams have already come true. With that said, the key to this part of the formula is rather simple. Don’t believe your thoughts are coming, think they’ve already arrived. Somewhere there is a timeline where you are living your perfect life. You just have to have faith that once you put your thoughts into the universe and intend for them to become a reality, they are already a reality.

    D—Be Thankful

    This one sounds easy, but it’s not. Even if you close the book after this chapter and never open it again, you should always be thankful for what you have. Most of us will say we are grateful, but are we? We live in a house but want a bigger one,

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