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Cold Spirits: Greed Vs. Passion: Greed Vs. Passion
Cold Spirits: Greed Vs. Passion: Greed Vs. Passion
Cold Spirits: Greed Vs. Passion: Greed Vs. Passion
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Cold Spirits: Greed Vs. Passion: Greed Vs. Passion

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Greed and Passion Battle in Cold Spirits
The first book of a new fantasy-adventure series

A fantasy adventure, brimming with magic and action, awaits readers as author Marques Peterson weaves the first installment of his new book series. In his newly published book, Cold Spirits: Greed vs. Passion, he takes readers to Planet Enigmaah where villages are trying to survive and struggling to be safe from the darkness thats quietly brewing and lurking around them.

In this first book, the author introduces everyone to an interesting ensemble of characters. Theres Jeen, who hails from Soury Village which was recently burned to the ground by the wicked mofas, and then theres Emele, who is a young male sorcerer with a quest. In a fateful encounter, they meet for the first timeEmele rescuing Jeen from three mofas. They learn that they are both on a mission towards the village of Westco: Jeen to ask aid from the Westco soldiers because of the destruction brought about by the mofas, and Emele to search for something significant there. But with other powerful beings also in motionand posing as obstacles in their pursuit, can Jeen and Emele ever accomplish what they are supposed to do? Readers are about to find out as they follow them in the first book of the Cold Spirits series.

Peterson deftly weaves this fictional novel by bringing together sorcery, drama, personal struggles, fascinating plot, action, and engaging characters. For more information on this book, log on to
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 15, 2010
Cold Spirits: Greed Vs. Passion: Greed Vs. Passion

Marques Peterson

My name is Marques Peterson. I was born in St Lawrence hospital on January 8th, 1985. I grew up and currently live in Lansing, MI. I am the youngest out of seven children (four sisters and two brothers). I love to write, play video games, listen to music and watch TV. I also play sports such as basketball, football, tennis and many other sports. I’m a student at Axia College of University of Phoenix to obtain an associate degree in Associate of Arts in Business. When I achieve my associate degree then I’m going to pursue my Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. I’m also a student in the Long Ridge Writers Group program, the Institute of Children‘s Literature, Gotham Writer’s Workshop and now, I’m at the Lansing Community College (LCC). I work at a plant named Johnson Controls Injection Molding (JCIM) as a Quality Auditor for the assembly department which is owned by Johnson Controls Inc (JCI). JCIM is a supplier for GM, Ford and Chrysler. My dream is to be a published author, freelance writer, and a screenwriter.

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    Cold Spirits - Marques Peterson



    Jeen Ar, while she panted for air in a windy mist of sand on Planet Enigmaah, ran barefoot on the hardened ground as three beer-bellied, yellow-skinned mofas riding on goobos—rhino-looking monsters with black skin and odd-shaped red spots—chased her.

    One mofa rode next to her, grabbed a part of her white dress, ripped it off her slim body. And her white slip showed. He laughed.

    She ran crying as the other mofa rode next to her, grabbed her dress strap, and tore it. With her hand, she held her ripped dress over her small breast as the next mofa approached.

    He aimed for her long black hair, but she tripped over a stone and fell on the ground face-first. The three mofas—Rogit, Goy, and Blop—rode and stopped in front of her. She breathed heavily and looked at them with their tight white shirts and black pants.

    What a shame. Rogit laughed. No place to run.

    Goy smiled and showed his yellow teeth. We get to do with you as we please.

    The mofas got off their goobos and surrounded her as the sun lowered slowly for night to take its place. She looked up as tears poured from her light brown eyes.

    Please, just let me go, Jeen pleaded.

    You’re not going anywhere, said Blop as he scratched below the bottom of his belly button. What fun we going to have with you.

    Blop formed a fist and was about to punch her, but a male sorcerer, Emele Caestro, ran and jump kicked him in the back. Blop landed on the ground with his face in the dirt, unconscious. Emele landed on the ground and stood firm as the wind blew. His light brown V-shirt with long downy pants shook during the breeze. Rogit and Goy clenched their teeth, looked at Emele, and growled at him.

    Leave her alone, Emele demanded as the wind blew through his short but smooth dark brown hair. I won’t let you hurt her anymore.

    What will you do to stop us? Rogit sneered.

    I’ll show you, said Emele.

    Jeen, Rogit, and Goy watched Emele raise his hand into the air with his palm faced upright. His hand glowed white, and a five-foot curved sword appeared.

    Last chance to surrender, Emele said.

