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Baby Talk to Me: Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood
Baby Talk to Me: Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood
Baby Talk to Me: Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood
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Baby Talk to Me: Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood

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This book is a wake-up call to humanity, to our mothers, future mothers and grandmothers. It is a book to support and empower you and our future generations. Baby Talk to Me is a combination of Alison Shaloe's experience of being a midwife who communicates with babies before life, during pregnancy and bir

Release dateNov 11, 2022
Baby Talk to Me: Spirit Baby Messages for the Journey to Motherhood

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    Baby Talk to Me - Alison Shaloe



    Welcome to Baby Talk to Me. If you are holding this book in your hands, it is no coincidence. Whether it was recommended to you, purchased by you, or given to you, our paths have crossed for a reason. This book is for you if you are planning a pregnancy, or you are already pregnant. It is for those who are struggling to conceive or have experienced pregnancy loss or challenging birth experiences. If you have picked up this book then you are about to experience an unforgettable journey that will open your mind and your heart to a dimension that is largely not talked about or even recognised within the mainstream.  

    This book has been written to empower women in their journeys to motherhood. Not every journey to motherhood is an easy one but each journey offers the opportunity for a woman to connect with her own inner wisdom. Having been a midwife and lactation consultant for over 20 years, I have noticed a huge shift in birthing practices that are negatively affecting mothers and babies. In more recent years, I have drawn on my own intuitive abilities and have been connecting with the higher selves of mothers and babies to give me information about their needs during fertility, in pregnancy, during birth and in the early days. 

    I experienced an intense spiritual awakening in 2017 which led to personal healing of hidden emotions, a rebirthing experience and much to my surprise, spiritual gifts began to surface. Through healing, meditation and mindfulness, I became more connected to my true self and not to the egoic self that tried to keep me safe. I am now using my own inner wisdom and guidance to bring this book to the world. 

    I am able to connect with babies before life, in pregnancy, during birth, postnatally and after life. The babies have been sharing messages with me, to help them and their mothers in my work and now they have much to share with you too. There is so much they want you to know, to make your journey somewhat easier because they have a higher perspective on what is happening and why. In this book, they wish to share their messages, to make a better world for everyone and it has to start with mothers. Their vision is a world in which there is less pain, suffering, greed, division and hatred to a world with more unconditional love, more peace, creativity, abundance and joy.  

    In the first part of this book, I have explained why I have written it from my perspective and from the baby spirit perspective. I have outlined information about my personal journey and experiences that have led to me writing this book. It gives an overview of the personal work I had to do to come to terms with how to bring this to the world. It has taken a lot of personal work to bring it about and to come to terms with a lot of loss. If I hadn’t lost both my parents, I may not have ever looked for the deeper meaning to life. I am blessed that my ancestors connect with me and are supporting me on this journey. 

    This book is primarily for women who are considering motherhood. It is for women who are on their fertility and pregnancy journey. Healthcare professionals and those working to support women may also benefit from this book as it will give them a new perspective of the babies’ experiences and how a medical model of care impacts them. It looks at all the aspects of conception, pregnancy, birth, pregnancy and birth loss, breastfeeding and early mothering from the perspective of the baby. The book is intended to inform. The content of this book is for the most part guided and channelled from the spirit baby realm. Many of the concepts in the book are also founded in research and much of this research is based on the study of birth psychology. 

    Two years ago, I did a short course on how to write with angelic guidance, not ever thinking I would be a writer and certainly not a writer that was receiving information from another realm. Anyway, the long and short of it is that I started writing this book. It was not the book I intended to write but it was the book that I was guided to write. Each and every word you see in italics has been guided to me from the spirit baby realm and from one of my guides who is my brother Martin, who died 9 months before I was born. You will see the parts of the book that are written by me and there are parts that are written in italics to identify the channelled messages I received from spirit babies. You will see below that they wish to welcome you to Baby Talk to Me

    Welcome, to you our mothers and future mothers… 

    We ask that as you read this book, you stay open minded to what we have to say. Collectively we have great wisdom and many of us have experienced life on Earth in previous lifetimes. We can see from this perspective in our realm that life on Earth is challenging for many and the wounds of generations of men and women have been carried forth to this generation. We can see that even the babies that have gone before us in the past decade have got caught up in the emotional wounding of parents, who have unknowingly projected it onto them. Thankfully though there are always opportunities to acknowledge and to change things. 

