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Anevad: A Time of Destiny
Anevad: A Time of Destiny
Anevad: A Time of Destiny
Ebook547 pages8 hours

Anevad: A Time of Destiny

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The Shield of Abanthes has returned with increased determination to seize control of Anevad. It just needs new followers. When Parvenu realises its long-lost location, it discovers a willing accomplice for revenge. Together they hostage the unicorns of Zentaur and force Zylee to relinquish the Secrets of Forever. Parvenu believes he will be Anev

Release dateOct 22, 2019
Anevad: A Time of Destiny

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    Anevad - Jane Dowling

    Time of Harmony

    Everyone in this world once knew the world of Anevad.

    In a time of respect and tolerance, in a time when differences were celebrated, in a time when belief was felt within the heart and mind with a clarity unsurpassed, in a time when distance held no meaning.

    In these times Anevad was known; its colours, its creatures, its ways.

    All found welcome on its shores, not least of all the People of the World Across the Sea. Whenever they desired, they could travel across the water through the Window to the World to visit loved friends.

    To swim with the mermaids or to ride as fast as the wind on the back of a unicorn was, to the humans, as natural as breathing. Mermaids would swim the green oceans of the worlds and sing their songs, giving comfort to sailors longing to see home. Creatures from Anevad would in turn visit the World Across the Sea delighting in all they found there.

    Harmony and happiness existed in both worlds, constantly enriching the Secrets of Forever.

    But the flow of time constantly passes in any world and the distant shores of the World Across the Sea witnessed the arrival of battle-hardened travellers driven by bitterness, anger, envy, and hate, living their days in the pursuit of shadows, in the conquering of any creature not of their mind and way.

    News of the other world reached them- its creatures, its welcoming nature, its ways of peace and tolerance, and of the immense power of the Secrets of Forever; a treasure beyond value. The seizure of them, and the ultimate control of both worlds, became the sole focus of one and the determined destiny of the many.

    Harmony Lost

    See how silent it is. They still know nothing of us. Steady as you go. Our destiny is at our fingertips. Steady now, steady.

    Midgard… interrupted a faceless voice that immediately froze in the throat of its owner as Midgard pinned him in his gaze.

    I gave no order to speak. Silence! One word and it will be your last. He turned to face the waiting shore. The shield dangling from his arm cast jagged strobes of silver across the waves. They seemed to stretch out, an eager desperateness to reach the shore before anyone. He ran a calloused hand across its smooth edge. None but he knew its story for he was the only one it had trusted with the truth. It was the Shield of Abanthes and with it he would know no defeat. Land after land had fallen to its spell. And now it was his; he would be the eternal victor.

    He trusted few men, he had little cause to. He knew what drove and ensured their loyalty and it had a price tag. But there was no price to the Shield; it recognised him, and he trusted in it. And this world and the Secrets of Forever would ensure everyone would acclaim him. He watched in wonder as the light glistened across its surface and reflected on his skin.

    The beaches of Anevad, there for the taking, my taking. The dawn will be here soon, and I’ll be there ready to attack. This silence will end.

    He felt a hand reach out to his arm, looking down to see one of his men. What do you want?

    There’s stories about this place, about the creatures…… won’t they defend their land?

    I’ve heard stories too. But mine come from the right source, a source that knows. All they care about is being happy and having a nice time with each other. They probably won’t fight but I hope they do. How glorious it shall be. I live for battle; it gets so very boring to take without a good battle or two. But I shall be victorious as I’m destined to be. This land and its treasures are mine. They were always meant to be mine. The sooner we rouse the beasts the better. Nice doesn’t cut it; swords do.

    The bows of the boats gouged deep sandy scars into the beach as they came ashore. The beauty of the landscape totally lost on eyes focused on destruction. And destroy they did. Trees and saplings were uprooted, snapped cruelly in pieces and tossed into makeshift fires lit to raze all in its path. The flames hissed and spat, devouring the dawn and feasting on the dry, cracking wood and smoking happily on the moisture-filled sapling. With each leaping flame the battle cry grew louder.

    Until the first of the creatures arrived.

    Until the warriors turned their attention from the wood to them. They slashed and stabbed with unplanned precision; they took joy in watching the blood drip from the wounds, the stunned disbelief on the faces of the victims.

