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The Bloody Muddy: A Tommy Templeton Murder Mystery
The Bloody Muddy: A Tommy Templeton Murder Mystery
The Bloody Muddy: A Tommy Templeton Murder Mystery
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The Bloody Muddy: A Tommy Templeton Murder Mystery

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An unknown occult/warlock on a trip down the muddy Mississippi saving his companion/friend from a killer while finding out who it is.
Release dateFeb 11, 2021
The Bloody Muddy: A Tommy Templeton Murder Mystery

T. W'ski

The author of 3 previous novels: The Coven, Stone Blind & Black Heart’s Treasure, plus MACHO a book of poetry & T. W’ski’s Shorts a book of short stories T. W’ski has been writing for over 2 decades and esteemed by all his readers.

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    The Bloody Muddy - T. W'ski

    Copyright © 2021 T. W’ski.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1856-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1857-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021902959

    iUniverse rev. date:  02/11/2021



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Chapter Thirty-Two

    Chapter Thirty-Three

    Chapter Thirty-Four

    Chapter Thirty-Five

    Chapter Thirty-Six

    Chapter Thirty-Seven

    Chapter Thirty-Eight

    Chapter Thirty-Nine

    Chapter Forty

    Chapter Forty-One

    Chapter Forty-Two

    Chapter Forty-Three

    Chapter Forty-Four

    Chapter Forty-Five

    Chapter Forty-Six

    Chapter Forty-Seven

    Chapter Forty-Eight

    Chapter Forty-Nine

    Chapter Fifty

    Chapter Fifty-One

    Chapter Fifty-Two

    Chapter Fifty-Three

    Chapter Fifty-Four

    Chapter Fifty-Five

    Chapter Fifty-Six

    Chapter Fifty-Seven

    Chapter Fifty-Eight

    Chapter Fifty-Nine

    Chapter Sixty

    Chapter Sixty-One

    Chapter Sixty-Two

    Chapter Sixty-Three

    Chapter Sixty-Four

    Chapter Sixty-Five

    Chapter Sixty-Six

    Chapter Sixty-Seven

    Chapter Sixty-Eight

    Chapter Sixty-Nine

    Chapter Seventy

    Chapter Seventy-One

    Chapter Seventy-Two

    Chapter Seventy-Three



    The best of what turned out to be just the rest


    The Village of High Cliff,

    One and a-half years earlier.

    At the top of the ancient stairway he stopped and looked back. There on the surface of the lake with a crown of stars surrounding her head was an image of Willow. Out of the surrounding darkness he could hear her speaking to him. This is the price we witches must pay if our coven is to survive. Remember that I love you, Tommy and will for all eternity.

    Willow why wasn’t I taken? Why have I been excluded from the spell brought on by the coven and granted by the Dark One? Why can’t I go with you? he asked pleading in a voice that was just short of a scream of desperation. He was speaking directly to Willow and indirectly to the dark forces governing her existence and he wanted to make sure that they heard him, heard the desperation in his voice that gave clear evidence as to his weary, troubled, and confused state of mind.

    You are your own spirit, Tommy. You were born outside our coven and therefore not included in the process that ensures its survival. You were however born with some very strong and special powers of your own. They were a gift to you for having been birthed through the union of a witch and a warlock. Remember, Tommy I once told you that it takes a special knowledge to use those powers to their full potential. With the passing of my coven and in appreciation for all that you’ve done for us the original Wicca have instilled in you that knowledge. It will ensure that when they are needed your special powers will be available to you. They will serve you well in the future. Trust in the knowledge and the power when it opens up for you. Willow’s image started to fade from the water’s surface.

    Remember most importantly that I love you and will be by your side for all eternity. The smooth surface of Glen Lake now sparkled with the reflection of a million stars. Willow’s image was gone. Tommy stood there for a moment longer staring out at the lake looking and remembering seeing in each star someone that had once occupied the now-deserted village of High Cliff many of whom he had become acquainted with.

    A smile formed upon his face. Realizing that his head had cleared and the darkness that had attempted to acquire his spirit had been dispelled he turned and walked back through the village. His mind replayed scenes in which the townsfolk of High Cliff moved freely about attending to their daily business as they had once done in this world. I wonder what will become of High Cliff now that its citizens had left?

