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Spellweaver: Fall of a Kingdom
Spellweaver: Fall of a Kingdom
Spellweaver: Fall of a Kingdom
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Spellweaver: Fall of a Kingdom

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Born in the wild as a free witch Alucias life is threatened from her first breath as the Violators crave her raw power.

Her life changes dramatically when she meets King Garren and his betrothed princess Wynlaeth as she reveals her power to the king, with the help of her parents they convince Garren that the kingdom needs protection from magic.
Alucia finds a great love in her pet Pamanthercat, Seth. When he is stolen from her, her heart is shattered.

Prince Borrian, brother to the king is dead set on revenge against his brother but soon turns his hatred upon Alucia as she deflects his attacks on the kingdom of Glain.

When Violators attack, Garren sends his pregnant queen and Alucia to the safety of Anar

Anar, a land where magic is forbidden becomes both her sanctuary and her prison! Her friendship with the queen grows stronger as does the heir to the throne. Maerwynn, Queen of Anar despises Alucia and her power, when Maerwynn is injured Alucia heals her and she is then accepted.

Borrian desires more power and forms an unbreakable bond with the Violators and together they hunt for Alucia as her power grows and becomes more threatening to his plan of domination. He becomes a dark and powerful being and feeds on the souls of young virgins, until he falls in love with one of his victims.

Alucia does not stop her heartbroken search for Seth, her one true love. Even while her life and the kingdom is under contestant attack!
Release dateSep 5, 2014
Spellweaver: Fall of a Kingdom

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    Spellweaver - Grizelda Stassen

    Copyright © 2014 by Grizelda Stassen.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-0242-9

                    eBook            978-1-4828-0243-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Dedication Page

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    Chapter 67

    Chapter 68

    Dedication Page

    To Gerritt, for unwavering belief in me, for holding my hand on my first flight to PE (flight GSx3) but most of all for always being here for me. To Anna banana sonder jou weet ek nie!

    My huge brothers Hannes, Gerritt, Pieter, Barry you guys are the giants in my life! Pieter you held me high through my many changes!

    My entire family, you guys ROCK and your love overwhelms me!

    And to my parents always love!

    Chapter 1

    Melia’s mind screamed in agony and silently broke through the thunder and with an enormous crash of lightning the storm dissipated, and a baby’s cry could be heard throughout the forest.

    Melia lay motionless, her body ached and she felt weak from long strenuous hours of childbirth. Her face was covered in sweat and the palest shade of white but throughout the labour Melia did not make a sound.

    Sterren delivered their child and he was amazed at his glorious wife and how high her pain threshold was.

    Sterren held their newborn child in his arms, My love, we have been given a beautiful, healthy baby girl. He gushed with joyful tears spilling over his cheeks to an exhausted Melia as he cleaned their child’s tiny body. He was amazed when he could feel her strong heart beat in his hand.

    He cleaned the blood from her face and her tiny hands and feet. He marvelled at the thought that she was made from him and Melia.

    His hands trembled as he gave their baby girl to her mother’s inviting arms, then she said with a hoarse voice, I thought you would never come in to this world. The child stopped crying as Melia held her close. She kissed her hands and her little button nose.

    Sterren watched as their daughter closed her eyes and reluctantly left for the kitchen to fetch Melia a cup of tea. When he returned with the tea, the crystal pendant around Melia’s neck glowed delicately and he said, We have been blessed with a little witch who appears to know her magic before her words.

    Melia smiled and took the tea from her husband and took a long grateful sip.

    The warm tea soothed the aching burn in her dry throat. Sterren moved to her side as the warning fearful looked that fell over his wife’s face made his heart leap, his legs went cold and he knew that she was about to drop the tea.

    He took the cup from her shaking hands and placed it on the night stand. She looked at him with tears running down her extremely pale face. Her dark eyes filled with fear and life draining terror verging on hysteria. Her voice shook when she spoke, We should name her before the Violators sense a new mage. Violators prowled the nights in search of young mages, as they could not produce offspring they stole from those who did not name and claim their own.

    Their magic was so strong that it killed their humanity and they lost their sexes. They were neither man nor woman but pure magic. Sterren sat next to the bed and took the sleeping child from her mother and said tenderly, She will need a strong name, a name as unique and formidable as she will be.

    Melia adjusted her bruised body and closed her eyes and took the crystal from the nightstand and said, Amulet of love guide us I trust to name our child. The name we choose, may it guide her. Melia’s chant was interrupted by a deafening pounding on the door and from behind the closed door Kule, Melia’s brother shouted, The Violators have sensed her! All the animals have gone into hiding and an unnatural storm is fast approaching upon which the vermin appears to be travelling.

