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Dark Secret
Dark Secret
Dark Secret
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Dark Secret

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Following the success of his engineering company and iron foundry, James Williams made his fortune with the onset of railways during the Industrial Revolution. James now also owns a hotel and enjoys a happy life with his wife, Ruth.

But darkness lingers on the horizon as an apparent serial killer terrorizes the small township of South Downesmere. Several citizens are in the grip of fear as they hold the key to this killer’s identity but can’t—or won’t—volunteer vital information. James seeks to reveal the perpetrator at any cost.

Dark Secret blends elements of historical fiction with an exciting thriller, told above the backdrop of the Industrial Revolution, resulting in a compelling mystery that will keep readers guessing until the very end.
Release dateMar 27, 2019
Dark Secret

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    Dark Secret - Fred Smith


    Jack’s Transformation

    A ngela Dewhirst finished packing her personal belongings into a large travelling trunk, and now waited in the reception area of the Haven Hotel. Angela was a nurse and worked for James Williams a wealthy entrepreneur, who owned the Haven Hotel, run by his wife, Ruth.

    Angela had just completed a tour of duty, nursing a young lad named Stan, who was suffering from a gunshot wound. She was looking forward to travelling back to London to continue her profession in James’ busy iron foundry and engineering business. She would be nearer her friends and family, the very thought of it filled her with a warm glow.

    Soon she was joined by Ruth, James wife the manageress of the hotel, who came down the stairs in an ungainly fashion, having recently undergone surgery, to correct a bone deformity, in both legs.

    Angela noticed how beautiful Ruth was, and reflected how devoted her boss was to her. Ruth smiled, `Your all ready for the big journey home then?’. Angela returned her smile, and replied, `Yes’. Ruth continued, `Are you excited.?.’ Angela beamed, `I can’t wait to see mother, Mr Williams has given me seven days leave, so I will not be starting work immediately’.

    Just then James came out of the office, overhearing their conversation, he informed Angela, `And you deserve it, my dear, you’ve done a marvellous job, it is much appreciated.’ He went to his wife, and kissing her said, `I will see you in a couple of days darling.’ Then turning to Angela told her, `If you are ready, we will get off to the station.’

    It was just a short walk to the station, James had had the forethought to make sure his hotel was built within easy access to rail travellers. On the journey to London Angela asked, `Will I be returning to my old job, Mr Williams?’ James was deep in thought, which brought his attention quickly back to Angela’s enquiry.

    ‘Not immediately, my dear, I have something very special lined up for you. I want you to have the next week to yourself with your family, and come back fully rested and relaxed.’ Angela was intrigued, and wondered at his words, `something very special’. `What do you mean by that Mr Williams?’, it sounds so mysterious.’

    James wasn’t going to give her any more information, `You will know everything on your return, for the moment, it must remain top secret.’ His answer only served to further fuel her curiosity, as she repeated his words, in her head, `Must remain top secret.’

    Jack’s head hurt, it seemed as if his brain was under attack. He was trying to make sense of where he was. His fingers explored the bandages covering his face, which explained the numbing sensation. The bandages had been expertly applied, leaving slits for his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. He opened his eyes, and lay still on the bed, as he took in the darkened room.

    He detected someone else was in the room with him, as a beautiful face filled his vision. She told him, ‘It’s all right Alan, my name is Angela, I will be looking after you, you are going to be fine. He was taken by her beauty, she even had the name of an angel, but why had she called him, Alan.?’ He wanted to correct her but couldn’t form the words because of his dry throat. He could see she was a nurse by her neat uniform. She gently supported his head, to adjust the pillows so that he was in a more upright position.

    `Here’; she said `Have a sip of water, don’t speak, there will be plenty of time for that later. Now then how about a nice cup of tea?’ it was more a command than a question. Jack slowly nodded once, too much movement caused him intense pain. As Angela busied herself, she chatted incessantly, `You were in an accident, Alan, you suffered a severe head trauma. After the horses bolted, you were thrown out of your carriage as it overturned.