    Gathering his luggage from the Witten’s house Tommy got into his car and drove away headed for home and the world of the others.




    Willow and the events that had taken place in High Cliff constantly occupied the mind of Tommy Templeton during his final year at Dartmouth. He hit the books as if in a trance trying to shut out the rest of the world and find within himself the reason for his existence. Whenever he started falling too far into the darkness his roommate would do something unheard of to bring him back. It was his roommate that always reminded Tommy of Willow and what she meant to him. Those memories finally led him into applying for admittance to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the F.B.I. Whenever he contemplated his future and a career path to follow after graduation Willow’s words would enter his head followed by the remembrance of what had transpired in High Cliff.

    In his mind his acceptance to the bureau had gone unquestioned. There had been one sticking point that was of minor concern the requiring of three years of experience in his chosen field after graduation. His attachments of letters of recommendation from noted professors and acquaintances would he was sure allow for the dispensation of that requirement and allow him to skip over it.

    Tommy’s weekends and holidays were spent at his mother’s house in Lebanon while he attended his final year of college at Dartmouth. He commuted back and forth from his room on campus to her house and always found the drive released the stress of the previous week even when the traffic was bizarre. For a long time after her death he still thought of the house as hers even though he had inherited it upon her dying. At the completion of college and the usual graduation ceremonies he had vacated his room, said goodbye to his roommate, and move in to his house to stay.

    It wasn’t long after he had moved in when the letter from the F.B.I. arrived. He opened it nonchalantly expecting to read of his acceptance, but was surprised when he was informed that his application lacked the three years of experience and instructed him to re-apply in three years time after he had spent those three years working in his field of expertise in the world outside the F.B.I. Tommy read and reread the letter several times until the implications to his life’s course and future sunk in.

    Sitting at his desk in the room he had converted into his study he put his head in his hands and let his mind wander. Now what? I guess I’ll have to look for a job? Then the thought hit him. Well at least I won’t have to rush into anything right away and I don’t have to cancel my after graduation, congratulatory vacation. I can now take it and think about what I’m going to want to do for the next three years. Once I’ve made that decision I can start compiling a list of perspective employers and work on my résumé and while I’m on this after graduation celebratory trip it would be the perfect time to get all three of those things accomplished.

    Two weeks after receiving his letter of non-acceptance from the F.B.I. Tommy collected his mail and saw that his tickets for his trip had arrived. These past two weeks have flown by. It was a good thing these tickets arrived in the mail today or I might have missed my flight and the boat, he thought standing in the entryway with the mail still in his hands. He took a deep breath while looking through the glass panels of the front door. So I guess I had better get ready and thanks to that brilliant spurt of pre-planning during fall term all I have left to do is pack with a full two days to do it in.




    Tommy managed to get his packing done and make it to the airport on time, their time, several hours early. The first leg of his flight took him to Chicago and after landing he had just enough time to find the terminal and board the plane that flew him to Dallas. In Dallas he had a short layover and was able to walk around some getting something to eat and drink at the airport restaurant. As he was reboarding the plane he had to wait in the area just outside the loading gate and he noticed a young couple waiting along with many others. Taking out his cell phone he dialed 9-1-1 and requested an ambulance at the loading gate. Walking up to the attendant at the gate he said, There is an ambulance on the way for the young woman in the long, grey, hooded sweat shirt. I suggest and it is imperative that you call security indiscreetly to get here A.S.A.P. The attendant manning the gate looked at Tommy and was about to ask why she should do that when a loud scream came from the young woman.

    Her companion was standing over her holding a knife in his hand that was dripping blood on the carpet. The young woman had passed out and was slouching over in her seat. Tommy quickly walked over to the nearest fire extinguisher, broke its protective glass with his elbow and approached the man carrying it in his hands. Get back, the young man screamed. She’s a bitch and deservers what she got so let her die. Before the young man could say another word Tommy pulled the trigger on the extinguisher and sprayed the young man in the face and continued to spray him until he dropped the knife at which point three other male passengers waiting to board tackled him to the floor.

