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Cave of Shadows: Book Two of Born to the Legend
Cave of Shadows: Book Two of Born to the Legend
Cave of Shadows: Book Two of Born to the Legend
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Cave of Shadows: Book Two of Born to the Legend

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A year after finding his beloved, Xenune, and her family had been killed by some mysterious man, he gets an ominous message from a spirit. While he still doesn't want to be a hero, he does want to be over the hate and anger of what he blames himself for.
With the help of a wizard, a young woman and a small boy, he sets off on a journey to find a cave on a far off land. Searching for the Cave of Shadows and the peace of mind he so desperately wants.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 14, 2022
Cave of Shadows: Book Two of Born to the Legend

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    Cave of Shadows - S.W. Darksson


    Nionue was on his horse chasing after a man dressed in a heavy black cloak, black pants and boots to match. He had been on the trail of this man for the better part of the last year, and had nearly trapped him at an inn in the last town. He couldn’t remember the name of that town or any of the dozens that he had been through trying to hunt down this particular man. Such details made no difference, because finding this man had been all that had mattered since he had first learned of the man.

    He had no illusions of how he was going to handle this man if he managed to catch him. He wouldn’t be turning him over to the law; that wasn’t the kind of justice that Nionue was looking to exact. The only way that this was going to end is when one of them lay dead by the other’s hand. This man was responsible for the loneliness that he suffered every waking moment, and the nightmares of uselessness that he had every night. This man with no face was the one who had killed Xenune and her family, and he was finally nearly in reach. All Nionue wanted to do was turn all of his rage, sadness and loneliness into cold hatred and end this man.

    The memory of going home after finding out about his parents, only to find Xenune and her family had been killed was what had drove him from town to town. His search for the man he now chased, the man with no face, was what had kept him alive. His hatred and anger were the only feelings that he was now allowing himself to feel because he needed the focus that they brought him. Now that the man was nearly within his reach he urged his already tired horse to go faster, hoping that the poor animal wouldn’t collapse before he reached his goal.

    The man followed the road into a dense forest, and when Nionue entered only seconds after him, the man became a shadow among shadows. For how bright the open road had been, the virtual tunnel they now rode through was extremely dark. Nionue couldn’t find a single ray of sunlight coming through the canopy of branches and leaves. The further they went into the woods, the darker it got, but Nionue could still see his goal even if only faintly.

    As they raced down the road it began to grow narrower, and as the trees blurred past it became more and more narrow until it was no wider than a game trail. Despite how dangerous the trail became the man Nionue chased didn’t slow so he had no choice but to maintain his own breakneck speed, which just happened to be a little faster than his prey.

    Drawing Zinnia in anticipation of being close enough to strike the head from his demon, he willed his mount to run just a little bit faster. As he got within striking distance he brought his sword back for the killing blow there was a sudden pain in his chest. He was lifted off his horse, soared through the air, slamming to the ground hard enough to send the breath out of him a great whooshing noise. As he lay gasping on his back, the small amount of air he was able to get whistling loudly, his vision faded around the edges while spots danced in the center. Zinnia had flown from his hand somewhere between his horse and the ground, but his mind was solely focused on drawing enough breath to keep himself from passing out. As he gasped a gulp of air into his screaming lungs his mind began to scream for the justice that was nearly his only to slip from his grasp once again. His chest finally released enough for him to draw a great breath and as it rushed from him it pushed a scream so full of pain, anger and hatred that, had anyone been near enough to hear it, they would have felt a shiver of fear.

    It’s not fair! he yelled into the darkness. When will I ever get to get what I want instead of always having everything taken from me?

    Tears caused by so much inner pain stung his eyes as the pain in his chest began to register. He knew that there was at least four of his ribs broken from the blow, but even that pain was small when compared to his loss. A heart he thought was completely shattered managed to break even more.

    He was mine. Why would you take that from me? he asked what ever god would listen; even if one were to exist. Why won’t you let me deliver the justice you know they deserve?

    Because justice doesn’t exist, said a voice full of gravel from the dark. Not for people like you and me, boy.