    Jack remained silent, as he pieced together the true facts, which were becoming palpably clear. What the nurse did not know, was that he was wanted by the police, on a charge of murder.

    However, his boss, James Williams, along with many others, was a sympathetic supporter, who were prepared to hide him from the law. As a teenager, Jack was madly in love with his sweetheart, Jill Harrison, the two planned to marry. By a cruel twist of fate Jill was murdered by the notorious outlaws the Stockwell brothers.

    Over time, Jack took his revenge, he vowed to eliminate all three brothers. He did in fact kill two, leaving the eldest Nathan, the ring leader. He was prevented from achieving his final revenge, by bounty hunters, who handed over the villain to the law. Nathan Stockwell was tried and convicted at the Old Bailey. and later hanged.

    Such was the general feeling of support for Jack, that he was hidden away from the police. His most powerful asset was that he was in the employ of James Williams, who had a team of surgeons, working at one of his hospitals within his engineering empire. The secret operation to change Jack’s appearance was known only to a few trusted employees. Even Angela did not know the true facts. Now it was only a matter of time, to wait for the healing process to complete a successful operation.

    Angela informed Jack, `I just have to nip out for a second, won’t be long.’ Then a short while later, Jack was aware of a doctor entering the room, he assumed he was a doctor owing to his white coat and his interest in the clip board which hung from the end of his bed. The doctor said, `I expect you’re feeling pretty rotten at the moment Alan. it’s only to be expected. but if it gets any worse, let the nurse know we can increase the pain killers.’

    The doctor was calling him Alan, Jack vaguely remembered, his last talk with James Williams before his surgery, when they discussed an alias for him. He would have to be wary of that nurse, and play it dumb feigning loss of memory, until he had the full facts. The doctor mumbled something about drugs, and rehabilitation, then before he left Angela returned,

    She made sure her patient was comfortable, and was busy filling in the chart to record his hourly temperature, when James appeared, he had asked to be kept informed on Alan’s progress, and requested that as soon as he came round from the anaesthetic, he needed to know.

    Angela had just delivered the news of his recovery to James and was now back to her duties. `How is he doing?’, nurse.’ He asked. Angela replied,’ `He is doing fine sir, the doctor says, all being well, he should make a full recovery.’

    James rubbed his chin, and murmured, `Hum, then in a full commanding voice, `Would you leave us nurse, we have private matters, that we need to discuss.’ Angela readily complied, and quietly shut the door as she left the room. ‘James sat on the side of the bed, a frown showed his concern, as he spoke quietly, `I know you must be feeling pretty rotten at the moment, but we finally did it, you now have a different face, Alan’.

    Jack’s mind was in turmoil, trying to piece together events, over the last couple of days.

    He struggled to find his voice, and when he did speak it was hoarse and barely audible. `I’m having difficulty in recalling my new name. it’s so confusing.’ James smiled reassuringly, `No problem we decided you will be Alan Jones, you must forget Jack Collins, erase it completely from your head, you have been working overseas for me for the past ten years. If anyone should question you; you will refer them to me. When your fit and well once again, I have plans for you, rest assured you will be well looked after’.

    Stan Heslop, worked for the local blacksmith, Luke Armstrong. He was just recovering from a gunshot wound while helping bounty hunters, apprehend two law breakers; wanted killers on the run from the law. He also had been looked after by nurse Angela Dewhirst, at the

    local sawmill another business venture belonging to James. He was on his way back from the bakery, with his master’s lunch. He stood aside as three horsemen rode down the dusty road.

    `Hello there, young Stan.’ a gravelly voice croaked out, from one of the riders. Stan broke into a broad grin as he recognised Joe Andrews, a bounty hunter, accompanied by fellow bounty hunters David Brown, and their leader Ray Mitchell. The riders all came to a halt, as Joe asked, `How are you now.’ Stan was glad to see them, `I’m doing fine just got back to work this week, I was getting bored doing nothing.’

    Ray said, `Glad to see you are on the mend, young Stan. you had better get on back to your master, don’t let us stop you.’