    He rushed in and put the potion bag and wild flowers on the bed then said, This might help you choose a name, these flowers have their own powers when used in an appropriate spell. But hurry there is no time to waste.

    Melia took one of the flowers that were known as an Alucean in her trembling hand.

    It was a strong flower that bloomed all year round and Melia said, Then from this night on let this child be known as Alucia, daughter of Sterren and Melia Vehan. May she draw strength from this flower and may her powers never wither and forever be in full bloom.

    When she said the child’s name a lightning bolt struck the roof of the cabin, the sound unnatural and they knew the Violators had lost yet another claim on a new life.

    Alucia wailed and her tiny body shook as her magic settled. Kule pushed up from the floor and left the room. Sterren stood up and handed the screaming child to her mother and followed him out of the room.

    Melia hummed and placed her nipple to Alucia’s mouth as the crying infant welcomed the milk and closed her eyes again settling against her mother.

    Sterren came in and closed the door behind himself and said as he placed his large hand on Alucia’s head, She is a powerful one; they never come so early to claim them we have to protect her and make sure she is never left alone. Sterren closed his eyes as he held out his free hand for his staff then said, All the power in this house be guided now to protect her from dark and miss trust.

    Alucia moaned sleepily as her mother’s nipple escaped her hungry mouth and Melia naturally returned it. Sterren removed his hand from her brow and sat next to his wife and daughter as they both fell off to sleep.

    The night was cooler and the air was less humid as it was when the dark ones tried to claim Alucia but Sterren sat unmoved as he watched them sleep. Kule entered the room close to four and gave Sterren a bowl of broth and a piece of bread then said, You need rest I will stay with them.

    Sterren ate the bread that he dipped in the broth and shook his head he felt tired and his eyelids scratched his eyes each time he blinked. He looked over to his wife and their little witch when he saw that Alucia was awake. She made no sound she just looked right in his eyes.

    Then a voice spoke, Father we are alright please get some rest. Sterren fell off of his chair then looked up at Melia, but she was sound as sleep then he looked at Alucia, Was that you little one? She grunted, yawned then closed her eyes.

    He moved back to his chair and as he was about to take another piece of the bread she spoke again, You need rest father, we are safe now.

    Sterren got up and hurried out of the hut, Kule looked at him puzzled and placed a hand on his shoulder and said, Sterren what ails you?

    At the sound of his voice Sterren was pulled from his thoughts and looked and Kule in amazement then said, She spoke to me. Kule looked at him and frowned, Who spoke to you? Sterren walked to the water pump standing next to the cabin and splashed himself with cold water.

    The night was still in the sky and Sterren felt the coolness of the breeze and turned to talk to Kule who followed him. My baby girl spoke to me, Sterren said drying his face with his robe then said again, She spoke to me with her mind, but is that even possible she is not even a day old?

    Kule looked at him surprised and said, I do not know but it does not surprise me that she can after all she is your and Melia’s daughter. That must be how the Violators sensed her.

    He turned to Kule, You have not practices your gifts in many years but now I ask of you to always remain at her side as she will need your guidance always.

    Kule brushed his wild hair from his face, I am not a young mage anymore Sterren but from this moment on I will be her guardian and her teacher. No harm will befall her as long as this body draws breath.

    Sterren shook his hand and embraced his brother in law then made their way back to the room and when they entered Melia and Alucia were both awake and Melia said, You will not believe it my love our daughter spoke to me. Sterren smiled and said, I do believe it as she spoke to me not ten minutes ago.

    Sterren sat on the bed and asked, What did she say? Melia uncovered her breast and said, She told me that she was hungry. She smiled and covered herself up again then looked up and asked, What did she say to you? Sterren’s eyes locked with Alucia’s and he said to Melia, She told me to get some sleep.

    They both smiled then Kule said from the doorway, It appears that she is indeed a powerful little lady. We will have our hand full with her. Sterren got up and said to Melia, You too must be hungry? She smiled and said, Ravenous.

    Chapter 2

    As the years passed Alucia grew stronger and more beautiful. The first three years of her life seemed to be the most difficult as her parents lost connection with her mind which only lasted for the night of her birth. Alucia was also extremely stubborn where her magic was concerned.

    She would not let Sterren or Melia help her. Twice she blew up the well next to the cabin and once she while was playing in the mud Melia scolded her and Alucia got so upset she that she let out a deafening scream which left everyone deaf for the rest of that day.

    She became extremely powerful and would create the most amazing potions and cast unparalleled spells at random.

    She had found a dead fox pup and she could hear the animal’s mother cry for it; she spent the next two days carrying the dead pup with her in a satchel.

    When the sun came up the next day Melia heard an animal sound right outside the door and when she opened it the pup ran from Alucia’s bed straight to its awaiting gold and bronze coloured mother.

