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Michael Liddle: H'ashwa Begins: The Saga of Michael Liddle, #4
Michael Liddle: H'ashwa Begins: The Saga of Michael Liddle, #4
Michael Liddle: H'ashwa Begins: The Saga of Michael Liddle, #4
Ebook1,044 pages17 hours

Michael Liddle: H'ashwa Begins: The Saga of Michael Liddle, #4

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"Once this place had a name. A place dear to all of the Yeddura. They called it G'yerrap. There was a sea nearby. It was lush, full of life, verdant, more than anywhere else on this planet. I still live with the decision of which I played a part to turn this world and its sisters into a ruin. You see, young one, terrible powers require terrible responses and create terrible consequences. One of these is before you even now. And I would not wish you to have to live with the consequences of the choice you desire to make this very day."
So said Espoirtyl to Michael Liddle regarding the ancient devastation of B'arnith, and not long after surviving his clash with Rogdul and his subsequent struggles to come to terms with the fact that Maddy Ellis is lost to him.
Similarly, his bonding with Alowyn comes to an end with her ascension to the throne. She must give meaning and purpose to the deaths of her parents and siblings by surrendering herself in service to her people, to all the trillions who comprise the Tylani empire. In the midst of her on-going grief, both with dissolving her binding with Michael and with the loss of her family, she must deal with Count Tarjon who continues to plot to usurp her authority and position.
In the aftermath of his battle with Michael, Rogdul discovers that his shattered body is beyond medical repair. Nonetheless he remains bent on gaining his revenge. And he is determined to thwart what he still considers the ultimate threat to the Elhadra empire: the enigmatic Ideema Gift. It still remains unclear if it is a weapon or something else altogether. In Rogdul's mind it doesn't matter. All that is of consequence is the need to stop Michael Liddle.
Over the months which follow, Michael learns of the other abilities his Q-gen has granted him, though as Espoirtyl has warned him they also carry within their attributes a danger: one with which Michael grapples to fully understand. The Search for the Ideema Gift continues to be an onerous and exasperating quest, full of unfathomable complexities and confusion, and no small number of perils.
When Michael and his team finally reach the world where the next component lies hidden, they soon realize they are not alone. Rogdul is hot on their heels and it doesn't take long before they discover that the planet is just as deadly as the Elhadra themselves. And in the midst of these final trials, Michael comes to the full realization that the Ideema prophecy has been true all along: he is the Chosen. Chosen to be the Cast-Out and the Forsaken.

PublisherR. D. Blake
Release dateMar 31, 2022
Michael Liddle: H'ashwa Begins: The Saga of Michael Liddle, #4

R. D. Blake

R.D. Blake recently retired from a successful accounting and business career. Even as a child, he had an interest in science in general and space in particular and loved reading science fiction. As a parent, he enjoyed entertaining his young children with inane and wild stories he would make up on the spot. And now he is turning that interest and talent toward a larger audience. He currently resides in Kitchener, Ontario Canada.

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    Michael Liddle - R. D. Blake




    The only sound was the hollowness of his laboured breathing even as a growing blackness inched inward beyond the periphery of his vision. His limbs were as battered as the bodies in front of him. Yet the severity of his injuries prompted no action on his part. Rogdul was unwilling to depart until he was certain the two lying prostrate before him were irrefutably dead. As his suit monitored their weakening states, the Elhadra savoured his victory. He’d been so close to falling into the ignominious abyss of defeat and death, and he was still tottering on its thin edge. But that no longer mattered. He had won and once he placed himself inside the auto-doc on his spacecraft, Rogdul expected a full recovery.

    Looking down at the two teenagers, he studied their crumpled bodies, the female lying askew atop the other, their faces frozen into pain-filled grimaces: a reflection of the suffering he had inflicted on them only minutes ago. Despite her contorted expression, the girl’s features betrayed the potential of a beautiful face, one that might have developed if certain aspects of it had become slightly more refined, and of course, if she had lived to be a woman. Rogdul chuckled. Well, that isn’t going to happen now.

    A pain-filled spasm coursed through his extremities as he finally allowed himself to fall to his knees. In response, his suit’s diagnostics immediately began to flood his body with additional numbing agents, causing him to temporarily swoon. When he opened his eyes once again, he found himself gazing upwards and he was struck by the fact that he wasn’t on Earth. The moon was far too small—the constellations unrecognizable. Rogdul ordered his suit to perform a location sub-routine. While he waited for an answer, he ran a functional check on his armour. Most of its systems were off-line, beyond any self-repair. It was still sparking in places, and blood, his own, was seeping out everywhere, marking where its integrity had been breached in his battle with the Uhala. It was warped, ruptured and many pieces had broken off. It was only then that he realized the compartment within which he had stored the device, this supposed Gift he had forced the boy to give him, had been torn off during their combat.

    Rogdul craned his head about, finally searching behind where he knelt. Something glittered in the moonlight near the top of the knoll he’d been sent pin-wheeling over. However, he was distracted from further investigation when his suit replied to his location query, reporting it as Unknown. How can that be? He had arranged for an extensive mapping of the solar systems near Earth’s own. Just how far had the boy portalled the three of them? And more deeply disturbing, where did the Uhala obtain the power to do that?

    He slewed his vision upwards to take in the night sky again, observing nothing recognizable. Shifting his eyes to gaze at the full moon, he jerked back in surprise. Something was partially occluding it and growing larger by the second. Instructing his suit to determine what it was, Rogdul staggered to his feet, electric-like pain arching through his limbs as he straightened up. The image abruptly left the circle of the moon, though as it did the outline of a wing tip was momentarily revealed. His suit blared out a warning: "Object unknown. Approximate arrival... Now!" A bestial, murderous roar thundered down upon him. Instinctively, Rogdul ordered his armour to enclose his head while taking one last furtive glance at the two children. They were no longer breathing and his suit informed him that their hearts were fluttering to a stop.

    There was no avoiding what followed next. The creature landed atop him, knocking Rogdul to the ground, then beginning to rake at his suit with a giant clawed appendage. With a final swipe, it sent him spinning away end over end. As he hit the ground two hundred feet away, Rogdul grunted, enduring a fresh scourge of pure agony. With a grinding effort his suit brought him upright, though he staggered to retain his balance. Rogdul turned to face the monster which was rapidly advancing on him—his first opportunity to properly take in this new adversary. Huge—blacker than the night—a winged lizard! It bugled again, its enormous fangs gleaming in the moonlight. Only its eyes could be easily discerned—golden, catlike, full of fury, and Rogdul could not deny the lust to kill flaring out from them.

