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The Adventures of the Princess of Albeon
The Adventures of the Princess of Albeon
The Adventures of the Princess of Albeon
Ebook218 pages3 hours

The Adventures of the Princess of Albeon

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Linda Crichton takes you to a magical land of albeon and the exciting adventure as princess Maisie and Calvin find themselves on a quest to rescue their fathers and the kingdom from the evil in the land. The young heroes take courage and know that they may be the only ones that can save them and so their quest begins!
Release dateSep 24, 2021
The Adventures of the Princess of Albeon

Linda Crichton

Linda Crichton was born in Wyoming, and resides there with her husband. She loves telling stories to her children, and grandchildren. This is where this story comes from, and she has added much, much more to this exciting adventure. Linda’s family has encouraged her to write these books, and so this exciting second book of the Albeon series is for all of you to enjoy, as well, as the fantasy continues. Linda loves her family, and spending time with them, when she isn’t writing. She also likes to be outdoors, crocheting, reading or just relaxing with friends, or family. She started writing poetry in high school, and still likes to write poetry, and now, writes fantasy stories of magical kingdoms. She is also a ham operator. Linda is a country girl at heart, and gets her inspiration writing stories, and poetry from the beautiful outdoors of Wyoming. Linda hopes you will enjoy her books as much as she has enjoyed writing them.

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    The Adventures of the Princess of Albeon - Linda Crichton

    Copyright © 2021 Linda Crichton.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-2154-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-2901-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-2155-1 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date:  09/23/2021





    Big Trouble


    Evil Lurks


    Time Gone Mad


    Danger Waits


    Quest Here We Go


    The Trap


    Henry’s Surprise!


    The Wizards Meeting


    The Lady in Blue


    Getting Settled In


    The Good Witch


    Practice Makes Perfect


    Witches Downfall


    The Escape


    Up A Tree


    To The Rescue


    Here Wizard, Wizard!


    The Intruder


    Powers are Given


    Sailing On A Cloud


    White Hall


    The King’s Poem




    The Battle


    The New Spell


    Shadow Lands


    The Sealing of the Shadow Lands


    The Dragons Awaken


    The Dragon’s Chosen


    The Mysteries Unfold

    Cassa’s Thumbprint Cookies


    To my dear mom, dad, sister

    And to my husband, my children, and my grandchildren

    And to all my family for their loving support.


    You have to understand something. First of all the kingdom of Albeon is a magical kingdom. Everyone that lives there can do a little magic. The wizards and witches are the most powerful. But you have those magical people or beings that have the wizard power. You see most witches are usually bad. But there are all kinds of bad people or beings too. But don’t get me wrong most people or beings are good. We have many kingdoms and you can travel to one by opening a portal. King Ian rules the kingdom of Albeon and has a daughter, Princess Maisie. Today the kingdom is getting ready for the fair, on this fine summer day. Everyone from many of the kingdoms come to visit and sell items. Princess Maisie loves the fair, especially the yummy cakes. Now our adventure begins!


    Big Trouble

    I t seemed to princess Maisie that it was a very strange day. Maisie couldn’t put her finger on why she felt that way. Maisie walked out to the courtyard to play. Being ten and having two pocket dragons, Frig and Twig, they seemed to get in more trouble. Maisie’s father had followed her out. Now Maz, he said walking over to her, you and Frig and Twig have fun but stay out of trouble. They started walking to where the fair was being set up. The king said and please be back for lunch Maz. They stopped in front of the fair. I am going to help here, said the king. He gave her a hug and the king whispered, be good and he kissed her forehead. We will stay out of trouble, said Maisie, hear that Twig, Frig, be good. Frig was blue in color and Twig was green in color. Both dragons flew around Maisie’s head and said, good, good. We will be back for lunch father, said Maisie. Good, said the king walking up to a colorful tent to help put it up. Maisie waved goodbye to her father and ran to play. Lets play hide and seek Maisie told her dragons. I will hide and you find me, said Maisie. Maisie tried to hide but Twig and Frig always found her saying, found, found. It made Maisie laugh. After awhile of hide and seek Maisie told her dragons lets go explore. Frig and Twig flew around her head as they went to explore. But just then the sky turned a brownish, pink! Frig and Twig flew off saying, wrong, wrong. Wait! Maisie yelled, what’s wrong? Wait! And Maisie ran after her two dragons. But Frig and Twig wouldn’t stop. Stop! yelled Maisie, Stop! The two little dragons headed for wizard Drake’s basement study. Stop Twig! Stop Frig! We can’t go down there! Please stop! But the two dragons didn’t listen and flew into the open door of the study and down the stairs. Maisie ran down the stairs after them. Maisie tripped over a cat on the stairs. At the same time the wizards son, Calvin was practicing a new spell. Calvin turned to see Maisie, saying mota instead of motion. And ZAP! The spell hit Maisie, the dragons and the cat! Stopping Maisie, dragons and cat in mid air. A few seconds later Maisie fell on the study floor! Princess! Princess Maisie! Are you alright? Shouted Drake. He and Calvin were helping her to her feet. Calvin’s eyes wide said, I am so sorry Maisie, I didn’t see you there! I think I am alright, said Maisie brushing herself off. Father! Cried Calvin, Maisie is… Maisie said, I am so sorry, Frig and Twig will get a good scolding! They flew right down here saying, wrong, wrong. I am sorry wizard Drake and Calvin. Tears ran down Maisie’s face. Let me do a spell for you Maisie, said Drake, to make sure you are alright. Alright, said Maisie feeling terrible. Drake waved his hand over her head but nothing happened! Drake gasp! And tried again but still nothing happened! Oh my, said Drake, I think we better go see your father Maisie, the king. Please don’t cry Maisie, said Calvin. Do you think we have to see my father? Ask Maisie. Yes, said Drake, I think we better see your father on this one Maisie. Alright, said Maisie wiping her eyes. They went up the stairs. Maisie thought Frig and Twig were probably hiding. They knew they were in trouble. No one said anything as they walked to the castle. They all went inside the castle. Miranda excuse me, said Drake but we must see the king at once, please. Miranda looked odd at Maisie and then said, this way Drake. Miranda lead them to the king’s study. Miranda said to the king, Drake wants to see you your majesty, it is urgent. Drake, said the king, come on in. Miranda walked down to the dining room. Drake said, you two wait here while I go talk to the king. Drake walked into the king’s study. What’s so urgent Drake? ask the king. Well sire, said Drake, you better sit down.

