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Dark Angel: Book 2 of The Given Trilogy
Dark Angel: Book 2 of The Given Trilogy
Dark Angel: Book 2 of The Given Trilogy
Ebook462 pages6 hours

Dark Angel: Book 2 of The Given Trilogy

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About this ebook

Damon Night has left the Louisiana’s Given Establishment to work undercover in a fallen
world full of despicable mayhem. Partly to help the Officials eliminate an Underworld
narcotics epidemic, partly to escape his lust and overwhelming desire for Lilliana.
Existing day to day without him, Lilliana completes her studies,

Release dateFeb 19, 2020
Dark Angel: Book 2 of The Given Trilogy

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    Dark Angel - Mickey Martin


    Two months enduring Damon’s absence had left Lilliana walking through quicksand, in a repetitive funk that was disturbing and lacking.

    She hadn’t realised that he had been the ‘hit’ she needed every day, that motivated her and kept her going, striving to be the best she could be in all she endeavoured.

    That hit was now gone, and she felt it every day like a hole in her chest.

    Sitting in Psych class, thinking that once her shift was over, she’d skip tea and go and spend some time with Beast, Damon’s beloved black stallion.

    She felt a tap on her arm. Allie passed her a note.

    It read, ‘Want to have a midnight swim?’

    Lilliana glanced over at her petite, pretty friend. Her once short, spiky blue hair had grown out, and now sat in blue layers around her face. Her personality made up for her small size.

    She smiled, nodding yes. That may be just what she needed.

    As busy as they had all been lately, her friends made the effort to take it in turns every day, to have at least an hour with Lilliana, since Damon had left.

    They were all concerned about her. Skipping meals, spending time with Damon’s horse, or working back to back shifts.

    She’d lost weight and wasn’t getting enough sleep. She was starting to look like a wraith.

    Just the thought of facing breakfast without Damon at the head of the table or standing near the buffet having coffee before a ride, was hard enough.

    That knowledge alone, that she would not see him this day or the next, devastated her.

    She’d missed out on a few breakfasts and had passed out on two morning runs.

    Cam had made it clear he had not been happy with her lack of self-care, as Damon had left him in charge, not only to run the establishment smoothly whilst he was away undercover, but also to look after Lilliana.

    Once class was dismissed, Allie stood out in the corridor waiting for Lilliana.

    I’ve got a double in the Psych ward with Dr Richard. She rolled her eyes. Anyway, a message from Christopher, if he doesn’t see you at dinner tonight he’s going to report you to Cam. Allie held up a hand, silencing Lilliana’s coming protest. You need to eat missy, end of story. Allie hugged her friend’s shoulders, then looking her dead in the eye said. You’re doing great. You just need to do better, for you, okay?

    Thanks Allie. Lilliana forced a smile.

    Her friend could see the effort it took for her to put on a happy face and was determined to have the old Lilliana back, within the side of this week.

    Later. Allie waved and headed towards two hours of practical.

    Lilliana headed off to her bedroom to get changed for her hospital shift. Heading down the corridor, a ruckus ahead caught her attention. The hallway was packed with Given of all ages, and a group of six disgruntled boys stood in the middle of the crowd, all totally naked.

    They had painted themselves white.

    They were protesting that once they entered this establishment all their own identity was taken away.

    There were four Team Leaders trying to talk them into hitting the showers and seeing their group counsellor to discuss how they felt, without upsetting the other Givens schedules.

    Lilliana’s eyes met her Team Leader, Marcus’s, across the sea of heads and returned his smile, shaking her head at the rebellious newcomers.

    Once she got past the crowd, she dashed upstairs into her room.

    As the door slid shut behind her she glanced at her desk on her way to her wardrobe. Joining her two photographs were two new frames that were not there this morning.

    There was the photograph of herself, Jessica and Josephine that had been taken on her sixteenth birthday the day she had entered main house from the hospital ward, and a photograph of herself and Allie on their horses.

    The two new pictures did two separate things to her.

    One, a photograph taken by Tim, a world-renowned photographer, was of herself and Josephine all dressed up and gorgeous, laughing in a mirrored room with fifty silver doves flying around them. Seeing it instantly made her happy.

