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Xipe Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli God
Xipe Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli God
Xipe Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli God
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Xipe Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli God

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Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli god described in twenty-seven chapters the experiences of the soul of an Aztec boy, his education and his training as an assassin Aztec priest in his different reincarnations through time in the Aztec Empire. This story talks about the daily life and bloody festivities of the Aztecs, but mainly describes the abuses committed by the Aztec priests by sacrificing hundreds of thousands of people at the time of Teotihuacan and the great Tenochtitlan.
In the Twentieth century and by a twist of fate, this Aztec soul reincarnated in the body of a Mexican child of Jewish descent. The boys' father was one of the wealthiest landowners in the region of the Popocatepetl and Itztaccihuatl volcanoes.
On the other hand, the house that belonged to the child's father was built five hundred years before and had been inherited from generation to generation until the twentieth century. The house was constructed with the ruins of an Aztec temple dedicated to Omacatl reptile god, and for the Jewish boy, being born among those ruins tied him a course. Because during the Aztec Empire, children born only inside a temple could be Aztec priests.
The reason reincarnation was to continue with the most feared and respected profession of the Aztec Empire, that was to be an assassin Aztec priest.
Weeks before the fall of the Aztec Empire, the Aztec chief priests gathered in the Birds' Hall in the house of Emperor Moctezuma II. They had an agreement to keep secret the real existence of their Aztec reptilian gods and continue the sacrifices regardless of the historical era in which the descendants of the Aztecs lived. In that meeting, they promised, continued with the traditions of human sacrifices.
Then, it seems that the future of the Jewish boy without being descendent of the Aztec race was marked to be an assassin who was at the services of the Aztec reptilian gods.
Release dateAug 5, 2019
Xipe Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli God

Rubén Amaro Soriano

Ruben Amaro Soriano was born in Puebla, Mexico. He received his primary education in Pachuca Hidalgo, Mexico. He later went to secondary number XXIII in Tlalpan, DF. Later went to high school number 7 in the same city. He then studied at the faculty of chemistry. Also he studied at the faculty of science on the area of physics at the UNAM. When he immigrated to the United States, he took up liberal arts at the University of La Salle, and it was when he began writing his first short stories. He has authored several books: “The Eternal Joseph” “The Punking Plant” “5 de Mayo de 1862” (the paranormal story of a dying soldier), “Cuhichilicoatl” (Gallo Reptil).

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    Xipe Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli God - Rubén Amaro Soriano

    Copyright © 2019 by Rubén Amaro Soriano.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2019908190

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-5065-2925-7

                 Softcover     978-1-5065-2927-1

                 eBook           978-1-5065-2926-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Rev. date: 05/08/2019


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    Introduction: Who Were the Gods That the Aztecs Worshipped So Much?

    Chapter 1 Quauhtlehuinitzin: The Golden Eagle

    Chapter 2 The Overshadowing of the Aztec Empire

    Chapter 3 The Last Aztec Meeting in the Hall of the Birds of the House of Emperor Moctezuma II

    Chapter 4 Toxcuitlapiloxochitl—the Eternal Soul of an Aztec Priest

    Chapter 5 The Calmecac and Telpochcalli Schools, Where the Professional Killers Were Instructed in the Art of Murder

    Chapter 6 Teotleco—the Party of the Tender and Sweet Corn and Human Sacrifices

    Chapter 7 The Huey Xipe Yopicoteohua priest—a seasoned man in the cruelest work of the Aztec Empire

    Chapter 8 The House a Jewish Child Built with the Stones of a Reptile Aztec Temple

    Chapter 9 A Centuries-Old House Full of Misery and Horror

    Chapter 10 To Be an Aztec Priest

    Chapter 11 The Misfortune of a Birth

    Chapter 12 A Little Angel Called Luisa

    Chapter 13 Inherit a Life of Work and Reject a Life of Wealth

    Chapter 14 A Notary Called Abiel

    Chapter 15 A Grimace of Pain in the Soul of Adael Idan Efrén

    Chapter 16 The Causeway of the Dead

    Chapter 17 The Quetzalpapalotl or the Butterflies Palace

    Chapter 18 An Intense Light That Illuminates the Eternal Path of the Aztecs’ Souls

