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Valiente: Flames and Fury
Valiente: Flames and Fury
Valiente: Flames and Fury
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Valiente: Flames and Fury

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High school valedictorian and college-bound Chente Jimenez thinks he finally has his life together. But after he attends prom with his new boyfriend, Henry Hamilton, Chente returns home to find his first love, tennis coach Aaron Doss, in his mother's kitchen.

Coach Doss has been playing follow the leader all his lif

Release dateAug 26, 2022
Valiente: Flames and Fury

A.G. Castillo

A.G. Castillo was born and raised in a small West Texas town. After graduating from Texas Tech University with an English degree, A.G. Castillo began his career in public education, serving as an English teacher, high school basketball coach and principal, and as a superintendent of schools. When he is not traveling the world, A.G. resides in San Antonio with his partner, Tim, and their incorrigible dachshunds, Puppy and Penny. He is the author of the Valiente Series: Valiente: Courage and Consequences Valiente: Tattoos and Temptations Valiente: Flames and Fury Valiente: Sins and Secrets Valiente: Hearts and Heroes

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    Valiente - A.G. Castillo


    A.G. Castillo

    Valiente: Flames and Fury

    Copyright© 2022 A.G. Castillo

    critical articles and reviews, no part of this book may be used or

    storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.

    ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-958082-92-8

    ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-958082-84-3

    Printed in the United States of America

    For my 4th grade teacher, Deb Clinton. Thank you.

    Being in your classroom was always an adventure. Thank you for making learning fun and exciting. Thank you for challenging our class to find our voice and to write our own Easter Play.

    That is when my love for writing was born. I am so grateful.

    For my professional hero, Mark A. Stroebel.

    You wore so many hats for so many of your students and athletes and you always made it look easy. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for being a teacher, a coach, a mentor, a friend, an older brother, and a father figure to so many of us.

    Thank you Coach Stroebel.

    I will carry your legacy in my heart.


      The sun quietly peeked over the Appalachian Mountains and smiled on the fresh spring flowers sprinkled along the long, winding country road. A cool southern breeze blew across the freshly planted cotton fields as a rooster crowed to welcome a new day.

    A black 3500 Ram Dually pickup truck turned off the highway and slowly made its way down the dirt road, leaving a trail of dust in the air as it passed a herd of speckled dairy cows grazing on the hillside. The monster truck parked next to a giant red barn that displayed a Confederate flag swaying back and forth in the morning breeze.

    The driver reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed a large manila envelope. He opened it and pulled out the contents as he chewed on a toothpick. He nodded and smiled wickedly as he grunted and slid the black-and-white pictures of Chente Jimenez and Drucilla Drake back into the envelope. The driver opened the front door and jumped out of the truck. He reached behind the seat and pulled out an M107 Barret .50-caliber sniper rifle.

    He walked over to the west side of the barn and positioned the rifle up against the fence and then looked through the scope and adjusted the lens. He aimed at the target three hundred feet away, took a couple of

    steps back, and nodded. He removed his shades and grinned as he rolled up his sleeves, exposing a tattoo of the Confederate flag.

    He peered through the scope again and fired two shots. The echo reverberated through the trees as the bullets hit the center of the target, and hundreds of birds squawked and rapidly flew away.

    Coach Doss propped his pillows against the headboard and sat up in bed as he mindlessly watched SportsCenter on ESPN while he lethargically munched on Nacho Cheese Doritos. He could see sunlight creeping through his window, casting shadows on the wall next to his closet. He reached for the remote control, pushed the mute button, and quietly listened.

    The loud growl of his neighbor’s lawn mower could be heard as it got closer to his bedroom window. But in the distance, the high school coach could hear the faint ringing of the Baptist church bells. He quietly placed the remote control next to the bag of chips as his mind drifted to the day before.

    Coach Doss could see the wedding guests dressed in their Sunday best sitting in front of him as the violins began to play an elegant version of Wedding March. He spotted Coach Alvarez and Violeta sitting in the crowd. He looked at his parents, who were sitting in the front row next to his aunt and uncle.

    Coach Doss turned and glanced at his cousin standing next to him. He slowly shook his head and began to breathe heavily. He fanned his face with his right hand and softly exhaled.

    Dude, are you okay? whispered Sam.

    Coach Doss loosened his collar and stared at his parents. He could feel the sweat rolling down his forehead as his nervous breathing intensified.

