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Truth & Love: Eternity and Freedom Are in the Balance
Truth & Love: Eternity and Freedom Are in the Balance
Truth & Love: Eternity and Freedom Are in the Balance
Ebook372 pages6 hours

Truth & Love: Eternity and Freedom Are in the Balance

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Why is it that nonbelievers have a misconception of God? Why is it that so many believers either believe God to be truth or love? Is it possible that they are one and the same? Is it possible that Jesus is both truth and love?

As a dynamic young emerging leader of his day and prophetic voice in this generation, Jordan Biel has done his diligence on this much-needed topic. He invites us to a greater experience with the God who is throughout every aspect of both love and truth. He takes us beyond words to the heart of the matter where God lives.

Founder of Eagles Wings, Musician, Bishop Robert Stearns

Jordan Biel is maybe the most talented person I know, and now his creativity has been able to find a home in written form. Jordans passion comes through on every page. He has a breadth of experience few others have. He has seen the Kingdom from every possible angle and has an important word for the 21st century church in this book. His insights, illustrations, and humor will make you not want to put it down.

Pastor Matt Anderson

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 12, 2017
Truth & Love: Eternity and Freedom Are in the Balance

Pastor Jordan Biel

Jordan Biel has been traveling the country since 2005 leading worship and preaching at campgrounds, churches and retreats. His passion is to inspire people to love Jesus more. He shares from his heart a Biblical perspective on life using humor, personal stories and often prophetic words to those the Holy Spirit highlights. He has released ten worship albums and produced dozens more as the President of Innovate Records, a label he founded in 2009. His message of Gods relentless love and purpose for our lives is sure to inspire and instruct you to grow in your faith and advance the Kingdom.

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    Truth & Love - Pastor Jordan Biel

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    Foreword By Bishop Robert Stearns


    Chapter 1 The Difficulty With Truth

    Chapter 2 Believers Or Disciples

    Chapter 3 Snakes & Doves

    Chapter 4 Confidence & Humility

    Chapter 5 Giving Truth In Love

    Chapter 6 Poverty & Riches

    Chapter 7 Gifts & Fruit


    John 1:14 …The Son, came from the Father full of love and truth.

    Foreword By Bishop Robert Stearns

    It has often been said that truth is the holding together of seemingly opposite themes in a state of tension. As an arrow is stretched out in the presence of the strength and resistance of the bow, truth is something that must be wrestled with and worked on in order to hit the target with impact and accuracy.

    Today’s 21st-century Western culture focuses a lot on the subject of love, but often at the expense of truth. Biblical literacy is at an all-time low in our nation, and without that understanding and depth of the Word of God our love is baseless and without form. Too often, we are not willing to do the real work of seeking out God’s truth, and we settle for a mediocre version of self-help, inspirational spirituality, rather than true Biblical Christianity.

    On the flip side, Western culture has never been hungrier for a real experience of love, and thousands have left churches because those they met there presented the right theological answers in a way that left out love and acceptance. In short, without an encounter with the Giver of truth, our religious structures are empty and lifeless, unable to satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts.

    It cannot be overstated that truth is held together by love, and love is held together by truth. You can’t have one without the other!

    As a dynamic young emerging leader of his day and prophetic voice in this generation, Jordan Biel has done his diligence on this much-needed topic. In the middle of a world today that is all too often driven by emotions and political correctness, rather than the reality of the things that will endure, Jordan takes us through these concepts revealed in Scripture. He invites us to a greater experience with the God who is throughout every aspect of both love and truth.

    He takes us beyond words to the heart of the matter – where God lives.

    Are you willing to wrestle with the truth? Are you willing to give yourself to the God of truth and love? Jacob in the Bible wrestled with God and came out stronger on the other side, empowered by his personal encounter with the Holy One who was greater than Jacob’s own understanding.

    I want to urge you, as you take this journey through the following pages, to open your heart and to allow God to challenge you with His truth and lead you with His love. You will begin to find that these two aspects of who God is go hand in hand! This is a message that our world needs to hear, and God is looking for those who will stand as true ambassadors of His heart.

    Let’s seek to walk in that reality together!


    Bishop Robert Stearns

    Do you need new material for a Small Group Bible Study?

