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The 4 of Hearts: The Hearts Aligned, and Everything in Between
The 4 of Hearts: The Hearts Aligned, and Everything in Between
The 4 of Hearts: The Hearts Aligned, and Everything in Between
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The 4 of Hearts: The Hearts Aligned, and Everything in Between

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Now this may appear to be a complete science-fiction story on the outside, but it has a deeper meaning inside.

This is the story of how the last known survivors of four sets of young sibling beings from a doomed planet were separated by fowl means by the evil antics of a manacle intergalactic warlord and his messed up and backstabbing crew as one set of four ended up on Earth and the other set of four were left to find their lost surviving siblings out somewhere in the vast reaches of space.

In a two-thousand-year span, the two groups grew from acquaintances to a family as they learned that a family was stronger than an individual or just a team.

The story goes from their past to the present as they figure out on how to survive in their new settings till the two families reunite after two thousand years apart as they join forces to protect earth and the universe from the same evil that has destroyed their home world.

You will see just why these beings are considered “the most dangerous beings in the universe,” and it’s not the fact that they are evil, which they are not; it’s because evil knows that these are not the ones you want to mess with!

And you will see that there is a society out in the stars that might appear to be of a far, far, far away intergalactic kingdom, but it’s nowhere near intelligent as Star Trek and nowhere near mystifying as Star Wars.

And above that, you will learn what a Heart is, and it has nothing to do with expressing your love for someone or the main artery inside you; it’s an institution that works to protect others from any and all forms of evil.
Release dateJan 31, 2020
The 4 of Hearts: The Hearts Aligned, and Everything in Between

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    The 4 of Hearts - Fred Farmer

    Forewords from a first timer

    Welcome one and all. If you’re reading this, then as a beginner, I have to say thank you for giving me a chance. But as far as to what this whole story is about, though it’s all imaginary, I spent almost four years perfecting it and its characters to the point that I eat, sleep, and—well—you can guess the last part to that point! But anyway, I created a vision that I personally know inside out; outside in so if you were to question any part of this, I can give you an answer like that and along the way come up with an added feature on a whim. So with that, let’s get this thing launched. But before I begin, let me hit you with a little food for thought.

    We all know what a heart is and its main purpose. Well, let’s explore that synopsis.

    One would wonder what a heart is. A heart is an actual organ in the human body that is responsible for pumping and maintaining the flow of the blood in and throughout the body. It is also believed to be a symbol for love and peace among people for love and friendship purposes as well as a symbol for couples engaged into deep romantic couplings.

    But would you believe that a Heart is also considered as an idea and a group whose main purpose for existence is for the protection of an entire planet! Well, they are and they are so adamant on doing this that they are in every way prepared to defend that planet! Even if it would mean sacrificing their very lives for that cause as they would do just that in the face of any fore and unforeseen danger that anyone or force could ever conjure up! Even if it is a danger that could possibly exist beyond that planet’s capability to simply protect themselves!

    Well, such an idea and institution does exist, and it was originated from another planet as the idea spread all throughout the galaxy and it made it to earth.

    To this idea, if you’re looking for a name to call it, then you can simply call it Heart or if you’re thinking more than one; Hearts as to the name that they give themselves. Simply add the number 4 to it and you simply just gave it the name The 4 of Hearts!

    Think of them just as what they were described as; planetary defenders who would meet any challenge to protect that very planet from any form of danger or overlapping doom no matter what form that danger could ever come in!

    Even if that danger could come from somewhere you could ever even imagine—from outer space or even from another dimension or whatever origin it could come from—these planetary defenders will always be ready and able to meet the challenge and make whatever sacrifices are needed to ensure the protection of that planet.

    It makes one feel sad as to why earth doesn’t have a dedicated group who would be willing and able to lay it all down on the line to protect our existence, our planet, and our way of life.

    Well, I’m here to spread the good word that earth DOES have such a group; a group that does exist exclusively for the protection of our very existence, a group that is ready to make whatever sacrifice needed to secure our very survival from any and all forms of threats, a group that is always ready at the drop of a dime where they will put their private lives on hold at the drop of a dime to quickly rush their way to the danger zone to protect us when the time is needed! Yes, such a group does exist but for what you would easily consider obvious reasons; their identities are kept hidden from us!

    But what would to happen if something of a major incident were to happen where your conventional cover-up job just wouldn’t do and a long hidden truth has to be revealed because it would be the only way to ensure the survival of this or any planet for that matter.

    But most of all, what if that first, foremost, and last line of defense is not human! What if they were of intergalactic origin; what if they did it all too simply protect us from a fate worse than genocide, death, or even extinction!

    But you know what would make this scene even more messed up. What if these beings, though have hearts of gold, they are also classified as the most dangerous beings in the universe! Dangerous because they encompass powers and abilities that would leave others in fear for their very existence!

    Okay, they may be like Superman with the superpowers, but they don’t look human (well, okay, to a certain degree) as one of them is no way shaped in humanoid style as they look more like a giant beast but they too aren’t that bad once you get to know them. For you cat lovers (if you can get past the ferocious bit), they can easily grow on you! (Just don’t put your hand in their food or you can easily kiss that hand goodbye!)

    Another one can be a bit of a smarty pants and a scatter brain, but to them, it’s only in their nature. And plus too, this particular being comes as a two–in-one deal or better yet a package deal where you have two different entities in one body, though one can speak and the other side can’t but can express themselves through movement!

