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The Patriots Part Ii: Champions
The Patriots Part Ii: Champions
The Patriots Part Ii: Champions
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The Patriots Part Ii: Champions

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Inspired by certain true events

The story now continues. Joey finds himself at the precipice of stardom, fame, and the unrelenting force of darkness following close behind him.

Joeys team, the Patriots, are State Champions on their way to another year of battling to keep their title as the best 4A football team in the state, but Coach Knuckles has made a promise that even his team doesnt know if they can carry out.

Through keeping his obligations to his team, to keeping his sanity from spiraling out of control. Joey finds himself at the top of his game with the assistance of his shadowy friend, but the events already set in motion threaten to destroy not only his team, but also the ones he loves the most.

Release dateDec 2, 2009
The Patriots Part Ii: Champions

Namennus Wreck

Namennus Wreck was born in Long Island, New York. He has written several short stories throughout his life. This will be his second published book. He currently lives with his wife in North Carolina.

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    Book preview

    The Patriots Part Ii - Namennus Wreck

    The Patriots

    Part II


    Namennus Wreck


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2009 Namennus Wreck. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 11/24/2009

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-4155-7 (ebk)

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-4154-0 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2008901652

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana

    Cover image created by: AMC Photography

    Web trailers created by: Michael Clark


    Chapter 1

    State Champions 2000

    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3

    Growing Up Fast


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5

    No More Questions

    Chapter 6

    New Year, New Team

    Chapter 7

    Facing The Truth

    Chapter 8

    Summer Daze

    Chapter 9

    Brooklyn VS Providence

    Chapter 10

    Old Friends

    Chapter 11

    Brooklyn VS Blair

    Chapter 12

    The Harper Incident

    Chapter 13

    Rose Petals

    Chapter 14

    A New Beginning/The Serpents Wish

    Chapter 15


    Chapter 16

    Saying Goodbye

    Chapter 17

    Brooklyn VS Dunn County

    State Championship 2001

    Chapter 18


    The Becoming

    About the Author


    Please check out Namennus Wreck’s first published book: The Patriots. It is also available online at: or any other online bookstore.

    To a mother who only lived for her family,

    To a mother who gave her heart and soul,

    And to a mother who only wanted to be loved as she loved.

    Chapter 1 

    State Champions 2000

    Pa-tr-iots! Pa-tr-iots! Pa-tr-iots!

    The thunder of the crowd was immense for a high school football game. The giant strobe lights made the stadium illuminate like a professional NFL arena. It was impressive to say the least. The arctic weather wreaked havoc upon everyone’s joints, but it did not stop their energy that night, nothing could…

    I could barely get the words out. My heart was in my stomach and my knees were wobbly. They’re gonna do it! I thought. Just hold on for three more minutes!

    The game commentators were on their feet just as I was. Their voices squeaked at the highest pitch their vocal cords could transmit.

    It was truly amazing!

    …If the North Bronx Lions have retained this ball, it won’t be over yet! The North Bronx fans loved that deceptive play Ken.

    I don’t get surprised easily Ron, but I was caught off guard on that on-

    The Ref’s are clearing the players one by one. I don’t see the ball yet…

    I did! Brooklyn has recovered the ball! They have stopped the Lions! Puluzenelli has recovered the ball. The North Bronx gamble didn’t pay off! The Ref’s are motioning Brooklyn’s ball!

    With only two minutes and forty-three seconds to play. Brooklyn will take the ball at the fifty-one yard line!

    Alright! Woo hoo!

    Dad’s face was lit up like a Christmas tree. Mom and Lynn cheered as loud as the rest of the fans. Everyone started bear hugging the person next to them. Flags and banners flew high in the cold air.

    Let’s go Pa-tr-iots…Let’s go! Let’s go Pa-tr-iots… Let’s go! Let’s go Pa-tr-iots…Let’s go!

    Every person that rooted for them that night played in the game in some part of their imagination.

    We got more than two minutes to play! Keep it tight! Coach Knuckles sneered.

    If there is one thing Coach Knuckles and the Brooklyn Patriots don’t know how to do well, it’s slowly running that clock down.

    Coach Lyford still has one time out. If there is a turnover or if the Patriots move too fast, this ball game can take a sharp curve.

    Daby draws back. He holds the ball, looks right, he throws to Limer, incomplete!

    Not a bad throw. I recommend running it though just to be safe. That’s what I would do.

    A minute fifty on the clock, Ross snaps the ball back, its low, but Daby keeps his hands on it.