    The other photograph made her empty ache plummet to a new level. She grabbed it and stared at the most handsome man she’d ever seen in her life. And his hands were all over her.

    It was a photo shoot she had done with Damon and Beast.

    She looked tall and elegant. Mature and so feminine. What you could see of her anyway. Most of her was covered up by those broad, strong shoulders and back, masculine hands. That handsome head bent to hers.

    She sighed, running her finger over the glass.

    Placing it down, she noticed a small note that had been left on the desktop.

    It read, ‘Enjoy your memories, Sweet Angel’ – Cam xx.

    She smiled and shook herself out of her dark thoughts.

    Quickly dressing and tying back her long black hair, she primed herself for positive thoughts and caring intentions as she headed downstairs, underground, for her shift at the hospital.


    Lilliana had not intended skipping dinner but due to a stressful few hours working overtime, she hadn’t had an option. It had been horrendously emotional for the team that was on the ward.

    Nurse Billy had been attacked by a deranged twenty-nine-year old male patient, Lorenzo, who had only just arrived.

    He had deep burns along one side of his face, chest and arms.

    With him had been his fifteen-year old son, also burnt and in a critical condition.

    Lilliana had been treating the boy with Nurse Rachael, Dr Ryan and Leon.

    It was a tough couple of hours, but once they got the boy settled and comfortable with enough pain relief, Rachael went to assist another patient who had been brought in, whilst Dr Ryan and Leon went in to see a patient who needed surgery later that night.

    Whilst Lilliana’s patient was fast asleep she was taking care of some of the deeper burn, without causing his body too much added stress. His sleepy eyes flickered open at one stage, moaning something about his mother.

    She increased his pain-free-serum before stroking a part of his hair where it hadn’t singed against his forehead, whispering that it would all be okay.

    He eventually drifted back off to sleep when she heard screaming out in the hallway, as the security alarm sounded.

    Checking the boy was deeply under sedation; Lilliana stepped into the hallway, to a sight she wouldn’t forget for weeks.

    Lorenzo, half crazed and naked, his burnt flesh looked bloody, angry, and so very painful.

    He was marching along the corridor, looking inside every room as he went, a bloodied surgical knife held in his hand.

    Lilliana knew instinctively that he was searching for his son.

    In the distance, she could see Billy come out of the room Lorenzo had been placed in. He was pale, and blood was flowing from a wound along his side, seeping through his white shirt.

    Oh no, Lilliana thought to herself. She ducked back into the room, trying to think fast. She could not put the boy down the waste or laundry chute. It was her first thought.

    There was nowhere else to hide him. She spun around to shut the door and practically walked into Lorenzo. She held up her hands, standing between father and son.

    Lorenzo, calm down this will not help either of you. Lilliana talked quietly, the way she would to Beast or the other stallions if they were in a fit of a mood.

    Girly, get out of my way, or I will end you. He stood staring at her.

    She nodded, letting him know she was taking in what he was saying. Security should be here any moment.

    Leon burst through the door, freezing when he saw how close Lilliana was to Lorenzo.

    Of course, she would be standing between danger and an innocent.

    Hey Lorenzo, this isn’t helping you or your boy, put the blade down and we can get you whatever it is you need, His voice firm, yet calm.

    Lilliana briefly thought how proud she was whenever a situation arose in the hospital. Leon was always calm and in control.

    What I need, Lorenzo turned to face Leon, "is for you all to get the fuck out of my way and I can finish what I started!"

    Lilliana walked backwards, to the tray of needles and surgical equipment. Whilst Leon was letting Lorenzo know everything was going to be alright, Lilliana grabbed a syringe full of ‘Knock-Out’ serum.

    As Lorenzo lunged at Leon, slicing a deep cut into his arm, Lilliana rushed at the angry, dangerous man and slammed the syringe into his neck.

    She got half of the serum into him before he swung around with his fist and slammed it against the side of her head.

    Lilliana saw stars, but amazingly, managed to stay upright.

    Leon had advanced on Lorenzo, as Lilliana struggled to get over to the boy and stand in front of him.

    Lorenzo spun away from Leon and was advancing on Lilliana as Security ran through the door, Lorenzo threw himself onto Lilliana thrusting the blade into her stomach.

