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Hateful Union: Made, #5
Hateful Union: Made, #5
Hateful Union: Made, #5
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Hateful Union: Made, #5

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About this ebook

Hating someone while lusting after them only adds fuel to the fire.


Raylee Silver's life has been anything but ordinary.

Daughter of a notorious gang leader-- she's lived a unique but sheltered life. 

She was never aware of how truly notorious he was.


When life altering revelations and extreme grief thrusts Raylee's life into chaos, she doesn't see a way out of the darkness. She never expected to find a light-- a lifeline, especially not from someone she hates.


Malcolm Gallagher.


Malcolm is out for one thing and one thing only, revenge against the Silver gang.

And he's got the perfect person to use to get what he wants. Raylee.

He was never meant to fall for her.


But what happens when her family finds out?


Release dateNov 4, 2021
Hateful Union: Made, #5

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    Hateful Union - Brooke Summers



    The alarm continues to sound as I step into the club. I motion to Christian to turn the racket off. God, my fucking ears are going to bleed.

    Christian moves through the club as I take everything in. It’s five fucking am and I’m back here. I do a sweeping glance, trying to figure out what’s caused the alarm to sound. But everything is as it should be.

    The beeping stops and I breathe in relief, thank fuck. Boss, all clear here, Christian shouts out, his footsteps heavy against the tiled floor.

    I make my way toward the back where my office is. We’ve had this club open for years and never had a problem. I find it funny that when I delve into the shit that the Silver family is into, I have to come to my club because the alarm has sounded, with obvious signs of forced entry.

    Chris tenses beside me, his hand sliding behind his suit jacket to where his gun is currently holstered.

    The door to my office is ajar, a light shining dimly inside. Chris uses his foot and pushes it open fully.

    We do a sweep and see that it’s empty. Not a fucking soul in sight. What the hell? I grunt, wondering what the fucking point in breaking in was? There’s no money on sight, nothing for anyone to steal.

    It’s at that moment that I realize there’s someone sitting in the chair at my desk. The back of the seat facing us, obscuring the view. I move forward. Chris is tense beside me, his gun trained on whoever the fuck it is.

    I spin the chair to face me and I swallow hard at the sight.

    Christ. The sound is guttural. I feel it rattling in my chest.

    Fuck, Sienna. Chris’s whisper is tortured.

    I stare at the woman that I had been seeing for the past few months. God fucking help me. The rage is like a fucking freight train as it hits me. Almost knocking me to my knees.

    Boss, Chris begins, but cannot say anything else as I slice him with a glare.

    I can’t fucking do this right now. Guilt is eating away at me. Fuck. This is my fault.

    She warned me what would happen if she had to go back to those bastards. She had nowhere else to go. But I didn’t listen. I ended things with her and now look at her.

    Beaten to a pulp. Not an inch of her naked body that isn’t covered in a bruise or cut.

    I know instantly by the bruising around her thighs that she’s been raped.

    Bile rises in my throat. Never. Not fucking ever, would I ever hurt a woman. Seeing this makes me feel sick. I want to find the bastards that did this to her and make them wish they were never born.

    Mal, Chris’s voice is softer, the anger still wrapped around each word, but he’s beating it back. The same can’t be said about me. What do you want me to do? Call the men? Cops?

    I stare at Sienna. I didn’t love her, hell by the end of our relationship, I hated her. But she didn’t deserve this. No one fucking deserves this.

    Those fuckers did this because I had her. I’m the reason that they violated this poor woman.

    Her last moments on this earth were brutal.

    I’m going to make sure that the fuckers who did this suffer as much or more than she did.

    Harry Silver is going to wish he never heard of me. By the time I’m finished with him, he’s going to regret everything he did to Sienna.


    What’s going on, Ray-Ray? Mayer asks as he sits down beside me, a cigarette hanging from his lips. Why so glum?

    I shrug. I’m fine, I tell him.