    We can see that the teenagers and young people seem to be experiencing a significant amount of mental health difficulties which are out of proportion and we believe this is in some way due to birthing practices because it is violence that many are born into. It can leave them with a sense of hyper vigilance and they are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, stress and fear if left unresolved.

    We are grateful to Alison as she has given permission for us to work through her to channel information for you. It is more important now than ever, that you are able to connect with us and to trust your own inner guidance and wisdom during conception, pregnancy, birthing and early mothering. We want you to know that a New Earth is forming and we will be a part of that. We are coming in to raise the vibration of the planet. In the next few years, Earth will move from a 3rd dimensional world to a 5th dimensional world. This means we are bringing more love and joy to Planet Earth and we need you to be ready for us. We are coming back for a last go before a human mass extinction. We need you, our mothers, to clear emotional wounding to enable us to come to Earth and complete our mission there. We can see that more and more of you are beginning to wake up spiritually and this is a good thing because with more love in the world it will raise the vibrational frequency of Planet Earth. We believe that communicating with us before life will be instrumental in making the changes we wish to see in the world.

    Alison is an intuitive, trauma-informed, spiritual midwife. She has worked with and supported and empowered thousands of women during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. This book is a joint effort between ourselves and Alison. She is bringing her knowledge from her work with mothers and we have our higher perspective of preconception, fertility, adoption, surrogacy, termination, miscarriage, still birth, prematurity, pregnancy, modern birthing practices, birth, birth trauma, breastfeeding and early mothering and the impact it has on us as babies. This book has been guided to her to support mothers throughout the perinatal period. It is the supportive, loving messages that we the babies in spirit and on

    Earth want our mothers to know. 

    Chapter 1: Why This Book and Why Now?

    The time is now, the person is you.

    Nido R. Qubein

    Much of what I have written here comes from my own curiosity and wisdom from working and supporting families for over 30 years. For the most part, this book has been channelled from the baby spirit realm. As I have said before, it is not a book I was planning to write but was guided to write and it fits in with my life purpose, which is to connect with the incoming souls and heal the emotional wounds of their mothers and the mothers before them. This healing is important now as the vibration of the planet begins to rise. When mothers are emotionally wounded or traumatised, the energy field of the mother is quite dense and babies are unable to fulfil their life purpose because they get caught up in the dramas and traumas of their mothers. They have explained to me it is like they are wading through treacle when they arrive. They quickly become conditioned and this conditioning leaves them with limiting beliefs about themselves that can affect the rest of their lives physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

    What my personal journey and my work as a midwife has shown me is that mothers have become disempowered during pregnancy, birth and early mothering. I believe that it is of utmost importance that the mothers come back to themselves, trusting their own inner wisdom, connecting with the divine feminine within so that they can rise up to be their true nature and not the socially conditioned women that lead them to believe that they are less than or not worthy. That is an old story and an old programme that will no longer serve humanity and certainly not serve the new high vibrational baby souls who wish to come to Earth. 

    What is being required is that women begin to heal the old stories, many of which do not belong to them but they have unknowingly picked up along the way. So much ancient wisdom has been lost by living in modern society. Women no longer have a village of support and are very often left alone in their difficult journeys to motherhood, pregnancy termination, miscarriage and birth loss as well as breastfeeding and new motherhood. Women are often far away from family members and are raising babies in isolation rather than in community. Women are more anxious and stressed than they ever have been before. Historically women sat in circle, they were protected in pregnancy from negative outside influences, they called their baby souls to them, they had birth songs that were sung in pregnancy and after birth, there were welcoming prayers and pre-birth communication was the norm. Women were honoured and worshipped in birth and new mothering. They were taken care of by the community. Most of these practices have indeed been lost. As you will see in the pages before you the babies have much to share and much to say. They have the answers that women may be seeking if they take the time to go inwards, connect with their spirit baby/babies and listen to their wisdom. The spirit babies are now calling women to them to make a difference to humanity.