    As she collapsed, he plunged the knife into his son’s heart and was about to slash his own throat, when security zapped him with an electric prod.

    He fell hard on top of Lilliana.

    The room erupted into organized chaos as Rachael and Dr Ryan entered with a handful of nursing staff.

    Orders were yelled out and followed.

    Cam was buzzed and arrived as Lilliana was taken into surgery.

    Leon and Billy were seen to by the nurses, and were medicated in record time, before being told to stay put, and rest.

    Both the young men were exhausted and devastated by the waste of life.


    Twenty-four hours later and feeling like she’d been run over by a stampede of horses, Lilliana opened her eyes to a room full of sweet-smelling roses and pastel coloured Lilies.

    A soft voice was reading to her about genetic breeds of bulbs and seedlings.

    Josephine. A tear leaked from Lilliana’s eyes, but she realized it was a happy tear.

    To have her ever-reliable friend always be exactly where she was needed. It was like the angels spoke to her and guided her towards her friends in their time of need.

    Hey Lilly, Josephine placed the book on the table and reached for a glass of water with a straw. I bet you’re thirsty.

    Lilliana nodded, allowing Josephine to place the straw in her mouth.

    Josephine’s big warm brown eyes smiled down at Lilliana as she watched her drink half the cup of water.

    Lilliana nodded, letting her know she’d had enough.

    Josephine put the glass on the table and then turned to face her friend. How do you feel darling?

    I’m not sure yet. Lilliana rubbed a hand over her face. Spaced out.

    Yeah, that’s the pain meds. Josephine brushed the hair away from her friend’s pale face.

    How long have I been out?

    Just for a day. Dr Ryan kept you under for healing, but it looks good. She leaned over and gently lifted her top up.

    Lilliana was happy to see a small white line where her skin had been pulled back together with stitching serum. She placed her hand gently on the wound, before pressing lightly, relieved to find it wasn’t unbearably painful.

    Hey, not the patients’ job to do the inspection. Leon’s happy voice called from the doorway.

    Lilliana smiled at him, as he walked towards her.

    How’s your arm Leon?

    It’s fine, how do you feel? He gently removed her hand, to place his own on her stomach, and ran his fingers ever so lightly across her scar.

    She shivered, as his long, thin fingers tickled her flesh. She was not used to having anyone touch her. She stopped her thought flow heading to the last man that had touched her and tried to concentrate on what Leon was saying.

    It will be tender for a week, but due to Dr Ryan’s spectacular surgery skills, all your bits and marvellous pieces are intact. He smiled down at her.

    Thank you. I’m sorry I wasn’t any more help with the Lorenzo situation. Is his son okay?

    Leon’s smile faded. Josephine sat on the chair waiting.

    No unfortunately. Once Lorenzo stabbed you, he stabbed his son who died instantly. He tried to kill himself, but security got there in time. Cam has placed him in Black Ops.

    Oh. Lilliana said quietly.

    But enough of that, I have had instructions that once you wake, I’m to get you set up in your room. How does that sound? he asked kindly.

    Lilliana smiled, not quite forced. That sounds good actually.

    Right, well let’s see if your body is happy with you standing. Leon pushed the covers off her, and placed an arm behind Lilliana, sitting her forward and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

    Josephine stood by, getting ready to help.

    Lilliana stood, and felt fine. Not a problem. she took a step forward.

    Great. Leon smiled.

    Between Josephine and Leon, they got her down the corridor and up the hospital steps. She was exhausted and struggling, but there was no way she was going to admit that. As they came through the entrance door to the main house Cam, who was on an errand, spotted them and came to greet them.

    Josephine took in his appearance. Tall, dressed in jeans and a black tee shirt, it showed off his sculptured body underneath. Hair falling over his ever-watchful eyes and a smile that could charm a snake.

    He took one look at Lilliana’s face, smiled at Josephine, then saying, ‘excuse me’ to Leon, scooped Lilliana up in his arms and smiled into her face.

    Thank you. she whispered. Those deep, beautiful eyes. Not Damon’s eyes, but oh so similar. She winced, not meaning to make the sound out loud, then closed her eyes, dropping her head on Cam’s shoulder.

    Okay, let’s get you upstairs my friend. Josephine said.

    Thanks Leon. I’ll speak to you soon. Cam smiled.