    Hold him there, Tommy said pulling his handkerchief from his pocket and applying it with pressure to the young woman’s wounds. It seemed that in moments the medics arrived along with security who took over the situation.

    The young man was taken into custody and the young woman rushed to the nearby hospital. Everything in the waiting area returned to almost normal and got better when the gate attendant announced that the loading gate was open. When Tommy stepped up to present his boarding pass the attendant asked, How did you know?

    I had a friend who had the same look on his face just before he killed his wife, Tommy said lying. I’ll never forget that look and when I saw it on that young man’s face I took a chance on history repeating itself and made the needed calls, he added smiling.

    The flight from Houston to New Orleans despite all the commotion at the terminal arrived on schedule. Tommy hailed a cab that took him to the Quarter and dropped him. Getting out of the cab he grabbed his bags and stood there waiting for a break in traffic.

    Don’t get to comfortable, Arch Tommy’s old college roommate said as Tommy walked through the open door of his upstairs apartment. Now that you’re here with little time to spend we’re going to start making a night of it this very evening.

    How did you ever manage to score a place like this? Tommy asked setting down his suitcases and walking through the open French Doors of Arch’s flat out onto his balcony that was fronted by ornate, iron-laced grillwork and looked down upon the busy street below.

    An uncle left it to me, Arch replied.

    Lucky you. I wish I had an uncle like that.

    He never married and I guess that I was his favorite nephew. Why I’ll never know.

    If he was living here he probably thought that your lifestyle mirrored his own or else you’re his only nephew and that’s why he left it to you, Tommy answered chuckling to himself.

    Is the street down there always this busy? Tommy asked leaning on the railing and looking down on the street below. I had a hard time getting out of the cab and for a moment I wondered if I’d make it across the walk to your doorway with my suitcases.

    You are standing in the heart of Cajun Heaven, Tommy. The food is phenomenal here. There is music in the air 24/7 and if you shut up and listen you can hear it. Also if you look down into the throng the ‘mounds’ are at times breathtaking to behold, Arch added knowing that Tommy’s fastidious dedication to a woman he had been seeing for a short time during his final years of college, a woman who had died, was unprecedented.

    And the throng of people?

    "There 24/7 also. It thins a bit after some of the bars and restaurants close, but there are always people down there coming and going.

    Remind me again when does our ship leave? Arch asked.

    The day after tomorrow. Did you just say ‘our’ ship? Tommy asked looking at his friend.

    You caught that little slip up, huh? Arch replied smiling. Shrugging his shoulders he explained. When my father heard that you were stopping in to see me before you sailed upriver there was this look that appeared on his face. It’s hard to explain, but it was between a fatherly smile and one you’d see on the face of the devil after having just taken the souls from a church full of people. Believe me it was strange and as you know I know strange.

    Ah, yes I do remember you and your relationship to strange, Tommy said adding and what do I have to do to get something to drink in this glorious slice of heaven? I haven’t had anything to hydrate me since leaving the airport and until I acclimatize I’m going to need plenty of liquid to make my body feel comfortable in this hot, humid atmosphere.

    Beer? Water? Never mind I know what you need, Arch replied heading for his kitchen.

    So what are you doing these days to keep out of trouble? Tommy asked listening to the clanking of glassware, ice cubes dropping into what he envisioned was a glass pitcher, and the opening and closing of cupboard and refrigerator doors.

    I’m working for the old man, Arch’s voice came clearly from behind the wall after drifting through the arched doorway that led to the kitchen.

    Refresh my memory. What does your father do again?

    He’s a big shot lawyer here in New Orleans.

    We are talking about the same man that saved your educational experience by buying the dean on more than one occasion as I recall.

    The very same man. You’ve met him more than once, I think.

    I have?

    Whatever you said or did at those meetings you impressed the hell out of him and he hasn’t forgotten you.

    It’s always refreshing to see a son following in the footsteps of his father and vice versa.

    If I remember correctly from what you told me after that episode with the love of your life you are doing the same. How’s that coming along by the way?

    I honestly don’t know, Tommy answered seeing Arch come from the kitchen with glasses and a pitcher dripping with the sweat produced by its cold contents in the heated atmosphere of a southern city on the shores of the ocean.