    All the while, his suit was struggling to power up. He decided to fall back, to give his armour additional time to draw upon the resources still available to it, but in another moment the beast was upon him once more and it tossed him farther away. It caught up to him and pressed what felt like far more than its full weight down upon his body. Rogdul’s suit screeched in protest and the existing ruptures broke open even further. More systems went offline, including the pain suppressants. In mounting agony Rogdul screamed out. But it wasn’t over yet. The creature struck him several more times, throwing him every which way, and then lastly, the monster grasped him in one of its great hands and squeezed. Rogdul felt something snap deep inside himself just as the beast flung him away again.

    Finally, his suit’s diminishing systems informed him he could attack. Rogdul commanded his armour to lift his arm and point it at the advancing monstrosity, ordering it to blast the creature with all of his remaining reserves. Lasers, particle beams, projectiles all jetted out from his suit. But instead of the monster being annihilated, sundered into atoms and chunks of burnt flesh, it was only partially halted in its forward progress, impossibly impervious to his weapons. There wasn’t time to be amazed and dwell on this imponderability—Rogdul knew he had to escape!

    Scanning the few remaining systems still operational, he determined there wasn’t a nearby Elhadra portal nexus he could access—as he had imagined would be the case. Just how was he to flee this creature?

    Rogdul frantically surveyed the ground about him, discovering that his final landing place was close to where the two children still lay and that the portal the boy had created remained hovering nearby. Another bone-chilling howl filled the air. The beast was almost upon him and Rogdul spied other shapes in the starlit sky above him. More were coming!

    He commanded his suit to jet him head first, straight through the portal circle. Wherever it might lead had to be better than where he was currently. But his armour failed to respond, leaving him inert upon the hard-scrabbled ground. The beast was above him now, its flanged head hovering mere feet away, thick saliva dripping off its dagger-like teeth. It lifted its giant arm and Rogdul knew his suit would be incapable of withstanding more than a few additional blows. This creature was impossibly powerful, far beyond what its physical dimensions should portend. Bitterly, Rogdul thought his great victory was about to be swallowed up in an ignoble defeat with no one ever to know what he had accomplished. Suddenly, his suit jerked and shot off.

    He managed to direct his armour low and straight toward the portal, his suit’s power systems failing as he passed through. Rogdul found himself skidding to a stop by the base of the waterfalls back on Earth. With his entire body writhing in agony, he could hardly string two logical thoughts together, but he forced himself to peer back toward the portal. Already, the beast’s hand was reaching through the circle, preparing to drag him back into that other world. Then, abruptly, the leathery appendage retracted and disappeared, followed by the portal itself, first beginning to waver and then subsequently winking out. Rogdul gasped out an enormous sigh of relief. He was safe. And the Uhala must be dead.

    Through a pain-shrouded mind, he activated his rescue beacon and then allowed himself to fade away into the comforting blackness.


    C’lmdur turned away from the collapsed portal and observed his mate, I’marld, and his three youngest offspring landing nearby. The golden dragon queen spoke sombrely and with great sadness into his mind. We took too long to act on the words of Her consort. We have arrived too late. They have almost passed beyond. Life maintains only the lightest of holds upon them.

    Then we must take them to the healing chambers immediately, C’lmdur grimly replied. There cannot be any further delay. That must be your task, my loved one. We will fortify the walls of your portal so the chamber and our city remain undamaged.

    Can you do that?! I’marld cried out mentally in alarm. No dragon has ever endeavoured to do such a thing. The power I will draw upon may destroy all!

    C’lmdur did not respond directly but spoke gravely and firmly to the three smaller dragons by his side. There is a way. And our oaths bind us to make the attempt. The time for honouring our promises has come in full. Else why would the Great Lady have commanded us to be sent to this region of our world? She has left it to us to discern Her deeper purpose in this matter as She has in other circumstances in the past. The black dragon’s golden eyes began to glow. Come children, do not fear but join your minds with mine. I will guide you. We will safeguard your mother, these young ones and our home. Enfold them in your portal, my love, and take them. I have already sent instructions to the Yukor to prepare the baths.

    Silvery light grew to surround the dragons as a guttural droning began to pervade the moonlit landscape. Moments later, the giant golden dragon and the two young teenagers disappeared. Thereafter, slowly, and in jagged spasms, the radiance began to diminish and then finally to peter out. C’lmdur’s most recent brood of offspring crumpled onto the gravel-strewn and arid soil.

    Gorth groaned out, Man, I’m totally wasted. Did...did we do it?

    C’lmdur, despite his appearance of enormous strength, appeared drained as well. He replied slowly, almost mutely, Yes, all was preserved. But it was a near thing. Now we must hope and pray that there is yet time. You sensed their injuries?

    It was terrible, Father! It hurt so much to feel them, the twins, P’rinth and S’ranth, cried out. Why did that creature wish to harm the little ones?

    Ah, now that is a lesson I wish to teach you, my children. Come, attend me. C’lmdur drew the three smaller dragons to himself, wrapping his long tail about them, supporting them in their exhaustion. You saw into his mind...the armoured one?

    The two female dragons shivered, nodding their barbed heads.

    What did you find?

    Hate. Fear. Cruelty. Craving for power. Ambition. Jealousy. The twin dragons, P’rinth and S’ranth, answered in turn and with hesitation, as if the words themselves might wound them. Gorth, their brother, said nothing.

    C’lmdur nodded his great horned head. Yes all those and more...passions which only lead to terrible deeds...just as we have observed perpetrated on these little ones. The dragon king tightened his tail about his dragonets and stroked them with his spiked hands. I have not known such hate for a many a long millennia. If all of the Elhadra are like him, we face a hard and difficult flight ahead of us...Tylani, Yeddura, dragon-kind, and Earth. This Elhadra hates, but he despises and loathes himself even more. Think, my children, what purpose is there in life when one has such contempt for oneself? We turned from that path long ago and bound ourselves to One who gave us a greater hope. Now, listen closely. Once the W’nryl were far worse than this evil creature.

