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Faded Dreams
Faded Dreams
Faded Dreams
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Faded Dreams

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About this ebook

Gaia spends her nights lost in ecstasy, within a world she doesn't believe exists, alongside her gorgeous vampire master, Sebastian. But reality comes crashing down around her when Sebastian reveals the truth; their months together have been anything but faded dreams.

Faced with the revelation of a lifetime, Gaia wonders if she

Release dateSep 10, 2020
Faded Dreams

Clarity Townsend

Clarity Townsend lives in Chicago with her husband of sixteen years, her three sons, and her boxer. She is best known for writing steamy romances with non-traditional relationships and diverse casts. Writing mainly in the contemporary and paranormal genres, her quick wit and intelligence shine through in her loveable, and sometimes quirky, characters.When she isn't writing you can find her reading, conversing with her many writer friends, playing video games with her boys, and cuddling with her dog and husband. Her favorite genre to read is fantasy, she loves funny movies, and she's never met a piece of coconut cream pie she didn't like and quickly devour.Most days you can find her honing her craft and running her online erotic book club. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for news and sneak peeks at what she's currently working on.

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    Book preview

    Faded Dreams - Clarity Townsend

    Chapter One

    Is This The Real World or is This Fantasy?

    It had been a long day at work. Gaia scurried down the alleyway near her apartment building, hoping to cut a few minutes off her commute home.

    Gaia rarely enjoyed going this way at night. The streetlights cast an eerie glow against the line of garage doors which gave her an unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach. It didn't help that she'd been having odd dreams for several months, and sometimes, they seemed so real, she wasn’t sure she was actually dreaming.

    Gaia’s feet pounded the pavement as a surprising cool breeze moved across her skin. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around.

    Nothing there.

    The stifling heat and humidity of the warm summer night encompassed her once more. She took in a labored breath of thick, muggy air. Pivoting on her heels, she turned towards her initial direction. Again, she felt something and froze.


    Where did he come from?

    Gaia hadn’t heard a sound. Not one footstep, yet there he stood. An unearthly glow shone from his pale skin in the yellowing glare of the streetlights. His midnight hair reminded her of a raven's feather in the way his dark locks caught the moonlight. But it was his piercing, glacial eyes, that always entranced her.

    Who was this man? All she knew for sure was that he was the one who haunted her slumber, causing her to wake most mornings in a writhing sweat. She’d rouse with her body on fire, burning for more of the dark pleasures he offered during the dream state.

    I must be asleep, she whispered.

    Though twenty feet away, he heard Gaia’s breathless words as if those lips were pressed against his ear.

    Sebastian (Bash) growled; a primal response to her scent. He restrained his fangs from growing. Gaia smelled of wildflowers on a spring morning. When he was with his pet, he remembered what it was like to bask in the sun. Her dusty, pink dyed hair was akin to a rose. Her porcelain skin and blue-green eyes melted his frozen heart. Had he a soul, Sebastian could imagine it reawakened.

    He knew he should stay away. Sebastian had taken too much from her already. It was possible Gaia might lose her sanity if he continued these visits. But Sebastian yearned for her, and it wasn't only her blood that set his appetite asunder. She was the holiest of fucks. The closest he'd been to the gods since his damnation, was when he was between Gaia’s milky, quivering thighs.

    Dear Goddess, he was hungry. Sebastian imagined sampling Gaia’s blood just enough to satiate his thirst, then feasting on her lovely, tight cunt. He brought himself back from his thoughts and noticed Gaia shiver despite the heat. Her arousal flowed to him in waves, proving their connection. Gaia was always so willing and eager to please.

    Bash realized that Gaia was questioning her own reality. Whether these evenings were truly spent in his arms or if they were merely dreams. But Sebastian was reluctant to let her fully realize the truth. Bash was able to scare off past pets with the facts once he’d tired of them. Gaia, he feared, wouldn't be frightened. Gaia, he intuited, would love him as much as he had grown to love her.

    There was a lack of apprehension in Gaia that was constantly present in former pets. The others maintained a sense of dread that all prey exude, no matter how much they enjoyed the things Bash did to them. Gaia was different. She was special from the start, and that should have been warning enough to keep Bash from getting involved with her.

    But how could Sebastian resist such a delectable little pet?

    He moved with stealth towards Gaia as she stood there, frozen in place. Once within reach, his pet whimpered.

