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茉莉的突發奇想(中英雙語版): Jasmine's Musings
茉莉的突發奇想(中英雙語版): Jasmine's Musings
茉莉的突發奇想(中英雙語版): Jasmine's Musings
Ebook223 pages28 minutes

茉莉的突發奇想(中英雙語版): Jasmine's Musings

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如果你跟茉莉一樣,問題常常問得很具體,辦法總是想得很抽象。那麼這一本筆記書, 可以陪伴你從平凡生活中找到一些樂趣,甚至從中發現潛在的商機。


Release dateJul 1, 2014
茉莉的突發奇想(中英雙語版): Jasmine's Musings

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    茉莉的突發奇想(中英雙語版) - Jasmine

    目錄Table of Contents

    目錄Table of Contents

    作者 Author

    插畫 Illustrators

    序 Preface • 致謝 Appreciation

    小羅琳Small Rowling


    擔心狗仔的路人A walker who is worried about paparazzi shots

    擔心在網路上遇到鬼的網民A social website user who is worried about meeting ghosts in the internet world

    想在Twitter一舉成名的推友The Twitter user who dreams of becoming a celebrity


    Linda, a housewife, she is accustomed to managing bills on hercomputer and does not want to let her husband know she purchased 3 LV bags today

    博士Doctor of Philosophy

    想躺在床上閉目養神就能Google全世界的上班族A tired worker, she wants to close her eyes and lie in a bed to listen to the posts of her G+ friends

    學生A student

    一個擔心隨時會被公司炒魷魚的職員An employee who worries he may be fired at any moment

    躺在沙發上聽天鵝湖的無聊女人A boring woman lying on the sofa and listening to《Swan Lake》

    二流音樂家的歌迷The musical fan of mediocre musicians

    一個想了解愛情荷爾蒙有效期限的生化家A endocrinologist who would love to better understand the concept of love hormones in relation to its expiration date

    約翰的前女友The ex-girlfriend of John

    不想看到Justin跟那個女人手牽手的女粉絲A female fan who does not want to see Justin hold hands with that girl

    笑想嫁給郭董事長、比爾蓋茲和喬丹的小花。A young girl, Small Flower, she wants to get married to President Kuo, Bill Gaizi, and Jorden

    茉莉的情敵Jasmine’s love rival

    一個無聊的嬰兒躺在床上,他覺得這世界真是無聊。A cute baby, lying on his bed, who feels the world is really boring

    早餐店的顧客The customer of the breakfast store

    科學家A scientist


    閃電超人A superman of lightning

    想趕快解決掉披薩的業餘攝影師An amateur photographer who wants to enjoy

    動物園遊客A tourist of zoo

    想好好睡個午覺的茉莉Jasmine who wants to sleep well in the afternoon

    轎車司機A driver

    女執行長Female CEO

    國稅局長Internal Revenue Service Commissioner

    想改進生命探測器功能的夢想家 A dreamer who wants to improve the function of life detection devices

    到百貨公司血拚的敗家女A crazy shopping girl at a department store

    一個過敏的病人A patient suffers from allergies

    一個想吃餅乾和得到兩個A的餓鬼學生A hungry student who loves cookies and wants to get 2 A’s

    公共衛生專家 A public health expert

    一個喜歡喝咖啡又熱愛工作的檢驗師A medical technologist who enjoys a cup of latte and loves her job

    想趕快把衣服洗完的莉莎Lisa wants to wash clothes as soon as possible


    想快樂騎單車但不想變成吸油煙機的車友A bicycle rider who wants to ride a bicycle happily but she doesn’t want to breath horrible fumes


    聖人A Saint

    懶女人A lazy woman

    擔心有一天喝到忘情水吃到抗生素魚的市民An average citizen who is worried that someday we may end up drinking a cup of hormone or eat fish tainted with antibiotics

    小妹妹A little girl


    挑食的人A picky eater

    楊貴妃Gui Fei Young

    想換個口味的美食家The gourmet who wants to change tastes

    不想在冬天洗冷水澡的貴婦A lady who doesn’t want to take a cold shower

    賣玉蘭花的小女孩 A little girl selling Taiwanese magnolia

    煩惱奶粉錢哪裡來的爸比A dad who worries about money for baby’s milk

    希望下次進去戲院前能先買到一條紀念手帕的影迷A movie fan who wants to buy a commemorative handkerchief before entering the theater

    有潔癖的媽媽A mysophobic Mom

    想聽到老公稱讚,哇!老婆,妳的手藝真是越來越好了的太太。The housewife who hopes her husband praises her. Wow! Your cooking skills are getting better and better.

    觀光局長Tourism Minister

    一個想住鬼屋的遊客 A tourist who wants to live in a haunted house


    作者 Author


    本名 Hui Wen Wang 。點子王。想出來的點子,通常被批不切實際,在現實生活中,卻是一位很實際的女士。Jasmine相信,想像力比知識更為重要;一個人的容忍力勝於學歷。自多年前從研究所畢業後,就不再只為獲得文憑而讀書。Jasmine曾通過1993年中華民國公務人員高考二級考試;目前持有中華民國教育部對外華語教學能力證書、中華民國護理師證書、專案管理IPMA D級證書等多張專業證照。曾從事健康照顧、管理及教學工作。現為創作者及專案管理人。

    Her real name is Hui Wen Wang. Queen of ideas. Jasmine’s thoughts are usually criticized as being impractical, but in real life, Jasmine is a very practical lady. Jasmine believes imagination is more important than knowledge; Tolerance is more important than to own a diploma. Since she graduated from an institute many years ago, she no longer wants to study just to earn a diploma. Jasmine passed the examination: 1993 Civil Service Senior Examination, 2nd grade examination. She has multiple certificates: Ministry of Education, Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching Chinese

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