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Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover
Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover
Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover
Ebook279 pages3 hours

Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover

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About this ebook

Mutiny in the Bounty is a life-changing experience, beginning with Satan encouraging us to commit mutiny against the spirit and ending in uncovering his subtle purposes.

This ultimately leaves him in control and leaves us blindsided.

Learn why the master mutineer really wants to render us ineffective in Gods universal purpose while trying to hide a vital aspect of that plan!

Dont wait until the major storm has to wake us up, open our eyes, and get us back on course. It is a must read for the church's body today!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 15, 2015
Mutiny in the Bounty: A Subtle Spiritual Takeover

Dolores Lee

Dolores Lee, a graduate of the Philadelphia Biblical University in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, studied biblical theology, the history of Israel, the principles of the Bible, the doctrine of salvation, and counseling. She founded Manasseh Ministries, Inc., a 501 c (3) corporation and structured the ministry for shattered lives via support groups, workshops, and speaking engagements. She has always believed that the Lord wants to heal from the inside out. In 2006 she wrote her first book, The Twelfth Day, paralleling the church’s victories and defeats through the mirror of chosen Israel during their forty-year testing period in the wilderness.

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    Mutiny in the Bounty - Dolores Lee

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    A Subtle Spiritual Takeover

    Part I – The Take Over

    Chapter 1 – Who Left the Door Open?

    Chapter 2 – Ignorance is Not Bliss

    Chapter 3 – How Low Can You Go?

    Chapter 4 – The Origin of Mutiny

    Chapter 5 – Strongholds Have Roots

    Chapter 6 – Getting to the Root of the Matter

    Part II – The Fix

    Chapter 7 – Stain Removal

    Chapter 8 – Discovering the True Branch

    Chapter 9 – Uncovering Hidden Links

    Chapter 10 – The Universal Mutiny Plan

    Chapter 11 – Getting Back on Course

    Chapter 12 – God’s Appointed Time

    Chapter 13 – The Conclusion of the Matter

    Words from the Author…



    Joseph Good, non-Jewish, author of Rosh HaShanah and the Messianic Kingdom to come is the founder of Hatikva Ministries, and pastor of Kehilat Tikvat Y Israel, a Messianic Jewish congregation in Beaumont, Texas. He is an established Bible scholar and teacher with an ability to correlate Old and New Testament Scripture. His books, tapes, and speaking engagements are designed to reveal to both Jew and non-Jew the original intent of the Scriptures from their Hebraic form. He has been, along with the Holy Spirit, a tremendous instrument in my developmental learning about the Church, Israel and the Kingdom to come. I give a special thanks to him and his father, Joseph Good, Sr. for their untiring devotion to Truth and dedicate this book to the Glory of the Lord.

    Barbara Arnold, my friend, Master of Arts Degree in Old Testament Theology, Biblical Theological Seminary, is the instrument God used to supply me with Old Testament study books as a gift on every holiday. I always bought her personal gifts on birthdays and holidays, but she stayed true to the will of the Spirit, and gave me another study book on every occasion. I would have loved to have a bottle of perfume one time, but the Lord was not playing with me, and He finally got His message to my spirit. Thank you for remaining faithful, Barbara. Truth entered into my spirit through my studies and changed my life.

    Dr. Mike Cory, born again believer, Executive Director and Facilitator for Voice of Judah International Ministries, and fellow advocate for equipping the Church to prepare for the end times, with a Hebraic understanding of the entire Bible, while restoring the Church’s relationship with Israel and the Jewish people.

