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The Prophecies
The Prophecies
The Prophecies
Ebook358 pages3 hours

The Prophecies

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Daniel Clay is a mystic and sage who brings a divine message of warning, hope, and love to a world that is desperately in need. He first began his work of prophecy in 1983, forecasting the fall of the Berlin Wall, the uniting of East and West Germany, and the demise of Russia.
Divided into two sections, The Prophecies shares Daniel Clay’s fascinating foretellings, which were originally delivered in July 1996 from a meditative state. Within the first section, Clay offers prophecies for the global world concerning science, technology, health, climate change, geopolitical affairs, and terrorism. The second section contains poetic prophecy directed to specific nations in a style reminiscent of Nostradamus.
The Prophecies is a powerful collection of predictions originally shared in 1996 by a harbinger of the New Age as a way for humanity to avoid potential disasters and usher in a new epoch of Love and Wisdom.

Release dateOct 16, 2022
The Prophecies

Daniel Clay

Daniel Clay is thirty-eight years old and married with no children. He lives in Hampshire in the UK. ‘Swap’ is his second novel.

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    The Prophecies - Daniel Clay

    Copyright © 2022 Daniel Clay.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-2977-2 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-3089-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022917852

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 12/08/2022



    A Personal Message from Daniel Clay

    Where There Is No Hope, the Spirit Perishes!

    Prelude to Prophecies

    • Foreword

    • The Advancement of Technologies: Allowing for the Fulfillment of Ancient and Current Prophecies

    • Health and Healing

    • Global Financials

    • The Forces of Nature & Man’s Natural Resources

    • In General

    Wormwood, Starvation & Pestilence

    – English, the One Universal Language

    – The Waning Greatness of the United States

    – The Cry for Peace

    – Terrorism

    – Countries, a Short Overview

    – The Fall of Communism throughout the World

    Prophecies for the World

    • The World As It Shall Be If Prophecies of Destruction Are Fulfilled

    • The World As It Shall Be If Prophecies of Destruction Are Aborted


    Prophecies for the Nations

    • Foreword

    • The Countries of the World

    • Contents

    • Prophecies for Each Separate Country

    When I met Daniel Clay for the first time, I saw his eyes. They were sharp and soft, welcoming and secret, they were a world of their own. Then I discovered the man behind these eyes (as far as anyone can use the word discover for the universe that is Daniel Clay. You feel happy if you can pretend to know just a little bit of him.) He comes from the Light and he goes to the Light, and everyone who approaches him receives a part of that Light.

    Daniel Clay’s mission (being a lighthouse showing the proper way) began when he was a very young boy. By the power of prayer he was able to cure, to heal, to help, to give strength and love around him. Since the age of seven, when he has something to say, he did and will say it because this ordinary man with extraordinary eyes and irresistible smile has an extremely important message to deliver. It is a message of confidence in humanity, but it is a warning too. We are on the edge of a new era which can be an era of a better humanity, or the world of evil. There is no fatalism, only a choice, and Daniel Clay urges us to make the good one. Our world is inextricably bound to its mankind and this one is now obliged to evolve from the single cell to the pure Light.

    From time to time in our history, a man comes upon this earth with the mission to give warning and show the way to his fellow men. Sometimes he is heard, sometimes he is not; but what he has to say will happen anyway. Nothing is more remarkable than the ministry of these prophets because they come amongst us in times of violence, doubt, or great selfishness. They are quiet people, they have no doubts, they don’t care about being loved or even understood. They speak by the Will of the Lord.

    As for Daniel Clay, he has to communicate for humanity’s sake for a greater spirituality and consciousness. When all the spirits will be bound together, whatever their religion, it will be the beginning of a new world: a world of consciousness.

    It does not mean, of course, that the future is totally predictable; the human evolution escapes to all calculations: but what is predictable is this unification of the spirits and the irrepressible raising of the thoughts.

    That is what Daniel Clay has to say and, in my opinion, it is the essence of his message: humanity has to believe very strongly in its destiny, and its destiny has a meaning. There is no place for doubt, no place for disenchantment, but a total faith in the human intelligence, human reflection, human invention, human vitality. If not....

    Anyway backwards will lead to chaos.


    Catherine Hermary Vieille

    French Author

    This work of prophecy by

    Mystic & Sage Daniel Clay

    was delivered from a meditative state in July 1996

    and has been

    transcribed from the spoken word

    Note from the Editor:

    This work of prophecy was delivered by Daniel Clay as a running dialogue from his meditative state. The information has been directly transcribed from the spoken word and left as is, thus maintaining the integrity of the way in which it was given.