    We both know I’m lying. I’m far from okay. I hate this life that I’m living, the way that my family is always so close to the violence and chaos. I know this is who they are, who they’re born to be. But I hate it. The constant worry, wondering who’s going to be locked up, or thinking that a phone call from an unknown number is going to be the phone call telling me that someone I love is dead.

    You’re a terrible liar, Ray, he tells me with his cocky grin.

    Mayer Banks has been my best friend since I was a little girl. My biggest protector, and my ultimate hero. I’d do anything to see him smile again, one that reaches his eyes and lights them up. But he too has been jaded by this life. Him more than anyone I know.

    Mayer fights his demons every day of the week. I’m proud of the man he’s become, knowing how hard it is for him to fight to be what society considers normal. I say screw it. He’s perfect the way he is.

    That’s the best thing about having a best friend. You don’t have to pretend to be anything but who you truly are.

    I’m really not, only you know me too well.

    He nods, satisfied with my answer. That I do, that I do. So tell me, who’s pissed you off and do you want me to kill them?

    I wish I could say that he was joking, but I know better. If I said yes, he wouldn’t even hesitate. Mayer Banks is a cold-blooded killer. I hate my dad for making him that way.

    Javi, I whisper.

    He tenses, his shoulders pressed against mine. What’s that fucker done now?

    We broke up, I tell him. Hating that I can never find someone who wants me for who I am, not who my family is.

    You’re better than him, Ray-Ray, so much fucking better. You deserve to be cherished, he whispers, taking yet another drag from his cigarette.

    Why can’t I find someone to love me for me? I ask, tears forming in my eyes and I will them not to fall. I don’t want to add to Mayer’s fury.

    He pulls me into his body, his arm slinging around my shoulders. You will, he promises me. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you, Raylee.

    I close my eyes as I lean against him. I want us all to be happy, May, all of us.

    His lips touch my hair. Some of us don’t deserve to be happy. Those of us who have done the worst crimes, we don’t get to have that.

    I swallow back the lump in my throat. You do, I whisper, the tears unable to stay away.

    No, I don’t, but, Ray, being around you and Gabby, he shakes his head, it gives me peace. Something I honestly get little of. Being around you is like breathing fresh air. Pure and perfect. I don’t taint you, you accept me no matter what. I’ll always love you both for that.

    He has to stop. God, he kills me when he talks like this. He’s more than worthy.

    One day, Mayer, you’re going to find someone who’ll make you feel as though you’re their everything. That everything that you’ve done is for a reason and lead you to them. But no matter what, they’ll always love you. Their love is what’s going to heal your broken heart.

    You dream that for me, Ray, it’ll be a waste of a dream.

    Fuck. He completely breaks me.

    I’ll always dream for you, May, always. I’ll never stop. Just because you’ve done bad things, it doesn’t make you evil. You’re far from it. I know that from the bottom of my soul. I’ve met evil and Mayer is nothing like them.

    Whatever you say, Ray-Ray. Whatever you say. He’s blowing me off now, and I let him be. But Javi, he never deserved you. You’ll find someone who won’t give a fuck who your father or brothers are and when you do, you’ll know he’s the one.

    I hope you're right, May, I really do. I’ll never stop hoping that I find someone who’ll love me and everything about me.

    Don’t you know, I’m always right.

    I laugh, he’s deluded as well.

    His phone rings and I tense. It’s time for him to go. I hate this. I get the old Mayer for a brief moment of time, and then he’s ripped from me.

    He kisses my hair once again. I’ve got to go, Ray. I’ll see you soon.

    I nod as he gets to his feet. Be safe, Mayer, I whisper, but he’s already switched off. The man that I think of as my brother is gone, and the darkness is seeping back into him.

    I pray that one day he’ll escape this life and find peace.



    T hat woman, Ma spits at me as I enter her hotel suite. Her chest heaving as she paces the room. How dare she talk to me like that! Does she not know who I am?

