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The Mother's Call for Peace, Volume I: A Greater Light
The Mother's Call for Peace, Volume I: A Greater Light
The Mother's Call for Peace, Volume I: A Greater Light
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The Mother's Call for Peace, Volume I: A Greater Light

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This is the 1st of a 3-part series: "The Mother's Call to Peace."

Volume I.  A Greater Light ~ Volume II. A New Earth ~ Volume III.  A Global Peace

      When the world lies in darkness, experiencing death and destruction, it needs that voice cr

Release dateJun 21, 2022
The Mother's Call for Peace, Volume I: A Greater Light

Sarah RisingSun Lee

Sarah RisingSun Lee, author of "The Mother's Call for Peace," is Founder and President of "The Mother's Institute" and "Covenant Children's House," her long-term pilot program and unique model for family-centered child care and early education. She has an educational background in the liberal arts and sciences from Kansas State University and the University of Kansas; a B.S. in Elementary Education from the University of Missouri-Kansas City; lifetime teaching certification from the State of Missouri, including certification in Primary Montessori Education from the University of Saint Mary, and extensive experience in elementary and early childhood education. She also has an advanced diploma in Religious Studies from Unity Institute, together with coursework, workshops, and numerous counseling experiences in psychology. After teaching for many years in both private and public schools, RisingSun Lee created her 21st Century Global Peace Curriculum © for early education and common schools, beginning in early childhood and extending through the middle school years. In the 1980s, she helped to establish and then taught for Covenant Children's House as lead teacher, innovator, and director for over four decades, while also being a leader in her community. Her unique programs, models, curriculum, and educational materials are intentionally global and holistic, addressing both the developmental tasks and the fundamental needs in all dimensions of being human: body, mind, soul, and spirit.The values that still drive her life's work include: Transforming the world one child at a time, through community supported, family-centered early childhood care and peace education; Envisioning a Global School System designed to give all children access to a quality education; Inspiring and preparing dedicated, seasoned educators to teach for a Global Teaching Corps; Empowering women and insisting on and investing in girl's education, everywhere; Organizing communities to help mitigate climate change and create cultures of peace for Earth's children; Instituting an organizing center for a Women's Global Peace Movement; Encouraging all women to use their collective power-to move nations toward a just peace; and Advocating for sustainable, needs-based economies and democratic forms of government. A life-long educator, RisingSun Lee continues to learn and write.

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    The Mother's Call for Peace, Volume I - Sarah RisingSun Lee

    C O N T E N T S

    VOLUME I. A Greater Light

    Prologue: Into the Darkness

    Chapter 1. Being Human and Female

    Chapter 2.  Empowering Females

    ~ Dimensions of Being Human

    ~ General Psychology

    ~ Transformational Psychology

    ~ Female Roles That Can Impede

    ~ A New Agenda for Today’s Women

    ~ Blessing Children

    ~ An Inner Life

    ~ The Externalized Soul

    ~ Female Bitterness

    ~ Overcoming Past Bitterness

    ~ The Nature of Evil

    Chapter 3.  What Adults Must Know (Part 1)

    ~ About This Chapter

    ~ The Big Picture & Steps to Empowerment

    ~ Human Psychology & Pathology

    ~ A Dark Side

    VOLUME II. A New Earth

    Chapter 3. What Adults Must Know (Part 2)

    ~ Becoming Encouraged

    ~ Metaphysics & Metaphor

    ~ Women in the Halls of Power

    ~ Female Empowerment

    ~ Collective Evil

    ~ Psychological & Spiritual Mutations

    ~ The Nature of the Mind & Soul

    ~ A Divine Nature & Spirit

    ~ Being Shaped by Family

    ~ Female Creative Powers

    ~ Power, Politics, & Feminism 

    ~ The Female Spiritual Nature

    ~ The Female Soul’s Nature

    ~ Evil & Its Effects

    ~ Overcoming Oppression

    ~ Building Feminine Structures

    ~ Feminine Spiritual Realms

    ~ The Teenage Girl   

    ~ The Insanity of Eve 

    ~ The Disabled, Distorted, Fallen Feminine

    ~ Generational Pain, Pathologies, & Healing

    VOLUME III. A Global Peace

    Chapter 3. What Adults Must Know (Part 3)

          ~ The Disabled, Distorted, Fallen Female (continued)

    ~ Dysfunctions in Families of Origin

    ~ Restoring the Women’s House

    ~ The Changing Female Image

    ~ Looking at & for Religion

    ~ Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil

    ~ Looking for the Center

    ~ Mental & Psychological Disorders

    ~ Chemical Addictions

    ~ Restoring the Men’s House

    ~ The Warping of Womanhood

    ~ The Predatory Instincts

    ~ The Disoriented Female

    ~ The Old Paradigms

    ~ The Power of Community

    ~ Using Female Empowerment

    Chapter 4. The Whole Woman

    ~ Human Intelligences

    ~ Thinking Disorders

    ~ Soul Qualities

    ~ A Divine Nature

    Chapter 5.  An Organizing Center

    Chapter 6.  Spiritual Needs

    Chapter 7.  Peace Education for Adults

    Chapter 8.  Spiritual Communities

    Chapter 9.  A Global Peace Movement

    ~ Pride & Priority

    ~ Why Feminine Leadership?

    ~ Local Communities for Peace

    ~ Regional Networks for Peace

    ~ Standards for Child Care & Education

    ~ A Vision & Mission

    ~ A Possible Future

    Chapter 10. Peace Education for Children 

    ~ Optimal Child Development

    ~ About Boys (And Girls)

    ~ Inconsistent Parents

    ~ Long-Term Solutions

    ~ The Mother’s Institute

    ~ A Children’s House – Designed for the Future

    ~ Overview – Blueprint for Peace

    Prologue: Into the Darkness

    This volume’s sub-title was taken from the Book of Isaiah in The Hebrew Bible: The people in darkness have seen a great light. Christians have long believed this prophesy to mean Jesus.  Composer G.  F.  Handel included it, as the primary message, for his "The Messiah. Muslims might interpret it to mean their Prophet.  Buddhists might say that it refers to the Buddha, and so forth.  While not arguing with any of these interpretations, which are from a patriarchal or a masculine perspective, it can have other meanings.  From a literary or secular perspective, a character from the Lord of the Rings series, looking up through a dark shadow, which had fallen over the land, saw one bright star, and noted that there was/is light and high beauty beyond the shadow.  The motto of the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Campaign, in the United States, is likewise Forward into Light.  This series also looks for A Greater Light," but from a feminine perspective, which can also become the vision for creating A New Earth, which can then result in A Global Peace. All three volumes of this series are of one piece, intended to be read in order and in their entirety. 

