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The Wicked: Storm Michaels
The Wicked: Storm Michaels
The Wicked: Storm Michaels
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The Wicked: Storm Michaels

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About this ebook

Emily Richards is a shy young woman who has been a nobody for years, invisible to everyone she secretly wishes would notice her. Now as she and her best friend, Oliver, prepare to start classes at Harvard, they also focus on nurturing their obsession with the rock band, The Wicked.

Storm Michaels is a bad boy rocker with brooding eyes and long black hair who has the pick of any woman he desires. One night, after a chance encounter backstage leads him to meet Emilythe woman he never knew he wantedStorm makes it his mission to capture her heart. As Emily emerges from her shell and transforms from a fangirl to a woman in love with the man of her dreams, she sets down a new path that includes balancing premed classes with jetsetting around the world with her famous boyfriend. But is their love strong enough to endure the spotlight and distractions of the other women who are constantly throwing themselves at Storm?

In this tale of love, passion, and self-discovery, a college student and a bad boy rocker must attempt to endure the challenges of a relationship that plays out in front of the world.
Release dateJul 31, 2018
The Wicked: Storm Michaels

Linsey Davids

Linsey Davids is a graphic designer by day and a writer by night. She is a cancer survivor who loves trying new things and putting positive energy out into the world. Linsey lives in Cape Town, South Africa. The Wicked: Storm Michaels is her first book.

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    The Wicked - Linsey Davids



    BOOK 1

    Linsey Davids


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    © 2018 Linsey Davids. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/03/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9453-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9454-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-9452-8 (e)

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    Dedication Page


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    About The Author


    To my Mother, Father and Brother.

    Thank you for supporting me through this process and believing in me every step of the way.

    To all those close to me who cheered me on, I will be forever thankful.

    Love to all…



    To John Flynn Senior Publisher Author House UK. You whole heartedly believed in this book and that it could make it to print and bring enjoyment and entertainment to people’s lives. I will forever be grateful to you for taking this on and making it possible and bringing a dream into reality. Thank you John for taking a chance on me.

    To May and Angelique her colleague, who guided me through the early stages of the book and being there for any questions no matter how silly I thought they would be.

    The Editorial team at Author House UK for the positive assessment and help in giving me the tools and everything I needed to make this readable and successful.

    Finally I would like to thank Rita Marais Editing the book and taking me in under the shortest notice ever, and for bringing my book to life.

    The Design team and Art department at Author House UK and everyone who brought my book to life you are all amazing and I couldn’t thank you more if I tried.

    Forever grateful and dear to my heart, you all helped make this a success with each piece of hard work, correspondence and patience.

    My dream has come true.



    I HAVE BEEN A NOBODY FOR SO MANY YEARS, INVISIBLE TO PEOPLE who I secretly ached to be noticed by. I’m a good girl, some would say. I study hard, come home from school on time, and do what I am told. I have one best friend: Oliver. We grew up together. He stays across the street. Oliver is gay, a secret slut really, but he’s as sweet and loyal as they come. We were two misfits who clicked somehow, and we have been inseparable ever since we started school. I don’t know what is wrong with me. Guys don’t notice me. OK, so I don’t take my appearance as seriously as the rest of the girls at school—or hell, as we call it—but I guess that’s why I have never been kissed, let alone had a boyfriend. I mean, I have black hair and green eyes and a fair complexion, and I love to run so I keep in shape, but I suppose my lack of confidence is what made me a loner.

    It’s been a long journey; I’m so glad high school will be over soon. I graduate today with Oliver and I will be attending university soon. I was accepted to Harvard. I want to become a doctor—a general surgeon—to help children. Oliver is studying law there too. We are getting an apartment off campus and couldn’t be more excited.

    I haven’t even gotten to the best part. We are obsessed with the rock band the Wicked. They are incredible. We have been to a few concerts over the years, doing summer jobs to pay for tickets. We both come from wealthy families, but my parents are strict, like army-base strict—disciplined people so it was always our secret to sneak to concerts.