    The sound of that voice seemed to come from every side of him at once. He couldn’t see the person that the voice belonged to, but he didn’t need to see him to know exactly who had said it. A brief flash of joy went through Nionue to find out that the man wasn’t gone, then he realized that his sword was lost somewhere in the dark. It didn’t really matter because he would kill this man with his bare hands if necessary as long as he was able to finish what he started. Maybe there was a god out there somewhere.

    Ignoring the growing pain in his chest which was diminished somewhat by the sudden rush of adrenaline that hit him, he lunged to his feet. He was ready to face this man if it meant his own death in the process. His life hadn’t mattered in a year so he was ready to give it up as long as he got his revenge. He spun in a slow circle, looking for the source of that voice, which spoke again just as he spotted him.

    It wasn’t anything personal; me killing your family, the man said in a conversational tone. I was paid to do it so I did it. I didn’t even know who I was killing until I heard the news around town the next day. Had I known that it was the great general Cariaro I would have asked for much more money.

    The man slowly walked in a circle around Nionue, so he had to spin in place in order to keep his adversary in front of him. As he spun Nionue yelled, Stand still and fight me you coward!

    Of course it seemed a waste to me to kill that pretty little girl without sampling some of what she had to offer first, the man chuckled. Did you get to be with her before you left her alone, making her such easy prey for me? I bet that you didn’t. I bet that you were the perfect gentleman with her instead of giving into what you wanted. Do you regret it now? Is this why you have wasted your life chasing me across the country side? Don’t blame me for your lack of taking what you wanted.

    Don’t you dare speak of Xenune in such a way! Nionue screamed so forcefully that his voice felt like it shredded. He was losing what grip he had left on any calm that he might have been able to muster, but that no longer mattered. Face me!

    Are you so eager to join your beloved in death you stupid boy? the man asked, a hint of humor in his voice. I know that you lost your sword in your graceless dismount. Are you willing to face an armed man without a weapon? So be it then, I will grant your wish.

    Nionue saw the glint of steel from the corner of his eye, and time seemed to slow to a crawl in his mind. He wondered how the man had gotten beside him when he was sure that he had kept him in front of him. He heard the sound of the cold, hard blade whistling through the air towards his neck, and somehow knew that it was his own blade that was coming to finish him. The last thought to go through his mind was that he had failed again, though this would be the very last time that he would be able to do so.

    I’m so sorry, he whispered with his broken voice as Zinnia bit into his neck, and severed spine, removing his head from his shoulders.

    It was all over.


    Has he been found yet? Urruss his latest general.

    No, You’re Majesty, the obviously nervous general answered. I don’t think that we are likely to find him after so much time has passed.

    I do not want you to think, General, Urruss snapped, not remembering the man’s name. I want you to find Nionue and bring him back here. Why can you not follow this one simple order? It is not like you have anything else to do with your time. I have made it perfectly clear that you are not to be in front of me without that boy with you. However, if you do not think that you can do it then I will promote a general that will be able to succeed where you have failed me thus far, he said, his voice turning low and cold. Do not fail me again or I will do exactly that. Do I make myself clear?

    Yes, You’re Majesty, the general replied, doing his best to keep the fear from his voice.

    Then do as I say.

    The general simply bowed, not trusting his voice to not crack, before hurrying from the room before the dangerous king acted out his threat. He knew exactly what would become of him should the king decide to promote someone else over him. The only demotion in the king’s army was death, and he liked his head exactly where it was. The task might be an impossible one, but he would put all of his energy and every man at his disposal into achieving it. If it came down to doing a door to door search of the entire kingdom then so be it.

    As he hurried his way through the hallways, heading to the barracks, he wondered again how he was supposed to find one person in all of Hautuer. The boy might not even be in this kingdom any longer; one year was more than enough time to be on ship bound for anywhere. As far as the general knew this boy was dead and rotting in a ditch somewhere. Of course none of this mattered to a king who was used to getting everything he wanted when he wanted it, and the longer he didn’t get it the more dangerous he became. He knew that he was already the third general in that position in the last year and each one had had it for less time than the one before. In the end all that mattered to the general was his own life, so if wasting it looking for a boy he was certain he wouldn’t find would save it, then search he would.


    Why can I not find a single competent man to follow a simple command? Urruss asked his wizard.

    Because not everybody in a uniform is going to be Cariaro, Soung answered in his typically flat tone.