    This first volume is an anticipatory set, setting the stage for its following two volumes.  When you are a teacher, your task is to help students grow in knowledge and competencies, and to also praise or validate them, wherever they are in their development.  If they can accept constructive criticism as coming from a caring voice, even if hard to hear, they will progress more, as students.  Being dismissive of what any elders say is also a negative response, which leaves one in the dark.  The premise in this series, and one of many reasons for writing it, is that adults, who focus on their prayer lives and spiritual practices, can only go so far in their inner ‘hero’s journey,’ without knowing and understanding more about their tribal, family, and personal psychologies.  Adults mostly focused on the science, and on psychology and counseling, can also only go so far, without knowing more about the spiritual universe and its laws, so as to receive the spiritual guidance, protection, and assistance required to do that deeper inner ‘soul work,’ which will be needed to close the doors on evil, both within their own souls and, collectively, in the outer world.  As the unprovoked, aggressive war against Ukraine by Russia showed, the world will not have peace as long as fallen leaders like Russia’s Putin remain in power — and until women have more power.  One expert pointed out two things that make political violence more likely, even in the U.S.: the social web and scale, which gives leaders a huge megaphone, and ongoing (2020) election denial.  To counter this threat, people must know their nation’s history and the truth; both are included. 

    This series, divided into 3 books, is so long, because it involves far more than just scratching the personality’s surface and applying ‘band-aids.’  Biology is still unlocking the physical body’s amazing complexities, while the soul of all human beings is just as complex as these physiological systems, if not even more so.  Overall, the abilities of one’s mind and soul, in concert with one’s spiritual Powers, can be used to change one’s inner life and, in turn, ‘fuel’ changes in this world.  How can socioeconomic and power structures, which are out of alignment with spiritual values, be changed, without first knowing how they operate?  And, if not changed, these structures are internalized and have too much influence; they also block or diminish a female heart and soul’s capacity to love self and others.  These structures are not simply the way that the world is; they are how men have made it.  How a woman can change these has been explored, at-length, by this author.  Even if starting with yourself, inner and outer changes tend to parallel each other, so do not dismiss the lengthy discussions about how societies were/are organized and kept in place.  Structural evil is just as real, and is usually even more damaging than personal evildoing ever is.

    As horrific war crimes committed by Russian soldiers in Ukraine in 2022 were revealed, one U.N.  Human Rights representative stated, We cannot understand these men.  But grown-ups, who have so obviously surrendered to evil, must be understood, so as to raise fewer of them and to marginalize any that still ‘fall through the cracks.’ Science explains that these men acted from the lower, reptilian and instinctual parts of their brains, where it is hunt or be hunted; kill or be killed.  But psychology only partly explains what else was involved, in being driven by emotions like homicidal rage and revenge, together with roles the subconscious mind and psychic energies play in such atrocities.  The spiritual components and consequences of evil are less understood, so these will be further explored.  Science and technology will not save humanity now.  Human failings and evil can only be reversed with psychological and spiritual remedies, used together.  To understand the darkness, one has to venture into and explore it, which will require that adults also have an inner life of prayer, which gives them both the faith and spiritual support needed to do so.  How psychology and spirituality work together, to change and uplift one’s psyche, will be explained.  Otherwise, one can have a higher spiritual consciousness, yet have one foot dragging behind in the past.  Or one can be highly knowledgeable about psychology, yet stay stuck at the level of the science.  Either position can lead to arrogance, wherein one believes that one knows more than others do, creating one’s own inner ‘glass ceilings,’ when it comes to being teachable. 

    By virtue of being such a concentration of cataclysms, the place where the world’s evils can coagulate, Ukraine is now the place that also gives birth to its antidotes, such as the need to have universal rights beyond the power of the state in which one lives.  The concept of ‘crimes against humanity’ and the ultimate ways to define the depths of evil: unprovoked aggression, genocide, the systematic mass murder of entire groups, happened there.  Ukraine is where global disasters get more visibility and come into focus, because these bump up against a set of legal, academic, cultural, and media institutions that force the world to start making sense of them and look for solutions.  (Source: Ukraine is the world’s crucible by Peter Pomerantsev, Time, April 25/May 2, 2022.)  In that sense, Putin’s war against Ukraine is an existential war, which is far bigger than Ukraine.  Subjects in this series are also bigger than any one person or events used as examples.  Within Christianity, the search for ‘the holy grail,’ the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, has become archetypal for whatever the most important thing or goal is, within any quest or journey.  A global movement, for a lasting peace, both within and in the outer world, also has ‘a holy grail,’ and, especially for women, that is the Cosmic Mother Goddess.  How to find Her will be explained.  Human beings have been written into a series of plays or stories, as individuals and collectively, and the roles that only women can play are increasing greatly.  These roles will also be explained.

    The series is divided into many sub-topics, some recalling historical events and happenings, which might already be known.  This is also intended to present and show ‘the big picture,’ which could be thought of as a giant puzzle formed from many pieces.  Any pieces, which have already been ‘slotted in,’ by other experts and/or organizations, will be referenced and/or quoted.  Some spiritual teachers and practices keep using the power of the mind to eclipse the soul; so, despite all their knowledge, the puzzle still has a piece missing in its Center.  This series describes the piece that ‘fits’ into that inner space.  It presents ‘newer’ knowledge, first, so readers can take the actions required to fill in any missing pieces, within their own individual lives — and then to also find those pieces, which are in disrepair, or missing, within the outer world’s larger patchworks.  In other words, the personal or specific examples presented are doorways into what is universal.