    As Calvin and Maisie waited. Maisie said, I am so sorry Calvin and I hope I am not in to much trouble. Calvin patted her shoulder and said, my father should know a spell to… Calvin! Whispered Maisie, your hand is green! About then the king yelled! She did what? And she is what color? Maisie! The king shouted. Uh oh, cried Maisie, hes really mad! Maisie began to cry again. Then the king and Drake stood in front of the two children. The king’s eyes wide with worry. And he hugged Maisie. Oh Maz, said the king calming himself, you are green. Maisie stuttered, I, I am not green, shaking her head in disbelief, Calvin is the one. He has a green hand. The king straightened and showed Maisie her green face and hair in the hall mirror. Then Maisie’s hands turned green in front of them. Ooh, No! Cried Maisie, I don’t want to be green! Tears running down her face. Calvin cried, I don’t want a green hand and arm either! Holding his hand out for the king to see. My spell was a floating spell, father was teaching me, cried Calvin, Maisie not this! Calm down everyone, said Drake, I will find a spell to turn you both back to normal. Alright, said Calvin. Maisie wiped her eyes. Calvin said, I am sorry Maisie and he touched Maisie’s hand, they both disappeared! Calvin let go of her hand and they reappeared. The king and Drake looked startled. Calvin, said the king, touch Maisie’s hand again. A puzzled look on Calvin’s face. Alright, said Calvin as he touched Maisie’s hand, they both disappeared. Calvin let go of her hand and they reappeared. What was that for father? ask Maisie. When you touched you both disappeared. Then you let go of each others hands and you reappeared, said the king. Both Calvin and Maisie looked surprised. We didn’t even know, said Calvin. Maisie shaking her head no. This is very strange, said Drake. There must be something you can do Drake to get them back to normal? Ask the king. Yes your majesty I will will look in my books, said Drake shakily. The king wiped Maisie’s eyes and said, don’t cry Maz, Drake will find a way to make you both normal, I still love you, smiled the king. I hope so, said Maisie sniffing, I love you father. The king tried to calm himself. But now, he said in a shaky voice, lets all be calm, lets all go to the dining room and have some lunch and we will discuss this further. The king hugged Maisie and patted Calvin’s shoulder. Now come, said the king as he started to walk to the dining room and the others followed. They entered the dining room. Please be seated, said the king and they sat down. The king ask, Orin will you go invite Cassa, Drake’s wife, to have some lunch? And please Orin warn her of the color of Maisie and Calvin. Their appearance may startle her. Yes your majesty, said Orin eyes wide with worry and he bowed. Orin was off to get Cassa. I am sorry, said Maisie. Drake will find a way Maz, said the king as he patted her hand. Drake while we wait have you any new ideas to reverse the spell? Ask the king. Yes your majesty and a book appeared in his hands, I will look through this book to find a spell, of course not now, said Drake. Very good, said the king as he stroked his red beard, I know you will find a way. This is very strange your majesty but I will take a closer look at the spell after lunch, said Drake, I may even ask wizard Fredrick what he thinks. Yes any help is good, said the king. Miranda poured everyone some blueberry tea. Thank you, said the king. Miranda bowed and went back to the kitchen. We will eat, said the king, when Cassa gets here, and maybe we can think of a spell to change them back. Drake nodded his head yes and said, I may ask wizard Samuel for his help as well. Very good, said the king as they all sipped their tea.