    Well, you would think, that in army the size of mine, that there would be at least one that would be close. Do I only have incompetent men wearing the uniform that I so graciously provide for them? Why can they not find one lost boy?

    Hautuer is a large kingdom, My King, and it will take time for an army, even one the size of yours, to find Nionue, Soung answered diplomatically. As far as he was concerned he didn’t care if they ever found that nuisance of a boy.

    Of course you are right, Soung, Urruss said, his temper already cooling. It seemed that Soung was able to always calm him, and he briefly wondered if the wizard used magic to make such a thing happen. That was a concern for another time. "I am not a man who is accustomed to having patience, but Nionue believes that he has lost everything, and no one can blame him for that. Maybe he will come back on his own once he realizes that by my side is where he belongs.

    I still can not believe that that soldier went against my orders and told Nionue what had happened without bringing him to me. What would happen if all of my soldiers decided that they did not have to follow my orders? My kingdom and everything that I have worked so hard to accomplish would fall to pieces around me.

    ‘You wouldn’t live long enough to see such a thing if your army decided that they could simply turn on you,’ Soung thought but wisely didn’t say.

    That one man should have been executed publicly as an example of what happens when one disobeys my orders, the king continued. I do not know why I let you convince me to allow him to live, even if it is in the dungeon.

    If he is to be believed, Nionue had threatened to remove the man’s head if he continued to bar him from the house. I do not know how many of your men would have considered it wise to stand in the boy’s way when he had his sword drawn. They all know how skilled he is with that blade, and they also know that not one of them could best him.

    That is if he is to be believed, Urruss agreed, though he had his doubts about that. It was true that the man had been put to torture more days than not since his poor choice, and that no matter the amount of pain inflicted on him his story never changed. It was entirely possible that he also knew that sticking to his story was the only way he would be allowed to live. It is the very fact that no one can say different that keeps him in my dungeon instead of dangling from a gallows.

    If I may be so bold as to ask; why is it so important to you that Nionue be found? Soung asked.

    It is as you said, Soung, there is not a man that can best him with a sword, and that deserves something. I would like to make him the head of an elite unit of men that do my bidding on delicate tasks. My plan is for Nionue to not only lead them, but to pick them and train them.

    I do not believe that Nionue would be so willing to carry out the kind of tasks that you have in mind for him, Soung replied, knowing full well that he was right. Especially after the way that Cariaro and his family were murdered.

    I am sure that you could persuade him that the two thing are not the same, Urruss said with a sly grin.

    I am afraid that Nionue and I never got along, the wizard said, doing his best to look disappointed in that fact; knowing that it was an understatement. As a matter of fact I really do believe that the boy did not trust me.

    Be that as it may, Urruss said, dismissing it all with a wave of his hand. I am certain that we could come up with a way to convince him to join me. Now that everything has been taken away from him, there is not much left for him to do. He knows that I will take care of him, and that he need only ask and it will be his. Who else could offer him such a thing?

    Nobody but you, My Lord, Soung replied, knowing that the one thing the troublesome boy would want would be the one thing the arrogant man couldn’t give him.


    Laus was sitting at the table, going over a scroll, while Shawtay was cooking breakfast. The smell was so alluring that Laus was having a hard time concentrating on the words he was attempting to read.

    Put that thing away, Shawtay said sternly, although she was wearing her ever-present smile. Breakfast is nearly ready and I won’t have you griping about having something spilled on this or that important thing.

    Shawtay was a woman in her middle forties who was trying to raise a daughter on her own after her husband ran off to find his glory in the king’s army. That man had gone away more than five years ago and Shawtay hadn’t heard a single word from him since the day he left. Both Laus and Shawtay were convinced that the man was dead, but never said so around her daughter. So as a way to help, Laus had hired her to clean his house once or twice a week, but Shawtay and her daughter had ended up moving in with him. There was nothing more than a friendship between the two of them, but it was a choice that had benefited them both. As a bonus there was a child in the house, which pleased Laus as he had never had any of his own.

    That happened once, and you have never let me forget it, he said, rolling up his scroll anyway. And that was three years ago.

    If you remember, Tuan was afraid to go anywhere near your stuff after that, and didn’t even talk to you for three days you gave her such a scare, she said, brandishing her wooden spoon at him menacingly.