    Can’t have any mistakes now.

    It’s a pass to Limer again. He’s got it, but stopped just before the first down. They are two yards short! Coach Lyford calls a time out with a minute forty-one to play."

    If Brooklyn gets this first down that will be it…

    Jason and Aden entered the huddle.

    Knuckles wants a run play guys. We are gonna use play twenty-four one. Aden it’s you.


    Hey, everyone we want the yards, nothing stupid. Aden it’s snapping fast.

    …The Patriots line up. Jason squats down. They have Limer and Mouske in the wide receiver slots. Isaiah is in the back end. North Bronx has got their blockers ready…The ball is hiked by Ross. Jason has got it. He draws back. He fakes to Isaiah, who runs up the line of scrimmage. Ross moves left, Jason is open, North Bronx will have him in a few seconds! Ken he’s got to get rid of that ball now!

    Ross is coming back but open. He turns behind Jason who hands it back. Ross has got it and he’s got room! Limer has come back to block. Aden is gonna make it!

    Brooklyn has got the first down!

    That was a great play!

    They got it!

    Folks this game is all but over!

    Brooklyn will see their first State Championship!

    Coach Lyford will see his perfect record break in about fifty seconds unless the Patriots fumble!

    Ross hikes the ball to Daby who will take a knee.

    The clock will continue to run…

    The Brooklyn Patriots will end this season with a fifteen and one record!

    Coach Knuckles will take home his third state title.

    This crowd is coming to life. Victory is in the air tonight for Magnolia!

    The young Brooklyn team has won their first title Ron! They will get that big trophy ladies and gentlemen!

    Boy each team gave it their all tonight…we couldn’t have asked for a better show here at Crestent Stadium. The final score for the books will be twenty-four Brooklyn, nineteen North Bronx.

    Sounds like the officials are starting to announce the State MVP’s of the game…

    The stands erupted in pandemonium. News cameras, sports agents, reporters, and scores of young teenagers emptied onto the field. They joined their victorious team with bliss.

    Jeers and hollers made it difficult for those giving interviews to hear what was being asked, especially now that the officials were echoing their congratulations to both teams.

    The High School Commissioner, Bill Wright, stood along side the Director of Superintendents, Earnest Salem. They were both stationed by a make shift table, with a deep red table cloth draped over the top. It had gold confetti sprinkled over the top and a colorful display of some of the best plays of the year performed by the Patriots. The school coordinators had things ready to go whether the Brooklyn Patriots had won or North Bronx Lions had won.

    A huge gold and cherry wood trophy stood in the middle of the table, shining bright in the dark silky sky. Bill Wright stood on its left and Earnest Salem stood on its right. There were two sets of pillars both which were carved with indented lines like roman columns. The first level of the trophy had a gold football player holding a football, while in a running motion. The top portion was the grandest of all, there in big gold letters were the two words the team had worked all night for, it was the goal Coach Knuckles, the fans, but most of all the young players had worked their hearts out for. There written so elegantly were the words STATE CHAMPIONS 2000.

    Bill Wright stood holding one side of the trophy while Earnest Salem held the other. It was a perfect photo opportunity for the newspapers, the two highest authorities in the school system holding the prize and the jumbled Brooklyn Patriots still jumping on top of each other celebrating. An assistant handed over a microphone to Commissioner Wright, who would have started the ceremony if it weren’t for his officials still calling out the MVP’s of the game.

    "…and for the Brooklyn offense the MVP goes to Jason Daby and Darron Limer. For the Brooklyn defense the MVP goes to Erick Ross and Joseph Puluzenelli.

    Ok are they finished?! Bill yelled to one of his assistants.

    Almost sir, they have to finish with the end game jargon…I will put in a call to the box, let them know we are ready.

    Thanks Amelia, it’s too cold, need to get this thing on the road dear!

    Commissioner Wright was in his fifties. He had thin graying black hair, and glasses that matched its peppered color. He was thin and wore tailored fit clothes. He lived a posh lifestyle, a bizarre comparison to the rest of his officials, who by all accounts lived within their means. He loved sports, but they didn’t love him. He played basketball and baseball, but never went further than playing on the college team. He, however, remained in the backgrounds either as a coach or a sports medicine consultant.

    Congratulations to all and to all a good night…

    Hey, hey, why is he telling them good night! We still have to give out this thing and take photos with the coaches! There is an obligation to the press and the fans! Amelia did you get on the horn?! Tell them to recall the audience!

    Yes sir…I am trying.