    She had such temperamental outbursts when her parents did not grasped immediately what she wanted. Her mother would dress her and if it was not what Alucia wanted to wear that garment would vanish.

    Meal times seemed the worst as no single meal could please Alucia. Sterren often bore the brunt of his daughter’s tantrums and every day a new bruise or cut would appear on his body either from flying crockery or from spells gone wrong.

    They found out the hard way that Alucia did not like the taste of cold milk.

    As Melia prepared the morning meal she was in such a hurry she forgot to warm the milk.

    Alucia took a sip of her milk one morning and her face distorted into a frown at the coldness of it and the cup went crashing into the wall next to Melia’s head missing her mother by inches.

    She rarely cried and even when she fell down she would not whimper but when she attempted a new spell and it failed she would scream and cry until she was so exhausted she would simply fall asleep. Her magic was wild and unpredictable and her parents often had to repair furniture and sometimes parts of their home.

    Her heart was already pure and she knew right from wrong even at a young age. Her bad moods were truly unpleasant but her good moods were sincere and incomparable.

    Alucia loved to hear her mother sing to her and when Melia picked her up and twirled her around flower petals would rain down on them. Sterren would carry her on his shoulders and tickle her tiny feet and Alucia would giggle with such amusement that Sterren’s path would be decorated with the greenest of ivy.

    She had the exceptional gift of balancing her outbursts with her good nature.

    Between six and fifteen Alucia blossomed. Her magic became truly focused. Her temper became part of her everyday life and everyone in the magic circles knew how powerful she was and how one wrong word against her could mean that she would stay away from meetings and no one would get her to join them again until they had apologized.

    Every mage that knew her marvelled at her power, young or old they all wanted to be in her presence and felt the need to please her and did all in their power not to upset her.

    She would not tolerate anyone undermining her knowledge and she never backed down from an argument which would essentially end with the other party simply agreeing with her. However the few times she was wrong she would not argue she would simply ask to be proven wrong and then she would correct her mistakes.

    She practiced her art every day and she would not give up until she had mastered every potion and every spell that was given to her and that usually never took a long time. She used her magic rarely as there had never been cause for it.

    Alucia excelled in every possible way, her spells, whether playful or important were always correct and sometimes combinations neither of her parents ever fathomed.

    Each potion she knew by their herbs and roots, she would concoct potions for virtually everything, and she made a potion to grow fruits and vegetables, even a potion to change the weeds in the garden to the most beautiful flowers. She had made a potion to cure most ailments.

    She was treated like all the other magicians although every mage knew how powerful she was and she would be called upon frequently for new potions.

    The Vehan family only went into town if they were short on supplies but yet everyone in town knew them and some would shy away when they arrived. Magic was only practiced by those born to it.

    It was against the law to teach any one not of magical birth. It was against Glain’s law but in the forests where the mages lived it was completely legal.

    People in Glain did not trust mages and they kept their distance but that did not stop nobles from purchasing potions and spells.

    Alucia did not enjoy their town visits as people mostly stared and whispered behind their hands. She always walked in between of her parents. Although she was uncomfortable never hid or even averted her eyes she was so confident that it would make her parents beam with pride.

    Her beauty took the people of Glain by surprise as the Vehan’s only travelled into the towns twice a year or only when it was an absolute necessity. Men would stare at her when they walked between stalls but the moment she looked at them they would cower into the nearest shop.

    When Alucia turned fifteen her parents decided to take her into the town of Lavenhail so she could choose an ordinary gift like material or even an expensive dress but Alucia protested all the way to town but gave in when she saw the pain in her mother’s eyes.

    They reached the dress shop and her parents climbed out of the one horse drawn buggy and Melia said, Come Alucia this is a special day for you and we want you to choose a normal gift. Alucia looked at her mother pleading and said, We should not be long, I feel ill mother.

    Sterren tied the horse to a wooden post and said, Alucia this will not take long just let your mother have this. Alucia did not wait for Sterren to help her from the buggy she jumped off and took her place next to Melia.

    When they entered the shop Melia moved over to the dress corner and took a lovely purple dress from the hanging pole and said holding it up to Alucia, Oh Sterren this is perfect for her.

    Alucia smiled and said, Mother I would much rather want something else lets go to the amulet stall. Alucia practically dragged Melia but then Melia’s eyes fell on a velvet green hooded cape and said, No this is the one. A woman came from behind the counter and said, I am sorry that is not for sale.

    Melia frowned and placed it back on the hanging pole and moved to the next one where she found a similar cape and said, Then we will take this.

