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The Sunrise of Your Soul: Power of Realization
The Sunrise of Your Soul: Power of Realization
The Sunrise of Your Soul: Power of Realization
Ebook211 pages3 hours

The Sunrise of Your Soul: Power of Realization

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The Sunrise of Your Soul initiates the journey of you as the eternity of knowing, denoting your eternal presence being unfolded through knowing. It serves as the expansion of your eternal path in the image of realization. In fact, your path never comes to an end in confusion; rather, the realization of your wholeness sparks the bridging of a new path when flowing with the universe from within.

In this spiritual exploration, author Dr. Maryam Saligheh seeks to guide you to the realization of your truth—the translation of Beyond leading to the stream of well-being that flows within. In practice, Beyond encourages you to nurture a belief system based on absolute well-being, aligning you with all that you are—the evolution of your truth, which is love. To implement this practice, you must recognize, acknowledge, and develop a series of key components including understanding the concepts of Within and life force, flowing with the universe while using the context of One and focusing into being.

This spiritual self-help guide offers methods to bring you the realization of who you are and help you attain the status of becoming more through the lights of knowing.
Release dateJun 3, 2020
The Sunrise of Your Soul: Power of Realization

Dr. Maryam Saligheh

Dr. Maryam Saligheh is a teacher of Christ consciousness, inspirational speaker, intuitive healer, and life coach. She holds a PhD and is the author of two spiritual self-help books, The Power of Divine Love during Pregnancy and Beyond, as well as several publications in reputable journals. She offers workshops and talks on Christ consciousness, self-actualizing meditation, and the art of cocreating your desired realities with God. She currently lives in Sydney, Australia.

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    The Sunrise of Your Soul - Dr. Maryam Saligheh

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    Balboa Press rev. date:  06/02/2020

    Everything is eternally surrounded by well-being; the power

    of realization demonstrates your perception of it!




    Chapter 1   From Beyond to Life

    Chapter 2   The Secret of Your Soul

    Chapter 3   The Treasure of Realization

    Chapter 4   Integrity — The Discovery of Realization

    Chapter 5   An Evolved Being

    Chapter 6   The Power of Ecstasy

    Chapter 7   The Magic of Inspiration

    Chapter 8   Eternity and Infinity

    Chapter 9   The Sunrise of Your Soul


    Everything is about this moment. Learning to let go depicts the realization of this moment. Everything unfolds at this moment. Bear this in mind: there is no lack or problem, as the universe of God oversees every detail. Every detail in every corner is about the realization of the universe. The universe experiences itself in the presence that is called humanity. The best place to be is, therefore, this universe. Dancing with the Spirit aligned with the presence of the Yahweh, I saw his loving and empowering presence shining in disguise. In a moment of surrendering, I was granted the realization of eternal life. In that moment of being, the intention of flow, faith, and focus eased me to a new beginning with God. In that precious eternal moment of affection and love, I saw Yahweh and Jesus welcoming me to the realization of the universe as embedded in the thought of oneness, which is the key to freedom!

    One day as I was doing Yoga, all of a sudden I had a moment of realization that appeared as a question: what happens when I disconnect myself from the universe? The answer arrived as a clue regarding what the universe would do in that situation if it had disconnected itself from the whole. The first answer that emanated in the mind was The universe would keep having its focus on loving and creating without paying attention to the temporary absence of representing its fullness in the moment of now! In fact, the universe remains truthful to its essence.

    I refer to this truthfulness and steadiness as the concept of Within.

    By means of Within as a concept that offers harmony, the universe embraces your presence with infinite love and unconditional empowerment. Both of these qualities are enfolded with the intelligence that endures knowing. I refer to this powerful blend of infinite love, unconditional empowerment, and knowing realization. In a sense, realization relates to the beauty of your precious presence, which is derived from love, empowerment, and knowing. This above explanation demonstrates how realization is an internal power that radiates from Within, which the truthfulness of this universe is. Therefore, there is not such a thing as disconnecting from the universe, according to the concept of Within, since truthfulness embraces realization. Instead, disconnection is the absence of focus on the realization of being—the absence of focus on your truthfulness!

