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The Vision of Worthington’s Cross
The Vision of Worthington’s Cross
The Vision of Worthington’s Cross
Ebook138 pages1 hour

The Vision of Worthington’s Cross

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This book is primarily about a cross that appeared in the sky near Frank Worthington’s tomb. Frank(Worthy) was my Grandfather’s commanding senior officer. Several days later I had a massive vision of judgment day. I saw 2 heavenly courts and witnessed people with good and not so good works. The fact is that many “religious” people are laughed to scorn, perhaps that is why the vision was given. This vision is a wake-up call for those who believe in GOD. I have also included events in my personal life. I have tried to share all the feelings I had when I got saved while in jail at my lowest. AS well I have included 22 poems which I think you will enjoy. The book also speaks of “blended housing”, the reason we have a 10 year wait for affordable housing. I also speak of my attempted suicide because I thought the govt. was going to get me in Ad scam because my painting chargebacks were high and I had depleted the “fund”, and I had helped save 2 hangars of “Hangar Row” a heritage site as well. I have spent months in hospital basically because the psychiatric profession does not believe in visions rather, they are a manifestation of Schizoid affected behavior! I have been persecuted and censured for this vision and would like a lie-detector test to determine if I am lying. Please enjoy
Release dateAug 13, 2020
The Vision of Worthington’s Cross

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    The Vision of Worthington’s Cross - Billy Prophet

    The Vision of

    Worthington’s Cross

    Billy Prophet


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    Yes, it is true I witnessed an entirely perfect little white cross up in the sky near Passchendaele road on a Sat. morn. in Base Borden in 06. The cross was so perfect and bright it was mesmerizing, it appeared as a plus sign, a positive cross (+). The cross was witnessed by a Presbyterian Padre of the military as well. It was not billowy type lines rather two distinct, perfectly strait, identical, perpendicular, equidistant, small lines intersecting at exactly the middle, placed directly in the sky as an upright cross. It was also the same cross Hitler used on his tanks. It appeared in proximity to General (Fighting, Worthy) Frank Worthington’s tomb, Father of Canada’s first tank regiments and my Grandfather’s Commanding Officer. That is a grave site and Passchendaele was the worst battle of WW1. It was also in proximity to the Protestant and Catholic chapels, as well as the multi-faith facility. That facility composes Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist and the rest. Spreading the word without being heard, is what a small white cross signifies. The cross appeared as a peace sign I think, being the same as a medics cross in the military, or the Red-Cross. Incredibly mysterious indeed! Several days later on Mon., I had a two-part day vision of judgment day in what appeared to be heaven! This was the most miraculous thing of all.

    This vision was declared a vision of GOD by a Major Padre Roman Catholic priest of Base Borden on Aug 31, 10. I decided to write this book to detail the account. The solitary two-part vision is compelling and vivid, wild and real, happening in a totally wide-awake state! A day vision is not a dream nor an illusion or delusion, but an event in real time and space. You are taken to a place and shown events. I have never had another vision, before nor after that day. It took approximately 4 minutes and I have detailed the visions totally. It appears there are 2 judgments and 2 heavenly courts included. The first judgment is with Jesus alone. Being the judge, HE deals in forgiveness only via a guilty or innocent plea, similar to an earthly court with no jury. The result is hell or entrance to heaven by joining the assembly of Saints (the jury) who judge the world. The second judgment is of a man’s works. This is displayed before the entire assembly of Saints, we get cheered or laughed at, that is the reality, All burdens are shown plainly in the 2nd judgment. (Psalm 149). Some people believe there is going to be 2 heavenly judgments and the vision bears this out, however markedly different they are.

    I have included many events in my personal life, quite a bit about my earlier family life, and some of my personal beliefs to give a framework as to the event. As well I pull few punches. I have changed all the names to protect privacy. This book is as factual as can be and I would submit to a lie detector test, to prove the vision WAS of GOD, and the perfect cross was in the sky. If you wish to refer to the vision, turn to page 51 of this brief. Perhaps that is a good way to read it as the visions are definitely the most important and compelling part and should be read by the whole world.

    As well judgment day on Earth must also be fast approaching all of us, if indeed there is going to be one here? Anyways there WILL be such events, either here presently, or in the afterlife in heaven, so I say get ready! What can we do to get ready for such an amazing set of events? Repentance, and accepting Christ is a good start followed by good works, Mark 1:14. I say followed because good works can not get you to heaven actually, rather it is the grace of GOD due to the blood of Christ inherent in the Gospels (good news). We do not have the power on our own rather we depend upon grace and mercy.

    The power of the grace of the new testament/covenant of blood is far greater than the condemning power of law of the old covenant. The second(new) covenant actually fulfills the first (old) as well because we have the holy blood of Christ on the alter as a royal offering, and Christ prayed for forgiveness Luke 23:34. As this pure blood has power over all evil, we should rejoice in thankfulness to GOD by doing works fit for repentance, by carrying the cross of Christ daily, Matthew 10:38.

    Christ had not the need for baptism either because he was sinless, but he was baptized anyway to fulfill all righteousness Matthew 3:15. His sinless blood broke the curse. The covenant has been fulfilled as Christ carried the law up until his death. Nobody had gotten through the first covenant successfully but the Savior Jesus. His victory is our triumph!

    It is also a joy to know if you don’t believe, Christ still died for you. He effectively broke a religious curse over the entire race and ALL persons will benefit, believers or not. He effectively atoned for Adam’s sin. First John 2:2. That is why He is the Messiah (deliverer), and the Comforter is the Holy Spirit, the promise given through his blood Matthew 3:11. The promise is for the whole world, HE is no respecter of persons, he is seeking righteousness and/or repentance only.

    As well, I don’t think you have to be a Christian to go to heaven as every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, but it helps because the only requirement is repentance, that’s the same repentance present in the Christian faith, Acts2:38, Mark1:4, Matthew 4:17. I would call myself a true born-again Christian. I wish all to be Christian, but the truth is there will be people in heaven who have never heard the words of Jesus, nor understand the plan of salvation as such! GOD has a powerful tool in the blood of Christ. He can apply that blood to most any case. That is GOD reaching back through the Covenant. The meek will not be disappointed.

    Many Christians have erred in that they think GOD did it all, that there is no real requirement to lead a fair, godly life. However, they forget that all our works will be tested as by fire. And what is that fire? It is the character of Christ. This I saw in the second part of the vision, also the second judgment. The Muslims are also aware that our works will be tested, as most all faiths of the world also believe. The truth of it is many Christians have limited good works. I saw many religious people laughed to scorn by the assembly of Saints. Perhaps that is the main reason this vision was given, in order to give them time to prepare.

    Indeed, all of our works come back as the double-edged sword comes back upon a person’s life upon the backswing. Hypocrisy is not tolerated in the spiritual world as Karma is simply real and evident. There are rewards and punishments in the afterlife. Let us seek those rewards presently, by seeking forgiveness initially. Being forgiven means you miss the second judgment I think, but there is still the possibility that mine and your works will also be tested. I don’t really know for sure. I have already been forgiven for my sins as seen in the first part of the vision of 06 but I have not been through the second judgment, the one of a man’s works before the Saints.

    I hope all my subsequent sins to the first vision have been forgiven as well. You will understand this better when you read the part about the vision from GOD.

    A Baptist

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