    Back in the blacksmith shop, Stan excitedly told Luke his master, `The bounty hunters are back, what do you suppose they are doing back here.?’ Luke Armstrong always worked stripped to the waist, the glow from the furnace cast dancing shadows over his rippling muscles. He dried the sweat from his body with an old rag. He always had a lot of time for Stan, and regarded him as a son. It amused Luke how many questions Stan fired at him,

    `Now how would I know that Stan, I’m not a mind reader, but since you raised the question, it can only mean trouble for someone. best not get involved that’s what I say. I’m glad you are not working with them anymore.’ The reason Stan was with them on their last encounter with the law breakers, was because of his uncanny skill he had knack with animals.

    Stan had been given charge of a bloodhound, he called Morgan, and was given permission by his employer Luke Armstrong, to join in the hunt for the law breakers. As Stan and Morgan followed the scent, they became separated from the main party, tragically Morgan, was shot dead, and Stan was badly injured. Now several months later Stan was almost back to good health.

    James was in his office at the Haven Hotel, when Rebecca Ellis the housekeeper informed him Ray Mitchell the bounty hunter had arrived. Rebecca was Ruth’s aunt. James shuffled the papers on his desk and said, `Thank you Rebecca, show them in please.’

    James met the bounty hunter at the door. The two men shook hands, `Take a seat Ray’, James informed him and pulled his chair up to the desk. to face him. Ray got straight down to business, `James surely you must realise, we cannot hold back from our lawful duties for ever.’ James frowned, Ray was well aware of the close relationship James had with Jack Collins. Owing to Ray’s loyalty towards James as a friend affected his commitment of hunting down Jack as a law breaker.

    The time had come, however; when Ray’s fellow bounty hunters, began to question why they were ignoring an easy target, like Jack Collins. They had, had many opportunities which they hadn’t followed up. James asked, `What do you suggest.?’

    Ray took a deep breath, ‘It’s not up to me.’ We all realise just how much support Jack Collins has, but business is business, He is wanted by the law, and bounty hunters will do their duty; popular hero or not. James continued to frown, `So what are you doing here Ray?’.’

    The bounty hunter, pulled no punches, `We know he is in this area, James, we are here to do our duty. The boys are over at the Red Fox Tavern. where we shall stay to carry out our enquiries’. James was very concerned, the reputation these men had in always getting their man, was an alarming threat.

    Ray leaned forward to press his point, `If you know anything James, I would advise you to come clean,’ James thought, if they think he is here in South Downesmere, they don’t really know as much as they are making out. James quickly responded, `Well I wish you luck Ray, I cannot think there is anything else I can do to help you.’ James held out his hand a clear signal their meeting had come to a close. Ray had hoped to gain more from this meeting to attain a more positive intimate relationship with James, it was obvious it was not to be.

    This made Ray more inquisitive, he was sure James was hiding a lot more information from him.

    When James arrived at his foundry, it was early in the morning. His secretary informed him that nurse Angela Dewhirst was in the waiting room as instructed, Angela wondered what she had been summoned for this time. James quickly scanned his diary, and sharply expelled his breath, he had a busy week ahead of him. `Show nurse Dewhirst in, please; he commanded. as he turned the pages of the folder before him. James said, `Take a seat, nurse.’ and appeared to concentrate, as he further scanned the folder.

    Angela sat demurely and very relaxed, but in reality, she wanted to scream, and shout `Come on then, get on with it.’ James eventually broke the silence, `Angela, it has been decided, your duties are needed elsewhere.’ This took Angela completely by surprise. It had been several weeks since she started looking after Alan, and although his bandages had been changed several times, she had never been present while the surgeon saw to his patient. She had no idea what he looked like.

    James had decided, for security reasons; it would be best if she never caught sight of her patient’s new face. She was bewildered, she was looking forward to seeing the results of the surgical procedure, and showed her disappointment, `I do hope you are not disgruntled with my services, sir.’ James could see the concern of having her integrity questioned, and was quick to allay her fears. `Of course not, my dear; we are very satisfied with your commitment, you are extremely dependable and we are indeed most grateful,’

    He paused to emphasise the point, `In fact, we have exciting plans ahead for you.’ If not disappointed Angela was greatly relieved. James was present when the surgeon removed the bandages for the last time, `Declaring, `there is no need for further dressings, in a couple of weeks the scars will not look so red and angry, they will gradually fade through time.’ James looked hard at the new, Alan. `I must admit you certainly have drastically changed his looks, a good job, well done.’