    To do this, it begins with the whole and, when possible, at its center, which either is or should be there, and with the big ideas, before focusing upon the smaller parts and pieces.  It also has a strong reliance upon scientific studies.  But trying to prove what has already been expected or concluded is just not sound science.  In that respect, today’s biologists and medical experts might assume that many diseases have their origins in a person’s biology and genetics, with little or no credence given to possible psychological and spiritual causes of disease.  Diseases have physical and biological aspects; but they can have psychological and spiritual components, as well, which this series explores.  A comprehensive study of the elderly called 90+ discovered that the brain of one man had the very distinct ‘markings’ for two types of dementia, yet he had still tested and was cognitively sound, before dying of other causes.  Studies of childhood trauma also showed that the numbers and severity of early traumas predict chronic diseases and shorter life spans in adults.  A mental health professional observed that prevention of trauma, during these early childhood years, would prevent nearly all mental illnesses.  (Source: Invisible Scars: America’s Childhood Trauma Crisis, PBS Newshour series, December, 2020.) This is where to get started.

    But this series is not mostly about political will.  It addresses far deeper, greater things.  Its organizational structure will not be linear, as readers might expect.  It will instead spiral around and re-visit concepts and ideas to increase its reader’s understandings.  Its goal is to help women understand themselves and the world they live in, so females can begin to change both, for the better.  Since this text is mainly knowledge-based, its spiritual and psychological concepts, with its instructions, can be overwhelming, so these will be served out in small courses and portions, over time.  If concepts are heard a second or a third time, they can be taken in at differing levels.  Its 3rd Chapter is quite long; but, to overcome or change something, it must first be understood.  As in nature, anyone committed to protecting it must understand its larger systems.  As history shows, without that understanding, short-term solutions and decisions often make things worse and harder or more expensive to correct, over the longer term.  Some even increase the darkness.

    In a company’s mission statement, ‘empowerment’ conveys an idea that its employees have the right and/or an ability to make decisions and do their work without excessive direction, even if its management and employees may interpret it quite differently.  Used herein, empowerment has far less to do with any outward situations; it means being fully autonomous, standing on firm ground, within one’s whole person: mentally, psychologically, and spiritually.  It goes beyond praying for a miracle to being a maker of one’s own miracles, even if most are unseen.  Females are the life-bearers for their species and, as such.  were intended to have power, within, to protect and preserve life.  A woman’s power and unique connections to nature, when fully realized, can be more powerful than evil.  Is it surprising that females were stripped of their powers, so males could dominate?  What better places for men to rule, dominate, and limit women than in families, social systems, and religion? Until a woman has actualized her spiritual power, as a female, she will not be fully empowered.  How that can happen will be explained.  Until the psyche (the mind and soul, in concert) is stronger, psychologically and spiritually, than inner ‘darkness’ or disease, the physical body is not stronger, either, even if one appears to be in prime health.  How to gain strength and power, from within, in order to push back against ’darkness’ will also be explained.

    The night is as beautiful, in its own way, as is the day.  Holy persons often walked or prayed in nature at night, under the moon and stars, and in caves or other dark places.  This darkness is the opposite of evil, or the absence of life, or of the Creator/God.  But, as most often used herein, dark energy means negatively charged or destructive energy, not dark matter and energy in the physical cosmos, as referred to in physics.  Dark matter that is inscrutable influences the visible cosmos, and it can be measured.  Invisible energies, such as its magnetic and electrical fields, also affect the earth’s health.  Things in this physical world might sometimes be used as metaphors for them, but those energies and mindsets that affect the health of a human psyche are what will be meant, herein.  In psychological or spiritual dimensions, black holes can act like the Creators’ ‘vacuum cleaner hoses’ that suck in and dispose of dark, twisted, heavy, dysfunctional, or unholy energy.  Even when such energies are invisible, their effects are evident everywhere on the earth.

    This includes violent, anti-human and twisted male energies.  In folklore in parts of Eurasia, a wolf is the archetype for this dark distortion within its fallen males, and a she-wolf can also be archetypal for the fallen females, who also carry such energies.  Although wolves do not normally attack humans, centuries of stories in Europe have turned them into nightmares, so the psyches of persons from Europe often use them to symbolize predatory energies.  Fear, greed, homicidal rage, and hostilities toward another feed any wolves in the psyche.  A wolf is a predator and often unseen, so humans can project dark, predatory parts out of themselves onto it, although wolves in the wild are effective parents.  As such, wolves are positive models in native cultures, and are even represented as guardians for some Northwest tribes.  If that applies to your culture, then your psyche would use different symbols to represent these predator and anti-human energies in internal work, unique to you.  As you continue on, you then need to mentally substitute that symbol or image for the wolf.  Or, when you read the wolf, it only means predatory, aggressive attack energy, even if that is in the form of passive-aggression or hostility, not an outright attack.

    Toxic energies can influence the soul and siphon energy from it, but none of these are part of its core self, even if, like other parasites, they hang onto the host for their lives, literally.  The sum-total of the anti-human, animalistic mindsets and energies, called the carnal nature by the Christian Apostle Paul, who was also Jewish, are interwoven with the human parts.  As a Muslim male explained it, this lower, animalistic nature is what each follower of Islam must overcome and transcend, if he or she is to draw closer and closer to Allah/God.  In this series, this aggressive predator energy has been called ‘the wolf.’  It might also be compared to ‘pit bull’ dogs that were bred to attack and kill wolves, and they are sometimes used as sport, to fight each other.  Even if these dogs can be socialized to become pets or companions to humans, they also sometimes turn on their owners, children, neighbors, or strangers, which has led some towns and cities to ban them.  While ‘pit bull’ owners believe that these dogs protect them and their property, and keep their families safe, they can create fear in younger and weaker members of their family.  In this respect, these same instincts and/or attack energies in humans can be used to dominate others, especially by ‘alpha’ males, who, like ‘pit bulls,’ may be friendly ‘nice guys’ most of the time.  But, they can always misuse that threat, so males must first keep it on a leash and then get rid of it, if they are to be in right relationship with females and actually provide protection for their family.

