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Left Cross Right Cross
Left Cross Right Cross
Left Cross Right Cross
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Left Cross Right Cross

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Left Cross, Right Cross explores the early, teen, and adult life of Jesus as he grows up with childhood friends Cris and Daani. The author weaves these lives and families inexplicably together for eternity. The three form an inseparable bond and kinship born of the ages. Ultimately, they separate as teens as the plan of heaven begins to unfold. Jesus retreats to the wilderness and defines his godly heritage and ultimate mission. His friends stray from their traditions and teachings and find heartache, trouble, and strife in the dark Philistine city of Ashod. The providence of YHWH reunites the trio at the foot of Calvary's cross for an unforgettable day of human anguish and decision. ***** Couldn't put it down! Easy read. Fiction, but shows the true love of Jesus. Need to share this with anyone you love. What a blessing. -Al and Linda Maus This book was very moving and made Jesus's death more real to me. Anyone who believes should read this work. -Maureen Pfaff While fully divine, this book brings out Jesus's full humanity. Can't wait to read this author again. -Elmerine Vest I enjoyed this author's work! I was drawn to his use of sensory details and vivid imagery throughout! -Diane Adams G. Chip Greene has a very special gift for writing. No one knows what the early years of Jesus were really like; however, this is one great perspective! -David K. Hicks

Release dateAug 8, 2016
Left Cross Right Cross

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    Left Cross Right Cross - G. Chip Greene


    This story is about the life journeys of three contemporary lads many years ago. Jesus, Cris, and Daani will each draw their first breath on the same night in Bethlehem. Each lad will have examples to follow and choices to make. Each life will have a beginning and end with life’s twists and turns in between.

    They grow up together in Bethlehem as boys and go their separate ways as young men. The divine orchestration of providence will unite them once again at deaths’ threshold. Jesus will occupy the center cross. One will choose the path to life eternal on the right side of Jesus. The other will choose the path to eternal damnation on the left side of Jesus. Come with me on this journey of discovery and choices. Come with me as we explore what might have been on the way to the hill called Calvary.

    This is a fictional account. I made it up! Please do not look to this writing as historical or real. Remember this as you read. While I have strived to maintain the divinity and godhead that is our Savior Jesus Christ, there may be some questions. I am sorry if I have left something out or minimalized Jesus in any way. That is not my intent. He is my Savior first and foremost! I hope you are entertained and challenged as you explore these pages.

    One Breath

    As the evening waxed and the night air chased the heat of the day, a painful wail wafted out from the rocky chamber. A new breath was about to be taken, and the young mother pushed with all her might to accomplish delivery.

    Soon, the cries of childbirth give way to tears of joy that mingle with the sound of infant cries. The infant, no longer confined to mothers’ womb, is unsure and lets all those gathered ’round know his contempt for this new world. This baby boy, already named before birth, has the expectations of all mankind resting on his tiny shoulders.

    Jesus, son of the Most High, nevertheless, born to a simple young woman of faith and an unsure earthly father. The Christ child, foretold since the beginning of time, finally comes to earth veiled in human flesh.

    He is meant to live, breathe, and die like all mortal men, yet unlike any who had ever been or would ever come. He is meant to experience all this world has to offer but remain untouched by mortal desires and failure, meant to influence and affect all he touches, meant to change the world and offer hope to all who accept his teaching. And ultimately, he is meant to affect all of eternity.

    It is such a tall order for such a tiny baby. And so this scene, varied in its exactness, is played out in two other modest dwellings in the nearby village. Each struggle and pain in child birth is met with relief of the delivered baby boy.

    Three brand new lives. Three possibilities of getting it right. Three miracles set in motion by unseen direction, each with a purpose established before the beginning of time.

    Two Dreams

    As Naomi stared in wonder at the new life she had just delivered, her joy and gladness quickly remembers the stark circumstances of her existence. She glances from her new baby boy for a second and takes in the darkness just outside the pale light the single candle flicker casts.