    You can visit www.InTurn.TV for all the videos, Small Group Discussion Guides, Teachers Guide and Lesson Videos from Pastor Jordan Biel. You can download or stream these 8 minute videos to use for your church small group. These videos can be played on your smart phone then sent via Chromecast to your TV or played from YouTube or downloaded from www.InTurn.TV then put in presentation software. There, you can also subscribe to Jordan’s weekly podcast. You can also visit for more information regarding all that he’s involved in including his worship music, speaking and worship engagements and more.


    What is truth? Is it absolute? Is it relative to each individual’s experiences? Is it consistent and unchanging, waiting on us to discover it?

    Galileo first invented the pendulum clock at the end of his life in the 1600’s. He remembered as a boy staring up at the pendulum-like lanterns swinging from the ornate Pisa Cathedral ceiling. Being musical in nature at only 19 years old, he noticed they kept time in coordination with this pulse rate no matter how much they were swinging. Fast or slow, it took the same amount of time to go back and forth.

    He sat on the idea as so many great thinkers and inventors do until it actually was needed by culture. It wasn’t until 60 years later when sailors were trying to navigate the seas they realized they needed a longitude and a latitude – a graph by which to map. They used degrees to measure the distance they were traveling away from the sun in order to reach their destination on time. Well, the only problem with that is each city had its own version of time.

    There was no concrete established world time.

    Many people believe that Galileo’s experimental, rather than introspective, approach represents the onset of the scientific method. Stephen Hawking wrote ‘Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science.’

    15 years after Galileo died, Christiaan Huygens perfected the pendulum clock and patented it and contracted the construction and design to Soloman Coster, but it was Galileo who first invented it. In fact, he was blind in the last year of his life so his son and assistant Vincenzo Vivani sketched it after a long, arduous explanation.

    Now picture this, it’s 1881, and America was just starting to become excited about this idea of traveling across the country via railroad. William Allen, a railroad engineer, was put in charge of the entire railroad system when he realized something that to be done to solve this problem of no uniform time. His passengers would bring their new personal clocks that were factory-made and they would begin their trip at let’s say 4pm and reach their destination at 6pm, yet the time in the city they were in was 5:45 and that passenger had to catch another train departing at 5:55. William was late, on time, and early all at once. And his passengers were never happy. This problem had to be solved!

    William Allen was soon placed secretary of the general time convention, developed the time zones of the US and drew up the time zone maps color coordinating thing them into 4 areas based on railroads not state lines.

    Now we hear this and think sure that makes sense! But that’s because we take it for granted. We know it to be true that there is truly only ONE time. But the world just got used to this idea of having clocks and even personal watches.

    So this was change, a dreaded change for so many people. He wrote to over 600 leaders to mayors and city councilman urging them to adopt this new system of time. Many were reluctant and even mocked him. A newspaper in Cincinnati writes It’s simply preposterous! Let the city of Cincinnati stick to the true time set by the sun moon and stars.


    People do not like change, especially when that change confronts something they believed to be true or something they’ve grown accustomed to. Discovering that what you thought to be true isn’t true, isn’t fun.


    Seven months later he had success in getting everyone on board. Ok, seriously no pun was intended there. America became the first modernized country to all be on the same page regarding time, making everyone more efficient, soon the world would follow suit.

    Greenwich Mean Time is set up as the international Meridian. It became the standard on which the whole world split up into time zones. Finally the world began to be truly on time.

    We live in a culture now where everybody has his or her own version of truth despite the fact that truth is inherently singular. Truth is truth and yet so many believe that there is possibility of multiple truths.


    We live in a very different American than the America my grandparents and even my parents lived in. Sure, that’s no shocker, but hear me out.

    No, I’m not speaking about the innovations of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in bringing us computers or what Leo Fender did to the world of music with the introduction of the electric guitar,; although both have had my attention and I’m quite grateful for both. I’m not talking about the gradual change from our dependency on fossil fuels and oil to the emergence of wind, solar and even electric cars thanks to innovators such as Elon Musk. Nor am I talking about the difference today of simply how we consume information and our passion to share our information be it our feelings, our political views, favorite music or even the amazing funnel cake we’re eating at the moment. Social Media is only ONE huge way the world has changed in the last few decades. WAY too much is shared, might I add. No, the difference I’m talking about is confusion in the Christian camp between two concepts: truth and love. We are a seeing a separation in the Christian church like never before where even devout believers are being deceived, just like God’s Word tell us would happen right before Christ’s return.