    His children interrupted him. You are wrong, Father! No way! They protested mightily, denying the possibility of such a thing.

    Sadly, it is true. We once were like that cruel being. All we wished to do was conquer, take, own all, and countenance no other. We were the W’nryl and we gloried in ourselves. All fell before us and we were feared everywhere we went into the galaxy. C’lmdur’s resonating basso mental voice deepened. No one could stand before us and we relished it like no other...until we met another race just as ferocious and voracious as we were. You know of whom I speak.

    C’lmdur allowed his offspring to contemplate his words while they continued to recuperate and recover their strength. Finally, Gorth asked, "Why are you telling us this? No way are we like him!"

    True. We forsook those patterns of life and changed...though we are still imperfect beings. Further, our presence on this world is a testament to our new way of life. The vows and oaths we have taken to protect the Yeddura are our means to make restitution for what we once were and had perpetrated upon the many innocents across our former empire.

    C’lmdur unfolded himself from about his three children and then looked down meaningfully at each in turn. It is easy to judge this small being who acted as he did. He is cruel, evil, black-hearted...the worst that any sentient creature can be. There was no hope for the W’nryl, but here we are today, ourselves appalled by such actions. So, believe hope remains for this creature and the race of which he is a part. That is my lesson for you today, my Little Eggs. Redemption is possible for all.

    The three young dragons stretched their wings and stood up on their legs. I perceive you have recovered sufficiently. Good! Let us wing home and see what more we can do for these two young ones. Much rests on the Chosen and the Cast-Out, but first I must retrieve the Ideema Gift. You can sense it, just as I can. Why it has been returned here I know not, but we must protect it until the one prophesied by the Ideema wishes to take possession of it again.

    The four dragons sprang into the air, lifting themselves upwards with the beat of their mighty wings, beginning their long journey home to C’ryemon.





    Gradually, Maddy gained a greater awareness of her surroundings—but she felt strange all over. And for some reason, her blankets were as tight as a shroud about her, and seemingly, pulled up so high they had wrapped themselves entirely about her head. And where had her pillow gone? Blinking drowsily, she made to rub her eyes, but her arms felt heavy, unresponsive. Blinking again brought her room more into focus. As if she was still dreaming, her bedroom ceiling receded into the far distance and transformed itself into an intricate set of carvings made up of ornate swirls and images.

    "How odd," she thought muddily.

    Turning her head slightly to the one side, her lips touched something wet, something with a foul taste—and pungent, smelling like a swamp. Maddy jerked her head away. Or she tried to. It was like her head was inside a box. She attempted to pull herself up but that proved impossible. Because she was tied down!

    Desperately, she bent her chin inwards and down, glimpsing the edges of a pool—filled with slime. And I’m in the middle of it! Struggling, pitting herself against her hidden bindings, she tried to cry out, but all she could make out with her mud-covered ears were strange and half-strangled sounds. Her tongue felt like a fat slug. Then she began to gag.

    Easy there. Easy. Sorry, I stepped away for a moment. I’marld informed me that you’d be waking up fairly soon, a gentle female voice said off to Maddy’s right side. Seconds later, a face came into view above her own, smiling down at her, sharp featured but pleasant in its own way. I know you’re frightened. Confused. That’s to be expected. Just give me a moment to have this sludge drained away. I’m sure it isn’t the nicest experience for a girl to wake up to. Then I’ll untie you and we’ll get you all cleaned up. By the way, I’m M’rell, a friend of Michael’s, but I imagine he hasn’t mentioned me to you. The woman’s full lips lifted into an impish and, considering the circumstances, an almost imprudent grin.

    Maddy attempted to take better control of herself, to trust this woman, when memories of what had happened to her erupted from out of the recesses of her mind: being abducted by that brutal and mutilated man, then like magic ending up at what must have been Smith’s Falls, and—and Michael just as miraculously appearing just before her leg was broken, the searing pain of it snapping drowning out most of whatever Michael and that man were saying to each other, not that any of it had made any sense. Images of the fight which had ensued flickered into her mind. Then, somehow, they had all ended up in a different place and the day had turned into the middle of the night—and—and—Michael had been hurt and—and then shot! And—oh! Blood, blood everywhere! He was dying in her arms!

    Struggling to cry out, her voice continued to refuse to work. All she was capable of making were grunts and strangled noises, none of which she would ever associate with herself. Unbidden, tears began to leak from her eyes.

    There. There. It’s OK. Everything will be OK. You’re fine now. Safe. I have something here which will make it easier for you to talk. You’ve been in this healing bath for quite some time now and a side effect is your mouth turning numb. Good! The mud has mostly drained away, as much as is possible. I’ll get right in here with you and untie you. It’ll just be another a few seconds. Promise.

    This strange woman smiled down at her again, but it did nothing to reassure her.

    Maddy felt the straps which bound her into the pool become undone. Pushing herself up onto her elbows, she found herself covered in a thick layer of foul-smelling and slippery slime. And this young woman, who called herself M’rell, wasn’t much cleaner. The short, golden robe she was wearing was mostly a soiled brown now. She slipped out of the pool and positioned herself behind Maddy and pulled her up and out of the mud.

    There, step one accomplished, she announced brightly. Here, I have a drink for you. Let me hold it. You just drink...all of it. Give it a minute or so and you should be able to talk.

    M’rell bent around and brought forward a long, thin flute. Bottoms up. That’s a good girl. You’re doing great.

    Maddy didn’t know what to think. Was it possible this was all a dream? But if not, who was this woman? And where was she? More so, what had happened to her? And most important of all, where was Michael?! All Maddy could visualize at the moment was the blood pouring out of his chest. Was he? Oh! How could she even think it?! Maddy shuddered with the thought. It couldn’t be! It just couldn’t! Something of her desperate thoughts must have been portrayed on her face—what she imagined could be seen of it.

    M’rell squeezed her shoulder. Maddy tried to speak. Mm—mmm—mmmich—

    Michael? M’rell asked. He’s nearby. I’ll take you to him as soon as we’ve cleaned ourselves up. He’s in another bath like this one, but I’marld and C’lmdur tell me he’s going to be fine. Healed completely. He was banged up a lot worse than you were, though I’d say there wasn’t much to choose between the two of you. Trust me, it may take a little longer but soon he'll be back up on his feet and be just as hale and hearty as you are now.

