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Quoted: A Guide for Teen Girls
Quoted: A Guide for Teen Girls
Quoted: A Guide for Teen Girls
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Quoted: A Guide for Teen Girls

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Quoted is a book to encourage teens that they are worth it, loved, and God has a plan for them. The book has a mixture of short stories, questions, advice, Bible stories, and entries, especially for the reader. Throughout one year, the reader will learn many things through a teen's point of view.


Release dateJan 15, 2022
Quoted: A Guide for Teen Girls

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    Quoted - Ella Catherine

    January First: You Are Beautiful

    She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

    —Proverbs 31:25 (NLT)

    It seems like I used to struggle with this a lot: beauty. I used to think that I wasn’t beautiful, but growing up as a Christian, I’ve always reminded myself that it does not matter what I look like on the outside because the inside matters more. I would look at myself in the mirror each morning. Sometimes I would say I looked beautiful, but other days, I would tell myself that I don’t look good (and I still do that). That’s okay.

    Sometimes we judge our outer selves more, and we are always worried about what people think of us. Some girls wear makeup, short shorts, crop tops, and dye their hair for acceptance. That seems to be all we’re worried about, but others are different. Some of us like to wear modest clothes, stay with our natural hair, and don’t like showing our belly buttons.

    Everyone is different, and there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own way of expressing themselves or their style. But when you glam yourself up with those fake nails and new clothes, don’t forget the real you. You are beautiful no matter what. All of those fake accessories aren’t going to change you on the inside, but they will on the outside. You don’t need all that extra makeup to shine like God’s girl that you are. At the end of the day, only God’s opinion of you matters.

    [M]an looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

    An example of what I mean:

    Come on, Carmon! We have to go! Our dates are waiting.

    I’m coming! I put on a ton of lip gloss and glanced at my completed prom look in the mirror—short dress, newly done hair in the color red, acrylic nails, makeup. I look amazing! I thought to myself. I rushed out the door and almost tripped over the faux velvet rug in the hallway. My high heel got stuck and I immediately started pulling it from the rug. It wouldn’t budge.

    Crap! I’m gonna be late, and Carmon will never forgive me. I don’t have any other heels, so my only other option is my pink sneakers. It doesn’t match, but what the heck!

    I pulled off the broken heel and rushed to put my sneakers on.

    When I’d made it to the dance, all my friends stared at my new look. I told them all about the messed-up heel and how my outfit no longer matched. They all stared at the new me. Carmon ran over to me, pouring out questions.

    What happened to the long dress? Mom would never want to see you wearing that! What happened to my modest sister, makeup-free?

    I looked ugly like that. I look so much better with this dress anyway.

    Challenge of the day

    Your challenge is to go a week without wearing makeup and spend that time working on clearing your skin. You can feel confident in yourself without makeup, accessories, short shorts, and skirts. You are beautiful just the way God created you!

    January Second: Not that Word

    Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

    —James 1:26

    If you go to public school, you probably know exactly what I am talking about. If you swear on a day-to-day basis, I suggest that you drop that habit right now. Stop that word about to escape your mouth. It’s just a constant temptation against God by Satan. Do you want to be tempted that easily? Trust me, ridding your mouth of these words is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

    If you stop, maybe you can help the people around you stop, too. You influence others whether you know it or not. No one will expect you to stop cursing, and they’ll wonder where those words went in your vocabulary. They’re not going to ask why you’re not cussing, but you can take any hints of them noticing something different about you to help convince them they are using unnecessary words.

    One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone takes God’s name in vain and then says they love Him. It’s happened several times. It makes me so mad. Or when someone knows they just said a bad word, and you’re mad at them for saying that, but all they say is for you to go away so you won’t have to hear them say that word.

    I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s happened to me before. Every time I hear someone at school swear, my positivity level goes down. People are so mean, and they are so oblivious to everything. They don’t care.

    Watch what you say, and drop those swear words!

    Challenge of the day

    I challenge you to drop all swearing and use better words in your vocabulary. You can be better. Everyone can.

    January Third: No Negativity Allowed

    Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals.