    Never before in my life have I seen so many Christians polarized. Never before in my life have I seen so many believers at odds with one another and displaying their disputes for the world to see – whether our ministers are behind their pulpit or behind their facebook account, they’re declaring their beliefs and the masses are listening. Many believers today are simply not reading the Bible. They truly want the truth. They are truly seeking. Yet because there’s a screen in their pocket, a screen in every room and likely one in their book bag nearby, they’ve become so accustomed to listening to people, they’ve lost sight of true time, everyone has their own watch on their own time and even if they’re confronted with that fact, they’re actually ok with that. Why? Because my truth is my truth. I’ve heard that sentence over and over and over. Turns out truth in today’s culture is not viewed as an absolute but an abstract – much like a impressionist painting – enjoyed and interpreted differently by each individual viewer – filtered through the lens of their experiences and expectations.


    Never before have so many believers in Jesus Christ deceived into believing things that simply aren’t true. I’ve been traveling for 13 years preaching and leading worship and I’ve seen such a wide array of beliefs preached from pulpits. God has given me a burden to bring bring a sense of balance – a sense of truth – a reminder to simply look closer at who Jesus Christ is and His Word. Did you know that there are over 40,000 types of Christianity? Is that what Jesus wanted? Really?! 40,000!

    This is why I’ve written this book. I’m praying that this book will bring Christ-followers back to a kingdom-minded, sense of truth and love and those who are seeking to find truth will be satisfied in finally finding Jesus Christ, the perfect picture of God to the world. God is love. God is truth. Jesus is the human-form of God to the world.


    While we know that Jesus came in grace and truth it seems to me that so many preachers and believers come in grace or truth. As if they have to choose a side – loving or truthful.

    How did we get to this point? Why? I mean really, how did this happen? How did we get here? Why is there an ever increasing division between believers in the body of Christ, as if the hand would say to the arm Nope, I don’t need you today. No, I choose not to hear today.

    The Bible demonstrates in many passages that God is 3 in 1, Father, Holy Spirit and Son. It tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. And this concept, this truth is what we’ll come back to often in this book. I’m so glad you’ve chosen to go on this journey with me – a journey to find the balance of truth and love. I’m praying that you’ll discover that God is both truth and love and that the two are inseparable. I’m praying that the Holy Spirit illuminates that revelation in your heart. I’m praying that He places a desire in you to be just like Christ, someone who carries truth and love with you into every conversation, every day.

    Many in today’s world would tell you that you have to pick a side truth or love. You’ll be pressured to make your choice. You’ll be bullied into being called a bigot if you even dare mention the truth, especially if it references the consequences of immoral choices. You’ll be called a hater and if you dare consider yourself an evangelical, watch out! You’ve even been placed on some terrorist list – as if you terrify others with your telling of the love of Jesus and His power to forgive and make things right. You may be labeled an apostate by what I call the angry preachers of our society bent on pushing others further down, only to elevate their perceived status. If that occurs it’s because they believe their personal righteousness is their ivory tower – the height from which they can judge others. It’s also possible that you may be labeled a Holy Roller by the ultra-love crowd if you dare reference scriptures where Jesus drew the line on certain matters. Keep in mind, Jesus told us that if He had trouble that we would too. It’s the simple outcome of living Kingdom-minded in a man-minded world.


    He came as a demonstration of God’s love. You know the story. You know about Christmas. You know about Easter. But do you really understand what He did on that cross?

    So why are so many churches abandoning the cross? Why are more and more churches sounding like self-help books rather than expressions of the Kingdom of God? The truth is, the cross is brutal. It was an instrument of death – and on a cross, Jesus gave His life for us. He was tortured and crucified all to pay the price of man’s sin. My sin, your sin, our sin deserved death and God was willing to give us His very own Son to pay that price so we don’t have to. That’s how much He loves us.

    "They love the truth when it enlightens them but hate the truth when it accuses them."

    - Saint Augustine


    In the cross of Christ, we see both that God is love and that God is just. Justice was served in that someone died as a result of sin. After all, were all guilty of sin; yes, even you. Have you ever stolen something? Never downloaded anything illegally? Never stolen a song? Have you ever lied, even to your mom or boss or spouse?

    This makes us guilty and we needed a Savior. We needed rescued. Someone had to pay the price of our sin, my sin, your sin, all sin. We deserved death.

