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Fig Leaves Forming Summer Is Near: Verse by Verse Study of Revelation
Fig Leaves Forming Summer Is Near: Verse by Verse Study of Revelation
Fig Leaves Forming Summer Is Near: Verse by Verse Study of Revelation
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Fig Leaves Forming Summer Is Near: Verse by Verse Study of Revelation

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The time of Jesuss return is coming closer every day, and signs point to his coming soon. This book is an attempt to make fellow Christians aware of the signs pointing to Jesuss return. Fig Leaves Forming Summer Is Near is taken from Mathew 24, where his disciples ask Jesus what would be the signs of his return. His disciples were thinking that there would be one event, but their question was actually three questions pertaining to Jesus and his return. Also many times in scriptures, Jesus admonished us to be watching for his return and gave us clues to look for to determine that coming event. Jesus will return!
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 8, 2016
Fig Leaves Forming Summer Is Near: Verse by Verse Study of Revelation

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    Fig Leaves Forming Summer Is Near - Tom Jones



    The first two chapters in this book are Times of the Churches and The Great Rebellion. I believe these two chapters are necessary to set the stage for the final outcome for humanity; i.e. Revelations. They are there for God’s children to have some clues as to the time of the Rapture. It is in these two chapters that I am attempting to reveal some miss interpreted scripture as to Jesus statement in Mathew 24. Jesus told us to look for his return many times which for me means that there will be clues prior to the Rapture occurring.

    Book of Revelation

    There are 22 Chapters, which are Prophetic Visions and or Prophetic events. It is necessary to understand which one of these you are reading. Prophetic Visions are full of information for the believer to fully understand. It requires knowledge gleamed for scripture study of other verses and situations. It appears this is one way God has hidden information from Non-believer and at the same time reducing the volumes of written information needed to fully explain the vision.

    Prophetic Events are those punishments God is bring on the lost both spiritual beings and human beings. They are brief in their wording but their magnitude in time and pain we do not fully grasp. While most prophecies are complete before the tribulation begins there are still many that point to specific events yet to occur.


    Revelation was written by the apostle John in 95 AD while imprisoned on the isle of Patmos. How it came from Patmos to the Church is unknown to this author but it had to be God who made sure it got into the right hands. Additional proof to me of the validly of these words are from God.


    Purpose of God’s Wrath: (1). to punish & convert Israel & lost gentiles; (2) Judge & punish the Lost; (3) To punish Satan and Demons; (4) Reveal the omnipotence of God; (5) Remove all doubt of who Jesus is; (6) establish a perfect Kingdom on earth and (7) Gather all of God’s elect into eternity.

    Central Verse to Remember

    AMOS 3: 7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets (KJV)

    A. Rule of Interpretation:

    1. Believe that you will understand with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Ignore those who say you cannot understand Revelation as they are subtracting from the book.

    2. Take all words at face value. They say what they mean plus can have a deeper meaning, but Visions are to be treated differently. Visions are verbal pictures and are worth a thousand words.

    3. Visions will require understanding of the meaning of the objects within the vision. i.e.: Water / Sea can pertain to people / nations (Rev 17:15); Fire is Judgment; White is righteousness acts of the Saints (Rev 19:8); Rainbow is a covenant from God with God’s people; wine is blood; #7 completeness; #12 spiritual completeness; horns is a powerful official king(Rev17:12); Kings are rulers; heads the intellect and more.

    4. Concepts must be supported by OT and NT scriptures.

    5. All measurements must be taken from OT or what was in use at the writing. [See Rev. 21:16 Stadia = approx. 1166 miles] example: the city height, width and depth are .1166 times 12000 = 1,399 miles each.

    6. Any calendar used must be the Jewish calendar based on Lunar (Moon) and a leap year month added every 2 to 3 years.

    7. The words used are Greek and any word interpretation must use the meaning of that Greek word.

    8. Most interpretation is sequential, however, be alert for those times that there are overviews or interludes that transition over periods of time (Rev 15:1-3). Some verses will refer back to previous concepts.

    9. Do not force scripture to fit your concept but let scripture develop your concepts. (Tough one)

    B. Information to Keep in Mind

    1. Blessing (Rev.1: 1) or a curse (add or subtract Rev.22: 18—19). This is a special book and is the only book that has a blessing or a curse assigned to it. Churches that do not teach this Book are taking it away from the people.