    As a spiritual midwife that can channel the emotional energy of mothers and babies in the perinatal period, I am aware that women are having a difficult time in motherhood for many of the reasons stated above. The emotional wounding of the generations of women before us are surfacing in our anxieties, but also that many teenagers are very unhappy and suffering anxiety and depression which may not even be their traumas to carry. More recently I have been able to sense that some babies are also stressed. It is only more recently through birth psychology research that we are beginning to realise that babies are conscious sentient beings and that they are aware of what is going on around them (Chamberlain 1998, 2013). There is also research on the impact stress can have on our cells, that affects our biology (Lipton 2015). When stress becomes toxic it starts to affect our immune systems and this leads to an increase in illness and dis-ease if it goes unchecked. I am sharing here what the baby souls want their mothers to know because they can see the struggles that their mothers are facing. 

    Why This Book? From The Spirit Babies’ Perspective 

    We have encouraged Alison to write this book ahead of the other book she was writing because we believe the content of this book is more important for the changes that are coming up ahead. You see, as a planet, in the next few years you will experience higher states of consciousness. As consciousness rises, you will awaken to your eternal true self, moving from the conditioned mind to infinite possibilities. This will of course begin with you, our future mothers, as you are the portal from which we pass from the spiritual realm to human form. 

    We have chosen to work through Alison because she has already made this shift to higher consciousness. She is an intuitive midwife and lactation consultant and she works with new mothers on a daily basis. She knows how to support women in a compassionate, caring, woman-centred way. We believe she has incredible insight into what mothers and babies are experiencing and what they need. She has always felt passionate about the emotional needs of mothers and babies. She is very sensitive, non-judgmental and has always had a sense of curiosity in her work. She has indeed worked out for herself many of the reasons that our mothers are suffering so much.  

    Alison is also acutely aware of the issues within the patriarchal maternity care system. She herself feels that some of the pregnancy and birth practices are barbaric and disempowering for women. In her work as a midwife, she has worked both in and outside of the NHS system. Working as an independent midwife she has been able to provide individualised continuity of care and carer with very good birth outcomes and high breastfeeding rates. Through the birth trauma work she has undertaken, it has been unveiled to her a deeper understanding of the deep wounding women have experienced through the generations that has now reached a tipping point. 

    There has been so much wounding that women, you, our mothers and future mothers have endured and carried over many generations. They include unresolved wounding from torture, war, poverty, rape, slavery, famine, trauma, pregnancy loss and grief. We believe that due to all this emotional wounding, you have unknowingly given your power away and have become disconnected from your true selves. As a collective, the majority of you have been subjected to social conditioning and a set of beliefs and thoughts about yourself being less than, but we want you to know that this is simply not true. 

    We believe Alison has a role to play in bringing spirituality back to birth and bringing mothers back to themselves by connecting with us before conception, during pregnancy and birth and after life. So, together we bring you this book to inspire you, help you to heal and support you, as you our mothers begin to rise to higher states of consciousness. We have asked Alison to share our voices as she has stepped up to the role as a spiritual midwife. It has not been easy for her and she’s had to do a lot of personal healing of her own to include the healing of her own birth, difficult childhood and the impact it all had on her own pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and parenting journey.

    This book has been gestating for some time, as she worked on herself personally, to be able to trust what she was given and to know it will be a benefit to thousands of women. She suffered with many fears about bringing this to the world including not feeling good enough, who wants to hear what she has to say, and who does she think she is. She had fears about being overthrown by the establishment and potentially losing her registration as a midwife. She has healed issues of shame, guilt and grief and has accepted that some people may not like what she is sharing with the world. 