    Maddy didn’t know what to think; this woman appeared so casual about everything. Still perplexed, she glanced down at her leg. Until this moment, she hadn’t given it a thought, with it having been broken. Cautiously, she tried wiggling her toes. Then lifted and drew it closer to her chest. Perfect! No pain whatsoever. As if that vicious man had never stepped on it. Confusion now reigned fully in her mind. How could anything explain this horrible, stinking mud which covered her almost in full, this strange woman, the room about her and her memories of what had happened to Michael? Nothing was making any sense! all has to be a dream.

    You’re looking a little lost again. I can understand that. Here, let me help you stand up, and I’ll take you to where we can both wash this gunk off. Guaranteed, you’ll feel better after that, and then I’ll do my best to answer those hundred plus questions I’m certain are piling up inside you.

    M’rell pulled Maddy up to her feet and supported her a little. It was slippery going until more of the remaining slime oozed off. The two of them began walking down a long corridor. Eventually, M’rell led her into a smaller room off the main hallway where there was a large pool of hot running water. I’ll leave you here. Just toss your wrap onto the floor. There are cleansers around the edge of the tub. Try them out if you like. And there’s a robe for you to wear once you’re done. Oh, and one last thing, there are strange little creatures here and there about the place. More than likely, a few will come in here and take away the dirty stuff. Don’t be afraid of them. They serve I’marld and C’lmdur. Trust me, they won’t harm you. And I’ll just be in the next room. Hardly out of hearing range. M’rell patted Maddy on her shoulder. I’ll be waiting for you out in the corridor once you’re finished up in here. Then we’ll have a long chat. You’re being good, not insisting that I explain everything straight away.

    Maddy simply nodded. What remained of her composure felt frayed beyond the limits of her endurance. And she didn’t like the idea of being left alone, but she really wanted to wash this muck off. It had begun drying and her skin was itching all over. Once M’rell left, Maddy removed the wrap, wrinkling her nose at a fresh burst of foul odours. Tossing it into the farthest corner of the room, she slowly eased herself into the hot water.

    As she washed the remains of the sludge away, first from her hair and then from her body, Maddy tried to clear her mind and decide what questions were the most important to ask first. Michael. She had to see him. Know he was all right. Then what? Where to start? She decided whatever this M’rell knew about Michael, she wanted to hear it all. She was quickly coming to the conclusion that those hated complications he’d always been tossing her way were a lot more than she had ever imagined. She needed answers!

    Considering what she’d gone through, struggling with her feelings about him over the last three years—and all of the associated heartache—Maddy wanted it to end. And now! She didn’t want to wait any longer. And maybe she’d finally be able to understand him. Maddy dunked her head under the nozzle at the end of the pool, rubbing her fingers through her hair, doing one final rinse. She sputtered as she came out from under the downpour. It was then that the spout caught her eye, discovering that it was carved like a dragon’s head. In fact, now that she thought about it, she realized that most of the ceilings and walls were decorated and carved with that particular motif. Odd. Well, she felt clean. Good all over in fact. She was ready to get out. Almost eager. She wanted those answers!

    Maddy waded to the side of the pool, then started. A series of red, crab-like creatures were retreating from the room. A large one was carrying away her soiled shift, now all bundled up. Smaller ones were somehow cleaning up the muddy trail she and M’rell had left behind them when entering the room. Maddy decided she’d have to add that to her long list of questions.

    Towelling herself off, she found a golden robe to pull over her head. She cinched it tight with the attached belt and went out into the corridor, discovering M’rell waiting for her, garbed identically as herself. At the moment, the young woman was watching the troop of crabs march farther up the hallway. M’rell shifted her eyes to look inquisitively at her, saying nothing.

    Michael first. I want to see him, Maddy insisted.

    M’rell smirked. I bet myself that would be the first thing you would ask about. We’ll have to retrace our steps for the most part. She hooked her arm through Maddy’s, guiding her back up the corridor and then led her into a large room similar to the one she’d been in. Once she saw Michael, Maddy tore herself away from M’rell and ran over to where he lay in a pool of mud. But then she didn’t know what to do. He was covered in the slime with only his face showing. Part of her wanted to jump in and hold him, wake him up, and ensure he was OK. Instead, she went down on her knees near his head and made to touch his face, then hesitated and looked up at M’rell.

    Can I? Should I?

    He’s a coma of sorts, she explained. It’s how the healing process works...or so I’m told. He’s not aware of us. You can touch him if you want. Just be careful of the mud. It’s been formulated just for him and it’s still active. The ingredients in yours had more or less been completely consumed by the time you woke up. That’s why I could get right in there with you.

    Maddy couldn’t help herself. She began stroking Michael’s cheek, running her fingers over his forehead. He’s going to be all right? Once this mud has done its job?

    Yes, though his injuries were in some critical ways a lot worse than yours. It’s still going to be a good while before he’s awake and back to his old self. Days more.

    How long was I in this stuff?

    About two and a half weeks by Earth reckoning.

    Maddy jerked. Her hand left Michael’s face. Two and a half weeks! But what about my family? Has anyone told them? Then she realized the ridiculousness of her situation: where she was, wherever this was; this strange woman; the mud; Michael. She shook her head as she held it in both of her hands.

    M’rell knelt down beside her and then embraced her from the side. I know. This has created a few more problems along with all of the others.

    What am I supposed to do? My family will be so worried!

    M’rell shrugged her shoulders. Those will be solved. Somehow. I’ve been told you’ll eventually be taken back to rejoin your family. Trust me on that. Now how about those questions you’ve been itching to ask me? She raised her eyebrows, her eyes bright with humour; it seemed somewhat in self-mockery.

    Maddy hesitated. She looked down at Michael. His face was unnaturally still, so devoid of expression. He hardly appeared to be breathing. Unconsciously, her hand returned to touch his brow. What happened to us? Why did that man want to hurt me? Fight Michael?