    An owl, as the symbol of Athena, represents wisdom in Euro-centric cultures, but is seen as a harbinger of death in some American Indian cultures, for example.  In other tribes, an owl may act as an inner guide to lead a seeker to the Goddess.  If you are uncertain about what something symbolizes, ask your psyche to clarify it.  Ask it to show you a different symbol for it or to give it a name and/or a label.  That meaning, not the symbol itself, is what is important in this internal sanctification and soul work.  What it symbolizes in the psyche is not necessarily reflected in the outer world, and wolves hunting in their natural habitats would be an example of this difference.

    Both male and female wolves hunt separately and together to provide food for their pups.  And the pack will even spar with a larger bear, if necessary, to draw it away from their den.  If an alpha male is focused on the hunt and older pups cannot keep up, the mother and alpha female will call them to return with her to their den.  Her maternal instincts will override the predator instincts, when offspring are at-risk.  In contrast, the alpha male may be so intent on his prey that he puts the pups at-risk.  But, even so, one study of a successful wolf pack in Yellowstone National Park found that its alpha male had never been defeated, yet he had also never killed a rival.  But it is the mother wolf that goes back and keeps searching for a pup that is left behind.  It is also less dangerous to face a larger male than any female that has pups or cubs with her.  Members of packs or herds protect the young, but the mother is the most protective.  A mother bear obviously mated with a male, yet protects her cubs from adult males.  A mother orangutan is so protective that she must become unconscious or be killed before her baby can be taken and stolen from her, to be sold into the pet trade.  Wounded females will have survival, combined with their maternal instincts, on high alert, and, when necessary, they will turn and fight to save themselves and their offspring.  In that context, animals provide the models for all of those 21st Century mothers, who have a warrior spirit that will defend and protect their families and tribe.

    If the maternal instincts are not warped or eclipsed within the female soul, a woman might be most protective of her own offspring, but she will also protect any children in her sphere of influence.  But female rage, bitterness, and the dark, fallen feminine can eclipse these instincts; so she may harm even her own children instead of protecting them.  Societies that were invested in wars to capture lands, resources, and slaves (and/or reduce the conquered people to servants) had an investment in the warping of these maternal instincts in their females.  Sexism and the oppression of females, whereby those in power take both women and children — and the natural environment, down with them, served these purposes.  And this eventually happened in nearly every region of the world.  As some groups misused their technology and large populations to conquer and colonize, the oppression of females became widespread.  Females learned to be submissive, so they and offspring were more likely to survive.  But the cycles have now turned.  To increase the chance that the human species will survive, in an increasingly dangerous world and changing, threatened natural environment, all of these past adaptations must be overcome.

    How the oppression of females was set up, both in the world and in the souls of females, will be explained, together with ways for today’s women to overcome it, starting with fear that comes up, as a survival mechanism, whenever facing a predator — not in the outer environment, but as predator energy within their own psyches or in others.  As explained, animal forms in a psyche can represent negative energies and drives.  As such, the so-called ‘wolf’ can override a human female’s maternal instincts, and it cannot be assumed that it is only found in the males.  It can be in the male side of a female’s psyche and might even be upfront in females mainly identified with males.  Harmful energies could also take on other forms, including vultures, reptiles, vampires, and zombies.  These then take on a life and an intelligence of their own, within a human psyche.

    Animals with rabies cannot be treated, nor cured.  They are culled out and put down.  Dark energies like this are beyond redemption and dangerous to females and children.  Like a deadly infection in the body, one must fight them off and eliminate them — to save the life.  But not all psychologists or counselors would agree, so their approach treats the symptoms.  However, this equates to bringing down a fever without removing its underlying cause.  Yes, you start with the visible symptoms and treat them, but then you try to find their cause.  Most societies have norms wherein children are more expendable than adults and every individual’s value is ranked by gender, race, origin, and/or within socioeconomic hierarchies — even if wrongly so.  As they are growing up, all young children then learn their value, or their lesser value, from their extended family, from their surrounding community, and from society at-large.  The norms and beliefs that devalue females and certain persons become unconscious, core beliefs, and mindsets that must be dismantled, within the psyches of the adult children that first learned them, then within family systems, tribes, larger cultural groups, and institutions.  How to remove them will be explained.

    Resolving complex problems or challenges requires knowledge about them, which involves far too much complex information to be taken in, all at once, by anyone.  Furthermore, that same level of thinking, which created a problem, will not also solve it.  The needed concepts will first be explained, applied in examples, and then reviewed.  As more history, geopolitics, economics, sociology, religious studies, psychology, and theology — both past and present, are understood, the more you can know about yourself.  And, as you open new doors, others can follow after you, through these same doors, if they are willing to do what is required.  But do not hold any doors open, indefinitely.  As one woman was told, about her helping other Christians: You are not their Shepherd.  Every person must do her own empowerment work, not try to attach to anyone else.  Despite the claims of diet and exercise gurus, the soul’s contents will eventually trump the body.  Obviously, life, for most persons, begins within families and then extends into communities or tribes, where couple relationships are formed.  All of these have a profound effect on one’s soul.  A study that used comparative observations found that a harsh parenting style, as opposed to a kinder, gentler parenting style, resulted in more children and adult children with mental illness.

    Things introduced herein, and the honesty, might spin you around, when you first read them, so give yourself time to regain your footing, before dismissing them.  Women must identify and give up their fantasies — to turn, face, and change realities.  Females, who have been raised in a patriarchal society or religion, even women with considerable standing, will feel nervous if they think another woman has ‘too much’ power.  Just putting the words ‘power’ and ‘female’ together makes many people uneasy.  Keep this in mind, if you strive for spiritual empowerment, using the knowledge and instructions herein.  Then also keep this in mind: Unless something is right for women and children, including the poor, it is not right.  Do not expect the spiritual world to take your part against the poor, because it will not.  The world’s systems can be worked to one’s advantage, but not the spiritual world’s.  Make this your guiding philosophy and standard for examining relationships or social structures: How is life for most women and children, especially at the bottom, in that system?  Social structures are not just natural, nor forces of nature.  These structures and systems are man-made and can be changed.  Harmful pathologies, first created by people and societies, can be overcome — and, for peace to prevail, people must overcome evil.