    You then have one race who can do amazing things like become you to a perfect T! And they love a good laugh as much as they just simply love to; well, simply love where they rather would prefer to make a friend rather than an enemy anytime. Though they are made to be easily violent, they just don’t have the killer instinct in them.

    And then there are those who have the shape, the look, and the qualities of a fabled being right here on earth that encompasses the look of pure evil, but in real life, they just don’t have the evil gene in them as they are generally kind people just as long as you can get past the term demon! Just keep an open mind about it!

    With all that I just dropped on you, you would ask, just what does any of this has to do with anything! Well, what I just mentioned is what is to be the premises of this story as what I just described to you are the characteristic of the main characters in this story.

    But as far as the story goes, this is the story of how one world ended where the surviving members embark on a lifelong journey through space and time where after being separated by evil forces that destroyed their home world, they will work to discover a new world and a new purpose!

    But before they can do all this, they first have to discover themselves as being a family to each other as they will learn that in this universe, nothing out there is more powerful than a loving family bonded by a single purpose: to protect the innocent and stand up to evil in any form it chooses.

    Well, before I get too ahead of myself and just give this thing your superhero spin, let me explain another part of this thing. A Heart is not only a dedicated planetary defender; they are like a unit but to an even simpler form; they are a fully functional family unit. Even if the members are not related by blood, it is something that they learn to work with and accept. To a Heart, your greatest strength doesn’t come from your natural-born powers and abilities; your true power comes from the power in your heart.

    When you care enough to want to help others no matter the situation and you’re not afraid to show it, that’s when your true power shows. Okay, there are no physical abilities that you gain from this like super strength, invulnerability, or any of the fabled attributes that any person would make a hero a superhero. Well, that’s not the case here.

    Okay, these beings are born with amazing powers and abilities, but it’s like I said, their true power is the love they hold in their hearts for other people.

    Yeah, it sounds cheesy and whimsical, but it’s true. For instance, look at our armed forces. They don’t have powers and abilities, but they do have the capability to care for others as they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Now that’s a power that’s greater than anything or force out there.

    This is the true power that being a Heart is all about: the selfless, the commitment, and the great sense of caring for others. This is your greatest power; a power greater than any power, ability, gift, and talent out there in the known universe.

    THIS; is the greatest power than any hero can possess out there could ever hold. Even every superhero out there knows this. I don’t care which hero it is; whether they are from the Marvel Universe or the DC Universe; or for that matter, ANY universe out there! To have heart and conviction to simply help others in any time of need is a wonderful feeling to have. And there is no form of negative energy or kryptonite for that matter out there that can take that feeling from you.

    This drive alone is what keeps our REAL heroes out there going. I’m talking about our police, our firefighters, our emergency workers, our civil servants, our military, and our friends in the medical field! Okay, we may sometimes have our disagreements with them on our daily habits and special vices, but they do mean well, and they only keep on advising you to simply help you, the one who is in need. Even if it is just in the need of simple advice, they never give up the struggle to simply help others.

    This to me is what being a hero is all about. This is why people are infatuated with the whole genre! Okay, so the cool powers are a plus, but the true power is in the heart: the power to simply care; the power to be there for others when they can’t fend for themselves; and the power to always be ready at the drop of a dime even when it’s not at your convenience to be ready to help others. This is the whole idealism that helped me to create my own universe, which I call Heartsuniverse.

    A quick personal/strong emotional trip and side trek down a painful memory past and why I now write what I write about; Heartsuniverse

    Truth be told, and I will at times joke about it, but it really is true because it’s the true accounts for the life I have lived up to now.

    I created this universe during what was the most terrible moment in my life. Aside from being a diabetic, I was what you would call a noncompliant diabetic. I knew I had it at the early age of my early twenties, but I allowed ignorance to cloud my judgment and behold. I suffered from my neglect. When it happened, my life was instantly turned upside down. It didn’t happen in just one big turn. There were turns along the way, and still to this day, I’m still dealing with the consequences from my past ignorance.

    I used to work in a low level job that I held for sixteen years, and to me, it was the best sixteen years of my life. Then in late 2013 going into early 2014, all that s—— caught up to me as I got severely sick and ended up in the hospital.

    Well, let’s fast-forward past after finding out that I had an infected toe, which led to a toe amputation to later being dismissed from my job. By the way, if anyone who worked for this company should ever see this, YES, I was deeply and emotionally hurt by this. Sixteen years of loyal service and dedication and this is how it ended for me. I never wanted it to be like this, but it happened, and it’s something that I have to live with. But don’t worry, I’ve gotten over it, and I bare no hard feelings with you. But I know for sure who deserves the blame, and I blame the Muthaf—— politicians for this as they passed some f—— up law that said just because I was out for a good amount of time just because I was only out sick and I couldn’t return back till I was better that they had the right to dismiss my position. This is all I got to say to them (Well, I would have said something here, but the words I really want to express would have caused me some unwanted legal problems, and the people I would have pointed my frustrations to would have probably sued the pants off me for slander among other things! And the people I would try to get to publish this would have some real unwanted legal problems of their own with my emotional rantings if they even tried to publish that part! So for my personal peace of mind, for those who are trying to help me all around and more so that I don’t have to go through hell to keep this matter out of the courts, I’ll let you, the reader, fill that part in on your own, though I’m sure that we all would love to curse these people out for all the messed up crap they put us through in life!) because I was out too long to my life instantly falling apart to trying to move on and then following year after two trips back to the hospital only this time to find out that my left leg was badly infected, which led to me having to make the one decision that NO human being would ever want to be in the position to ever make: to have a big part of their anatomy cut off. Well to no surprise, I played p—— and opted for the operation, and afterward, I broke down and cried. (Sad to say, I actually cried with the tears and heartache and before the operation was even done!)