    2. The book of Revelation is part of the Gospel of Jesus and we Christians are to spread the entire Gospel.

    3. Woes and God’s wrath are carried out on the lost sinners on earth, but not on the righteous individuals. However, man’s wrath against righteous individuals will increase.

    4. There are three divisions of saved persons: 1) Old Testament Saints from Adam to Jesus; 2) Those saved from Jesus to the Rapture (The Bride of Christ; The Church Saints) and 3) those saved by the 144,000 Jewish Bill Grahams of Revelations Chapter 7 & 14 when the gospel will be preached to all nations (Tribulation Saints).

    5. Look for matching points. Look for clues that relate, explain or clarify other scriptures. Example, the event in Rev. 12: 6 is the same event as Rev. 12:14, even though they use different words to explain the same period of time.

    6. It is very important to understand the tense in which the words are written. [Basis Rev. 1:8 &19]

    7. Recognize the transition from "present [Letters] to the future" in Rev. 4: 1&2; i.e. After this [present to future].

    8. Keep in mind that "Salvation and Rewards are two different concepts (Mat. 25’s 10 virgins). Salvation is by Faith but rewards or treasures are by Deeds. Those individuals that do not do the deeds must not expect to be Raptured (a Treasure).

    9. Remember that these prophecies were to occur after John’s time (future) but many are before our time (history), but some yet to occur (future).

    10. Keep in mind that during an Informational Pauses that the wrath of God is continuing in the background.

    I recommend that you have your Bible handy to look up the supporting scriptures that are presented in bold print. I have used the older King James Version in this book as for me it has better clarity. But please feel free to use other approved interpretation versions. However, I recommend that you do not use a Paraphrased Bible.

    C. This Author’s Artistic License for Definitions:

    1. God or GOD means the one and only true GOD. The interpreters of the Bible used these capitals to refer to a special name of GOD’s character, personality, or attribute. The name and meaning referred to, can be found in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance or other language dictionaries for the Old Testament Hebrew or the New Testament Greek.

    2. Lord or LORD is also used and refers to the one and only true LORD. A number of times it is referring to Jesus’ character, personality or attribute. These names can add meaning or clarification to the verses of Scriptures being read. The name and meaning referred to, can be found in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance or other language dictionaries for the Old Testament Hebrew or the New Testament Greek.

    3. Non-capital words of god or lord are generic in meaning. It refers to any god or lord and not to the one true GOD or LORD.

    4. Christian with a capital C is all (past, present and future) true believers and obedient to God’s and Jesus’ commands (Faith and Deeds).

    5. Non-capital christians are those individuals who claim to be Christians but are not obedient to God’s or Jesus’ commands for deeds. This does not mean they are not saved but indicates they have not accumulated treasures such as the Rapture.

    6. Church with a capital C is all the Christians (item 4 above) past, present and future. It is not a structure or building. It is not a denomination like Baptist, Methodist, Catholic and etc. This Church is also called The Bride of Christ. This Bride is only for those individuals who exercise their faith and deeds in Jesus. It is for that period of time from Jesus’ resurrection to the Rapture. This is also the time the Holy Spirit is present on earth.

    7. Non- capital church is all those christians in item 5 who claim to believe in Jesus but are not obedient to God’s and Jesus’ commands.

    8. Antichrist is a name of a powerful position in the world similar to President. This will be the position of the most powerful person who will have ever lived on this earth. The exception being that of Jesus.

    9. False Prophet is also a powerful position within the world’s religious community. His religious power will be worldwide and above all other false religions present on earth. He will attempt to destroy Israel and Christians.

    10. Beast is somewhat interchangeable with the word Antichrist. It is a political / religious organization of immense power over the people of the earth and controlled by the Antichrist. It has connotations of the beast the Dragon – Satan.

    11. Rapture is the name of a special treasure or event that will remove all Christians (past and present) from the earth before GOD send his horrific wrath unto unrighteous humans and eventually destroys them and the earth.

    12. Saint is a true believer in Jesus. They are Christians Sainted by their faith and deeds in Jesus and not by a human committee.