    Pathology originally meant study of the emotions, as this referred to the essential nature of diseases, especially to the functional and structural changes produced by diseases.  Deviations from what is normal or a normal state can constitute diseases in the body and in the human soul.  A physical disease such as cancer will eventually make itself known, while a similar or a parallel disease in the soul might go undetected.  Or, even if it is discovered, it will not be taken seriously enough — although it could be even more deadly.  Like defective genes detected in the physical body, proactive psychotherapy would be the best course.  For certain, treatment must begin with the disease’s first symptoms.  Be certain that this is understood: A defective gene, like the Fragile X gene, is more common within males and is associated with increased aggression (and possibly autism).  The optimal treatment is early intervention, as can likewise be true for a psychological mutation.  The difference: Genetic defects can only be treated.  Psychological ones can be cured.

    Diseases in souls are usually passed on down through many generations in families of origin, tribes, and other social groups.  Some members may eventually act out the lethal pathologies, which typically remain latent in all other group members.  Older boys, who killed classmates or teachers, and then themselves, provide examples of pathologies that combined with these boys’ psychology, social standing, and gender.  Many of these young killers would have inherited white supremacy and male ‘pride,’ stemming from Western European ethnic origins and patriarchal power structures.  Such types of lethal soul diseases are even overt and remain systemic, in the Middle East, where family and tribal structures are also patriarchal in the most extreme of forms. 

    A patriarchy is a social structure, with certain features in common across different cultures.  It is a social group, an institution, or an organization ruled by males.  It consists of a hierarchy, with leadership roles at the apex of its pyramid held by men.  (To learn more, refer to Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labour by Maria Mies, © 1986, Zed Books, Ltd., U.K.)  The top leaders in a patriarchy are not always ‘alpha’ males; but most will be.  When it acts collectively, as an ‘alpha’ male, a group may keep a humble leader on top.  Just be aware that he or she is only the face and front for what is still a dominator group. 

    If any real sheep slips in to be its ‘shepherd,’ the ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ just get craftier and go underground.  Any belief that this new leader can then tell these wolves what to do, or what they can no longer do, is simply foolish.  And, if wolves surround him, they still create a toxic intra-psychic environment.  As many lower animals do, the ‘alpha’ male will aggressively dominate other ‘beta’ males.  In geopolitical spheres, he would be the ’strong man,’ the dictator or ruler, feared by others.  As in the world of predators, ‘alpha males’ on the hunt will be more focused upon the prey, marksmanship, and defending their position than on younger offspring’s safety.  Or these males put everyone at-risk, which, as of this series first publishing in 2023, was/is very much the reality on earth.  Even in the natural world, some ‘bullies’ let a smaller animal do the hunting and then attack it, until it gives up its catch or food.  The smaller animal will give up its food (energy) to save its own life (as human females do).  Once the bigger animal has that food, the animals of the same kind will then fight over it among themselves.  This can be normal, within the natural world.  But it is not normal for human beings, nor for human societies.

    Mothers with little or no power cannot always keep their offspring safe, so it should not be surprising, if powerless women become hysterical.  Yet most stay invested in a male-dominated religion, not in true female empowerment.  Deep down inside, many are afraid of the ‘alpha’ parts of the men they married.  The female soul has a certain relationship with the male that is normal, and the male cannot dominate in that relationship.  When the male dominates, either in the outer or within a female’s own psyche, a female soul will be stressed or distressed, at-depth.  If a male uses passive aggression or very subtle ways to dominate, some parts of the female will still know, and her more vulnerable parts fear him.  If anyone wants to know if any male has a threatening ‘alpha wolf,’ look at his father and grandfathers.  If males in his family had this ‘attack dog’ and dominated, he also has it, even if he mostly stays in the role of the ‘beta male’ and is personally mild-mannered.  Even where it is latent and seldom seen, at least 95% of males still carry this energy, and the majority of females will have absorbed it from the grown males in their families.

    Even if dormant in her, a girl will have absorbed in attack energies from her father (and/or from the male side of her mother).  If her father misused his ‘attack dog’ threat, she likely learned to fear it in a male.  Even if the girl never acts it out, it will still dominate the feminine within her soul.  Being constantly on the run and on the hunt for something can be symptomatic of it.  And a female may have learned to misuse and/or has begun to misuse this attack energy, to likewise dominate others; so she is, or will become, the ‘alpha female’ in certain relationships and/or situations.  A female’s assaults are more likely to be psychological or emotional.  But, even if her aggression is then mainly ‘under the table’ and passive, it is still hostility.  Whether or not it has a negative effect on a target, it always does on her own soul.  If the target tries to deflect hostility, rather than returning it in kind, she is growing stronger, psychologically and spiritually, while anyone on the attack is growing weaker, even if it appears the latter is the ‘stronger’ and more dominant.  Hostility within a parent, or between parents, causes ambiguity for younger children.

    To their credit, some males, who had a domineering, authoritarian father, do not want to act like that as adults.  But this was still the model for being a grown-up male in their family, so they look for a mate that is easy to dominate.  (The opposite may be true for females in an ‘alpha’ male role, who will look for a weaker male, instead.)  This mate will likely be someone that has been psychologically weakened, often by a father with this ‘attack dog’ part and/or by a mother, who was herself weakened, so she modeled caution around agitated and angry males, by an engulfing mother, who weakened one or more of daughters, so she could live vicariously through the child or children, or by a mother, who sometimes had this ‘attack wolf’ part of her psyche out in front.  Or offspring know that it/the potential is there and are careful not to do anything to bring it out.

    A younger child cannot stand up to her father and/or mother, so a woman will have learned to appease and cower down to any persons or a mate that has this same part.  Or a girl had ‘blind spots’ around the dark side of her otherwise loving parent, so she is then also ‘blind’ to any dark sides of men she later comes to love or marry, even as an intuitive part of her does know about the dangerous parts of anyone else.  If the male always somehow has to be ‘right,’ even when he is wrong, have the last word, and make the final decisions, he is still dominating within the male-female relationship, whether he claims that he is doing so or not.  What is the point of even having a wife or a mother in their household, if the man is still making all of their important decisions?  Many men also use a deviant boy side of themselves, in concert with the inner ‘wolf,’ to dominate.  If this, or some other inner child part of one’s psyche, is the door that either lets ‘the wolf’ out or that lets it come in, then that part — the door — must be the first thing an adult must change/close.  How to search out and change old beliefs, patterns, or dynamics at child levels will be explained.