    Watching a heavily pregnant woman pace is never on my list to do, but yet here I am. I grind my teeth knowing that this conversation isn’t going to be good. My mam is selfish, she doesn’t give a fuck about anyone, but herself. I’ve known that since I was old enough to realise it.

    She has been cheating on my da for years. She’s a bitch. God fucking forgive me, but she truly is. I despise the woman and the only reason I put up with her is because she birthed me and as much as my da hates her, he doesn’t want us to not have her in our lives. I call bullshit, but for him, I make the time to deal with whatever meltdown she’s having.

    I stand against the wall, my arms crossed, I won't be staying long. Ma, that’s your daughter-in-law, I tell her knowing that she’s talking about Melissa, Danny’s wife. She’s also carrying your grandchild and if you didn’t notice, there’s nothing you can say that’s going to tear Danny boy away from her. So just get over whatever the fuck this snit is.

    She gasps, her hand going to her chest as though I’ve shocked her. I doubt anything can. You were always a little shit.

    I fight the smirk, she’s a liar, I’m the only one that gives her the time of day. Danny can’t be arsed dealing with her bullshit and constantly dodges her calls. Ma never calls our sister, Holly, either. I’m fucking grateful she doesn’t. Holly’s been Ma’s personal, verbal punching bag for too long. She made my sister believe she was fat and Holly was starving herself. Thankfully, Ma wasn’t around much when we were growing up and I put a stop to that shit; I made sure she ate. I would watch as she did it. Soon enough, Holly realised that Ma was never going to be happy no matter what Holly looked like and started to ignore her.

    You’re a bastard, Malcom, she spits, her lips twisting into a snarl.

    I shrug, You say the same about Da.

    The smug smile she has on her face has my entire body going solid. Nothing good ever comes from her smiling. She thrives off trying to hurt people. You know, your ‘father’ is a fucking stupid man. She uses her fingers to quote father.

    What’s that supposed to mean?

    The triumph that flashes in her eyes makes me want to turn and leave, knowing that she’s just going to push until she’s gone too far. He has no clue what goes on under his roof. The stupid grin has my jaw grinding. Hell, even Chloe knows what’s going on.

    Chloe is my thirteen-year-old sister. You mean that you’re a fucking tramp that sleeps with anything that walks? I snap and watch in satisfaction as her eyes widen. You didn’t think I knew that? Well, we all do.

    She waves her hand dismissively at me. Your father knows about my extra marital affairs. What he doesn’t know is just how many of you brats aren’t his.

    I roll my eyes. Oh, here we go, she’s got some fucking revelation to make.

    She scoffs, Don’t believe me?

    Ma, we all know that Chloe, Mary, and the baby you’re carrying aren’t Da’s.

    Yes, of course your father knows about those, but he doesn’t know about you. My gaze snaps to hers at her words and the bitch fucking laughs. Oh, poor Mal, didn’t you always wonder why you didn’t look like your good ol’ da? He’s not your fucking father, that’s why.

    I’m done, I tell her and watch as her face pales and her mouth parts in shock. You’re on your own, bitch. I've got more important things to do. Don’t fucking contact me again.

    I leave her suite and close the door behind me. God, she’s even fucking worse than I thought. I make my way to the hotel exit and reach for my cell. I hit dial on my right-hand man, Christian’s, number.

    Hey, how did it go? he asks as soon as he answers.

    Danny boy’s now a happily married man and I have a niece or nephew that’s due in about four months. So grand. How did the takeover go?

    I left Christian in Spain while I flew to England to be at my brother’s wedding. Of course Danny boy couldn’t have a wedding that took months to organize. No, my brother had a one night stand that resulted in a pregnancy and had a quickie marriage.

    Good, the women were glad to be out of there. The anger in his voice isn’t new.