    Alison has had to overcome fear of being vulnerable in a world where there is a body, mind and spirit disconnection and spirituality is often overlooked. What you will see in the years to come is that there will be a more balanced approach. Alison is indeed at the start of the Motherlution; the one to bring spirituality back to birth. Being born and giving birth is the biggest transition that you will ever make, that of being born and living in human form. We don’t want her to play small anymore and we don’t want you, our mothers, to play small either.

    Chapter 2: My Journey: From Midwife to Spirit Baby Intuitive

    What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes?

    Herein lies the key to your earthly pursuits.

    Carl Jung

    A Baby-Loving Child to Midwife 

    The quote above sent tingles down my spine when I first read it because for me it resonated so much. The things I did as a child have certainly been the key to my earthly pursuits, as you will see in this chapter. Since I was a small child, I have always loved babies. In fact, I played with my dolls until I was about 14. As I sit and remember back to those times, I recall spending hours in my room with the dolls, all which had characters of their own. I would spend endless hours talking to them and them talking to me. Then I would often hear my mother say to others, she is up there again talking to herself. Little did she know that I was not really alone, for I had a whole family up there to take care of. From as long as I can remember I have always been drawn to babies and to their energies. In fact, I was known as the baby minder in my neighbourhood, helping to look after the babies on the street I lived on. Babies brought me a sense of peace and wonder. 

    At 17, I started my first job as a nanny, having completed a year-long course in childcare and maternal health. I worked with a wonderful family, taking care of their first and second born children and was asked to be godmother to their third born child. I did various other jobs, working as a nanny, maternity nurse and au-pair for many families for 6 years, prior to training to be a midwife in 1994. I had wanted to be a midwife since I was a teenager and part of the reason was because I loved babies. After a few months into my midwifery training, what I quickly realised was that it is not a job you do because you love babies, it is a job you do because you love mothers. 

    It was my time as a student and then as a qualified midwife that I learned the skills of advocacy, compassion and how to support and empower women through pregnancy, birth and early parenting. From early on, I recognised that new mothers were as vulnerable as their newborns, needing tender loving, kind care through pregnancy, birth and beyond. Instinctively I felt that women were having a challenging time. What happened in birth seemed barbaric to me even back then, when there was much less intervention in birth than there is now. In fact, the things I experienced and witnessed shaped me as a midwife. After working for a few years within the maternity system, I reached a point where my conscience would not allow me to work in this way any longer. 

    I then embarked on having my own family, which tore me open emotionally in ways I could never have imagined. I have three beautiful children that have taught me so much about life. The birth of my first daughter was by Caesarean under general anaesthetic following a long labour at home. Whilst it was not what I planned, it was an empowering experience because I felt like I was making the decisions and I was trusting my intuition. However, even as a midwife, I was not prepared for the struggle to establish breastfeeding. It took 4 months to get to exclusive breastfeeding with a lot of tears and determination. Having worked as a midwife and being exposed to new mothers and babies, no one was more shocked than me by the overwhelming feelings of becoming a mother for the first time. It was this experience that led me to do the work I do now, as a lactation consultant. I thought, if I am finding this so hard as a midwife and I know about babies, how must this be for those who have never seen or picked up a baby? The experience was challenging but it taught me so much about myself, my baby and about becoming a mother. This led to a desire to support other mothers at this time of transition. I then went on to train as a National Childbirth Trust (NCT) Breastfeeding Counsellor. 

    I spent many years volunteering in the field of infant feeding before becoming a lactation consultant and tongue tie practitioner. This led to my life’s work supporting mothers and babies with breastfeeding in the postnatal period. I have worked with tens of thousands of mothers and much of this work has involved listening, supporting, informing, honouring and empowering mothers on how to support their babies physically, nutritionally, emotionally and more recently spiritually. 

    In 2013 when my children were a little older, I started working as an independent midwife with Viv Gray and Andrea Parker. I was practising midwifery in a way that I loved, supporting women’s choices and providing continuity of care to clients with wonderful birth outcomes. Working in this way highlighted the magic of birth that has been so forgotten in our modern society. It has been an honour to be a part of a mother’s journey, to witness the positive impact on mothers and their babies when they have empowering births. I was in a privileged position because I was offering breastfeeding support to women who had birthed in and out of the maternity care system and could compare the experiences of these mothers. As I grew more curious, I noticed patterns of behaviours beginning to surface in the women I was supporting. This led me to the world of birth trauma and how it affects the mother and baby dyad. 

