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Write It on My Heart: Speaking the Truth in Love
Write It on My Heart: Speaking the Truth in Love
Write It on My Heart: Speaking the Truth in Love
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Write It on My Heart: Speaking the Truth in Love

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Political and personal crises are woven together with scripture to bring answers to a world in chaos. Shocking at times, controversial for sure, contradictions, discrepancies, inconsistencies, disputes and antitheses do not confuse the bloodwashed! They are the ones who know just know that God is not a celestial Santa Claus. They know, believe and are completely convinced that God loved them so much that He gave His only Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NIV) In this day of anarchy and confusion, fraud and lies, nuances and applied relativity, the words of Jesus should ring loud and clear: Those of you who scorn this playing around with the devil that gets paraded as profundity, be assured Ill not make life any harder for you than it already is. Hold fast till I come! (Revelation 2:24-25 MSG) Write It on My Heart is a penetrating and insightful read.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 23, 2016
Write It on My Heart: Speaking the Truth in Love

Marshall Pryor

Marshall Pryor’s professional experience is amazingly diverse. He served as a church pastor for 15 years, a stockbroker and tax/financial consultant for 25 years, land developer, builder of custom homes, and owner of assisted living facilities. He has been guest speaker at international church and educational forums and ministerial conferences throughout the United States. Life as he had always known it was torn from him! Broke and broken, divorced pastor with two children, Marshall Pryor was thrust into a strange and unknown world of politics and international travel. Marshall captures his painful journey from personal chaos to spiritual confidence in “Write It on My Heart.”

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    Write It on My Heart - Marshall Pryor



    It seems that with everything from the left-wing propaganda war in our elementary classrooms, to deceiving professors on college campuses, to politically correct speech, to regulations by power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats, to demonizing the police, to undermining Christian theology, to pitting one race against another, to shoving Islam down our throats at every turn, to destroying America’s image abroad, to running up debt beyond comprehension in every level of government, to confiscating private property, to attempts to destroy the Second Amendment, to NSA spying, to confiscatory fines for minor offenses (it seems that everything is against some law or regulation), to outrageous fees for construction, to out-of-control immigration, to legalizing sodomy, to lighting up the White House with rainbow colors, lending credibility to homosexual marriages, to acceptance by the media of outright lying (Benghazi was the result of an anti-Muslim video and I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky and If you want to keep your doctor, you can and I turned over all my emails), to the unmistakable destruction of or redefinition of America’s Constitution, and on and on ad infinitum, we and our children are being lulled to sleep.

    For many years now, after being closely but loosely involved in (a certain) party politics because of my employment in the late 1970s, I found that the philosophy of that certain party is controlled chaos. Additionally, that same political party has been infiltrated by an ideology of leftism kept quiet by those protected by our Constitution to free-up public discourse.

    It is easier to shoot one lion charging at you than to kill a thousand stinging bees. Therefore, those who sincerely believe in controlled chaos create crisis after crisis in order to chloroform the populace and cause them to just give up, i.e., IRS scandal; Benghazi; gun-running DOJ; unemployment issues; Obamacare; immigration and open border problems; race divisions; pitting one interest group against another; sexual orientation acceptance; moral degradation; the shaming of America by our president on foreign soil; e-mail scandals; back-door contributions quid pro quo; defending Ferguson, Baltimore, and Chicago riots; excusing Muslim/Islam terrorism (ex. the shooting of the cop in Philadelphia excused by the mayor); ignoring America’s murder rate; Progressivism; redefinition of global warming to climate change; opening up Cuba; not calling Jihadi terrorism by its true name; and on and on. One crisis after another!

    Well documented in the news are the crises of ISIS, Ferguson, Bridgegate, men becoming women, and women becoming men. Why is it that our media will not reveal relieving oneself on the streets of San Francisco, or an alien gang raping a lesbian in the Bay Area, or an illegal immigrant importing twelve-year-old girls he purchased from their parents for sex, and on and on? And what about the young lady who was murdered by an illegal immigrant while walking with her dad on a street in San Francisco, a sanctuary city? It’s no secret that San Francisco is governed by leftists and has been for many, many years. What about black-on-black murders by the scores in Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Los Angeles, essentially all over this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!