    Midgard watched. He swung his sword and sliced through the skin of some pale skinned creature with striped legs. For good measure he hacked off the wings. He readjusted the shield on his arm, it was unbelievably heavy which was why it was obvious that it belonged solely to him, why it talked to him. They belonged together, always had and always would. He laughed raucously as he watched his men advance across the land in a choreographed dance of destruction.

    The creatures saw among the warriors’ faces humans they knew, humans they had helped, had laughed with. Humans who now hurt without fear, who radiated intense hatred. They were strangers to the shores.

    On the crest of a rise Midgard raised the shield and watched as light danced across its surface casting a pervasive, overwhelming hypnotic effect on those gazing upon its web of silver and gold. Contemptuously he angled the shield’s strobes into the eyes of creatures and watched as they turned one on another, like battling like. He guided the various creatures in battle, a battle he knew Anevad would lose. He had the promise of the Shield.

    The weakling fools, he thought, they couldn’t even fight properly. There was no united force against a common enemy. He had but to shine the light a little and they were his. True warriors didn’t do that; they would hold true to the cause to the very last. They seemed to know little of battle; they were learning quickly about death. It was clear to him that, contrary to the stories, they knew little of how to really live. They didn’t know about power or its beauty, they didn’t know about him. He raised the Shield to his lips and kissed it, the light flashing across its visage into his eyes.

    The paths of the Elders converged to a single point and it was from that slightly higher ground Zylee and the Elders now watched in horror, unbelieving witnesses to creature after creature turning to fight against their own; no longer creatures of Anevad but creatures of the Shield, minions for Midgard.

    This battle must change, declared Zylee. We must lead them from here.

    He was one of the Old Ones; he remembered what others no longer spoke of. He knew the times before peace, times before harmony. He knew the costs. He remembered the ones who had paid. And he knew that the battle on the beach was lost. He circled to the left and saw Helden, strong, tall and proud. He had known those times too. He would stand at his shoulder once more.

    The Ancient Sands, Helden stated to the other Elders. Go there and do what has to be done. And do it quickly. We will not be far behind.

    This shouldn’t be happening, declared Mhairi. How can this be happening?

    Almida tightened her grip on the Staff she carried.

    It is what it is. But it will be what it is meant to be. And the creatures who are meant to be will become known.

    Retreat, ordered Zylee as more bloodied creatures fell in disbelief to the ground. Reach the ancient sands.

    He reared up and let out a battle cry as he propelled himself to the lower shore and to the middle of the battle. He had no cause to question Helden or Astha following him just as he had no cause to question the remaining Elders doing what was needed.

    He targeted Midgard. His hooves clashed against his armour as he heard Astha screaming to the unicorns and the other creatures to retreat.

    I thought unicorns were supposed to be brave and noble; I thought they were supposed to be strong. You run away like frightened horses and drag these creatures with you. You can’t outrun me, you fool, Midgard taunted. I must say I thought it would have been more challenging. Choose your destiny; join with me or die- like those pathetic things down there.

    You don’t belong here, Zylee spat as he gazed across the world desperately wishing not to see Midgard’s touch, the blood, the cries, the pain, the dead and wounded creatures. This wasn’t the world he nurtured; it wasn’t a world he knew. He reared again.

    Grinning snidely Midgard raised the Shield as Zylee’s hooves clashed in an empty threat against the foreign metal before landing on the ground. I belong anywhere I say I do. And I belong wherever this takes me.

    Zylee reared again and sent clouds of sand grains in the air as his hooves grounded. I’m the leader of this world, he declared. If you want it, you’ll need to get rid of me first.

    Finally, a worthy battle. Lead the way, unicorn. Run.

    Zylee smiled to himself. Some things hadn’t changed in time; humans were still predictable. This one was doing exactly what he’d needed him to do. He watched as Astha and Helden corralled creatures and swept them unwittingly across the dunes to level ground, fighting and struggling each step of the way. He dodged and weaved the blows from Midgard as he inched ever closer to the ancient sands.

    I can’t be beaten, taunted Midgard. Not while I have this.

    You’re on my land now, called back Zylee. I won’t be beaten here. Anevad never falls here.