    Here let me take those, Tommy said grabbing the ice filled glasses from his friend. Let’s sit out in the shade on the veranda. This time of afternoon we sometimes get a cooling breeze blowing in from off the gulf, Arch said.

    After filling two glasses Arch handed Tommy one filled with the liquid refreshment and sat down. Tommy followed his example and sat down in a chair opposite him that was shaded by the balcony’s roof.

    What do you mean you don’t know? Arch asked continuing their previous conversation.

    I told you that my mother was a witch and my father a warlock didn’t I?

    You did and it’s strange because if I had come from anywhere other than Louisiana, Arch paused, Well maybe from a few countries to our south and I guess from what I’m told there are a few other places too, but anyway what I was trying to say was that if I hadn’t come from Louisiana I’d have thought you were nuts, but having come from here I understood your meaning completely.

    "There were those couple of incidents during our last year at uni’ that made me think I knew just what I was going to do with the rest of my life, but since then there has been nothing.

    I believe that I told you that the F.B.I. has turned me down?

    You did mention it during our last phone call, Arch replied.

    I thought that if things were following as I was sure they would that I’d be a shoe-in, but now I just don’t know and along with that I don’t have an inkling as to what I’m going to do for those three years that will impress them to the point of admitting me. Arch looked at his friend thinking.

    When my father made his gift of my ticket for this trip he also told me that he had upgraded the single room that you had originally purchased to the owner’s suite so that we could bunk together just like we had at uni’. When he did that I got the feeling that he was hoping for some kind of a miracle of the kind that he had hoped would happen when he bailed me out on those occasions you spoke of. Now I’m wondering if he didn’t have something else in mind.

    I’m not sure that I’m understanding you, Tommy said with a questioning look on his face.

    I’m talking in reference to the miracle. My way of doing things as a lawyer isn’t always his old school way. Oh I get results or the old man would have canned my ass months ago, but I’m not so sure that my way of handling the cases he has assigned to me in the past I’ve handled in quite the manner that he wants cases handled by his firm. And to put a point on that statement I haven’t made partner yet, Arch acquiesced, and I’m his son. Anyway I got the impression that he might be thinking that by spending a month in close association with you, you might change that.

    And you’ve just alluded to the fact that something has happened to change that assumption. What changed it?

    While I was in the kitchen mixing the drinks I got to thinking about it since you had just asked.


    And at the time that I told him that you were coming I also mentioned the F.B.I. refusal.

    I’m still not understanding? You’re not making any sense, Arch.

    It was the very next day the day after I had told him you were coming and while we were at our law offices. He was between clients at the time and called me into his office. When I went in I didn’t close the door. While he was in the process of telling me about my ticket and the change to your booking his next client arrived and stood there in the open doorway.

    So what the hell has that got to do with anything?

    It was his eyes. In the kitchen just now for some strange reason I remembered my father’s eyes. He wasn’t looking at me, but he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking past me at his next client.

    Someone important?

    You might say that, Arch replied.

    Who was it?


    Who’s Minerva?

    She’s the local witch, a soothsayer, Arch answered, and when she predicts something she’s never wrong.



    So why should her standing there and your father looking at her be such a big deal?

    Remember what I said about the look on his face?

    I do, Tommy answered, and you think that this Minerva had something to do with that look?

    I didn’t at the time, but now I’m not so sure. Tommy looked at his friend, took a drink from his glass, leaned back and closed his eyes letting his mind interpret what Arch had just said.

    Changing the subject, now, he finally said without coming to a conclusion that he’d willingly share with his best friend. I have a need to know just what you have planned for me on my first visit to New Orleans?

    Wine, women, and song my friend. I told you to come a good week before you were to ship out, but since you didn’t listen to me we’ll just have to condense that week into an evening and a-half and continue it once we’re onboard.

    "You are aware that I haven’t changed, Arch. I’m still that quiet roommate that you usually with a friend draped over you for support would wake up at all ungodly hours of the night. No I take that back. It was always at some ungodly hour early in the morning to relive the exploits of your past twenty-four hours. So when I got your text inviting me to stay for that week and I thought about it I didn’t think that I could trust you with this body for a whole week. Chances are that if I gave you a whole week’s time by the end of that week I’d be so messed

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