    M’rell hesitated, pursing her lips, before answering. I expected you would ask, but frankly, I don’t really know anything about him, other than he’s from a race of people called the Elhadra. Tens of thousands of years ago, they forced my people to seek shelter underground in order to escape the wholesale destruction of our civilization and they also caused a former ally of ours to flee their worlds to search for an alternate haven in another and safer part of the galaxy. Further, about twenty thousand years ago, the Elhadra wiped out the last of Michael’s own race. Well, except for him and two others. Unfortunately, they became aware of his existence. And since then they’ve been pursuing him. It’s a tad more complex than just wanting to kill him, but I’ll leave that for later. And I guess... M’rell added breathily, you were in the wrong place and present at the wrong time and became caught up in all of this. I’marld tells me you’re from Earth.

    Now Maddy was feeling more than simply bewildered. I don’t understand you. Galaxy? What do you mean by Michael’s own people? What is this place? Where are we anyway?

    M’rell’s teeth gleamed brightly as a new smile stretched across her face. OK, I’m about to give you a crash course on what Michael has been involved in over the last three years. You might as well get comfortable, Maddy. It’s going to take a while, and I expect you’re likely not going to believe most of it until I introduce you to our hosts.


    Over the following two hours, M’rell recounted what she knew of Michael: of the Uhala, of his kinship to Maria and Liam, of the powers which all three possessed, of Mr. Gooden, and how they’d been hidden on Earth more than twenty thousand years ago. Then she went on to tell of the Tylani, the Ideema prophecy and their Gift, and the related search for the device. Finally, she added explanations about her own people, the Yeddura, but she purposely omitted mentioning anything about the dragons, choosing to leave that for the last. Maddy interrupted her constantly, having her go back and explain again, asking further questions, trying to grasp the whole of it, but it seemed to her that the teenaged girl was wilting under the weight of discovering her concepts of reality were completely at odds with what she was attesting as true. Finally, Maddy asked her to stop, explaining that she couldn’t possibly absorb anything more.

    Shaking her head, she protested, I don’t know how you can expect me to believe any of this. It’s like a movie we’d go and watch at a theatre. But they’re just made up. Pure fantasy! She looked longingly down at Michael again. You’re telling me he’s been keeping all of these incredible secrets...from everyone? Still going to school, pretending to be human...being normal. But you’re saying he’s not? Maddy wiped at her dampening eyes. It can’t be true! I...I don’t want it to be!

    M’rell leaned over and gave Maddy’s arm a gentle squeeze which turned into a bit of an awkward hug by the end. You saw him use his powers...his portal abilities. That’s how he brought you here to my world. I know this is a lot to take in all at one time.

    Abruptly, M’rell released Maddy and rose to her feet. I think you need a break, and our hosts are anxious to meet you. They’ve been patiently waiting for me to finish explaining the situation to you. And besides, you must be famished. While the healing baths will mend your injuries and return you to full health, I’ve been told your body requires a substantial amount of sustenance to replenish your biological reserves.

    M’rell’s eyes almost began to sparkle as she grinned anew. I need to warn you. Our hosts’ appearance can be frightening, but I want to assure you they’ve always proven themselves faithful to my people. And if nothing else, after seeing them, I’m absolutely certain their existence will add credence to what I’ve been telling you.

    Maddy reluctantly stood up, her eyes still locked on Michael. He’ll be all right while we’re gone? We can come back here and see him again?

    Yes to all of that until our hosts decide it’s time to return you to Earth.

    M’rell hooked her arm through Maddy’s and led her out through the entranceway, back into the corridor and then on toward the immense throne room of C’lmdur and I’marld.


    Upon arriving, M’rell held Maddy back at the opening into the great chamber and then slowly brought her forward. Once she glimpsed what awaited her inside, she spun about, wanting to run as fast as she could in the opposite direction, but M’rell had an unbreakable grip on her arm. Maddy couldn’t budge her at all. Yes, they’re dragons, the young woman stated calmly, despite Maddy almost tussling with her, determined to escape her clutches. They’re the ones who rescued you and Michael. Rescued you and brought you here to heal. They’re your friends, Maddy. Believe me, the best friends you would ever want to have.

    Nonetheless, her fear was stretching upwards to stratospheric heights. She was too afraid to shout at M’rell to let her go, fearing the creatures might turn their attention on her and then... She’d be killed! Devoured! In one bite! She continued to helplessly struggle until a light and musical voice eased itself into her mental awareness like soft chimes. Peace, child, this Yeddura speaks the truth. We intend you no harm. How could we? We are bound by oaths which compel us to look to the welfare of all who sojourn on this planet, whatever their purpose or how fate has brought them here. We know you, friend of one of the Chosen and the Cast-Out. We would not wish to abide his disappointment if we hadn’t done our utmost for you. Come, please, grant us your presence. In turn, we desire to give you our peace and our goodwill.

    Hear that, Maddy? Come on. They won’t harm you...or me. M’rell tugged on her arm and then embraced her from the side. Oh, and they’re the king and queen of the W’nryl. We’ll bow to them once we’re fully inside the throne room. That’s just normal operating procedure when any Yeddura meets up with a dragon.

    Slowly, timidly, Maddy permitted M’rell to lead her into the vast cavern, her heart still pounding furiously inside her chest. She wanted to peer about herself, to look for possible other escape routes, but the size and the deep rumbling exhalations of the two monstrous dragons seized all of her attention. They were so immense, their appearance so ferocious. With one swipe—one gash with those glittering nails they could... Maddy didn’t complete that thought, for M’rell gestured for her to stop. Then she pulled her into an awkward curtesy.

    Another voice entered into her mind, a deep, loud, and sonorous one. Welcome, daughter of Earth. Friend of the young Uhala. The W’nryl recognizes your presence and your love for him.

    Maddy froze. How can they know that? The higher-pitched, musical voice returned and touched her mind again. Do not fear what we know. For better or worse, we can read all of your thoughts. And we intend no harm in speaking this truth to you. There are many kinds of love. Surely you know this, even for one of so few years as yourself. It is never wrong to admit to love. You love him in your own way. So do we, in ours. As do others.

    That explanation helped, but Maddy felt herself unable to say a word in reply. These dragons were too much for her. And her mind was still reeling from everything M’rell had explained to her earlier. How could Michael be all of those things? Things she could hardly imagine. Complications was hardly the word to describe any of it! And just what am I supposed to do now?