    All alone, save for the baby. She remembers the grim prospects for survival that awaits her beyond the safety of the light. Now, beyond all belief, she has accomplished the birth of this—her son, a dark secret finally given breath.

    She sighs and holds her newborn close. A tear forms in her eye and cascades quickly, running down her cheek, landing on the now still form of the child.

    Naomi knows it won’t be long until her presence is discovered in the back room of the vacant building come first light.

    The discovery will chase her from shelter into the streets and back lots once again.

    This time will be different, though. Naomi will have another life to care for and protect. Another, she soon realizes, that she would protect with her very being. As Naomi drifts into the enormity of what lays ahead for her and the child, she realizes a simpler task needs to be completed and sets her mind to that.

    What shall you be called? Naomi whispers to the suckling child. I must give you a name. A name that will set you apart.

    She pauses to think and then softly says, Daani, this shall be your name. Everyone that hears it will know who you are.

    Content that she has done enough for the present and suddenly not caring about what lay ahead, Naomi closes her eyes for much needed rest, no longer alone.

    Across the street and a few dwellings down, a much different birth event has just taken place. This birth has many participants and is filled with great anticipation and longing. A planned event, in as much as you can plan the natural process of childbirth. The humble dwelling is filled with many family members separated by rooms. Those involved with merriment and excited expectation are corralled in the main section of the home. Those that would be seconds in the childbirth process are gathered with the mother to-be and share every painful breath and muscle contraction until their fruition.

    The final push and first breath and cry of the baby boy are greeted from both rooms with hugs and tears of joy. The long anticipated fulfillment of the young parents’ love and commitment to each other has voice. Just as it should be, perfect in every detail.

    The midwives hustle and care for mother and child. The young father is ushered in to see his newborn son. His brash and puffed-up ego quickly soften as he sees for the first time his heir, his namesake.

    Leaning close to give his exhausted wife a kiss and touch the cheek of his first child, he knows this is a moment like no other in his short life, set in motion by God Himself. This is a moment of great responsibility and a moment where he entrusts the son to the mother.

    Wise to recognize the bond of mother and child as holy, he softly addresses his wife. Ellise, you have done well and have blessed me beyond measure. By what name shall we call our son?

    Ellise responds quickly, as she had already spent countless hours thinking of this very moment, We shall call him Cris, and he shall be known by all that hear his name.

    Three families, uniquely different in earthly circumstances yet all destined to be intertwined for eternity. God’s plan for all mankind will inexplicably be shaped by the play and interaction of these boys.

    Three Lives


    Mary is not any different than all young mothers. She wants only the best for her son and is always protective. Mary knows in her very soul that Jesus is special. Blessed and protected by God, Jesus’s first years quickly go by. Filled with lessons and learning at the side of Mary and the other women in the neighborhood, Jesus quickly learns safety at the knee of his mother. No matter what task she is undertaking Mary always has time for shepherding her son.

    Mary often has the feeling that the entire world revolves around her son and his growth.

    Always provided for by her often absent husband Joseph, Mary never wants for shelter, food, or love. Truly, she is blessed among women.

    Joseph is away from his family for many days at a time as his skill as a stone mason is highly esteemed, and the labor comes easy for him.

    As a young father, Joseph cherishes the time he spends with his God-given son. Father and son spend many evenings together, each wondering at the other’s accomplishments of the day and the plans for tomorrow. Every time Joseph holds his son, he feels God and His presence.

    Yet there is an uncertainty that he cannot explain when it comes to Jesus and his future. Joseph just knows that Jesus will have a greater calling than his own. It seems every time he looks Jesus in the eyes, he sees something deep and inexplicable.

    It was a perception he has never felt before. He doesn’t fully understand why he feels this way, but he just knows there is something more about this boy, more to be revealed, more to come.

    Jesus too has a curious longing. What lay beyond the safety of his home territory?