    13. All quotes are italic for separation from regular text font.

    14. Reference Scriptures are bold for your ease in finding them when returning to locate a particular verse.

    Time of the Churches

    Many similarities exist between the book of Genesis and the book of Revelations. Genesis is about beginnings and Revelations is about endings. In Genesis I believe that I have uncovered Gods general timing plan for mankind and that he, being true to his own words, must reveal his plan to his bride, the Church (Amos 4:7 and Isaiah 42:9). It would seem prudent (to this author) that God would reveal to his Church a more precise time of his return and that end time signs or events would be unmistakable to the earnest seeker of truth.. This is supported by the numerous times in scripture that we are told to be ready and watch for his return.

    Luke 12:39–40 (39)And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.(40) Be ye therefore ready also: for the son of man cometh at an hour ye think not.(KJV)

    The last statement appears to reveal that seeking Christians will not be there at Jesus’ 3rd return. Let us review Jesus’ visit to earth. Jesus’ first visit to earth he came as a servant to be crucified for payment for all of man kind’s sins. Then the 2nd return will be to take his Bride, the Church, to heaven to escape the coming Great Tribulation sent from God. And the 3rd return is to destroy all evil beings and set up his perfect 1000 year kingdom.

    There has been a misunderstanding passed around Christendom that says no man knows the time of Jesus’ return. This is only partially true. Because, there are two (2) future returns of Jesus, 2nd the Rapture to remove his Bride and 3rd the Final Return to claim the earth. The 2nd return is the one that most Biblical Teachers and Pastors stress in regards to not knowing the time. However, the Book of Daniel is very clear that after the Rapture, that from a certain event (Dan 12:11-12), the people left behind can count off the days to Jesus’ final (3rd) return to claim Jesus’ earth.

    Jesus also admonishes us (the Bride) to be ready and watch for his return. In Matthew 24 Jesus on the Mount of Olive (his place of his 2nd Return Zech14:1-9) was approached by his disciples and they asked Jesus the signs of his return. I believe they were thinking that it would be one event. Jesus therefore had to answer three (3) questions.

    Mat. 24:3 "And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came onto him privately, saying, Tell us, (question #1) when shall these things be? And (question #2) what shall be the sign of thy coming, and (question #3) of the end of the world? (KJV)

    Jesus gives them a long lengthy and what appears to be ambiguous answers because, his answers covered the three questions asked. The disciples (and us) think Jesus’ answer is of one event and not three. Then at the end of his answer, Jesus adds this statement.

    Mat.24:32–33 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: (33) So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door."(KJV)

    Even I, who am not a farmer, know that leaves come in the spring just before summer arrives. Therefore: (1) we are to watch because events will reveal the soon return of Jesus; (2) we will know the season (year) of his return if we study and observe; and (3) we (pre-rapture Saints) will not know the exact day or hour so we will need to be ready.

    In verse 36 Jesus reveals why his answer is a little ambiguous in that Jesus is not yet completely knowledgeable of the Father’s plan. Jesus at this point in history is not privileged to all of God’s information which will not be the case after his resurrection.

    Mat.24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no. not the angels of heaven, but my father only." (KJV)

    This concept of being ready is important for us as Jesus repeats this position.

    Mat. 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be. (KJV)

    If we go back to the book of Genesis chapter 6, we find the events surrounding The Flood. After study we find that Noah found favor in God’s eyes and was given the task of building an Ark. However, it was during that time also that Noah was preaching to the people about their evil activities and that God was going to send a flood in 120 years to punish them. God gave Noah a specific year when the flood would begin. I’m convinced that Noah preached about their repentance and getting ready for the wrath of God. The children from Adam and Eve ignored Noah and continued their evil activities for 120 years and finally paid for their sins. That is reminiscent of the people of today. They are continuing in their sins ever bolder every year. We have churches permitting sin contrary to the admonitions of the Bible. Some churches sanctioned same sex marriages, homosexual pastors and church leaders, religious denominations mixing together Christianity and paganism (Catholic and Voodoo in Haiti); the killing of innocent babies; adding another individual (Mary) as savior (effective eliminating Jesus). All these lead to a rebellion against God’s words and commandments within so called christian churches. Just as it was in Noah’s day where sin was a normal everyday occurrence, without any remorse so shall it be at Jesus’ return.

