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Brother Damion's Terrortales Volume 17
Brother Damion's Terrortales Volume 17
Brother Damion's Terrortales Volume 17
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Brother Damion's Terrortales Volume 17

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In the world as horrible as it is now 2021 I think all our horror should be fictional. hopefully these Terrortales can take your mind somewhere else for a little bit. thanks for reading!
Release dateDec 17, 2021
Brother Damion's Terrortales Volume 17

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    Brother Damion's Terrortales Volume 17 - Brett Miles

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    cover art by BLAPIB

    Brother Damion Terrortales Volume 17

    Catastrophe © 2020 Brett Miles

    Miranda © 1986 Brett Miles

    The Minnow © 2019 Brett Miles

    Word Search © 2015 Brett Miles

    The Second Message © 2020 Brett Miles

    The Curse © 1988 Brett Miles

    The Bear (Do you want a Donut) © 1988 Brett Miles

    The Dream © 1988 Brett Miles

    The Last House Hotel © 1986 Brett Miles

    The Hotel Fliege © 1986 Brett Miles

    The Eyes Have It © 1986 Brett Miles

    The Third Book of Marconais Prime © 1989 Brett Miles

    Thirst © 1987 Brett Miles

    Snakes © 1991 Brett Miles

    Feast © 1991 Brett Miles

    The Elevator © 1988 Brett Miles

    The Flower © 1987 Brett Miles

    New York Boo York © 1987 Brett Miles

    Another New York Story © 1984 Brett Miles

    Lotto © 1990 Brett Miles

    THE END © 2021 Brett Miles

    The Last of the Kakudahs © 1993 Brett Miles

    The Thirsty © 1986 Brett Miles

    Brother Damion Terrortales Volume 17

    Catastrophe, Miranda, The Minnow, Word Search, The Second Message, The Curse, The Bear (Do you want a Donut), The Dream, The Last House Hotel, The Hotel Fliege, The Eyes Have It, The Third Book of Marconais Prime, Thirst, Snakes, Feast, The Elevator, The Flower, New York Boo York, Another New York Story, Lotto, THE END, The Last of the Kakudahs and The Thirsty are works of fiction. People, places, events and situations are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced in ANY way.

    ISBN: 9781667810201

    Table of Contents




    The Minnow

    Word Search

    The Second Message

    The Curse

    The Bear (Do You Want a Donut)

    The Dream

    The Last House Hotel

    The Hotel Fliege

    The Eyes Have It

    The Third Book of Marconais Prime




    The Elevator

    The Flower

    New York Boo York

    Another New York Story


    The End

    The Last of the Kukudahs

    The Thirsty


    I looked over to the right and said,

    That just ain’t right. Those could have been my last words. I had passed out again, my wife and I thought these were diabetic episodes. We were to learn all the other times I passed out, the three times in the last couple of years were strokes, mini ones. My wife checked my blood sugar like she always does and seeing that I was extremely high gave me an injection of insulin; probably saved my life. Next thing my teeth clenched down and I started foaming at the mouth. I have no memory of any of this. My only memory was waking up totally freaked out and trying to pull the catheter out of my penis. Fuck did that hurt!! Next thing I awoke in a private room in the hospital.

    I’m going to let you know that when you foam at the mouth this foam is acidy bile. The inside of my mouth was burnt for months and I still can’t brush my teeth with any mint flavored paste. Thank God for bubble gum tasting toothpaste. I have nightmares about being in the emergency room!  Do you have someone who will clean up your shit while you’re shitting yourself in the ER? My sweet wife had to live through this horrible night and the days following. My queen has saved me so, so many times in our magical life together. Every breath I take is for her. I am blessed beyond belief.

    After Kobe passed. I immediately started finishing some stories but after I almost died I started cleaning my basement and found a box with so many stories. Here’s just the first few, some new and some older.

    Thank you again for checking out my stories. Peace! and Love! Baby!


    Fuck me, white men are fucking crazy as Fuck!

    Hey!! When Mr. Cooper thought back about it, he probably would have moved faster if he actually believed what he was witnessing.

    HEY!!! HEY!!! he froze in position and was not sure how to proceed. He ran to the inner office door and pulled it open and screamed, BO!!! BO!!! SOMEONE IS STEALING YOUR PLANE!!!