    As he grows in stature and knowledge, he cannot contain the thoughts about his surroundings. At Mary’s side, he presses for details of what is beyond their eyesight, and the source of unknown noises fills his heart with wonder. The noises coming from the surrounding homes and streets beckoned to him daily.

    And then one day, at the age of seven, Jesus can’t take it any longer. He finds himself safely away from the mom’s gathering and able to round a corner and is out of sight.


    Naomi finds her life wonderfully complicated by the presence of her son Daani. She has never had an easy existence, but she has never before had a reason for hope either. She finds something special every time she looks into the face of her child.

    Naomi sees a promise, a promise that is yet to be realized or imagined. This insight seems to soften the reality of their situation. The early years for the two of them proved that living from day to day was possible, but certainly not easy. The bond of two humans who count so much on each other strengthen with every moment.

    Daani masters the streets at an early age and is adept at being seen and not seen in the blink of an eye. Scrounging and gleaning became a necessity as much as a challenge in their survival. Mother and son count on each other in ways the surrounding families cannot imagine.

    Daani is as much at home away from Naomi’s side as beside her. Naomi trusts something or someone far greater than herself to alleviate her fears every time Daani is out of her eyesight. There is a certain peace in her heart, a feeling that Daani is to be a part of a greater purpose here on earth.

    And so it was that one day, a day like many others in the past, Daani stole away from his mother’s side. This time, however, he knew the day would hold something very special, a gift.


    Ellise sighs as she sits beneath the shade of her home’s willow tree. This tree sprouted from under the few stones that lay flat as a walkway between the houses and provides much welcome shade during the heat of the midday sun. Its growth is a source of joy in the sun-parched land.

    Cris has his own agenda for the day, as he often did. So independent and sure of himself, he never seems to wait for anything or anyone. He certainly never looks to his mother for confirmation of his actions or plans for the day.

    Ellise has been blessed with two more children since Cris’s birth seven years before, and her days are, needless to say, full of containing the crisis at the moment and planning for the probability of one later.

    Cris often found it easy to go unnoticed for great lengths of time. It was not that Ellise no longer cared for her growing son; it’s just that Ellise was compelled by much more near and urgent cries. Besides, Cris was a big boy now and was filling out quickly.

    As Cris silently slips away from the sound of everyday life at his house, he plots in his mind a course of action for the day. Unaware that a much larger plan has already been set in motion, Cris heads to one of his favorite hiding spots.

    And so it is on that day long ago the hand of God begins to entwine the lives of three young boys. Each life stamped with the seal of eternity and destined to be written in the archives of immortality.

    Into the Unknown

    Jesus carefully picks his way along the unfamiliar passages, often glancing back to see if he is being followed. Right now, he doesn’t care about anything but finding out what lay around the next corner or what is under the next overhang.

    Soon, he finds himself completely removed from anything looking familiar and facing a curious opening between two buildings. As he peers into the opening, he can see that there is a short passage, and he can see light on the other side. The opening and passage seem somehow friendly and beckon to him. He enters in.

    The pass is just small enough that he has to stoop his young frame to stride the six or seven feet through and into the opening. Jesus stands as he enters and notices movement further back and into a shaded area. Surprised to think that another is in this space too, Jesus calls softly, Hi, anybody here?

    No sooner has the words left his mouth that another boyish shape appears from the spot and shields his eyes as he enters the same sunlit space that Jesus occupies.

    Hi yourself, Cris says. What are you doing in here?

    Jesus senses that he has somehow transgressed on sacred ground and quickly answers, I’m Jesus and didn’t mean to scare you.

    Cris replies, Scare me? Nah, I was just kinda surprised to see you here.

    Then like most seven-year-olds when not under the stifling glare of a parent, they sit down in the sun and make friends. They quickly find out all the essential things any boy would require knowing about a new friend and were engrossed in sharing when Jesus looks over the shoulder of Cris and sees another childlike figure move silently through the passage and into the opening.