    James then went on, to ensure it was paramount the surgeon, and his team, keep to the story of Alan being in a carriage accident. When James was alone with Alan, he informed him, it was time for him to vacate his private hospital room. `I want to move you to South Downesmere, to the Haven Hotel, we will try out your new identity, with people you knew in the past.’

    Alan frowned; and James reassured him, `No need to worry, I don’t think you will be recognised, no offence, but you’re not as good looking as you once were.’ It was late evening when the two of them travelled by train to South Downesmere, James had reserved a compartment and advised Alan to keep his collar up to avoid prying eyes.

    On their arrival, Alan was whisked off to his room, with no one witnessing their coming. There Alan stayed for several days, James spread the story, their guest was recovering from a serious accident. As the days went by people began to get curious about the mystery guest. James thought it time he made an appearance. but Alan was apprehensive, so James was forced to revealed his plan.

    In the privacy of Alan’s room, James outlined his plan, `I want you to stay here for a short time, while you recover from your accident. The story is, you are one of my overseas representatives, about to take up a job in the North of England. It’s the vacancy left by Jack Collins former manager of our Leeds branch.’ The realisation of him going back to his old job, took Alan completely by surprise.

    James allowed a brief period of time for Alan to fully digest the full implications that this move entailed. `You will have to play it very carefully from the start, and act like you really are learning the job from scratch.’

    James waited for some kind of reaction, then enquired, `How do you feel about that?’. Alan took a deep breath, and replied, `Phew; It’s ironic the first time you sent me there, you were protecting me from law breakers, now your hiding me from the law.’

    Alan held out his hand and the two shook hands, ‘Your quite right, I cannot hide in this room for ever, I will start showing my ugly face and see what people make of me.’ James was delighted with his response, `I’m glad you think like that, if you come down to the bar this evening, that will be a start.’

    At the front desk James informed Ruth that Alan was about to make an appearance in the bar. Ruth was delighted, `I look forward to meeting him, he has been through a tough time having that awful accident, just before starting his new position.’

    James made sure he was on hand when Alan came downstairs `Alan, come and meet my wife Ruth.’ Alan was grateful for the support, but couldn’t help but notice she was fascinated by his scarred face. While Ruth herself, became aware she was paying too much attention to his looks, which made her embarrassed, and tongue tied.

    Alan said, `I must apologise for the state my face is in, I know I look a mess.’ Ruth immediately responded, ‘No don’t apologise, it is my fault for staring, I must appear to be awfully rude.’ Later in the bar Alan was conscious of the stares, from the customers, oh well I will have to get used to it he thought. James was supportive, `It can only get better Alan, as the scarring will gradually fade over time.’

    In an effort to widen Alan’s social horizons, James organized a trip to the Red Fox Tavern,

    where two of James’s security men would be waiting for them. They were Toby Green and Tommy Atkins, former soldiers, now working as security guards, they went where ever James needed them. The whole meeting would be an experiment to see if Alans new face passed the test.

    It was these two who looked after Jack Collins, as he was then, to protect him from the murderous Stockwell brothers. James reminded Alan before they entered the Tavern, `I want you to be aware, Alan; you have never met these two before, it’s imperative they do not recognise you.’

    Toby and Tommy’s tankards were already on the way to being empty when their boss walked in, followed by a nervous Alan. James immediately introduced Alan, and signalled the serving wench over. Both Toby and Tommy shook Alan’s hand, then drained their tankards, watched closely by James.

    Tommy was first to mention, Alan’s unfortunate accident,’ `You have certainly been in the wars; if you don’t mind me mentioning your face, sir.’ Alan pulled out his handkerchief, gently wiped his nose, and smiling said, `Not at all Tommy, as you can see, I have to be careful, and not blow my nose too hard I’m afraid I might come apart.’ Toby joined in the laughter along with the others and commented, `At least you haven’t lost your sense of humour sir.’

