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The Tribes of Time: Book 1
The Tribes of Time: Book 1
The Tribes of Time: Book 1
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The Tribes of Time: Book 1

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The tribes of time is the first book in the trilogy.

It is about a tribe of peoples with psychic gifts that fight to keep the lands they are on and keep alive all of the animal life, flora and fauna they can find, after an apocalyptic war. They form a bond with dragons and use these to gain and keep the area that they own. It is there day to day life on a quest to find missing items made in the past and used now to build a new life. Caassy and her tribal family work with the tribes of the world to find the sacred items, given out aeons ago to re make the planets of the future.
Release dateMar 22, 2017
The Tribes of Time: Book 1

Cathryn Watson

Cathryn Watson is a graduate research assistant at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

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    The Tribes of Time - Cathryn Watson

    Chapter 1

    I WOKE UP TO a strange feeling in the air, it wasn’t quite fear or excitement, and I think it was a mixture of both. Today something monumental was to happen. In the known history of our time someone was coming, someone that we had only heard of in stories, in our wildest dreams, revered in the ages as the most wonderful healer/mage that was known on the face of the planet as it stood in the past and present and now our future.

    Even before then this man this god was known and spoken of with tones of reverence and fright and hushed voices. Not because he was evil, ooh no, he was one, some said, of the wisest men on the planet, from times before time and for times after time to come, today the Spirit Walker keeper of the rainbow serpent was coming to my tribal grounds. He had no name, or rather none that we of this age knew. He would have been called Fire Walker I guess in past life or Dream Weaver. But anyways he comes.

    As I gaze out over the lands surrounding the encampment I look upon deep green mountain range, in dispersed with small green pastures protected from the winds, and tall timbers covering the remains of the hills. Elsewhere from the immediate end of the forested area there was nothing but dust, all the timbers cleared and the soils blown away by the winds that now ravaged the surface of the land.

    Surrounding the oasis of green was a barren wasteland of dirt’s, shattered rocks and mountains of rubble, with the odd sick muddy caustic flow of what was water ways, rivers and creeks, leaving acid trails across the lands, and a stark reminder to all of what could yet still be our future and was.

    This was our war now, a war for all tribal remnants on this planet, to find and track down all tribes and peoples who still fight for their lands, whom still kept crystals and records with tribal memories and elders and the remembered stories and sacred ways and protect what they can of their totem creatures and lands.

    These family lands we now lived on, and in the barren lands beyond our immediate protection were once all our sacred lands and now little remained within our totem and family area. These tiny vestiges were guarded by all the peoples of our tribe, family groups trying to hold together the final small oasis’s of good soils, fresh waters and forest all fought for and won and kept in blood.

    Underneath these lands too in the layers below no mining had taken place, the caverns of water were not drained, and were clear and pure water still resided and was used sparingly and carefully, the only thing removed from the area was alluvial deposits of rare metals. These gathered resources were used now to buy more surrounding lands that we thought could be reclaimed, and that in past centuries were once ours and now devoid of life through pillage and taking of all things thought of value.

    And with the rest we used it to arm and fit out the riders and other area keepers and families in our hereditary tribal areas or newly re acquired tribal lands as partners ready to protect the boundaries with more members to hold what was rarer now than any metal, soil or item on the planet.

    Within these small ranges or holdings now in dispersed through what once were vast lands and tracts of forest, grassland and river, we worked once more to rebuild the forgotten tribal lands of our ancestors.

    Within this area and on this day we were now to re-learn what our perfect lands were prior to the holocaust of destruction. Within this area we as tribal keepers of our totem areas having been set the task to re build, breed and replenish the flora, fauna and land, before we are wiped of the face of the planet.

    This is our account of our tribe and its progress to save the most important creatures on the planet.

    For I am one of a few elected keepers of memories for our group and healer as well, though there are other’s far more knowledgeable than I. I stand here looking out at our small holding like a jewel of green and colour on a barren and monotone background of destruction. With sky’s in the distance not clear but putrid in colour filled with the lands own dirt blown around in massive dust devils chasing the skyline.