    Amelia fumbled to click the talk button on her walkie-talkie again.

    Bill it’s alright, I am sure she’s got it under control. She-

    Earnest, I know sports aren’t as big a deal to you as grades and curriculum, but to me it’s a personal honor to hand over this trophy to the rightful owners in front of myself and their supporters. It must be done right!

    Earnest gave Bill a disgruntled look, not because what he said was harsh, but because what he said was right and he couldn’t rebuke him.

    Earnest Salem was an honest man. He came from a different era than a lot of his co-workers these days and he didn’t appreciate a soft stance on education. He was seventy-eight years old and wanted his schools to be run like they were back in the forties. Discipline, respect, and studies were his motto. He was a kind man at heart, but only showed it to those who deserved it.

    Earnest watched so much of what he worked hard for erode with time, he had become easy to persuade and easier to walk over. Even he knew his days were numbered, whether by retiring or by heart attack.

    His bifocals slipped off his long hooked nose as his bushy eyebrows rose so he could look up at Commissioner Wright before saying,

    Alright, alright Bill, let’s just get a move on.

    Earnest quickly saved a smile as a reporter shot a photo of them, not knowing the bickering that was taking place before him.

    "Oh! Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentleman please, I have the proud duty of announcing the handover of the 2000 State Championship trophy. Please join us for the next few minutes as we honor these two teams."

    It’s about time! said Commissioner Wright.

    The fans on both sides slowed their rapid departures down to look at some of the spotlights now shining on the two figures near the Patriots sideline. They all suddenly got quiet. The only thing that still could be heard was the dying cheers of Patriot players and the soft whimpering from some of the Lions, who still couldn’t believe they had lost.

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming out for this wonderful occasion. I know you all must be cold. We will be recognizing these two teams for their outstanding contribution to the league and their coaches who get little or no thanks for all of their hard work and dedication.

    Amelia rolled her eyes as she gathered some of their equipment.

    Commissioner Wright turned around to look at the players dispersing around the field.

    Amelia get Knuckles and Lyford, before they leave. I can’t stall these people forever…hurry dear!

    Yes sir. Amelia answered reluctantly.

    She sprinted over to Coach Lyford who was consoling a big bear of a player, who at that moment was acting like a three year old who had gotten his bottom spanked.

    We ha-had i-it coach, I let everyone down.

    Matt you did your best, you did everything you could, said Coach Lyford.

    Oh sir, the Commissioner would like to recognize your team as well as a few players. He will be giving you and you’re team an award, Amelia said soothingly.

    Yeah I heard loud and clear, but we are busy! Can’t you see that? What do we need an award for…we lost!

    Amelia looked at Coach Lyford shocked. She had expected this sort of verbal attitude from Commissioner Wright, but from her old professor too? She was always his favorite.

    Coach Lyford stood up. Two other North Bronx Lions showed up to console The Mountain, as they called him for his massive size and strength.

    Look Amelia, I am sorry for snapping at you, but as you can see my players aren’t in the best state of mind.

    Amelia happened to look back over at the Patriots sidelines. Commissioner Wright and Mr. Salem stoop eyeballing her from a distance. He waved his gloved hand rapidly and then looked heatedly at her and the coach. The people’s patience was waning.

    Please coach, I am gonna get killed if I don’t come back with you. He really wants to give you the recognition your team deserves. It’s a really good opportunity for your athletes to show what good sportsmen you all are. These guys at least deserve that, right?

    Amelia pointed at his players.

    Coach Lyford shot a look of contempt not only at her, but to his sobbing gorilla lying slumped over on the grass, while Leo Gettles, the Lions quarterback and Justin Perula, a receiver, patted his back, in a vane attempt to cheer him up.

    Leo got up apparently overhearing Coach Lyford and Amelia’s conversation. He walked over, looked at his coach and then at Amelia.

    I’ll go coach, if you need me to. I am not afraid to face those…those people.

    He wanted to use another word, but although he was just as upset as The Mountain, he was still trying to keep his composure steady. He was the captain of the offense. He needed to remain strong for them.

    You show character Leo, said Coach Lyford.

    Thanks coach, replied Gettles.

    Get Matt up, Perula you are coming too. Amelia, you got your wish.

    Amelia smiled deferentially and guided them over to the media spectacle.

    Several Brooklyn Patriots players had already gathered around Commissioner Wright jumping and screaming in front of the cameras. Lights flashed white sparkles into all of their eyes, yet they were not hindered at all from making a mockery of the dignified event. Commissioner Wright let the celebrating continue just long enough to fill the void.