    The woman still standing a safe distance from them said, I am sorry madam that one too is not for sale, I am sure what you are looking for would be easily sourced with an alternative vendor. Melia took a deep breath with contempt in her eyes and said to the shop keeper, Your business cannot be doing well if nothing is for sale.

    The woman snorted and Melia turned to face her, Excuse me is there a problem? When Melia said that a man resembling a bear came to stand behind them and the woman said, No there is no problem I just don’t want your kind in my shop, please leave!

    That made Melia’s face turn a slight red and Alucia took her hand and said, Please mama lets go home. Melia’s cheeks burnt and Sterren knew she would soon lose her temper. He stepped in front of his family when the man stepped closer in an threatening manner and said, Go now you filthy evils.

    Melia felt the rage build up in her but before she could say anything Alucia shouted with a roar, LEAVE THEM ALONE! An invisible force pushed the man against the wall and he fell to the floor.

    The woman yelled and Alucia covered her ears and said, Silence. The woman’s eyes widened as she opened her mouth but no sound came from the gaping hole.

    Sterren took Alucia by the arm and turned her to face him and said, Alucia let her go!

    She opened her eyes and looked at Sterren and said, Release. Abruptly the woman’s voice returned and Sterren said, We don’t want any more trouble. The woman fell to her knees and alarmingly called, Guards. Sterren was pulled backwards by two men and Melia grabbed Alucia and said, Do as they say child we cannot afford trouble here. Four more guards entered and Alucia let them take her and her parents to the castle.

    When they reached the castle one of the guards hit Sterren in the stomach and said, I will teach you not to use your evil in our town.

    Alucia’s eyes turned pitch black when she saw Sterren tumble to the floor and before Melia could stop her Alucia said, Time, be still. The guard stopped with his hand overhead and Melia looked awkward with her hands in the air and her mouth open.

    Alucia ran past the frozen guards and past the cleaning maid on her knees by the door. As she pushed open the doors to the main hall she noticed the two women the king had in attendance.

    She could tell they were not commoners but what grabbed her attention was the veiled figure. A woman covered from head to toe, she wore a heavy looking gown decorated with pearls, and the thick peach coloured veil obscured her face.

    Alucia turned her attention to the king; he was seated in an enormous chair.

    She knew her spell would not last much longer so she went to stand next to the king and whispered in his ear, King Garren I need your assistance. She took his hand in hers and said, Time return.

    At once time was as normal, the king frowned at the hand in his and guards came crashing into the throne room.

    Alucia held on to him as the guards reached her. She held tight and said, My lord please do not let them take me for it would be a terrible injustice. Garren looked at her and could see something in her eyes and he knew he had to stop this.

    He held the young girls hand and said in a bellowing voice, Explain! The guard stopped pulling Alucia and opened his mouth to speak but Garren lifted his hand and said, Not you! He turned to Alucia, How did you get in here and what is your crime?

    Alucia sighed, her eyes never leaving the kings, My lord, please hurry, your guards are attacking my parents. I will explain everything but I beg of you, please come we need your help. When they reached the courtyard they were just in time for the king to see another blow befall Sterren and the king shouted, What is the meaning of this assault?

    The guards stopped and bowed, My King these charlatans have been caught doing magic in town. They harassed the dress shop keeper. Garren let go of Alucia’s hand and said his voice booming, You attack the people of Glain, you put spells on my court and then you beg for mercy? What mercy should I show you when you mages show no mercy for others? Alucia knew that her next move would either be her last or it would at least save her parents. My lord do you not believe in fairness to all? Shall I conjure the event for you? She asked pleadingly and took hold of his hand.

    Two guards immediately rushed forward in aid of their ruler but the king just lifted his hand, commanding them to cease their approach and said to the girl, You are correct, I am a fair man and therefore I will consent to your use of magic.

    In his mind’s eye Alucia conjured up the scene in the dress shop for the king; she did not leave out any of the details. The king saw how they were treated and the when scuffle ensued and how Alucia defended them. He understandingly squeezed her hand before letting go.

    The king moved to where Sterren was on his knees, his face full of bruises and fresh blood at the corner of his mouth.

    Garren reached out his hand and held it for Sterren. Alucia looked at him not once showing fear and said, My Lord I am Alucia Vehan and I am a mage, the man threatened my family and I defended them in the only way I know how.

    Garren shook his head to clear it and addressed Alucia, This disagreement seems to have been a mistake. You are free to go. He then turned to the guard who struck Sterren and said, Go with this family and purchase their desired items and make sure they are unharmed.

    He turned to leave then addressed Alucia’s parents, Come to court tomorrow as I am most fascinated, how she threw that man into the wall? He grinned and they watched him disappear through the doors.

    Melia grabbed Alucia and hugged her hard and said, I think you just saved your father’s life today.

    Alucia smiled and slipped her hand in

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