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Dawn of a New Era
Dawn of a New Era
Dawn of a New Era
Ebook405 pages6 hours

Dawn of a New Era

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About this ebook

The incumbent looking to return to his elected offi ce is often
considered the favorite, but President Jerald Mortensen seeking a
second term appears to be losing ground to a political newcomer.
Across the United States events occur showing the nation that
President Mortensens programs are failing. Not involved in the
political scene the Broken Dreams Detective Agency becomes
drawn in as it seems that a secretive organization called The Ten
desires to force term limits on them also. Permanently! President and
private citizens soon become allies in the fi ght to end the possible
destruction of the countrys political system.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 31, 2012
Dawn of a New Era

Lee Pitts

The authors, Ronald Beach and Lee Pitts, are natives of Bremerton, Washington, and have been friends since childhood. Both are retired veterans of the US Army. Ronald Beach did his twenty-four years in the military in the Armored Cavalry and Tank Battalions and eventually rose to the rank of command sergeant major (E9). Ron served a tour of combat duty in Vietnam in the Twenty-Fifth Division and later as a civilian volunteered as an advisor to the Eleventh Armored Cavalry during the first Gulf War on the M1 and M1A1 Tanks. Lee Pitts served as a combat engineer and was also in the Vietnam War and rose to the rank of first sergeant (E8) and retired after twenty years of service.

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    Dawn of a New Era - Lee Pitts


    In a long forgotten bomb shelter deep beneath the prestigious Senate Building in Washington, D.C., nine people sat silently around an oaken conference table awaiting the arrival of the man they had chosen as their leader. Unknown to any outside of their exclusive circle, the clandestine assemblage referred to themselves as The Ten. Any one of the members of the secretive gathering was more than capable of conducting a meeting at any level, yet they awaited the man they looked upon as their leader to assume his rightful position at the head of the table. All individuals present held a position high in a branch of the United States government or in one of the various intelligence services connected to the government. Each member had been carefully screened and selected by the man they waited for to take part in covert aggressions across the country in an effort to undermine the President and what they considered his party’s failing attempt to keep the nation secure. These members were disgruntled party loyalists, perceived by their leader, as the best people for the job of creating havoc for the current administration in order to advance his political stature. Most of the eight men and one woman in attendance were so highly placed in their respective power positions that they called the President by his first name.

    Regardless of their power or wealth the man on whom they waited was

    accepted unanimously as the leader on this venture, a risky undertaking, which could prove to be dangerous and even treasonous—an enterprise of such proportions that it would alter the Land of the Free forever, and so sinister in its motives that not even a hint of the group’s existence could be known. Included in the group was one member of the military and his standing among the others was such that he had been appointed a place at one end of the long table, and was also the only one to have a weapon. His four stars glittered under the defused lighting coming from the florescent fixtures illuminating the secret underground meeting place.

    A huge ventilation system not only provided adequate fresh air, but also managed to filter out the pungent odor of the offensive Cuban cigar being puffed on by the elder statesman among them, known to many as Grandpappy, the elder of southern politics.

    This forgotten cavern had been built years ago during the Cold War, in the event of a national disaster, for use as a bomb shelter with the idea of providing protection for some of the nation’s most important civilian leaders.

    It had not been used until now and all record of its existence had long since been conveniently lost in the bureaucratic archives. Grandpappy was the only living member of those involved in its inception and he had made it known to the other members of The Ten for use as a secure meeting place. Cleverly constructed during the erection of a new wing to the Senate Building and financed through a special fund, complete with full dining and sleeping facilities. Its access was gained through the use of a special key which was inserted in a slot hidden behind a button on the switch panel of the service elevator in the building.

    To maintain their secrecy each member of this clandestine group entered the elevator at different times from different floors. The days and times of the meetings were erratic and were held only when an emergency existed requiring a planning session, as was the case of today’s assembly.

    The whirr of cables and the sound of a descending elevator alerted the anxious members assembled of the pending arrival of their leader. They all arose, as if deferring honor to royalty, looking eagerly toward the door of the solitary elevator.

    Stepping out of the elevator was a man who could have graced any stage; standing over six feet four inches tall with a lean muscular body, his bearing was that of a self-assured man who feared no one. His wavy black hair showed just enough gray at the temples to give him a distinguished look, and his pearly white teeth would have been ideal for toothpaste commercials.