    Emele stretched his foot forward while his other foot behind him and held his arm with the sword in the air ready to attack.

    After this, said Emele, there’s no turning back.

    Are we supposed to be afraid because you have a sword? Rogit giggled, Because we’re not.

    It’s your life at stake. Emele shrugged.

    Then I’m afraid we have nothing to lose, said Goy. Get ’em!

    Rogit and Goy ran toward Emele as he ran to the center between them. Rogit threw a punch as Emele leaned down and sliced Rogit’s legs above his kneecaps and continued to Goy’s legs above his kneecaps. They both hollered in pain as their body parts fell to the ground and bled out. One goobo ran as the other two ate green plants from the ground.

    Jeen, with eyes open wide, stood up and continued to watch. Blood leaked out of Rogit’s and Goy’s mouths as Emele stood between the two.

    I warned you, Emele said as his sword vanished.

    You’ll . . . you’ll pay . . . pay for this. Mark . . . Rogit spit out blood. Mark my words.

    I won’t be stopped, said Emele. Your words and skills are very common. They both mean nothing.

    Emele shook his head, turned around, and saw Jeen. Are you okay? said Emele.

    Jeen, with her hands shaken in fear, stared at Emele with traumatized eyes. Emele took a step, and she took two steps back.

    Stay back, please, Jeen said.

    Jeen placed her hands on each side of her face, cried, and fell to the ground on her knees. Emele walked toward her. I’m not going to hurt you, said Emele. I’m not the enemy.

    Jeen looked at Emele, moved her hands down, and sniffled as the remaining tears poured from her eyes. Emele reached his hand out to Jeen with a half smile.

    Come on. I’ll help you up, said Emele in a calm voice. I’m just trying to help.

    Jeen reluctantly grabbed Emele’s hand, and he helped her up.

    See, that wasn’t so bad, said Emele.

    Jeen, still afraid but not so much as before, did not respond but stared at the ground.

    Thank you. Jeen looked at Emele. Thank you for saving me. Jeen cried and hugged Emele. Who knows what they would’ve done to me if you hadn’t shown up, said Jeen. Jeen continued crying as Emele was hesitant to wrap his arms around her.

    I’m glad I came too, said Emele.

    Emele stiffly wrapped his arms around her. Blop woke up and raised himself to push-up position as his arms shuddered trying to lift himself up. Emele dropped his arms, and so did Jeen.

    What is it? Jeen asked.

    Unfinished business, Emele said.

    Emele walked toward Blop as Jeen turned around and saw him struggle to get up.

    Oh no! said Jeen.

    Emele walked up to Blop as he looked at Emele with fear in his eyes.

    If you don’t want to end up like your corpse friends over there, said Emele, I suggest you leave before I do the same to you.

    Blop looked at Rogit and Goy and saw blood pour from their wounds. He looked at Jeen and back at Emele.

    I’ll surrender for now, Blop said. We mofas will get you for this.

    We’ll see, Emele smirked.

    Blop growled, which showed his yellow teeth. He limped past Emele onto one of the goobos and rode back to Jeen’s village, Soury. The last goobo was still eating green plants. Emele turned and looked back at Jeen and saw her ruined clothes. Emele raised his hand, and it glowed white.

    What are you doing? said Jeen as she stepped back a few steps.

    Don’t be afraid, said Emele.

    Many small strands of electricity appeared all over Jeen’s body as she watched. Jeen, although frightened, moved her shaken arms and breathed hard as her clothes began to form whole.

    There, said Emele.

    Thank you so much. Jeen looked at her dress in awe. Good as new.

    Emele nodded. You’re welcome. My name is Emele.

    Jeen walked up to Emele and stopped. I’m Jeen. Where are you headed?

    I’m going to Westco Village. You can come if you want to. Emele walked past Jeen toward the goobos.

    I’m going there too, said Jeen.

    Jeen followed Emele as he hopped on the back of the goobo. He sat on the saddle and held his hand in front of Jeen.

    Are you serious? Jeen said with both arms on her waist. You want me to get on that thing?

    It’s harmless. Now come on.

    Jeen reached her hand to grab Emele’s hand but saw a small blood vessel pop out of one of the red spots of the goobo. She pulled her hand back and screamed. She saw the blood circulate through the vein and went back inside the goobo’s red spot. She closed her eyes and turned her head away. That’s so gross.

    Look, Emele dropped his shoulders and took a deep breath, it only happens when blood flows through their veins, and it’s only the red spots. Plus, you’re riding with me on the saddle.