    From there, I spent the entire summer of 2015 in a rehabilitation home away from my own home getting trained on my new permanent living disability. Now when you’re stuck in a bed missing a leg, there’s not a lot you can do with your time other than just watch television, and as usual, there’s not a lot on television worth watching.

    So I was lying there in complete despair, thinking of how my life was so over. I always wanted to be a truck driver, as I thought of revamping my life after the first fall by trying to get a CDL (commercial driver’s license), a license that by law, you must have in order to drive any commercial vehicle better known to the common person as a truck or a bus. But sad to say, that fell through as I felt that I failed in life, and after my amputation, I felt that it was the end of all my life. So as I’m lying there on what might as well been my death bed, that’s when all these crazy characters started coming to me. It started with just one character, and from there, it became the building blocks of what became Heartsuniverse. Then by Christmas, I get a brand new laptop for a gift, and the very next day, it officially began as I started writing or better yet started typing down everything, and from there, this small one-sided view grew into an expanded universe. (For this, I have to say to my loving sister Cashor, thank you for this, and I will never forget you for what you’ve done for me.)

    I guess if anything, I created this persona because I was in a bad need for something to believe in. Now yes, and I’m not afraid to admit it, but I do believe in God and Jesus. So call me a religious nut or a Jesus freak, I don’t care, but he does exist, and there’s nothing anyone out there can do or say to counteract my belief. So to all you nonbelievers, go ahead and get all your negativity comments and stuff out there, but when you’re finished, leave that mess outside because I don’t want to hear your negative comments. Now like I said, I do believe in God, but I needed something more to help me to regain the faith and trust in life I lost. I guess somewhere inside, I’m still in pain and misery. I try very hard to hide it, but from this, you can tell my true frustrations.

    What I write, I do more really to help relieve my inner stress and anger. It helps me to in a way find some solace in my plight that’s become my life.

    That’s why I created The Hearts. For me, it was a beacon of hope to help me to regain what little dignity I have left in my life. I only wish that they were real in life today. But the best I can do is in my mind.

    This to me, this is what a hero is supposed to do: give hope where hope is all lost; help others when the help is needed. They don’t necessarily have to be all goo-goo with the touchy-touchy feelings. But as long as they are there to help others in need, then they have done their job.

    So from the bottom of my heart to the entire Heart Family, thank you.

    Okay, where was I and where was I going with this; oh yeah

    These two families will start out as childhood acquaintances at first as they will be put into a horrible situation that no one should ever have to face: the elimination of their world and at an early age at that.

    One group forced to witness its destruction as it will forever scar their minds forever and the other will see the aftermath after escaping being sold into slavery! But both will come to the ultimate conclusion; they no longer have a world to call home, and the people they regarded as their family was gone with it.

    Think of Batman or at first Bruce Wayne when he witnessed the death of his parents at an early age as it happened in a violent manner. It had a damaging effect that went unchecked by everyone, except for Alfred who took on the responsibility of raising him. As he grew up, the young child who he thought was an innocent youth psychologically turned into something else; something more dangerous; something that became the scourge to all evil; a masked crusader with an agenda; to give evil something to fear; something that would let the scariest of crime bosses quiver in their pants. I’m talking, of course, of Batman!

    Well in this case; our tortured souls won’t be wearing masks, hiding behind alternate identities and go flying off rooftops at night; though they do in a way have the ability of flight and at least two of them are indestructibly strong. Some of them come in behemoth size of the Incredible Hulk; the indestructible strength of Superman and the sharp, fierce warrior and hunter spirit of a cross between Black Panther and Wonder Woman! Though they may look like monsters they have very big hearts though they try to hide it but it’s only in their nature. In many ways they are more like your little kitty cats; as long as you can get past the huge ferocious cat like appearance then you’ll be fine.

    Well as you can guess; that said evil will unleash an ever growing anger in 8 children that will show them just why they hail from a race of beings who are considered the most dangerous beings in the universe. For many; they will learn this lesson at a high price!

    That price being their very lives!

    They will learn that even as children, they are beyond the word dangerous as they will continue what their adult counterparts have done: whip tail all over the place with reckless abandon as they will show no mercy to those responsible for what they have done!

    Even as children, they encompass powers and abilities that no one in the universe could ever imagine, powers and abilities that they were born with, strengths that make them the most dangerous around and just why you don’t go messing with the preverbal bull as you’re going to get the horn shoved right up your back side!

    And what’s even worse is that these survivors are members of the ruling class; a ruling class that you have to be part of by blood. To that as the blood rulers, they possess an even greater power that’s one hundred times greater beyond the average citizen and way deadlier should they choose to employ it!

    Believe me when I say that a lot more than just blood alone will be spilled as they will seek vengeance for the wrong they were dealt!

    You can bet that all responsible will regret starting something that they are going to severely wish that they just left well enough alone!