    Sit down, madam and gentlemen, please. We have a crisis and need to get busy if our agenda is going to be met. President Mortensen is riding a wave of popularity at this moment and it’s going to be hard to overcome without resorting to some old-fashioned skullduggery. As a sitting president he is sure to win the party’s nomination, which means I will have to run under the Independent Party. It will be an uphill battle but, by implementing the plans we put forward today, we can do it. If there are any of you who is afraid of work and the blood which is sure to be shed, bow out now before we get started.

    Each of the persons seated at the table looked around at the other members of the group as if daring anyone to rise and exit. Satisfied no one was going to take his challenge, the leader resumed, first addressing the four-star general, General, your job will be the most difficult, as without seeming to show disrespect for your Commander in Chief, you need to sow seeds of discontent within all branches of the military. It will call for a lot of traveling on your part, but as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff you should be able to accomplish it without casting any suspicion on your motives.

    Turning to a thin, almost anemic looking man on his right, he continued, Bob, you have a task almost as difficult as the General’s. In my younger years I committed a few stupid blunders, while caught up in the antiwar activities of the Vietnam War and I was responsible for the deaths of some innocent people.

    A murmur of disbelief started around the table at the revelation, but the leader raised his hand for quiet, which he got immediately, and continued, I used a different name then and my appearance has altered dramatically since those younger rebellious days, but there are two people left of my small group who could bring this down around our ears. Bob, you need to use all the FBI resources available to you to track down this couple and eliminate them. I will give you more information on them at the conclusion of our meeting. I’m sure the others will offer any assistance you may require; and now for the rest of your assignments.

    For the next two hours assignments were delegated and discussed. Some of the assignments were minor, while others involved a little more time, effort and potential danger. Kidnappings, assassinations, both of life and character, disruptions of daily government functions and larceny would all be necessary if the scheme was to work.

    With the promise of a bright future for The Ten the meeting was dismissed and all except Bob and the leader exited the underground sanctuary a few at a time.

    Bob, you have no idea how important this is to me, to us. This couple has been on the run for some years now, but surfaced recently when the only other living member of the group I was a member of, lay dying. I think in his dying words he left them with some damaging information.

    Extending a sealed envelope to the man he continued, All you need to know to find them is in this envelope. Find them and kill them. Their names are Gaylen and Cynthia Preston.


    That was Long Ago

    June 11, 1971

    As the fighting in Southeast Asia continued and intensified protest rallies were not uncommon in the continental United States. Whether staged by parents fearing for their children, young men afraid their names would soon appear on a draft notice, or anti-war activists, the rallying was mostly peaceful. Occasionally boisterous proponents and opponents of the conflict engaged in pushing and shoving matches, yet usually after a short skirmish the crowds dispersed and nothing was left but litter.

    Some of the protests taking place outside military installations were however, violent by nature, and arrests were made on a regular basis. Such an incident occurred outside a massive Army base near Tacoma, Washington. Fort Lewis, the third largest military base in the United States, was a staging point for troops heading for Vietnam and had become a favorite place to picket.

    Tents lined fenced areas with local law officials maintaining constant control in vehicles to ensure those encamped outside the military facility were safe. The police presence too received comments of disdain, though the rabble rousers were hesitant in going too far with their displeasure.

    M-48 tanks blocked the entrance to every gate of the Army installation causing the protestors to keep their distance. The massive, iron machines instilled fear in those wise enough to remain behind the barricades installed, yet they ventured close enough to hurl bottles and their offensive epithets at those maintaining a soldierly vigil. The First Amendment was being stretched to the maximum and those exercising those rights outside the fence were trampling on the rights of those behind the fence who were maintaining a stoic pose while enforcing the law.

    Despite the nearness of summer, there had been a slow drizzle of rain for most of the day, driving some of the less hearty protesters into their tents. One such couple, Gaylen and Cynthia Preston was among the few demonstrators with children, choosing to expose their five-year old son to their freedom to protest.

    Not yet in school, the boy was nonetheless bright and did not like all the yelling at those ‘nice men in uniform’ and refused to carry one of the hand-painted signs his parents had made, spending most his day in the family tent playing with his G.I. Joe or drawing pictures of what he saw, through not so innocent eyes. This rainy, overcast day, as his parents lay in their tent smoking, those ‘stinky’ cigarettes, and drinking alcohol, he heard what sounded like a shot and crawled out of the tent and into the rain to check.

    Already drugged and drunk into near oblivion, his mother and father were not aware of his absence and he watched Charlie Watkins and Mr. Shipley climb the fence several yards away. Charlie was a nice man and always had time to talk to him, sometimes giving him chocolate, but Mr. Shipley was mean and considered him to be a pest.