    Fifteen year old Andy Steinberg had already applied full power and seeing that the RPM (revolutions per minute) was in the green arc, he released the brakes. Fifty-five miles per hour was his target, he kept looking at the speedometer as he was taxiing down the runway. He had studied enough to know that the Vr or rotation speed had to be fifty-five before he could ascend. He also knew that once he reached just below twenty per cent Vr he had to set the flaps to take-off position, which he did when he saw he was going forty-five mph. Finally he reached the correct velocity and pulled back on the yoke and the Cessna 150 was airborne.

    Farmer Harris shook his head as he watched Kevin Riley close the back of his truck and drive away with yet another load of beef. Kevin made these huge pick-ups monthly. Farmer Jim Harris knew that Kevin didn’t own a restaurant, he just figured that Kevin really loved his barbeque; folks down in these parts don’t ask too many questions; Farmer Jim was happy to take all of Mr. Riley’s money whatever he was into.

    A big storm was coming. Kevin could not only see it but he could feel it in the air. Everyone that lived in Morehead City, North Carolina was quite familiar with that eerie almost electric feeling connected to severe storms; being that it is second on the list for the most hurricanes in the entire planet. His cats hated the sound of thunder, lightning and wind. He saw that storms forced them back into their wild selves and even though most of his cats had never been in the wild, it was still a scary and confusing time for them. He tried to rush home to feed them and give them a small sense of comfort and security at the same time as he was trying to not get a speeding ticket. Kevin Riley was so nervous and uptight he didn’t even see the truck he almost ran off of the road as he was pulling out of the Harris farm. As Kevin drove home, besides worrying about the storm, his mind was also spinning on the fact that he was doing his first national television interview. 

    Sarah Stout-Carr began her investigative reporting on the TMZ show, she hated what they reported but the gossip filled show was a hit. She planned and used it as a big stepping stone to get her own syndicated news program; The Truth starring Sarah Stout-Carr. She was on her way to Morehead City, North Carolina to do a report on a subject that was dear to her heart. She built her career exposing con-artists and animal rights abusers, the folks that had their own petting zoos but followed none of the regulations as far as size of pens and general care. Kevin Riley was her next subject and his illegal wild cat PreserveAtorium, that’s what he called it. When she asked for the correct spelling, he answered,

    It is one word, no hyphen, Capital P, r, e, s, e, r, v, e, capital A, t, o, r, i, u, m. She shook her head as she reread the facts of this upcoming case. She thought that he might be different, everything she read confirmed that Kevin had a huge heart and absolutely loved animals and nature. He was just so damn rich and she predicted that would be his downfall.

    Kevin Riley had met this really beautiful and cool hippy chick, Helen and before he knew what had happened they were living together and he was more than sure that she was his soulmate and would be his wife. Their relationship was soaring along and they were still in the middle of the serious sexual honeymoon phase when Helen received some news from her doctor that she did not share with Kevin. This news changed her and all Kevin saw was Helen turn into an even more serious party animal than she already was. She grew an insatiable appetite for pot and booze and any recreational drugs she could get her hands on. Her absolute favorite high was when she took acid, LSD just felt so comfortable to her that one could say she felt so centered and grounded on it even though she was tripping her head off she felt so at ease. It was if she found herself, her heart, her soul and her home with acid. The moment the doctor told her that she would not be able to bear children was a day that she could not come back from. She fell deeper and deeper into her own fantasy acid laced world. She was worried beyond belief that if she told Kevin the truth, he would discard her and she would be destitute and alone. She was totally stoned out of her mind when she came up with a brilliant plan to cement her and Kevin together; she not only thought but knew it would be perfect. Her grandiose idea was to buy Kevin for his 30th birthday, a baby lion cub. Yeah a freaking lion!! Crazy-ass bitch.

    Kevin named the lion cub, Sheeba. And as for Helen, well Kevin should have realized just how addicted to acid she was because one day she just disappeared and was gone out of his life. He couldn’t actually remember the last time he had seen Helen it had been so many years.

