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Operation Jivundu: Scribe’S Quest
Operation Jivundu: Scribe’S Quest
Operation Jivundu: Scribe’S Quest
Ebook55 pages48 minutes

Operation Jivundu: Scribe’S Quest

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In a world of dreams, being a top-notch reporter is the cardinal thing for two young reporters Jake Chingu and Michael Fwando, who, despite having humble backgrounds, decide to be reporters. While working for a local newspaper, they discover their talent. They venture further into a world of reporting.

With Bindwo, Ngwiza, Deveraux, Vasco, and the Banchilis on their trail, they get more than they bargained for. Someone starts hunting them one by one. Virgin Chingu becomes the pitch of everything as they discover a plot calling itself Operation Jivundu. The Banchilis are part of these guerrillas. Jake and Michael must outwit their adversaries and figure out whos hunting them before its too late.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 9, 2016
Operation Jivundu: Scribe’S Quest

Chimba Kabayi

Chimba Moses Kabayi. He was born on January 7, 1984. the firstborn in a family of three gents. He went to various schools across the country for my primary school from 1990 to 1997. He did my secondary school in Mporokoso, Northern Zambia, and Copperbelt respectively from 1998 to 2003 to 2005. He studied primary school teaching from 2007 to 2008 at Kitwe College of Education, and He graduated in 2008. I am currently a serving primary school teacher at Lukokesha Primary School, working under the Ministry of General Education. Apart from that, I am pursuing a bachelor’s of education degree in English and am in the third year. His hobbies are reading, watching movies and documentaries, playing football, swimming, and cycling. He is married to Penelope C. Mweemba,with one daughter

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    Operation Jivundu - Chimba Kabayi

    Copyright © 2016 by Chimba Kabayi.

    ISBN:        Softcover   978-1-5144-2272-4

                     eBook        978-1-5144-2271-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 11/17/2015








    Chapter One The Beginning

    Chapter Two The Confrontation

    Chapter Three An Old Trail

    Chapter Four Cracking The Puzzle

    Chapter Five The Final Score


    For Mum, Dad and my Grand father


    Mrs E. Chibende, Mrs Dube for providing me with the Xlibris experience.Mr D. Simfukwe, Mr M. Mwiinga for their support and encouragement. Judith, Rita, Margaret, Annette for assistance rendered. Mr Kapya for lending me his laptop to finish the novel. Most importantly my brothers Evaristo and Jonathan, my wife especially for her patience and diligence to bring this work to reality.


    In the world of reporting it is only virtue and good instincts that keep you going. That’s what happens to two friends when they decide to join the world of scribes, people who are fearless to bring the truth to light.

    This leads them to discover that they have more than so much in common. As they both discover that they have got estranged siblings and more follows them from history. Michael Fwando and Jake Chingu along with Vasco, Jack and Virginia are the centre of this intriguing story.

    With mercenaries on their trail after exposing them in the media. Michael and Jake must outwit their adversaries and stay ahead. However, after Jake’s sister’s murder things change they get something more than they bargained for! Someone is hunting them and they have to stay ahead of him.

    With the help of Vasco they must expose and bring down the Banchili’s, leaders of the mercenaries. Who are deadly because they leave no prisoners. The scribe’s quest race has just begun…………

    Chapter One

    The Beginning

    Operation Jivundu

    Ideas were racing in my mind, stuck with the guiltiness of letting my friend cover the story alone. His body badly wounded by bullets that hit him on the battlefield. To make matters worse he had lost a lot of blood due to excessive bleeding as he lay on the bed in hospital. Narrating between sobs and gasping how he was caught up in crossfire which was going between a mercenary-like small army and the state army. All this happened in a small country called Bamvunde in a city called Manguvu. My friend battling for his life managed to give me patches of the information, word had it that an oilfield, an undeveloped goldmine and some illegal dealings. These issues and a couple of heaven knows what!! These events happened in just one month, I was covering two columns:

    Have your Say and who’s in Charge.

    But in the mean time let me take you back six years ago, when Michael Fwando, that’s me and Jake Chingu, my best friend had just finished college. I discovered that Jake and I had a lot in common-even our ambitions were a little similar. I loved writing articles; he liked reporting, digging for information, that kind of thing. But our first break wasn’t anything to do with journalism. I was working for a cotton ginnery and my friend was working for a paper making factory. This was right after high school. Then things suddenly began to change; I was a keen reader of the Blaze Daily news paper. I developed interest in writing articles to the editor in the

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