    It was raining harder and the nice soldier that walked along the inside of the fence was nowhere to be seen. Thinking he must be inside one of the big buildings where it was dry, the boy walked along the wire barrier stopping at where the two men had climbed the fence. He cried out when he saw the soldier lying on the ground, rain falling in his face, blood oozing from a hole in his head.

    He stared sadly for some time at the man who had been his friend, not caring that his clothing was now soaked. He jumped as he heard a loud explosion and saw one of the buildings where the men guarding the fence lived explode and begin to burn. Men, with their clothes on fire were running from the burning building screaming. Now alone, Mr. Shipley came running from behind a small building. Climbing over the fence he ran by the boy, never seeing him, stopping, he leaned into his parent’s tent, threw something inside and then kept running.

    Watching as the building burned and fire trucks came, the boy was snatched up by Luther McGinnis, his father and mother’s black friend, and taken to his parent’s tent.

    As Luther tried to waken Gaylen and Cynthia, he said to the shivering boy, Stay in here, little man, there’s going to be hell to pay for this.

    I saw them, the boy said.

    You saw who, son? Luther questioned.

    I saw Mr. Shipley and Charlie.

    Tell no one what you thought you saw! ordered Luther, and then he too ran away.

    The boy didn’t speak again for four days and never did he speak again of what he saw that day.

    Because of incriminating evidence found in their belongings, his parents were accused of murdering the soldier and setting the explosives. By chance they managed to escape arrest and began a run that would last over thirty years. Five years after they fled, the boy weary of moving every few months ran away. Many lives were changed that night so long ago.


    Life Goes On

    Yawning, Reggie rolled over in bed and smiled at Monika as she lay sleeping next to him. He mentally debated waking her and having a repeat of last night’s love making, but decided against it, as it had been a short night for both of them and she needed her rest. Instead he leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek, at the same time glancing at the clock. ‘Oops, later than I thought; I need to get a move on and get to work.’ Still gazing at the beautiful woman sleeping next to him, his smile broadened as he recalled the passion filled night and he knew if she awoke it would surely lead to more of the same, meaning he probably wouldn’t get to the office at all this morning. ‘But would that be a bad thing?’ he thought. Today was to be his first day back at the office since marrying Monika and returning from their honeymoon and he was actually looking forward to getting back to work.

    With a sigh of resignation he slowly slid his big frame out from under the sheet and was about to slide his feet to the floor when the soft hand of his wife settled on his shoulder and gently begin caressing him, applying persuasive pressure, willing him to return to the warmth of the bed. Sighing he rolled over and pulled the half asleep Monika into a warm embrace, saying, Lady, you know I have to get to work.

    But this is your work, she murmured as her caresses became bolder and more intimate, and don’t forget you are the boss. This is your first day back so the rest will understand why you are late; besides your wife needs some loving.

    Sighing, not out of frustration but out of wanting, and with his body responding to her insistent caresses, he began his own caresses, causing her to come fully awake as she began to moan in pleasure with the feelings he once again aroused in her.

    Later that morning he emerged from the shower clad only in a towel and began dressing, as Monika lay in bed watching him walk by the foot of the bed. When he looked at her she blew him a kiss and then, with a satisfied smile on her face, rolled over and went back to sleep. Finished dressing he quietly walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him, then went directly to the kitchen where Antonia was busy feeding the children. As he entered he walked over to his two children sitting in their highchairs, smiled and bending down, kissing both of them on their chubby cheeks, saying, as if they understood, You kids take care of your mother while I’m at work.

    Antonia smiled at the gentleness in the voice of this big man and, as he turned to pour himself a cup of coffee, she asked, Senor Reggie, will you be home for lunch?

    I don’t know, Antonia. I’ll call Monika later, after I see what’s going on at the office, and let her know.

    Acknowledging Reggie’s comment with a nod, she continued smiling as he walked out of the kitchen on his way to get his car for the short drive to work Antonia thought, ‘After so much sadness in this house, it is nice to see the smiles. God has surely blessed the Senor and Senora as they have found each other and love.’

    While Reggie and Monika were on their honeymoon, Toby and his family, along with Thorn and Thad had moved their part of the Broken Dreams operations back to Bremerton fulfilling Toby’s desire to leave the heat of Las Vegas and reopen his office there. Leslie remained behind and would join her husband at a later date. Toby had decided it would be best to relocate while Reggie was away, deciding not to sell or rent the house in Las Vegas but hiring a company to maintain the house and grounds until he decided what to do with it. After making all the necessary preparations he had turned the keys over to Hilda to give to Reggie when he returned.