    Come, come, Amelia.

    Commissioner Wright swiped her out of the way hooking his arm around Coach Lyford.

    Congratulations on a great season Coach!

    Coach Lyford looked withered and too disappointed to answer. He wanted to get this thing over with, so he and his team could crawl into their dark corners and wish the night away.

    Sir we are losing the audience, whispered Director Salem.

    Oh but of course. Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to congratulate on my right Coach Lyford and his players for a great season and their contribution to our high school athletics program. I award them the second place trophy and this certificate of State Memorabilia.

    Commissioner Wright proudly handed off the second place trophy to a wobbly Matt The Mountain Frank, who seemed to burst further into tears when he heard the word second. Gettles and Perula stayed cautiously near just in case he decided to attack everyone in the immediate vicinity.

    Commissioner Wright shoved the microphone into Coach Lyford’s face indicating he expected him to say a few words.

    By this time Coach Knuckles and a mob of Patriots swung over cheering and making funny faces at the cameras. Coach Knuckles and Coach Dullen did their best to simmer down their players.

    I first would like to thank the players for all of their hard work this year and all the parents who put up with me and our stringent schedules. You deserve this, not me.

    What was left of the North Bronx crowd hollered feebly. Their strength had evaporated just as Coach Lyford’s team had. Noticing this, Commissioner Wright took the microphone from his hands and quickly motioned the cameraman to look to his left.

    Earnest come closer please, said the Commissioner ordering him around like he was his child.

    Well fans in the stands and at home watching, we have the Brooklyn Patriots still celebrating an underdog win! We all love stories like that, don’t we!

    The Patriots crowd was still as fierce as it was in the first quarter cheering on their home team.

    This is really awesome! I couldn’t have asked for a better team, Coach Knuckles said beaming into the camera.

    He could barely contain himself. It was a rare sign that he was actually human with feelings of such emotion.

    What would you like to say before we hand over this beautiful trophy?

    Commissioner Wright stuck the microphone closer to Coach Knuckle’s mouth. He intended to hold it so that Coach Knuckles could respond, but Knuckles had other intentions. He grabbed the microphone with a mixture of force and excitement and lowered it amongst his players. He let the crowd hear the Patriots continue to scream and wale. It now echoed throughout the stands. Coach Lyford and some of his players looked up stone faced. Please no more jabs they all were thinking.

    After about a minute of torture he returned the microphone to its original position. His face was serious as ever now, a striking difference from a minute ago. His cheek bones were flat and his eye brows level. He stood there in silence watching all the people. They were eagerly awaiting his speech. Coach Knuckles seemed to feed off it.

    This evening you witnessed the birth of a team far better then any other out there and far better then any I have ever coached. This was the beginning of something more than just a State Championship. Tonight I make you a promise. 2001 will be here in less than a month. This time next year…we will be having this conversation again here in this place. No one can laugh now…the Brooklyn Patriots are here to stay!

    The roar coming from around them was almost stronger than when they actually won the game. Coach Knuckles had boldly drawn a line in the sand. He had put himself and his team on a pedestal. He was formally challenging any team to come forward and try to defeat them.

    Knuckles gazed forward at all the people still cheering. Their school pride finally restored from all the years of disappointment. His lips were curled and white. His players weren’t acting rambunctious anymore; in fact they were just as stone faced and quiet as Coach Lyford and Gettles were. A little disturbed at what they had just heard. Awfully big promise wasn’t it? Like it or not, they were Coach Knuckles’ little army and they were just thrust into a far bigger battle than the one they just fought.

    Chapter 2 


    "Joey we are going out to eat tonight aren’t we? Aden asked.

    Yeah that’s what my mom said. Going to some restaurant up here that my cousin always goes to.

    Your cousin?

    Yeah they moved down here from New York a year ago or somethin like that.

    What sort of food is it? I am hungry

    Man I don’t know. I am sure they will have chicken fingers. That’s all you eat anyway, Joey said getting irritated at all the questions Aden was asking.

    I still can’t believe we won tonight. Feels good you know. I wonder if those Blair Bulldozers have anything to say now.

    Joey smirked. They had prematurely entered the locker room before seeing the ceremony taking place on the field.

    Where’s everyone at Joey? Aden asked nervously looking around.

    I don’t know, probably still outside giving interviews. We probably should have stayed out there a little longer, but you kept pushin’ to get in here early. Why’d you do that anyway and why do you keep asking me questions?