    —1 Corinthians 15:33 (ESV)

    The most important thing every day is to stay positive. Be positive! I’m sure you’re constantly reminded of that one word. After all, positivity is happiness, right? Some people constantly worry about grades, looks, getting the new iPhone, and so much more. This kind of connects to the entry about you being beautiful and having to constantly remind yourself that. Honestly, each devotion in this book is going to be connected in some way.

    I’ve had to begin pushing my worry about bad grades away and focusing on telling myself that it didn’t really matter. I’ll go into that more in another entry, but just know grades do matter. They just don’t matter so much that you have to cry every time you get an F or C. I’ve gotten a lot of Fs and mostly in seventh-grade Advanced Math for me. It was horrible. I cannot do math!

    You don’t need to bring yourself down on every little thing. Stay happy! Don’t look at all that hate on your newest post or picture. Don’t read that comment on your latest book. Don’t let it get to you because in all truth, that’s what they want. All the haters want you to show your anger; they want their comments to faze you, so you can’t let them! Don’t let them bring you down!

    Build yourself up! As I learned in kindergarten, Build others up, don’t break them down. My teacher used to always tell the class that we should be building others back up like building blocks and not breaking them down to the ground. That was back in private school, and now I have to learn to do that myself.

    Challenge of the day

    For the rest of the day, instead of telling yourself or thinking negative things, bring in a more positive side of you and smile at those around you. Not only can you make yourself happier, but you can show those around you that they can be happy too. Make a difference!

    January Fourth: Give light

    Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

    —Psalm 1:1–3 (NLT)

    There are so many ways that you can brighten someone’s mood or day. It simply starts with a Hello or How are you? Or if you see a new kid at your school, go talk to him or her, and show that person around your school or work.

    Last year, there was this new girl at my school, and I was helping her get around to her classes and stuff, and now we are really good friends. Just because you’re shy or don’t feel like talking to someone doesn’t give you an excuse to help someone who needs it. Or do a community project. Just spread light to those around you! In the end, it’ll all be worth it, and you’ll have something to look back on and remember.

    Spread light to the whole world and share God’s Word for everyone to hear! It could be through singing, acting, writing, or just leaving an encouraging letter for someone to read when they are down. There are so many things you can do to show people the real way to be kind.

    Always remember that everyone is fighting a battle of their own, even you, so think of ways that you can help them and make them feel amazing! Never forget about yourself, though. Think about JOY—it stands for Jesus, Others, Yourself. So therefore, always bring Jesus first, then help those who you can, for we aren’t always able to help everyone, but you can always try your best and then worry about yourself. I know, I know! You probably think it’s best to worry about you first, but just remember who died on the cross for everyone before Himself. You can do it! Put others before yourself!

    A good example to explain what I mean:

    Hi! Are you new? I practically screamed when I saw Haley walk into the classroom with a new face.

    Um. Yes… I’m Tori. She smiled.

    It’s so stinkin’ good to meet you! I love your name, but enough about that. You can sit by me in every single class. I don’t have anyone to sit by because I like to sit by new students only.

    Tori looked at me awkwardly. Okay. Good to know.

    Whether you’re just really optimistic or you love to sit by new students, that’s just you. I’m not judging. But if you usually prefer sitting away from someone new, you should give things a change, hopefully for the better.

    Challenge of the day

    Today, when you’re at school or work and you notice someone that you know you’ve never seen before, approach them and make conversation. Who knows? Maybe you’ll just end up making a new friend! Sometimes bringing a new face into your life is good, and it could help you become more comfortable to make more friends in the future.

    January Fifth: The Pain

    The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

    —Psalm 18:2 (ESV)

    This is probably the most relatable thing for every teen girl. A lot of times, people don’t like talking about it or addressing it, but you should know it’s real and it’s happening when you never realize it. It’s called a period, menstrual cycle, ladies’ day, and so many more things. Everyone has their own way of referencing it and secretly sharing their worst stories with friends.

    I, for one, don’t find the need to talk about it unless necessary. If you’re new to the whole ordeal, I don’t feel like I should explain. There are many really good sources out there for girls who need to know what they are up against, believe me. And every mom is helpful during situations with your cycle.