    I was adopted as a baby, so I never met my real parents. But my adoptive ones are loving, even though they treat me like I should be in bubble wrap. They believe in working for what you want, so I work for everything. I have no siblings so the attention is all on me, which can be a bit tiring, being the perfect child. One escape is the Wicked. Their music is so touching and speaks to me.

    The lead singer is Storm Michaels, the hottest man alive. He has dark, brooding eyes, long, black hair, a perfect tan, and body to die for. He is about twenty-one and one of the most sought-after men on the planet. I can safely say I have the hugest crush on him. I am in love with him, and it’s sad. I know. Then again, who wouldn’t be? It’s fun to fantasize about being Mrs Michaels, but who am I kidding? He would never want a girl like me: plain Jane and just boring. My routine has been to come home from school, do my homework, eat supper, and haul ass to my bedroom to watch Storm and his music on YouTube for hours. His voice transports me to a different universe. I’m the ultimate fan girl. I sing my heart out and have a blast till it’s shower and bedtime.

    Well, today I’m graduating. I’m leaving with Oli and my parents will meet us there. They don’t let me drive, even though I have a license. Quite frankly, I’m surprised I can go to Harvard and have my own apartment with Oli.

    The day goes by slowly, and finally the time has come. We are free of this place!

    Bitch, we need to celebrate tonight! We are definitely going to party! Oli screams at me.

    Oli, you know that’s not my scene, I answer, even though I know it’s in vain.

    Oli continues, barely hearing me reject, and says something that catches my attention. Yeah, I know it’s not your scene, but I got us tickets to The Wicked’s concert—their final concert in LA. We are going out in style. VIP, baby!

    It’s been sold out for months! How did you get those? I say in total shock.

    I’m Oliver Jackson. I do the impossible!

    I burst out laughing.

    We go for lunch with our parents, and tonight I will stay over at Oli’s so we can go to the concert. Lunch is pretty boring, but we indulge them since we will be leaving in two days to get settled in our own place. It’s the only thing our parents will really pay for. I’m so excited for tonight though. I have been to many concerts but never been VIP before. I take some clothes to Oli’s. I need to look my best tonight.

    Are you ready for the best night of your life, Ems? Oli asks, knowing I’m more than ready.

    Bring it on! I say, laughing.

    Oli looks at me and says, I bought you an outfit. You are so not wearing those sad jeans and T-shirt to meet Storm. Go try it on.

    Oh dear. This could be bad.

    I don’t care about dressing in front of Oliver. I slip on the top, which is a black, tight corset with lace trim and straps over the shoulders. My boobs are pushed to high heaven. I slip on the black mini. It looks amazing, I have to admit. I put on a high knee-length boot.

    You look hot, baby girl! Now for that hair and make-up, Oliver says, checking me out.

    I sigh and say, OK. I don’t have much of a choice.

    He does long beach waves and puts on black eyeshadow, liner, and mascara and puts on maroon lipstick for me. Thank goodness I have my contacts in. I put on a black choker like a ribbon and some silver hoops. I turn to look on the mirror.

    Wow! I look so different.

    Oli hands me a jacket. Put this black leather jacket on, honey. You look amazing and badass, Oli says, admiring his masterpiece.

    My look is complete.

    Oli wears a black leather jacket, a white T-shirt, and tight leather pants. He looks really good. We sneak out back so my parents don’t see and head to the concert. It’s almost eight so the concert will be starting soon. It’s at the Staples Center. This is going to be epic, and we will be in the front row.

    The concert starts promptly at eight. We cheer as loud as we can, and he starts with my favourite song: Black Rose.

    Oliver, this is amazing! I shout as loud as I can.

    He gives me a huge smile. You’re welcome, buttercup!