    Chapter 19 The New Fire Festival in the Aztec Empire

    Chapter 20 Omacatl the Reptile God

    Chapter 21 Tlenamacazque—Those Which Provided Food to the Gods and Who Give Human Flesh in the Tlaccizcalco Temple

    Chapter 22 Descend to Underworld of MitlanCehuatli in the Pyramid’s Basement

    Chapter 23 The Pyramid’s Secret Traps

    Chapter 24 The Aztec Pyramid’s Secret Codex

    Chapter 25 Nic-Tlapoa in Amoz Tli - Open the Books of the Arcane

    Chapter 26 Iztapapalocihuatl—The Dreaded Knife of the Butterfly Goddess of Human Sacrifices and Solar System

    Chapter 27 Year 1920


    This story is dedicated to:

    My family:

    Pilar Julieta Arrevillaga de Amaro

    Josue, Denice, Carlos, Ruben Amaro Arrevillaga.

    Bernie Jeudy

    Rennet Amaro

    Talia Amaro Morrison

    Genesis C. Amaro

    Jacky Martinez Amaro

    To my inspiration, my six grandchildren:

    Caibryn Y. Yang

    Cihualpillatocalzintli Samma Amaro

    Summar Jeudy Amaro

    Elissa Jeudy Amaro

    Jaden Jeudy Amaro

    Nicklaus Jeudy Amaro


    The Aztec People and Their Reptilian Gods

    The valley of Anahuac is a place where one of the greatest cultures of Mesoamerica flourished. The knowledge and legacy of the Aztec culture today is preserved in the people, the historical monuments, traditions and codices, information that was left for posterity.

    In its time, the greatness of the Aztec people was so intense and so bloody that by its murderous practices, this culture lasted only two hundred years. And with the arrival of Europeans to American lands and after the conquest of the Aztec world, the Aztecs entered in a vertiginous estate of decay from which they never recovered.

    According to the historical point of view, the cultural, astronomical, and architectural development of the Aztec people goes beyond their time. While modern history is taking us on a romantic and broad panorama of what may have been the daily life of the Aztec people, it also minimizes the cruelty of deprivation of the lives of hundreds of thousands of human beings during many years.

    The murders of so many people remain in our minds as distant and normal events in a strange culture based on sacrifices, because the Aztec people believed that in this way, they had more opportunities to survive to possible cosmic cataclysms originated by their gods. But we should ask ourselves, what dark and terrible secret is hidden behind so many murders? Perhaps the apparent greatness of the Aztec people is a hideous mask that is covering the wickedness of an incredible and terrible reality. Without trying to detach ourselves from the reality that they lived in day by day, we would have to consider that its excessive cruelty should not be proper to humans. This behavior should be linked to the terrible Aztec reptilian gods. But before trying to stick our head in the terrible and dark world of the reptilian Aztec gods in this story, we must know who the Aztecs were and the place they used to live.

    The Aztecs exercised full control over a large part of the high plateau of Mexico that is in the center of the Mexican Republic, located in the Neo-Volcánics mountain range that crosses great part of the Mexican Republic.

    The place where the Aztec culture was developed is located between two large valleys, the one of Tlaxcala and the Valley of Mexico. These are surrounded by large mountains and volcanoes with eternal snow.

    The landscape should have been found by the first Mexicans who arrived at the plateau of the Anáhuac, between the Eighth and Tenth centuries. It must have been an idyllic landscape.

