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Someone to Love You
Someone to Love You
Someone to Love You
Ebook314 pages4 hours

Someone to Love You

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About this ebook

To Atarah Yaden control is key, however when she has a run in with her ex choir director, Minister Ishmael Immanuel, that control is tested.

When Atarah Yaden moves back to New York she has no idea that one trip to the corner store will change her entire life. In her choice to return to her childhood church, she didn’t expect to have the feelings she does for her annoying, ex choir director she just couldn’t get along with years ago. Just when things start to flourish past sins and feelings threaten to end the happiness they have discovered in each other.

Can they overcome the demons from the past?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 10, 2021
Someone to Love You

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    Book preview

    Someone to Love You - Serenity Desire

    Chapter one


    I smile wide as the heat of the July weather hits me once I step foot off the private plane onto the tarmac at JFK airport. I’m not too excited to be heading back home but I’m more than excited to see my family. I quickly throw my bag in the back of my new car and hop in the car. I really need to do something special for my assistant Gina. I’ve decided I need a break and left my company in the hands of my right hand, Jonathan Franklin, my brother. I, Atarah Yaden, never imagined I would be on my way back to Westbury, NY. After everything I went through in 2015 I told myself when I moved with my brother to Missouri I wouldn’t be back, yet here I am. My phone ringing brings me out of my head. I quickly press the answer button on my Bluetooth keeping my eye on the road ahead.

    Tara: Atarah Yaden

    Tiff: turn the professional Atarah off

    I chuckle at Tasha. Tasha Testa is my cousin but I also think of her as a sister, not only that but a best friend.

    Tara: what’s up? Need a ride when I get there?

    Tash: you know it girl

    I laugh lightly.

    Tara: I got you. I’m about an hour or so away

    Tash: thirty minutes with the way you drive

    Tara: I’m a good driver.

    She laughs loudly.

    Tash: whatever you say cuz. See you when you get here

    Tara: alright babes see you in a bit oh wait did you guys eat yet?

    Tash: nope

    Tara: lunch on me

    Tash: okay babes see you when you get here

    We said our goodbyes then she disconnected the call. I sigh deeply and continue on the back roads until I make it to Westbury. Once I’m there the first thing I do is head straight to the nearest corner store for a drink then I head to the family house. I smile wide as turn into the long driveway. I haven’t been here in three years and it feels so weird to be back but I love it. I’ve missed everyone out here that’s for sure. I was so happy when my mother decided to keep the house instead of sell it after my father passed away, even though it broke her pockets. That’s why once I was making enough I made sure all of her bills were paid. I try to take as much stress off of my mother as possible. I’ve always been the child to take care of my mom regardless of me being the youngest and let me tell you things got tough sometimes. But we made it and I’m so happy we didn’t give up. My family may put the fun in dysfunctional but I make sure we stay as close as possible. I grabbed my bag out the car and headed straight to the open door of the house. My mom, Tasha, and my youngest oldest brother Bronson we’re at the door waiting for me.

    Brown: what up sis

    Tara: hey

    I hugged him tightly missing him regardless of our jaded past. Next I turned to Tasha and gave her the biggest hug ever. And last but not least was a tight long hug from my mother. I’ve truly missed my family. It was nice being out with Jonathan and building our business from the bottom up but there’s nothing like home, and I haven’t been for three years now.

    Ava: my loving daughter has returned home

    I smiled wide.

    Tara: I’ve missed you guys so much. Especially you mom

    I kiss her cheek loudly and she chuckles. My mom is my mother but not only that she is my best friend. She is the first person I call for everything. Leaving my mom when I left was the hardest thing ever. Ever since I was thirteen years old it was always me and my mom. No matter what the other was going through we were right there. When my mom needed to lean on me I was right there and vice versa. When things got tough it was just me and her. She is my crutch I don’t know what I would do without her.

    Tash: forty-three minutes. I told you it wasn’t going to be an hour or so.

    I couldn’t help but laugh as I made my way in the house and up the stairs to put my bags down in my room. This room is only temporary, I do plan in looking for a house out here so I can spend more time at home. I really missed my family and that’s my main reason for coming out here but I also want to open up a new location of my business. I figured the best place was close to home because as much as I love my bother I’m so homesick. When I turned eleven circumstances changed in my life and it was just me and my mom, because of that it’s hard for me to stay away from her for too long and vice versa. She refuses to move so I’ll just move closer. I’m too old to live with my mother but close by where I can keep an eye on her is the best. I threw my bags on my bed and turned to Tasha who I knew was right behind me.