    Aden stood up from the bench they had both been relaxing on. His shoulder pads and shirt were removed. He had two huge red marks on his chest. They were the reminder of the game they had just played. Aden franticly began rubbing his lips. He had never acted this way. He was always cool, even when he had gotten beaten up at the Pond a few weeks ago. He had a sense of pride. He never showed this form of weakness.

    Joey took off his jersey and set it upon his tattered helmet. It had scuffmarks and pieces of soil still stuck in all its nooks and crannies. It was obvious that something was bothering Aden and Joey couldn’t causally deny it, yet he was too tired and too hungry to ask what was on his mind. Joey wanted to ignore his best friend’s silent yearning for him to ask what was wrong. He tried to change the subject.

    "Yo did your secret girlfriend come to the game? I really wanted to meet her."

    She’s not secret dude, I will introduce you to her when we get back to Magnolia ok. I am tired of everyone giving me crap about that. Just because I don’t want everyone asking me questions or messing with her doesn’t mean I am keeping her a secret!

    Aden’s bottled up frustration of not being able to release what was really on his mind was starting to affect the good mood that Joey was in.

    Joey watched him pace back and forth in front of him. His attitude was beginning to change for the worst. For once Joey was actually happy with himself and Aden was ruining it for him. Finally he blurted it out.

    What’s wrong dude? What is it that is making you freak out? Please tell me.

    Aden’s eyes beamed with relief. The pressure had been removed. It was ok to tell Joey exactly what he was dying to tell him from the moment they entered the locker room.

    I talked to Ka-

    Aden was abruptly cut off by Darron and Erick singing so loud their voices echoed at the back of the room. They were followed by the rest of the team, their cleats banging on the cement floor.

    Aden’s face lowered. His body language was very forthcoming. Joey, who had been fed Aden’s climatic build up, now had a desire to hear what was so important. He tried to ask him to spit it out one more time, but it was no use. Darron and Erick had come over to talk about their amazing plays.

    Yo did you guys hear what Coach Knuckles said? said Eric.

    Wait a minute, wait a minute, what were you two doing in here? asked Darron almost in an interrogating way.

    He knew something was up as soon as Aden shot Joey a worried look. Darron maintained eye contact with Aden but didn’t say anything more.

    What’s up with you guys? We just won the State Championship and everyone is in a bad mood, said Erick.

    Joey looked at Aden then back at Darron. He knows. Darron knows what Aden was going to tell me. He thought. Now his mind was racing. Is it something about me? Something about Lynn?

    The tension building with the ensuing silence was uncomfortable for all of them, and before anyone could break it Coach Dullen, Coach Cain, and Coach Dutton swooped in to huddle everyone up.

    Once again congratulations on a victory well done. We know some of you are leaving with your parents. Please sign out with either myself or Coach Cain before leaving so we have an exact number who is remaining to ride the bus home. The bus will be leaving in about twenty minutes. Be ready people. It will be late by the time we get home and we don’t want to make it any later. Coach Cain wants to say a few words and then we will let ya’ll go. Oh, one more thing, if you need to see Coach Dutton for any medical reasons do that first before showering or packing. Coach Cain.

    Coach Dullen stepped back.

    Ok when you…

    Aden leaned over to Joey’s ear and whispered, I will tell you later at dinner…it concerns you.

    He leaned back over into his listening posture.

    Joey turned his eyes over to where Erick and Darron stood. His happiness was all but gone.

    Joey met our parents outside in the parking lot twenty minutes later. He was showered and clean. He had his enormous duffle bag heaved over his shoulder. He was glad to be out of that smelly locker room.

    Oh Joey, we are so proud of you! MVP I can’t believe it! said Mom.

    She embraced him warmly and hugged him until his lungs had no more air in them.

    Thanks mom, I was really surprised too.

    Mom released him, but held onto his arms. She panned him up and down so proud of the product they had created.

    Hey guy, I am proud of you, come here. Dad said smiling just as hard as Mom. He hugged Joey and patted him on the back.

    I can tell you’ve worked on your balance. You had more speed and agility out there. How did your leg feel?

    Joey had almost forgotten he had broken his leg. It was the furthest thing from his mind even though it was the focal point for much of his mental and physical pain for the past four months.

    It did well. I was a little sore in the first quarter, but then it went away after that really.

    Joey had played down the warm tingling feeling he had gotten a few times during the game because he didn’t want an interrogation from Dad or Mom about being careful or stretching it out. It didn’t matter right now. He was still concerned about what Aden had said, It concerns you.