    Master? she squeaked. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep.

    Ah, my sweet pet. You must be asleep, or I wouldn't exist. Would I? Bash trailed a cool finger across her shoulders as he circled her.

    Yeah, exactly! I keep forgetting I've fallen asleep. Maybe I should get that checked out? She looked up into Bash's frosty blue eyes with hers held wide open.

    If it would put my pet at ease, then it's a brilliant idea. But first, let's get you home and cleaned. Shall we? He grinned down at Gaia; his fangs fully retracted.

    Yes, Master. Gaia took a step to continue her walk, but Bash scooped her up, and in a blur, they were at her front door.

    Sebastian gingerly set her down. It took a moment for Gaia to regain her balance and for her stomach to settle. She nervously fumbled with her keys and wondered how, even in her dreams, she could be so clumsy and nervous. What made it worse, was Gaia was positive she stunk, and her perspiration-soaked body made her dirty clothes cling to her skin. She didn't feel sexy at all.

    Aren't you supposed to feel sexy in these dreams? Gaia pondered.

    These dreams always ended in hot, very kinky sex. Her master, as he'd asked her to call him, had never provided another name for himself but he used hers and switched between calling her Gaia and pet. With that voice, she was fine with either term he chose.

    The grumbling, low, sexy way he spoke, with a British accent, sent shivers down her spine. He was tall and athletically built, but always cold to the touch. Then there were the fangs and the biting—

    Yeahhow high school is it to have dirty dreams about a vampire?

    To hell with it, because in these dirty dreams, Gaia had the best sex she'd ever had. It had gotten so bad, on nights she didn't dream of him, she'd lie in bed using all her might to conjure his spirit. When these dreams did happen, Gaia could not control them. She always woke the next morning, sometimes sore, in her bed, alone, and fully clothed in pajamas that she never remembered putting on.

    When Gaia shared these dream experiences with her friend Mads (Matilda), she recommended that Gaia see a shrink and a sleep specialist. Of course, Gaia disagreed with the well-intended advice.

    Nope, Gaia was perfectly content having amazing sex with the vampire master in her dreams and didn't want some quack screwing it up. Especially, since there was no real man in her life. This was the only promise of action she had. Even though they were dreams, the proof of bedsheets soaked in her nectar told her one thing for sure: the orgasms were authentic. And if the orgasms were real, who the hell needed anything else?

    Gaia was an underemployed, underappreciated, art major. She didn't have much going on between her daily shuffle to work, class, and the long commute home. The only thing that made life worth living lately, was this fantasy. Gaia’s vampire master was a kind but dominant lover, who pushed her to give him her all. Once she satiated his desires, he worshiped her like the goddess her mother and father named her after.

    The dream experiences led to new cravings. Gaia wondered if she should add new requirements to her Tinder dating profile: Must fuck me and worship me like the Earth mother goddess I am. She chuckled at her thoughts.

    "Is something amusing, my pet? I do so love to laugh." Bash smiled, flashing his fangs.

    It's nothing, really. Well, here we are! She lowered her head to Sebastian in submission as she stood before him.

    Gaia, my sweet. Let’s step further inside. Shall we? And possibly close and lock the door. We wouldn't want an interruption by the Boogeyman. Would we? Bash teased.

    Gaia’s grip tightened around his bicep. Is there really a Boogeyman here? she asked in terror. She had no idea what existed in this dream world of hers.

    No. I was merely joking, my pet. I'm the only Boogeyman here.

    Gaia giggled sweetly at his reply. I'm safe then because you'll always protect me, she said the words with confidence.

    You're sure of that? he choked out. He was in more trouble than he imagined. Not only was his pet unafraid of him, but she believed that he would protect her.

    Sebastian would protect Gaia, but that was beside the point. This lack of fear and welling of devotion inside her was dangerous to their arrangement. Quintus, his one and only companion of the last two thousand years, had warned him.

    Quin cautioned, Bash, let this one go. If you want to keep your promise not to turn another human, you must walk away and never look back. Your feelings for her have gone beyond a predator and his meal. You're heading into territory that demands an eternal price. Glamour her and let her be.

    Bash had glamoured, used his power of hypnosis, on Gaia a few times to get her to forget his visits in an attempt to let her go, but he only came crawling back when the ache to be near her, savor her, fuck her, grew too strong to bear. Gaia made him weak and this fact enraged him to no end. Sebastian wasn't used to being so out of control. Especially, when it came to a blood bag.