    The wedding guests stood up as Bella began to glide down the center aisle in her beautiful and lacy white wedding gown. Hank Hightower beamed with pride at his only daughter and escorted her to the man of her dreams.

    Coach Doss looked at his bride to be and saw an image of Chente

    in a tuxedo smiling at him. He turned and looked at his cousin one more time.

    Dude, what’s the matter? asked Sam as he reached for Coach Doss’s shoulder.

    I am starting to freak out, whispered the groom. What?

    I don’t think I can do this. Coach Doss cleared his throat and wiped away the perspiration on his forehead. Then he turned and looked at his parents again.

    Actually, I don’t want to do this, he said breathlessly.

    Seriously? You are just now figuring this out? asked Sam as he gritted his teeth and tried to smile.

    Coach Doss looked at his best man and thought for a second. He turned and looked at Bella and nodded.

    I have to stop this, because—I—I—can’t do this, he whispered.

    Coach Doss took a deep breath, walked over to the violinists, and waved them to stop playing. Then he turned around and looked at the wedding crowd. The guests were looking at each other in complete confusion. He slowly strolled down the aisle as he motioned to his father to sit down. He calmly faced Bella, who was shaking her head in disbelief.

    Please tell me that you are not doing this to me, whispered Bella as she fought back her tears.

    Bella, you don’t want to marry me, said Coach Doss.

    Aaron, what are you doing? She was trying hard not to cry and anxiously looked over at all the wedding guests. Of course I want to marry you.

    Coach Doss slowly exhaled and looked at her, shaking his head. Please don’t humiliate me like this. I love you, she whispered. Coach Doss gingerly lifted her delicate veil. "Bella, I love you too.

    Really, I do. I always have, he said as he tried to smile. And I always will. But I am not in love with you, and I can’t do this."

    Bella looked at Coach Doss as two tears raced down her face. She dropped her bouquet and shook her head in horror.

    Coach Doss quietly wiped away her tears and walked away as Bella stood in the middle of the aisle, frozen with grief.

    Where the hell do you think you’re going? yelled Hank Hightower as he chased Coach Doss to the foyer of the Amarillo Country Club. You need to get your ass back to the pavilion and marry my daughter, right now!

    Coach Doss simply shook his head and kept walking.

    Mr. Hightower grabbed Coach Doss’s shoulder and yanked him around. The jilting groom could hear the anger in Mr. Hightower’s voice.

    Listen to me, Aaron. My daughter will not be left at the altar, he growled. She is a Hightower, and I will not allow it!

    Coach Doss looked at Mr. Hightower and shook his head. He already felt horrible, and the last thing he wanted to do was argue with the father of the would-be bride.

    I am not discussing this with you, Hank. This is between me and Bella, said Coach Doss as he gritted his teeth and turned to walk away. This doesn’t involve you.

    What? The hell it doesn’t! That is my daughter you just humiliated in front of the elite of Amarillo society.

    Coach Doss paused, dejectedly shook his head, and slowly exhaled as Sam and Mr. Doss scurried into the foyer as well.

    I am truly sorry for all of this. I never meant for any of this to happen. This wedding—I wanted to wait a little longer. Remember?

    Mr. Hightower furiously shook his head and grunted.

    I wanted a fall wedding. I wanted a little more time, but I was outvoted. And right now, all I know is that I have to be true to myself and do the right thing for me.

    Aaron listen to me, marrying Bella is the right thing for you! Mr. Doss shook his head and waved his arms in frustration. You’re just nervous. Just take a breath and calm down. Then we will go back to the pavilion. It’s not too late.

    No. No, Dad. No, said Coach Doss decidedly. I can’t do that.

    I always knew you were no good, hissed Mr. Hightower as he pointed his index finger into Coach Doss’s chest. But Bella loved you, and I wanted my daughter to be happy.

    Coach Doss was numb to everyone’s feelings. His heart was engulfed with an inner peace that shielded him from all the hate and negative vibes he was receiving. All he could think about was getting back to Avalon to make things right with the man of his dreams. All he could think about was Chente Jimenez.

    Coach Doss shook his head and turned to walk away.