    What people have said about Dr. Mike Cory’s teachings on behalf of the Voice of Judah International Ministries:

    The message and word Mike delivered at our church was timely. It is imperative for the American church to wake up and understand The Israel Mandate and end times…so that we may stand strong until the very end because we have knowledge along with revelation from God’s Word and His Spirit. Bless God for Voice of Judah International Ministries. – E.D…

    I loved learning the deeper roots of Scripture. The class reaffirmed my desire to celebrate the Feasts, to think within a Hebraic context, and to love the Jewish people more. I loved learning that the Old Testament is not old and that the New Testament is the fulfilment of what the Lord set out in the beginning. I have a better understanding of the end times. - H.E…

    "I believe the passionate heart of our heavenly Father is witnessed by those who hear these teachings. The challenge is not the opening of our ears alone, but the opening of our hearts. Thank you for following the calling the Lord has given to Voice of Judah International Ministries – Rabbi D.S…


    A Subtle Spiritual Takeover

    T his book is about how individual Christians, potential believers and the Church Body, at its peak, are being blind-sided, as Satan works behind the scenes to orchestrate one of the greatest deceptions in Christendom. We’ll uncover that plan and deception by the Chief Muti neer.

    W e’ve often described vivacious and controlling people as having a take-over spirit, but truthfully, all of us have been bitten by the Take-over Spirit. Just ask Jesus how many times we have taken the reigns back and how many times the Holy Spirit has had to clean up the mess left behind. Sometimes our messes leave stains or residue. Learn how the Lord uses our failures to produce victory in our lives and impart Truth for our journey, while exposing the ultimate plans of the enemy.

    T he last time we talked I was skipping through the meadow, and on my way to abundant living! I had taken John 10:10 literally in my heart, I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. –and I was living it!

    I t is so easy to start reading your own press. What do you mean by that? They used to say that about athletes who got up the next morning after a game and read about all of the good things they did in the game. It was always filled with the most positive accomplishments and rarely spoke of the mistakes. After a while when their heads started swelling, they would say, He must be reading his own press because he needs to bring it down a little bit. He’ll be alright when he starts taking his humility pills because either he brings it down or life will. Truth! We either bring it down or the Lord will bring it down for us. It doesn’t take much to become self-absorbed and self-centered.

    I was respected in my church as a good teacher, and people respected the fact that I laid my life, my soul and my body bare in my first book, The 12th Day – all in the name of exposing my sin to help heal other lives. God had delivered me from a life-threatening operation, so after these victories, I was helping Jesus pick out drapes for everybody’s mansion in the new heaven. Just kidding, but not kidding about the level I believed I had risen to at that time.

    I was basking in His adoration, living in His bounty, and enjoying my life. I finally understood that obedience to the Lord had its rewards, and the rewards of obedience are peace, love and joy in the Holy Spirit. I also understood that the Lord wants us to serve Him, but He also wants us to enjoy the life He died to give us on earth.

    I had arrived, or so I thought. But a funny thing happened in the middle of my abundant living…I got in my way! I got so caught up with personal living that I jumped ahead of abundant living. All of a sudden the 2nd mate had taken the helm, the Captain was standing in the background, and peace was incognito (we’ll explore this in the chapters).

    W ith all of our doing and all our going; in-spite of our pious intentions, the number of ministries we join that we feel can’t function without us, and the spiritual prominence we receive from our peers, every now and then we have to test our motives by asking ourselves the question, Who’s really in charge here? If we can’t feel a sense of peace then we have to ask the questions, Is Jesus really the Captain of my ship? If not, How did I get to be the captain? But that’s what subtlety is. It silently creeps up on us unnoticed - unnoticed because we are distracted by self.

    I noticed that I seemed to be calling a lot of the shots lately. I casted the anchor and stopped at the crossroads of Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight and direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) "Whose hands are on the steering wheel and who’s doing the directing?

    W hen did the switch take place? I asked. It definitely didn’t happen overnight, so it obviously was a subtle take-over ! In this book I will show you how we can sabotage our own walk and commit Mutiny while living in the Bounty of God’s blessings and favor. When we steer our ship by self-will, we open the door to the selves" i.e., self-centeredness, self-indulgence, self-absorbance, to name a few. These are big game changers that carry huge consequences in our walk.