    I look back down upon this range, within its borders still were our totem creatures, in small vestiges of land tiny groups of creatures so rare they were worth billions and where ever now they were found they were guarded fiercely. Within the remaining creatures found in the holding areas was found an amazing thing. Genetics, the ability in some of the animals to regrow limbs and body parts, fight cancer and allievement of disease, in the genetics in the trees, and in the insects a myriad of things for help to peoples, the birds too in the fertilisation of trees, flowers, grasses found still in the small hidden pockets of forest still clinging tenaciously to life.

    Everyone says these gifts are newly found but they were wrong, our peoples had known of these uses and handed them down from father, mother daughter and son and family to family, caring for the totems gifts, flora, fauna and land given to each tribe and trained in their uses. Their meaning their use and speciality were hidden, most were destroyed in the massacres of tribes and lands by others not from these lands. Not knowing their significance. And thus many were lost.

    But here, we were lucky, here in the latest bearing of children some were born with a knowing, in the knowing within these gifted few were the skills to unlock these memories. A whole new generation has been now born in a few gifted individuals, with the ability to evoke the spirits of old. To read the memories in the crystals found under the soils and in the rocks, the trees and the flora and fauna within our boundaries, to re learn what was needed to re build if we can to the best we can the tracts of land we now own that are barren and seen as worthless. It is our hope with the small stock of crystals mineral rock and metal reserves as well as the flora and fauna left to try to re build the lands that we still see hope and chance in regenerating. The imposters have left the lands here after raping them of all available life and energy.

    Today was one of such importance, today was the day the younger children would go with Spirit Walker and assist him in the re awakening of the skills and lands and life and repair of that what was lost to our tribes.

    In the awakening of these children at their birth something extraordinary had happened, as they were born, and appearing out of time itself and raised with them, were creatures only heard of in stories, only heard of and seen in dreams. Hidden in the darker woods away from any other person, guarded with every ounce of our skills and those of our warriors were sacred animals, within the hidden glens and range were creatures of beauty grace and incredible majick.

    In the distance I can see a dark shape emerging from the skies, as it comes more into focus I see it as a large female dragon called ’Char a large bronze female with a silver star and stripe on her nose, she is ridden by the keeper of the eastern boundaries of our range called Jacqee. Alongside her riding a snappy large copper scaled male called Dusty is Jaanee. She rides as keeper and protector the northern boundaries of the range. Today she has flown in to fly in formation to honour the arrival of our honoured guest to our lands.

    Presently I hear a noise like the crackling of fire and a golden dragon called Apollo appears with the sun behind him, mounted on his saddle was the keeper of the western ranges the elder of our group of riders Vaal, she rode the head dragon, and I well I rode Knight a black dragon hewn from the deep dark skies of time, my name is Caassy. I am keeper of the Realm along with my sisters, until such times as my son and daughter true heirs in blood take over the running of the realm and its care and management of its resources. Second to them is Jacqee’s son Iaaann also born to these lands of many centuries, but not descendant from the first bloodline of the original tribe that was here when time and dragons issued out the totem animals. But we are desperate, we are low in numbers, and we are running out of time. We take all comers now any whom believe in the fight and the cause to save the tribal lands of here and also this planet.

    Beside me on my right riding the smallest of dragons is Juuddee she is astride a small but robust silver bronze fancy dragon from the cold deep wilds of the south called Stormm.

    Beside me on my left rides Mirandaahh on Wind Dancer a speed dragon with a nasty disposition, she handles this easily he is bewitched by her. He is a stunning bull with rose gold scales and iron claws.

    Presently as I look over the skies I hear footsteps, as I turn around a large great Dog comes up beside me. Her name is Steed she is followed by the keeper of record Debbee; she has just informed me that the Spirit Walker has entered our territory.

    As we look into the distance we saw the clouds gathering in front of the arrival of the Spirit Walker.

    For aeons of time he said has searched for a missing item. Today we learn what that is, and if he has it.

    We land all the dragons on the far platform leaving the closest clear for Spirit Walkers arrival.