    Bash could have his vengeance for the spell that Gaia cast upon him. He imagined how he’d do it. How he would take his payment from her supple, sweet skin. Gaia’s screams of pleasure would be his victory and his reward. In the morning, she'd question her reality, and he wouldn’t much care. Bash would leave his mark upon her. He would leave no doubt to Gaia or to anyone else, he’d claimed her. Then Sebastian would walk away. This time, for good.

    Take off your clothes, Bash commanded gruffly. When you've finished, fold them neatly into a pile and join me in the bathroom where I'll be drawing you a bath. Understood?

    Her eyes downcast, Gaia replied, Yes, Master, as she began to slowly undress under his fiery gaze.

    Chapter Two

    If This Is A Dream, I Don’t Want To Wake Up

    Sebastian waited patiently as Gaia undressed. While he waited, he filled her clawfoot tub with steaming water and added a few drops of rose oil. He removed his tailored jacket and hung it on a hook behind the bathroom door. Before rolling up the sleeves of his finely pressed white dress shirt, he tugged his tie loose and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his collar. As Bash slipped off his tie, Gaia peeked in from behind the door.

    Deferring to him, Gaia said, I'm ready, Master.

    Bash reached for Gaia and gently took her hand. Her grip was firm but light. Again, he noticed the utter lack of fear and in its place an abundance of trust. Sebastian could drain her in a matter of minutes, and she wouldn't even put up a fight. She'd be the easiest kill he'd ever made.

    But who was he kidding? Bash could never harm Gaia. To his own disgust and contempt, Sebastian loved Gaia impossibly too much for his own good. His hunger was growing, and the sight of her plump, round bottom, made him want to take a bite. To sink his teeth in like a ripe peach.

    Gaia was a gorgeous, modern specimen of a human female. Bash basked in her sensual curves, and the way her flat stomach drew his eyes to her soft hips. Her perky breasts were neither too small nor too large, more than a handful to be sure. They created a pleasant weight in his hands, and Sebastian absolutely loved how she whimpered when he showed them his attention.

    Gaia’s lily-white skin was perfection, without a blemish or scar. The only marking she had, was a tattoo of a lotus flower nestled between her shoulder blades, upwards near the back of her neck. Its coloring nearly matched her dyed hair. Normally, a female with unnatural hair color would never attract him, but the soft pink shade suited her.

    Gaia was Sebastian’s lovely little nymph. Her parents had named her well. This small, slender human had brought him, the great Sebastian, to his knees. A fact that Quintus wouldn't soon let him forget.

    Bash scented the air. Gods he had to eat, but he wanted Gaia to come once before he indulged.

    Sebastian led Gaia to the tub and helped her step inside. She stood awaiting his command. Knowing she wouldn’t move without his direction gave Bash deep satisfaction.

    You may sit, my dear pet.

    Gaia slowly lowered herself into the warm, sweet-smelling water. Her body immediately relaxed as she sank in and back, a sigh escaping from her parted lips.

    Mads wants some shrink to cure me of this? Fuck that! She thought.

    It seemed odd to Gaia that she couldn't remember falling asleep or even getting home before her master found her, but the bath made her feel whole again. Though it felt real, even if it wasn’t actually happening, whatever her master did next, would be better than anything that had happened during the day while she was awake. He'd give her a chance to vent too. He always did.

    Master was perfect. And why wouldn't he be? He was a figment of her imagination. The best damn thing her subconscious had ever conjured up.

    Bash knelt near the side of the tub and lathered a sponge with soap. It was a specific kind he had compelled her to buy. It was the only type that didn't make her taste like pure rubbish when he fed on her following a shower or bath. He practically grimaced at the thought.

    It had taken Bash years to find the brand he liked best for his pets. Before that, he suffered through the insufferable flavor of chemicals and perfumes for longer than he cared to recall. This one was Castile based and washed nearly clean away; scented only with natural oils he could tolerate.

    Move forward, my sweet, Sebastian instructed.

    Gaia sat up straight and inched forward. He firmly rubbed the soapy sponge across her back, eliciting another sigh of pure joy.

    Mm—do you know how happy it makes me, to know I bring you such pleasure, Pet?