    Ah, child, there will be time later to ponder the truth of the Chosen and the Cast-Out. Now we sense your need to eat and of the same in your companion. Draw closer and settle yourself at the table set out before us. Our servants will bring you a repast which we hope will please you. There seemed to be gentle mirth behind the resonating voice of the black dragon.

    M’rell took Maddy’s arm, leading her to a low table near where the two dragons lay reclined, entwined in each other. As they sat down cross-legged on the floor, Maddy watched as more of the crab-like creatures entered the room. Each or a number of them were bearing platters of food. She glanced at M’rell who appeared totally relaxed with what was happening about them. That decided it for her and she did her best to copy the young woman, though her heart was still thumping away as if she’d run as fast as she could from her house to the Junior High and then back again.

    As the crabs neared, Maddy forgot about where she was, the dragons and all of the incredible stories she’d been told about Michael. The aroma of the food stole her thoughts away. Her confusion and fears shrank and disappeared before an overwhelming hunger. Once the first dish was placed in front of her she began to eat—and eat—and eat. She hardly noticed M’rell and what she was lightly nibbling upon. It was a good thing, for once the worst of her hunger pangs were sated, her awareness slowly shifted and she began to take in what else lay about herself. She eyed her companion’s dinner plate and her stomach immediately turned queasy. Maddy had to shift herself a good ways down the table.

    Ugh, M’rell! What is that stuff?!

    The Yeddura woman popped another squiggling, grub-like blue thing into her mouth and grinned. Sorry. I should have realized these c’pullas might turn your stomach. Trust me, you’re not the first person from Earth to react in the same fashion. M’rell picked up the dish and set it under the table. Try not to think about them. I’ve had enough anyway. She bowed to the dragons. Thank you, Your Highnesses. As usual, it was more than satisfying. Delightful. Exquisite. Words hardly suffice. Your kindness to me and my companion is beyond our worth.

    The two dragons bowed their heads in return. Well spoken and well received. Your value to us is greater than you know.

    Maddy then realized she should say something as well. The food had been incredible, perfect. Just what she had needed. She felt better than ever. I wish to thank you as well. It was great. Then she added meekly, I don’t know how to say it any better than that.

    It gives us pleasure to serve you in this manner and to find our offering well accepted. Now, daughter of Earth, we sense you have more questions, and a troubled mind. How can we supply your need? The deep voice of the male dragon had spoken into her mind once again. The two creatures regarded her intently. It made her more nervous than she already was. And frightened. Peace, child. Rest easy. None can harm you here.

    Maddy groped for her courage. For what she could find of it. There were so many more things to ask. She started with the one closest to her heart. Will Michael be safe now? Can you protect him? Keep away this Elha... She looked at M’rell who provided her with the full name. Maddy completed her question. Elhadra?

    The black dragon replied mentally. He remains secure here within our domains, but he is also part of the prophecy. One of the Chosen and the Cast-Out. Which he is, or if he is both, has not been granted to us to know. However, the Ideema prophecy represents only a portion of his future. We will do what we can for him, and for the other who also shares a part in the prophecy, but his destiny is not ours to vouchsafe. There is much which will be required of him and of the other. We can give you no guarantee he will remain free of danger in the future...only our promise that we will protect him as much as our oaths compel us and as much as we are allowed to. There is much about him which we do not fully comprehend.

    Maddy tried to process their answer, thinking, "If only I had known. If only you could have trusted me...told me, Michael. I’ve been so stupid for so long. How could I have ever hoped we could...? She couldn’t complete that last thought. It was too painful to consider. She tried to turn her mind away and onto something else. M’rell tells me Michael will be healed completely. Is that true? The mud will do for him what it did for me?"

    Yes, child, his body is healing. He was close to the point of leaving this reality for the next one. Much nearer than yourself. At first, all we could do was sustain what little of life remained in him. It was only after he was sufficiently stabilized that we could alter the healing bath to commence the actual healing. Now it is only a matter of time. Be at peace. Examine yourself. Your body has been returned to its full and natural health, has it not?

    Maddy felt her side, shifted her legs and wiggled her toes again. It was true. But another troubling thought intruded into her mind. Is there anything you can do to let my family and Michael’s mother know we’re OK? It’s been so long... Her voice broke despite her best intentions. They must be so worried about us!

    Maddy felt the heavy thoughts of the black dragon, C’lmdur, speak into her mind again. "These words are only for you, daughter of Earth. The Yeddura cannot yet be trusted with this truth. Do not concern yourself with the time that has elapsed. Both your family and the Uhala’s mother will not miss you. There is a way which is available to us such that the passage of time will not be a concern. You must trust me in this, young one. All will be well, and your family will not suffer from your absence. If you can, believe me when I say there is sufficient time for you and your companion to return to Earth."

    Maddy looked up at the enormous dragon, wondering what he meant by those words. And why he would not share them with M’rell. There was not even a moment to consider them further, for a commotion was arising from out of one of the other entranceways into this large ornate cavern. Apart from the ponderous, scraping footfalls and muted heavy exhalations, into her mind began a loud, bickering argument.

    Girls! Stop pestering me about it. I have it all looked after.

    Sure you do! two other voices tittered. Just like everything else you’ve promised, and then it all falls apart and we have to cover for you. Forget it!

    Look! It’s so simple, an idiot could do it! the deeper voice argued back.

    Well, that explains everything. If E’nith finds out, what do you think will happen? the two higher voices countered, cackling in glee.

    Don’t...don’t...don’t bring E’nith into this. don’t know—

    At that moment, three smaller dragons entered the chamber: two, covered in gold and red scales; and a larger black one that was almost twice their size. The black creature ceased his mental babbling and looked furtively up at the two larger dragons seated in the throne room. Mom, Dad! Um...we didn’t know you were in here. Uh, how’s it going?

    The two other dragons snickered into Maddy’s mind. Go on, Gorth. Tell Mother and Father your plans. We’re sure they’ll approve. Go on.

    They pushed at him, attempting to shove him farther into the room, but he proved himself too strong once he dug his claws deeper into the floor of the chamber.

    Knock it off, you two. Mom and Dad are too busy—

    Enough, children! You can play your silly games at another time, boomed out the deep mental voice of the king. However, you have arrived at an opportune time. The human female has been revived. And as you played a part in her rescue, it is only proper and honourable for you and her to greet each other. Come closer so you may introduce yourselves.