    A female must either shut down around or counter any dangerous male parts in some way.  This happens in her psyche, but it also influences relationships.  The female may armor up in the outer, within, or in both ways, in defense.  As long as the threat is within or nearby, she will fear it and keep up that guard.  Even if her chronic anxiety is projected outward, it is also somewhere in her psyche.  She may overeat or become emotionally cold.  She must put psychological distance between her own soul and the male, so she learns or develops coping mechanisms to deal with her unconscious fear of the male.  The female is caught in a Catch-22: If she leaves a relationship, she might be alone physically, socially, and sexually; if she stays, she is psychologically alone and alienated within.  Her soul adapts to its ‘new normal,’ but it remains distressed, deep within, so, when she can, she soothes it with food, beautiful things, music, ritual, clothes, travel, or the arts.  She has ‘sacrificed the feminine’ to live with an ogre, a cruel man, in order to have a family.  What makes him cruel?  He takes life energy from her and insists on having priority in the relationship.  But stress in a soul takes a toll, physically and emotionally.  Even if a female is a male’s caregiver and keeps meeting his physical, sexual, and emotional needs, the male’s soul will be just as alone.

    Shared goals and companionship take the edge off loneliness, but neither is true intimacy.  In fact, finding reasons to work together, as a team, or always being together can become too important in those male-female relationships that lack any deeper intimacy.  Working together physically and mentally does not satisfy the soul.  And it can limit the outside contacts and the creative outlets that a female may need.  Furthermore, it is easy for a female to slip, or be covertly pushed, into the role of the male’s assistant in domestic chores and shared projects, which totally suits him.  As a woman said, of her reluctance to marry, Wives tend to disappear in a marriage.

    When a newly married man lost his job, he started up a business in which he needed his wife to assist him, so she eventually gave up her own high paying career.  After her house had become their shared house, he filled it with his merchandise, further limiting her professional and social life.  She started driving her mother’s ‘town car,’ telling friends how comfortable it was.  How symbolic is that?  Reverting back to old female roles and letting the male dominate, as showed in her house, was comfortable.  But, in doing this, she kept abdicating her female power.  Because that woman in question was well educated, she rationalized her role, as her husband’s assistant, when she should have challenged it and him, both.  She instead convinced herself that she was just compromising.  How will any man, who is this sexist, ever know enough to change, when his partner does not challenge him? If you do truly love your marital partner, you must be real and honest with him or her.  When a decision affects both of you — or you more than him — he cannot overrule you.  If he does, it is past time to call sexism to his attention and to insist he do otherwise.

    Adult male and female souls were made to bond together, but will not at deep levels, if either of them, typically the male, dominates in their couple relationship.  From that female psyche’s perspective, she may be in love with and sleeping with an enemy she fears, even while her outer ego self and personality will likely be completely unaware of her soul’s distress.  This can be like solitary confinement for the soul, which makes prisoners insane.  If isolated prisoners can no longer lash out at others, many begin to hurt themselves.  Those kept isolated for years suffered from what psychologists call social death.  Insanity is a mental disorder that results from abuse and repression, even if covert.  If anyone is to have complete mental and psychological health, all old injuries must be healed, all oppression must be lifted, and adult-thinking structures must be in place.  What women themselves can do to stop living in fear will follow, so every woman can be safe and empowered within her heart, whether or not she is yet fully empowered in the world.

    It is abnormal for females to fear males, or to fear an ’alpha’ side of the male in any person, but female fear is especially damaging within male-female relationships.  Even if the female has little protection, otherwise, she can and will protect her heart.  She may be in love with the male, in that the boundaries between her ego self and her lover have collapsed.  But, at a soul level, she still will not allow him into her heart, which results in her still being alone, deep within.  This is likewise true for the male, so the most that the couple can experience, together, will be love that is egocentric, which might or might not last.  Everlasting love is the opposite of egocentric love.  In the former, the male protects the female; he does not undermine her, so that he can dominate.

    If she fears a dominating male, the female may appease him in various ways.  She could stay mostly in the roles of a vulnerable child and over-protective mother, not the adult, with the male.  If a female’s insecure child still fears any male’s ‘alpha’ attack dog, her mothering self will try to keep it from ‘waking up’ within the male.  She coddles him and is careful not to put any pressures on him.  To misuse this threat, all a male has to do is to complain or act annoyed about something for the female to make things easier for him, take him off the hook, help with his responsibilities, even do his share.  An intuitive female senses the male’s mood and when he needs to prove he is on top.  She makes uncharacteristic mistakes, to reassure him that he is smarter than she is, allowing him to step into a father role, then ‘pat her on the head,’ with a smile.  Think of what an advantage this gives to men (or women that have and run this same energy, stepping on others psychologically, to dominate and get their way), even if it is an unfair and unhealthy advantage.

    The only intimacy in this kind of a relationship is at the surface layers of self.  Ego boundaries may be collapsed, at the outer layers of self, but the heart of a female soul is not for sale.  Even if unconsciously, this heart remains hers, to give or keep, as she chooses.  The person dominated, usually the female, will shut down, emotionally, or even dissociate, which will adversely affect her creativity and zest for life.  Or she may instead enter into what is really an emotional ‘affair’ with a close female friend.  Females do need close relationships with other females, just not to replace a spouse.  Unhealthy ways of being in male-female relationships are also modeled for any offspring.  Are such ways of relating what mothers want to model for daughters, in particular?

    When the female takes on more of a couple’s responsibilities, she is the one more likely to get too tired or to even get hurt.  Psychologically, she is hurting herself.  And this can manifest in her body, as well.  Many women in these unhealthy unions experience physical pain of some sort.  What is a ‘win’ for the male is at the expense of the female, in terms of stress and otherwise, so she might be unable to meet other responsibilities, which can undermine her integrity outside of the home.  She is late or has less time to do her best work or her part.  And her stress spreads out to any offspring.  If fear has generalized, spreading out within her psyche, she might become fearful, even in low risk situations.  Anything threatening can result in panic, even if irrational.  Even if none of these apply, she was/is still rewarding the male for misusing an unhealthy ‘attack dog’ part of himself to scare her — which makes her part of the pathology, even if as its victim.