    We’ve been slowly but surely taking over mainland Spain. There’s only Andalusia left to take over, but that’s currently run by the Silver family. Everything that we’ve learned about the Silver family is that they’re arseholes. They rule with an iron fist and take more than what they should. They’ve ruined the region of Andalusia and have taken women from their homes and placed them into whorehouses.

    Are they all shut down? While I understand that there are always going to be whorehouses, I do not agree with taking women and putting them to task against their wills. If that’s the job they chose, then so be it. If it’s not, then they shouldn’t work there. It’s quite simple.

    Yes, all shut down. The women are all bruised up and hooked on drugs.

    Fuck. No wonder he’s pissed. Harry Silver is a dead man. Drugging women to make them pliable to do whatever the fuck you want is a no-no and Harry is about to find out what happens when you get on the wrong side of a Gallagher.

    Then the Silver’s drug trade has just come to an end.

    The chuckle that Christian releases has me smiling. I’m on the first flight back. I’ll see you in a few hours. The sooner my feet are on Spanish soil the better.

    All right, boss, I’ll keep you updated.

    I end the call and go in search of my da; it’s time to say goodbye.

    My gut is heavy, no matter what the fuck happens, I’ll never tell Denis Gallagher about this shit. As far as I’m concerned he’s my da and that’s the way it’s going to stay.

    So, you’re the bigshot. The rumble comes from my left, I don’t glance at him. I already know who it is. The man has made a name for himself in the southern parts of Spain. Harry Silver. The Englishman is flash and arrogant. I’ve done my research on him when I started moving my operations into his territory. You’re playing a dangerous game, son, one that’ll get you killed.

    I’ve heard the same shit time and time again. People see my youth and think I’m someone they can trifle with. Well I’m not. I’m far from it. I wasn’t brought up that way. My da made sure that me and my brother knew who we were going to be from a young age. I used to sit on my da’s knees as he conducted his business, Danny and I learned from the best and we strived to become the same.

    Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, Harry, I comment, still not looking at the arsehole. I don’t owe him any respect, if he had come into this small diner and acted like a man, sat down and shot the shit with me, it would have been fine. Instead, he’s acting like a bastard and that’s not going to get him anywhere.

    He slides into the booth opposite me and it’s only then that I look at him. His greying hair slicked back, his face red from where he’s been in the sun too long, the lines on his face show his age. His suit isn’t tailored as it hangs from his body. He’s an arsehole playing a mobster. Such a fucking joke.

    Want to tell me what the fuck you think you’re playing at? He sneers at me across the table.

    I merely raise a brow, I will not be baited or goaded into losing my cool. Want to take a breath and then we’ll have a conversation.

    His lips thin as he glares at me. Well now, it seems as though arsehole Harry doesn’t have anyone who talks back to him. Oh well, he’s going to learn that he is not in charge here. Fucking prick.

    I watch with a smirk as he fights back his anger. You took down three of my fucking whorehouses.

    Was that supposed to be a question? I ask, wondering if he’s here because he found out about the ban I put on the drugs going through his territory, or if he’s here because of the women?

    You took my women, you stopped the drugs. What else have you done? he snaps, his face growing redder with each word.

    Well that remains to be seen. As of yet, I haven’t done anything else. But this conversation has pissed me off enough that I’ll be sure to fuck with him even more just for the hell of it.

    His eyes narrow in on me. Let’s be very clear, he sneers at me. You do not come into my territory and try to assert yourself as the new boss. You are not. It is mine and mine alone. Do you understand me?

    I smirk at the arrogant arsehole. No, Mr. Silver. If I want it, I will take it. You are not going to stop me.

    He starts blustering and I rise from my seat, this conversation is of no use to me anymore.

    Dad? I hear the husky tone and see a beautiful woman striding towards me, a red dress that clings to her breasts and falls to the floor, her brown hair tied up at the top of her head with a few tendrils framing her face. She’s got streaks of blonde going through her hair and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like wrapped around my hand as I pounded into her. Dad, she says again as she walks past me and stops at the table I just vacated.