    From pre-Columbian times different groups of people who occupied the banks of Texcoco Lake, and the valleys stood out for being full of peaceful farmers working in family groups. They grew green tomatoes, corn, amaranth seeds, beans, cactus leaves known as nopales, prickly pears, squashes, sweet potatoes, chili, and a wide variety of eating mushrooms, including corn mushrooms, which until this day is a food highly appreciated by Mexicans. They also lived by hunting deer in the mountain system of the Mexican republic. They used to fish in the Texcoco, Xochimilco and other lakes; and they drabble in getting fishes, a little kind of shrimps well known by the Aztecs as acociles, turkeys, eggs from aquatic birds, and gathering edible insects and a great variety of wild fruits that could be collected in the valleys. It should be mentioned that the Mexican Republic is located between two large oceans: The Atlantic and Pacific, and although there are more than five hundred kilometers to the center of Mexico to both seas, in the time of splendor of the Aztec Empire the enperors ate fresh fish of the same day, this was due to a communication system of men running long distance.

    The historical paradigm has been telling us that, when the Aztecs stood out as a strong group for over two hundred years, its greatness as empire was based on an elite army that allowed them to exercise hegemony over many parts of the central and south area of the Mexican Republic. The empire was an entity of territorial, political and economic control, and its development as a society was an explosion that caused a great impact in a short period of time. The strangest of the version of the Mexican history, that also does not fit with the most elementary logic is that: people without any scientific or technological knowledge from the night to the morning had begun to develop incredibly advanced construction of cities with their pyramids, taking as a model the ancient cities that already existed in the high plateau of Mexico. Undoubtedly, these were constructions that were ahead of their time that could not have been done, because of the lack of the knowledge of advanced mathematics that are required for performing a gigantic labor.

    But this short period of time of two hundred years allowed them to leave a dark and brilliant cultural legacy, that still has a great resonance in today’s lives of the people of Mexico.

    Now, we know that after the first groups of Aztec origin started to organize as highly developed societies, they began to build great Tenochtitlan and many other cities, because in appearance, the cities of the great Teotihuacán, Tula, and many more already existed.

    In trying to understand the truth about the Aztecs, I feel compelled to put aside in this story the historical paradigm. And we need to feel pushed to analyze different ways of believing about the Aztecs in such a way that for the construction of new and ancient cities, the Aztecs were guided by small and strange gray beings with large heads and almond eyes, and the Aztec new them like the antsmen. Because of the great intelligence of these gray beings, they were the architects that raised the greatness of the Aztec cities, including Teotihuacán and all Mayan cities; and the participation of the Aztec people was centered in the fact that they were only masons in the construction works. We cannot forget that with the construction of the great Tenochtitlan and many of the ceremonial centers that existed around this great city were also built pyramids, But here, the architects made an involuntary mistake, because they left their mark on the pyramids, because the little architects of gray origin designed the steps according to their small feet.

    And in that frantic state of construction, they built channels to dislodge the city’s sewage outside and irrigation ditches to provide drinking water far from the cities, because some of the lakes where the Aztecs lived were salty.

    We cannot forget either that they also built a sophisticated government based on simple but effective laws, where everyone worked without pressure. There were no thieves or people practicing begging. Agriculture was as developed as the United States today, with the only difference being that, they devised a technique of planting their vegetables in floating garden in the lakes known as chinampas. This technique allowed them to harvest their vegetables more than six or seven times a year; thus, no one went hungry.

    The education for children began at the age of five years and was taught in two classes of schools. One was for the nobility, which was the calmecac, and the other school was the telpochcalli for the common people. It should be noted that: in the city of Cacaxtla in the state of Tlaxcala, there was a training center for the Aztec priest, in that place, where the most terrible priests dedicated to the reptilian cult in Tenochtitlan were formed. While, in the calmecac and telpuchcalli schools the fierce Aztec warriors and fearsome priests dedicated to the cult of the gods received their basic education.

    At that early age, children began to learn trades and science as medicine based on medicinal plants known for the Aztecs as Tlacaacameccaxochitl, spirituality, trading, arts, music, philosophy, poetry, and literature; and although their writing was based on glyphs, they used different natural dyes from plants, insects, and minerals to write on old paper called amazoli. Then writing was highly developed. Some scholars of the Aztec culture claim that if these people had followed the same path of cultural development, it is very likely that they would have developed a type of writing such as that currently is used.