    He heard the echoes against the rocks and trees, felt the sands shifting around him. He saw Astha smile as an echo to the battle sounded, a deep rumbling from the heart of the land. Without warning large rocks began to rain down on the battleground imprisoning Midgard’s men and the creatures fighting with them against their own. He knew what came next. The ground beneath their feet started shaking, opening with roaring gusts of steaming air into a jagged abyss. Anguished screams wrenched from the humans as the ground disappeared beneath them, desperate fingers clutching and clawing, vainly attempting to retain a grip on life.

    Zylee saw Astha and Helden positioned behind Midgard and knew they had heard what he had. They charged, manes flying wildly, sweat glistening across blood stained coats. They crashed into Midgard at the same time forcing the shield off his arm.

    Zylee fell to his knees as the shield struck him across his face, it cut into his spiralled horn. He was finding it hard to breathe. Blood dripped into his eyes; he could see a chink on the shield’s edge. He kicked out at it.

    And still the rocks rumbled, falling like cannonballs and the sands finally opened to a darkened abyss.

    Zylee struggled to his hooves. He would rid this world of that shield. It would end. He heard the whispers, the pleas. He would resist, must resist. He focused on Helden and on Astha. He kicked at the Shield and watched with satisfaction as it balanced precariously on the edge of the abyss.

    Midgard screamed and lunged towards Zylee and the shield. He wouldn’t lose it. Astha ran at the same time.

    All landed on the shield and all skidded without control into the abyss.

    The shield glimmered in its being; its self-belief was incredulous and invincible. It didn’t contemplate failure because it had never known it. But it had never known giving loyalty either, it knew how to serve its needs. Yet this world refused to cede victory. It battled every step, every breath. Not even treachery or treason stopped it.

    Astha kicked out at the tangled roots that held his hooves. He had only fallen a small distance. He could reach the surface and start to put right what needed to put right. He could help Zylee far better from there than he could from this ledge.

    Zylee listened. The roars of the rocks had lessened to rumblings like a thunderstorm moving on before finally expending all its energy. He strained against the roots that ensnared him. He would not stay here; he didn’t belong here. Yet he hurt so. Every movement of blood tricking across his face caused him agony. He saw the shield tangled too, cradled in a network of vines, saw his reflection and what he had become, disfigured, scarred. But he would not be a victim.

    He heard its whispers. So, it continues, he mused. But it must stop. He would leave it here tangled and lost in the darkness while he returned to the light. He pressed his feet against the tangles and felt ground that was firm. He glanced over his shoulder and pushed his body upwards; it was the only way to go.

    The edge of the abyss beckoned; he could see Astha standing there. He felt a pulling against his body. Bloodied fingers scraped into his coat clawing him back, balancing on him to elongate a reach to the shield.

    Zylee sneered. If Midgard wanted it that much, he could have it. He kicked out. His front hooves found leverage on the surface as his back legs kicked free from the roots sending them and sand into Midgard and the shield. With satisfaction he watched them fall. He shook the blood from his eyes, it was slowing now. He looked to the point of Midgard’s disappearance and dug his hooves into the sand.

    Fool! Couldn’t you see we couldn’t be beaten when we have this?

    Silence fell on the world, a silence known only after the roar of battle; a deep silence that echoed its dead. The battle was won.

    Birds slowly landed on trees, homeless souls lost to their heart, devoid of direction, air stripped from their wings surveying land bearing an undesired message, a tale the creatures hadn’t believed could be told. But what one creature envisages doesn’t rely on the belief of others.

    Creatures wandered aimlessly and numbly as the Elders descended sadly viewing the destruction, the wounded, and, like Zylee, the now permanently disfigured.

    We believed these times had gone yet we became fighting creatures here today and more, said Zylee quietly. It is done. We return victorious from the battle; enough now of blood and tears, more than enough. The land is ours again.

    Remember this, urged Helden. Steps taken on sands are powerful. You tread on all that has been; it contains the generations, the ageless and it will be long after you are not. None walk Sands of Time and remain lost to themselves, to others or to time.

    Go to Dolphin Beach, declared Astha to the throng. There is still much to do.