    Even Maddy could sense the commanding tone in the dragon king’s words. He would broker no argument. The young dragons’ postures grew more formal. M’rell motioned to Maddy to stand with her. Following her example, she bowed to the three approaching monstrosities. Silently, she wondered, "What next?"

    The three dragons acknowledged their bows by returning their own and announced their names in turn: S’ranth, P’rinth, and Gorth.

    I’marld spoke next into Maddy’s mind. These are our youngest brood. They assisted my mate and I in rescuing you and the Uhala and in transporting the two of you to the healing pools located here. They made me proud that day.

    The king added, Yes, it pleased me as well. It is far past time that this clutch of young eggs recognize the noble and illustrious heritage they have. What they need to aspire to—

    Yes, yes, yes, Father! the two golden-red dragons interjected. We know. We know. We know. You remind us every day...every hour!

    At first, Maddy believed the huge black dragon was intending to break out in a great tumult of thunder and reprimand his offspring, for he reared back, spreading out his massive wings. She clapped her hands over her ears in anticipation, but C’lmdur only rumbled, both literally throughout the room and into her mind. My children, if you only truly understood. Now why are you three here? Surely you haven’t completed your day’s lessons yet?

    The smaller black dragon suddenly began twitching his tail, stepping from foot to foot, looking as if he’d like to be anywhere else but here at the moment. His sisters’ eyes brightened and cruel smiles formed upon their faces—as much as they could have been crueller ones. Their mouths opened ready to reply, but their brother must have realized what was about to happen and stamped on their tails and pressed down on them with even greater force. Their smiles disappeared into muted squawks as they struggled to escape, but he was too strong for them. Uh, we’re...we’re just taking a break. Um, we were just about to head back and hit the books again. Right, girls?

    His sisters couldn’t say or think a word, struggling in vain as Gorth dragged them out of the throne room. Maddy overheard scrabbling, rumblings, muted shrieks, and heavy bodies thudding hard up against the walls as the three dragonets made their retreat. She turned back to their parents, wondering what it all meant. The two giant dragons both exhaled heavily, causing a gust to sweep throughout the room, nearly upsetting Maddy and M’rell.

    Those children! the queen said with a tinge of humorous disgust. They’re up to something again!

    Yes, my love. Just when there seems to be some hope for them, they revert back to their childish ways, the king lamented mentally.

    They still are, though you like to forget, the dragon queen replied.

    The sense that these parents were like her own in some remarkably similar ways was building inside Maddy, but she wanted to return to what she and the king and queen had been discussing earlier. Dredging up her courage again, she asked, So you’ll return Michael and me to Cantonville later? summarizing what she thought she’d been promised. I guess that’s all I need to know for the moment. And if...if you’re OK with it, could I go and see him again? Would that be all right? Maddy hoped she wasn’t breaking any rules by speaking out of turn. And really, I need to get my head around everything you and M’rell have told me. So much of this still feels like a dream.

    As you wish, daughter of Earth. Be at peace. Our servants and this Yeddura will see to any needs you might have, C’lmdur answered. We will seek you out when the time nears for you to be returned to your home. We have but a few more preparations to make in that regard.

    After they departed and were on their way leading back to the healing chambers, M’rell commented, Now that wasn’t so bad, was it? C’lmdur and I’marld might look like our worst nightmares, but really, they’re on our side. I’m curious though, they didn’t answer all of your least not that I could ‘hear.’

    Maddy shrugged. There were a few things they said that they didn’t want you to know about. Honestly, I didn’t really understand what they meant. She suddenly found herself shivering. Everything still feels like it only happened a few hours ago...and with that Elhadra.

    M’rell gave Maddy another hug, a much needed one. Don’t worry about that. This is the safest place you could be. And for Michael too. There are thousands of dragons here...all just as powerful as C’lmdur and I’marld. No one could harm either of you with the W’nryl on guard. The Elhadra would find it a huge challenge to breech this city, and then there are all of my own people. We’re not wimps when it comes to being prepared for a fight. Rest easy in that. You’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of amazing things over the last few hours. Let those sink in, percolate for a while, and then try to sort them out over the next few days. Michael won’t be waking up until then.

    Maddy looked into M’rell’s eyes, finding only friendship and goodwill. OK, I’ll do my best. Are we almost back? I’m confused by these hallways. I don’t think I could find my way out of here even if my life depended upon it.

    We’re almost there. There’s a turn up ahead and Michael is just a few rooms beyond that.

    Unconsciously, Maddy began speeding up once they reached the next junction, leaving M’rell behind. Once she was by the pool, she dropped to her knees and began peering intensely down at Michael. She sensed M’rell sidle up beside her and then join her on the floor. Maddy glanced at her briefly and then made to touch Michael’s face again, brushing aside the long hank of hair which covered his forehead—the only part not smeared with slime. You’re sure he can’t hear us...know we’re here? she asked.

    Well, I don’t know for certain. I’marld told me both of you would be deep in a sleep-like coma. So I don’t think it’s likely. Why?

    Maddy didn’t reply immediately. There’s so much we can talk about now. Now that I know who...or what he really is. He wouldn’t have to cover it up anymore. Then Maddy suddenly inhaled. Oh! Now I get it! She twisted her head to look at M’rell.

    There was a UFO scare last year back in Cantonville...where Michael and I live. And we were interviewed about it together. There I was, answering like I knew everything that should be said about it and Michael...Michael could hardly get a word out. I thought he was being so silly back then. But you know what? Now I think it was him it was all about and he was trying so hard not to give it all away.

    A mad sort of laughter erupted out of Maddy’s chest as she shook her head. "That must have been totally, absolutely crazy for him. Pursing her lips, she added, Walking back here with you, I’ve been racking my brain, trying to remember other things Michael might have said that had to do with his secrets and all the times when I didn’t understand why he was acting the way he was."

    Absent-mindedly, she began brushing her fingers over Michael’s face again.

    Hmm, I guess the two of you have shared a lot more than just being attacked by that Elhadra, M’rell remarked, her eyes riveted on Maddy’s careful caresses. And that you have some...uh, something more than just the usual feelings when it comes to him.

    Maddy felt her cheeks reddening and, despite not wanting to, her voice broke in her whispered reply. More...more than just that. She turned to face M’rell again. Is it wrong? Does it make any sense? I never knew he wasn’t...isn’t from Earth. How could I? But he’ can I explain different than any of the other boys...I mean in the right ways.