    Yes, Master, she cooed.

    Good. Then you know to keep letting me hear your satisfaction, isn't that right?

    Uh-huh— Gaia replied with her eyes closed, forgetting to address him by title.

    Bash forgave her slip and smiled. Oh, he had a treat in store for his obediently sweet pet.

    Gaia became lost in the sensation of the sponge caressing every inch of her tired body. She gripped the sides of the tub as her master brought it to her clit and began to rub. Slow and gentle at first, with just enough pressure to awaken her senses.

    I'm going to make you come, love. But you're to only climax when I say you can. Are we clear? Sebastian gathered her hair in his right hand and continued the torturous motion of the sponge with his left.

    Yes, Master. Crystal clear, she added, her voice beginning to strain.

    Gaia had become skilled at controlling when she orgasmed, mainly because it was so much better to allow it at Master’s command.

    Bash applied more pressure and tugged back on her hair, arching her back and causing her breasts to jut out. The cool room made her nipples tighten almost painfully. Sebastian moved forward, bringing his face near the side of her left breast and flicking his tongue against her hard pearl.

    Gaia moaned, bucking up against the sponge. Bash pulled harder on her hair as a reminder. Lest she forget, he was in control of her ecstasy. Bash decided how much and how quickly he'd bring her to release. She was to sit there and take what he offered.

    Gaia whimpered and relaxed in submission. Sebastian rubbed harder and faster while kneading his tongue firmly against her nipple. He glanced up and wallowed in the pained expression on her face. Bash sensed her release nearing. She was at the precipice. And as much as he wanted to continue to torture her, he was bloody hungry.

    Come, Gaia! he growled his command.

    Like a wave crashing upon a rocky shore, Gaia’s orgasm flowed through her entire body. She announced her height of pleasure by calling into the night, bucking and splashing water all over the bathroom floor.

    Sebastian took Gaia’s mouth in a kiss and drank her cries. When her tongue slipped past his lips, she noticed his extended fangs.

    Bash stopped the motion of the sponge and released her hair, taking her face between his hands. He groaned into her soft lips as he deepened their kiss. His hunger grew with every swipe of her tongue against his.

    Sebastian pulled away, breathlessly panting. Now, he would grant Gaia the treat she so well deserved.

    Stand! Bash’s command was gruff as his eyes darkened. His lust for her blood edged at his nerves.

    Gaia stood as he offered her a hand to steady her balance. Bash remained knelt beside the tub.

    Place your right foot up on the edge of the bath and spread wide.

    Gaia silently obeyed. Her heart raced with anticipation. This was new. She wasn't sure what to expect, but she knew it would be good. Her pussy throbbed in agreement.

    Down girl—Gaia thought.

    Now, Gaia, this isn't something I've ever done to you before, and I give you my permission to come when you need to. Make it good, Pet. I want the people in the next flat to call in a noise complaint. Understood? He smiled up wickedly at her.

    Gaia nodded, her blue-green eyes wide and bright.

    There's one other thing, Bash paused.

    Yes, Master? she whispered.

    My name is Sebastian, but those who know me best, call me Bash. I’d like for you to call me Bash. I want to hear my name on your lips as you come tonight. No more ‘Master’.

    Yes, Ma-I mean, Bash. Finally, he revealed his name. It felt awkward on her tongue, but his name fit him.


    Gaia ran the name through her mind repeatedly as she looked down into his lust-filled eyes. Gaia wasn't sure when it happened, but she'd fallen in love with this imaginary creature kneeling before her.

    Maybe she needed a shrink. Who the hell falls for a dream man? No, not just a man, a vampire!

    Gaia didn't allow herself to dwell on the complexity of all this. It was what it was, and she'd deal with it in the morning when she woke up.

    Bash grinned at Gaia, adoring the smile lighting up her face. He didn't realize giving her his name would make her so happy. Bash wondered how long had she pondered his name without questioning him? Then again, she didn't know he was real, so this may have never been a sticking point, just a pleasant revelation tonight.

    Bash’s mouth hovered over Gaia’s sensitive inner thigh, and with a growl, he sank his fangs deep into her supple flesh. Her intoxicating blood gushed forth across his lips, coating his tongue and throat as he swallowed her life force.

    Gaia gasped at the pain as a searing heat followed, flowing up through the veins in her leg into her groin. Her inner walls contracted and her engorged clit throbbed.