    Chapter headings, sub-headings, and other divisions, or identifying notes have been added by the editor for the purpose of clarity, easy understanding, and identification of subject matters in order to facilitate study of the same.










    P rophecies are delivered, not to fulfill idle curiosities, but that they may act as a warning!

    In receiving adequate warning, man has hope in that he may so direct life’s paths as to bring that which is most beneficent unto himself.

    Thus, prophecies are given, not so that some individuals may have a greater knowledge of that which must occur, but so that all individuals may have greater knowledge as to how they may interact with events as they occur, to bring about that which is most beneficent and helpful for mankind.

    It can be said of no particular event that it must occur, but rather that events are created as individuals, singularly and collectively, act upon that which is occurring. In acting upon choices made, individuals thus have the power to affect the manifestation of Divine Will in the environment in which they live.

    This can clearly be seen in the words of Jesus when he said: Pray that your flight be not in the winter, nor during the Sabbath. Jesus was showing that the individuals who would be a part of fulfilling this prophecy could, through their conscious efforts, manifest effects upon the situations and events that would occur, to make them more beneficial to themselves.

    Thus, it must be understood, We prophesy, We speak, not to simply give a harsh warning of things that must occur, but rather to give mankind advance knowledge, that there might be hope in the way in which man interacts with the events and occurrences of those situations which will ultimately occur as a result of karma¹ due to mankind’s consciousness and actions.

    There is always hope for change. There is always the possibility that any prophecy can be aborted.

    The ultimate goal of any true prophet of the Divine is to see that those who hear, that those who comprehend, be transformed from within the heart in such a way that all evil might be avoided, and that all good might be made manifest. If it were absolutely certain that events MUST occur, there would be no need for prophecy; but prophecy is provided by the Divine so that mankind has the opportunity, the chance, to change its course, its direction for the better.

    The burning desire of true prophets is that dire prophecies of destruction be aborted by man’s will to do good and Divine Mercy. If a prophet’s message is accepted, and warning duly acted upon, Divine Grace through merciful love voids the prophesied consequences.

    How can the courses that governments, families and individuals are upon be altered in such a way as to manifest that which is optimally beneficial?

    Such a change comes about when each individual recognizes the divinity within the self and each and every other individual and acts accordingly.

    Those who read or hear prophecies, but do not act upon them, bring no benefit to themselves or to others. But when warnings are heeded, and positive actions are taken, even by one individual, all of mankind may benefit at least a small amount.

    Many study the prophecies of various and diverse prophets of various and diverse faiths, but any study not applied or acted upon is only intellectual, generating an egotistical feeling of superiority and knowledge.

    Many study only to satiate curiosities. Such individuals seek continually grander and greater prophecies, while becoming numb to the true events unfolding about them in the current here and now, the present.

    Many individuals study prophecies because it seems the in thing to do. In this way they can speak glibly to their friends and acquaintances.

    Some study from a feeling of duty. They feel they have fulfilled their obligation by studying prophecies, but without ever acting positively upon the prophecies to manifest a better today and tomorrow.

    Some individuals study because of fear. They desire to know where the highest mountain is that will not be flooded. They desire to know where there will be plenty of food in twenty years. They desire to know where wars will not rage.

    Such studies are prompted purely by the desire for self-preservation and often the additional motives of greed. These people are not interested in others but have only a selfish interest in their own safety and gain. They claim to be spiritual, but they are not; they are wolves among the sheep, waiting for a moment of weakness, that they may feed themselves at the expense of the flock.

    But there are those that hear due warnings. They take warnings to heart and they make true and adequate changes within their lives. These individuals are the ones that utilize prophecy to the benefit of themselves and all of mankind.

    The present time is the end of an Age, the end of an Era.

    Thus, the many events of the Age are being brought to their karmic² climax. Such can be a time of great anguish and desperation, or such can be a time of magnificent benefit according to the actions and according to the consciousness of mankind, individually and collectively.

    We set before you a basic guide, a map of the greater events of the world. If used correctly, such shall serve to provide signposts, markers, that may allow proper and adequate decisions to be made, and actions to be taken, so that mankind may gently enter into the coming Era without great turmoil or trauma.

