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You!! the Next Millionaire
You!! the Next Millionaire
You!! the Next Millionaire
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You!! the Next Millionaire

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Almost everyone in this world wants Wealth, Success and Happiness.
From the perspective of the subconscious mind The Universe is an Extension of The Individual and it is the conscious mind that keeps thinking that one is a part of or belongs to the Universe. This book teaches you how to connect to the Universal Mind through your subconscious mind in order to fulfill your intentions and desires. After reading this book you will begin to understand that your hard work, your background, your ethnicity, your country, your family, your teachers and even You from the conscious state of mind plays less than 10% role in determining who you could become. It is the subconscious mind which plays 90% of the turns and events that will eventually enable you to realize your desires in realizing any dreams, including wealth. You begin to to understand the connection between you and the universe, and what you do as you merge deeper into your co-existence with everything around you. You will begin to realize that the current financial situation you are leading is an accumulation of thought patterns and memories imprinting it time and again, and chanelling itself to the Greater Universal Mind through waves emanating from your subconscious mind. This waves and vibrations emanating from your subconscious mind will be the determinant of the magnitude in financial success. Why financial success? Because you are in the material world and you are using your mind waves to bring about results of materialistic kind. You are already tasting everything in your thought, but you could not touch your thoughts because it is in immaterial form. So now you get it? Use your mind, connect to the Universal Mind and get what you want in the Material World. By proper activation of the thought pattern, you channel your desires to the Higher Mind and wait. That is all it takes. By this, you move the Hands of the Universe quicker and more effectively. You become active and proactive. So does the Universe that embodies you.
Although many of us are successful in career, we still find we are not living our dreams. Like Galileo Galilei once said, "We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves."
How true? If only we understand deeper...
Release dateOct 22, 2014
You!! the Next Millionaire


Jaya Raj Kozandapani was born poor. When he was a little boy, his family of four lived in a small cube-like house in Malaysia. It was actually an external store room of his parent’s landlord. He grew up without proper food but his mind was often nourished by his mother who used to say “If you want to be successful, hang around successful people”. He never had that chance until he became successful himself...

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    You!! the Next Millionaire - Nickleirsch

    Copyright © 2014 by Jaya Raj Kozandapani with Nickleirsch & Sharinni.

    ISBN:           Hardcover          978-1-4828-2708-8

                        Softcover             978-1-4828-2707-1

                         eBook                 978-1-4828-2709-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Contents and Titles

    1. Searching For Wealth

    2. The Infinite Possibilities Within You

    3. Remove Your Mental Block

    4. Making The Right Decision

    5. The Best Way To Grow Rich

    6. Working To Be The Best

    7. The Magic Of Goals

    8. A Plan Of Action

    9. Learning To Work Effectively

    10. The Psychology Of Success


    This work is a product of inspiration by hundreds of people whom I have analysed in my entire life. Due to God given ability, I was able to dissect every bit of people’s character, habit, attitude and mindset which ultimately form the type of dream these people often choose to dream that eventually leads to the type of life they live. My Thanks to all!

    I would however choose to specifically highlight the names of these people below for being great support to me in the works I do. I feel a deep sense of gratitude:

    -wife Mala and my two kids for their kindness and understanding while I incessantly work day and night.

    -to my mom for the love and whom I owe all.

    -to friends Thiagarajan Marimuthu, Dato’ Muthu (JB), Justin R, Yap (Singapore), Joe (KL), S.Brian Ravi, Victor Rajavel, Atchuthan, K. Murali, Anthony Rajan, VGR Chandran, Ponnusamy, B.Saravanan, Vasaga M (Terry), Jeevanand, S. Jeyamani, Puthiran, Ramesh Murugan and Ronald Mak for being great mentors, motivators and above all greatest inspirations…

    -to my bosses at Stadpharm Pharmaceuticals, Jimmy Khoo and Marina Choo for their patience and encouragements..

    -to my one and only brother L.Jayabalan for his constant love and interest.

    -to my loyal customers Dr Suthakar, Dr Nidyananda and Dr Adrian Seah for their continued support and trust.