    After this in Mat.24:40, Jesus continues with the prophecy but it pertains to the Rapture. Here we see that two (2) will be in the field one will be taken and one left behind. Also two (2) women will be grinding at a mill and one taken and one left behind. The major thought here is that one will be taken and one will be left behind. Left behind for what? If this was Jesus third (and final) return to earth, there would be no evil people to survive to be left behind as Jesus will slaughter all evil persons.

    Rev.19:21 "And the remnant (of the Beast and False prophet followers) were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and the fowls were filled with their flesh" (KJV)

    This slaughter will occur at Jesus 3rd Return to earth to establish his 1000 year reign on earth. Only those who are covered by Jesus’ blood (Old Testament, pretribulation and tribulation Saints) will enter the earthly kingdom of Jesus. So you can see that there will be no one to leave behind when Jesus comes the 3rd time to earth so the remnant pertains to those not Raptured with the Saints (Saved). Again we see this prophecy in Malachi.

    Mal.4:1–4 "(1)For,behold the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of host, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. (2)But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. (3) And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of host." (KJV)

    As you notice the underline part; And ye shall tread down the wicked, speaks of Jesus 3rd return and not the final judgment day. We Christians will return with Jesus (Rev 19) to rule with him in the 1000 year earthly Kingdom of Jesus. Then Jesus encourages us in Matthew 24 with this statement:

    Mat 24:42 "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." (KJV)

    Once again we are told to watch for a specific hour and make ourselves ready by faith and deeds of righteousness. Applying the talents that God has given each of us to further his kingdom and make disciples of nations. And we are to be obedient to Jesus’ Great Commission. Again Jesus emphasizes this importance in Matthew.

    Mat 24:43–44 (43)"But know this, that if the Goodman of the house had known what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. (44) Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. (KJV)

    It becomes obvious, that if you know the approximate time (the watch) you would be vigilant and not allows Satan, Demons or the Antichrist to invade your house (mind and body) with erroneous doctrine or ideas. A watch is for a specific period of time for a particular 24 hours. For example; if you had 8 watch periods for the day, then each watch would be 3 hours in duration. We will not be given a specific hour of the Rapture. But I believe that those Christians that study God’s Word (search it as a treasure) and are vigilant, will know the season if not the very watch Jesus will return to and take his virgins to the Wedding and Feast (Mat 25). Therefore, the Church should be ready and lamps lit.

    The Anti-Christ is revealed in scripture as lying, deceptive and will almost deceive the Christians. The reason the Antichrist cannot deceive Christian, is because Christians listens to the Holy Spirit, pray, studies the scriptures and apply the Word of God to their everyday life. They are prepared! Those individuals that attend church but do not study Gods Word and not allow the Holy Spirit to teach them will be deceived by the Antichrist. This deception will encourage the non practicing (not ready) Christian individual to accept the mark of the beast. Those left behind will have to make the decision to except the Mark or be killed and their families. Those left behind will be sought after by the Antichrist and they will be beheaded for their obstinacy. Once a person accepts this Mark of the Beast, there will be no hope remaining for their salvation. They will go to Hell. Again, Jesus thinks this concept of be ready needs to be repeated.

    Matter of fact Jesus thinks this concept is so important that he gives us a parable of the Ten (10) Virgins. In Matthew 25 (the very next after chapter 24) Jesus tells us that there were ten (10) virgins of whom 5 were prepared for the bridegroom (Jesus) to come and take them to the wedding and 5 were not prepared. Virgins are representative of those Christians (2 Cor 11:2) who have washed their sins away in the Blood of Jesus and have remained faithful to Jesus and God’s Word. We all sin and perform acts of unrighteousness. But it is in our repentance, asking God for forgiveness, and attempting to overcome that sin, that allows our cleansing and a return to righteousness. The oil for the lamps is the symbol of their righteousness and the 5 virgins kept their oil of righteousness to the fullest level. They did not delay in replenishing their spiritual life (lamp). We, like the 5 prepared virgins, need to ask for God’s forgiveness and make restitution for our sins as soon as possible.

    The oil was the medium used to fuel the light and light is symbolic of what people see of our life. The light (actions of their lives) that these virgins give off is one that God says is righteous so they must have performed deeds that God finds righteous. We find in the book of James these admonitions.