    American Girl has two books out at the moment that I have found so very helpful in educating myself. They are called The Body Book for Younger Girls and The Body Book for Older Girls. I own one for older girls and have read it several times.

    Some people experience cramps with their cycle. They either have bad cramps or not so noticeable cramps. As The Body Book for Older Girls addresses many times, it is that everyone’s body is different. You never know how much pain you might be in, so always be prepared with heat pads and some type of medicine for that. You know the drill. I’m actually surprised that I haven’t had very many cramps so far.

    Anyway, every girl has their own trouble or problem with their cycle, and I feel you. It’s rough! But staying positive, eating healthy, stretching, and not being lazy can always help with that pain.

    A good example to explain what I mean:

    I’m coming! I just have to swing by the ladies’ room really quick, I told my best friend quickly. I walked into the restroom quickly and tried to hurry. Then when I saw all the blood, I prayed silently that I had brought pads. Ugh! Now my whole day is completely ruined.

    At home that night, I told my mom about everything that had happened, and she told me that I should always look for the good parts of my day and not the bad parts. That made me feel a whole lot better.

    Challenge of the day

    Whether your day has just taken a bad turn or you’re waiting for your cycle to begin, you can always keep an eye out for all those amazing things that could happen in your day. When I start, I’m always like, Come on! Why today?

    The truth is that all of us don’t understand why it has to come at all, and we are constantly mad about it. But staying positive and remembering everything good that has happened in your day is always important. When your cycle starts, I challenge you to forget you’re wearing a pad and have fun! Smile and laugh with your friends. Nothing can stop you!

    January Sixth: No Thing Lasts Forever

    So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

    —2 Corinthians 4:18

    Have you ever heard someone talking about the fact that nothing you own lasts forever? Of course, things break and get thrown away, but nothing you own will last forever. The book that you’re currently reading or the phone you’re looking at, every single thing in your room is going to be gone one day. Yes, you will die and be gone too but not gone forever. You’ll be in heaven with God, surely.

    If my house burned down right in front of my eyes, I probably wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I’d be devastated! I would be thinking about every single beautiful handcrafted doll or book that has been burned to ashes. Just picturing that almost makes me cry. But everyone should learn to give up earthly things because they won’t last forever!

    Face it. Your brand-new iPhone will not be there every time you need to post a new picture. Focus on everything eternal, not the things you’ll only get to use for a year. I know it’s hard, but everything on Earth will perish when God comes to get us, to bring us home.

    Challenge of the day

    In the book of Job in the Bible, God took everything away from Job, and He wanted to see if Job would still trust Him. Job still trusted God, even though he had lost all his family and everything he owned.

    Another story was when Jacob’s brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous of him, and in the end, Jacob still trusted God, and he forgave his brothers for what they had done to him.

    Remember that you could lose everything in an instant, but if you have God there to guide you, He’ll help you get through every single hardship. It might not seem like He’s there, but He always is. Put God before everything. He is eternal.

    This week, whether you’re at school or somewhere else, I challenge you to put all ideas of buying something new out of your mind and be happy about what you have.

    January Seventh: Words Do Hurt

    A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

    —Proverbs 15:1

    I understand completely what this title means. Words hurt. If you’ve ever told someone they’re ugly, stupid, dumb—you don’t know what they are going through or what they have experienced! Choose kind words because they really can affect people.

    I know everyone is guilty of this, and I am too. I can’t even write how many people have said something mean to me when I didn’t even do anything. Or when they have said something mean to someone else who wasn’t doing anything either. I know I’ve been mean to my brother before, but honestly, I don’t recall very many times that I said something mean to a stranger or kid at my school.

    Stop being so inconsiderate! We are all sinners and we have all done things wrong, made mistakes, but there should never be a reason why you accidentally said something to that girl at school who doesn’t have any friends, who you think is weird or just a geek. Why can’t we just teach ourselves to be kind? Clearly, anything anyone else says doesn’t matter.

    If you’re that girl out there that understands, who’s been picked on and bullied, I want you to know that whatever they say to or about you isn’t true. I know it’s hard not to cry, but you’ve got to be strong and show them that you don’t care. When you get home, you can let all those feelings out and cry.