    For a moment, with that remark, James thought Toby had seen through their deception. Then the conversation quite normally changed course, and James sensed he was being paranoid, `I wanted you to meet Mr Jones,’ James said, `As of next month, I want one of you to escort him up to Leeds, if he is up to it, to take up his new appointment, I want you to make damn sure he doesn’t fall out of any more carriages.’ Amidst the laughter that ensued, James knew all was well,

    James then brought the subject around to which one of them would be Alan’s escort. Tommy replied, `I don’t mind one way or the other, but Toby has always handled things up North while I deal with issues down this end.’ James nodded, `Just so long as there isn’t a problem, I’ll leave it to you.;

    Like a ship wallowing in a storm, riding the peaks and troughs, James euphoria ended as he came crashing down, at the sight of Ray Mitchell, with his team of bounty hunters, entering the bar. If ever there was a test to decide the deception of the new Alan Jones, this was it. Ray headed straight to James and his party, saying, `What’s all this then James, are you slumming it?’

    James was panicking inside, but knew he must keep a calm appearance. `Good evening Ray’, and nodded towards Joe, and David, `Sit down, come and join us.’ as he summoned the serving wench for more ale.

    All three bounty hunters eyed, Alan, as James tried desperately to get their attention towards himself. There was only one way, he thought, he would have to introduce Alan, see how it goes and get it over with.

    `This is my new Northern branch manager, Mr Alan Jones,’ James announced. The men shook hands, Joe’s voice croaked, `Good heavens sir what happened to your face.’ Fear gripped Allan, but he knew he must not cave in under their icy scrutiny. He took a deep breath, `On my way here to see Mr Williams about my new job, the horses bolted, overturning my carriage, I was thrown out; I don’t remember much about it, until I woke up in hospital,

    David never took his eyes from Alan, `Have you travelled far, Mr Jones?’, he asked. James quickly took command. `Mr Jones was my overseas representative, he has a vast knowledge of the business, an ideal candidate for our Leeds branch.’ James began to feel more at ease, as it seemed the new Alan Jones, was being accepted.

    Later in the evening, Toby was the first to excuse himself, `as he informed James, `I’m afraid it’s past my bedtime Mr Williams, I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow, you will have to excuse me’. Which prompted Tommy to add, `That goes for me too sir, it’s been very pleasant.’ Alan quickly joined them saying, `I think, it’s time I went also.’ James stood up and agreed, `Yes, your quite right, time we all went, I suppose.’

    Ray said, `Well goodnight gentlemen, but I wonder if you could spare us a moment James, it won’t take long, I’m sure your men will see Mr Jones safely back to his bed.’

    When they all departed, James’s mood spiralled downwards, he was sick to his stomach, when Ray leaned across, and said in a low voice, `Are those two in the know, about your little scam James.?’

    James just sat mute, unable to speak, `Come on James,’ Ray continued, `Your surgeons have done a remarkable job, it’s unlikely anyone would recognise who he is, looking like that, but you don’t fool us.’ James found his voice, `What are you going to do Ray, will you take him in.?’ Ray replied with a pleasant smile, `The boys and me have already talked it over, we have decided not to.

    This shock announcement astonished James, `What has changed your mind, up until a couple of days ago you were hell bent on capturing him.?’ Ray still smiling, looked at his colleagues, `Now how do you think that would make us look, James; with him being so popular.?’ James agreed, `Yes, I guess you would have to run the gauntlet, trying to arrest him.’

    Then Ray asked, `Do your men know who he is.?’ James no longer felt under pressure, `No there are just a handful of my staff, who are in the know, but I am worried that you three found out so swiftly.’

    Ray immediately put James at ease, `I must confess, James, we didn’t know for sure, we just made a wild, stab, you were too quick to believe we are so efficient. You can safely put your trust in us, we have decided the boy needs a break.’ Besides, if it was me, I would have done the same as he did, only I would have got all three of those heathens. So now James, you can add us to your handful of trusted people, who are in the know, but rest assured it will go no further.’