    Being realistic and without trying to remove some possible merit in the legacy that they left for posterity, we also felt the need not to be romantic, and we have to think that the Aztecs and Teotihuacán people did not know the use of the wheel and had zero knowledge in highly developed mathematics. But their teachers helped them solve big problems in construction, that nowadays create great confusion in believing that the Aztecs were great architects and astronomers, who had knowledge of the universe without having some sophisticated device that would have allowed them to see beyond what the human senses can allow to see.

    On the other hand, and as far as it can be true, the Spanish conquistadors propagated in Europe the myth that the Aztecs were ignorant and wild. But if the Aztecs were an educated society, the archeology and historians say that, the irrefutable proofs of Aztec grandeur today remain indelible in Mexican territory by crushing that insidious slander. Also, we must take it as a truth that Spanish conquistadors were the first and the last Europeans who were in contact with the Aztec culture based on the extermination of humans.

    Then, continuing with what the history says, the Aztec education and knowledge was beyond that of many societies of that time in Europe. All that knowledge and more, in appearance, makes us believe that the Aztecs were a society of educated people.

    Based on all these scientific and philosophical knowledge, it’s easy to think that that people lived in a perfect society. But we must also consider that within them, there was a very marked duality in their behavior. They used to have feelings that fluctuated from the spiritual to the evil. Because we can see, on one hand, that within that pacifism, spirituality and education that they so much cultivated, there was a feeling of extreme violence that forced them to be cruel and ruthless warriors. It is contradictory read the verses of the Aztec poet King Nezahualcóyotl, based on the love toward the men and look at the stark reality of sacrifices that they were practicing for centuries.

    Then, without trying to overshadow the possible creative merit that the Aztec people developed during two hundred years, we feel compelled to ask ourselves two unavoidable questions. They are burning questions that have forced me to write this story.

    First, where did they get so much knowledge? Historians will tell us about the Toltecs as a mother culture that had had a strong influence on the cultures of the Mexican highlands, including the Maya in Yucatán. But even so, there are still more questions than credible answers.

    The second is a question that contrasts with so much civility of these astronomers, poets, artists, engineers, and peaceful farmers.

    Why they were murderers and ruthless warriors with their enemies and other people? What dark feelings forced them to skin people alive or to sacrifice their fellow human beings by taking their hearts out in such a brutal and cruel way?

    Then, the real answers are only found in many painting buildings and Aztec codices that were rescued by some Catholic monks after the fall of the Great Tenochtitlán. And there are firsthand accounts of the Catholic monks and indigenous chroniclers as many others, like Domingo Francisco Chimalpahin, who was an Aztec chronicler that converted to Christianity. After the Spanish conquest, he wanted to leave written a real and true testimony of his culture for posterity. In his writings in Spanish, he was very explicit in saying how they lived before and after the founding of this great empire. In the codices, we will find out the reason that forced these peaceful and cultured people to be implacable cannibals and warriors. Then we will realize that the cruelty and cannibalism of some Aztec groups were inherited by a superior race of reptilian beings with human images.

    That is the cruel reality of Aztec culture. It is the silent truth that has remained dormant for more than four hundred years, but the recent archaeological discoveries are crying out at us. And we do not listen them because we do not want to know the truth.


    Who Were the Gods That the Aztecs Worshipped So Much?

    Teohua Minister of Uitzilopochtli god is composed of small fragments of what was the daily life of the Aztec people, and the bloody culture of sacrificing human beings in each of their festivities throughout the year. By sacrificing human beings in exaggerated quantities through the Aztec empire, it had become a habit that was imposed by means of terror by the Aztec priest guided by beings of reptilian origin.

    In this story, I try to make known the negative forces that pushed the Aztecs to practice human sacrifices in the form that the Aztecs used to do. But, despite the overwhelming evidence that that archaeologists and historians have about these reptilian gods, we must think that today, the regular people still ignore much of the truth about what was the real reason that made the Aztecs become relentless murderers towards beings of the same species.