    Andrew Andy Steinberg. He was from Washington, North Carolina, a small town just north of Morehead City. In his Principal’s hand was a file that was at least five pages long on this kid’s exploits. Principal Pemberton slammed the binder down to his crowded desk. Andy’s locker had been forced open and its only occupant was this three-ringed binder. Mr. Pemberton wanted to scream, I told you so! for everyone had been so tolerant of all of Andy’s problems. Shoplifting was his first offence. At the young age of five he had stolen something almost every time he accompanied either of his unaware parents to any store. By the time he was twelve, he had elevated to stealing anything and everything he could get his hands on. He had stolen about thirty bikes in seventh grade, every day after school, he would go to a different neighborhood and then return home riding yet another strange bike. His stories and lies to his parents were almost as brazen as his operations as he began to call them. This boy was way too grown for his own good and the Principal knew sooner or later, something horrible would happen. Young Andy was kind of a genius and was smart enough to not rip off smartphones or computers, he didn’t own or even want a cell phone. He knew of the fact that they basically were tracking systems, at the same time, he totally ignored the fact that every car has a computer inside it and he would joyride many times in several different cars. This kid Andy was something else. Mr. Pemberton began to think that it was his responsibility to tell every parent whose kids had to school with this kleptomaniac. He felt that with this kid on the loose, not one person in Washington, North Carolina was truly safe.

    Andy had planned on flying to California but once actually airborne, he was so excited that he got the plane in the air, his sense of navigation was all wrong. He was headed east before the plane began having problems and started veering south the moment the plane got into trouble.

    A storm was brewing so Sarah and her team were driving their ‘The Truth Show’ mini-van the long eight hour haul from Atlanta where her show was broadcast. They all were used to life in this area, where hurricanes are so frequent, it wasn’t the first long car ride through a storm any of them had taken. She settled into the drive, Lance the sound tech always seemed to take the wheel, while she dove back into her notes on her Ipad about Mr. Kevin Riley. His story was quite unbelievable, no matter how hard or where she searched she could not find any records of his parents or family at all. She only knew that money was not any problem for him and like many of the similar people she reported on, having the cash gave them the access. She always thought, just because you can afford it doesn’t mean you should have it.

    Hey now Sheeba, Kevin said unlocking the gate and walking in without hesitation just like he has done every other time he enters his lion habitat. Sheeba approached and nuzzled up against him like a big giant kitten while her cubs, Fyah, Ruth, and Justice looked on in the distance, always leery of their father Turk.  Much to Kevin’s disgust, Turk the alpha had eaten Sheeba’s first two litters; forcing Kevin into expanding his land and area for his cats. Now the giant lion just lazily growled totally nonplussed by their entire living situation.

    After receiving Sheeba for his birthday Kevin began to look for likeminded people, animal lovers like himself and through the years he found many other owners of big cats. Most broke Kevin’s heart because none of these owners had the sufficient funds and because of their lack of resources, most of the animals were kept in horrible conditions. He did not like to speak about his money but the day he first saw the inhumane condition that Turk was living in, he offered his owner six figures to get the male lion out of that situation. He knew that Sheeba would be better with a partner and once he saw that horrible place, Kevin could not live another day with the knowledge. Before he even knew what had happened to him, Kevin had also rescued, Diablo, a young black panther that at the time was too wild to do anything except growl and basically had to be caged and kept away from Sheeba and Turk. Kevin next had heard of a sad story of two tigers in a failing circus from Texas and soon after, Zandar and Misk were bought and brought into his life. The mature tigers had a calming effect on Diablo and the panther seemed to relax the moment he met the female Misk. The tigers were instantly his adoptive parents.

    At first Kevin would hunt for fresh meat before finding the awesome supply of beef from the farm. On one of these hunts he was unfortunately attacked by a female cougar that he had to put down; only to find that there were two small cubs in tow with her. He could not leave them and in turn Diablo seemed to parent these two mountain lions, the way the tigers had taken care of him and Kevin’s cat community was happy and healthy. Sheeba had another litter a few years ago, both of the lions were older and Turk became tolerant now that there were so many cats.

    The PreserveAtorium. Kevin could not believe how quickly his sanctuary had grown, his passion for his animals and how he could have acquired so many. His lions: Sheeba, Turk, Fyah, Ruth and Justice, his tigers: Zander and Misk, his panther Diablo and certainly last but not least, his cougars, Thor and Loki. Ten very large and equally dangerous alpha predators, all under one roof, well caged in, under that roof.