    As they soon find out, this youngster named Daani has stumbled innocently enough into the same space already occupied by Jesus and Cris. After the requisite feeling out and inquiries, Daani too soon settles comfortably into the growing circle of newfound friends.

    Daani offers new food to the conversation, and the boys soon learned how much they have in common and how much they have to learn about each other.

    A bond is quickly struck, and Daani pipes in, saying, This is our very own spot. Nobody else better find out ’bout this. We have to promise not to tell anybody where it is.

    Jesus, Daani, and Cris all agree that indeed this is the beginning of something special and secret. Jesus is in agreement with his new friends and already knows what he will say when Mary asks where he has been for so long. Daani and Cris too have thought about how much they will tell their moms.

    As the sinking sun begins to cast long shadows in the hide, the boys all come to the same conclusion: they need to get home now. All three boys backtrack safely to their homes, and although the respective mothers were upset that they had been away without permission, they were happy that each had found new friends.

    Mary was the first to probe the mind of her young adventurer and simply asks, How far did you wander today?

    Jesus somehow knows that his mother won’t appreciate all the explorations he experienced. So he describes the two other boys he met and some of the things they talked about. He did mention the neat spot they had discovered too, knowing full well he could trust his mother.

    Jesus knows his dad will be a much better sounding board for what he discovered today and decides to save the other details for later, during a quiet time with Joseph. And besides, he suddenly was worn out and realized that he had put his growing mind and body through a lot for one day. He has so very much to think about and take in, and sleeping always seems to calm his spirit and renew his mind.

    Jesus was sure that Mary was still talking, and he was still waiting for his dad to come home when he drifted off to sleep with his head on Mary’s lap. The last thing he remembers is the comforting smell of his mother and the warmth of his home.

    Ellise barely noticed when Cris slips into the house. She smiles to herself to see him safely back but was just as happy to know that her house was quiet, and there was no demand for her attention. She lets Cris silently glide to his room without saying a word.

    As Daani sought Naomi and their eyes meet, she has that look on her face. The motherly look suggests she is just glad that his adventures of the day had come full circle and they were once again together.

    Naomi clutches Daani as he sits down next to her, taking a physical inventory of her son as he settles. Assured that he was no worse for the days traipsing, Naomi begins slowly rocking and humming, holding tight her most prized possession.

    They gaze into the clear night sky and instinctively pull tattered covering up to their chins, sure they will need it all to brave the cool night together.

    Divine Purpose

    Only in the Father’s perfect time does He determine what is known and what is to be known. And so it is even with the Son of Man.

    It was one of those quiet mornings that Jesus finally begins putting together the reason for his sound sleep. He was always curious how he began each day with more knowledge of his heavenly purpose. As long as he didn’t think about it too much, it made some kind of sense to him. He was able to connect with something much larger than himself during this slumber time.

    It is at this young age that he consciously makes the connection. His Father spoke with him nightly and was instilling in him the knowledge of the universe and mankind. It is strange to Jesus as even in this human form, he remembers the beginning of all time and space. Indeed, it is like a dream.

    So with newfound understanding, Jesus looks forward to his time of rest and sleep. He dares not mention this discovery to his parents as he is pretty sure it isn’t the proper time or place yet.

    Anyway, he senses he has plenty of time to reflect on his God side, and right now, his human side is imploring him to build on his boyhood relationships and growing up.

    Sons of Israel

    Jesus’s head is covered with curly brown hair that hangs to his shoulders. His soft gray eyes seem to offer a window through which you can glimpse his soul. His slight build is typical of a lad his age and does not suggest any predisposition of carrying the hopes and promises of the entire world upon them. His feet are already calloused in all the right spots to aid him in running and jumping and have worn nicely into the handmade leather sandals he regularly wears around the house and outside.

    His clothing is fashioned lovingly by Mary and hangs loosely around his frame with thought of many

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