    Released from the influence of the Shield many of the humans, Midgard’s Men as they would become known, were exiled back to the World Across the Seas, the World of Humans. Exiled with the memories of all they had seen; all that they had done; all they would feel guilt for. And memories remain far longer than actions, memories that cannot be hidden forever from other Humans, memories that will change the paths of their lives and their families’ lives, paths that will change the world.

    Also released from the power were the unfortunate creatures of Anevad who had yielded to the power, become traitors and battled their own. In large numbers Garnu, Delphians, Triskelions, Alluvians, Pasanines, and Witlofs came to a horrified awareness of what they had become. Yet there was no world to send them to. And although very remorseful for their actions it was unknown what effect the Shield could possibly have on their long-term being.

    Dolphin Beach

    Since the beginning of time a Sacred Meeting Place for Anevad and a gateway between the worlds had been on Dolphin Beach.

    As the sun set upon his world Zylee led all the creatures there. He silently waited as they found space to stand, sit and lay as they needed. He walked to the waters’ edge, felt the waters against his feet. It had felt like centuries instead of daysprings since he had last felt it. The remaining eight Elders came to his side - Astha and Helden of Zentaur; Drancha of Zanzi; Mhairi of Thalassa; Werdan and Almida of Delphi; and Parnel and Margana of the Musara Plains.

    We have battled. We have won and lost. Now we’ll seek guidance to determine our next actions, he said.

    Each Elder withdrew their crystals, each different one to the other just as the creatures and Elders were different. Each stone presented to them long ago recognising their inner being, each greater than their potential. Each stone with knowing through time.

    Creideamh Iris Crabhadh.

    Silence and stillness replied. Mhairi swam to the other side of Drancha and frowned. She couldn’t recall a time when her Elder Stone had failed to provide guidance. Let’s try again, she suggested.

    A hazy cloud formed above the crystals as each Elder individually re-accessed their stone. The silence remained.

    I don’t remember anything like this ever happening before, said Margana. She moved her necklace around her neck; it often slipped. She stared at the crystals.

    I don’t understand, added Parnel. We have never been guided in silence. We’ve protected our ways; we’ve protected what we honour, our peace and harmony.

    Peace and harmony are supposed to be experienced not honoured, corrected Astha. We place them in our hearts and minds not on altars.

    This is very strange! mused Helden.

    Of the Unicorn Elders he spoke the least so silence rarely perturbed him but when he chose to speak it was always clear, always wise, and always strong. His stone frequently shone brighter than others. He leaned forward to retake possession of his crystal only to see it roll away across the ground, temporarily out of reach.

    As the Elders watched all the crystals pulled away from them, slowly and deliberately as if being enticed to an unseen force, every surface coming into contact with the land before stopping, pulsing with a soft glow.

    It’s the Shield, it has to be, said Almida resting her head against the Staff of Fortune she always carried. It’s affected the crystals. They have a strange vibration.

    That’s not how Elder crystals work, said Werdan. It can’t be. They belong to us, reflect us. If we are unaffected by the Shield so the crystals are unaffected.

    It’s affected the Wisdoms within them, suggested Drancha. None of the Wisdoms we collected in those crystals had been imparted to the Secrets. The battle, the anger, the hate we all felt has clouded them; it has affected them just as it tried to destroy us. The Secrets of Forever are rebelling against what would be negativity to them. That knowing must be expelled, destroyed.

    It is a shame to lose such knowing, said Helden. We must act wisely for we too have been touched by the evil; it came very close to destroying us.

    The crystals were in contact with us during the battle, said Almida. Perhaps that contact was enough to cause such damage. Helden, what should we do?

    He looked at the various crystals. Although each was forever held individually all were familiar with them all. It was a Way of the Elders.

    The knowing should not be lost but it should rest with us not elsewhere. Forces have been unleashed upon our shores that have long been forgotten to us. I never thought to see the dayspring of its return, the hand of misfortune and distrust, the hand of evil.

    The touch of evil can be far-reaching, said Astha viewing Zylee carefully. All creatures should be wary.

    So, queried Drancha looking across the land where he knew so many creatures lay and to the sand where fighters stood- for and against. What do we do about the creatures who fought on its side, with the Shield?

    That’s our challenge, mused Werdan looking at the crystal still glowing against his broad hand.