    Tara: so I was thinking on the drive

    Tash: uh oh that’s never good

    I laughed lightly.

    Tara: anyway I was thinking how about instead of spending my money on fast food why don’t I grab a few things so we can go out back and grill dinner

    She smiled brightly up at me.

    Tash: sounds like a plan

    Tara: alright great. Let me just get out of these work clothes.

    I salute her as she starts to turn. Once she is gone, I quickly go into my luggage, and grab an outfit, then change. Once back downstairs I jiggle my keys.

    Tara: ready to go

    Tash: so how long are you staying?

    Tara: in the house? As long as it takes to find a place. In New York? We’ll see how things go.

    I pull the front door open and smile wide at her as she leaves out the door.

    Tash: you’re keeping secrets now cuz

    Tara: not at all but I’ll let you know when I know

    She chuckled as she slid into the leather passenger seat of my 2017 Tesla Model S.

    Tash: nice

    Tara: thank you thank you. So I was thinking chicken and ribs. But what for a side. I know I want some corn on the cob.

    I speak as I slide in and start up the car. I back out quickly and start our journey to Wal-Mart.

    Tash: maybe some Mac and cheese

    Tara: ooooh mac and cheese

    She laughs lightly.

    Tash: so tell me what’s new

    Tara: bitch you act like we didn’t just talk the other day.

    She laughs again. I may be away but we talk almost every day.

    Tash: you really think you’re going to go back to church?

    Tara: I want to

    Last time we talk I said I wanted to go back to my child hood church not too far from the house. Growing up I always wanted to go to church. I was there ever Sunday for church and every Saturday for choir practice. After my father passed away twelve years I stopped going abruptly the day of a solo. I haven’t stepped foot in a church since.

    Tash: I think we should do it together

    Tara: you really would do it with me

    Tash: yeah I think it’s that time

    Tara: well no rush we’ll talk about it at a later date.

    Tash: ok cuz. I was thinking we can go to the corner store for drinks and anything else.

    Tara: okay even though we are going to Wal-Mart which has everything

    Tash: yeah but their beer is expensive

    I roll my eyes.

    Tash: don’t start cuz. I can pay for my own stuff.

    Tara: okay Tasha

    I laugh lightly as I continue on our ride to the store.

    Tara: I’m just saying you know I don’t mind getting some stuff

    Tash: and I said I have a job where I make my own money and can pay for my own beer

    Tara: okay gangsta. How are you and Reid doing?

    Tash: we’re okay I guess

    Reid Hill is Tasha’s boyfriend. He seems like a cool dude from what I can tell through video chat. I’ve also met him one time in person before I left but back then he had a girlfriend and him and Tasha’s ex-boyfriend Kevin were friends. The family is still close to Kevin even though they are no longer together.

    Tara: Kevin?

    Tash: he’s as good as he can be where he’s at you know

    Tara: yeah I feel you

    I quickly find a parking spot in the Wal-Mart parking lot and soon we are in the store walking straight to the isle that has pasta.

    M/v: Atarah?

    I turn around and smile at my old work buddy Nate. I used to work at Wal-Mart, it was actually my first job out of high school. That was seven years ago and I can’t believe he is still here.

    Tara: hey Nate

    I watch as his blue eyes descend my body then came back up to my face. It’s funny because I used to have a big crush on Nate then when I stopped liking him he started liking me. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. I give him a light hug.

    Nate: it’s been a while. Are you staying in town?

    Tara: I’m not sure yet. It all depends on business

    He nods then eyes me from head to toe again.

    Nate: let me not hold you up. It was good seeing you

    Tara: it was good seeing you too

    I smile lightly again then walk away. When we are far enough away Tasha laugh.

    Tash: Nathan is always in my inbox it’s just crazy that when I’m with you he acts like he’s never seen me a day in his life

    I chuckle lightly. One of the biggest reasons I lost interest in Nate is because number one he is the corniest. And finally he tried to get with me when he was dating my friend at the time, that’s an immediate turn off for me. I don’t do cheating guys because I’ve been cheated on too many times and it’s just wrong. We laugh and hold light conversation as we go through Wal-Mart picking up everything we need. Once we’re all cashed out we put everything in my trunk then head to the corner store. Deciding to park a little ways from the store I sigh deeply and get out the car slowly. As I walk the sidewalk looking down I have the urge to look up. Just as I look up someone walking from the church heading this was turns and our eyes lock. Ishmael Immanuel, he used to be the choir director after he came out of jail when I was a kid. I haven’t seen anyone other than him, the old pastor, and his wife in over twelve years. Oh yeah there is also Deacon Moore. I quickly look away and climb the stairs to the corner store.

