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Unbreakable Bond
Unbreakable Bond
Unbreakable Bond
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Unbreakable Bond

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A beautiful woman from the mountain kingdom of Lesotho gets a proposal from a wealty belilioner, this debut novel shows their two different life styles and how they evolved over time.The question is, "does Mica trully love Leseli or does he have alternate motive?"

Release dateNov 23, 2021
Unbreakable Bond

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    Unbreakable Bond - MAFUMANE MOLEFI

    Unbreakable Bond


    Published by MAFUMANE MOLEFI, 2021.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. November 23, 2021.

    Copyright © 2021 MAFUMANE MOLEFI.

    ISBN: 979-8201467227

    Written by MAFUMANE MOLEFI.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

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    Unbreakable bond

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    To my friend bony


    Leseli Melato was doing laundry on a Friday night when she heard a knock on the door startling her. She wondered who the intruder was, upon opening the door she was surprised to see her mother whom she hasn’t seen in almost four years. She had been living in Pretoria for those past four years.

    Leseli’s mother was a little unpredictable but she was the last person her daughter was expecting to see on her doorstep. Flinging the door open she said, what a wonderful surprise mother.

    She gave her a warm hug and hoped that she had come home for a different reason not to ask money from her like the last time she visited. This is such a wonderful surprise she exclaimed. "I hope you are planning to stay for a while I want to hear about your latest research project.

    Regina, Leseli’s mother is a social worker also a consultant to several development agencies in the field of HIV/AIDS, home based care and social development policy.

    It was so unlike her to just show up unannounced which makes Leseli wonder why she had come to visit her. Regina started telling her about her career. Yes, she was eager to know about her work, but she was more interested in finding out why she is here.

    Looking at Regina closely when they are chatting, she discovered the glow of youth and good health, she was undeniably looking good. Regina suddenly become serious, darling I really wanted to talk to you, that’s why I drove all the way from Pretoria to Lesotho.

    Ok now that sounds serious Leseli replied. Regina continued talking, she told her about a man she met recently who helped her financially with her latest project. Leseli was genuinely worried about her mother after hearing the story about financial aid from the man she scarcely knew.

    Are you sure you not paying a high price for success mam? I mean you said it yourself you just meet him, are you telling me that he helped you out of the goodness of his heart without wanting anything in return?

    Regina was silent, for the first time she was looking at her daughter, she looked so desolate and fragile for the evil plan she has for her that something tugged inside her. God knows she loves her daughter so much, but she also needs to make ends meet. That is why when Mica offered to help her financially in exchange for her daughter’s hand in marriage she totally agreed. After all Mica was a rich, powerful and handsome man ready to settle down, what more could a woman ask for!

    That was what she assumed all along but now meeting her daughter in person after such a long time, she began to wonder if she was right. She realised that Leseli has changed, she looks serious, mature with a flawless skin and delicate features.

    Regina wondered how she is going to break the news to her daughter, how she’s going to tell her to marry a man she doesn’t know.

    Now it’s a moment of truth, she must tell Leseli the truth. listen darling, the person I was telling you about just now, who gave me financial aid only helped me because I agreed that you two will get married. Leseli count not think of anything to say, her long frame was rigid, the silence seemed to bounce off the walls of the kitchen where they were sitting. Her voice was cold when she finally speaks, so my assumptions have been right after all, you are here because you want to sell me to the highest bidder for money, what is wrong with you mam? Everything with you is always about money.

    I know that’s what you think but you are wrong darling, She protested I love you and I want only the best for you, look at you Leseli you are 28 years old you have no boyfriend, you have no child your peers are getting married out there.

    Leseli’s eyes glittered with anger. "stop making this about me, you are such a selfish mother, I don’t know what I ever did to deserve a mother like you. Regina watched with a feeling of hopelessness as her daughter stormed out.

    That Friday night Leseli didn’t sleep a wink, she keeps on playing back the scene where her own dear mother was telling her that she arranged a marriage for her, purely for the sake of money.

    Life can be so complicated sometimes; she adores and respects her mother who had sacrificed so much for her during her childhood. Maybe it was payback time. She can marry the guy and divorce him after a year, just to get her mother off her back.

    The scent of roses greeted Leseli when she walked into the kitchen that morning, A tall vase was filled with branches of aromatic flowers. For the first time since her mother’s arrival Leseli smiled, she remembered how thoughtful her mother can be, so she did remember her love for roses after all. She greeted her mother with a worm smile as if her proposal did not shatter her dreams yesterday. Today is a new day and she planned to talk with her mother calmly after breakfast, maybe just maybe they can come to an agreement.

    Leseli was calmer after breakfast with her Regina. So, mother what’s in it for you if I marry your guy? she asked,

    Your happiness is what matters most my child, I did this because I want you to be happy, I know a good match when I see one, you remember I arranged your cousin’s marriage? Look how happy she is today. Leseli’ was ready to argue but then her mam cut her short, I will give you a week to think about my proposal, until then let’s not discuss it.

    The following day mother and daughter decided to visit a nature reserve nearby. It was indeed beautiful, the plateaus of Lesotho are spectacular, Leseli hadn’t known that land can be so captivating. Perhaps it was the mystery, the awesomeness that nature had done to form beauty.

    The whole week passed peacefully, meanwhile, Leseli was thinking about her future, what it would mean for her to marry a man of Mica’s calibre, she took a pen and jotted a few points down. The advantages and disadvantages of marring the guy, it was then that she found it in her best interest to marry him. He was a wealthy and respectable man, he comes from a good family tough she is not sure if she will live happily ever after with him, she knew she will be filthy rich.

    By the end of the week Leseli was speaking to Regina who had stayed with her for the entire week.

    I am ready to give you an answer mother.  She added I will marry Mica on one condition, that we get divorce after one year of marriage. Regina was a bit worried, but she decided to let it go, she wasn’t happy that her daughter wanted a temporary marriage, besides she wasn’t sure how Mica will react upon hearing the news.

    Regina decided to go to Pretoria with her daughter to meet Mica, they were to meet in two days’ time. Leseli took some time to visit her father who had been taking care of her since his divorce fourteen years ago with Regina. She worries about him, life has treated him unfairly, life could be harsher, colder than the naked eye could see but Thabo, Leseli’s father has a softer and loving side that her daughtered always wished she was more like her dad. Even thGough her mother left him years ago he was always happy.

    Thabo was a farmer, he worked hard to provider for his only daughter, if his manner and style of handling life were aggressive, it could be said that they kept him alive and complete during this dry season in his beloved country.

    Halo dad! Leseli gave her dad a hug, he was happy to see his little angel, she was in her late twenties, but he still considered her his little angel. Hi angel it’s been a while, a whole week passes without you seeing your old man! She was amazed by her father’s mockery.

    It hasn’t been that long dad, but I have missed you. He glanced at his daughter for the first time realising how beautiful and mature she is, but it wasn’t her beauty that caught his attention, she looks exhausted, her expression was spooky, her eyes fixed forward with intense concentration of someone struggling for control. She was pale and he noticed dark circles under her eyes, like she hasn’t slept for days. Now he was

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