    As they sat at the table Cassa came rushing in followed by Orin. Orin bowed and went to his other duties. Cassa a scared look on her face said, oh my and hugged Calvin and then she hugged Maisie and said, oh my. Please have a seat Cassa, said the king. Thank you your majesty, said Cassa. She sat down by her husband as he squeezed her hand. Then the food was put before them. The king stood and called all his servants to him. I want everyone to know that Maisie is green. Maisie was playing with her two pocket dragons and they flew into Drake’s study as Calvin did a practice spell. Maisie and her dragons were caught in the spell. Drake and I will do everything we can to make Calvin and Maisie normal again. I know, said the king, that Calvin’s practice spell wouldn’t cause all this, Calvin has a green hand and arm too. Everyone please try not to worry. We are still having the fair so keep up your good work and thank you, said the king. I have also decided that for a punishment for Maisie, she will learn magic spells with Calvin. They will do this every afternoon with wizard Drake. And the king looked at Drake. Drake stuttered. Oh, yes, your majesty, I would be glad to teach her. This way, said the king, they both are learning new spells and they may find the exact spell needed to change them back. Now please everyone eat, this looks delicious cook. The cook beamed. Thank you your majesty, enjoy, said cook. And the king sat down to eat. The king patted Maisie’s hand, whispering, better eat something. Maisie nodded yes. Maisie felt like everyone was staring at her. When she looked up they only smiled. Maisie kept her eyes on her plate. Most of the servants had gotten a plate of food and they sat down at the table to eat. The servants were thought of as family and they took good care of Maisie and the king. Maisie and Calvin didn’t eat much until the chocolate cake came and they ate all of that. Soon everyone was through with lunch. A noise from outside startled everyone! They heard a big ACHOOS and CRASH! They all got up. What is that? Everyone ask. The king said, everyone please stay calm! Please wait while I and my guard find out what this is outside. The king hurried outside with his guard by his side. There was Maisie’s dragons and a cat in a small tree. A hay cart had been destroyed. The king got a puzzled look on his face and looked at the guard. Then both dragons sneezed again, ACHOO! And they grew huge and so did the cat in the tree. The dragons had been hiding in the hay cart, both dragons knew they were in trouble. The cat just wanted to sun. The king and his guard started to chuckle. Everyone can come out called the king, its Maisie’s dragons and Calvin’s cat Hissy. Everyone rushed outside to see the poor animals sneeze again, ACHOO! And they grew huge, breaking another hay cart and Hissy bending the tree. Drake, ask the king, can you help these poor animals stop sneezing? Yes your majesty I can, said Drake. Calvin, ask Drake, do you remember the sneezing spell? Calvin nodded he remembered. Lets do the spell together, said Drake, stand back everyone. Both Calvin and Drake raised their arms and they said together, sneeze a please, no sneeze or wheeze, sneeze a please, no sneeze or wheeze, BE GONE! They lowered their arms. And the dragons and the cat quit sneezing. But now there was three dragons. OOH! Cried Maisie as she ran to her dragons, are you alright Frig? Are you alright Twig? The dragons landed on Maisie’s shoulder saying, good, good. Oh I am glad, said Maisie, and I am not angry with you for this morning. And the dragons flew around her head whistling. At the same time Calvin had ran to his pocket dragon and ask, you alright Twiddle? Twiddle flew around Calvin’s head saying, good. Then Calvin ran to his cat Hissy and picked her up. Are you alright Hissy? Ask Calvin. Hissy said, hungry as she jumped down. I am glad you are alright Hissy and Twiddle. Of course Hissy you are always hungry, Calvin laughed. Thank you Drake and Calvin, smiled the king, now we can get on with our day.

    People went back inside smiling and laughing. Maisie and Calvin decided to go sit under their favorite tree and talk. Maisie ask, Calvin I didn’t know you had a dragon? Calvin smiled, Just got Twiddle yesterday, I was going to tell you but all this happened Maisie. Maisie laughed, this has been some day. I like the name you gave your dragon and Twiddle is a pretty red color. Thank you, said Calvin. Their dragons flew around their heads or landed on their shoulders to give cheek hugs. Everyone else had walked back into the castle. The king ask, Drake can you start training today? Do you have any other students? I had planned on starting Maisie’s training today, of course with Calvin, said Drake, I do have about ten students coming next week but I will send them to wizard Fredrick until we find out whats going on. I do think your majesty that Calvin and Maisie are now tied together in magic. I know you will do

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