    I had overcome what I considered the biggest stumbling block in my way of effective ministry. I was healed from insecurity, low self-esteem, victimization, and rejection – all of which paved a wide path to an adulterous affair! I was an overcomer and now an author, and everybody in my church, with non- judging eyes, knew my story. I was living in the good and plenty and then Bam! Satan declared war again, but this time I didn’t even hear the sirens go off. The rudder of my ship started turning according to my will. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a rebellious spirit to me! That was the day I became the Captain and Jesus was the Co-Pilot

    W e can take charge of our destiny without taking control. Some don’t believe in destiny. How can you be saved and not understand destiny. Paul said we were predestined for salvation in Romans 8:29 and Ephesians 1:5; in other words, we were chosen before the foundation of the world to be placed in the path of righteousness, destined for salvation just as we are destined to live forever with the Lord when He returns. There’s another thing for which we were pre-destined.

    L ife is about making the right choices, but we don’t get to choose our destiny. We simply get to live it and make choices within it. It’s called purpose. So we were pre-destined for purpose! Living in anything other than purpose is rebellious.

    S olomon said in Ecclesiastes that there is nothing new under the sun because after the Church in Romans flourished into bountiful blessings, mutiny was going on behind the scenes to cause confusion and rebellion.

    I ’ll take you to the origin of that rebellion that leads to mutiny. This mutiny is taking place individually and church-wide and nationally. But that’s what a take-over can be - a rebellion against the Lord’s will on an enormous scale.

    I ’ll use the arithmetic version of a number in this book, rather than its literal spelling just to prove some significant point and show how these numbers relate to symbolism, which imply quality of value vs. actual quantity. Watch and see.

    I ’ll identify the leaches that come along for the ride, show you how to get back to the meadows, and identify the major deception, designed by Satan, to keep us from understanding our spiritual connection in God’s End-Time Plan!

    Part I – The Take Over

    Chapter 1

    Who Left the Door Open?

    L et me first explain the key words in this title. I felt a compelling need to name this book in 2006, before I left New Jersey, after the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and after the concept of the Classic, Mutiny on the Bounty, a true story about a British Royal Navy Ship, HMS Bounty, where shipmates committed mutiny led by Fletcher Christian against Captain Lieutenant William Bligh where the infamous takeovers of all time took p lace.

    C hristian conspired with other shipman to overthrow the authority of the Captain and rebel against orders regarding the timing of their departure from a Tahitian island that afforded them the idyllic life of sexual opportunities when the Captain determined it was time to move on.

    W hile we came close t o being turned down for seeking a copyright that changed one preposition in the title from on the Bounty to in the Bounty, the concept between the physical aspect of a novel and the spiritual aspect of this book were too paralleling to pass up. I tried other names, but I had to repent for the very thought.

    So it’s safe to say that mutiny is a rebellious conspiracy among more than 1 person or entity that subtly and then openly opposes change and attempts to overthrow superior authority in charge. Let’s personify that with the body and soul committing mutiny against our spirit.

    In the Bounty I spoke about how satisfying it was to exhale after I had been obedient to the Lord and bore my soul for the edification of the Body of Believers in my book, and became a willing sacrifice to bring glory to the Lord with my story. There are rewards for obedience, and obedience was better than any sacrifice I could have made, so the Lord rewarded me for my obedience with righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit, but I stayed there too long.

    I n this case, Bounty is a payment or reward. There is nothing in this world any sweeter than the thought and the acknowledgement by Him that you pleased Him.

    W e also know bounty as another kind of reward. As a matter of fact, there were people who made a living, particularly in the western era, as " Bounty hunters". But, God’s Bounty is living in the rewards & payment of obedience to Him. Waddling in the bounty can also make us vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. Truth is that Satan doesn’t always wait until we’re down to deceive us. His most victorious attacks on the Saints of God are when we are basking in God’s bountiful blessings and admiring the works of our own hands. That’s when he launches a very low-keyed subtle attack on the mind that goes to the heart and then contaminates it so it causes the soul to act out the desires of our contaminated heart…Gotcha!