    He arrives on a wind dragon, it is stunning, it is silver blue you could hardly see him as he melded into the surrounding skies clear over our lands. Spirit Walker arrives and suddenly there is silence. All the dragons bow their heads down low in subservience. This dragon is old, old as time and old as the galaxy. It is like a diamond. Hard, hard as titanium steel or stronger, but the blues of all the skies. Its eyes hold galaxy’s of time. Dream walker approaches, his robes are a universe and his movements barely register as movement he seems to float.

    He approaches us and we too bow at him and fall in behind him

    From eldest to youngest, Vaal, Jacqee, Juuddee, and Jaanee, and Mirandaahh, I fall in last carefully scanning the skies, before I follow. I stop and talk to Debbee, whom wisely holds the dog by her large leather collar, she must keep her away from the dragons for she is seen by them as a nice treat to feed on. Looking across the view and then back at her, I ask her to put Steed on lookout and alert for she too must come into the meeting. She has an amazing link with Steed, with this animal, through her eyes she can see exactly what the dog is seeing… with the dragons spaced out searching every direction skyward and below and Steeds senses as well we are truly covered for the momentousness of this meeting.

    It is important no one saw Spirit Walker come, and even more important no one sees him leave.

    We go to enter into the great hall an assembly of simple buildings, and sit by the great hearth. Today legends are being made. Today the future memories of the world are being created.

    Outside Steed bays loudly and clear, as well there is a crescendo from 7 dragons like we have never heard before. Coming up from the ground like a shadow of time it is an amazing site.

    From the sky dragon is a keening sound, the others mimic this, we turn and look to where the attention of the other dragons is drawn, their gaze now fixed on a close hill within our compound area or rather what we have thought all hill and rock for the last 50 years of time, as we watch in fascination, there is a massive massive dragon looking as part of the earth itself, emerging from the grounds the mere rocks themselves, it was so well camouflaged until it moved no one not even the other dragons knew it was there. It takes one massive flutter of its wings and alights hovering above on the main platform.

    in one bound from where it was, the Sky’s dragon alights also and then land directly on the upper platform, as it lands it has its spreads its wings down low on the ground, as it does this the new dragon approaches, the sky dragon prostrates its self on the ground. As the new dragon lands beside it I think to myself, I’ve never seen anything like the size of this earth dragon, it is massive!!, in my thoughts I think this is unheard off, this is a meeting of dragons never seen before in any life times we know off.

    we are in awe my sisters and I, we all turn and form rank, commands are given for the guards to stay on full alert and too stand ready with arms raised for attack, we all look towards Spirit Walker, he has slowly picked up the staff in his possession, and as he walks slowly over towards the dragon and motions to us with his hands pushing them down in a slow stop stop signal, we lower our weapons as he comes forward leaning on the staff in his grip. He walks up to the earth dragon and rubs it on the jaw, a rumble or purr like low thunder comes from the surrounding dragon, he continues to rub, and we are unsure if it is growl or contentment being emitted from this creature. Again he motions and he himself begins to sit, he says slowly it looks like this meeting will be conducted in earshot for all to hear.

    From the massive body of the dragon comes a deep deep voice; from the depths is the language of man a slow formal form of English haltingly being said in a low deep voice, like it is newly learned or little used.

    I am Eeartthh dragon of this earth, keeper of the planet, And of the tribal lands here.

    Eeartthh carefully manoeuvres herself over to the sky dragon. He calls softly once, and it positions itself on his left side. Once it is in place beside him, they both called together a melody of high and low notes, from these notes the others fall into rank behind him and the sky dragon. They settle into a pattern according to the pitches.

    We stare amazed, we all this time have ridden these creatures and now we find that we are riding ranked creatures, and now for the first time in our lives we see this in our own eyes. Ooh boy will there be a shuffling around in keepers dens after tonight and in parade display. Debbee quickly writes down the position of the dragons according to how they were assembled on the platform.

    She raises an eyebrow, I glance at her, and shake my head, I will deal with this later I say, now is not the time. She walks over motioning Steed to back off onto the building and she comes to sit beside me ready to write all that transpires.