    Thomas, who originally came from the Seattle area, was supposed to accompany them back to the Bremerton area to re-open the office, but had asked to be allowed to temporarily remain behind at the Las Vegas office.

    Driving to his office that morning Reggie was saddened at the thought of Toby and his move back to Bremerton. ‘It’s not going to be the same with Toby and the rest of the guys not in the office.’ Parking his car in his usual spot he pushed those thoughts out of his mind and walked into the Broken Dreams office. Greeting Hilda as he strolled in the front door he continued on through and walked into his office. A few minutes later Hilda followed, carrying a cup of coffee and a handful of files and then filled him in on the latest news from the office.

    Glad to have you back, boss. Here’s a cup of coffee and the files of our current cases so you can bring yourself up to date. Joe might not be in today as he is taking Constance and Little Joe to the doctor and afterwards they’re going house hunting to see if they can find a larger house. Phil is out working on a case of an errant husband and Thomas is in his office, either working or moping around. You’ll have to excuse him; he’s walking around with his head in the clouds and love in his heart. I think that’s about all, no, there’s one other thing; you have an appointment at eleven o’clock with Brent Dawson.

    When Hilda mentioned Brent’s name he quickly interrupted her before she could go on, Brent! Did he say what he wanted?

    No, he only said he wanted to talk with you.

    Looking at his watch, he said, It’s almost that time now. As soon as he shows up send him in. Meanwhile would you please get Toby on the phone?

    He barely had time to open the first case folder when his intercom sounded and Hilda informed him that Toby was on the line. Reggie picked up the receiver, but before he could say anything Toby’s voice boomed over the line, Good to have you back, partner. How was your honeymoon? How are Monika and the kids?

    The honeymoon was wonderful and the kids are great. In fact the honeymoon was so good, if it weren’t for wanting to see the kids, we probably would have stayed another week. How are things going up there in the great Pacific Northwest?

    Couldn’t be better; I’m glad to be back in God’s country. We’re trying to get the office set up and I have Thad running down some clues for me in an attempt to find my parents. I have a call into Terry Jones to find out if he knows anything else about them.

    Before Toby could continue Reggie interrupted, Sorry to interrupt you partner, but do you have any idea why Brent is here in Las Vegas? He contacted Hilda and I have an appointment with him at eleven this morning.

    No, I sure don’t. I haven’t seen him since your wedding.

    Well, I guess I’ll find out soon enough. Seems like every time he comes around we have to put our feet into a fire and work for peanuts. How are Ruth and the kids?

    At Reggie’s question Toby hesitated then answered, Fine. Maria has been great as usual and had everything taken care of before we arrived. She is wonderful with Ben.

    Well, I hate to rush things but it’s almost eleven so let me get off here. Stay in touch; oh, by the way, Thomas wants to work down here for a while longer. It seems like he found a girl he’s interested in, so it might be a while before he makes up his mind to move back up there.

    No problem, I’ll see him when I see him. I’m sure you can make good use of him there in your office plus, if I have need for his talents, there’s always the phone. Have a great day and give my best to all the guys and your family.

    Okay and you do the same for the guys up there and your family, bye.

    He had no sooner hung up the phone and re-opened the file he had been looking at, when Hilda informed him that Brent was in the outer office. Reggie told her to show him in, and then rose from his chair as Brent Dawson walked into the room with a big smile on his face, his hand extended. Broken Dreams, specifically Reggie and Toby had met Brent during the times they had been working for the President of the United States. He was a Secret Service agent who was assigned to the President’s security detail and was very close to him.

    Good to see you again Reggie, and no, it’s not what you think. We aren’t in trouble and need your help again; although I am here to ask for a favor.

    Shaking his hand, Reggie replied, It’s always nice to see you Brent, no matter what the circumstances. Have a seat; would you like a cup of coffee?

    No thanks.

    When he was seated Reggie asked, Okay what’s the favor you need?

    Without preamble, he answered, I’m looking for a job.

    Surprised by his request, Reggie sat back in his chair and took a sip of his lukewarm coffee before replying, I thought you were gainfully employed by the Secret Service, what happened?

    I felt I was getting stale at the job. I enjoyed working with the President but the service was going to reassign me; they don’t like to leave an agent in one job too long, I could have asked the President to intervene but I didn’t want put him in that position. I thought about it for a while and decided I wanted to go in another direction with my life. So I submitted my resignation and here I am; looking for work.