    It won’t be as bloody as The Terminator or as violent as Rambo, but you can be assured that vengeance is coming and hell is sure to follow as at least two of these people will bring that personal aspect as they will literally light that back side up! While two others are simply going to unleash the beast from within and introduce a whole new world of pain and suffering that the very evil out there can’t even begin to imagine, two will exchange their peaceful demeanor for a pair of sharp cutting tools that can slice more than meat alone! And two will only have to think of unpleasant ways of dispatching those who get in their way, and they will use that force like Darth Vader unleashing the Dark Side!

    In the process, they will grow up and further encompass their powers, strengthen their place in life, discover a new love in each other, make new friends and acquaintances, and welcome a new chapter in their lives—parenthood.

    But before parenthood, true love will be formed after first bonding as a family comes to be.

    But don’t worry, this is not a complete dark tale of sick science fiction, twisted revenge, and bloody death. It’s a lot of things. Things like romance, love, family, comedy, heartfelt moments, age of discovery, inner strength, hope, and wonder. Add a touch of a bit of lust and a good piece of superhero heroism placed between deep space; far distant worlds and life right here on earth and you have a healthy mix of a well-rounded story with strong characters; both male and female capable of amazing and wonderful things; characters with strong values of family and mutual respect for one another (unfortunately, I can’t say the same for our villains); characters not afraid to show the real side of their emotions; characters who are ready, willing, and able to stand up for what’s right, stand up for the truth, stand up for peace, and stand up for what’s free in life, and above all; characters who have the simple encompassing of well-being: HEARTS!

    Fred E. Farmer: writer, creator, holder, owner,

    and the man who knows the big blue cat that ate the infamous 96er in one bite and still had room for desert and then some!


    In most stories, you would encounter a glossary in the end of the story, but there are terms that you the reader won’t know anything about. So it was best figured that you see this part in the beginning as all these terms will play a big part in this story, along with listed beings that unless you’re familiar with this universe, you’re not going to understand, so I thought it would be helpful to give you a listing with a little definition and a little explanation to go along with it. I hope this helps a little.

    Dispelling the myth

    Okay, let’s get this out in the open. From ALL science-fiction stories, you may have come across where other beings in the universe speak and/or hold themselves in a super intelligent, all-knowing, and super-advance scene of society. Well, forget it because in THIS universe, all beings are just like you and me!

    Let’s start with the fact that off the bat. There are no aliens, just people of other species better referenced to simply as other beings! In this universe, the word alien means completely evil, brain-sucking deformed beings simply out for evil purposes, out for destruction, dominance, and control of other life-forms. THAT’S NOT THE CASE IN THIS UNIVERSE!

    By that, I mean that though these beings may have abilities in certain areas, they are just like you and me: regular Joes who hold everyday nine-to-five jobs, the same level of mind-set in thinking. They have the same woes as you and me: bills, taxes, and death, family lives or single lives. They dress just like us, and they have the same issues with everyday norms that you and me have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. The only differences between their world and ours is that they deal with them on an intergalactic level and they see other beings not like we do as we see human to human as they see one life-form from another.

    Though they are of a wide diverse range of different walks of life, they all live with the knowledge of one another as they learn off the bat that they all share a place and a piece in this wide diverse intergalactic society, which they have been raised and taught to live together in.

    So there is no life-form, species, or other being that is no better or in any higher hierarchy than the next, so EVERYONE learns to have a greater respect for each other (though there are your exceptions that you will get to know as time goes on) as they learned that though it’s a huge universe out there, we all share a place in it. So in this intergalactic community, it’s love and respect each other, or it’s go somewhere else and take your racist attitude and ways with you as that s—— ain’t tolerated in I.L.O.O.P. space! (I.L.O.O.P. by the way stands for the Intergalactic League of Organized Planets; you’ll learn more about it in a bit.)

    In short, in the eyes of I.L.O.O.P., everyone is seen as equals in the eyes of the law, and all is subjected to equal protection under the law!

    Now when I mentioned the whole alien bit, I did that because ALL beings are free to roam the universe as they can live anywhere they chose to as to where if they decide to move and live on a planet that is not of their origin that alone would make that very person an alien. And if everybody did this, then there would be a universe of people moving from one planet to another and as such they would be treated in the same to worse adverse sense. So to disprove the alien bit, by rule of intergalactic political correctness, the term alien is seen as a derogative word and by all means is not a term lightly used as it is deemed racist and demeaning; hence forth, NEVER EVER USE THE TERM ALIEN or be prepared to be politically cursed out!

    In this universe, ALL beings come in many shapes, sizes, and forms. So whatever you’re used to seeing in other life-forms, just trash the thought because you’re about to get schooled in a new perspective as you will learn of other beings in THIS universe as you see, though many of them speak in an accent, they speak in a way that everybody can understand.

    Now their customs may be a bit different from what you may think, but they are still the same, and all they want is to be treated in a fair and common way. You don’t need to fear or pity them; just understand them when I say that they are just like you and me.

    One little quick thing to add to this is that every being doesn’t have some weird name as their names are as normal as you and me where names like Joe, Fred, George, Pete, Linda, Mary, Samantha, and so forth are as common as you think. Most beings also have a second name like a first and last, sometimes a middle name, as this is all common. So don’t expect to see made-up names that are hard to pronounce and understand as anyone can easily grasp any name that is placed into the mix at any time. But keep in mind that some names may bare close resemblance to their species identification like for instance names like Beak, Feather, or Tusmall may be attributed to beings like Cyphilians who are birdlike beings and the name Tusmall is more to the attributes to a Smalltonian who is no smaller than three inches.