    But that someone wasn’t you and I, although we definitely deserved it. Someone else and not just anyone, but the very Son of God, Jesus Christ, stepped down from His throne in eternity and entered our world. He entered our world not just to give us the Christmas holiday; He entered our world to save us – to demonstrate the unquenchable love of God. Jesus, perfect, sinless, Jesus, gave His life for us. THAT is love. THAT is truth. Jesus is both the manifestation of God’s love and God’s truth. We now have the privilege and joy of following Him and allowing His truth and love to saturate our very being. We have the opportunity to follow His way of life and live as He taught us to live. If you’re already a Christian and your walk with Christ feels more like an obligation than an opportunity, then you need a greater revelation of the Father’s love. It’s a joy to follow Christ! Yes, it’s difficult at times. Yes, there will be people that are hard to love. But every day of following Christ is filled with the joy of putting a smile on God’s face and a smile in our hearts knowing that we are His.

    If you’re not yet a Christian, I encourage you to read on. Following Christ will be the best decision you ever make. No, that’s not an over-statement. He is the ONE THING, the ONE PERSON, the ONE GOD that will finally bring a sense of joy and completion and peace to your life.

    To meet Jesus is like someone who’s walked to work, came home every day following the light of a small candle. Stumbling, yet used to it because their eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Then one day, you encounter a 1,000 watt light!. Have you seen one of those lights from the stage of a play or concert? You’re shocked at it’s brightness! You’re stunned that light existed and you never even knew it. This is what it’s like to find the salvation of Jesus Christ – to discover that He is the perfect representation of Father God’s love and that loved you and I enough to die on a cross for our sins.

    Discovering that Jesus would take our place in dying for us – taking the punishment that we deserved is truly breath-taking. We become humbled by love, thankful for truth, enlightened by the Light.

    "We know what real love is because Jesus gave us His life for us.

    So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters."

    1 John 3:16 NLT


    John, a disciple of Jesus, was filled with the Holy Spirit when he wrote this about Jesus, the Son of God.

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 6. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

    9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive Him. 12 Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.14 The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    15 John testified concerning Him. He cried out, saying, This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.’ 16 Out of His fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known." NIV

    WOW. So Moses came with the Law that was given to him by God. But because man can not fulfill the law, God sent Jesus not ONLY as the picture of LOVE but also as the message of TRUTH. The law revealed man’s need for God. Jesus was the answer. The law revealed man’s inability to keep morality. Jesus came to reveal to us that we needed more than behavior modification. We needed a new nature, almost like a new birth – a completely fresh start!

    Now if Jesus was sent by Father God only to deliver a message of love and compassion and not to the deliver the full truth – the truth that sin deserves death and the reality of hell and we see Hell in simple terms, as the separation of God forever – then He would never have needed to die. Why do I say that? Because the truth is that God set into the motion the universe and the way the world works. And one of those precepts God put into motion along with the stars and the galaxies is this: the results and payment of sin is death (See Romans 3:23) So when Adam and Eve choose to be deceived by ignoring God’s command to eat from the one tree they were told not to eat from, sin entering world. At that moment in time, sin entered into man-kind and we are living and breathing in a world corrupted by sin.


    I don’t know when the last time you heard a toddler yelling Yours! Yours! Yours! Yeah, me neither. Usually they’re yelling MINE! MINE! MINE! Demanding their place in the universe! The selfish and sinful nature is so apparent in a child’s will and determination to test the limits. Yes, kids are innocent but come-on, stay with me here.

    I have four beautiful girls and man, do I LOVE my kids! They are my JOY! I mean THE JOY OF MY HEART! I’m just talking candidly about the oh-so-obvious need for a parent to teach children the difference between right and wrong, and that is evidence enough that there is a sinful, selfish, me-first-nature we are all born into.

    If you believe, as some do in today’s culture Oh, no we need to let children just find their way then you’re in for a quite a rude awakening. We’ve all seen them at our workplace or schools haven’t we? You can spot an adult who was never told No as a child in a heartbeat.

    They cause so much unnecessary drama, selfishly demanding their way, frustrating the entire team, the entire class, the entire department. We’ve all seen the effects of someone who hasn’t yet discovered that demanding their own way in every situation won’t get them anywhere, in fact, it often gets them fired.