    Emele held his hand out again as Jeen turned her head with slightly opened eyes and reluctantly grabbed his hand. He helped leap her on the saddle. She rushed to wrap her arms around Emele’s waist as he leaned over the goobo’s head and grabbed the bridle. He tapped the goobo’s neck, and he stopped eating the plants. Emele yanked the rein; the goobo turned around and rode forward as Emele’s and Jeen’s bodies moved up and down and left to right from the bumpy ride.

    So why are you going to Westco? Jeen asked.

    Because I’m on a mission, Emele answered.

    What kind of a mission?

    Emele turned his head and looked at her. Why do you want to know? I didn’t ask why you wanted to go to Westco.

    Emele turned and looked forward.

    If you had asked—Jeen raised her hands horizontally—I would’ve told you. Jeen bounced up from the ride and placed her hands back around his waist.

    Emele rolled his eyes. All I can tell you is I’m looking for something there, said Emele. I just want to find it and leave.

    What is it? Maybe I can help you?

    Have you ever been there?


    Then how can you help me?

    I don’t know. Maybe we can look for it together.

    I’ll think about it. What about you? Why were you running from those mofas, and why do you want to go to Westco?

    The mofas took over my village, and they saw me escape for help. Westco has a powerful army.

    Yeah, those mofas are a terrible bunch. Let’s rush to Westco.

    Before Emele could force the goobo to run, a big explosion occurred, and Emele and Jeen looked back and saw smoke in the air over Soury Village. Jeen leaned back, swung her leg, hopped down off the goobo, and fell on her knees.

    My village, Jeen said as a tear poured from her eye. No. My people. They’re gone.

    Jeen covered her face with both hands, leaned downward, and cried.

    Emele jumped down and placed his hand on her back. Sorry, Jeen, for what happened to your village. There’s nothing we can do here. We must go to Westco.

    Why? Why would they do that?

    What? Destroy your village?


    Because they’re ruthless savages that travel across the world looking for a place to conquer and call their own. Since you escaped, they won’t risk being conquered by armed forces, so they destroyed your village.

    Jeen stood up as they saw a woman float down to the ground. The wind blew at her light brown pants with her hooded jacket with no zipper or pockets.

    Emele moved Jeen behind him. May we help you?

    Yes, Emele, the woman said as she stared at him with her light ruby eyes. Only you can help me.

    How do you know my name?

    The woman walked up in front of Emele with her hood covering her hair, except for three red strands on her forehead.

    My name is Marg, said Marg. She wrapped her dark brown scarf around her neck. From what I can tell, you’re as stubborn as they come.

    Your point being? asked Emele.

    That was stupid how you let that mofa run free, said Marg. I wish I was so forgiving like you, but unfortunately for you, I’m not. Remember it, because you’ll see me a lot.

    You’re wasting my time. What do you want?

    I want the scroll.

    What scroll?

    The scroll that shows the map of all six stones of the Orthose tablet. That’s why you’re going to Westco to find the first one. Give me the map.


    Marg smiled. You’re stubborn all right. My master told me this would happen.

    What master?

    Marg laughed. You’re in way over your head, and soon you’ll realize that. Your only way out is to give me the scroll.

    Never! My mother gave me this scroll before she passed away, and I’m not giving it to you or your master.

    Very well, young one. Marg put her hand on the side of Emele’s face and rubbed upward it to his hair.

    Emele jerked his head away, and her hand was off. Don’t ever touch me, said Emele.

    Marg’s red eyes glowed, and two red beams shot into Emele’s lungs. He gasped for air and fell to the ground on his knees, struggling to breathe.

    Jeen leaned over and put her hand on his back. Emele, Emele! Jeen shouted and asked Marg, What did you do to him?

    Marg squatted down in front of Emele. You’re nothing to me. I could kill you here and now, but I’m under orders.

    Marg stood up, her eyes glowed again, and Emele coughed continuously. He coughed up red vomit and was able to breathe normal again. He lay on his side, exhausted.

    I get what I want, young one, said Marg. Your weakness is my strength.

    Marg faded away.

    Are you okay? said Jeen.

    Yeah, Emele said as he sweated and breathed hard. Just give me a sec.

    Emele closed his eyes and started to breathe calmly. After a while, Jeen helped him get up. They walked to the goobo, and Emele got on. He held his hand out and helped her up. She held on to his waist and placed her head gently on his back.

    Whatever happens next, said Emele, we’ll make it out together, okay?

    Okay, said Jeen.

    "I know my mission isn’t very clear, but it’s for your own safety. When we arrive at Westco, you can handle your

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