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Chapters of Horror
Chapters of Horror
Chapters of Horror
Ebook205 pages3 hours

Chapters of Horror

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 Two Goth teenage girls develop a popular Youtube channel where they talk about make-up... and proving that the existence of vampires are real. But when they go to investigate an abandoned house where an unsolved "vampire" killing took place, they find out first hand how real vampires really are...

Release dateJul 1, 2021
Chapters of Horror

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    Book preview

    Chapters of Horror - Rhonda Bilson




    Chapter One

    Allison adjusted her spankies over the cup of her ass, under her red and white cheerleading skirt, where they had ridden up on the long bus ride here.  Maybe if she didn’t have such long legs they wouldn’t keep riding up so tight against her, um, crotch.  When the bus had bumped and rocked over the road leading here to East Snoozeville it had been really hard not to take Mindy up on her offer to go to the back of the bus and make out a little.  They’d rocked it at the cheerleading finals, and she was all worked up to begin with, and the way her underpants were pulling on her she really, really needed someone to take care of her.

    She was just into men, not women.

    It was a myth that all cheerleaders swung both ways.  She had always been straight.  Her boyfriend, Stephen, was proof of that.  He used to go out with every pair of c-cups that walked his way.  Now, he was faithful to her.  A girl had her ways.

    This has got to be a mistake, Mindy said, standing next to her.

    The three of them looked around, up and down the street, where all the buildings were dark and there was nobody to see.  The bus had dropped the three of them off here because the hotel over in Hexwell was full, and the hotel here had vacancies.  The coach hated splitting the team up like this, she said, but hey they were big girls, seniors at their high school, and they could take care of themselves.  Besides, they had Archie with them.

    Only, there was a really good chance that they were in the wrong place.

    Mindy shivered and hugged her arms over her chest, leaning her shoulder up against Claire’s.  Mindy was a dark beauty, blacker than black with long curly hair and high cheekbones and the body of a Victoria Secret model.  Claire was shorter and Mindy’s opposite in every way.  Her skin was milky white and her hair was straight and ginger red and she even had freckles across her nose still.  Her chest hadn’t developed past a middle-schooler’s, and it was a bit of a sore spot for her.

    Allison pushed her own blonde hair back over her shoulder and checked up and down the street again.  The name of the town was actually East Somerville, but Mindy had immediately named it Snoozeville.  She might not be far wrong if everything closed up before nine at night.

    Should we call the bus to come back? Claire asked.  I’ve got my cell in my bag.

    Mindy took hers out from her bra under her sleeveless cheer uniform.  She swiped the screen open and dialed a number.

    Please tell me, Allison said, you didn’t have that in your bra during the whole competition.

    Of course not, she giggled.  I kept it in my panties and had my girlfriend text me every five minutes.  You should try’s a real rush.

    Perv, Allison teased.  Wow, she was on such a high.  First place!  This was really going to make the school happy and her parents were going to be so proud.  They might even finally let her get a car of her own...

    Huh, Mindy said, staring at her phone.

    What is it? Claire asked, huddling closer to the two of them.

    No signal. Mindy shrugged, pulling out her shirt to tuck the phone back into her bra.  Guess we better find this hotel.  Which way is it?

    They looked up and down the street again.  Allison shivered in a sudden breeze even though it was the middle of summer.  I don’t know.  Um.  Grab your bags.  Oh, and bring Archie.

    I brought him last time, Mindy griped.  Bastard tried to bite my neck when I did.  It’s your turn.

    With a sigh that didn’t necessarily mean she agreed, Allison picked up the soft blue duffle bag and slung it over one shoulder.  Through the partly open zipper, a ferret’s head poked out.  The little fuzzy brown critter was their mascot.  Archie had been with them all through the cheer finals.  No way she was letting him out of her sight now.  As captain of the squad he was her responsibility.  Considering they had just landed themselves in the middle of nowhere, however, she was kind of wishing she’d left him on the bus.

    Everything was closed.  Clothing stores.  Coffee shops.  A bank.  Two restaurants.  They walked in one direction, assuming they’d come up to something that was open eventually.  Nothing.  No lights anywhere except the streetlamps and a flashing yellow signal light at one intersection.

    Hello! Mindy called out at after another minute.  Is there anybody here?

    Her voice echoed away in the dark.

    Okay, this is insane, Claire said.  I want to go back to the bus.  Try your phone again.

    This is the middle of the mountains, Mindy griped.  "There ain’t no signal out here.  Hello!  Hello!"

    Quit that noise! a voice snapped from the alley behind them.  Can’t ya see a man’s trying to sleep here?

    Shadows moved in the alley, and the girls bunched themselves together as they waited to see what was coming.  A man coughed, and then a hand reached out to the edge of the brick wall and pulled himself out into the light.

    Allison jumped.  She couldn’t help it.  The man looked like a decaying corpse at first, dressed in rags, with dirt smeared over his clothes and his frail hands and his gaunt face.  One eye was milky blue, dead, and the other was bloodshot.  His scraggly white beard was green where it wasn’t white.  When he smiled, gaps appeared between yellow

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