    James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hears only, deceiving your own selves. (KJV)

    James 2:26 "For the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead". (KJV)

    Now I must add a note about the 5 unprepared virgins whose light was about to go out. You will notice that they did go and buy oil for their lamps and did get to the Wedding Feast. (Mat 25: 11–12) However, notice that they were not permitted into the Wedding Feast. So what does this mean? I believe that these are people that have claimed Jesus as their savior but have not preformed the deeds required of Christians. Their light (actions and speech) has gone out or is too low for the people of the world to see. They will be saved at Jesus 3rd Return after the Great Tribulation which they will have to go through to fill their light with oil (righteousness). They will go through trials of pain and anguish from the Antichrist and False Prophet to prove their loyalty to Jesus. Just as Peter was tested (crucified upside down) for his denial of knowing Jesus and like the thief on the cross that had to endure the pain and anguish of crucifixion with Jesus; so shall the pew setters need to prove their loyalty. These individuals I call the Tribulation Saints. Along with these individuals will also be those Jews and gentiles saved during the Seven Years of Tribulation by the 144,000 Jewish evangelistic pastors. (Rev 7).

    I hope that I have impressed upon you the need to be watchful and prepared to meet Jesus on his next (2nd) visit in the air (Rapture), to take us to the Wedding Feast. Do not be like those unprepared virgins and go thru the Great Tribulation to try to buy your oil and join the wedding. Remember their seven year fate.

    Mat.25:11–13 (11) Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord open to us.(12) But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. (13)Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor hour wherein the Son on man cometh.(KJV)

    How tragic! A few years of laziness that is followed by years of horrible pain. A bad investment! I hope the repetitiveness for Jesus words has convinced you to be prepared and to be watchful. It is this author’s intentions to help you to be watchful by revealing Gods clock of the final days. The seven days of creation, in the Book of Genesis, reveals to us the general time duration God has set aside for his plan based on 1000 years. In Daniels Clock (statue) Daniel covers centuries (100 years) of time based on future governments that were to be established. It is in the Book of Revelation that God gives us a definitive look as to the end of that time through the Letters to the Seven Churches.

    If we are to be watchful, what should we be watchful for? To answer that question we must first answer other questions such as:

    1. How would God reveal to his children the time of the end?

    2. How and what would I study to reveal his timing to Christians?

    How would God reveal to his children the time of the end? To most Christians this is a simple question to answer as we know that God’s word contains all the information that we need to live by and be prepared. We must be well founded in the scriptures to know what to look for. We are told in 2 Timothy 2:15 to study God’s word.

    2 Tim. 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth".(KJV)

    These words of studying, watching, being prepared for Jesus’ coming would be wasted words with no benefits for God’s children if they did not have substance. God is not the God of deception or confusion, if he says to watch there must be signs! Just as the Bible gives the information as to how we Christians should appear (live), the same Bible tells us what to look for to know it is time for Jesus’ return. First we must determine which return we are talking about, be it his return in the air (Rapture) or his earthly return to claim his property.

    1. The return in the air where Jesus comes for his Bride (The Church) before the time of the great tribulation of God’s wrath to man for mans rebellion against God. In I Thessalonians 4:13–18 we see that Christians will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus "and so shall we ever be". There are few signs of warning for the Rapture as with the 10 Virgins (Mat 25), we are to be ready. However, God will not do anything before he tells his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). Therefore the scriptures have the information we seek. We also read in I Thessalonians 1:10 & 5:9 that Christians are not to share in the great wrath of God to come. Therefore we must be removed from this earth.

    2. Clues can be found in Mathew

    Mathew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. (8)All these are the beginning of sorrows. (9)Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name sake". (KJV)

    a. Wars will continue especially during The Great Tribulation so this clue is not a very definitive clue. It should dispel that doctrine that say we are getting better.

    b. Famines however are on the increase. We in America are blessed with abundance and only those Christians that visit 3rd world countries see the starvation that is occurring. Actual statistics are not very current or not accurate as to the progression of starvation.

    c. Pestilence also is on the rise because of sexual sin. Not many years ago we had only two (2) major sexual diseases to contend with now there are over 50. One of these diseases is AIDS. A very recent disease in our history. It is ramped in some countries in Africa and is quickly spreading. The statistics on disease progressions are accurate and available at the C.D.C.

    d. Earthquakes are on the rise. Statistics can be obtain from the U.S. Geological Survey which tracks and records earthquakes. Below is the total number of their recorded earthquakes from the year 2000 to 2010 in the US and Worldwide.