    Don’t you walk away from me, little boy! roared Mr. Hightower. You turn around and march your sorry ass back to that pavilion and marry my little girl. You will not disgrace the Hightower name. I will not allow it! Son, listen to me. Mr. Doss grabbed Coach Doss’s shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. "Look at me. You are just nervous. This is just wedding day jitters. I know that you really want to get married

    today, right?"

    Dad, stop already, said Coach Doss in a calm and balanced tone. I have made my decision, and I am leaving. I am going home—to Avalon. Aaron, you are not thinking straight, replied Mr. Doss as he clung

    to his son’s shoulders. I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you are not being rational.

    Actually, Dad, for the first time in my life I am thinking for myself, and it feels good. Coach Doss smiled. He looked at his cousin and motioned for him to follow.

    Aaron, we are your home—me and your mother. We want what’s best for you, pleaded Mr. Doss. Avalon is not your home. Mr. Doss’s face was red and sweaty as he desperately looked at his only son. Please don’t do this to me. You are throwing away our future.

    Coach Doss looked at his father and felt an enormous amount of pity. He shook his head as he cleared his throat. Dad, if you want what’s best for me, let me go.

    Mr. Doss stared into Aaron’s eyes and for the first time really listened to his son. For the first time, the father really understood the son. He lowered his head and walked away.

    Mr. Hightower grabbed Coach Doss by his jacket and pinned him up against the wall. He punched him in the stomach and hissed, You are a fucking coward. You are going to regret the day you crossed me. I promise I will make you pay.

    Sam yanked Mr. Hightower off his cousin and threw him up against the guest services counter and punched his face. Mr. Hightower fell to the floor, and his nose instantly started to bleed.

    Keep your fucking hands off my cousin, you pompous prick! yelled Sam as he kicked Mr. Hightower in the stomach. And fuck your damn threats. You touch my cousin again, and I will knock you into next week.

    Knock, knock, knock.

    Cousin? You awake? whispered Sam as he peeked his head into Coach Doss’s bedroom with a glass of orange juice and a Pop-Tart.

    Coach Doss woke up from his trance, stepped away from the window, and yawned. He looked at Cousin Sam and chuckled under his breath. Seriously? You are bringing me breakfast? Coach Doss asked. He

    grinned and then grabbed and waved the bag of Doritos.

    Yeah, well, I tried. Sam laughed as he took a bite of the Pop-Tart. Dude you need to do some serious grocery shopping!

    Yep, I know, said Coach Doss as he shrugged and yawned. The life of a coach.

    He got back in bed, propped a pillow under his head, and turned up the TV volume. He looked at his cousin and exhaled. You know, Bella always complained that I never had anything in the house to eat. Oh, I did not know that, replied Sam as he sat on the bed next to

    his favorite cousin. Have you heard from her?

    Coach Doss played with the remote control and shook his head slowly.

    Nah, he said. Actually, I don’t know really. I turned off my cell phone. I didn’t want to have to deal with that just yet.

    I get it, Sam nodded.

    Coach Doss looked at his cousin and yawned again.

    Do you? chuckled Coach Doss. You don’t think that’s pretty chicken of me to do that?

    "What do you think? countered Sam as he pointed at his cousin. Well, I don’t know, said the high school teacher. I mean I just left

    a beautiful girl at the altar, at her wedding, and completely smashed her dreams in front of all her family and friends."

    Sam remained quiet.

    Oh, and I didn’t stop there either. Coach Doss laughed as he put his hands over his head and pressed his face in a pillow. I also ripped my family to shreds!

    Sam calmly watched his cousin vent and beat himself up just like when they were kids. Aaron was always the people-pleaser and never wanted to ruffle feathers.

    Well, I think what you did yesterday was pretty awesome, announced Sam with a big smile as he grabbed a pillow and hit his cousin on the back of his head. Dude, you finally found your voice, and I am proud of you.

    Coach Doss looked up and shook his head at Sam. He grabbed a pillow, tossed it at him, and groaned. You are still my twisted cousin. I love it.

    Well, I don’t think that it’s twisted that you finally stood up for yourself and did something that you wanted to do, Sam said pragmatically as he extended his arms.

    Coach Doss groaned, shook his head, and threw himself on the bed. Dude, I am serious too, Sam said as he laughed. "I mean the whole wedding jilting at the altar thing was a bit dramatic, but you finally

    stopped playing follow-the-leader."

    Coach Doss poked his head out from under his pillows. What are you talking about?