    Later, when you are thinking about what happened, you’ll probably tell yourself that what they said was stupid and you shouldn’t be getting so mad over it. I get it! I can relate. It is stupid because it’s not true! Do whatever makes you feel happy. Tell your parents what happened. They’ll fix the situation, but then you will be worried about how everyone will think of you, the girl whose parents have to solve everything for you. Or you’ll bottle everything up inside, like me, thinking you can handle it and you don’t need anyone involved.

    My favorite thing to do when I’m sad because of something I hear about anyone is cry. Crying makes me feel better because I can think things through and let it all out through salty tears. Then I’ll write how I feel in my journal, but not what has happened because then I’ll dwell on it. Yes, I’ll probably remember it forever, but at least I won’t be flipping back through my journal, thinking about everything that I hated. Then I’ll be crying even more.

    Keep a journal you can write in whenever you want to. I promise it really does help! Write about your day, good and bad. Be positive! Do what’s best for you here on earth. There will be days when you’re done and you don’t want to go on anymore, but don’t give up because that’s the one thing that shows failure. You want to win, not fail! Be strong and show everyone that you don’t want them talking about you. Tell them! You’ve got this! It doesn’t matter if they laugh and say, Oh! I’m so scared.

    Life is hard, and it sucks sometimes, but we can be greater with God on our side. Pray to God, and He’ll help you get through all the rough times. Remember you are better than them! You can do this! If I can, then you can, and you will.

    A good example to explain what I mean:

    I sat down at an empty table in the cafeteria on my first day of school because I had no friends. Everyone thought of me as a weird girl at school. I never understood quite how I’d earned that, but I had, and I didn’t know what to do about it. I began to eat the lunch the lady had handed me and sulked. I was so lonely and I hated it so much. I couldn’t tell my parents because then they would just make things worse and assign someone to be my friend and embarrass me. After all, I couldn’t do the whole making friends thing on my own.

    Gross. Why are you sitting at my table, freak? a girl came over to me, demanding.

    I shrugged and helplessly sat there.

    She pushed me to the ground, and I immediately got up and ran out of the cafeteria. The bathroom was the only place to go and cry, so I slunk into one of the stalls and sat on the toilet seat, bringing my legs up so no one would know I was in there.

    Challenge of the day

    I know for a fact after reading that example you have to be sad for this girl. She’s being bullied for being the new girl with no friends. It doesn’t sound like she deserves this to me, does it? Just to let you know, I did make that story up, but you never know. That could have actually happened to someone.

    That’s why you can’t judge people quickly. You have to be able to meet someone and learn who they are and how they act before you judge them just for not having friends, etc.

    My challenge for you is to make a new friend this week or help that new girl/boy who has just arrived. Also, you could just help someone who is having a problem at school. The week that I’m writing this, my friend at school has heard rumors spreading about her, and it’s had her really down and sad. She cried and looked so sad for three days straight. I’ve felt so bad for her and my other friend, and I have been trying so hard to make her feel better, but she just won’t talk to us.

    She finally told me what was the matter today, and I’m going to try my best to figure out how the rumor was started and by whom. Because I believe that no one deserves to be so sad that they don’t even want to talk. These rumors said that she should kill herself and go to a very bad place! I hope this shows just how bad we need God and just how sinful we actually are. You should never tell someone to kill themselves! Everyone could be so much kinder if they just knew who God is.

    With all that being said (or written), watch what you say because you never know what someone could be going through, and words do hurt.

    January Eighth: Live for God

    You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

    —1 John 4:4

    (Disclaimer: This is a sad topic, and if you don’t want to read it, you don’t have to, but I encourage the truth to be faced.)

    Life or death? Is it a simple question or a hard one? Which one would you choose? I apologize ahead of time for the sadness of this devotion, but I am trying to make a point here and help change the minds of children, teens, adults.

    Suicide is a choice, not an accident. Several people die of suicide each month, year, maybe even daily. It’s not a joke at all; it’s really sad. I hate it, I must say. I wish that people wouldn’t do it, and I wish I could stop it for good.