    What was it about the Shield that made them turn against their own? Drancha queried gesturing to the group of creatures stood behind them. Delphian against Delphian, Garnu against Garnu? And why weren’t all of the same creatures affected? Why did some fall under the influence and others remain with us? Is it going to be safe to share the same living space? Can we trust them?

    Werdan closed his fist around his crystal. The creatures all appeared to him as they always had, calm, peaceful. The battle had passed. He knew them. He opened his mouth to reply only to be stopped by Astha.

    "Wait, Werdan. Those creatures turned and fought against us, fully and completely. You may want to trust them; goodness knows we all want to, but once you’ve been deceived trust is gone, it can never be fully regained. Eventually it will be replaced by a disregarding acceptance, no longer caring whether it’s truth or lie because you won’t trust it anyway.

    It’s not good to live like that. The creatures you see over there will try to fill the expectations, or lack of expectations, of those around them, but it will eventually influence them. Our harmonious way of life is over. We’ll always have that question in our mind.

    Drancha, said Zylee. You’ve always had a clear mind, a peaceful mind. What’s your view of this?

    We were not at one with our world. There was a silence. We didn’t listen. We didn’t see it coming. The battle and invasion were unexpected and ferocious, replied Drancha turning in the water. I didn’t think I’d see this time, but I have. I believe, with that Shield, anything is possible. There is a silence now. We should listen.

    But the Shield has been destroyed, said Almida moving close to Margana. She placed a hand on her shoulder. Her fur was always so soft. You saw it fall into the abyss.

    We saw it fall, agreed Parnel. There had been something about the Shield, a coldness that disturbed him. We didn’t see it destroyed. You hold the Staff of Fortune, Almida. None know better than you the power of fortune for good or bad. Can you tell us without doubt that we’re safe, that we’ll continue to be safe?

    Creatures were drawn to its power once, they may be so again, Drancha said sadly resting his head on the waves. It’s no longer safe for us to live in the same space. Creature with creature can no longer be trusted.

    Since Ca-Ehnc you have always held the Staff of Fortune, Almida. It was entrusted to you as your special gift; none can wield it as you. There is a great misfortune in this situation. There are so many Wisdoms we carried that can now never be imparted, so many Wisdoms that will never enrich the Secrets of Forever, said Astha. The touch of evil is very powerful. It was conquered this time, repelled, but can it be withstood another time? I don’t know. Midgard believed he could conquer this world and seize the Secrets of Forever. He believed he could take what we have collectively protected and grown. His seizure was incomplete, but we are compromised. The Secrets are changed now for all time.

    The Secrets of Forever must be protected, stated Zylee. It’s our way; it’s always been the way, but we’ve paid a high price already.

    He looked at the creatures, knowing that they were expecting him to somehow wipe away the troubles within the land. He knew that the ties of clan had been loosened by blood. We must find a way. They may not like it, we may not like it, but you can’t always have what you want or like. Our way of living is too important.

    It always has been. We must act now, agreed Mhairi. She placed a shell on the waves and watched as it floated a moment then disappeared.

    The stain of blood won’t wash away easily. And cries of battle linger, Zylee, said Drancha, Perhaps there will be a way forward if the creatures of Anevad return to their lands of origin as it was in the beginning, staying there for all time. They must no longer wander the world at will. Their land must become their world.

    Yes, agreed Parnel quickly. Unless we summon them.

    Werdan squatted down to the sand allowing grains to trickle through his fingers. But how shall new boundaries be set upon old lands? There have never been boundaries. The creatures won’t like it.

    At this point, it’s irrelevant whether or not they like it, said Parnel tersely. Our voices and minds must be clear. We’re supposed to be leaders not friends.

    Can’t we be both? Margana queried wiping her face against the shaggy fur of her shoulder; her stoned headdress slipping as she did so. With a sigh she straightened it once more.

    It can be very difficult to enforce the laws of the land as leader when we are perceived firstly as friends, commented Astha. There is the knowing that at times, we must act in the best interests of all and not just in the interests of friends. And that is sometimes hard to see and harder to accept. We have that responsibility even for the tasks we have no desire to complete.

    We must establish boundaries, said Zylee. And all creatures must honour them forever.