    M’rell didn’t supply her with an answer other than shrugging slightly. After that, the two of them were silent, each deep within their own thoughts, their own memories it seemed. Eventually, those recollections led Maddy to another question. She lifted her hand away from Michael’s face and turned toward M’rell, her eyes taking all of her in. She swallowed, and then asked hesitantly, M’rell, you know so much more about Michael than I do. Did he...did he say anything about his...ah, girlfriend? He told me he has one. That...that was close to a year ago. Then I found a picture up in... Maddy felt herself turning a deeper shade of red. his room. At least I thought it was her. Was he telling me the truth? Or was it just another lie?


    She’d been afraid this would come up. It had been in the back of her mind ever since Maddy had begun caressing Michael’s face and had been reinforced with every word and gesture thereafter. Now she would need to confirm a hard truth to this young teenager. That was the reason she’d glossed over Alowyn’s role in the prophecy earlier. Well, she’d do the difficult job and save Michael the trouble which would come with it. M’rell knew she owed him that much.

    Maddy. M’rell discovered she suddenly had to clear her throat. Yes, Michael didn’t make that up. I imagine he couldn’t tell you much about her or anyone else for that matter. It’’s Alowyn.

    Maddy’s shoulders visibly slumped. She closed her eyes. A shaky breath followed. Her hands began to twist into her golden robe. M’rell observed a dismal glumness settle upon the girl’s features, all signs of a growing sense of forsakenness. Of a deep and utter loneliness.

    I suppose...I suppose I shouldn’t have hoped for anything else. Such a terrible admission. The pain of it filled M’rell and received an echoing reply from deep within her own soul.

    Maddy glanced over at Michael, seeming to draw a measure of strength from him to face what M’rell sensed was now an undeniable and irrefutable fact, just like... Before that thought could come to its logical end, Maddy interposed her own words, her face still turned away from M’rell. mentioned her earlier. She and Michael are part of that prophecy? Is that right? They’re together because it’s fated to be?

    I don’t know if the prophecy has much to do with how they feel about each other, she replied carefully. From...from what I’ve seen of them, I’ve always had the impression it began just like any other friendship. M’rell paused, groping for other words, ones that might be of some comfort to the girl kneeling beside her. But Michael, M’rell stated gently with the slightest hint of irony, he might be out of his league. Alowyn is of another race, quite different from a Uhala or anyone from Earth. That and being a princess—

    A princess! Oh! Oh! Oh! Maddy’s moan echoed throughout the chamber. She twisted about to stare at M’rell as if she wanted to refute and argue against such an assertion. Then abruptly, she stood up and walked several paces away muttering to herself. So that’s what Maria meant at the wedding. If it was a joke, it was on me! Oh, Madeline Ellis! You are such a complete and utter idiot! It was never, never, never, never going to happen. All it ever was, was a fantasy, a dream. M’rell watched Maddy lift her hands to tug at her hair in wounded exasperation. How, how, how can I ever compete with a princess? With someone that beautiful?

    Rising to her own feet, M’rell approached Maddy slowly and then tentatively touched her shoulder. Maddy flinched, at first keeping her back toward M’rell, but her steady hand slowly convinced the young teenage girl to turn and allow herself to be hugged.

    Maddy began to sob. It didn’t last long. Just a short outburst, mixed in with a few shudders which ebbed away until all that remained was a barely perceptible trembling. Then Maddy released herself from out of M’rell’s embrace, looking everywhere but into the Yeddura’s eyes. Sorry, I guess... She twisted her head in an odd manner, closing her eyes momentarily. It’s just everything, she tried to explain. You, here, what happened to me, Michael. Then her voice broke. "And...and I guess you know how I feel about him. Felt about him," she added, correcting herself. She wiped at her face with the sleeve of her robe.

    You don’t have to explain. I understand. More than you might imagine.

    Maddy didn’t reply, turning away from the Yeddura to face Michael. M’rell waited, feeling the atmosphere within the healing chamber only growing bleaker, greyer. She heard the girl from Earth swallow, observed the muscles of her shoulders firming.

    Could I...would it be all right if I asked you if I could be alone with Michael? M’rell, you’ve done so much for me...just now...and since I woke up. I don’t want to sound ungrateful...but you understand?

    M’rell indicated her agreement by a slight dip of her chin. I do, she said softly. Her eyes drifted toward the entranceway. Actually...actually, I intended to return to Q’arnel somewhat earlier than now. I’m working on a number of projects for Michael at the moment, and it’s high time I consulted with my staff again and determine how they’re getting along. So I guess this is as good a time as any to leave. But I’ll be back tomorrow to check in on the two of you.

    Then M’rell flipped Maddy a quirky if shaky grin. And answer any more questions you’ll likely have by then. Now, if you have any needs, understand the dragons will be monitoring your thoughts and will arrange to help you if anything should arise.

    She embraced Maddy again, giving the teenager a fleeting hug, understanding a long one wasn’t needed. At the entranceway she slowed and twisted partially about to view the girl one last time. Maddy had returned to the mud pool, her arms wrapped tightly about herself and looking down at the prone figure of Michael. M’rell pursed her lips, wondering if she’d been that obvious when she’d first begun having feelings for... She stopped that thought from completing itself and silently began to chastise herself. That part of her life was over. Forever dead. Forever gone. Never to return.

    Walking at a brisk pace she departed, as if leaving more than just the girl from Earth in the healing chamber. M’rell turned her thoughts to the responsibilities she had and the tasks the project teams had been assigned. They required reviewing and where necessary tweaked. She needed order in her life and she was determined to make certain it was always there. Otherwise—otherwise...


    Over the following hours, Maddy alternately paced the floor, her mind churning, still trying to soak in everything that M’rell had shared with her, then kneeling down beside Michael, staring at him, wishing he was conscious, filled with the crazy notion that, maybe, if she kissed him, he’d wake up, and at other times, brooding over Alowyn, this princess.

    As the time passed, her thoughts grew gloomier. Maddy became afraid, reluctant to touch Michael’s face again. It had been so nice to do that. Now she couldn’t. Someone else—that beautiful girl—so much more beautiful than Maddy could

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