    Live your life to the fullest, no matter how difficult it is. Death does not need to be an option until natural death comes. Everyone dies at one point, but we should let God choose. God knows the exact moment, day, year, month, second, the way we die, and He deserves to let us know when. Our life on Earth is leading up to hopefully being with God one day. Live your life to the fullest because it does matter. Every day, read your Bible, pray for those who need help, and do everything for the Lord and not for men.

    Challenge of the day

    If you know someone who wants to end their life, there are many suicide hotlines and many adults and parents that you can speak to and help change that person’s mind. Never let anyone do that. Always remind them that they are here on Earth for a purpose and they are needed, not to mention deeply loved.

    Everyone should always be reminded about how much they are needed on this Earth. This week, I encourage you to make sure that no one has suicidal thoughts because they don’t need to be thinking that way. Positive thoughts should always be in our mind, so you can help make sure they stay there.

    January Ninth: Treat Your Home

    The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great—and for destroying those who destroy the earth.

    —Revelation 11:18

    Have you seen our Earth and what we’ve done to it? Have you seen all the trash? Have you seen what we have done to our home? I’m not trying to say that you should recycle everything and not use plastic, but I am saying that we could do better.

    I know I say that in practically every single devotion, but it’s true. We can always do better! There are so many things we can do to help our earth. First of all, we can volunteer to pick up trash in our neighborhood, the beach, and so many places. At my church, we did something called Love Out Loud where we each had our own group and we went out and did something to help. My group went and picked up trash in a nearby neighborhood, and let me tell you that I picked up a can that still had beer in it and an empty cigarette pack. Also, I found a whole lot of water bottles and wrappers from candy. That’s one thing that we don’t need everywhere.

    It’s important to think about the Earth because it’s the planet that we live on and it matters. Throw your trash away when you’re done with it. Don’t leave it sitting around anywhere, inside or out, because that’s not good for our earth at all. So many things could happen with that trash that would hurt our environment. For example, there could be a plastic bag lying near water, and a turtle could crawl into it and not be able to breathe, then it would die. That actually happened, but thankfully, there was someone who cares about our environment that helped the poor turtle before it suffocated and died.

    Go check out Jacob Feder on YouTube today! He helps many animals that need help. You can help, so help! You could help an animal somewhere, a person, or just benefit us all. You could be a missionary when you’re older and fly to places where people don’t have enough resources or don’t know God. Preach the Word and lead others to God or just help save a life. That could be you!

    Personally, I dislike traveling, and I don’t think that is God’s plan for my life. I’m hoping to help out by volunteering and helping animals get adopted or writing encouraging books, hopefully like this one to help people during their day-to-day lives. God has a plan for all of us, and we will all do something great one day, but in the meantime, do the best you can right where you are. You never know. There could be something just for you!

    A good example to explain what I mean:

    I walked to Starbucks, excited to get some coffee after work one day, but then I was distracted by all the trash lining the streets. Then in the middle of a pile of cans, I spotted something moving. It was a dog. An abandoned dog.

    My heart skipped a beat, and I almost cried. I walked over and found a sign that said Couldn’t take care. Free to whoever wants. The name is Jo.

    The dog was a little black Yorkie, and he was so cute! I picked him up and quickly drove home. I cleaned him up and gave him a nice new collar. I decided to keep him, so I lined up a vet checkup to make sure he didn’t have any health problems. I just couldn’t believe that someone would leave a cute little dog by the side of the road. Why not just bring him to a pet store or something? I also arranged for my friends and I to clean up the roads next weekend. If you can help the environment, then why not help?

    Challenge of the day

    I challenge you to volunteer to help out somewhere, whether picking up trash or something else, and help your home like you love living on it. We have to help the environment or it’s going to completely die, then we won’t have anywhere to live. Think about what you could do because all the help we can get is needed.

    January Tenth: Let’s Take a Break

    Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

    —Matthew 11:28

    Sometimes you just need to take a break. It seems like we always have so much to do and so little time to do it. Genesis 2:1–3 says:

    Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.

    Even God rested after He created the world. To me, it just seems like we keep going and going. I’ll wake up in the morning, and I want to do something. I always want to have something to do. I don’t really ever want to go anywhere, but I want to stay home and get things done.