    We have been desensitized into our destruction by just saying, Whatever! or by dismissing events as just politics. Like Israel of old, we have been lulled into complacency. Jeremiah said to the Israelites in Jeremiah 6:15, Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush (NIV). Jeremiah 6:13–15 in The Message states,

    Everyone’s after the dishonest dollar, little people and big people alike. Prophets and priests and everyone in between twist words and doctor truth. My people are broken—shattered!—They put on Band-Aids, saying, It’s not so bad. You’ll be just fine. But things are not just fine!

    Now to the present-day church. In 2 Timothy 4:3–4, Paul prophesied, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (KJV). The same Scripture in MSG paraphrase says, "You’re going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They’ll turn their backs on the truth and chase mirages." Far too often we want our pastors and priests to be celestial Johnny Carsons and Jay Lenos. And those pastors and priests just love it! As long as the church is large and growing, the pastors will continue to provide rock bands, blonde bombshells prancing across the stage, flashing strobe lights, and smoke billowing up from under the stage a la acid rock or Rolling Stones. It’s better, we think, to attend a rock concert with a Christian twist, like our vodka martinis. It’s exciting!



    I was thinking about something I read many years ago from the pen of James Allen, author of As a Man Thinketh. I’ll paraphrase. There was a time when people hated the king because he was the king. But there will come a time when they will hate one another because they allowed the king to be the king. Recently, I read a novel by David Baldacci entitled The Target. The story goes something like this, and I’ll put my spin on it. A female North Korean assassin, who had begun to hate her job, was sent to the United States to kill the president’s wife and children, bringing with her a small child who had been in a concentration camp. The purpose of this was to make an appearance of normality. The little girl had been defiant in the concentration camp and made a perfect understudy. They had false legal papers to get into the States and were shadowing the First Family on Nantucket. One evening, the two were talking. The little girl was curious about things in North Korea, where she had been severely beaten and abused. Chung-Cha (the assassin) said to Min (the little girl) something like this: It took courage for you to speak out and tell the guards what is in your heart, especially when others do not want you to. Sipping her tea, Min thought about this and said, I guess it does. When you were defiant in camp, Min. That’s what I mean. You did not let the guards break you, Chung-Cha said. Min nodded. I hated everyone there. Chung-Cha responded, "They made you hate everyone, even everyone there. See, that’s what they do. If they can make you hate everyone, they can control you. You will turn on each other."

    Listen, folks, those in control worldwide—dare I say, in these United States—are turning loose the bees of confusion, financial disruption, racial division, and chaos. They set up the conditions of confusion, i.e., controlled chaos. It seems they are controlled by those principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. As the apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, We are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world (LB). They’ve successfully used hateful bitterness to turn the blacks against the whites, the whites against the Mexicans, the Mexicans against the blacks, against conservatives in general, the rich against the poor, the poor against the rich and the middle class, the Arabs against the Jews, Hamas against the Jews, Iran and ISIS against everyone … Let me stop there. Go ahead; add your own to the list. You could rightly say that this has always been. Correct, you are! I rather doubt that this could ever be a conspiracy. It is too pervasive, complex, and convoluted.

    The additional component is modern technology. Never has it been possible for an individual or government entity to listen to your private conversations, watch your every move, analyze your every word, take pictures while you drive down the street, or capture the movement of your car with a small black box under your dash that you had no idea was there. Here again, I could go on and on, so add your own to the list.

    We recently visited Europe and notified our credit card companies before we left. We were told that many businesses in Europe would not take the standard credit card because information theft is rampant. Thieves can be in close proximity and steal information on the strip on the back of the card, including passwords. Therefore, the card companies sent us cards with a chip on the front. In Europe, we saw places where one needed to place his finger on an identifier in order to purchase items. Oh well, you know exactly what I’m getting at. The difference is this: it’s now upon us and we are being lulled to sleep by chaos and change. Christ is coming soon, and most of us won’t even know it until we are required to fall down and call the Antichrist blessed. We will be so spiritually sleepy or skeptical of warnings like this we’ll just call it politics!



