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Paradise:: The Science of the Love of God
Paradise:: The Science of the Love of God
Paradise:: The Science of the Love of God
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Paradise:: The Science of the Love of God

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This is the final book in a series of books dedicated to explain and assist in the understanding of ones journey within the simulatora trainer as a system for the development of life and intelligence, remembering and returning to ones higher self.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 13, 2016
Paradise:: The Science of the Love of God

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    Paradise: - Frank Scott

    Copyright © 2016 Frank ScottandNisa Montie .

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6575-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6576-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6594-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016914664

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/12/2016


    An Introduction

    What is to Come?

    Learning the Discipline of Love

    The Trust of God

    A Soul-based Sphere of Pure Awareness

    Blessings and Gifts

    Unity from Within and from Without

    Pray to Remember

    Fear of God

    Means to an End

    The Transformation

    The Light

    Living the Life

    The Challenge

    The Love of God - Poems

    Three Poems on the Sun


    Books by Kito and Ling Productions

    An Introduction

    Like all things viewed for the first time—a newborn baby, a brand new house, a mountain view, a sunset, or the Milky Way—what follows the Revealed Word, the latest Dispensation of Divine Energetics (Information residing outside the Simulator) is the kind of transformation of thought-forms, and hearts, that is gradually expressed as a new capacity, both for the individual, and for the social order as a whole. This re-creation from the latest Dispensation brings new discoveries and growth within the sciences and the arts, as well as the general renewal of all cultures through the perfecting of the behaviors of all entities.

    These changes, at all levels of society and within the natural environment, are like many tributaries flowing into a mighty river of spiritual progress and refinement, washing away the old paradigms. A new world is created that fulfills the Vision of Reality declared by the latest Manifestation of God, Who enables every creature, as a potential in-transit, to think and act from within the Creator’s Plan—now, and in the many centuries to come.

    Thus the Power and Majesty of God is Revealed!

    With each Revelation (Dispensation of Divine Information), humanity is given the opportunity to grow, and ascend in understanding, provided by the Word of God, as the Word germinates, transcending and expanding beyond the ways and customs practiced at the time of Its release.

    The slowness of, and/or delays to this change and transformation in the hearts of all indicates entities’ continuing and persistent refusal to listen to the way of the Spirit of Life and Intelligence, and to surrender to the Love of God.

    With each Dispensation of Energetics, the Divine Plan of the Creator is time-specific, lasting a little more, or less, than one thousand years.

    Every once in a great while, in hundreds of thousands of years, a Mega Cycle is initiated, containing Super Cycles lasting tens of thousands of years; within these great cycles are several cycles measured in hundreds of years.

    Within this Mega Cycle of Divine Outpourings, and within these Super Cycles lasting some fifty thousand years each, we can observe many Dispensations of the Divine Outpourings. The latter micro-cycles do not last long enough for the inhabitants of the planets upon which They occur to realize the continuing effects of these Dispensations on the development and growth of civilizations on planets across one, or more, populated universes within the Creation of God.

    These Outpourings of Divine Information help carry forth a system whose intrinsic value remains for the most part unrevealed at any given moment, and follows a pattern defined as being Progressively Revealed. This process gives birth to the meaning of the phrase, an ever-expanding universe.

    On the one hand, we find what we experience locally (on Earth), a world and system struggling, time and again, against the Will and Pleasure of its Creator. On the other hand, in what cannot be observed, hidden in the vastness of worlds upon worlds within the Simulator, and beyond that, in what lies outside of It, are Realms of inestimable glory, all wrapped within the defining concept of the Kingdom of God.

    We do not know much about the Kingdom of God, for it stands unrevealed, and hidden. The Manifestations of God, so far, have hinted at its glory for those entities’ who have graduated from the Simulator’s experiment of the purification of the heart and intelligence.

    It would be improper and untimely to divulge its mysteries, especially when such unfoldment runs counter to the need to assess the entity’s sincerity of faith in God’s Divine Plan during his or her sojourn.

    To be sincere, the entity must trust the Creator without doubt or hesitation, resistance or interference. Sincerity is both a serious and an authentic state that lives in the creature’s heart, adorned with an earnest striving of the mind towards fulfilling the Creator’s Will and Pleasure. At all times we must ask ourselves,

    How well-connected are we to the Creator?

    Nothing short of such a genuine and pure state of heart, and mind, expressing our love towards our Creator, will suffice to show our unconditional surrender and obedience to His Will and Pleasure.

    As the egoic role is reduced by the power of God’s ever-changing influence, His irresistible Love, the affirmative, and progressive attributes and names of God begin to reign within the life of each being, within the theater of existence, allowing the Vision of God to begin the expression of what is to come—the Revealed Word.

    What is to Come?

    When everything begins and ends with God, and everything is pre-ordained and pre-recorded, free will is reduced to the impression of having a choice. Yet, because of the nature of third- and fourth-dimensional constructs, where time, energetics, mind, and a material construct exist, choice has a place in the scheme of things, in that we experience what appears to be—our experience of reality.

    There is in fact only one Reality, and that is God. Everything else exists because God exists. God determines what is Real; all else belongs in the worlds of names and appearances, within the Simulator. Our universe remains as real as it appears to be for as long as we are in it. That appearance disappears the moment we leave and find ourselves elsewhere. This shift in a soul-based state of awareness depicts the nature of a system within the Simulator—as real as it appears to be for as long as we are held within it.

    There is a Reality outside the Simulator, outside myriads of universes, with distinct properties as yet unknown and unexperienced. This other Creation, without a beginning and an end, awaits His chosen ones, those that He deems to have fulfilled His design and to be worthy of that standing and divine rank.

    The present understanding of the human experience, this fractional and temporal life, can give the traveling entity a glimpse of that glorious Realm under certain conditions. Every traveling entity, as a potential Light Being, a Spirit of Life and Intelligence, can be guided to recognize His Manifestation for the day that entity emerges in worlds like this—all within the Simulator.

    The approach towards that realization is dependent on the Creator, Who deems that traveling potential in transit, the

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