    Storm is wearing a black shirt hanging open, tight, black, ripped jeans, and a silver cross. His glossy black hair is flowing as he jumps and plays his guitar and sings his heart out. I feel like I’m going to faint; he’s so hot and the atmosphere is electric.

    The concert is two hours long. After it ends, we head backstage, where there’s a meet-and-greet. Oliver spots some guy, and he is quite busy. I’m standing awkwardly in the corner, sipping on a beer while trying desperately not to look out of place. I take a seat, and then I see him, my heart thumping a million miles a minute. Storm Michaels is standing a few meters away from me! Of course, he doesn’t notice me. I can’t help but glance every now and then.

    I finally get up to use the ladies’ room. Not looking where I’m going and digging for my phone, I walk straight into Storm. I look up. Oh, I’m so sorry.

    Oh my God. Ground, swallow me up now is all I can think.

    He stares at me coldly for a minute—the longest minute of my life. Then he grins a little at me, and I’m about to pass out. I play it cool and smile at him, and then I walk around him to the ladies’ room.

    I wait behind the door. Oh shit! He’s gorgeous!

    I come out and go over to Oliver. I tap him on the shoulder and say, I think I’m ready to go.

    Oh no, honey. We are going to the after-party at a mansion. By the way, this is Hugo, Oli says, already tipsy.

    I look at him annoyed and give Hugo a smile. I know we have to stick together. OK, I answer.

    On the way to the party, I feel downhearted. That was not the way I wanted to meet Storm. Oh well.

    We arrive. It’s beautiful and huge. It seems to be a private party.

    We walk in, not seeing too many people. There’s a bar set up and some snacks laid out. The Wicked’s music is blasting. I wonder who lives here.

    We all settle in and have a few drinks, and soon I spot Storm. I never knew he would be here, but he’s staring at me with those cold, blue eyes. I look away. He doesn’t seem to be who I thought he was. He seems arrogant.

    I decide to break away from the party. I need a moment on my own. I find a quiet spot in the garden where nobody can see me. I stand looking at the stars while sipping on my drink.

    I feel someone behind me. Oli, stop sneaking up on me, I say as I turn around. Oh shit. It’s Storm!

    Well, I’m not Oli, he says in a strong English accent. I stand for the second time tonight embarrassed.

    I can’t manage to get anything out. He stares at me for a while.

    Eventually my voice comes back. I will just be going now, I say. I’m such an idiot.

    Wait, Storm says in this deep voice. Did you need a breather too?

    I look around and realise he’s speaking to me. I answer. Yeah, parties are not really my thing.

    Mine neither. I would much prefer to have everyone out of my house, Storm says, a bit annoyed.

    Oh, I’m sorry. I will leave. Oh my God. It’s his house.

    No, he says simply. He shoots a look at the other people and gestures to them getting drunk.

    I am standing here speaking to Storm like it’s normal, he sits on a bench staring at me. I smile and start walking. I feel his hand around my wrist lightly, I feel this electricity, weird.

    I look down at him. I never caught your name. Storm says expectantly.

    You didn’t ask. I answer. He looks at me cold, but as if he’s intrigued.

    Emily Richards. I say not wanting to annoy him. He grins just a slight one.

    I continue. I’m sure you have guests to get back too, and your band, so thank you for letting us into your home, it was surreal but nice.

    Why do you keep wanting to run away from me? Storm asks me genuinely puzzled. I stare at him as if he’s grown another head.

    I’m sure you have better things to do or other women to speak to rather than me. I whisper.

    Storm counters me immediately. Why wouldn’t I want to talk to you?

    Look at me, I’m really not the kind of woman that would interest you. I say honestly.

    How would you know? He asks. Good question, Storm’s relationships have never been in the news.

    I just don’t seem like someone you would be interested in that’s all, look at all these women, they would fall at your feet. I say truthfully.

    They don’t mean shit to me. He says nonchalantly and somewhat coldly.

    I’m a bit taken back. He continues to speak. You on the other hand, I haven’t been able to get you alone or to talk to me till now.