    Who tried to pack the Supreme Court in 1937 giving him more power to rule? Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D)! Who put politics above America through delay and obfuscation at the beginning of World War II, costing over four hundred thousand young American lives? Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D)! Give him credit for leading us through the Great Depression but building on the socialism of Woodrow Wilson (D). Because of delay, our military was forced into dropping the atomic bomb, ushering in the atomic age, killing multiplied thousands, and the subsequent Cold War. Who fiddled while permitting North Korea to invade South Korea, costing close to forty thousand American lives? Harry Truman (D)! Who fired one of America’s greatest military generals thereby enslaving North Korea’s millions to slavery and hell for the following sixty-six years? Harry Truman (D)! And further, leaving Mao Tse Tung to slay millions in China? Harry Truman (D)! Who left it up to Dwight Eisenhower to end the Korean War? Harry Truman (D)! Who botched up Cuba, dooming multiplied thousands to Communism? John F. Kennedy (D)! Who laid the groundwork for Communist rule in South Vietnam by the killing of Diem? John F. Kennedy (D)! Who bungled Vietnam big-time through the Gulf of Tonkin incident, costing almost sixty thousand American lives? Lyndon B. Johnson (D)! Who left it up to Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford to end the Vietnam War? Lyndon B. Johnson (D)! Who created the War on Poverty, costing Americans over $22 trillion dollars to date? Lyndon Johnson (D)! Who supported the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, thereby ushering in Ayatollah Khomeini and the worldwide radical Islamic State war of terror? Jimmy Carter (D)! Who so badly mismanaged the Iranian situation that our American Embassy staff and others were captured and held captive for 444 days? Jimmy Carter (D)! Who totally destroyed the American economy for four years so we had over 14% inflation and over 24% interest rates on loans, causing multiplied thousands of bankruptcies and billions in lost assets? Jimmy Carter (D)! Who was the classless idiot who took sexual advantage of a young intern in the Oval Office, bringing disgrace on the Office of the President? Bill Clinton (D)! Who had the shameless arrogance to go on television and lie like a yellow dog? Bill Clinton (D)! (Was it a vast rightwing conspiracy?) Who … oh my goodness! I don’t have enough room on my computer for what has happened the last seven to eight years!

    The party of my grandpa, who was a yellow-dog Democrat, is not the party of today. That party has been impregnated and infected with a left-wing philosophy using propaganda straight out of the Saul Alinsky/Karl Marx/Vladimir Lenin playbook. If you don’t believe me, do your own research.

    And it’s not just someone with a D after their name! The R Party, which is supposedly one of conservatism and traditional American values, has acted like timid milquetoasts. In fact, there is a collegial atmosphere in the political class making protecting one another their sole responsibility.

    And it’s not just the political parties. It’s our educational institutions and some of our churches, yea, and our culture! Remember controlled chaos? Sometimes I think these progressives/liberals are so broadminded they are flat-headed. Don’t go to sleep on me now! That’s exactly what this new change wants you to do. They have been working on this for over eight-five years, propagandizing the American populace, universities, and churches. Hey! We gotta wake up!

    There was a reason why the prophet Jeremiah was named the weeping prophet. He prophesied from about 626 BC to around 586 BC. I don’t know the exact dates because I wasn’t around back then. He wept and preached and prophesied, telling the people to wake up because their sins were going to cause Jerusalem to fall. And sure enough … it fell in 586 BC!

    For my people have committed two evils:

    They have forsaken me, the Fountain of living waters,

    And hewed out cisterns, broken cisterns,

    That can hold no water.

    (Jeremiah 2:13 AMP)

    One Sunday morning, my daughter and I decided to go to the church next door to her apartment. It was a prominent downtown church. The menu/worship folder and sermon that day gave honor to the great feminists of America. They were listed (parentheses are mine for clarification): Bella Abzug (who focused on sexuality and reproductive rights), Maya Angelou (friend of Malcolm X; James Baldwin, a left-wing poet; Nelson Mandela, a member of the Communist Party of South Africa; and Martin Luther King), Gloria Steinem (focused on civil disobedience, sexuality, and reproductive rights), Hillary Clinton, Betty Friedan (focused on changing Democrat politics, income equality for women, and reproductive rights), and a few more. Do I need to go on with this stuff? I think you get the point. We went to church to hear about Jesus! Jesus, God, heaven, hell, truth, hope, purity, holiness, forgiveness, and redemption were not mentioned. So about a third of the way through the service, my daughter and I walked out, and so did some other people.



    Do you want to win an argument fraught with intense emotion, potential anger, and irrationality? Find someone or something to blame! The idea is to shift the subject of the conversation so the person with whom you are arguing starts to sympathize with you. I’m not a noted psychologist, but over the years I have seen this tactic used very effectively. It is generally used by those harboring secret agendas. They will scream at you, Do you think I am crazy? Please

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