    Realize that sometimes you might just need a break! Maybe you’ve been doing homework for four hours or you have been watching Netflix for the whole day. When I write take a break, I mean take a break from everything! Take a break from cleaning, electronics, and homework. Sometimes you just need to take five or ten minutes of your day to rest.

    Did you know that God never rests? He is always watching and helping us. So that leads me to believe that God has only rested once, and that was when He created the world. That’s kind of cool to think about, isn’t it?

    God never rests because of how much He cares about us, but we need rest. Without rest, our bodies probably wouldn’t be able to function correctly. We would be sleep-deprived, and I don’t see myself getting anything done without some rest.

    Challenge of the day

    Whether it’s sleeping or just sitting down and eating a snack, give yourself some rest.

    January Eleventh: An Impersonation

    Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

    —1 Peter 5:8

    Have you ever read parables from the Bible? There are several parables in Mark that I want to share with you today. Let’s start by reading Mark 1:21–28. The more miraculous things that people see Jesus do, the more He becomes popular. Another parable I want to share with you is Mark 5:1–20.

    After reading Mark 5, we learn that there was an unclean legion taking over a man. What I love about this story (or recording of an actual event is a better way to put it) is that God always has control. Now let me explain that further.

    A demon was inhabiting a man’s body, and Jesus came along. When Jesus came along, the man with the unclean spirit ran and fell before Jesus. Even God has control of the devil’s army. The man then asked Jesus what he was to do with him. Then Jesus called the spirit to come out of the man.

    I don’t mean to scare anyone, but there is such a thing as a spiritual realm. I don’t know much of anything about this subject, but I’m reminding you right now to put on the whole armor of God. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to withstand the devil and his evil ways.

    Challenge of the day

    Read Ephesians 6:10–20 and take those words to heart.

    January Twelfth: Reality Check, Chapter One

    She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all! Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.

    —Proverbs 31:25–31

    Raised to a new life!

    Everyone cheered and applauded the woman who had just been baptized. Anya watched in fascination, wondering if this woman really did start a new life.

    The whole church stood up to sing, and Anya quietly ducked out of the aisle. Everything made no sense to her. Her new family went to church every single Sunday and Wednesday, and she didn’t understand why. Why should she praise anyone or worship them? Every person on Earth would never deserve to be praised.

    She walked home, letting sadness wash over her. Foster care sucks! I want my real mom back. Pulling out the key from under the mat and unlocking the door made her feel guilty. She remembered the time when her mom had robbed the store then had been arrested. Anya had cried and cried when her foster family took her in. They said it would only be a couple of months, but a couple of months turned into a couple of years.

    She fell onto the couch, watching the clock closely. The Thompsons would wonder where she was, then start to panic. She would hide in her room under the stairs until they came looking for her. When they finally found her, she would declare that she didn’t want to listen to anyone. She would say she wanted to go back to sleep and never get up again. They would say how sorry they were for making her sad or whatever they thought was wrong with her, then they’d leave her alone, and she would end everything. Anya would never see anyone again, but to her disadvantage, none of what she thought would happen actually did.

    (Keep reading and you’ll figure out what happens next.)


    Anya hates church, her foster family, and her life. So she decides to commit suicide, but she has to wait for the right moment. The end of the chapter foreshadows what will happen next.

    January Thirteenth: Prayer

    This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

    —1 John 5:14

    Prayer, pray, praying, prayed—each word means something different. But yet they all mean the same thing. Have you ever thought you were going to die and immediately started praying to God?

    I don’t know where I’m going with this, but basically, prayer is really important. It’s our way of speaking to God, even though He already knows what we’re going to say right before we say it; doing matters more than knowing. So whenever you are scared or worried, always remember God is there, listening. Pray to Him and explain your needs. He’ll always be there, ready to listen and help.

    This was short, but I hope it made sense. Sometimes we don’t think to pray when we could be praying, and it just doesn’t help to let us know that God is there. God is always there when we need Him, but it’s up to us to ask Him for help.

    Challenge of the day

    Whenever you’re having a hard time or know someone else is, or if you just lost a family member, figured out you have cancer, or anything else, just pray. Prayer is the easiest thing we can do to ask for help from our amazing and incredible God. He is always there for us, and we need to remember that. Be ready to pray, and know God will be listening.