    A mature adult would stand her ground within and with the male, instead of accommodating his weak areas or making sure he is less stressed.  Until women can counter this harmful dynamic within their psyche, not react to it in others, then walk away, men will be unlikely to give it up.  The world does not need any more female leaders that are ‘alphas,’ who counterattack and try to dominate in kind; when the ‘alpha’ part of a man comes up, it will bring up the ‘alpha’ in them.  The world needs women, who are spiritually empowered enough to leave those males that make threats, even if mostly covert ones, in their dust.  What does a spiritually empowered woman do, when the ‘alpha male’ part of a man comes up?  She does not flinch, because she is not afraid of it.  If she must counter it, she only does so with facts, not personal attacks, gossip, or guilt through accusations.  She otherwise turns and walks away — not in fear, but in a refusal to engage with it, at all.  While She might not engage with it, neither does she allow it to intimidate or create any fear in her.  Why not?  Because the Divine Feminine does not fear it.  And the deep Feminine has more power within the psyche of the empowered woman than this ugly predatory energy has. 

    Dark male energies could be compared to fossil fuels, now polluting the earth, while positive female ones are instead like the renewable energies.  How all women can connect to this Source of female Power is explored, at-length, in this series.  Without this connection, a woman could still be living in fear of male predatory energy.  Or she is countering it with her own inner ‘attack dog,’ which gives it more power in her.  If a woman verbally engages with and counterattacks someone, who is on the attack, her rage is feeding this attack dog.  She might be all sweetness and light at times, but her old ‘mad cow’ vs.  his ‘raging bull’ dynamics may later unleash harmful energies.  Or she engages in passive aggression, by stirring up hostility or causing harm to others, while hoping to maintain her ‘good girl,’ just an innocent bystander, or a pseudo-saint persona.

    If a female identifies with and operates mainly from her psyche’s male side, it will dominate in her psyche, even if she is otherwise feminine in her manners and social roles.  This unnatural state creates stress in her soul, which eventually shows up in her body.  Or she may dominate in the outer male-female relationship, which is only the flip side of an imbalance created, if the male dominates.  The female has the nesting instincts and is more likely to be attuned to the needs of the children, so her opinions and decisions would have more weight in these areas; but a wife or mother with more power than a husband or father is still an imbalance and hierarchy that is not right for the couple or their family, as a whole.  She may be teaching girls to dominate through manipulation or other strategies that undermine female integrity.  Or, since she identifies more with her male side, she could be giving priority to any boys.  In any case, she uses the dominating, male part of herself, in some combination with her femininity, to have the most power in a male-female relationship and her family.  These ways of dominating will carry over into her workplace.

    Such false power may seem real, but it will come at great expense to her soul, which is then spiraling down, rather being on a spiritual path that leads upward.  This will be as true for and as equally damaging to the souls of males that attack females.  Men that misuse any ugly parts of themselves, in trying to threaten and intimidate a female, are diminishing themselves far more than they will ever diminish ‘the other.’ Both sides of this coin, whether the adapted female, who fears and appeases it, so it is enabled in the males, or the ‘alpha’ female who counterattacks, are part of and are increasing the pathology in their souls, even if those on the attack do more harm.

    The males or females that use the ‘wolf’ and predatory energies to intimidate, threaten, and frighten others are actually cowards, even if they might be dangerous, physically.  They lack the courage needed to become a real man or real woman.  They are afraid of an intimate relationship, honest debates, systems of equality, and a level playing field, on which they do not yet have an advantage, through some form of aggression and also on the social-emotional hierarchies.  The coward will not interact, ‘fight,’ and/or debate fairly.  He will cheat in some way, even if only by throwing his physical weight and/or his mental prowess around.  As females too often do, the coward may attack from ‘under the table’ and behind the other person’s back.  Cowards also tend to make unwise and unwholesome alliances, to further shore up their standing.  In many cases, they will then pull their spouses and these partners down with them, both psychologically and spiritually, even if it appears that they have gained much (success, wealth, status) in the world.

    Do families and females want a coward, who will likely just ‘turn tail and run’ at the sight of a real threat, or from whatever triggers prior fears in an inner child, in the place of their male protector?  Do they want a person, who might fold, just when women and children need him or her to stand up for them?  A physically large male can be a psychological weakling, while a small male can be stronger, psychologically.  You need a protector, both within and in the outer, who has the courage to do whatever it takes to avoid using any aggressive, attack male energy and to eventually remove it.  Meanwhile, a female must separate from such energies, both within and in the outer.  Until she does, she can still be placating and enabling it in her inner life and without.

    Whichever parent a child most identified with will be carried over into adult relationships.  Even when a male identified mainly with his mother and tends to be more nurturing, his father was still his primary model for future adult male-female relationships.  Even if he seems more like his mother or sisters, his father (as an introject) will still be right behind him or sitting right beside him in his roles as a husband and a father.  A girl who was most identified with her father might use male skill sets and try to dominate, as a result.  But her mother was her primary model for future male-female relationships.  Her mother (also as an introject) will also be right behind or sitting right beside her, in the roles of a wife and mother.  Boys and girls will likely have taken on the better — but also the very worst, traits of both parents, even when one model for being in the world, or the other, is probably more up-front in their personality or ego, most of the time.

    What does this portend for women?  An intimate physical relationship is possible with a male partner that dominates, especially if in gentle ways.  He tries to be a gentle giant — but he still views himself as ‘the giant’ in the room.  Your mate can be your equal professionally, share common interests that you pursue together, and appear to treat you like his equal.  But, as long as some part of him, even if seemingly latent, is determined to dominate and rule over a female, the level of intimacy that a female psyche desires and needs is just not possible — not for her, not for him.  If any male saw his father dominate his mother, while he was growing up, he will still try to do the same and repeat this pattern in a couple relationship and his own family, if they have children together.  Even if he tries to be an adult, a 13-year-old or teen-age part of him could react with jealousy, and then lash out.  If so, he must change out a patriarchal mindset at these younger levels.  Abusive males (or females) will require an in-depth psychological intervention.