    But other than either nicknames or those normally held by either Mynorithians or a few others like Bromsloanians for instance may be considered a bit different, but that’s only because it is only in their custom why this is.

    And as long as I’m talking about it, as my mom has shared with me on several occasions, there are good and bad in all races and species as there is no exception to the rule here. For every good, there is bad like there are good guys and there are bad guys!

    So just because one race may be labeled as crooked thieves or heartless killers, don’t believe that all from that particular race is all evil. And the same goes for the opposite. Just because one race is a goody two shoes, don’t trust the fact because in every good, there is bad, misguided, and crooked people.

    Because the universe is a diverse place of expanded possibilities beyond comprehension where the same threats of war and the unholy employment of deadly and terrifying weapons like the dreaded WMD’s, gangsters and mobsters, organized crime, con artists, thieves, terrorists, hate groups, interstellar pirates (commonly known as Space Jackers or just Jackers for short), drug cartels, and other known illegal organizations; we have I.L.O.O.P. in place to help safe guard the good from the bad, and they have a special storage facility for such miscreants where they won’t bother the decent citizens of the galaxy! That special place is known as Century Planetary Prisoner Blockade 8 or better referred to as C.B.8, where ALL high level lawbreakers, not the petty larcenies but those labeled as game changers (those who pose the serious of threats to the security of society) go to this specially designed prison that is not in any way located on any map or guide and is well beyond kept secret that any and all who goes there whether prisoner or guard all travel there in the same sense; in a dark tube cryogenically frozen and place onboard an automated ship.

    If you’re a prisoner here, don’t get used to the idea of visitors or outside communications as you’re completely cut off from the rest of the universe! That means NO ONE; NOT EVEN YOUR MOTHER, FATHER, BROTHER, SISTER, OR WHOEVER will be visiting you as there are NO visitors allowed—PERIOD!

    So whatever you do in the galaxy, DON’T EVER END UP HERE BECAUSE ONCE YOU CHECK IN, YOU DON’T CHECK OUT! In most cases EVER!

    This goes to prove that ALL beings are bound by the same intergalactic laws and by laws voted, written, passed, and strictly enforced by I.L.O.O.P. and as such are subjected to the same penalties should those very laws be broken as this proves another fact: NO ONE IN THE UNIVERSE LIKES DEALING WITH LAW BREAKERS. From the penny Annie small-time misdemeanors to the big-time major felonies like murder and terrorism just to name a few all are subjected to the same penalties by law, which means punishment by incarceration, but for the major league bad guys, it’s either lifetime imprisonment or a short prison stay followed by an even faster death sentence!

    When it comes to death row, you can take your pick as to how you will be dispelled: lethal injection, the gas chamber, or the dreaded air lock!

    Now the first two you can imagine, but as far as the air lock goes, if you end up with this decision, what happens is that you get tossed into an air lock (which is the very chamber that connects the entrance and exit of the inside with life support and the outside meaning outer space and extreme death) as a priest gives you your final rites as you are read your legal sentence of execution where you will be explained to the reason or reasons of why you’re being executed as you will be sealed inside as you will be instantly blown into the deep dark abyss as you will be out there without an EVA! An EVA is your standard pressurized environmental suit or simply put space suit for short! Without this suit out there in the deadly environment of beyond zero below, extreme lack of oxygen, and deadly depressurized atmosphere, one would never survive, not even for a few moments as one will between suffocate to death followed by an instantaneous decompression event where they will simply implode leaving behind a bloody spot of floating blood and internal pieces blown to bits! A fast, short, but less painful way to die as this will be videotaped as proof of your death as you will be: sleeping with the stars!

    But other than that, all beings are quite easy to get along with as each race provides a general use in society as thus is generally through their naturally born talents and abilities as you have legitimate business people, security personnel, military, search and rescue, great chefs/cooks, wild buckaroo handlers, nature guides, environmental safeguards, spreaders of love, great doctors, great warriors/protectors, scientific geniuses, superstar models, divas, actors, lawyers, accountants, comedians, inventive collectors, garbage collectors, renaissance thinkers, religious purveyors of the good word, farmers, transporters, engineers, construction workers; the list is endless here as there are many people across the vast who provide such goods and services and earn a decent living.

    And do I even dare to mention that even artificial intelligence, which includes clones that is too considered a sentient life-form as they too provide to the greater good as they are free beings as well.

    I could go on for days about the good and bad in each group, but the main point here is this: everybody does something or another as they add to the betterment for all in the universe as EVERYONE works together as one whole to make their world and the universe as one great society and community to live, work, and play in.

    For that, they should all be honored as each group is mentioned as their good and bad suits are described in this file as you will get to know each being and their specialties that makes them all; other beings of the universe.

    List of Beings

    Mynorithians – the most dangerous beings in the universe.


    Some races or species in the universe are very welcoming and open. They invite all to come and visit or stay and live. Their lives are an open book, and anything you want to know about that species, race, or even their planet, just check out that planet’s website or talk to that particular planet’s tourist agency.

    You can find out anything you want about them; they are very willing to share with others.

    And then there are those who leave a mat at their front door step that simply says, Leave, or they will have signs posted giving strict instructions to Keep Out or warnings of No Trespassing, which can easily lead to other following warnings like Beware of Vicious Dog or Trespassers Will be Shot or Trespassers Will Be Eaten! YES, there are places that don’t take kindly to trespassers who are caught intruding will find themselves being served up on lovely six course meal, IN MOST CASES WITH THEM BEING THE MAIN COURSE!