    Tara: should have went to the store I wanted to go to

    Tash: why do you say that

    Before I can respond the door to the store opens and both of our eyes roam to the door. Once he walks in we lock eyes and he smiles wide as he adjusts his bag on his shoulder.

    Ish: hey baby

    Tara: hey

    I smile wide and walk into his opened arms. Immediately I melt into him as his smell engulfs me. When I was a kid I didn’t necessarily care too much for Ishmael. I felt he was always picking on me and pushing me too hard. I used to always go home and talk shit to my mom about how I couldn’t stand him and his attitude. We part and his eyes capture mine again.

    Ish: how have you been?

    Tara: I’ve been good and you?

    Ish: good. You know pastor Kent left the church.

    Tara: I heard

    He smiles bright at me, the gesture makes me heart skip a beat, why I don’t know.

    Ish: I’m the pastor now

    Tara: okay pastor Immanuel

    He chuckles.

    Ish: you should come.

    I shrug and look over to Tasha who is standing in front of the coolers with nothing in her hand as the pastor asks for a cigarette from the teller. I point and she shakes her head making me laugh.

    Ish: you know it’s crazy

    I turn to him as he continues talking.

    Tara: what?

    Ish: I was just looking at the videos from when you guys started the step team. I also have a few of our choir performances.

    Tara: that is crazy.

    He chuckles again and turns back to the teller. I turn to Tasha.

    Tara: we are going to have to speed this thing up baby girl we have meat in the car.

    She nods her head towards Ishmael and I turn to see has turned and started talking to me again.

    Tara: huh?

    Ish: I mean it you have to come by sometime

    Tara: I’ll try

    He laughs just as the door opens and his best friend enters the store.

    Ish: Barry you remember her

    He takes a good look at me. He shouldn’t know who I am because I left the church before he took over as drummer. I only know about him because regardless of my lapse of faith during those twelve years I still tried to make every New Years service so I saw he replaced the previous guy.

    Barr: I don’t

    Tara: I’m not going to seem familiar. I left before you took over for Bruce.

    He nods understanding showing on his face. I look back to Ishmael who is already staring at me.

    Ish: alright let me get out of here. It’s was good seeing you and I hope I see you in church.

    He opens his arms and I walk into them again. He starts out the door as his friend grabs a cigarette telling the teller that church is over and it’s party time. Finally his friend follows him. As I turn to Tasha I see she finally has her hands filled with beers. I wait patiently at the counter. Once she is done I pay for everything then we head back out to my car. As I’m about to get in the car I look over to the church to see him already staring at me as an older lady locks up the church. I get in the car and start it up with one last look at the church and at Ishmael.

    Tash: so how do you know him?

    Tara: he’s the pastor there but he used to be the choir director

    Tash: well the pastor must be looking for the First Lady because he was all into you

    Tara: girl it’s not even like that. We just haven’t seen each other in almost 13 years.

    Tash: and now you’re about to wifey.

    Tara: you’re crazy. I’ve been single for five years I plan in making it to 6

    Tash: I give it a month

    I roll my eyes as I quickly do a u-turn and head back to the house ready to eat already.

    Tara: like I said I’m good on the pastor

    She laughs as I turn up the block. When we get there my brother is just getting the coals lit. That means we have about ten minutes to get everything ready that needs to go on the grill. I make a quick call to my best friend Paulina.

    Lina: what up hoe

    Tara: what is your short ass doing?

    Lina: shit I have the day off today

    Tara: perfect come over for some food

    Lina: is your brother there?

    I laugh. I met Paulina through Bronson actually. They were together for I’d say seven years before things went completely bad and they moved on. Me and her stayed friends however and my brother hates it. Oh well.

    Tara: you know he is but we can chill away from him. He’s on the grill so he’ll be in the back.

    Lina: I’ll be there

    Tara: yay

    She laughs as she hangs up. Did I mention she lives right across the street. When me and Paulina are together we always have a good time and that’s just what I need because even though I’m home, tomorrow starts business as usual.

    Chapter two


    2 months later

    I groan loudly plopping on my brand new couch. Gina follows suit with a loud huff.

    Gina: we’ve looked at twelve sites today does any of them look good to you?

    Tara: one but I need two.