    Fuck! she cursed.

    Gaia had never experienced something so incredible in her entire life. The warmth causing her to pulse spread throughout her body. She steadied herself with a hand on Bash’s shoulder when her knees began to shake.

    Sebastian's cock strained painfully against his pants, but he ignored it as he feasted on her blood. He plunged two fingers into her core, determined to undo her.

    Oh, Bash! Tears stung her eyes as she moaned his name.

    Bash growled and fingered Gaia deeper at the sound of his name. It had never sounded so sweet.

    Gaia gripped his shirt with both hands in a feeble attempt to stay upright, but Bash continued to work her pussy faster and harder. He detached from her thigh, her blood dribbling down his chin.

    What he did next, Gaia would have never expected.

    Sebastian lunged forward, biting down on her swollen clit while he finger-fucked her pulsing cunt.

    A fire burned through Gaia as she screamed Bash’s name once again and came harder than she thought was humanly possible. Her vision blurred and her knees gave out.

    Bash held Gaia upright as he suckled her clit. Her orgasm caused a rush of blood so great; he was nearly drunk. He had to muster all his control not to drain her completely. Hers was the absolute sweetest blood he'd ever sampled. Even sweeter still, mixed with the essence of her orgasm.

    Bash allowed Gaia to collapse over his shoulder. He rose without effort to his feet and carried Gaia to the bed. Hastily, Bash swiped his thumb across his incisor, drawing his blood. He sealed the bites on Gaia’s thigh and clit as she continued to writhe in ecstasy.

    In the blink of an eye, Bash had removed his shirt, shoes, and pants, and was on top of Gaia licking her clean of blood. She was still coming as he brought his cock to her entrance.

    Bash hissed as he sheathed himself inside her to the hilt, gripping her smooth, creamy thighs. Gaia pulled his chest close to hers as Sebastian began to thrust in and out at a steady pace. She was soaking wet, and Bash couldn't wait to lick her cum from her skin afterward.

    It was Bash’s hazy fantasy to drink from Gaia, but fucking her was just as pleasant. Another warning. Bash had never enjoyed sex with a human as much as he enjoyed it with Gaia. He leaned in and kissed her partially parted lips as Gaia instinctively angled her hips.

    Bash plowed into Gaia relentlessly until he sensed himself on the edge of an explosion. He bit down on her collarbone as he came, grunting until he was spent, and Gaia laid limp as a rag beneath him.

    Once again, Sebastian sealed her wounds before he made his way down to clean her up. Every swipe of his tongue brought on another small orgasm.

    How can I be so damn sensitive? Gaia contemplated this even in her clouded mindset.

    Gaia couldn't see, and her head swam. Sebastian could hear her heart beating slower than normal. He licked his lips. It was time he cared for his spent pet. He stood to make his way to his jacket pocket in which he kept an injection of iron to help Gaia recover from her blood loss.

    Bash, don't leave me, Gaia called weakly.

    If Sebastian owned a beating heart, it would have seized right up in his chest.

    I'm not leaving you, Sweet. You need to eat something to regain your strength, he replied.

    Bash grabbed the syringe and vial before heading into Gaia's kitchenette. As he fixed her a glass of orange juice along with some cookies and grapes, he kept his supernatural hearing attuned to her breathing and heart rate. He carried the food on a tray and made his way back to Gaia’s side.

    Bash felt guilty for draining so much blood at once, but it had been a few months since he'd fed more than just a few gulps here and there. He'd lost the desire to feed on any other source. It would be a challenge to walk away from Gaia, but Bash had set his mind to it.

    He had to prove to himself that he was still in control.

    Chapter Three

    Waking Up

    Gaia hadn't moved a muscle. Bash quickly prepped the syringe of iron and injected it into her arm.

    Ouch! She flinched.

    That hurts? Bash laughed. What does it feel like when I bite you?

    That hurts too, but that hurts good. That stupid shot hurts not-so-good. Gaia smiled; her eyes half-opened.

    Fair enough, Bash chuckled his reply.

    He fed her the cookies and grapes, giving her sips of orange juice in between. After about thirty minutes, Gaia began to perk up. Her cheeks looked rosier and her heartbeat was stronger.

    Bash set aside the dirty dishes and laid next to Gaia, cradling her in his arms. Yes, he would miss this probably more than anything, if he were being honest with himself.

