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Alter Your Life
Alter Your Life
Alter Your Life
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Alter Your Life

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"Alter Your Life" is the personal development book that will show you how to take CONTROL OF YOUR THOUGHTS, and therefore YOUR LIFE.

We cannot be in control of our life until we get control of our thoughts.

We must TRAIN ourselves, first to believe and then to realize the Presence of God where any negative condition seems to be. There is no reason why we should not learn to contact this Power at any time, whenever we want to, and not just very occasionally and by chance.

Train yourself and let that POWER WORK FOR YOU every day of the week. LET'S GO!

PublisherEmmet Fox
Release dateOct 8, 2022
Alter Your Life

Emmet Fox

Emmet Fox (1886-1951) was one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the twentieth century and a pioneer of the New Thought movement. His bold, dynamic message proclaiming that our thoughts shape our reality has changed the lives of millions across the world and influenced many key contemporary spiritual writers such as Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, and Louise Hay, all of whom have tapped into the power of positive thinking. Fox's other key works include Power Through Constructive Thinking and Alter Your Life.

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    Alter Your Life - Emmet Fox

    Alter Your Life


    Written in English in the year 1931 by Emmet Fox

    Translated in the year 2022 by Mireia Nopode

    ©2022 All rights to this book are reserved

    No part of the book may be reproduced in any way without written permission.

    written, except for brief quotations incorporated in critical articles and reviews.


    Alter your life

    The four horsemen of the apocalypse

    Bond and freedom

    The book of genesis

    The seven days of creation Adam and Eve

    Babel's tower

    God the Deliverer Psalm 18

    The zodiac and the Bible

    The seven main aspects of God

    Make your life worthwhile

    How to get a demo

    Stay on the beam

    The magic of tithing

    How to keep the peace

    The american spirit

    America's historical destiny


    There is no need to be unhappy. There is no need to be sad. There is no need to be disappointed, oppressed, or aggrieved. There is no need to be sick or unsuccessful or discouraged. There is no need for anything but success, good health, prosperity, and abundant interest and joy in life.

    That many people's lives are full of sad things is unfortunately all too true, but there is no need for them to be that way. They are this way only because their victims suppose them inevitable, not because they are. As long as you accept a negative condition in your own estimation, you will remain in bondage to it, but you only have to assert your birthright as a free man or woman and you will be free.

    Success and happiness are the natural condition of humanity. Actually, we find it easier to prove these things than the opposite. Bad habits of thinking and acting can obscure this fact for a while, just as the wrong way of walking or sitting, or holding a pen or musical instrument can seem easier than the right way, because we have become accustomed to it. our way of doing.

    But the right path is, however, the easiest.

    Unhappiness, frustration, poverty, loneliness are really bad habits that the victims have got used to putting up with more or less fortitude, believing that there is no other way to do it, while there is a path and that path is simply to acquire good habits. habits of mind, rather than bad habits of working with the Law rather than against it.

    You should never hold anything. You must never be willing to accept less than Health, Harmony and Happiness. These things are your divine right as sons and daughters of God, and it is just a bad habit, usually unconscious, that makes you settle for less. In the depths of his being, the person always intuitively feels that there is a way out of his difficulties if only he can find it, and his natural instincts all point in the same direction. The child, not yet tainted by the defeatist suggestions of his elders, simply refuses to tolerate disharmony on any terms, and thus manifests himself above it. When he's hungry, he tells the world with a confident, attention-grabbing insistence, while many sophisticated adults go without food.

    Do you find yourself with a pin stuck somewhere in your anatomy?

    It is not for him a sigh of resignation before the supposed will of God (in reality it is blasphemy to say that evil or suffering can ever be the will of God, Almighty), or a complaint about never having luck, or a sigh that you have to endure what cannot be cured. No, the defeatist vision of life has not touched him yet, his instincts tell him that life and harmony are inseparable. And sure enough, that pin is located and removed, even if everything else has to stop until it's done.

    But the shadows of the prison-house begin to close around the growing child, and by the time he is old enough to think rationally, the habit of the Breed will have trained him to use his reason largely in reverse.

    Do not tolerate anything that is not harmony. You can have prosperity regardless of your current circumstances. You can be healthy and fit. You can have a happy and joyful life. You can have a good home of your own. You can have nice friends and comrades.

    You can have a full, free, happy, independent and untethered life. You can become your own owner or your own owner. But for this you must definitely take the helm of your own destiny and head boldly and firmly towards the port that you propose.

    What are you doing about your future? Are you content to let things drift, hoping, like Mr. Micawber*, for something to turn up ?

    If so, rest assured that there is no escape in that regard. Nothing will ever appear unless you exercise your free will and go out and find it for yourself, familiarizing yourself with the laws of life and applying them to your own individual conditions.

    That's the only way. Otherwise, the years will pass too quickly, leaving you right where you are now, if not worse, because there is no limit to the outcome of thought, either for good or for evil.