    She groans loudly and I can’t help but chuckle. These past two months have been hectic for Gina. She has constantly been back and forth between here and Missouri up until about two weeks ago when they finally found an assistant my brother didn’t run away. She has helped me find my place which is surprisingly right down the street from my mom, right up the block from her. Most of all we have to find two properties that suit what I want to do with the space, which we have not found yet. We have been to almost twenty places and only one caught my eye.

    Gina: this is ridiculous bitch.

    Tara: I need to pray on it.

    She laughs lightly and rolls her eyes. I sigh deeply and get off the couch to grab a change of clothes to put in my bag. We’ve been from place to place today and my feet are killing me. I’m ready to just be done. I say a little prayer then head back downstairs.

    Gina: there are three more you can look at then you’re on your own girlie.

    Tara: some damn assistant you are.

    Gina: let’s just see these last places.

    My dad had a big company when we were kids. He and his partner started it right before I was born and turned it into something big. His partner however got greedy and eventually the business went bankrupt. I was too young to ask any details but shortly after that my father passed away. It was a tough time we went from having everything to starting over with nothing at all. I told myself I would make a better life for us and that’s been my goal since. By any means necessary.

    Tara: can I like grab some coffee or something I’m running on fumes?

    Gina: I have to set up a meeting with you and Jonathan tomorrow. Are you actual going to church so I know when to schedule.

    Tara: I’ll let you know once I talk to Tasha and Reid. They are supposed to be making Saturday dinner tonight and I’m going over so once I know you will know.

    She rolls her eyes and I can’t help but laugh. I know I give Gina such a hard time but I can’t help it. I like doing things my way darn it.

    Gina: I would love it if you can work with me here.

    I sigh deeply.

    Tara: okay fine just schedule it for after three so whether I go or not the time will be set.

    I sigh deeply standing to my feet.

    Tara: the one site I liked go ahead and tell John to put a bid in for it and let’s go get something to eat then head to these last thee sites so I can get you home.

    Gina: thank goodness.

    I laugh lightly as she grabs her keys with one hand and has her phone in the other hand dialing the number. I quickly grab my keys and follow her out the door being sure to lockup behind me. I get in my car and sigh deeply while I wait to follow Gina to the next location. I have two businesses expanding right now, however they are not my only ones, and I just need everything to be perfect with these new locations. The one I agreed on will be for my smallest business, my check cashing facility. I current have nine locations all over and this will be my tenth and it has to be the best. Not only is it the tenth in the franchise but it is also in the town I grew up. It’s almost as important as the first one I opened up in my birth city. The one I just can’t agree on is for my accounting firm. There just is not a building big enough that I’ve seen that I would want to invest in for my firm. This will be the third location and I want it to be absolutely perfect. I jump lightly as my phone rings in the car. I quickly answer.

    Tara: Atarah Yaden speaking.

    Tash: yes Atarah this is just your best friend, sister, cousin, Tasha Testa calling you to inform you that dinner is just about ready.

    Tara: thank you very much Tasha I will do my absolute best to be there as soon as possible.

    Tash: yeah okay bitch.

    I laugh loudly.

    Tara: do you guys need anything from the store?

    Tash: by the time you get here probably.

    I can’t help but chuckle. I’ve been at this search since Wednesday, today is Saturday.

    Tara: text a list and I’ll see you guys soon. I just pulled up to the site.

    Tash: let’s hope this one is a winner.

    Tara: judging by the outside this may be the winner and its downtown. I’ll see you soon.

    Tash: alright babes.

    I hang up and exit my car meeting Gina at the entrance. She spoke without looking up from her phone.

    Gina: He put the offer in at one point three we should know by the end of the day.

    Tara: great so far so good on this one. I love the outside.

    Gina: this is a twelve story building

    Tara: perfect

    Gina: there’s also even room to put a few shops on the ground floor

    I nod as we enter the lobby to the building. Once we walk in I see potential.

    Tara: Gina I think the search is over

    Gina: finally

    I laugh wholeheartedly. I drive Gina insane but she loves me so she’ll survive.

    Tara: go ahead and put the bid in for this building and I don’t want to have to look at buildings for at least another year.

    Gina: and I can completely agree. Only you want to expand another company so we’ll be here again shortly won’t we?

    She speaks getting out her phone again.

    Tara: no one asked you all that.

    Gina: I’m just saying. You want me to sugar coat shit or keep it one hundred.

    Tara: keep it one hundred.

    I smile bright at her. I’m the annoying big sister she loves, she’s the blunt real little sister I need. I’m

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