    When I received the clarity of the above statement, I had a moment of glee; a flash of realization was turned on in the space of my mind like a light bulb, and my second thought was Well! Then I must ease into the truthfulness of love and create wonderful moments of empowerment by being a focuser of realization that illustrates my truthfulness! In the light of Within, the soul of well-being dwells, and the realization of its presence relates to the sunrise of your soul.

    Let’s look at the concept of the soul of well-being.

    The miracle of life begins as you ease into Beyond, the unknown, in the moment of now. The unknown is the self-exploration of your soul, which is encoded with the essence of well-being. The unknown is the philosophy of flowing in eternity, the moment of now, and being surrendered to the treasure of your truth, well-being, within. When you consider your presence as being centred in eternity, there will be only the focus on observation and contemplation to enjoy the continuity of each—and specifically this—breath.

    This everlasting journey of eternity depicts the realization that I can experience the unknown, the well-being of my soul, in this breath. The unknown always maintains its essence of well-being, and the power of focus is the mere factor that determines your perception and understanding of its presence. In fact, the well-being of the soul knows the essence of realization. And in the physical body, the power of focus is required for the well-being of your soul to be realized and lived through your awareness. This seemingly little-known item is a miraculous platform that defines your living in the new state of awareness that is ignited by realization. This state of awareness aligns you with the skills that will allow you to adjust, attain, resume, and shift your perspective so you can remain centred in the realization of the Beyond, which is the well-being of your soul. Since the unknown is the basis of your eternal presence, you are empowered from Within (the place of truthfulness) to focus, create, explore, and manifest your journey of evolving and becoming the life of love in a physical experience. The realization of your presence (infinite love, unconditional empowerment, and knowing) results in the recognition of your power of influence. By enhancing your physical senses in the mirror of your influence, you have the power to create a state of good feeling. The power of influence indeed indicates that you have the power to be in charge of everything, since all things are overseen by the power of Within. In addition, the power of influence also portrays how you can create your moments through the reflection of Beyond. The well-being of your soul, the unknown, is the snowballing journey of you that defines the expansion of your awareness through the power of realization in every breath. Your awareness can also be the translation of Within, your truthfulness. Therefore, you can reconstruct the essence of your awareness in the light of realization, power of Within, and Beyond. The expansion of your awareness in the image of realization describes the force of your focus on the essence of love that is evolving in your being infinitely. The term evolving describes your focus being on the expansion of love from Within, which is embraced by the well-being of your soul. The well-being of your soul is God’s incredible vision for you.

    Now, understanding that the unknown may be, ask yourself, What is the sunrise of your soul? What would you expect to experience by witnessing the sunrise of your soul?

    The sunrise of your soul is the transition of an eclipse (blinded awareness) to the full view of the sun (realization of your truthfulness), which empowers and vitalizes your moments in every breath. The eclipse, the absence of realizing your truth, has caused you to gain clarity on how much of the vivid sun you would like to be in truth. More importantly, it has also caused you to gain clarity on how much you desire to experience the manifestation of your truth on your journey. The moment of eclipse is the moment that ignites the search for the power of realization, and this essence, once kindled, will be greater than the practice of positive beliefs. Since realization is the blend of infinite love, unconditional empowerment, and knowing, its power allows you to discover and decipher Beyond into your every moment of experience. Subsequently, your belief system will be the realization of God.

    Realization is an invigorating platform that reunites you with your full presence so you can experience the journey through the well-being of your adventurous soul. Once you witness your awareness, inspired by realization, thereby you will be wrapped in the rays of happiness that through your influence will be radiated into your moment-by-moment experience. And through your consistent focus on evolving with it, the influence of your presence will impact the lives of others who cross your path. The power of realization aligns you with the supremacy of this universe and banishes the state of mind, as well as personality. That is how realization is the leading step to experience the notion of One. The concept of One leads to initiating and upholding a harmonious awareness in relation to Within, to every component of this universe, and to the unfolding of your eternal path. When your awareness breathes in the realization that emerges from the mind of this universe, you will cross the bridge of transformation. As a result, One can be experienced and perceived in every breath. Hence, what is One? This concept is the origin to which the stream of oneness flows throughout this magnificent universe. I cogitate it as the wealth of every being, but it cannot flow into your experience when you are focused on the blinded awareness. One is not a destination; instead, it is the platform of reunion with the perspective of realization that streams in the presence of every being. One portrays your connection with every being from Within in the framework of realization. Blended together, realization and One will initiate the sunrise of your soul, and you can then experience the transformation of eclipse to the vivid sunrise of your presence. The sunrise of your soul embodies infinite opportunities of abundance that represent the creativity of your presence. Therefore, One depicts your awareness of the unknown in the context of a harmonious atmosphere through which you can explore the well-being of your soul.