    Werdan brushed the sand from his fingers and stared into the distance. He could imagine the rolling greens of Delphi, hear the caressing waves on its shores, its lilting laughter. It seemed a lifetime that he was there. He worried that his return would bring an unwanted vision of reality. What of us, Zylee? What of the Elders? Where do we stand?

    Us? We will do what we have always done. The Elders journey their paths through Anevad together, stated Zylee.

    We can be responsible for the creatures in our own land and carry news from one land to another, agreed Parnel.

    The Secrets of Forever can’t be grown like that, Zylee, advised Astha. This thinking troubled him. What we have faced today will not change if we do this. Setting boundaries on others and not following them ourselves is a path to resentment. There will be another way. There must be another way.

    There’s no time to find it now, retorted Zylee. This is a time to act, not to stand and think.

    There’s always time to find a new way, corrected Astha. Why won’t you listen?

    That’s enough! reprimanded Zylee. I’ve heard enough and had enough challenges for one dayspring. I don’t have time to listen.

    The Elders startled. It was rare to hear him raise his voice, rarer to raise it at Astha. Shaking his head Astha moved away from the group, silently staring into the setting sun, thinking deeply as the waves reached out, a continuous reassuring caress upon the land. The cold he felt had no relation to the sun’s goodbye. He recognised disappointment and disillusionment. He had not known Zylee to act so, not for a very long time. He wondered what was really happening here. He wondered and he worried.

    Boundaries will be set and honoured, ordered Zylee fixing his eyes upon the Elders.

    Seven Elders nodded.

    I speak for the sea creatures, said Drancha. While there may be boundaries set on land it is not possible for set marks within the water. Oceans become seas; seas become oceans. But the boundaries of the Supreme Leader will be recognised and told through Anevad."

    We will maintain the waters of Thalassa, added Mhairi. But I’d suggest that the underwater base of the mountains, although entering and flowing within our waters, remain a united area for our lands. It is vital for ongoing power and purity of healing; such resources should never be held by one group alone.

    Is that agreeable to the rest of you? asked Drancha. He smiled as they nodded. The power and nature of water was so often overlooked.

    This is for the best, said Zylee tossing his mane. We have a way forward.

    It isn’t a way back. And it certainly isn’t the way forward, interrupted Astha moving back to the group. "I see no Wisdom here. I see no heart, no integrity. I see decisions shakily constructed in confusion and desperation. I see fear. I see Elders reacting. I see a way that demands one thing of creatures and another for ourselves. Already rules are being manipulated to suit individuals. We’re not solving any problem; we’re covering it.

    "I recall a time long ago when we both walked together and walked apart. And I remember when the Secrets of Forever were as much a singularity for us as they were a collective. We grew them for all. Can’t you see that we are the ones who have risked the Secrets of Forever? This wasn’t intended in the beginning. We haven’t stayed true to our Ways; we’ve forgotten why we were chosen as Elders. We were chosen for our individual gifts as well as the gifts given to us when we became Elders; the gifts we could use for the benefit of others.

    We’ve stopped enriching the Secrets as we were meant to- as individuals. For so long we’ve enriched them only as a group and consulted the Wisdoms as a group to solve problems instead of using them in our every moment; living our Wisdoms, breathing with them. We used to know so many paths to attain Wisdoms; we never used to be so committed to a collective path, one way of doing things. We’re more interested in walking together than working to our destiny.

    He saw Zylee was frowning at yet another speech. Don’t you remember when we used to celebrate the joys of our differences? Different paths, different ways; it doesn’t mean wrong or right.

    That was so long ago. We haven’t lived like that for many daysprings, whispered Almida.

    Yes, stated Astha emphatically. Look where it’s brought us. We are standing in the blood of our brothers. We will become a faded memory in a world we loved as much as our own. I can’t remember walking a path by myself, I can’t remember one of you walking a path alone for some time; it’s as if we’ve become afraid of walking alone, the fear of walking a path alone has affected our steps. The silence of our steps should be nothing to fear but we’ve somehow allowed ourselves to prefer walking together than journeying alone.

    Our steps have been as one, commented Almida. It’s been for the good of everyone and our families.

    Margana and Helden nodded in agreement. Families and clans gave reason to being.