    I n this emphasis, Bounty means living in a time when evil is less expected and our guard is less intense. It reminds me of the end-time prophecies when men and women will be about their regular and routine practices such as giving birth, marrying and partying (as they were in the days of Noah) and relaxed in life when the Son of Man will come upon them at His 2 nd coming. Just when we’re basking in the bounty, Jesus will make His return back to the earth. (Luke 17:26, And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man.) Why is it so hard to believe that the enemy has come upon the Church while we are basking in the bounty of increased congregations, resources and beautiful things? We think we are rich, Laodicea, but we have become very poor! (Rev. 3:17)

    T his is the Bounty definition we want to explore in this book -

    living in the good and plenty. Why is mutiny a subtle spiritual takeover - because mutiny happens in a time when evil is less expected? It happens when we’re relaxed and our guard is less intense, it allows Satan to creep in unawares and weave his deceptive web. We accept our bounty from the Bounty Giver, but then we develop a false sense of security and contentment, trusting more in our knowledge and ourselves rather than the Giver. It’s not hard to start basking in self-absorbency. Then we begin to start taking over and become unaware that we have crossed over into rebellion because of a whisper.

    I mentioned things were going so well. I had written, completed and published my first book, a paralleling story between Israel and our Christian lives that depict their wilderness journey, and ours that should have been a short journey but ended up taking 40 years in the wilderness because of disobedience and idolatry.

    I srael has a tendency to move toward idolatry, seemingly more than others. I say seemingly because the Bible points out that idolatry and puts them on display so everybody can see their sin. How respected would we be in this world if everybody knew about everything we have done behind closed doors? Remember there is nothing new under the sun, because we are just as guilty. We think we’re innocent because we don’t bow before idols and statues, but remember idolatry is anything or everything we put before God, which includes our jobs, houses, spouses, significant others and children. So it just seems like Israel did more because they were on display throughout the OT, but they were on display for our sake. They pointed out the disdain of the sin of idolatry which, incidentally, our God hates.

    I mentioned in the intro that I laid bare my life in my book in a way that many people wish they could. The good news was that my pain helped others to face their pain and be healed – mission accomplished. Our pain is not always about us but someone else. I understood, at that time, what it meant to hold the thoughts and purposes of His heart in my heart and not care about the consequences of being shunned.

    I was in love again, but it took four years to realize that somewhere down the road I turned left instead of right. I took my eye off the prize, and I allowed the locust to help me lose my focus! It’s too easy to get distracted, isn’t it?

    The door is the entrance to our spiritual mind. Contamination comes from the mind and travels to the heart.

    I heard one preacher say that Distraction is the destruction of your dream in slow motion. Well said, Sir.

    Y es, I was definitely in His bountiful blessings, but how does living in the bounty subsequently turn into mutiny? We have quite a number of questions to answer in this book.

    Who left the Door Open

    W e are in this world but not of this world so when we consider our steps and analyze our circumstances we must consider the spiritual implications and the spiritual realm, because that’s where we really live. So when I ask, who left the door open? The door, is the entrance to our spiritual mind. Contamination comes from the mind and travels to the heart; therefore since we are all responsible for our own volitional behavior through our minds, then the Who is us !

    W e are determined to mess this thing up, aren’t we? That’s why the Lord wrote the parchment Deed and sealed it by the Holy Spirit to establish us to the end (Ephesians 1:13-14). He’s promised to keep us steadfast, give us strength to guarantee our vindication. He is our warrant against all accusations or indictments so we will be guiltless and irreproachable in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Messiah (1Cor. 1:8)

    I was doing so well and before I knew it, I was in charge again. I had taken back control of my life which ultimately took control of my spiritual walk. As we previously said, that’s the deception of subtleness. It’s shrewd and elusive, able to penetrate deeply and thoroughly. It slowly moves in before the kill! Believe it or not, we are the most vulnerable and exposed right after a victory. Just because

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