    I blush. well it was nice chatting with you Storm, but I really have to go. I say trying to take my leave.

    Why? he says with interest.

    I’m moving to Boston, getting an apartment with my best friend Oliver, I’m attending Harvard in the fall. He looks at me like what the hell am I doing here.

    What are you studying? Storm asks simply and seemingly genuinely interested.

    I answer him. To be a doctor, a paediatrician, to be exact specialising in special needs children or oncology, but general surgery definitely.

    Storm raises his eyebrows. Impressive, so what brings you to a rock concert? he asks.

    I like your music. I say. No expression. I think I should leave now. I try to say goodbye. Ok then, thanks again Storm - Mr Michaels, it was lovely meeting you.

    I reach out to shake his hand. He gets up and out of the blue takes my hand and pulls me close to him, he smells amazing. I stare up at him and he kisses me, my heart is thumping. I am kissing Storm fucking Michaels, wow he’s a good kisser, best moment of my life, my first kiss. I just embrace it, he has the softest lips and that electricity is back.

    I have wanted to do that since I first bumped into you and by the way you look beautiful tonight. He says grinning. I stand there breathless.

    He is still holding my one hand as I turn around to leave and he finally let’s go. I find Oliver and he’s hammered, Hugo too. We take an Uber home and we drop Hugo and then we go to Oli’s place and climb into bed. I tell him what happened, and he is astounded, totally dumbstruck.

    Too bad I will never see him again. I say a bit sad.

    Oli can’t believe it and has to say it again. At least you got to kiss him, Storm fucking Michaels! We giggle.

    Good kisser! I joke, and we laugh. We fall into a deep sleep. This hangover is going to be fun.



    W AKING UP THE NEXT DAY, OLIVER’S MOM BRINGS US COFFEE in bed. His parents are really cool with us doing what we want.

    Thank you, aunt Doris, I think we really need this. I say.

    She smiles and hands us pain killers. You two look terrible, there’s breakfast downstairs. Then you both need to get your things ready, you leave early tomorrow.

    We nod and laugh. We both look like death.

    I help Oli pack his things. I can’t believe you got to kiss Storm, you lucky bitch. Oli says, still in disbelief. I just laugh.

    Well, it’s not like I will see him again. He’s very intense, but it was amazing. He’s just so hot and deep, at least one day I can say I kissed a rock star, I say dreamily.

    After we finish packing at Oli’s we head over to my room and pack all my stuff. It’s quite late and we decide to go out for pizza.

    I turn to Oli. Hard to believe this is the last time we will eating at Gerry’s Pizza, I say.

    I know, a whole new life awaits us. Ems, we are going to have a blast, he says putting an arm around me.

    We laugh and clink our cokes. Oli and I head home and part ways. I head straight to bed as we have an early flight. We want to get settled in over the summer before classes start and find ourselves jobs.

    We arrive at the airport, and say our goodbyes. The flight is long, and we sleep for most of it. Finally we arrive in Boston. There’s a car waiting for us to take us to our apartment. We couldn’t be more excited!

    We made it, honey! Oli turns to me excitedly.

    A new chapter, Oli! I say.

    We arrive at our apartment. It’s quite big, has three bedrooms and is located on the fourth floor of the building, not far from the University. Our stuff has also arrived. Our parents also had it furnished for us, which is awesome. We literally only have to work to pay for food and utilities, the place is paid for. Lucky for us. We unpack our stuff in our rooms, and decide we need take-out. We are well-off, both of us, but we want to work for what we have. We will only use our trust funds until we find jobs. We order Chinese food and put on a movie. We are exhausted. It’s been a long day of traveling and unpacking.

    It’s about eight pm when our doorbell rings.

    Strange, nobody knows where we live, I say, staring at Oli.

    Oliver gets up to answer the door, while I stay on the couch.

    It’s a delivery man. "Delivery for

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