    Babies Start to Communicate 

    I co-facilitated a weekly breastfeeding drop-in group for about 6 years and what started happening there is not something I expected. In fact, if these experiences had not happened to me, I would never have believed it. During the weekly breastfeeding group sessions with mothers, I began to get a sense that the babies were communicating with me. Often mothers were relaying the stories of what happened to them during birth. I would be able to pick up the emotions of the baby and I would hear them say things like, I’m scared or help me. At first, I thought that it was in my imagination but then it began to happen to me more and more, to the point that I thought it must be happening for a reason. It was also quite obvious to me why the baby might feel that way, especially if the birth had been difficult and the mother was feeling quite stressed. It was hard for me to know what to do with the information. So, the only thing I thought I could do that was kind was to set a positive intention for the mother and baby. In my mind, I would tell the baby it was safe now and that his or her mother was working on making things better. These experiences in the group left me pondering what this was all about. 

    Sometime after, I began to get a strong sense that my hands were also trying to tell me something. As an instinctive person I followed my intuition and I was guided to learn reiki. My reiki attunement was a profound experience and I felt that a channel opened up to another realm for me, without really understanding how or why. Up until that point in my life, I had never had any spiritual experiences apart from being raised a Catholic, where the mention of God, souls, spirit, angels and saints were a part of daily life in childhood. In my family there was never any mention about life before life or the afterlife. That is of course until now.

    Chapter 3: My Spiritual Experiences

    The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love.

    Marianne Williamson

    My own father died in 2005 and a few years later, my sister-in-law went to see a psychic medium. It would never have occurred to me to go to one because the idea of it scared me. During her session, my father came forward in spirit and the medium informed her that there was a small Irish man who was jumping up and down, wanting to be heard. The medium gave her some information to confirm it was him. His message, through the medium, included lots of detail but what stood out the most, was when she said, he is saying, tell them all that I am OK here and that I have Martin Shaloe!

    It was quite shocking to hear that because Martin Shaloe was my eldest brother, who had died some 40 years before when he was only 22 months old. There was no way that the medium could have known that information. I later shared the information with my mother, who was blown away by what she heard, but it did bring her a lot of comfort. My mother later recalled that her own mother used to go to see a medium. So, from then on, I had this realisation that there was possibly more to this physical life than we think but at that stage I did not act on it. If I am honest, it scared me a little. 

    Some 6 years later in 2015 when my own mother was dying at home, I intuited that I needed to leave the house for a short while as I felt she couldn’t pass on in my presence. Whilst on the short walk I found myself calling on my father to come and take her so that she no longer suffered. I heard the voice of my father saying, "it’s OK, I already have her," and as I stepped back into the house, she had just taken her last breath. Losing my mother was a very sad time for me as it felt like our bond was broken. I took 6 months off work to grieve for her and to come to terms with her absence. At that time, I was working in the tongue tie clinic in north west London. Very often women would attend the clinic with their own mothers, so I gave myself that time to heal so that I would feel ok about working with mothers after the loss of mine. I felt this was a deeply transformative time as I worked through the grief. I began to ask bigger questions like: Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is it all about? This was yet another profound time in my life that led me on an intense journey of healing and discovery. Looking back, I feel that she needed to go then to prepare me for the next part of my life journey. I suspect she has had something to do with the experiences that followed and now with writing this book. 

    Reiki Journey

    In January 2017, I trained in reiki having intuitively sensed it was what I needed to do next.  I had spent the previous 2 years working through the grief process and coming to terms with my mother’s death. It was during this time that the babies were beginning to communicate with me. Immediately I knew after my reiki attunement that something profound had happened. When I did reiki for the first time, the energy coming through my hands was powerful. My hands would shake at first, before I learned to control the strength of the energy. Whilst I was completing my reiki case studies on clients, I began to hear

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