    Our steps may have been in unison, replied Astha. He looked at the waiting creatures and took a deep breath knowing that what he had to do would change their world, and his would never be the same.

    We’ve taken great comfort in each other’s company. But what is the cost if an Elder should walk the left road yet walks the right because it is what his co-walker chooses? What knowledge, what Wisdom is not gained through such a choice? The path followed may hold Wisdoms for one but what of the other? Can they be true to what they are? This is not truth. We’re lying to ourselves if we insist on the need for boundaries. We’re lying to say that this will stop the evil; that it will remedy today.

    So, what’s the answer? demanded Helden tossing his mane and digging his hooves into the sand. Do nothing? If you know the answer, what is it?

    The answer? echoed Astha. It may be many things but it’s definitely not this! This isn’t the way. I can’t believe that, I won’t. Boundaries will affect all relationships and no relationship based in lies can survive.

    Enough, Astha. You have battled hard today, you all have. You’re tired. The decision has been made, said Zylee. Boundaries are the most logical decision-for now at least- and the creatures must be told.

    The creatures who approached the water’s edge to hear the words of decision, the Wisdom of their leader, listening in disbelief, despondent at the thought of impending separation, of not living freely with each other. But they listened and accepted. Except one.

    Astha took a deep breath and stepped forward. "I’ve spoken my beliefs to Zylee and my Elders; I speak them openly in front of you.

    You wouldn’t listen to me, Zylee. This time I don’t ask that you listen I will implore you, with all of your heart, with all of your wisdom, with all that you hold dear. The threat we have seen today has not passed. The boundaries you establish may curtail it but there can be no enemy that can’t be beaten if we acknowledge the enemy we carry within.

    "Almida, you stand there with the Staff of Fortune. How often have we simply looked to your gift of controlling it, of reading it, trusting that it would simply tell us when fortune was with us or against us?

    We’ve spent so long looking to the outside we’ve forgotten to look for the strengths and guidance within. These events are the result of our complacency. Perhaps we’ve been too open, too trusting, perhaps we’ve not questioned enough. We’ve lost sight of the Ancient Way that the Wisdoms of the Elders are to be collected; collectively as they enrich the Secrets of Forever. We can’t just accept the way things are without remembering why they are. If Anevad is to survive, if the Secrets are to be what they are supposed to be, the original way must be upheld once more.

    So you agree that creatures must live in their own lands, stated Helden.

    I don’t agree, corrected Astha. But if that’s the decision of Zylee and of you I’ll hear it and I won’t challenge others to test it. But I can’t be there. I can’t watch them in their boundaries and walk away with you. It isn’t right.

    What has happened once can happen again I agree but today remains, this Great Battle remains, Zylee declared. But I think I’m starting to see what you’ve been trying to tell me.

    Astha cleared his throat, grateful that finally his words held volume. "With respect, Zylee, there’s only one thing to do. I’ve said that I’d do my best to ensure that your decision is followed but it isn’t for me, it never could be and you would never really expect it to be, it’s not of my heart, or of my Wisdoms.

    It’s unreasonable to expect all Elders to automatically return to the way it once was, the way it was decreed, but certainly not unreasonable to expect one Elder to do so. That Elder will journey alone, as in the beginning, gathering Wisdoms, Wisdoms that are separate to those gathered by the remaining Elders. Should the Shield return, should the creatures of our world once again tum upon each other at least the Wisdoms of that one will resonate differently, will offer a chance perhaps against the shadows."

    The creatures gasped; to live alone was the worst fate for a creature of Anevad, especially a unicorn.

    I recognise your wisdom, Astha, said Zylee. It’s taken me some time – maybe I am the one more tired- but I do recognise it. But you know, as I do, that we unicorns must be with our clans, it has been almost lifeblood to us. How can I order such a fate?

    There’s need for neither an order nor for guilt, said Astha raising his head high. I’ll go. This is now my duty and my destiny. It is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice. I will leave Zentaur; my steps will not go there again.

    Walking away will be hard, said Almida.

    Walking away, corrected Astha, is difficult; knowing what you want to keep is hard.

    Your solitude will be hard, cried Drancha. Where will you live? What will you do?

    There will be times to pause, times when my paths will take me to other creatures just as there will be times my paths will take me from them. Wisdom will find me welcoming. I just need to find a way to keep my ground level.