    Man has dominion over all things when he knows the Law of Being and obeys it. The Law empowers you to bring into your life any condition that is not harmful. The Law empowers you to overcome your own weaknesses and character flaws, no matter how many times you have failed in the past or how stubborn they may have seemed to be. The Law empowers you to attain prosperity and position without infringing on the rights and opportunities of anyone else in the world. The Law gives you Freedom, freedom of the soul, and of the body, and of the environment.

    The Law gives you Independence so that you can build your own life in your own way, according to your own ideas and ideals, and plan your future along the lines that you want. If you don't know what really

    * Translator's Note: Character from the novel by Charles Dickens David Coperfield

    want to be happy, then the Law will tell you what you want, and it will get it for you too. And the Law properly understood and applied will save you from the danger of what is called outlining with all its risks and limitations.

    The Law will endow you with the gift of what is called Originality. Originality is doing things in a new way, which is a better and different way than other people.

    And, Originality, unlike its forgeries that are eccentricity and mere pose, means success in your work.

    The Law will give you authority over the past and the future. The Law will make you master of Karma instead of being its slave with people you dislike. You don't need to be sick or tired or overworked if you study the Fa and apply it.

    You don't need to be scruffy and restrained. You do not need to continue living or working.

    No more procrastinating your study of the Law. Procrastination, we are told, is the thief of time; and another proverb says even more emphatically that hell itself is paved, not with bad intentions, but with good ones.

    It is of the postponement that the Law says:

    You will hear the Neverland whispered by the ghost years, but the path of the Wise (the just or Straight Thinker) shines brighter and brighter, until the Perfect Day.

    Take stock of your life today. Sit down quietly with a pencil and paper and write down the three things you want most in life. Be very honest about it. Write down the things you really want, not the things you think you should want. Be specific, not vague. Next , write down three things or conditions that you want to eliminate from your life. Again, be concrete and specific, not vague.

    If you do this frankly, you now have an extremely valuable analysis of your own mindset. Over time, this will tell you many things about yourself that you currently do not suspect, things that go far beyond the scope of the six points themselves, and as your knowledge of Spiritual Truth increases, you will be able to handle the new knowledge about yourself. himself surprisingly.

    Now that you have your six points in front of you, work on each one separately for a few minutes with all the spiritual and metaphysical knowledge you have. Remember that it is not very important how much knowledge you have, as long as you use all you have.

    It is a spiritual law that using 90% of a small amount of knowledge is more effective in practice than using only, say, 50% of a large amount.

    Repeat this treatment:

    Every day for a month, without missing a single day, and at the end of that time it will be very rare that a really striking change for the better has not manifested itself in your conditions.

    For those who are not familiar with spiritual treatment, a simple but quite effective working method is this:

    Affirm softly but definitely that:

    "The Great Creative Life Force of the Universe is bringing each of the first three things into my life in its own way, in its own time, and in its own way.

    I affirm that the same Great Power is dissolving each of the last three things, also in its own way.

    Don't try to dictate the exact way in which the new conditions should come about. Don't try to be tense or act vehement. Don't let anyone else know you're doing this. Don't look impatiently for results every day, but do your treatment, and forget about it until the next day. And in the comfortable tranquility, confidence will be your strength.


    The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are among the most important of the great biblical symbols because they give the key to the nature of the human being as we know it. When you fully understand these symbols, you will understand your own constitution, and you can begin the work of gaining mastery over yourself and your environment.

    There is another reason why it is important to understand the Four Horsemen. They are a typical example of the way the Bible makes use of the general principle of symbolism. When you have understood its full meaning, realizing how the Bible speaks of horses, for example, to teach a psychological and spiritual truth, you will have mastered the general scheme of biblical allegory. The Bible is not written in the style of a modern book. It has its own method of transmitting knowledge through colorful symbols. The reason is that this is the only possible way to give the knowledge to people in all ages and in different parts of the world and of different degrees of spiritual development. A direct statement in the modern way would appeal to a particular type of audience, but a symbol appeals to any audience, each person receiving just what they are prepared for.

    The Bible is not full of predictions. The Bible does not promise to say what is going to happen in the future, because if this could be done, it could only mean that we do not have free will. If the future is all ready now like a movie in its box...

    What would be the use of praying or studying metaphysics?

    Why did Jesus pray for so many hours, even all night, if he couldn't change anything?

    But, of course, you can change the future and the present through prayer, and, in fact, it is your attitude toward prayer that makes you or breaks you, makes you sick or good, happy or sad, stupid or stupid. wise.

    The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent the four parts or elements of our human nature as we find it today. As we know ourselves in our current incarnation, we seem to be made up of four parts.

    There is, first of all, the physical body, what you see when you look into the glass. Then there is your feeling or emotion nature. This is an extremely important part of you, and although you cannot see your feelings, you are tremendously aware of them. Third, there is your intellect. You can't see it either, but you are very aware of its existence, because it contains all the knowledge, important or not, that you have.