    Seriously, cousin, you have been playing follow-the-leader all your life. You have done everything your dad has told you to do—everything!

    No, I haven’t. Quit being stupid.

    Sam shook his head and laughed out loud. Oh my gosh, you really can’t see it, can you?

    Coach Doss squinted his eyes and shook his head. For example? Sam chuckled under his breath and nodded in delightful pleasure.

    Oh, this is going to be so easy—like stealing candy from a baby.

    In less than two minutes, Sam was able to quickly produce numerous occasions when his favorite cousin was strongly influenced by his dad to make a less than favorable decision.

    Okay, that was example number 8. Are we good, or do you need a few more examples to make my point loud and clear that you really didn’t have a mind of your own until last night? Sam said as he laughed.

    Coach Doss took a deep breath and started to laugh. He shook his head in disbelief. Oh my gosh, I was such a pushover, wasn’t I?

    Yes, you were a complete wuss, Sam said as he laughed. Until last night. You became a man in many ways last night.

    Coach Doss nodded, looked at his cousin, and smiled.

    Now get your scrawny ass in the shower, and I am going to town to pick up some breakfast tacos, announced Sam as he stood up and stretched his legs. Chorizo and beans? Is that what you said a few days ago?

    Hell yeah! shouted Coach Doss.

    Damn cousin! This is amazing, exclaimed Sam as he bit into his chorizo, cheese, bacon, and bean taco.

    Right? I told you. Coach Doss smiled as he chuckled under his breath and savored his breakfast taco as well.

    Why have I never tasted this before? I love this taco!

    What do you mean? Don’t you have any Mexican food in the Midwest?

    Nope. Not like this. Not even close.

    Well, I blame Uncle Rupert for moving you thousands of miles away from Texas and from me, replied Coach Doss as he sipped on his Dr. Pepper.

    Sam sat straight up and leaned on the kitchen table.

    Aww, did you miss me, little cousin? teased Sam as he continued to chomp on his breakfast.

    Of course I missed you. You were like my big brother, sighed Coach Doss. Then out of the blue, you are moving to Indiana.

    Sam carefully watched his cousin eat his taco and read the sports page of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal. Sam remembered how upset he was when his dad told him that they were moving away.

    Yeah, and we had just lost Peepaw too, lamented Coach Doss as he scanned the baseball scores. That was super hard for me.

    I am sorry, cousin, replied Sam as he stopped eating.

    Well, it’s not your fault, replied Coach Doss without looking up from the paper.

    Sam pensively nodded and stared at the jilting groom from across the table. Sam realized that his little cousin was clueless about the real reason his family left Amarillo and moved to the Midwest. Sam took another bite of his breakfast taco and decided to save that conversation for another day.

    You are right. It wasn’t my fault.

    Sam’s cell phone began to buzz. He reached for it and rolled his eyes. It’s your dad.

    Coach Doss looked away from the newspaper and shrugged. Don’t answer it. He’s going to be a super big jerk.

    Cousin Sam raised his right eyebrow, grinned mischievously, and answered his cell phone in a devilishly joyful voice. Good morning, Uncle Jack. What’s going on?

    Sam’s eyes got big and almost started to laugh as he listened to his uncle’s response.

    Well, because it’s a beautiful, sunny morning, chuckled Sam as he continued to listen to the voice on the other end.

    Okay, whatever, the cousin said as he sighed and rolled his eyes. How can I help you, sir?

    Yes, I am here with Aaron, replied Sam as he switched his cell phone to speaker mode.

    Well, let me talk to him, demanded Mr. Doss. He must have turned off his cell phone because it has been going straight to voicemail. Oh, well, that usually means that he doesn’t want to talk to anyone,

    replied the cousin. Cell phone etiquette 101.

    Damn it, Sam. Do what I say and let me talk to my son! yelled Mr. Doss through the cell phone speaker.

    Sam looked at his little cousin and began to hand him his cell phone. Coach Doss immediately pushed it away and motioned for Sam to hang up. "Well, sir, Aaron does not want to talk to you right now. Can I take

    a message?" replied Sam in a very sarcastic tone.

    Listen. If you don’t put Aaron on the phone right now, I will get in my car and drive over to see him, threatened the angry father.

    Well, then we will have to call the police and have you arrested for trespassing, responded Sam.