    -to the happy memory of my father, grandpa and grandma.. (will always love y’all)


    95% of us, think that the way to get our hands to wealth is a well-guarded secret reserved for the chosen 5% of the population. This is not a rule, neither man-made or natural. It is not a rule but just mere true statistics. We all know that 90% of the wealth of the world are in the hands of 5% population of the world. The one mistake we make is looking outside of us for the things that can be manifested inside of us. This holds true for all things in life. Money is no exception. Now let me explain this through an example. Just imagine the people that lived in the past. Many hundred or even many thousand years ago. They did not have all the things surrounding us that we now take for granted as necessity. Tap water for instance. Imagine a world where there is no tap water facility. A village that you need to wake up early to fetch water from the well and everyone else is also doing the same. Will that condition deprive you of happiness? Certainly NO! Just as the source of true happiness lies within each of us, so is the source of wealth! Money is the result of a very specific mental attitude. Call it what you like: the mentality of the rich, of millionaires, or of successful men. Money is the outward manifestation of an inner focus, of thoughts being steered towards a specific target. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of this. The major principles we will examine in the following chapter all lead to a higher, universal truth – that the mind is capable of anything. Genuine wealth is, above all, a state of mind – a state that has taken form in the lives of the rich. We must begin by being rich in mind before we can become rich in life.

    Wealth is derived by altering the state of the mind

    Gaining a clear understanding of the subconscious is fundamental. It is all very well to tell people that they must believe in success and fortune, and want it passionately. Yet, most people are paralysed by bad experiences. In addition, they appear totally incapable of cultivating what Nietzsche called the will to power. It is not all easy to demand action and firmness from someone who is irresolute, passive, and unmotivated. By discovering the mechanisms and power of the subconscious mind, however, anyone can overcome this obstacle. So, let us examine the subconscious mind, the source of man’s greatest personal and material wealth – the one and only place to look for the money that grows on trees. Soon you will learn how to tap into it at will.



    You and only you is capable of creating your own happiness or misery, a fact that cannot be denied by anyone who has mastered the laws of the mind, even superficially. This maxim probably isn’t new to you. Some of you may have greeted it with skepticism, while some of you may believe in it wholeheartedly. Nevertheless, there aren’t many people who have thought it over carefully or measured the full extent of its consequences. This is where the game is.

    The lives of the rich men we examine reveal that each one of them made full use of his subconscious mind to become wealthy. The key to success ultimately lies in the proper use of the subconscious mind. Why? you might ask. The reason is that both the means to make money and the outside circumstances affecting us are so varied and personal that it would be impossible to propose a surefire winning formula. Besides, no miracle recipe exists. It would be too simple. What does exists, however, and thousands of brilliant success stories testify to this, is a positive inner attitude.

    Many books deal with the secrets of real estate, the stock market, management, and so forth. These books are obviously invaluable reference tools. But the advice they ladle out, no matter how precise it is, is inevitably, always general. Pretending otherwise would be naïve and dishonest. In fact, however instructive a book claims to be, it will not tell you whether you should accept a job that comes your way, bid on a house, or invest in a particular money making proposition. Each case is unique. Even if your preliminary studies are very comprehensive, there are always imponderables in any scheme. Any analysis will be inadequate. We’re not saying that it’s unnecessary. On the contrary, improvisation and rashness are usually inadvisable. What we do mean is that there are times that your analysis can go no further. This is when a person’s sixth sense, what some people also call business sense, luck, or intuition, comes into play – the result of positive mental programming and a well-utilized subconscious mind. This is what makes the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person. This is the essence which will open the doors. This is the platform where you stand strong and the universe start sourcing the wealth you need. When you succeeded in your mental programming; your thought waves are going to permeate to every nooks and corners of the universe demanding attention from the entire cosmos. The universe then have no choice but to offer itself to your intentions and desire.


    We have all at some time or other heard talks about the subconscious mind. Its existence is now accepted in all scientific fields, although its final definition is still a matter of dispute. We have no intention of engaging in a long theoretical or historical analysis here. Let us simply state, without getting bogged down by theoretical details, that the human mind can be divided into two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The most common image used to illustrate the importance of the two parts is an iceberg, the small visible part being considered the conscious mind, the submerged and much larger part, the subconscious. This analogy was commonly used by Sigmund Freud (the father of Psychology) to explain the above to his students.

    In fact, the role the subconscious has to play in our lives is much greater than we believe it to be. It is the seat of our habits, complexes, and the limitations of our personalities. No matter what we think, the subconscious – not outside circumstances – is responsible for an individual’s wealth or poverty.

    The subconscious can be compared to a computer. It blindly and infallibly executes the programme fed into it. Every individual is programmed whether he knows it or not, and most people are programmed negatively. Given that the subconscious is phenomenally powerful, a person who has been programmed in this way will unfortunately never be successful or wealthy.


    As long as individual remains unaware of the laws of the mind, he will stay ignorant of his own programming. This is the case with most people, for a very simple reason. Mental programming takes place very early in a person’s childhood, at an age when his critical sense is still undeveloped. He naturally accepts all suggestions from the outside world. These suggestions, the program’s data base, so to speak, come at first from his parents and teachers. They become engraved in his young mind, which is as impressionable

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