    US Geological Survey Earthquake Statistic

    *Starting in 2009, the USGS no longer records earthquakes less than 4.5 outside the United States. So these numbers will be much greater.

    e. Hatred and murder (Mat. 24:9–10) is the heart of the transition period to The Great Tribulation. Christians in 3rd world countries are being murdered more today than ever before. To convert from Islam to Christianity is a death sentence in the Islamic religion. Even lawyers who defend Christians are placed in jail for doing so. Even in our own country we find greater hatred for Christian and God’s word. Every day we are bombarded with law suits to try to remove Christian Symbols from the public arena. Prayers to our God are prevented from schools and other public areas. However, Moslems prayers can block the streets of New York City for their prayer time to their god with immunity.

    f. The rise of the Islamic Religion which is the fastest growing religion in the world. This religion could be the foundation for the One World Religion that will be inaugurated by the False Prophet at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Just as Islam requires all individuals to except Islam as their religion or be killed (beheaded) as an infidel. (Rev. 6:9–11 / Rev 20:4) Islamic believers have always held beheading as their preferred way of killing. It appears that the beheaded person or persons buried covered in pigs blood, have no chance of obtaining heaven or the 72 virgins. I have wondered what the Islamic women get at their death. -–- FREEDOM?

    3. The Great Rebellion (Mat. 23:21–24) (2Thes: 2:1–3) I am also including the falling away mentioned by Paul in 2 Thes.2:1–3. Please keep in the back of your mind that rebellion can only occur in people who know the truth but refuse to live it. The individual, who does not know God, does not know what to rebel against. What do we look for to recognize the coming of rebellion? Here are a few:

    a. Changing of laws. God gave us laws in the Old Testament for his people to live by. Over the years America has changed God’s specific judgment laws as cruel and inhuman. America thinks that if we follow the 10 Commandants, we are following God’s law. Then America gives up on the specifics of God’s laws to the generalized 10 Commandment law. Now we can replace those specific laws with more supposed humane laws. This slippery slope has occurred so often that most weak Christians accept them without active complaints. Roe verses Wade (based on a lie) was accepted by many Americans with some objections from a majority of Christians. Never before would Americans permit the murder of babies.

    No longer are victims repaid for crimes against them as God’s Law requires. The state gains from the crimes by fines. Then the victims must pay for all criminals’ incarceration and court costs through taxation. There is no debtor penalty as described by God. We have foreclosures with no required repayment, again against God’s judgments of laws. There is not enough time to cover all the destruction we have permitted to God’s laws.

    b. One of the most obvious rebellions we can see with Christians is the breaking of our government righteous laws. One in particular is the law of speeding. Jesus in Mat 22:21 said;

    Mat 22:21 "Then saith he (Jesus) unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s".(KJV)

    Caesar owns the speed limit and we Christians are to abide by that righteous law. But we rebel against that law in great numbers. How about Taxes? How about: tithing; spreading the Gospel; helping the poor; caring those in physical needs; gossiping; alcohol abuse; drugs (legal and illegal abuse); gluttony (same as alcoholism); hate; prejudice; sexual or unfaithfulness? There is no end to the sins we Christians can commit or permit.

    It is with these previous written words that I lay the foundation of this book in the hope that they will stir-up my fellow Christians to a deepening understanding of God’s word. To inspire us to more study and application of the God’s Word. To look for the day of Jesus’ return and instill a burning desire to share the Gospel with the lost.


    A question comes to mind about the churches selected in the beginning of the Book of Revelation. Why these Churches? Here are some thoughts to consider:

    1. The most obvious is that these churches existed with these very problems that needed correction. A warning to future Churches to be aware of these causes and effects of sin in the members of their present day Church.

    2. Each individual is a Church as witnessed by the statement: He that hath an ear and to him who over comes is singular and relates to the singular individual in Christ. This may relate to a Christian life as he proceeds through life and some of the problems he can expect to be a challenge and the compensation for their efforts to overcome.

    3. Possibly the general conditions of the Church over a period of time. Some believe that this is the last clock God has given us to evaluate our position in God’s timing. There have been studies as to the spiritual condition of the Church’s progression over the years. Some of these studies place us in the time period of the Church of Laodicea. I have added some of the historical events that transcend the years of that particular Church letter. They are located at the end of my comments for that Church letter.