    So I might have overreacted a little, Laus retorted, trying not to smile and failing. Besides Tuan eventually got over it.

    Got over what? Tuan asked as she bounced into the kitchen, her hair flying behind her.

    Tuan was a spitting image of her mother with her freckles, red hair, cream colored skin and short stature. She had all the energy of a tornado, never able to sit still for very long and always ready to do nearly anything. Laus had long ago lost count of the number of scraped knees, elbows and broken bones he had healed over the years. The girl would have fit right into a group of boys if they would allow her join them. Laus was certain that the boys in the village were all secretly afraid of the girl who was never shy to get into a fight as easily as they were.

    When you accidentally spilled something on one of his scrolls, Shawtay answered, pulling Laus out of his own thoughts.

    Are you kidding me? Tuan asked, a look of disbelief coming to her pretty face. I still have nightmares of being turned into a toad.

    No matter how hard she tried to keep the look on her face she failed because she just didn’t have the demeanor to frown or scowl.

    Wizards do not turn people into toads, Laus said, indignant. We prefer something useful like a car who can spend there time catching mice. What good is a toad?

    Toads eat bugs, Tuan replied, taking on a superior air. She enjoyed these little conversations with Laus.

    Bugs do not eat the corners off my scrolls, mice do.

    They shared a laugh at the exchange as they sat down to eat their breakfast.


    Nionue lay flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, listening to the voices coming to him from downstairs. He couldn’t hear the words themselves, but the sounds of happiness that floated up to him were enough to make a stab of loneliness pierce his heart. He longed to join them in their merriment, though he didn’t think deserved to be happy anymore. It seemed to him that every time he found happiness in his life it was ripped away from him and just added more pain to the growing ball in his heart. Just the thought of what had caused his pain brought fresh tears to his eyes as the images from his nightmare danced behind his eyes. They were as vivid awake as they had been while he was sleeping. The laughter of the man who had killed him was still ringing in his ears. Like so many times before he wished that he had been there that night, although he might not have been able to stop the killer, he wouldn’t be feeling sadness and missing Xenune.

    Footsteps on the stairs cut their way through his morbid thoughts and brought him to the room he was in. Judging by the sounds he knew that it was Tuan who was making her way up to his room to offer him some of the breakfast that he could smell. Despite the fact that he truly didn’t feel hungry, he knew that he had to attempt to eat something or Laus would quite literally make him.

    He was fixing his pants when Tuan’s tentative knock came at the door, followed by a nearly whisper of his name. Nionue knew that the girl was slightly afraid of him, but mostly infatuated. Not in the way that said she wanted to be with him, but rather in a way that said he was a strange and new thing in her life that she wanted to know everything about. It was a bit annoying that she was constantly asking him questions about his past, but at the same time it was slightly amusing.

    You may come in, Tuan, I’m awake, he replied, attempting to keep his irritation from his voice and nearly succeeding.

    Are you sure, Nionue? came the timid question.

    Yes, I’m quite sure that I am awake, he answered, trying for humor and sounding terse instead. I mean that it’s okay that you can come in.

    The door opened slowly, and then only enough that she could poke her head in. Nionue noticed the blush on her cheeks when she noticed that he wasn’t wearing a shirt yet, but made no comment. At least he was able to still keep from being a total fool. While waiting for her to continue, he began to put his shirt on and searching the small room for his boots.

    Laus wants to know when you’re coming down, he says that he has something for you, and mom wants to know if you’re hungry, Tuan said in a near whisper.

    Tell them that I will be down shortly, Nionue replied, not looking directly at her. He was afraid that he might see tears in her eyes by the way her voice sounded. He wasn’t so sure that he would be able to keep the tears from his own eyes if he saw hers.

    Okay, Nionue, was all she said before withdrawing her head, and pulling the door closed silently behind her.

    Nionue listened to her footsteps fading away before saying out loud to himself, How did it ever get to the point that I can’t even use humor without sounding angry. When will this pain and anger go away?

    He sat on the bed to pull his boots on, fighting back the tears that always seemed to be just waiting for the perfect opportunity to fall. Winning that fight for the time being, he stood and stomped his feet firmly into his boots as he headed for the door. Time to try to get through another day.