    Where are we going to eat? Joey asked as Dad took his bulky duffle bag from him.

    We are going to your favorite, Mcneal’s, answered Mom fumbling to get her phone out of her purse.

    Oh ok, that works, I thought…I am hungry, anyone else coming?

    The Ross’, and I think Mr. Daby, but I doubt it, said Dad.

    Jason’s dad is gonna come? That’s weird.

    Well I saw him after the game and I offered.

    Isaiah’s grandma is coming too! Mom broke in just before answering her noisy cell phone.

    Janet, oh boy she might eat the whole restaurant, said Joey smugly.

    Dad crimped his lip at him in a way that let him know that wasn’t a very appropriate comment.

    What? She’s a nice lady, I am just saying she’s a little on the hefty side and we are going to a buffet. Tha-

    Joey couldn’t finish. Mom was too excited to tell him I was on the phone to offer my congratulations.

    Here Joey take the phone, your brother wants to tell you something.

    Joey rolled his eyes as if it wasn’t that serious.

    Hello, he said casually.

    Looked pretty good tonight, I said more conservative than I really felt.

    Thanks, glad you could be here.

    I held the phone away from my ear. I guess I hadn’t done enough already, I thought to myself sarcastically. I knew I was never going to live it down in our Mom’s eyes but now his too. I thought he was better than that. I took a deep breath.

    Yeah well college exams are important too. Let’s not forget what everyone cares about in this family…you and football. I thought I would tell you I saw you on TV and you looked great. MVP can’t believe you actually got MVP?

    There was dead air for about ten seconds. I knew Joey was hesitating to answer me back. Whether it was something crude or brotherly I will never know.

    Thanks, thanks for all your help, Joey replied.

    I smiled. Truthfully I was still a little disappointed that I couldn’t be there. I felt guilty especially after I found out my group wasn’t meeting, but I couldn’t confess that.

    You guys have fun tonight. Talk to you when you get back.

    Joey handed the phone back to Mom who was still staring at him. She had hoped for a more personal dialogue between us, but like most encounters in the past there wasn’t one.

    The restaurant was only ten minutes away from Crestent Stadium, but the ride there was longer than expected with all of the out-going traffic. Joey rested his head on the window. He stared at all the red blinking lights as the car stopped every few feet.

    How much longer, I am starving.

    Well if we could get through this darn light, we could’ve been there by now!

    Dad, like Joey, was not as excited about the nights past event. They were both tired and exhausted and wanted to relax in the comfort of their own home. Joey leaned back into the seat. It finally occurred to him that Lynn wasn’t there. He regrettably hadn’t even thought about her since Aden had soured his mood. He jumped forward again and this time addressed Mom.

    Hey wasn’t Lynn supposed to be coming with us to dinner? Joey asked a little annoyed that his girlfriend wasn’t there on such an important night.

    Well Joey…

    Mom looked at Dad who then in turned looked quickly at her before returning to the traffic jam in front of him.


    Just tell me! Joey squawked.

    Hey that’s your mother you’re talking to, said Dad glaring at him through the rear view mirror.

    She had to ride back with some of her friends. Her mom didn’t want her out any later and if she would have gone to dinner, by the time she’d gotten home it would’ve been one or two in the morning, Mom said shrugging off Joey’s rudeness.

    Who did she ride back with? Joey inquired further.

    I don’t know, I think her name was Jamie. Yeah. She was riding home with her.

    What, she’s not old enough to drive yet. She’s still fifteen.

    Joey’s night wasn’t getting any better. He molded back into the seat, biting his nails as he usually did when he was nervous or aggravated. Who was she riding home with? This question joined the one already dancing around about Aden.

    Mom had swiftly noticed Joey’s rather mellow mood when they met him at the back of the stadium, but this reaction was a little more disturbing.

    Joey I am sure she is ok.

    He didn’t say anything. Dad looked at him in the rear view mirror again. This time their eye’s met.

    Mom tried getting right to the point to try and salvage the evening.

    She likes you more than any other boy. I know, she told me Joey. She is very excited to have someone like you. I can tell she has a big heart.

    Down in his boiling stomach Joey agreed with her. He couldn’t deny the fact that he hadn’t ever been with a girl who liked him as much as her, but he couldn’t help but ponder if Aden’s secret had something to do with Lynn.

    Joey closed his eyes. As the brake lights disappeared from view, he sat waiting…

    There was a sudden burst of white light, then a dark creature

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