    Well, there is such a place where in the universe where these laws, though not too harsh to land your tasty rump on the menu enforces this simple rule of simply KEEP OUT! They are not evil, mind you. They don’t take kindly to unwanted pests, and they have good reasons for this!

    They have had some rather unpleasant instances with some unpleasant troublemakers that have resulted in some seriously unwanted problems! And then there was the one time where the bottom nearly fell out from the bottom as it almost caused a planetwide catastrophe! That proved to be the final straw as they cleaned house where every last unwanted pest was harshly rounded up, brought forth before the unmerciful rulers as they judged them guilty for their crimes against the planet, and threw the troublemakers somewhere where that wasn’t far off from the eternal pits of hell!

    But then again, I’m just ranting off here, though this did actually happened, but that’s another story for some other time.

    The main point here is that this planet enforces a strict NO VISITORS LAW where they don’t allow outsiders onto the planet unless you go through security protocol first. And even if you do, you’re only granted a one-day pass under heavy guard. Once you’re finished with whatever business you had to perform, you’re instructed to leave the planet and fast! Think of the old western movies where some undesirable vagrant who just committed some unspeakable crime is given the ultimatum. Get clear out of town before nightfall, or face the wrath of the local lynch mob who will bring out the torches, the pitchforks, and the hangman nooses and enforce public vigilante justice!

    Well anyway, this place that enforces such a law is the planet MYNORITHON, home world to beings who hold true to their title—THE MOST DANGEROUS BEINGS IN THE UNIVERSE!

    Not the kind of place that encourages a tourist trade or is a vacation paradise; it’s a place that DON’T LIKE VISITORS—PERIOD! Other beings go out of their way to simply avoid this planet. There are no shipping routes that run near here or any other kind of traffic that comes even close! Normally, this place is avoided like the plague; the further away you are from this planet, the better off you are!

    Though they keep out the visitors and all the modern thought and political correctness, they try to advance some of their thought in life. Like for instance, there’s one aspect that I’m sure those of the female side of things can appreciate about Mynorithians. In the Mynorithian society, ALL FEMALES, NO MATTER THE RACE, are to be treated in a fair and upmost manner. That means that treating or looking at them like a slab of sexual meat is highly considered against the law!

    For a female to hold herself in a negative way is a sure way to get not only shamed but also put before the royal rulers where you will receive a nice sentence of at least twenty years.

    Even the use of derogative language toward a female can get you jailed! So if one of your words that happens to be in your daily vocabulary happens to be the word b——, then you may want to go cold turkey and get off the habit and quick because the use of that word alone will get you tossed in jail! Such language alone is so offensive that if other females treated other females the same way, then they too will be facing some seriously hard time!

    For a female to even dress provocatively in tight-revealing cloths to nearly no clothes to even displaying their belly buttons is considered highly offensive! Not to mention trying to show off your muffin top will get you disgraced and shamed. Especially if you put a tramp stamp on it, you’re in a world of trouble where there is no excuse for such deplorable behavior!

    But sad to say is that there’s also a downside to this where because of this equality, there’s no exceptions for anything that they can’t do. Whatever the males can do, the females are expected to do as well; well, all except the one thing that NO male can ever do: bare new life into the world! But the main part here is that both sexes are expected to do the same thing; NO EXCUSES. So for instance, if a male is expected to move a very heavy piece of anything, the female is expected to do the same without exception! There are no double standards and no glass ceilings here on this planet. So if a female tries to play to her feminine charms to simply get out of doing their job, duty, or responsibility or just to get her way in any situation whether personal or professional, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

    So here on this planet, ladies, put away the glamorous make up, and dress appropriately because your feminine charms won’t do you any good here because if you try to use them, it will only land you behind bars! Here such disobedience here is considered a first-degree offense; almost considered a major felony so keep your hands, thoughts, and comments to yourself!

    One thing to know about Mynorithian pregnancies that you ladies will cringe at: their pregnancies (this goes for any race in the Mynorithian society as a whole) run for NINE long years; not months—years! Nine years of hormonal changes, nine years of eating binges, nine years of painful feet torture, and nine years of insatiable sexual appetites; nine years of everything that our human females takes for granted they have to deal with for nine, long, messed up years. But there’s a sad part to all this, for any Mynorithian female pregnancy can happen just only one time in their lives where once the pregnancy has birthed the reproductive organs shut permanently down. So once you’re done, you can never have another ever again, which is why for all races, their births result in twins—one boy and one girl. This is not a choice; ALL Mynorithian births come out this way as a way of keeping things leveled and even. Now because of this, you can make a clear distinction that they had child endangerment laws that was considered extreme because of the simple fact that they don’t have the children to spare. So if you ever brought harm to any Mynorithian child, your punishment is an automatic death sentence, so trust me when I say that they mean business with these laws!

    The reason behind just why this is: it’s because the typical Mynorithian life span runs for ten thousand years, and as a Mynorithian, no matter which one of the four races you derive from, you’re born with extremely gifted powers and abilities; all which is very demanding to the body. Because of all this, it turns into a give-and-take thing. In this case, certain functions are on a limited basis; case in point; pregnancies.