    Once assembled Eeartthh turns back to the assembled riders, and all the people of the tribe watching fearfully or carefully from the safety of hidden places come out and too settle to listen.

    Once there is silence, Eeartthh slowly begins to talk," it has been centuries since we have assembled thus, we have ignored mankind up to this point, but now we must step in. Through your misuse on the planet you have endangered all mankind and the entire planet in what you do. Under all the lands here on the planet and all your and the surrounding lands and continents there are or were great reserves of water, you peoples have taken the waters and drained the sacred lakes dry.

    Because of this the land floating above ground and on top of hidden waters are now unable to ride out the earthquakes and tremors of the movement of the planet. But worse than this all underground in the mantle of the planet are beginning to die, all the dragons whom slumbered in the waters for the futures to come, in the rocks and layers and rocks minerals were dying, those whom relied on the waters to grow and keep the eggs of their baby dragons alive, the lands were drying out and dying. The sacred crystals under the lands were shattering; the akashic records of time were being lost. The records of every living thing were in danger of being lost forever. Eeartthh bows now and says Spirit walker will talk now. We turn to face Spirit walker. When we are settled Spirit walker begins to talk.

    When the world was begun there was animals allocated to every race to be maintained by each race and tribe. These animals were all kinds of wildlife on the planet. Each tribe has their own totem animals to watch over and care for their survival.

    At this the dragons sing one note in perfect harmony, within this note of sound in the surrounding sky’s a picture forms, as we watched we see thousands of animals, every creature on the planet grouped together appears in the sky, as we looked we began to hear a sounds like a crystalline melody one of purity and clarity and incredible melody, notes and pitches fitting in together in perfect harmony it was a sound off of each totems group of animals for each tribal area over the planet.

    The dragons sang once more a perfect note and again a Picture appeared, This was an overall picture of all life when the planet was first made, total perfection of every creature on the planet every single thing, earth, wind, water, fire, metal, mineral, rock, tree, creatures, flora, fauna.

    The dragons then sang again a note of desolation and such sadness.

    As we looked we saw a shimmering begin and animals, wildlife, fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, begin to disappear from the original picture.

    Spirit Walker spoke slowly sorrow in every word; he narrated the story of life, of the destruction of the population of life of the face of the planet. As he talked the images disappeared and as each one dies there was a note of sorrow cried from the dragons.

    He talked of the loss of fish from the oceans animals from the ice lands birds from the sky’s animals of the earth’s surface rock and minerals raped from the land. And then in time the destruction of life until what was left on the planet today. In the sky’s you could see large gaps in the parade of the skies. And when the picture has settled we then heard from the assembled remaining pictures and the creatures there a sound off of the skies, the melodic sound of what remained.

    It was like piano missing keys. Large tracts of the melody were now missing. There were still some elements of the note there but the full melody range was missing from nearly every element of creature lines on the planet. It was a pitiful heart breaking scene to see.

    Next this disappeared and pictures of all the nature on mother earth showed up every tree, grass bush, weed, and flower. Every living fauna showed itself. And once more, the perfect sound of what was and now what is was heard.

    Once more the note of everything thing left now on the planet sounded of their melody.

    Ocean s and rivers followed. The same results from the arctic to the deserts. Every picture was the same. The perfect unity of what once was and now is. North, South, East and West was destruction.

    We stood their numb grief haggard on all our faces, grief and sorrow keening from the dragons assembled.

    Spirit Walker said there are still tribes who keep true to the original laws to keep sacred the animals of their totem and protect them for all kind. But many tribes are now gone, many of the tribal lands also gone. And the tribes of the totem animals disbanded or dead and long forgotten.

    We as peoples have forgotten our place. We have forgotten what Great Spirit said, to protect these, for no one tribe can look after the whole it is too much to look after. Thus they were divided among all the tribes across all the land on this planet.

    We have forgotten to honour spirit; we have forgotten to honour our totem animals, bird’s fish, amphibians, and insects’, trees, reptiles, rocks and soils and water. And now, now the balance is tipped. Soon there will not be enough of the life on the planet to re build the assembly of notes. Soon there will only be death.