    How can you cultivate this new awareness and invite it to your perception?

    Let me share a story with you that is very close to my heart. I mention it here as I believe in the truth of being the spirit of freedom. At the time I am writing this section, the clock is displaying 2:12 a.m.; I had the urge to get up and finish the writing of the preface. I lingered in relationships that reflected to me the limiting beliefs I was practising at the time; this continued for years. It started with domestic abuse and continued in the form of abusive behaviours. While I was awakening to my truth, I realized how disempowered I was owing to the thoughts of victimhood and guilt that I had carried from my childhood. The interesting point about my intimate relationships clarified similar behavioural patterns that I witnessed in the men I was in relationships with. Steadily, I realized how in truth I was not aligned with these behaviours, but their continual manifestation was telling me I needed to create a shift in my perspective of being. Those patterns were describing the manifestation of my perception in relation to my existence.

    In nearly every relationship I was part of, I struggled to express myself and to deepen my bond. I would feel guilty about leaving, disappointed to end a chapter, hopeless regarding the upcoming chapters, afraid of being criticized, and disempowered to enjoy my moments on my own in the absence of a healthy and aligned relationship. In fact, I had a tendency to be with people rather than make choices as to whether my relationship with them would be healthy and in harmony with my true essence. Since I was not in harmony with my presence and true power, I was making decisions from a reactionary place rather than what would be in congruence with my true essence. That said, all resulted in my becoming a believer of sunrise and gave birth to these written books of the universe. The disoriented me eventually eased into a brand-new outlook on the eternal path, since her inward perspective unfolded in the light of truth. This change of scenery took place as I shifted the chronically out-of-synch emotions and created a shift to deviate from addictive behaviours. Overall, all of these intimate experiences proved to me how my awareness was blinded, and I had difficulty living the realization of my truth, which expresses that I AM the extension of the I AM. Indeed, I AM who I AM that is lit in me became the revelation of my presence and my senses.

    In the early stages of transformation, going beyond the form, I witnessed how my connection to my soul was not embedded in the context of Beyond. Such a place of lack also resulted in my not witnessing the concept of One, and realization was an obscure notion to my physical senses. The transformation from perceiving the pain (blinded awareness) to creating opportunity from the pain (the realization of leading your awareness) is the sunrise of your soul.

    Alternatively, manipulative and controlling experiences over the years led me to clearly understand the concept of truthfulness. I finally learnt to realize the power of Within and to demonstrate the realization of my presence (infinite love, unconditional empowerment, and knowing). Abiding by this level of understanding, a shift began taking place in my perspective of being. In addition, I realized how every relationship was guiding me to prepare the atmosphere of my awareness so I can witness the sunrise of my soul. Therefore, I realized I was embraced by the notion of One, which was streaming in disguise in my evolution, which was a harmonious act of being in relationship to every component of this universe.

    Therefore, the depth of every experience, especially when challenging and tough, depicts how your presence is embraced by Beyond. All that is required is the realization of well-being through the truthfulness of Within and the consistency of its stream through the notion of One. You are the creation of God that orchestrates this universe as one song that has given the image of unconditional empowerment, infinite love, and knowing to its extended image of being.

    The melody of eternal well-being flows in every presence through the inspiration of One.

    Let’s explore the sunrise of your soul, the realization of well-being, together in portrayal of knowing, unconditional empowerment, and infinite love, all of which are radiated from Within, where your extension to God is.


    The appreciation of all that someone is leads you to alignment with all that you are. You will become the universe! While walking in the forest of self-discovery, feeling the arms of nature touching my naked soul, freedom is talking to me, but I am distracted by the disempowering thoughts of hesitation. I am wearing the white dress of peace, lifting it off the ground, moving forward while contemplating whether to cross the icy lake of indecisiveness. The cold temperature of the water teaches me determination so I can move forward. As I cross the lake, I can hear the whisper of my soul; I can feel the open arms of the

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