    For the males: once your sperm is used for that one and special moment and it has to be a special time—a time that is unpredictable and above all—the chemistry has to be perfect between the two parties, and by that, true love, AND ONLY TRUE LOVE, has to be shared between the two in order for the one part of the equation to take effect! The second part: well, that part is obvious; for that part, you may want to have that all important talk with your parents on that part. While for the female, they are blessed with only two set of eggs inside as they are kept in cold storage (still inside and that inside is inside the female’s body obviously) as the same principles applies here for the females as to the males as true love has to be in full effect to take place.

    Once that love is set (a little fact to know about love and Mynorithians is that when two souls meet and discover their true love for each other, NO FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE can ever come between the two and the two are bonded together for life even before the actual wedding happens), then those eggs (that’s placed on hold till the love pheromones have been established are those eggs) are brought out of protected storage and are set for the next phase as this part is unpredictable because if you do the deed, it may not take at first so it could be the first time or the tenth time. But at some point, when you least expect it, the sperm will finally make contact with the eggs and then begins the pregnancy.

    What follows from there is a nine-long year term that is anything but pleasant as hormones become very unstable eating habits turn down right unholy where food consumption goes haywire. You can expect to be eaten out of house and home in just one day’s time alone and the appetite will become like a bottomless pit. So when your female goes on an eating binge, stand back, keep your hands away from any food, and hope that your bank account can hold out because you’ll be making ten times the trip to the market for food purchases that can hit one thousand credits easy! Other times, emotions can go from happy to deadly in an instant; never mind dangerous. They skip quick to deadly as ANYTHING can set off a temper tantrum that can result in instances from brutal beatdowns to someone ending up in the morgue on a 187! So watch what you do and say or else! Be sure to be weary of those crazy and highly insane moments where your female gets another insertional craving: SEX! When that kicks in, all you males better head for the hills and pray for mercy because your female will become the sex crazed cougar that you’d never expect to see coming at you, and when she comes at you, she’s going to come at you hard, and she’s going to want it in constant unending waves, meaning they DEMAND instant gratification and that is highly unconditional! Either she gets what she wants when she wants it and how she wants it or suffer her wrath!

    And don’t forget about those heavily used bunions that will be put in major overtime along with the excessive bloating where once voluptuously shaped bodies turn bloated and big as you’re now-hauling triples; you and your soon-to-be born, whatever you’re carrying babies. Because of this, whatever powers and abilities you possess will suffer, as in some cases, you can’t do what you’re normally used to doing for the duration! You may have some abilities, but all abilities will be suspended as the majority of your strength will be transferred to providing the needed care for your young ones inside till they are ready to come out.

    This is where the male has to pick up the slack as they have to provide the emotional and sometimes physical support. This is the one time where the female can get away with not having to do what they would normally be expected to do. So for you males: be prepared as your female will take full advantage of the situation and then some. They would tend to go overboard on this, and they figure that they might as well because once the pregnancy is over. They know that not only is it back to usual, but also they can and will expect payback from the male, but don’t worry, the payback terms are always negotiable where that part is usually left to the discretion of the couple to work out the details on.

    Get past all that stuff and come D-Day as it’s time for those babies to make their grand appearance, and when that happens, you can expect all sorts of hell! Depending upon the race, you can expect unruly deliveries where the unexpected will happen; things like your patients being unable to be administered their drugs to ease the pain as you have to come up with alternative where you have to have the patient ingest food tainted with the drugs inside in order to absorb the medications or fire coming out from nowhere; surgical instruments becoming flying projectiles; huge waves of water coming out that can easily flood the room; and unexplained long strands of hair coming out from somewhere grabbing stuff and tossing things around!

    Once all that mess has passed and the insanity has ceased, then that means congratulations, you and your mate are now and forever parents that means that your new mission in life is to train your children of what they are already born into with the abilities that they already possess, which means, be prepared for an onslaught of growing pains because of an old adage that will instantly come into play. Mynorithian children are a handful to raise because your little ones come with the same abilities that you already have, and that means children are very curious with the world around them and they will test the limits of what they can do and what they can get away with! So it’s your job as the parents to be on your toes at all times! Nature’s little reversal of a joke: since you were a terror at this age, well, now you get to experience the same hell that your parents had to face; ironic, isn’t! And until they reach the age of two hundred, they are your problem to deal with!

    Have fun!

    But all this means is, once you and your mate have your two children, that’s it—the end! Both male and female reproductive systems shut down permanently, which means your short time in reproduction is just that short! This leads to no more babies ever! The only way you get to see more children is that your children have to wait till the age of two hundred of legal age before they could go and search for a mate and repeat the process and so forth.

    That is (in case I haven’t mentioned it) the reason why they have severely strict child endangerment laws that is kept simple, if you dare bring ANY harm to a Mynorithian child as this also includes kidnapping and attempted being slaughter and the consequences you will face will be beyond unmerciful! In short, you’ve just committed an unforgivable criminal act that will get you trialed on an automatic guilty judgment and that will be followed by an immediate death sentence to be carried out immediately! Or be even scared because this also gives the family you’ve assaulted full legal right to kill you themselves as this is one hundred percent legal! Even if the chase goes off the planet, they still have the legal president to pursue this despicable being and carry out the rightful sentence that they justly deserve! Just one of many reasons why Mynorithians are considered the most dangerous beings in the universe!

