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Learn Isci: Introducing Interaction Science to Awaken Your Genius
Learn Isci: Introducing Interaction Science to Awaken Your Genius
Learn Isci: Introducing Interaction Science to Awaken Your Genius
Ebook241 pages3 hours

Learn Isci: Introducing Interaction Science to Awaken Your Genius

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Learn-Isci: Introducing Interaction Science to Awaken Your Genius is the introductory volume in this Isci training book series. Learn Isci provides a thorough overview of how Isci works, and explains the purpose and role that each successive skill stage occupies in the training process. Therefore, even if you dont read the books in the exact order suggested by the Isci creator. Learn (book one) will fill you in the background knowledge youll need to master the skill stages featured in books one through five.
As the worlds first and only practical do-it-yourself behavior and body cell reprogramming method, Isci consists of the four successive personal and social skill stages featured in this training book series. The precious wisdom gems contained in this complete five-book series will awaken your genius Soul Review internal mind scrubbing. Empathic listening persuasion, Attack-tics conflict healing, and Social Alchemy energy sculpting.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 19, 2016
Learn Isci: Introducing Interaction Science to Awaken Your Genius


Isci creator Shifu Dr. Tim Thompson is an organizational development expert, Tai Chi master, and Kundalini Reiki Master. Shifu Dr. Tim’s current work as a life-transformation coach is the product of blending his extensive experience with group dynamics, media management, public relations, organizational training and development, interpersonal communication, and presentation skills.

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    Copyright © 2016 by SHIFU DR. TIM THOMPSON. 722699

    ISBN:      EBook         978-1-5144-1680-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 01/11/2016







    Section I: Prayer for the Renewal of Inspiration

    1.   The Sleeping Giant Begins To Yawn And Stretch

    2.   Isci’s Effects On The Human Psyche

    3.   The Underlying Mechanics of Soul Review, Energy-Level Communication, and Conscious Creation

    Section II

    4.   Developing Emotional Discipline and Yin (Yielding) Communication Skills

    5.   Managing Your Daily Soul Review and Empathic Listening Practices

    6.   Attack-tics: The Practice of Neutralizing Emotional Attacks

    7.   Mastering Social Alchemy Skills to Complete Your Isci Conscious Creation Training

    Section III

    8.   Everyday Stories: A Tincture of Social Alchemy Goes a Long, Long Way

    9.   Group Level Social Alchemy: Stories of Human Relations Genius Unleashed

    10.   Sharing the Bread of your New Isci Skills with a Hungry World


    About the Author


    This book is almost guaranteed to be unlike anything you’ve ever read. I make this statement so confidently for the simple reason that the book’s contents definitely are not the product of me having conducted an exhaustive academic study of the human body, mind, and spirit. Neither are the contents of this work the result of me having sifted through reams of scholarly material focused on the principles of psychological self-actualization.

    Now that you know what didn’t lay the foundation for this work, I suggest that you take a few deep cleansing breaths and fling the doors of your mind and heart wide open while I tell you how this Learn Isci book can propel you toward your own highest expression of self-actualization. In fact, by the time you finish reading this book, you’ll be intimately familiar with the keys to exploring and strategically reprogramming the hidden regions of your own mind.

    The full name of this Isci stuff that I’m coaxing you to learn by studying this book is Interaction Science. To summarize its purpose in a few words, Isci is a brand new set of Celestial Light Codes (messages delivered as holographic thought-forms) that I’ve specially designed to enable you to override and reprogram all of your own core mental conditioning. I’ve given the name Interaction Science to these Light Codes because the underlying purpose for all of our thinking, feeling, speaking, and acting is for us to enjoy being reality creators and energy sculptors on this planet within the context of our social interactions.

    So here’s what you can expect from internalizing these Light Codes. Your Learn Isci self-actualizing journey will begin on the surface of your conscious mind, where you can clearly see both your immediate surroundings and the road ahead. When you emerge out of the other end of your investigatory tunnel, you’ll find yourself standing in the center of your subconscious mind, where the light is dimmest and the mystery is greatest. Although your subconscious thought patterns are currently held in the embrace of mystery and darkness, by the time you complete your mental shift, the light of your newly acquired self-knowledge will illuminate your subterranean mental space like the sunrise heralds a new day.

    In order for you to build your Isci energy sculpting and self-reprogramming skills, you must first find and use a special key to unlock the appropriate parts of yourself. That key is your expert ability to perfectly blend your pure loving intent with advanced skills at utilizing your emotions like a sorcerer wields a magic wand.

    The only way to accomplish this perfect blending of intention and skill is to develop a high level of self-understanding and human relations expertise by applying the principle of emotional relaxation throughout your relationships with yourself and others. Furthermore, the only way to truly know whether or not you’ve developed enough emotional intelligence to actually reprogram your own mind is to diligently practice the principles behind the main Isci skill levels (mastered in a specific sequence of four progressive stages). Your true reward for mastering these skill areas will be an amazing adeptness at consciously creating in your life whatever you authentically want.