    James was feeling more optimistic, than he had previously, and wanted to convey his gratitude towards Ray, and his men, `Thank you so much, Ray,’ then he turned his attention to Joe and David, `And to you two also, what we are doing may be against the law but under the circumstances I feel it is the right thing to do.’.

    Ray, heartily quaffed his ale and after wiping his mouth with his sleeve, announced, `Our work here is done. We leave in the morning at first light, but don’t you forget, we always get our man. No matter what others may think, about this you alone James know that to be true’

    The following day, James thought over the events of the previous night and thought it right Alan should be told the bounty hunters, were aware of his true identity, but were compassionate and had a no action policy

    Luke Armstrong, made his way to the blacksmith shop, where Stan was busy preparing the furnace and getting the shop ready for the work ahead, that day. Luke was delighted that Stan was recovering well from the gunshot wound, He greeted Stan, `Morning Stan, you are up bright and early, but I don’t want you over doing things,’

    Stan enjoyed his work, and was about to spend some time with Luke’s horse Charlie. Stan had the honour of naming Charlie after one of his uncles, who was short tempered and grumpy.

    The horse came from the big estate, and was a wilful animal, which no one could handle. It was decided he was of little use and at the first opportunity, would be sold off to anyone who would have him. In the meantime, he occupied stall 49, and was known only as 49. As luck would have it, Stan had a special knack with animals, and soon had him eating out of his hand.

    Luke didn’t like the horse being called by a number, so Stan called him after his uncle, who had a similar temperament. Luke stressed, `Stan, don’t be overdoing it,’ `That’s alright Luke, I don’t mind, it’s time I got back into the swing of things. You will never guess who I saw earlier on, leaving town.?’ Luke chuckled, `Stan; I have no idea,’ `The bounty hunters,’ Stan replied excitedly.

    `They were all packed up and heading out. Word has it they are after Jack Collins, they must have got a lead, to be heading out so early in the morning.’ Luke sighed, `Poor Jack; it’s so sad, he hasn’t had any good luck. If Ray Mitchell and his gang are on his trail, the situation doesn’t look at all that bright for him.’ Both Luke and Stan, had known Jack for some time, and like the majority of people, their sympathies were with him.

    Stan placed a bucket of water near the furnace and informed Luke, `I’ll be out back tending to Charlie.’ Luke called after him, `All right lad, don’t spend all day with him, I’ll need you in here shortly to work the bellows.’ Charlie’s absolute attention was focussed on Stan as he entered the stable. It was obvious the horse was expecting a treat of some kind, he scraped his hooves on the stone floor, which made a hollow sound in the stall.

    Stan spoke soothingly to Charlie as he produced an apple from his jacket pocket. Then he went on to inspect all four hooves removing any loose soil with a scraper. He finished off by brushing his tail and mane, `There you go Charlie, he said, `Look how smart you are now’.

    Stan was enjoying just being with Charlie, when Luke shouted, `Stan, come on son, I need you here now.’ In the confines of the smithy shop, Luke was already stripped to the waist, it was hot work, so Stan stripped also. There was an ugly scar on his thin body which was most noticeable to Luke.

    Luke was filled with emotion, he had taken responsibility for the young lad, after his mother had died. He promised her he would take him in under his wing, and that no harm would come to him. Luke regarded Stan as the son he never had.

    The sight of his scarred body filled him with remorse, he thought how lucky the young boy had been, if things had gone badly wrong, he would never have forgiven himself.

    Luke told Stan, `Go see if our customer’s horse is o.k. on second thoughts, I don’t trust Charlie being alone with her, better bring her into the shop,’ Stan gave Luke a cheeky grin. The customer’s horse was in the shop to be shoed. It was Luke’s plan, as part of Stan’s training, to introduce him in the art of shoeing a horse.’

    The shoes had already been forged, made by Stan under supervision. It was Luke’s intention to shod one hoof, then Stan would finish the other three. The whole process took three times as long but Luke didn’t mind, he made sure Stan made a first class job, and learned

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