    You’re hired.

    Taken aback by the quick response, Brent questioned, What did you say?

    I said you’re hired; when can you start?

    I need to find a place to stay and then I’ll be ready for work.

    I can help you with that. You can stay at my house; that is if you don’t mind sharing it with a wife and two young children.

    Well, Brent stuttered out, I would take you up on the offer but I’m not here alone. I brought someone along with me.

    Girlfriend or wife? Reggie asked.

    Right now girl friend and hopefully one day a wife and you know her, Brent responded, its Joanna Beach, the newspaper reporter.We’ve been seeing each other and she also wanted a change of scenery so she decided to pick up and come out here with me. We’ve been staying at a motel while we scope out the lay of the land.

    No problem, bring her along I’m sure we can find room for her at the house and Monika will be real happy to have another woman in the house, and it’s not like you and Joanna are strangers to both of us. In fact why don’t I make the call right now and get Monika to take care of the arrangements. As Brent nodded in agreement, Reggie picked up the phone and called Monika, explaining about putting Brent and Joanna up for a while until they could find a place to live. She was excited to hear that Joanna and of course Brent were coming and told him she would take care of every thing.

    Removing his cell phone from his belt, Brent said, Let me call Joanna and let her know what’s going on. About what time do you think we can pick her up?

    We’ll leave in about thirty minutes.

    After Brent completed his call Reggie said, That pretty much takes care of where you will be staying, now what else do we – – –

    Before he could complete his thought he was interrupted, as Phil stuck his head in the door. Hey Boss, what’s – – –, seeing Brent sitting in the chair he continued, Oops, sorry didn’t know you had company.

    No problem Phil, come in and meet the newest member of the team. As Phil walked in Reggie continued, I’m sure you remember meeting Brent at my wedding.

    Extending his hand Phil said, I sure do. How are you doing Brent; and welcome aboard.

    Shaking his hand Brent replied, I’m doing okay now that I have a job.

    Before either of the men could say anything further there was a hesitant knock on the door and Thomas poked his head around the corner. Hope I’m not interrupting anything, he said, entering the room.

    No you’re not, come on in and meet the newest member of our team. You remember meeting Brent at my wedding? I’ve just hired him. Turning to Brent, Reggie continued, Thomas is our computer guy; if it’s anything to do with a computer he is the man to help you. Although from what Hilda tells me he might have other things on his mind right now.

    Turning red at Reggie’s comments, Thomas walked over and shook hands with Brent then both men turned expectantly back to Reggie, who said, Why don’t we all sit down and Phil you can bring me up to date on what has been going on since I’ve been gone.

    After they were seated Phil said, "Business is slow right now. I just finished a case of an errant husband. Joe is out right now at a doctor’s appointment with Little Joe and Constance, and then later he’s going house hunting. He has been working on a case of domestic abuse and that, I think, is close to being over, as he was in court yesterday.

    Reggie looked at Thomas, Well, what about you, lover boy?

    Thomas gave Reggie a lopsided grin saying, There hasn’t been much for me to do lately, so I’ve been working on establishing a data base of all our cases, the closed ones as well as the active ones. I thought it would be a good idea to be able to recall them for future use, if we needed to. I should be finished with that project in a couple of days. Looking directly at Phil and grinning, he continued, I’m making the program so even a novice can access the file.

    Phil, grinned at Thomas’s jab about his computer skills and then came back with his own jab, saying to Reggie, And you had better watch out for that file; because the way Thomas has been acting lately there’s no telling what it will contain.

    Reggie looked at Thomas and saw his face once again turning crimson in embarrassment so he quickly stepped in, Phil, why don’t you take Brent into your office and show him where he can set up. There’s an extra desk in the storage room along with a chair. While you do that I’ll have a chat with Thomas.

    When Phil and Brent left the office Reggie turned to Thomas saying, I just got off the phone with Toby we agreed you could stay here in the Las Vegas Office as long as you want to.

    Thanks, Reggie, Thomas replied.

    Toby and I are concerned about your welfare and don’t want you to get in over your head, so if there is anything I can do or anything you want to talk about don’t hesitate to ask.

    Thomas sat back in his chair, smiled and said, Her name in Lucy Dearborn, I met her at the church I attend. I noticed her the first day I went to church but didn’t have the courage to talk to her. Finally, one day she started talking to me and we’ve been friends ever since, well more than friends. I’ve met her family and they seem to like me and we’re getting to know each other better and I would like to stay around to see where the relationship goes. I really like her—no I love her, but don’t want to move too fast.