    January Fourteenth: Be Yourself

    I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

    —Psalm 139:14–16

    Always be you. Have fun! Live life to the fullest! If you think you’re someone else and you try to be someone else, then what happens to you? The you that God made you to be would be gone, and who would be sad? God would be because you’ve told yourself you aren’t very good, and you need to be just like someone else and not the self that He made you to be. I feel like everyone always tries to be someone they’re not.

    God created you to be you. You are perfect just the way you are! Don’t let what anyone says change you!

    Challenge of the day

    This week, I challenge you to wear your hair in a new style than you usually wear it. I personally never wear my hair up unless I’m at home because I think it looks bad like that. I don’t, and I’m trying to be better and do things differently.

    You are beautiful no matter what you or anyone else tells you. God doesn’t make anything or anyone that is ugly. His creations are beautiful.

    January Fifteenth: I’m Okay

    Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

    —1 Peter 5:7

    Note from the author: This devotion isn’t going to be like normal. It’s going to be an example of worry, but you’ll have to read it to find out. And while reading, can you try to figure out if this story is real or just made up?

    The alarm goes off at 5:40 the next morning, and the girl lays in bed, trying to keep her eyes open. She doesn’t want to get up; she wants to stay in bed and keep sleeping. She doesn’t want to go to school except to see her friends. She longs for private school. But she gets up anyway. She washes her face, changes into her school uniform, and heads to the kitchen for breakfast.

    On the way to school, she pulls out the book she’s currently reading. She loves to read. At 7:05, she walks into the building and greets her friends. She has to wait until 7:20 before the bell rings for the first period. She hangs around and talks until the doors open for everyone to file out to their hallways. When the bell rings, she walks into the school, passes a certain someone, and walks to her first class.

    The whole morning, she waits for lunch, her favorite part of the day. When it finally comes and she’s gotten through with all the people she dislikes in her class, she walks to the cafeteria. She sits down and waits for her friends and people to sit down. Then she talks and eats barely anything, for she is not hungry.

    At break, she heads to the restrooms and then walks outside. She has ten minutes to work up the courage to speak to someone she has never spoken to before or very little… She wishes she were brave enough, but she’s not.

    Next is PE, then Art, and she is walking to the bus, ready to go home. When she gets on the bus, she actually has a chance to become sad which she tries not to do ever. She always tries to be positive and happy, but when she gets on the bus, everything kind of whirls back on her. She remembers how messed up the world is and how much she hates listening to people curse. She puts her earbuds in and plays her favorite music from Annie LeBlanc to Jamie Grace. She is smiling inside.

    She stares out the window and turns her music up a little louder every time she hears a horrible word. She is happy in her own world and sad when she has to turn off her music. Then she walks off the bus, feeling a bit weird. When she’s finally home, though, the girl slips on her sweatpants and T-shirt, grabs a snack, and turns on YouTube. Annie Rose is her favorite YouTuber whom she hopes to meet one day. Every day at school, she looks forward to watching Annie Rose’s videos, old or new.

    The day is over, and she can finally get into bed and read, then go to sleep. Then she has to start over again.

    Challenge of the day

    Anyway, I hope you liked this reality story, and I hope you understand how it went. It was okay. Be positive, block out the mean ones, and slink into your own world. Whether it’s music, friends, or a good book that keeps you going, let it be because it’s important to help you keep a good look at your life. Every day starts over, and you have a new chance to do something differently.

    Choose your decisions wisely, and do something that impacts you and helps you. But don’t forget to be humble and do what Christ would do: help others who need help. Thanks for reading today’s entry, and have a good night’s sleep or the rest of the day!

    January Sixteenth: Stay Calm

    God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

    —Psalm 46:1–3

    God is always there for you, and He is ready to help you when you need help. When something bad happens, and you don’t understand why that had to happen to you, just remember that God does everything for a purpose. Everything happens for a reason, and you must know that. Stay calm and carry on. I love that because it really helps you to remember that you have to move on. You like someone, and they don’t like you back? Move on. You have had the same best friend since you were little, and you move schools, and suddenly she’s not your friend anymore. You try to reach out to her, and she doesn’t answer. Move on.