    Sin, this selfish mess that we’re born into, is a messy thing. We needed help. Good news! God had a plan all along!

    Jesus Christ fulfilled hundreds of prophesies. In fact, statisticians claim it’s impossible the number of prophesies that Jesus fulfilled. I’d like to mention just one. I want to invite you to take a moment to read Isaiah chapters 50-53. In it, you’ll see that the prophet Isaiah was prophesying hundreds of years prior about Jesus, that He would be God’s obedient servant. He declared that He would offer his back to be beaten, that He would have his beard plucked out, that He would suffer for our sake, like a lamb before the shearer. Why? Because He loves us. He was the epitome of humility: strength under control. Do you like super-heroes? He’s one for the ages. Take a few minutes and read about God’s determination to save Israel, to save you!


    If you want to read on your phone, simply scan this QR Code:

    By the way I don’t think it’s coincidence that there’s a cross clearly in the middle of this computer-generated QR Code! I think it’s just one more little way that God is trying to tell you today how much He loves you and that His love was demonstrated by sending Jesus to die for you!


    Jesus promises us abundant life – a life full of joy – a life full of peace – a life full of purpose. Yet He always warns us in this passage in John 10:10 that we have an enemy, that Satan also has an agenda, but not one to bless us, but a goal of stealing from us that which is rightfully ours as a creation of God. Satan wants to rob you of your destiny – to steal from you the very truth – the truth that God loves you, that God created you, that God has great things for you – that God would do ANYTHING to get you back home.

    In this same passage we looked at a minute ago from the prophet Isaiah, we see yet another plea from God for us to choose His way of life instead sin’s way of death. Isaiah 50:10-11 says "If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the Lord and rely on Your God. But watch out, you who live in your own light and warm yourself by your own fires. This is the reward you will receive from me: you will soon lie down in great torment." NLT

    So many people today are believing their own version of truth. In doing so, they’re warming themselves by their own fire. They feel self-sufficient, no more prevalent is this attitude than in America. God offers unconditional, divine love, His fire by which we can be warm and have our light – see truth, but so many refuse His free gift that came through Jesus. Why? Because it requires change and an admission of a need. We can not be forgiven of sin we’re unwilling to admit and repent of.

    Jesus Christ came to rescue us from our sin! He came to break the curse of death and to give life! If we’d only be willing to give Him a chance, WOW! What can happen!

    Now God gave us a choice to serve Him and be forgiven. He sent Jesus to die in our place and in Jesus’ death, we see God’s wrath on sin. We see God’s justice, God’s standard of TRUTH. He will not compromise His ways.

    Someone had to pay, but not just anyone could die for the entire human race, only one who is both perfect, sinless and without blame. He took it upon himself to pay the price that was due for the sin of mankind! WOW. He is both loving and just. He is both TRUTH AND LOVE! Father God’s gift of His Son, Jesus dying on the cross for us is proof of both His resolute truth seen in justice and yet loving compassion seen in Him taking our place.

    Now if only, God’s people could walk in the same way that Jesus walked, in truth and in love, not in one or the other.

    2 John 1:1-6 says "The elder, to the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth— ² because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever: ³ Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love. ⁴ It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. ⁵ And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. ⁶ And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love." NIV

    God’s desire is that His people will once again stand in truth, yet walk in love.

    I’m praying that this book will help you discover the importance of surrendering your views and opinions to the truth of God’s Word. And I’m praying we’ll learn to follow Jesus, listening for His Spirit, learning to follow the ways of God that we see in the Bible so that we can ultimately become more like Christ and give Him greater glory which is God’s ultimate plan for our lives.

    We live in a world where right and wrong is being flipped on it’s head. Where the moral high ground not so easily seen anymore. We live in a time when people, many of them young, feel the Bible and it’s content is optional, a mere suggestion or one in a myriad of others.

    I pray this book inspires you to search for Jesus – the real Jesus, the Son of God who stepped out of Heaven to step in your world just to show you how much He loves you! I pray while reading, that you experience the love of God like never before! I pray that God’s Spirit fill you with a revelation of His great love! If you read something you don’t agree with, just cross reference it in the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit; let’s follow God’s Word and test the spirits holding everything against the guidepost of God’s Word.

    I pray this book gives you the courage to look into your own life and see if there’s any area in which you haven’t surrendered to the the truth of God so you can repent and be forgiven.

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