    One basic tradition on the planet with children is that children were always given matching names in both male and female counter siblings. For instance, names like Thomblor and Thombilina, Purdelina and Purdeland, Silsandor and Silsandra, or Redennia and Redennior were most common in name bearing for the young. This was a way of showing solidarity with the pairs because when it came right down to it, those twin siblings were going to be heavily dependent upon one another for life. For this reason, the youth is taught at an early age that your twin sibling is not only your brother or sister related by blood but also that you and your sibling shared something more special: a chromosomal bond with each other. What one experiences, the other will feel and vice versa. And with a relationship like that, they are taught to love and cherish one another. One would do whatever it took to protect the other. Whether you were the oldest or the youngest, you always looked out for your sibling because you knew that if anything happened to your sibling, there would never be another to take that place, and you would go through life alone.

    And as long as we are on the subject of names, take notice to the just previously mentioned names like for instance the name Thomblor, which is only one name, but if you break it down, you will notice that it has two syllables in its pronunciation. If you look at it like this (Thomb-lor), you will notice a split in the name through the syllable pronunciation. That was completely intentional because this is another Mynorithian name custom. On Mynorithon, the first syllable is always your last name while the second syllable is the first name but all combined into one name. This was the naming method used by Mynorithians. Sometimes, there may be three syllables in a name like for instance, Silsandor pronounced syllabically as Sil-san-dor. The same principle applies halfway here where the first syllable is the last name but the third syllable is the first name; meanwhile, the middle syllable is just a middle name. When you sound it out, it comes out as three separate words, but it’s combined all in as one name. On Mynorithon, everyone had one name but always broken down this way. But when couples marry, the female’s name stays the same, but your offspring always takes the male’s name for both male and female babies. It was a way of saying that Thomblor and Thombilina were the offspring of Thombkin as they are descendants of the Thomb family bloodline.

    Now on this planet lives a species of beings that are divided into four racial groups. Though they have different identities, abilities, and different purposes that each contribute to the greater good for the community as a whole, they all have one thing in common. Altogether as one, they are considered the most dangerous beings in the universe and with good reason! (But then again, I already mentioned that though it doesn’t hurt to reiterate it because that can’t be stressed enough!)

    Now I’m about to drop something hard to digest here, but you will see why this is; there’s a law on the planet that is easily counted as high treason should you get caught. The crime is called the crossidiant law. This law says that no member from one race is allowed to be romantically involved with a member of another race. Now on the outside, this might be considered racist, but there’s a point behind this. And that point is this: on a planet where all your inhabitants encompass superpowers and abilities, keeping order on the planet is not an easy task. Right now, you already have a working idea of how to combat those powers to keep order, but if you add hybrids to the mix, then you have a problem! That problem is, how do you combat someone with powers and abilities of two combined heritages! You can control one, but how do you do so with another power also in the same body! Use your imagination to the hell that you’re in for! That’s why the law is in place, but don’t worry, as this series (and its spin offs and, yes, there are more already in the works), this law will be repealed!

    Now in four different ways as each race goes, they are as much fearsome warriors in a VERY big way, though they have big appetites for ANYTHING. They secretly have big hearts as they are highly intelligent beings, though the top of their heads have a mind of its own to the most peace minded, though they may be a bit too playful with the jokes and pranks to even the most kind hearted even if they are quickly misinterpreted for the face of evil. In those ways, they are to be respected.

    By the way, it’s worth mentioning that these beings are the staring and main characters in this story so you will be getting a FULL description including background of these four groups.

    Skymorphian This 12ft tall giant musclebound behemoth speaks in an African/African American dialect; they have 4 extra arms capable of changing shape into any application they want; among those applications are wings which affords them the ability of flight but that includes the standard 2 arms for a total of 6 huge muscular arms; covered in blue fur with black stripes which gives them the ability to blend in with their surroundings (built-in camouflage if you will but they refer to it as prowl mode); related to the cat family (more so to the big ferocious cats like lions and tigers) they have invulnerability of no pain (to add to that thought; you can cut or bruise them but if you watch closely and you will see the wound quickly regenerate where in a matter of minutes the wound once there will quickly disappear as if there was no wound there in the first place) as their bone structures are of massive mass and density; they’re super strong and indestructible (think Superman) very quick and fast, very nimble at climbing (their specialty are trees), their bones are reversible where they can walk either biped (on two legs) or quadruped (on four legs), they have super enhanced senses which works well for hunting and tracking, they’re well-bred warriors and fighters (to them there’s only honor which is out on the field of combat and battle) so it’s easy to say that they make up 90% of your army personnel, defense workers and heavy construction workers.

    To them, cowardice is highly unacceptable where if you prove to be this, then you’re unworthy of the name Skymorphian as it can and will get you shunned in shame and, along with that, striped of the name Skymorphian; they take this VERY seriously. To show fear is considered shameful and dishonorable; either you’re tough and can take whatever is thrown at you or leave the community.

    They are considered warriors, and if anything about a warrior is that they don’t like showing their emotions to anyone. But for these guys, it’s a bit hard to do with their built-in prowl mode. Their prowl mode is hard wired into their emotions, so whatever their moods are at the time, their fur reflects it with an immediate color change. Like for instance, when they are happy, they turn bright orange; if they’re sad, then they turn dark blue; if you can get them to blush, then they turn blushing red. Rarely, you’ll see this, but if you get them scared, they turn yellow. Obviously, if they get envious, then the green fur will explain that. But if there’s a color, you may want to be weary of if they turn black.

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