    If a man’s father instead dominated him or any other children, he may stay in this ‘beta’ role in his marriage.  Either way, when male energy dominated and took up most of the intra-psychic space in his family of origin, this will feel normal and right to him — and very likely to his wife, as well.  This then becomes the norm for a new family they create together, until or unless one of them, usually the wife, realizes that this environment is oppressive to one partner and begins to insist upon radical changes.  All women must also understand that, within any co-dependent relationships, if the woman becomes stronger, the husband could then feel as if he is becoming weaker, because his sense of manhood was/is likely built on patriarchy’s false premise: that weakening of the females makes males stronger.  In this dynamic, only one of them can be strong; so, as the female becomes stronger, the male becomes weaker — which then further motivates him to keep the female in the lesser, weaker position in the relationship.  A male spending freely, while expecting the female to be frugal, is another example.  Or vice versa.  It would, of course, be better for both to be strong, in a healthier way.  (Self-help books, like Co-Dependence and Boundaries by Dr.  Charles L.  Whitfield, might help.  Ending a co-dependency is never the end-all in soul work, but is an important step toward wholeness and gender balance in relationships.)

    For such dynamics to be reversed in relationships, the female must be just as strong.  But, if his wife asserts herself, the husband may then shift to dominating any children they have, even if only covertly, by giving them threatening looks or being critical about some things, especially when his wife is gone.  This is often the point at which the deviant-boy side of the male comes into open play.  As a savvy foster child explained it, ‘Dad’ waits until ‘Mom’ is gone, then gets on me about something.  And then he smiles!  This girl could not understand why he smiled, but most middle school teachers will recognize the smug little smirk or sneer of a deviant schoolboy, who thinks that he has gotten away with something.  This would be one example of the deviant boy side of a male psyche letting out ‘the wolf.’ (This would have been ‘gallows humor,’ only if that foster ‘dad’ had been the one expecting to be criticized.  Gallows humor is spontaneous and comes out when something or a situation is just so dire or so improbable that laughter erupts, to help release tensions.  It would not otherwise be humorous, nor appropriate, to joke or laugh.)

    If causing pain to any child gives the ‘dad’ pleasure, he is surrendering to evil.  Pleasure was easily heard in the voices of two fathers posted on-line: One had shamed a teen-age daughter by cutting her hair, the other by shooting up his daughter’s computer, with his gun, no less.  Public shaming like this is wrong, and everyone must refuse to share in it.  Even if you only give other persons a link to it, are you not also enjoying the abuse of a young female by an older male that has power over her? Male and female youngsters both need a strong father — but not an abusive one.  Physical or social-emotional abuse is still equated with discipline in an authoritarian family, while very inhumane mindsets also carry over into post-patriarchal systems.  Rules are needed, but must be reasonable and agreed upon by both parents.  The parent who is caring for children at the time sets the rules.  If ‘the man of the house’ instead pushes to make the rules, which he expects his wife and children to follow, even when he is gone, he is being enabled to dominate, at all times.  If so, his partner must insist that it stop and that he seeks professional help.  Empty promises to change, or at some point in the future, are just that: empty.  Do not let a child be hurt.

    If the ‘wolf’ in either adult has been given the run of the house, the other one must act to stop it and protect the children.  Only the other parent can protect a child from being dominated, and neither parent can have it both ways.  As for a child’s ‘guardian angel,’ God/Allah cannot protect your children or you from the wolf that is inside you, from one living inside your house, or from one that you have allowed in.  Do not allow another parent to become too critical with children.  (Observational psychology has shown that mental illness correlates to a harsh parenting style.)

    A father’s legitimate authority is connected to or mixed up with dominance in all patriarchal cultures — so every male must straighten this out, within his own psyche.  For certain, neither marital partner would dominate and rule, nor roll, over the other partner.  Marriage encounters may feel good, but soul work is what both partners must attend to.  The divine model for a male-female relationship is described later, but no adults can reach this level of intimacy, until they first remove any and all pathology, including that from their families of origin and, eventually, also from their tribe.  Wives and husbands, who want a true marriage, put their attention there.  Otherwise, few, if any, of them ever experience the fullness of the marital relationship/cleaving to each other/embodied in love, rather than being enmeshed in some unhealthy co-dependency.  But most males are reluctant to change, at-depth, on their own, so they may have to be pushed.

    Men must understand this: In couple relationships, the two persons often mirror each other in some ways, not only in how they relate to each other at the level of the ego self and personality, but also psychologically and spiritually.  For example, two persons, who are both well-educated and good with the use of words or language, may also have a dark side — so they will mirror each other in both respects.  But, the difference can be that one of them, usually the female, has a far more evolved divine nature or spirit.  In this respect, they are mis-matched; so, if and when one of them, usually the female, begins to change what is within her psyche (mind and soul) to what is healthier, the other partner, usually the male, who has a less evolved spirit, will eventually fall behind.  What happens when the image in the mirror changes or is different?  The mirror breaks.  Do men really want to wait and see if their marital partner has a more highly evolved spirit than they do, or do they want to try to keep up with her, as she translates her spirit into a personhood? (In fairness, sometimes a male feels trapped and is shut down, not knowing how to leave a mate.  In either case, one partner might be called upon to show sacrificial love and let the other one go.)

    Expression of a divine nature will be incompatible with any pathologies that are still being carried forward within human psyches, especially in cultures of violence, which have resulted in duality.  In such cultures and societies, ‘light’ has a dark or shadow side, which the children then absorb into their developing psyches.  As a result, their soul and subconscious mind, which has a male and female side, also has a dark side and an inner Adversary.  Instead of children’s divine natures being translated into a personhood, family and tribal pathologies are being translated into a personhood, even as children are also taking in what is both good and wholesome in their entire environments, from their primary caregivers and tribes.  Culture and language are inter-connected, so that duality will also be evident in languages.  For example, English is a Germanic

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