    On the other hand, we know that the first tribes of Aztec origin, who inhabited the Mexican highlands were people of peace. They were related to the creative forces that emanated from the earth and were lovers of nature. Also, they had a high sense of spirituality with a blind faith toward their fellow men. These were sublime feelings that were gradually changed in the Aztec race, until they lost their divine state. Without any doubt, the loss of this spirituality and their good feelings did not take place from night to morning. These profound changes came with the passage of the years, and the fact is that: the Aztecs had the disgrace to be dominated by some superior beings that were foreign to humans and that forced them with terror to believe that they were their gods. At the same time, these entities forced the Aztecs to change their good habits. They led them to cultivate hatred, murderous practices, fear, and cannibalism.

    We know now that for more than two hundred years to satisfy the voracious appetite of their reptilian gods, the Aztecs had become relentless assassins; and during this long period of time, they unleashed a carnage based on hundreds of thousands of human beings. And although the archaeological discoveries could say things about the murderous practices of the Aztecs, the number of people who lost their lives with an obsidian blade knife is still unknown. And as result of by depriving so many people of their lives, and with the arrival of the Spaniards to America, they were creating the conditions for the fall of the bloody empire of the Aztecs. It could also have been the same reason that the bloody culture originated the fall of the empire of Teotihuacán.

    We also must think that a registered fact like that does not exist in that inhuman and crude form. Although we are also met with the dilemma that the more time passes, the more we get away from knowing the truth that forced the Aztecs to be ruthless murderers.

    From that point of view, and from the time of the conquest, the descendants of the Aztecs were always willing to defend their traditions, their religion and customs. But they were also defeated by the brutality of the new religion imposed by the conquerors. Nowadays, the last Aztec people who live in the most inhospitable and isolated regions of civilization have tried to live in a natural way. But gradually many communities where they live have suffered the overwhelming onslaught of modernity. Even so, they have tried not to alter their ancient beliefs and habits. They have ended up making a mixture of their ingrained customs with Catholicism. Many of my family members are 100 percent of Aztec lineage, with surnames as Apango, Texoyote, and Xihulpillatocaltzintli. I say this respectfully without the desire to feel privileged to be in a social position in my Aztec heritage, and I write this only as a reference. Also, I recognize in this story as part of my family heritage, that my father’s second name of Apango Texoyote, and Ascencio is of Aztec origin. Because, my father, uncles, grandparents and many other relatives are direct descendants of the Aztec race. I can certainly say that they have not forgotten their Aztec origins that involve a way of life designed in a universe of incredible customs in which the Nahuatl language stands out, which is the main foundation of our identity. And probably, I am going to be the last generation of descendants of the Aztec culture that dares to narrate the customs of their ancestors in this way.

    I think I have reached the point where I can understand the reasons for the bloody culture that my ancestors practiced, and like many ancient societies around the world venerated reptilian gods, the Aztec culture was inspired for the same entities of reptilian origin. For many, as it happened to me when I heard about the existence of those beings, it was a fantasy to know that the ancient Aztecs had a strong religion created by a very intelligent and ferocious race of reptilian men, that still are living in the mountains of Mexico City.

    In speaking of this story about these reptile gods, I do so with the certainty of the testimonies I heard from my family when I was a child. I heard for the first time about of the existence of these technologically superior beings. I must take as a reference that today, the new Mexican generations that are living in the cities do not pay attention to the real existence of these supposed gods. This is because we are living in modern times, and our beliefs have been changed and have been guided to different paths from which our ancestors used to walk. We also should see that most of the Mexicans are far from being 100 percent Aztecs. And with the fall of the Aztec Empire in the year 1521, and the mixture of Europeans and Native Americans and the establishment of a new culture and religion, this originated the gradual diluting out of that mysterious knowledge that the Aztecs used to have about these beings. Then, this prevents people that live in big cities from seeing another reality—the true and grim reality of the reptilian kingdom gods. Therefore, much of what is said in these days in the big cities about the reptilian gods and what is happening in the mountainous system of Mexico is of random observation.

    And as incredible

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