    Such is Our hope, but such is dependent solely upon the consciousness and actions of mankind, individually and collectively.

    Thus, it is urgent that mankind leave the paths of greed and lust and walk upon the paths of love and mercy.

    If you hear, comprehend!

    If you comprehend, assimilate!

    If you assimilate, act!

    Action is the key. Action brings about manifestation. You are the creator of your destiny. As you act, you create!

    Hear and heed! Inaction is a form of action. Apathy may be the ultimate, and possibly the greatest challenge for mankind. Thus it is written, I would that you were hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm, I spit you from my mouth.

    If you disagree, do something about the situation. If you agree, do something! But by all means, whether you agree or disagree, do NOT allow this day, and the next, and the next, to pass you by without taking action. To do so, is to yield up your creative power of divinity, and to yield up the influence that you have to affect your world through the invocative and evocative principles, that it might manifest a more positive reality in the here and the now, the present, and in the future!

    Many of the things that We say shall truly tingle the ears of those that receive them. Many of the things that We say shall burn as embers of fire in the hearts of those that receive them. Much of what We say will find no comfortable place to rest in the thoughts of any individual, yet all of what We say is important to you.

    Will you create your destiny,

    or will you allow destiny to happen to you?

    Will you make it better,

    or will you receive it, as it potentially is?

    The choice is yours!

    Daniel Clay








    M any people view prophecy as obscure utterances of the distant past that predict the distant future. But prophecy is an ever-ongoing process, and that which We speak is for the here and the now.

    And as We speak of the present, it is important that We speak to and about the children of this era.

    So many children have lost hope.

    So many children see the world as a desperate and lonely place.

    So many children view the world as hopeless terror.

    Many children question the existence of a beneficent Power of Divinity because they see a world in which evil seems to prevail. It is little wonder that they see such a world of despair, for they view a world that is the result of centuries, even eons, of misdirected and misplaced actions and efforts upon the part of mankind.

    Our children see a world that is reaping the karma of wrong action, upon wrong action, upon wrong action.

    They see adults lying to one another, while at the same time acting upon false pretenses.

    They see adults speaking kindly when they harbor malice in their hearts.

    They see adults setting their traps and laying their snares, so they may gain at the expense and loss of the innocent.

    The children of the present time see adults who wink at adultery, who wink at bribery, who smile at the misfortunes of others, and who smile at ill-gotten gains.

    In some small armed countries, he who has the biggest gun, has power; and in some in civilized countries, he who has the biggest bank account, has power - power just as deadly and just as evil when misused as any military weapon.

    Children see these things. They understand the world in which they must function.

    Many are searching in desperation for answers to a spiritual quandary, to a puzzle which they believe needs a solution.

    Some adults claim to have answers for the children; but the answers that are spoken are not enough, because the children look to see if these answers are integrated into the lives of those who instruct them. They look to see if the elders who teach them live by that which they would teach. And they are frequently disappointed, disillusioned, if not disgusted.

    As a result, much of the youth of the world has become rebellious and mistrusting of the very society in which it must live and function, and which it must perpetuate.

    Problems become even more far-reaching and more consequential when it is considered that for the sake of greed and gain, much of the world’s media has been misused, so that it penetrates the consciousness of children continually with sexuality, violence, hatred and rebellion.

    Children do not desire to live in a harsh and ugly world of pain and grief.

    Children do not shave the sides of their heads, grow long hair, and dye it in a multitude of colors simply to provoke the angers of adults. Children dress and behave as they do in large part because they are seeking something better than that which they have already seen.

    But the inexperience of youth causes children to focus upon the external rather than the internal!

    Ah, but such can surely be changed - such can surely be changed! Children can be, and most surely should be, aided through the turmoil of this world.

    But such requires a change in the way in which adults responsibly act, in their guardianship of the youth of the world.

    Children’s senses become satiated with violence viewed through television and movies, and violence in which they themselves even participate while playing their video games. Even the music industry bombards children with violence and the promotion of a licentious life style.

    Children, even the most tender youth, are exposed to explicit sexual indiscriminations.

    And though it is not realized, most children in those countries and cultures that are well-educated, are by far more computer literate than their elders. Parents seldom have the same or even near-comparable computer skills as do children. And while such skills are most useful in the world of business, such is also misused.

    Gangs, subordinate and subversive organizations, utilize the computer network systems to recruit and control an organization of children.

    If parents realized the danger of

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