    There are so many more people to be friends with or like. And I’m typing this from experience. The title of today’s entry is Stay Calm for a reason. We all cry sometimes, and that’s okay. Cry about it and get over it, girl! Don’t dwell on the past because you could have done something different.

    Challenge of the day

    Although we want to redo everything we do wrong in life, we can’t, and we have to accept that. Yes, you wish you could have done things differently, but you can’t, and that’s okay. Whatever happens, happens, and God intends for that. So if you messed up, then fix it. Apologize, ask if you can have another chance, or if not, just learn to accept. Do the right thing. Yes, girl!

    January Seventeenth: Nope, Chapter Two

    Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

    —Nehemiah 8:10

    Anya? Where are you, baby? Where did you go? Mrs. Thompson opened up the bedroom door slowly. She peered in at Anya who was lying on the bed with her earbuds in.

    Anya swiveled her head over to look at Mrs. Thompson, then went back to her music.

    Why’d you leave church early? You didn’t even tell anyone.

    ’Cause I wanted to. Anya pulled her earbuds out and smirked. You think it’s so amazing to worship this ‘God,’ but it really isn’t. I never want to go to church again! It sucks! I’m not worshipping some fake person or whatever.

    Mrs. Thompson looked hurt. She didn’t say what Anya expected her to say. She didn’t look sorry for her. She looked like she was about to cry. "Anya? Why would you say such a thing? God has done everything for this family, including you. He has given us everything we have! If it wasn’t for you being here, I would never be as happy as I have been, but now I’m starting to think this was a bad idea.

    You aren’t ready for an adoption home. Maybe I should talk with your guidance counselor about sending you to the center for a while. I’m so sorry that living with us wasn’t working for you, Anya, but I don’t regret bringing you to church, even though you haven’t learned who God is yet. Mrs. Thompson closed the door behind her after one last look at Anya.

    Anya stared after her. Now she felt a little bit bad for being so mean when all the Thompsons were doing was being so kind to her. After all, they did take her in to live with them after already having three kids. She sighed, then grabbed a pair of scissors. Then she fainted before doing anything else.

    (Continue reading to learn what happens next.)


    Anya doesn’t expect Mrs. Thompson to come in and explain how she should be moved to the center, but as soon as Anya watches her leave the room, she feels bad for how rude she acted. Anya attempts to end her life but then abruptly faints.

    January Eighteenth: Are You Sure?

    So he looked this way and that, and when he saw there was no one around, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.

    —Exodus 2:12

    Today, I’m going to share with you a really sad story that is probably going to make you cry. So, warning: don’t read unless it’s okay if you cry, but this is important so please continue. You’ve been warned. Now let’s begin with the super sad story.

    In January of 2019, a kid from my school, whose name I would not like to mention, committed suicide. I did not know him and had never even seen him, but I heard about it from some of my friends who had known him well.

    For a couple of weeks, I was really sad after hearing about it and wished that I could have stopped him from doing it. I wrote an entry in my journal about the situation, and I have not read it because of how sad it is. Later, I was able to pull up an article on what exactly happened and got a little background information. This information shed new light on the situation in my eyes and made me sort of understand and also made me sadder.

    This kid had been adopted, and I think it said his siblings were all split up in different homes, and I’m pretty sure it said he’d been adopted by several different families. I’m saying I think this is true because I read this a really long time ago and don’t want to reread it and have all of that to think about all over again. I think he also had several illnesses or something and just had a hard life.

    He was brought to a juvenile detention center after doing something at a school and apparently was left alone when he shouldn’t have even been brought there in the first place. Just so you know, this is difficult to type… I’m so sorry for putting this on your mind when it’s so sad. That’s all I have to say about that.

    Just remember that sometimes your actions affect other people, even though you don’t even know it, and you wouldn’t want to be sad over something like this, yet you can’t help it. I was super sad for weeks, maybe even a whole month, and I didn’t even know this kid! What’s sad is another kid that used to go to my school who just recently moved committed suicide too, and he had a twin brother, so I can’t imagine how hard that was.

    I’m praying for everyone who has thoughts like this, and if you or someone you know thinks of doing this, don’t let them or

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