    Without new generations being taught about what to do, where to assist the life left. We risked all. We risked a barren earth.

    Secondly Spirit Walker asked the dragons to sing up the planet from these pictures of every element came into view. Again we saw the elements of rocks minerals water. We saw the destruction of the planet, elements missing also from the structure of the planet. We saw whole continents that were once floating now grounded on levels below, and reserves of oil, gas, coal, iron silver and gold as well as precious gemstone supplies raped clean of the surface. Not one little piece left in their area to re build or sing from whence they were born.

    Spirit Walker sat down then. Colour drained from his face. A glass of wine was given to him. After few moments colour returned to his face, He looked at us with amazement on his face. Where did this come from he asked?, we made it was the reply,

    But how, where did you get the grapevines, I thought them all gone off the planet?

    Jacqee stepped forward one pace and said quietly, we had and have orchards here on these lands for many centuries, apple, pear, peach, apricot, grapes, quince the old trees the original tree stocks not changed in genetic breeding, we also learned the skills to manage this and grow and graft and preserve the seeds for future times. Here we had put aside pastures of natural grounds always, keeping the native flora and fauna alive and working in harmony taking only what we needed to survive and build up the native stocks or seeds and plant matter.

    Nodding he shakes his head in agreement, saying to Jacqee I can see you are going to make my job a lot easier in understanding, you already know what the cure is to the problem.

    Times are desperate. He said shaking his head; we must gather the tribal elders once more of the world. It is a massive challenge. It is a desperate last hope to save this planet.

    For the last one hundred and fifty years I have stood back and time and time again sent warnings that soon there will be nothing left to salvage. I am here, and in fact we motioning to the dragons are here, because you and your sisters, and other family members here holding onto these lands have shown us that you have the skills knowledge and will to preserve and rebuild not only your tribal lands but that of all other tribes. Because you have kept alive not only your tribal totems but tried to salvage as many others as you can, we have come through time to assist you as best we can in rebuilding this planet before it is completely and utterly destroyed.

    As he finishes talking, Mirandaahh, and Jaasaan walk out onto the platform.

    Mirandaahh saying we heard you calling us, Iaaann will be along shortly, everyone one then turned at a clattering sound as a young man rode in on a white creature, people cleared the area as he came forward, as he passed them it lashed out swinging its head, and making its horn glint in the light. He’ll be right give him time to settle, Iaaann said, as he hopped off and gave it a quick slap on the shoulder as he got off, behave he said as he walked up the its head where they stood eyeballing each other until it dropped its head to take a nip at steed as she tried to get to Debbee’s side.

    Well I’ll be exclaimed Fire Walker, I’ve not seen one of you in Centuries. He got up from his seated position and walked over to the creature, Iaaann smiled and said, he told me he has to be here this is his world too u know. Nodding Spirit walker said yes, actually not a truer word was said.

    Motioning towards the right side of the dragon Eeartthh, he said Please take your place.

    Ian walked beside the creature as well positioning them both to the right or Eeartthh.

    Now said Spirit Walker Are we all assembled?

    We looked at each other and nodded. For the initial meeting of Kin now, it was only family and immediate totem blood to be present.

    From around the natural amphitheatre of the mounting platforms all the tribe gathered to watch and listen to the words to come.

    I have been searching for many years, and finally I have found what I was looking for, when your dragons contacted me and told me you had still in your possession rings of gold and diamond and opal and precious gemstones and amber I had hope once more,. Your dragon here pointing to Eeartthh, has read the memories of these gems and gold. Within the one is the memory of our lost spirit, it is the whereabouts of the rainbow serpent. Pointing to each of us sisters in tern he said, you all have rings, within these rings is the memory of the past please bring them forward.

    We all looked at each other with quite discomfort, none had these precious rings on, we were in all intent and purpose garbed in war armour not regal occasion. Mirandaahh and Iaaann laughed and said its ok we have them already. Coughing as he entered the room as if to clear his voice was Jaasaan, within his

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