    Figure 1 below shows the proper sequence through which mastering the four Isci skill areas will bring you the fulfillment of your conscious creation goals. Listed in the order of their appearance in this comprehensive new training system, here are the descriptions of each stage’s purpose and role within the Isci self-reprogramming and Conscious Creation skills development process:


    1. The first stage – Soul Review – will help you identify any self-sabotaging mental habits of yours that may be interfering with your total fulfillment, and will show you how to delete them from your mental hard drive to make room for thought patterns that will bring you any type of abundance that you decide to pursue. Along the way to such abundance, Soul Review will help you master the scientific art of emotional relaxation, which leads naturally to the advanced skill of emotional discipline. These are the prerequisite skills that will prepare you properly for mastering the other skill stages.

    2. Stage two – Empathic Listening – will teach you the secrets of reading people and sculpting thought/feeling energy to turn all of your relationships into valuable growth opportunities for you and your relations. Empathic listening is listening with all five of your senses, which makes it the most powerful persuasive tool known to the human race at this time. Once you master Empathic Listening, you’ll be able to generate highly accurate scouting reports on your rivals while simultaneously providing the most powerful kind of emotional support to your friends and loved ones.

    3. The third stage – Attack-tics – will show you how to use the conflicts that you inevitably face in your life as catalysts for strengthening the relationships in which those conflicts occur. Attack-tics is an advanced conflict resolution/utilization skill set based on applying the principles of Tai Chi self-defense to redirect and neutralize emotional attacks without unnecessarily escalating anger and resentment between you and others. By redirecting others’ turbulent emotions toward more peaceful forms of expression, you’ll create openings for improving the quality of those relationships.

    4. The fourth and final Isci training stage – Social Alchemy – will build your capacity to observe and monitor the hidden mental domain that the iconic Swiss psychologist Carl Jung called The Collective Unconscious. Tuning directly and intentionally into The Collective Unconscious will equip you with the ability to accurately read the core motivational drivers behind individual and group behaviors, and then will direct you toward ideal ways to support the fulfillment of your groups and teammates. These are the most highly prized skills for truly ethical leaders and change agents.

    The material you’re reading now (Learn Isci: Introducing Interaction Science to Awaken Your Genius) is book 1 of my five-book Isci training series designed to help you master the subtle but powerful arts of self, one-on-one (dyadic), and group relationship building and healing. In order of appearance, the full set of Isci training series books consists of this one, followed by The Power of You: Transform Your Life Through Soul Review (book 2), Persuade With Silence: The Scientific Magic of Empathic Listening (book 3), Attack-tics Reborn: The Real Art of Fighting Without Fighting (book 4), and Social Alchemy: The Power to Create Your Own Destiny (book 5).

    As book 1 of this training series, Learn Isci provides a comprehensive overview of Isci’s origins, overall purpose, and the ultimate goals of the system’s four stages of self-mastery. Meanwhile, each of books 2 through 5 specializes sequentially in one of those four training stages (Soul Review, Empathic Listening, Attack-tics, and Social Alchemy).

    No matter what kind of work you do or what family circumstances you’re in, these manuals will guide you step by step through the advanced human relations management system/practice that I’ve introduced under the name of Isci. At this pivotal point in Earth humanity’s dramatic evolutionary journey, Isci is the world’s first and only fully organic do-it-yourself DNA self-reprogramming software, and its amazing benefits will be sorely needed in the coming transitional years.



    Regardless of whether we look on a local, state, national, global or cosmic level, we’ll find the same double-edged sword slicing its way through the body of humanity.

    On the one hand, a global information highway and global economic labyrinth have penetrated every population that hasn’t been destroyed by one form of expansionism or another. On the other hand, human dependence on these control mechanisms has been numbing the sensibilities of many souls just when they urgently need to be free to develop creative responses to the challenges that have been flooding our planet at an increasingly dizzying pace.

    Our worldwide communication systems have enabled us to reach unprecedented numbers of people around the globe with unexampled speed and efficiency. And while this has fostered the creation of global human interaction (social) networks, the pervasiveness of the technological devices needed to plug into these networks has encouraged over-dependence on such devices along with blind trust in powerful personas and authority structures.


    As a result, most people, no matter where we live, spend each day teetering at a major fork in the road of our lives. One of the roads available to us at this critical juncture is a super highway leading toward an utter loss of control over our own lives, while the other is an unpaved footpath leading toward greater control over our individual and collective destinies.

    Within this chaotic swirling vortex of today’s rapidly changing social order, danger seems to be lurking everywhere, hidden in the foliage of our confusion, waiting to swallow and digest us in the bowels of despair and self-destruction. So unless we can access and put to use some sort of reliable compass to navigate us into the remembrance of our central human purpose, how can we act with the level of confidence that breeds true intelligence and excellence? Furthermore, how can we transform our social environments into oases of peace and freedom – the natural byproducts of achieving our full human potential?

    The most comprehensively fulfilling answers to these increasingly urgent monumental questions exist within a simple way of living that I’ve created and named Interaction Science (Isci for short). I chose this name because, in a metaphorical sense, if the human mental apparatus is a super-computer, then Isci is the world’s first and only fully organic do-it-yourself DNA self-reprogramming software. I’ll explain.