    What? You son of a bitch! yelled Mr. Doss over the phone. Don’t talk about my mom like that! teased Sam as he hunched

    over and laughed silently. That is very rude, sir. Damn it! Sam you’d better—

    Oh, and if you drive over here, I will be forced to kick your sorry ass so hard that you won’t be able to sit down for a week. Goodbye, Uncle Jack. Sam laughed as he ended the call.

    Dude! Did you just really say that? Coach Doss said as he laughed. Sam stood up and took a bow.

    I did, and I mean it too, smirked Cousin Sam. I have never been able to stomach your dear old dad.

    Yeah, I think I am going to hang out here with you for the next two weeks—until graduation, said Sam as he playfully raised his eyebrows.

    Coach Doss’s shoulders relaxed, and he exhaled. Oh, cousin, that would be so great. I would love that!

    I think you are going to need a whole lot of support, chuckled Sam as he began to air-box with an imaginary punching bag. Plus I am excited to maybe get to kick your dad’s ass! That would be so fun!

    Coach Doss chuckled under his breath and placed the sports page on the table. He shook his head and made his way to the living room.

    You are crazy, said the high school teacher as he turned on the TV and began watching professional tennis on ESPN.

    Hey, since when do you watch tennis? asked Sam as he played with his cell phone.

    Since I had to coach it, laughed Coach Doss. It’s really harder than it looks. And I actually kind of like it now that I understand it better. This dude, Roger Federer, is so awesome. He reminds me a little bit of Chen. Oh really? replied Sam as he glanced at the television set and then

    looked at his cousin and smiled. Talk to me about Chente Jimenez. Coach Doss looked at Sam and squinted his eyes. What do you mean? Well, I don’t know, said Sam as he shrugged. "I just would like to

    know more about him. I mean he has to be pretty cool, right? I mean he has to be pretty awesome if you are willing to leave someone at the altar. Dude? Seriously, Coach Doss said as he sighed. Don’t hate."

    No, man, that’s not what I meant at all, replied Sam. I really am interested in knowing more about him. I mean he has to be pretty special, right?

    Coach Doss looked at his cousin and slowly nodded as his eyes got a little misty.

    That’s right, he whispered. He is.

    What’s the matter? asked Sam as he placed his cell phone on the coffee table.

    It’s just that—it’s been like a prison. I have just never been able to talk about it with anyone until now, said Coach Doss as his voice cracked. He slowly bit his bottom lip. It just feels so good to finally be able to admit it out loud.

    Aww, cousin. Well then, tell me about him. I really want to know, smiled Sam.

    Coach Doss thoughtfully looked out the window and sighed. He turned around and casually looked at the big print of the Golden Gate Bridge hanging behind the sofa. He walked over to the black-and-white print and thought about Chente’s scholarship opportunity to Stanford. He straightened the picture and smiled.

    Well, let’s see. Chen is intelligent beyond his years, and it’s more than book smart. He knows how to read people. His intuition is always spot-on. He’s gentle with his friends and with people in general. He knows how to treat them with kindness and respect, said Coach Doss as he carefully made his way to the kitchen.

    Really? I am liking his vibe, replied Sam.

    Yep. He has a full scholarship to Stanford, you know, replied the Coach Doss as he returned to the living room with two Powerade drinks. He handed one to his cousin and then sat down on the recliner.

    Is he going to take it?

    Coach Doss thought about it for a second as his ocean-blue eyes searched the room for an answer. He instantly became lonely.

    What’s the matter? asked Sam.

    Coach Doss shook his head and bashfully smiled. He was embarrassed that Sam was able to read his moods. It’s nothing, responded Coach Doss softly as he quickly took a sip of his drink and cleared his throat. Yeah, he will probably take it. He’s fearless like that.

    Sam carefully watched his cousin’s physical demeanor—the head tilt, his posture, the spark in his eyes when he spoke about this boy. There was no doubt in his mind that his cousin was in love.

    And so how does that make you feel? pressed Sam.

    What do you mean? asked Coach Doss as he turned and looked at his cousin.

    Come on now. Be straight up with me, Aaron, and tell me how that makes you feel, sighed Sam as he grabbed a sofa pillow and tossed it at Coach Doss. I want to know how that makes you feel.

    Coach Doss glanced at Sam and then immediately looked away. He slowly began to shake his head and bite his top lip.