    The Great Rebellion

    The Bible tells us about the time just before Jesus’ return that can be identified by the Rebellion that will occur against GOD and his word. It appears to this author that we should give this information serious consideration and that its information will strengthen us in our personal lives. I hope this will motivate us to tell everyone about Jesus’ love. Let us first look at the words used and their meaning.

    Let us review a truth found in the scriptures to reveal to us where we are in God’s plan for his people (believers in Jesus). In ROM.1: 5 we read;

    ROM.1:5: Through him (Jesus) and for his name sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith, KJV

    What is the meaning of the "obedience that comes from faith"? Today our society has moved to the Politically Correct position in humanism. We are in the process of moving from God’s will for man to man’s will for man. We would rather be politically correct than speak the truth in Love. Most of us have heard the saying "Evil abounds when good men do nothing". In today’s society, if you speak out against an evil you are branded as intolerant, prejudice, unloving or mean spirited. Satan has put the pressure on Christian actions to make us fearful of the reactions of what we may say or do. But God’s will is that we are to teach and speak in the words of truth in love. Depending on God’s protection or rewards for our obedience that comes from our faith in God’s divine will. If we do not speak up, who will? And it is this fearful silence of Christians that will covertly motivate the weak brothers to eventual rebel against Christians and God. God has all through the Bible given us commandments for us to follow as guidelines for our actions. Society has changed these laws to suit their will. Point in case is abortion. Many christians feel it is OK to take the life of a baby, but God is adamant about not performing this heinous deed. [Lev.20: 1-5] Many of our christian leaders are turning from God’s word in an attempt to not upset their parishioners so they can keep their job or maintain the tithing receipts. We as Christians tend to relinquish our responsibility to our educated teachers, in the honest belief that they will follow God’s will. Again the same conditions exist today, as in Jesus’ day. I like a statement by a person I am not able to recall but it says it all for me.

    The truth about the participation in the coming Kingdom of God is decided, not by blood, birth, position, money, power, or education; but by the conformity of one’s life to the will of God through the obedience that comes from faith.

    Now let us look at today’s meaning of rebellion from Funk and Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary.

    "REBEL v.i. –belled, -belling: 1. To rise in armed resistance against the established government or ruler of one’s land; 2. To resist any authority or established usage. 3. To react with violent aversion: usu. With at. N. One who rebels. – adj. Rebellious; refractory. [< OF < L < re- again + bellare to make war]"

    As you can see, this is not just a verbal distaste for an authority, government, or religion but an actual physical revolt against the same. All through the Old Testament we have written accounts of Israel’s rebellion against GOD’s law and covenants. They fell away from the righteous life and GOD punished them and they returned to GOD. This occurred over and over and over. There is coming a time that Israel will eventually learn their lesson and will believe Jesus is the Son of GOD. This time has been assigned by GOD and it is after the times of the Gentiles or during the final days during GOD’s wrath upon this earth. We can see what GOD says about Rebellion and that it is SIN.

    In I Samuel chapter 15, we read that Saul was given the task from GOD (thru the prophet Samuel) to destroy all the Amalekites (men, women, children) and all their animals because of what Amalek had done to Israel. (1Sam 1:1-3). As we read further (Vs 9), we see that Saul spared The King Agag and the best of the animals in direct rebellion against GOD’s command. Samuel confronts Saul about his rebellion and explains that rebellion is a sin (Vs. 23). Therefore, let’s look at what the meaning of the word used here.

    1Sam. 15:23 "(4805) mer-ee’; from 4784; bitterness, i.e. (fig.) rebellion; concr. Bitter, or rebellion: -bitter, (most) rebel (-ion, lious).

    "(4784) maw-raw’; a prim. Root; to be (caus. Make) bitter (or unpleasant); (fig.) to rebel (or resist; causat. To provoke): -bitter, change, be disobedient, disobey, grievously, provocation, provoke (ing), (be) rebel (against, -lious)."

    Also we can read in Job 34:37 that rebellion is sin. Notice that this rebellion that is spoken of is the rebellion of GOD’s chosen people. Some are individually mentioned and some are corporately mention (Israel). God gave the 10 Commandments to Israel for their edification and guidance for obedience. What a word! We humans

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