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Hot Highland Fling
Hot Highland Fling
Hot Highland Fling
Ebook87 pages

Hot Highland Fling

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Freelance travel writer Ailsa Jackson is done dating executives, making the assignment in the U.K. perfect. While she interviews the former American CEO who recently inherited lands and a title in Scotland, she’ll make time for hot sexual fantasies with a man who fits her needs—all muscle, stamina, and no commitment. And she’ll do a little research about brawny Highlanders to answer the age-old burning question. What does a Scotsman wear beneath his kilt?

The new Laird of Claidhearnh Mor, Colin Fitzgerald remembers Ailsa from college, but before he can remind her, she mistakes him for the castle land manager. He should come clean about his identity, but the adventurous lass has seduction on her mind and how can he resist?

Can Colin convince Aisla that she's ready for more than a Hot Highland Fling?
Release dateAug 1, 2022
Hot Highland Fling

E.L. March

E.L. March (author Eliza March) focuses on the reader’s senses with her breathless award-winning romance stories. She loves writing about sunny days filled with flowers and butterflies, and stormy nights immersed in candle-lit bubble baths, listening to haunting music, and drinking Champagne. Reviews claim her characters are three dimensional and her plots uniquely fascinating. Eliza is living her own romance story with her fated love and her happily ever after.

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    Hot Highland Fling - E.L. March

    Hot Highland Fling

    Passport to Pleasure


    E.L. March

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    Hot Highland Fling

    COPYRIGHT © 2022 by Maureen A. Sevilla

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information:

    Cover Art by Diana Carlile

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

    Publishing History

    First Edition, 2022

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-4235-1

    Published in the United States of America


    To my family and friends for their continuous support.

    Praise for Author

    E.L. March


    "Hot Highland Fling is erotic pleasure at its finest."

    ~Stephanie Burkhart, Author


    Hot, sexual, sensual, and believable...

    ~Teri, Night Owl Reviews

    Chapter One

    Ailsa Jackson couldn’t believe her luck. Just when she needed it most, fate dropped the perfect assignment in her lap. She flipped her passport open one more time and pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. The entry stamp confirmed she really was working in London, her first location abroad. Next stop, Scotland. Only a month after starting the job, she’d been specifically requested for her first assignment.

    The knock on the door announced the bellman’s arrival to take her bags to the car.

    Just a minute. Ailsa opened the door to an elderly gentleman who stood straight and serious as she greeted him and pointed him to her luggage. Is it always so lovely in the spring?

    No, ahem, no, miss. It’s usually raining. You’re in luck, I’d say.

    It will be a pleasant day for a drive, don’t you think?

    That brought a smile to the old man’s lips. Well, miss. Maybe once you are out of the London traffic, perhaps.

    She sensed if he weren’t being so polite, he would have been laughing out loud at her. How could she have forgotten the first two weeks of drizzle and overcast skies? Two weeks of sunshine encouraged a few flowers into bloom, and a warm spell hung over London town. She was ready for spring after a long, cold winter in Boston.

    Her cheeks were stiff from smiling, but that wasn’t so high a price to pay for a new lease on life. Endless possibilities made her too happy to wipe that smile from her face even when she bent to pick up her bag. Her barely used passport was a testament to being stuck in a rut—a dating rut, a work rut, and an emotional rut. She hoped she fit into this new life the way her passport fit into the compartment inside her carry-on bag, with her phone beside it.

    The phone beeped to announce a message just as she picked up the bag. With one quick glance, she saw it was her managing editor, Katie.

    Time to be off. The door closed silently behind her as she made her way to the elevator to catch up with the bellman.

    Aisla felt giddy with excitement. So giddy she wanted to squeal. The reason for her foolish grin, this job. For some reason, everything seemed to fall into place the day she was offered this job in London and a chance to enjoy a new adventure.

    Thanks to hard work and perseverance, she was now in a position to travel to places she’d always wanted to go and, along the way, do the job she’d always dreamed of doing.

    So what if this was work? Who could complain about spring in the U.K. working as a freelance writer out of the home office? Who could beat staying in a castle to do an interview and write an article?

    No one. That’s who.

    Miss? the bellman questioned.

    Sorry. I was thinking aloud. When she shrugged, he politely ignored her.

    The creaking elevator came to a halt, and she stepped out with the bellman behind her. Her editor was waiting by the door, dangling a set of keys.

    Wow, don’t you look especially nice today. Hot date?

    Not yet. Later. Now, I have to get back to the office.

    They all made their way to a cherry-red convertible. While Ailsa took care of tipping the bellman, Katie tossed her bags in the boot. Ailsa stowed her carryall in the front seat.

    Oh, Katie, thank you so much for doing this for me. She gave the other woman a hug.

    Are you ready to get in your cute little roadster?

    Ailsa sucked in a deep breath and said a little prayer as she checked out all the bells and whistles in her rental. Okay, I’m ready.

    What American is ever truly ready to try their hand at driving while seated on the right and driving on the left?

    Yes, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for this.

    Call and check in, Katie said. I’ll be available by phone if you need me…until six. Then I’m meeting you-know-who for drinks, relaxation, and well, you know…

    Well, actually, I don’t. That’s why I’m here, remember? But, she said with a wink, things are about to change for me. I feel things are looking up.

    Good to know, Katie said with a nod. Now, set the GPS, stay left, be safe and careful.

    Scotland, here I come. Ailsa gave a wave and maneuvered her way through London traffic without incident.

    Braving a few roundabouts on her way to the major highway, she followed her GPS and finally began to feel comfortable. It wasn’t much different from driving around any big city, except backward. She laughed. Well, at least this wasn’t the same ole same ole. This was new, fresh, and exciting. She’d spent every bit of downtime in London sightseeing before beginning her assignment, but even that hadn’t compared to this trip north.

    She was glad she’d left early and the traffic was light. Several petrol stops and a food break later, she

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