    What the fuck is wrong with you, Raylee? Hmm? The arsehole snaps at her, his hands going around her wrist and he yanks hard on it. What is so bloody important?

    She hisses out a breath and wrenches her arm from his grip. Bentley’s been arrested, thought you’d want to know. She turns on her heel and walks away, not before her gaze rakes over my body, and then she dismisses me with a sneer.

    Oh… Seems as though Harry’s daughter doesn’t like me.

    Well, this is going to be fun.



    T hat motherfucking arsehole, Bentley growls as soon as we enter the house. Yet again I’m resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

    My family is dramatic at the best of times. Bentley takes after my dad, there’s always something to piss them off. They’re always gearing up for a fight. Bentley's temper is the worst and Dad knows it so he does everything in his power to rile him up.

    What's going on now? I ask, as I send a text message to our older brother, Wayne. Letting him know that we’re home and Bentley’s been released without charge.

    That fucking Irish bastard, he spits. Dad’s going to go ballistic when he finds out what that prick has done.

    I lift my head and raise a brow. Care to elaborate? I ask, knowing that he’ll never tell me. I do not get involved in the family business just as my mum doesn’t. It’s the way of life. Women are to be seen and not heard. Something I have a severe problem adhering to. I have a big mouth and I don’t always tend to think before I speak. But luckily enough, my family is used to it and, so far, I’ve managed to curtail my sassiness to just my family.

    He runs his hand through his hair, he’s aggravated. No, you do not get involved in this business.

    Dad’s pissed that you were arrested, have you spoken to him since they released you? Dad has the best legal defense money can buy and Bentley didn’t spend more than four hours being interrogated.

    No, but he’s got more important things to worry about. Namely, that motherfucking arsehole, Malcolm, he growls and starts to pace.

    Ah, the ever present Malcolm Gallagher. Something that has been the main topic of conversation for the past six months. He’s gotten inside each and every single one of my family's heads. My dad in particular. In the past three years, Malcolm has become one of the biggest players in Spain. His family has made a splash worldwide. Their business is expansive. Malcolm heads up Spain, his father, Denis, heads up Ireland and Northern Ireland. The eldest son of Denis is the leader of the United Kingdom, and then the rest of the family are located in the US. They’re a force to be reckoned with.

    Dad has had a hard on for Malcolm since he heard that the Irish arsehole was expanding further into mainland Spain. Dad knew it was only a matter of time before they butted heads. I guess the time has come, the Gallaghers are here to take over my father's territory.

    Today has just been one huge mess after the other. I woke up to my dad shouting and my mum trying to calm him down. Of course that didn’t work, and since then the hits have kept on coming. Yet something about seeing Malcolm Gallagher, stirred feelings inside of me. Hatred, yes, but also emotions that I haven’t felt before. Almost like a longing. I’ve vowed to steer clear of the ruggedly handsome Irish man. He’s bad fucking news and there’s no way I'm getting tangled up in that mess.

    What’s wrong with you today, anyway? Bentley asks. Out of my five brothers he’s the one that I’m closest to, even if he has got anger issues.

    I wasn’t accepted into Sorbonne Université. I try to make my voice sound even, but it doesn’t work, sympathy seeps into Bentley’s eyes. It’s fine, I was just hoping that I could get away from here for a bit.

    His lips thin as his eyes narrow. What do you mean get away? Go where?

    Fuck. Wrong thing to say.

    Do you know how hard it is to be seen as Raylee? Not Harry Silver’s daughter. Or the crazy arsehole’s sister. I hate people, Bent, I fucking hate them because no one ever wants to know me. They all want to get close to you and the boys, or Dad.

    Tears sting my eyes and I will them not to fall. I should be used to this shit. It’s been happening for most of my life. I’m seen as the weak link in the family, I’m the one that guys try to sleep with in hopes of becoming part of the Silver organization. I’m tired of it.

    Who? he barks out, causing me to glare at him. He should know damn well that

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