    Ah, there you are, my boy, Laus said when Nionue walked into the kitchen. Shawtay has cooked an absolutely meal for us; do have some.

    What Nionue had heard in those words was that he was going to eat breakfast one way or another and it would be far less embarrassing if he fed himself. The thought of Laus taking over his body with magic, again and forcing him to eat was almost enough to bring a smile to Nionue’s face. Although it had been a all together horrible experience not being in control of his own body.

    It all looks very good, Shawtay, thank you, Nionue said, helping himself to a little of everything that the older woman had made. Before Laus had a chance to say anything about the amount of food he had put on his plate he asked, What is it you have to show me, Laus?

    The wizard looked momentarily perplexed before saying, Oh that, well it can wait until you’ve had your fill of this meal. I think that you will enjoy my little gift.

    The grin that spread across Laus’s face made him look at least 20 years younger, although Nionue had no real idea how old the wizard really was. Just from looking at him he could be anywhere from 65 to a hundred years older than that; it was just impossible to tell.

    Gift? Nionue questioned, clearly confused. It’s not any kind of special occasion that I know of. Why would you get me a gift?

    One does not need a special occasion to offer gifts, Laus stated, looking for all the world that he would be willing to give a lecture on the subject. Besides, when I saw this I just knew that you were meant to be in possession of it. Now eat your food.

    With his curiosity piqued, but knowing that any question he asked would be turned aside as easily as a clumsy thrust of a sword, Nionue ate. To his, as well as everyone else’s surprise he ate three helping of the eggs, potatoes and ham that Shawtay had made. What was more was that he found himself truly enjoying the taste of the food. Shawtay really was a good cook, and had never made a bad meal that he knew of, but it seemed that this was really the first time that he was truly tasting it. The other three chatted while he ate and listened with only half an ear until something Laus said caught his full attention.

    What was that about the king? he asked, staring at the three of them in turn. They knew that he was from Darkann, but not that he knew the king personally.

    There are reports that squads of the king’s soldiers are in the area, and that they are looking for someone, Laus said, catching onto Nionue’s sudden interest of the subject. I doubt it’s you, Nionue, because they are saying that they are looking for a lost friend of the king. I do not believe you and he would get along from what I have heard of the man, let alone be friends.

    Did you ever get to see the king? Tuan asked, her eyes lighting up in excitement.

    Only too often, Nionue thought but said, Only from a distance, Tuan, and the only way that I even knew it was him was the amount of guards. He never went anywhere without at least twenty of them surrounding him.

    This last was a lie, because he knew that Urruss would boldly go anywhere in his kingdom alone because he simply feared no man. He wasn’t sure why he had added this last part other than it seemed like something a normal king would do. Urruss was anything other than a normal king though.

    So you never got to meet him? she asked, a bit of the excitement leaving her eyes, but never disappearing altogether.

    No,and the stories I heard were never good, Nionue said, pushing his half eaten plate away. The talk of Urruss had soured his appetite. He cares for nothing and no one but himself. Whoever he might be looking for is better off staying hidden. He is surely only looking for this man to use him for some kind of selfish reason.

    You speak as if you know him, Shawtay said, a look on her face that said that she suspected that he was being less than honest, but also that she wouldn’t push him where he didn’t want to go.

    Like I said, everything I know of the king is from rumors I heard from others, he replied, grateful that Shawtay would never probe.

    Nionue’s mind traveled back through the years and the memories of every meeting he had had with the king of Hautuer. There had been times when Nionue had enjoyed the company of the other man, and he had learned many things with the sword from him. Urruss had even insisted that the wedding would be held in his grand ballroom. The memories were slowly drifting towards Xenune, which increased the pain in his heart, and he quickly slammed the door on them in his mind.

    Now what of this gift, Laus, Nionue said, changing the subject.

    Of course, Nionue, Laus replied, sensing the growing pain in the boy. He truly hoped that his gift would at least start the healing Nionue so desperately needed. Tuan, would you please go to my study and get me the package off of my desk?

    Absolutely, she answered, darting from the table and running down the hall.

    Shawtay began to clear the remains of the meal from the table so Nionue got up to help in spite of her arguments to the contrary. There had been enough times in the recent past that he had felt useless, so he did anything he could to help. There was enough wood stacked out back of the house to heat it

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