    Finally, there is your spiritual nature, or your true eternal self; the real you, the I AM, the Indwelling Christ, the Divine Spark, or whatever you want to call it.

    This is your true identity, which is eternal. Almost everyone believes in its existence, but most people are very little aware of it as a reality.

    Metaphysical scholars are aware that the time will eventually come when the first three will merge into the fourth, and then we will all know rather than just believe the Apocalypse.

    The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the spiritual nature is everything. Meanwhile, right now it is not like that, and that is why we find ourselves living with these four elements of our nature, and the Bible calls them the Four Horses.

    The first horse we are going to consider is the Pale Horse, and pale means the color of terror. Perhaps you have seen terror depicted on a human face. I don't mean just nervousness or moderate fear, but terror. It's not a pretty sight. The skin turns a kind of ashy gray and that is the color of the Pale Horse.

    And the name that sat on him 'was Death, and Hell followed him

    Well, the Pale Horse means the physical body, and here we are told that he who rides on it is Death, and that Hell follows close behind. If you are that kind of horseman, if you live only for the body, nothing but hell awaits you on this plane or any other.

    People who live for the body are to be pitied. The body is the cruelest master of all, when it is allowed to be the ruler. The person who lives to eat and drink and sensuality brings nothing but evil and destruction to his life here on this plane. Remember that the person who lives for the body cannot regenerate and therefore ages every year. That means the body is constantly failing, and he has no other resources. For such people, old age brings decrepitude and emptiness, and probably also pain and discomfort. He has ridden the pale horse, and hell must follow that rider.

    But the pale horse does not mean only the physical body. It means all other physical things as well (what the Bible sometimes calls the world) money, position, material honors.

    If you put money before everything else, you are riding the pale horse , even if you are not a glutton or a sensualist. Money is your God, and you will probably get it, but you will regret it because then comes hell.

    Why worship money?

    After you've bought a little food, a little clothing, paid the rent, and gotten a few other things, what can money bring you?

    There are millionaires who walk down Fifth Avenue and discover that there is not a single thing that they really need that their money can buy for them. You cannot walk into any store with a blank check and buy peace of mind, or a healthy body, or friendship, or loyalty, or, above all, a contact with God.

    Other people are not interested in money either, but they do yearn for worldly honor and distinction. They want to be important or, more accurately, they want to be considered important. They want to be the head of something. They want to be admired. They do not think of the good they can do in the world, but of the honor they can receive. They too are riding the Pale Horse, and hell is following them. If you could read the hearts of those who sit in the seats of the mighty, you would be surprised how often you would discover disappointment and chagrin, for the Pale Horse always runs true to form.

    If a person accepts an important position because he honestly wants to serve others and glorify God, he is not on the Pale Horse, and in his case, if things go wrong or he is misunderstood or abused, he does not care. It doesn't grieve him, because he was trying to do God's work and that is true success.

    The one who lives to eat and drink, the sensualist and the drug addict, the one who lives for money or worldly honors that is the rider of the Pale Horse.

    Next, I'm going to take the Red Horse.

    "And another red horse went out, and power was given to him that sat on it to take peace from the earth, and to kill one another; and a great sword was given to him."

    What is the Red Horse?

    The Red Horse is your emotional nature, your feelings.

    Your human mind, as you know it, consists of two parts, the intellect and the feeling, and there is nothing else. Every thought that you can think has two parts, a knowing content and a feeling content, and so you always get these two things, knowing and feeling. Knowledge belongs to the intellect, and feeling, of course, to the emotional nature. In some thoughts the knowledge content is much greater than the feeling content, and in other thoughts it is the feeling content that is greater.

    In mathematics, to put an extreme case, the content of feelings is almost absent. No one is thrilled to learn that any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side, or that when two lines intersect the vertically opposite angles are equal. There is a little emotional content because definite and certain knowledge always gives the mind a little satisfaction, and there is also a certain beauty in these mathematical truths; but it remains true that for most people the amount of feeling would be quite small.

    At the other end of the scale are thoughts related to religion and politics. We all know how full of feelings (not to say prejudices) these topics are. People's feelings are so intense that they are often taboo in social gatherings, and yet the amount of actual knowledge that most people have about it is surprisingly small. For example, few people have really studied the doctrines of the church to which they belong. However, they feel very sure of them and are prone to resent the slightest criticism in this regard. Few people have carefully considered the political principle underlying their own political party, or bothered to familiarize themselves with much of the facts on the subject, yet they will be hotly partisan. In these and other questions, people have a mass of feelings hardly illuminated by the intellect. The intellectual content of such thoughts is very small.

    It is very dangerous to let your emotions take control to allow the Red Horse to run away with you, as it will sap your health and destroy your life at every stage. The Red Horse is just as dangerous as the Pale Horse, but of course it doesn't have as much base, and for this reason it ruins many more lives. An adult person is a person who is in control of their feelings. A person who cannot control his feelings is still a

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