    JoAnna Garrison was the only heir to the massive Garrison Corporation. She was an interesting child and even though her name was JoAnna at the very young age of three she insisted that she be called Amy, her parents complied. The Garrison Corporation had its money linked all the way back to the original three hundred families who incorporated Morehead City in the 1860’s. Their family was also directly related to the designer and builder of the Atlantic Hotel in the 1880’s. Needless to say Amy was super loaded and her asshole heartless fiancé Shawn Cohorn was overjoyed about that fact as well. He had been trying to act so patiently. He always put on these airs like nothing phased him and always carried himself with a calm demeanor but in his heart he was so incredibly happy that finally after months and months of messed up business deals and back and forths, he had secured the money and stolen the company right from under the feet of its creators. His ultimate power coup was going to happen this morning at the fancy and private Morehead City Country Club. Amy had insisted on a dawn wedding, it was the only thing that she wanted, so he indulged her, he knew she was crazy but fuck, he didn’t care. The wedding was just the last formality in his taking complete control over Garrison Enterprises. He, like everyone else in town could both feel and see the approaching storm, so it worked in his favour, this early ceremony. His plan and insider information had been totally illegal but no one questioned him and he brought down this huge company and not only took control; he took the CEO’s only daughter as well. She was in love with him, poor girl he thought because he fucking hated her and already had another girlfriend and two, count them, two mistresses.

    Shawn spared no expense for their lavish wedding, her dad was paying anyway and the Morehead City Country Club was decorated to the hilt. Shawn figured it would be his last day that he would have to blast this phony smile at everyone, after the wedding everything was his and he could drop any and all of his facades. He beamed as he opened the giant glass doors greeting the first of the guests into the courtyard. He expected the Mayor, the Chief of Police, all the mucky mucks would be there.

    Truth to be told, Amy did not love him and knew he was a bad person but thought this marriage would save face for all her family line. Pride was held in too high esteem down south. Not only did her father lose his company but he also had to agree to and pay for this upcoming wedding. The wedding would ensure that her father would never again have a managerial or executive job in the company he had worked so hard in building. When Amy first realized that she knew what Shawn had done it was too late for her and she went through all of the motions but her heart was totally broken. She knew her fiancée was just like her parents and didn’t really love her or even like her and she knew it was all just for business. Just like deep down she knew no one in creation could despise her parents as much as she did. She didn’t care that they might lose their billions, she treasured that very thought. She might have acted all aloof and people considered her a modern hippy earth-girl but in the dark depths of her so tired and broken heart she was shrewd and calculating.

    Andy could have simply stolen his dad’s new ride for this big operation but there was absolutely no problem or thrill or anything to do it that way. He decided to walk the extra six blocks and steal Mrs. Korben’s brand new Lincoln that she had been proudly sporting in their neighbourhood. His passion for how-to-do videos on Youtube began when he was five with Minecraft but it grew exponentially. He learned as much as he could, from how to hotwire a car to how to make honey oil; he had already made enough oil that he planned to go into big business like Walt from Breaking Bad when he returned from his California trip. He dreamed of his workers and where he could peddle the stuff.

    You could hear the sting of the slap from anywhere on the third floor of their apartment building. All the neighbors shuddered or turned up their televisions and music before they could hear Dontaye smack his wife Kendendra again.

    No stop it! She screamed pleading through her tears and pain as he let out another volley of slaps and punches.

    You call THAT FUCKING COFFEE you fat fucking ugly bitch!!! he screamed. Anything could set him off. She had never been safe and unfortunately there are several thousand battered women across our country with stories worse than Kendendra Weed’s.

    Andy could only laugh as he turned off the new Lincoln. Walking to Mrs. Korbens had only taken three minutes, even with the duffel bag of three bats, a few gloves, a dozen or so baseballs and the fence cutters. He lived only about a seven minute drive to the Warren Field baseball diamonds, he wished it could have been farther; it was a really nice car. There was a service road that ran in between the six diamonds, he drove passed the first three and took a left all the way to the end of the road and stopped the car.

    He dropped the bag once he reached the woods just passed the homerun area. As he walked through the trees he took off his baseball cap and bright jersey and put on the Airfield Security windbreaker he had stolen three months prior. His destination was the most north fence of the Warren Field Airport, a place where he was sure he could breach and enter.

    Kevin Riley’s ancestors were also some of the founding fathers of Morehead City, North Carolina and many towns in the area. In fact JoAnna Garrison and he shared a common family tree. Their great-great grandfathers were first cousins back in the 1860’s. His unimaginable wealth came from the huge segment of land his family owned that over the years with the expansion of the city and country and many annexes and a bunch of legal mumble jumble only kept Kevin incredibly wealthy. The only downside to the town’s growth was that his huge farm that had been so secluded wasn’t so secluded anymore. The land north of his farm had acres that went into the many bayous and swamps in the area but now the land and area south, west and east of his place has all grown. Grown into a regular small and wealthy American beach town. With neighbours, sooner or later, he knew someone would see or hear his

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