    Aaron, you can tell me anything. You know that, right? asked Sam as he searched for his cousin’s eyes. No judgment.

    Coach Doss looked at Sam and started to shake. He put his hands over his eyes, hunched over into a fetal position, and started to cry as he slowly rocked himself in the recliner.

    Sam slowly got up from the sofa, quietly kneeled beside his cousin, and wrapped his arms around him tightly. He could feel his body shaking, and Sam wanted to absorb all of his fear and insecurities.

    Aaron, don’t cry. Come on now. Please don’t cry, whispered Sam as he gently rubbed his cousin’s back. It’s all going to work out. I promise. Coach Doss shivered, wiped his eyes, and pathetically shook his head.

    I have made such a mess of everything, haven’t I? stuttered Coach Doss as he thumped his head with the palm of his hand.

    Sam tried to conceal his smile as he listened to his cousin beat himself up. I jilted my girlfriend at the altar, I pissed off her dad, and hell, I pissed off my dad too. But the damn icing on the cake is that I am in love with one of my students, moaned Coach Doss as he stood up. "I

    think I am going to be sick."

    Coach Doss looked at Sam, who was styling an impish grin. Dude, why are you smiling?

    Because I think this is great! I think you are great! Finally, you did something for yourself. You actually stood up for yourself! shouted Sam with his arms extended wide.

    He began jumping up and down and laughing ferociously at his little cousin.

    You were so freakin’ awesome yesterday, cousin. Completely amazing! hollered Sam as he began to tickle his little cousin.

    But wait. I am the one who punched Mr. Hightower. I want credit for that one, laughed Sam as he playfully covered his mouth.

    Coach Doss gave his cousin an incredulous look of horror and then busted into hysterical laughter. He picked up a couple of pillows and hit Sam with them until they both fell to the floor with exhaustion.

    Gosh, I missed you, cousin, sighed Coach Doss as he wiped his tears from laughter.

    Yeah, I know. I am pretty awesome, laughed Sam.

    Both men sighed heavily and closed their eyes as the morning sunshine hit them on their face. Sam opened his right eye and looked at his younger cousin.

    So how did it go last night after I dropped you off at Chen’s house? Coach Doss didn’t open his eyes. He just exhaled and shrugged. Yeah, it’s hard to say, replied Coach Doss as he wiggled up and

    sat down on the sofa. He has a large family, and they are super tight.

    Sam turned over on his stomach and remained on the floor. He propped his hands under his chin. What does that mean, Aaron?

    That means that there were a lot of different opinions last night,

    sighed the high school teacher. I mean technically I am still Chen’s teacher for the next two weeks.

    Sam nodded and shrugged. "Okay, I get that. That’s a little tricky.

    But what did Chen say? I mean you did talk to him, right?"

    I did, replied Coach Doss, and he winced. I almost wish I hadn’t though.

    Why? What happened?

    I don’t know. It all happened so fast, sighed Coach Doss as he slowly shook his head.

    Sam got up and off the floor and sat across from his cousin with a concerned look. Well, what happened? Was he mean to you? What?

    You know, after I was interrogated by his siblings, I waited around with his mother until he returned from his prom, started the tennis coach. Mrs. Jimenez and I had a really good talk. Well, I mostly talked, and she just mostly listened.

    Was she upset with you? asked Sam.

    No. She was mostly concerned, smiled Coach Doss. She was amazing. She was kind and patient and tried hard to be understanding. It was almost like she wasn’t surprised by my big announcement, you know?

    Sam stared at his cousin and nodded.

    She just let me talk and let me get everything off my chest—no lectures and no judgment. She just let me—be me, he said as he looked up at Sam and blinked back his tears.

    Coach Doss cleared his throat and regrouped.

    Then we saw the limousine arrive and I walked into the kitchen to let Mrs. Jimenez kind of break the news to Chen, sighed Coach Doss as he sniffed and cleared his throat again.

    Man, it was hard. It was just so hard, whimpered Coach Doss as his voice cracked.

    What was hard? asked Sam. What happened?

    I had to hear him tell his mom what a wonderful time he had with Henry. I listened to him tell her how much he cared for him, whispered Coach Doss as he swallowed, closed his eyes, put his hands over his head, and began to pace up and down the living room.

    Sam watched his cousin with dread and anticipation.

    "Then I came out from the kitchen and told him that I didn’t

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