    You seem warm tonight, Gaia commented.

    That's because I fed better than I normally do with you. It's your blood flowing through me that's making me warm.

    I like that it does that. It's like I'm a part of you now. Gaia drew lazy circles on Bash’s muscled chest with her finger.

    "You are a part of me, Gaia. You give me life." Bash took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips.

    Gaia’s heart seemed to explode in her chest. Why can't he be real?

    Tell me, how was your day? he asked.

    Bash found he loved hearing about the mundane details of Gaia’s life in the sun. They reminded him of his own life before the one who would become his maker cursed him to walk the night for all eternity.

    It sucked! My boss at the café is still a total dick and my contemporary art project got an A-minus. Plus, the customers were extra bitchy today, she rambled.

    Wait. An A-minus is fantastic!

    Bash had taken some night classes to familiarize himself with more modern knowledge. Plus, it was a great hunting ground. He knew enough about the current grading system in place to believe Gaia was being adorably silly, fussing about an A-minus.

    Yeah, but I deserved an A-plus. The professor is getting flak from some rich kid’s parents and he's caved. Some donor's daughter got my A-plus. Gaia rolled her eyes.

    Well, that isn't fair. Bash thought perhaps he should pay the professor a visit and convince him to change her grade.

    Whatever, being here with you makes it all better. Even if I am dreaming. She yawned.

    Gaia wasn’t making it easy for Sebastian to do what he knew he must.

    As Gaia began to doze off, she gazed sleepily into his eyes. "I love you, Bash. I know I'm crazy because you aren't real, but you seem so real, and I can't help it. I love you and I want to always dream of you."

    Gaia— It was official. She would be his undoing if he continued to see her. He had to walk away. He loved her too much. "I love you too. Always remember that. All I do is because I love you, my sweet pet."

    Bash curved into Gaia and placed a soft kiss on her plush, pink, pouty lips. The last one, he was convinced, he'd ever give her.

    Gaia sighed with pure contentment and closed her eyes. It wasn't long before her breathing became shallow and she was fast asleep.

    Bash laid with Gaia and held her firm against his chest until he sensed the sun would rise. He slowly broke free and hovered over her. What Bash was about to do, he recognized was selfish, but he couldn't help himself.

    Typically, before Sebastian left for the day, he'd clean her apartment and wouldn't leave a trace of his existence. Tonight, he would leave the mess. Proof for when Gaia woke up in the morning. He wanted Gaia to know he wasn't a dream. But just leaving a mess wouldn’t suffice.

    Bash knew Gaia well enough to realize she would try to explain away the mess. He had to leave her with something she couldn't rationalize. Sebastian pushed the hair away from the side of Gaia’s neck and focused on her throbbing pulse. With only enough pressure to leave a mark, he bit down.

    Bash didn’t even take a sip. This time, unlike the others, he didn't heal Gaia’s wound. He caressed her cheek once more and got up to dress. Bash did so with haste, looking back only once as he left her apartment and fleeing into the night, with the sunrise hot on his trail.

    Gaia groaned at the blaring sound of her alarm clock going off in the morning. She reached over to her nightstand to turn it off.

    Thank goodness it's Friday, she said as she sat up slowly.

    Gaia’s head was foggy, and she felt as if she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

    That's not true, though. Gaia thought. I had the most fantastic dream, so I most definitely slept.

    Gaia replayed the events of her dream over in her head. Just the memory of it made her throb. Gradually, she realized she was naked.

    That's weird. I never sleep naked. But I must have been exhausted because I don't remember falling asleep either.

    Gaia sighed and scooted to the edge of the bed. Her slight dizziness made her take pause, and she sat a while before attempting to stand. As Gaia turned to make her bed, she noticed a bloodstain where she’d been lying.

    What the fuck! Did I get my period?

    Gaia reached between her legs to check. She was oddly sore, but she wasn't bleeding.

    That's strange

    Gaia shrugged and turned, noticing the tray on her other night table with a plate and an empty glass. Remnants of orange juice remained in the cup, and crumbs littered the plate along with the stem from a bundle of grapes.

    Shit. No wonder I dreamt Bash was feeding me. She laughed. I must have eaten that before going to bed.

    BashFinally, a name. Hey! Subconscious! You couldn't have come up with a name sooner? It's only been nine

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