    The name Interaction Science is actually a paradox that precisely reflects the dynamic tension that we constantly face in our search for a perfect balance between total freedom of expression and full prior knowledge of the consequences of our decisions. And like such culinary paradoxes as sweet-&-sour sauce and sea salt-infused chocolate, the contrasting principles that govern human interaction and scientific inquiry can be made to complement each other perfectly, under the right circumstances.

    More specifically, the term interaction consists of the noun action preceded by the prefix inter, which means between. So its literal meaning is action between. In a human relationship context, then, action between refers to the energy exchange activity that occurs between two people.

    Meanwhile, the term science refers to a systematic and measurable set of investigatory thought processes that we employ to make sense of the world in and around us. Therefore, when combined within the context of human relations, the terms interaction and science constitute a paradox or oxymoron, which is an expression containing contradictory words.

    But here’s why these two contrasting partners work so beautifully together despite their differences.

    As you undoubtedly know, human interaction is an elusively chaotic, messy, and largely unpredictable process. Furthermore, chances are that you were taught to resign yourself to the so-called fact that the unpredictability of human relationships almost guarantees that giving your heart to people will cause you great suffering.

    On the other hand, scientific investigation is the meticulous practice of trying to consistently reproduce environmental conditions and other variables to maximize the predictability of our decisions and actions. And we all know that people and their behaviors are only mildly predictable at best, right?


    Well, technically, yes. People are indeed mostly unpredictable. However, the deeper you delve into the inner workings of human behavior, the more clearly you’ll see that a relatively compact and orderly set of principles governs the entire gamut of human thinking, feeling, and acting.

    And once you internalize the creative patterns by which those orderly principles show up throughout your life, you’ll have acquired a high enough level of energy-molding skills to tap into and manipulate the forces that flow within those patterns. At that point you will also have permanently freed yourself from unwanted manipulation by others while simultaneously activating your power to create what your heart truly desires.

    As your good fortune would have it, by discovering Isci, you’ve opened up your world to the perfect tool for understanding what makes human beings tick on the deepest possible level. So now let’s return to my computer metaphor portraying Isci as the world’s first and only fully organic do-it-yourself mind-reprogramming software.


    Isci focuses most of its skill-building attention on mastering what I call the scientific art of communicating at the vital energy level – the heart center of the human psyche’s core motivating forces. So in order to unravel the mystery of how you can freely tap into your own central driving energy processing plant and reprogram it however and whenever you want, let’s start by explaining how your mental activities determine all of what you ever experience.

    From a physical design standpoint, your brain is an organic transmitter/receiver of the electromagnetic wave pulses that serve as the stimulants for all facets of the divine creation to act and react among themselves. Meanwhile, your mind is your brain’s direct supervisor. Therefore, your mind is simultaneously the mechanism/process that generates all of your creative activity, and it’s also the field within and upon which all creative movement occurs in your life.

    Additionally, a carefully balanced division of labor between your intellect and emotions conducts all of your creative mental activities. Your intellect is the internal camera for which your eyes are the lenses, and the endless string of photos taken by your internal camera is called thinking. On the emotional side of your experience-creating process, feelings more or less automatically attach themselves to your thought pictures according to the degree to which you associate each photo with positive or negative sensations/experiences. Therefore, your feelings are responsible for all of your mental and physical movements.

    The implications of this are staggering, because it essentially means that all of your decisions and their resulting actions are powered by your emotional responses to your environment. So since feeling drives all human choices and actions, the key to mastering your social behavior is to develop complete control over your emotional responses.

    Mastering your emotional responses produces such powerful transformative results because facing your emotional storms as they arise in your awareness allows you to follow your outward reactions back into the perceptual core from which they sprang. The more you practice discovering the origins of your emotional impulses in the heat of intense moments, the more easily you’ll be able to tear down the wall between your conscious and subconscious awareness.

    Once you’ve dissolved the self-sustained barrier between the experience-creating parts of yourself, you’ll discover that emotional discomfort is nothing more than an internal signal indicating that you need to adjust the way you relate to your surroundings. Making such an adjustment is only possible when you’re not being swept away by a tornado of emotional turbulence. Therefore, learning to intentionally relax your emotional responses is the key to clearing your mind sufficiently to free yourself to make whatever effective perceptual adjustments you may need.

    In freeing your mind to pursue its most intriguing and preferred adventures in this way, you’ll permit yourself to dive deeper and deeper into the oceanic depths of the subtle creative thought and feeling currents that’ll show you how to intentionally mold the energies of human consciousness and expression.


    Over time, as you begin to consistently remember to adopt a relaxed emotional state whenever a turbulent impulse arises, you’ll realize that you’ve developed a high degree of emotional discipline. Developing a basic proficiency level in working with these core-level motivating forces will enable you to interact with any individual or group at the deepest possible strategic and creative level.

    Although most of us don’t yet realize it, each of us is fully capable of seeing and communicating with others without the inevitable distortions caused by filtering our perceptions through the human personality lens. But this level of human relations skill

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