    Will you be able to do that? asked Margana.

    I don’t know, he smiled sadly looking over his shoulder. "It feels unsteady now, but it would feel that way if I stood still as well. I choose now to live my life in the Way of the Old Ones, even though it feels steep. The Old Ones came from the clans; they were not supposed to exist within them or be restricted by them. When time recognized them, they knew time and could know no other; time knew Elders and Elders would know time. To recognise another Elder and celebrate the joy in that recognition was perhaps the greatest gift of all. Elders walking alone and meeting at Yin Atid rather than walking constantly with clan elders and living with clans.

    "The mornings of the silver sun are the mornings we can rest easily in each other’s company knowing that no paths will emerge no call will sound that urges us to follow; that we could rest in the company of co-walkers. And the whispers of the land would come together.

    Time itself would breathe within itself and find its light in being. And in those moments our world knows how to stand still. To meet with each other was never the issue but to walk with each to determine paths with the other denied truth of purpose and a flow into an open mind was. That is our danger. So my paths may cross yours but must never be determined by yours. All things are hard before they become easy. Believe that in my solitude I will find true freedom. I’ll live where I am, wherever my path takes me. I will find dreams of solace. And I’ll assist you when the time comes, for it will come."

    She who loved him most saw the first layer of sadness fall upon him. He turned, looking at her face in the crowd then stepped away; taking his first steps away from the beach and the life he knew. Silently he walked away leaving the remaining creatures to move behind the boundaries established for all to honour. Trusting in them to care for the ones he couldn’t and those he loved too much.

    The creatures became imprisoned in their lands, a need-imposed exile from all they held dear, fearing a newly whispered existence of unknown punishment for any disobedience against the rules of Zylee and the Elders.

    And the memory of movement dimmed, passage through the divided world a rite of the Elders; passages that the creatures could only guess at as they watched the Elders come and leave their lands.

    The Great Battle breathed deep across the boundaries challenging each creature to remember what once was for the sake of what they now had. Loyalty was a casualty, their ability to uphold the Ancient Laws severely challenged and, across the waters, the humans no longer dwelt in harmony, their belief in lasting happiness and their belief in the creatures of Anevad totally destroyed. One by one they turned away and without belief the journey between the worlds becomes impossible and the creatures of Anevad impossible to view.

    Only the dolphins of Zanzi, creatures so like the creatures of their own world, escaped this fate. Only they remained believable; only they could pass through the Window to the World, conveying hope for an ongoing peace.

    Through choice the creatures of Anevad lived their imprisoned lives in their own world, as the World Across the Sea becomes the World Beyond Belief…

    And in the shadows of both creeps a quiet urging to take control once more….

    A Cry Across Time

    The moon shone brightly, a perfect circle above a less than perfect world; a pearl brooch pinned to the deep velvet blue of the night sky accentuated by stars, small and insignificant, studding the velvety darkness, mini searchlights casting their beams on the land below. Silently and resolutely holding answers to unspoken and unknown questions, a constant in a whirl of change.

    Across dampened sands Windwhistler walked heavy-hoofed, a solitary set of footprints behind him showing his sad and lonely path. Sweat soaked his coat glistening under the moonlight as starlight bounced off his spiral horn. The wind blew coldly chilling the sweat preventing its torturous tears falling to the sand; his flowing lavender mane covered his eyes pricking them harshly yet he felt nothing.

    Glancing over his shoulder through the darkness he saw the outline of the others and knew that they could do nothing to help. He didn’t really expect them to.

    He watched the waves breaking upon the sands and felt alone, more alone than he had ever felt before in his life, more alone than he could ever have imagined. Nobody would come. Nobody. Not anybody. From anywhere.

    He arched his neck, raised his head to the moon and howled…

    Kaley and Carissa

    Kaley could fly; she knew she could.

    She’d fly at every opportunity, every night, every day. She was impulsive and reckless, very little seemed to scare her and, with her long brown hair flying behind her like a superhero’s cape she would tackle daring feats of adventure. Her imagination knew no limits; her greatest joy was inventing new and exciting games for her and her sister.

    The steps leading to their house would become a launching pad into other worlds, a desert island, or part of a spaceship;

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