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Fair Play
Fair Play
Fair Play
Ebook71 pages27 minutes

Fair Play

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About this ebook

Fair Play is a collection of poems influenced by growing up in urban Alberta.

The poetry speaks to shaping values, creating character, and facing challenges alone and together with members of our community locally and globally. The poems are about growing up and also about growing together to build an equal community for all through love and a level playing field here and anywhere and everywhere in the world.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 20, 2016
Fair Play

Max Vandersteen

I was born in Australia and raised in the cities of Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta, Canada, from the age of 3, after my parents emigrated. Being brought up in Alberta provided the opportunity to participate in many outdoor activities that I relished, such as skiing, hiking, fishing, camping, and canoeing. While I still enjoy these hobbies whenever I can get away from the city, I have lived in Edmonton permanently since 1973. Although I came to attend university, I settled into a career of plumbing and pipefitting until I retired in 2012. The diverse people and experiences I have encountered here have instilled a passion for the community and social justice issues present in daily life both within this region and beyond. Along with now volunteering more of my time in these areas with organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Development and Peace, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, I also promote and sell fair-trade products in various venues. Retirement has also given me the time to write more and share my feelings about the values I have gained through these activities. When introduced to the words and imagery of poetry, I began to write during my high school years and continued sporadically until recently to try to capture my feelings and experiences through the sounds of poetic language. Becoming more involved with social justice issues has opened my heart further, and retirement has provided the time to promote common good, faith, and social justice through writing poetry. I have previously published a book of poems two years ago, entitled The Iguanas of El Rey.

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    Book preview

    Fair Play - Max Vandersteen


    A Dutch girl

    (een Hollanse meisje)

    sister, maid and babysitter

    servant to her brothers

    (Hollandse broers)

    rearing and nurturing me too

    a Dutch lady moeder

    my mother

    scolding me then holding me

    molding me and proud of me

    (trots op haar erste jongen)

    firstborn of

    my mother

    who would cook and clean

    shine his own shoes

    and go to school.

    Her life was of work

    but work was her life

    and always a perfect Christian wife

    (een volmaakt vrouw)

    my moeder

    a Dutch lady and matron

    (een Hollandse dame)

    who also polished me

    and prepped me

    to look after myself

    and to look after my debts

    even giving me a bill

    (een rekening)

    when I struck out on my own

    leaving our home

    (ons huis)

    to go to school

    so I cashed in my bond

    (een obligatie)

    savings earned in my youth

    through babysitting

    and a paper route.

    Through pride, self-preservation

    and will

    then I earned (my living)

    while I learned (about giving);

    I still

    owe her so much

    for that education

    (een ontwikkeling).



    I t was no contest, they would have to head west

    for sun and for fun and for just conquest

    by thumb to come to a concerted destination

    a little like rolling stones, through the current unknowns,

    turning new turf in still unexplored zones

    free of docility, fences and brands.

    Eager to depart they made their heady start

    armed with peace and over reaching heart

    hitching out on TransCanada highway one;

    the exit was swift as they got a quick lift

    setting both their goals and souls spinning adrift

    but destiny still held in an other one’s hands;

    their mood was elated and expectations were inflated

    by the ease with which their journey initiated

    with no doubt in good will or not oft travelled roads

    the company did vary, both cooperative and contrary,

    and although all bonds were likely illusionary

    charity was still champion of the day.

    As hitches grew sporadic the journey became emblematic

    of solidarity through love and life nomadic

    presenting lacks and lessons in timeless episodes;

    the further they sallied through endless peaks and valleys

    less often through the passage their spirits rallied

    above the bias and hazards curtailing their way.

    Though in wisdom

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