    Good idea, Thomas, real love is worth waiting for, Reggie replied. I would like to meet her. Let’s set up a date and have both of you over for dinner some evening.

    I would like that Reggie, thank you.

    Thomas left the office and after another ten minutes, Reggie and Brent left the office to pick up Joanna at the motel. As they pulled into the parking lot Joanna came out the door of the motel office and walked toward the car. Opening the door, she said, Hello Reggie, so we meet again. Seems like every time we meet you’re either getting married or having someone manhandle me. I hope this will be a more pleasant meeting?

    Reggie laughed, Any friend of Brent’s is a friend of mine; that is if you’re really here with him and not stalking us for some kind of a story.

    Laughing, she slid into the rear seat of the car and closed the door, No, the only thing I’m stalking, this time, is Brent. Saying this she leaned over the front seat and gave Brent a kiss on his cheek.

    Brent blushed at the gesture, saying, as she rubbed his shoulders, Reggie wasn’t only kind enough to offer me a job but to offer us a place to stay until we can find a place of our own. How did you do this morning in your search for a job?

    Thanks, Reggie, she replied. The job, I don’t know. I have two interviews in the morning with two different TV Stations and if neither one of those work out I can always find a job with the local newspaper, they are always looking for reporters. And if that doesn’t work out I can always ask Reggie for a job as an investigator. I’m pretty good at that, as he already knows.

    Reggie didn’t reply right away as he had stopped at the security gate to his house and was punching in the entrance code. Once the gate opened and he was driving through he responded to Joanna, With Brent on board we have about all the investigators we can use.

    Now we do have an opening for a cook or janitor, but somehow I don’t think I can interest you in one of those jobs.

    His comments brought a round of laughter as he stopped the car in front of the house. Emerging from the car they walked up to the front steps and, as he was reaching for the doorknob, the door swung open and Monika stood framed in the doorway. Giving her a kiss he turned to re-introduce Brent and Joanna but before he could utter a word Monika grabbed Brent’s hand saying, Welcome to our home, Brent. Then turning to Joanna, Joanna, it’s very nice to see you again; come in and let me show you where you’ll be sleeping.

    Shaking his head, Reggie closed the door and led Brent to the kitchen where he introduced him to Antonia, who was putting the finishing touches on their lunch. Reggie poured both of them a cup of coffee and was about to say something to Brent, when he was interrupted by Antonia, Senor Reggie, please take Senor Brent out of my kitchen so I can finish preparing your lunch.

    Reggie smiled at her comment and then guided Brent out of the kitchen and into his study, opening the door he said, I think we’ll be safe here, at least for the time being. He motioned Brent to take a seat while he went over and, as he habitually did every time he came into his study, he turned on the TV. He was about to sit on the couch beside Brent when something a newscaster was saying caught his attention. Walking back over to the TV, he turned up the volume, saying, Just a minute, I want to hear this.

    ‘Dateline, Kansas City, Kansas—A well-known Newspaper editor from the Kansas City Star was slain several hours ago as he walked to his car in the newspaper parking lot. Right after the slaying the newspaper received a call from a man saying he was killed because of the recent articles he penned about the rights of illegal immigrants, a stance he had taken in support of the President. The President favors a guest worker status for foreigners who want to come to this country to work; a stance not popular with some of the most prominent senators in the congress.’

    When the commentary was completed Reggie lowered the volume once more then turned back to Brent, I wonder what that was all about? Just because a man takes a stance against something the President endorses he gets killed? What’s this country coming to?

    Before Brent could respond Monika tapped on the door and then opened it to inform them that lunch was ready. They followed her to the dining room and were about to sit down at the table when the bell sounded indicating someone was at the front gate. Walking over to the monitor Reggie saw it was Leslie, Thad’s wife. Releasing the gate lock he watched as she drove through the gate and it closed behind her and then, going to the front door, he opened it and greeted her as she got out of her car and walked up the front steps. Leslie, it’s good to see you. We were just sitting down to lunch, why don’t you join us?

    Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize what time it was, I just wanted to chat with Monika. I can come back later.

    Nonsense, come in and have lunch with us, there are some other people here who have become members of the Broken Dreams family. Come to think of it, I think you met them both at our wedding.

    Okay, Reggie, thank you.

    They walked into the dining room and after greetings were exchanged they

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