    No worries Sir. Leon squeezed Lilliana’s arm, said bye to Josephine, as he turned and went back to his shift.

    Once Cam had placed Lilliana in her bed, he sat on the side holding her hand.

    Leon or Rachael will come back to check on you in a couple of hours. I was going to set you up for a girls night, but for the time being I think sleep is on the menu.

    I think I’ll go down to the kitchen and see if Cook has some soup, or a salad sandwich. Josephine said, watching the way Cam’s hand was gently holding Lilliana’s.

    He turned to face her. Her beautiful brown curls were hanging below her shoulders. She was wearing a short white skirt and a bright blue top with a sunflower on it, reading ‘flower-power’. Bright blue gumboots tied her outfit together

    Smashing, he thought, dedicated. Where the hell did she come from?

    He’d known her since she was two years old. He’d been seven.

    He’d always had fun teasing her, watching her mostly from a distance as they’d gotten older. Damon considered her a sister. Cam never had.

    That’s a good idea Josephine, once you’ve put the order in, could you pop into my office for five minutes?

    She raised her eyebrow, hand on hip. I suppose so, I do have an urgent order that Rupert’s team need me to fill, but sure. Five minutes.

    Why, thank you. Cam said, not quite sarcastically.

    I’ll see you soon Lilly, rest up. She smiled at her friend.

    Thanks Jose. Lilliana waved as she looked at Cam who was watching Josephine walk out of the room.

    She knew that look well. She’d felt it on her own face often enough whenever she’d looked at his brother.

    Cam turned to face her and seeing her expression, smiled. What’s up Tiger Lilly?

    I think you know the answer to that Sir, she smiled. I really think I need to sleep. She closed her eyes.

    I’m so happy you’re alright. You had us worried. Cam let go her hand and tucked the blanket around her.

    There’s just so much to deal with, running this place on a day to day basis. I don’t know how he made it look so effortless? Cam ran his hand through his hair.

    Her eyes popped open as soon as ‘he’ was mentioned. Have you heard from him?

    His eyes met hers, could see the desperation in them and sighed.

    Lilliana, you have to forget about Damon for the moment. Focus on your studies, your work. I know it’s hard. He reached for her hand as she made to protest.

    I know it’s hard, he repeated, but let’s concentrate on getting you eating properly. You’ve lost too much weight. Let’s get you healthy. I have a photo shoot planned for you soon, but not till you put on some decent weight, okay? You are not cut out for skinny.

    She nodded, feeling her throat close over as the talk of Damon made her miss him all the more.

    She forced a smile. Yes Sir.

    He stood. That’s my girl, now, sleep.

    He watched her a few minutes longer, till her breathing regulated and he was sure she was asleep.

    Then he went downstairs to deal with another matter.


    Cam was just hanging up the phone when Josephine breezed into his office.

    Five minutes, I’m running late. The door shut behind her. Her eyes met his across the room.

    He stood and walked around the front of the desk then leaned back against it and folded his arms.


    Sir? She placed her hands on her hips, waiting.

    Come here. He said softly.

    A stirring started in her belly. Just watching him, all manly like and tired.

    She’d never seen him this way. Ruffled, exhausted. Responsible?

    His hair was dishevelled, his eyes deeper in colour, due to lack of sleep.

    He looked like he’d just tumbled out of bed.

    He can tumble out of my bed, she thought to herself.

    He placed his hands on the desk beside him. Look, he started to say. I don’t know what it is about you lately, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I want you.

    Josephine smiled. You’ve wanted me for ages, actually Sir. She raised an eyebrow.

    Really? Yes, I guess you’re right there. What’s changed?

    The fact is, She started walking slowly towards him, that now, I want you too.

    She was halfway toward him, and in two strides, he lifted her up, her legs wrapped around his hips, whilst his hands supported her back.

    Their eyes searched the others before dropping to each other’s lips, breaths held, pausing for a split second, before mouths met in a generous battle of lips sliding, tongues thrashing, teeth clicking.

    It was almost violent, but happily so.

    Josephine could not keep still.

    Rubbing against him, she greedily slid her hands up his shirt, desperate for her skin to slide over his.

    His hands moved in her hair, moaning her name.

    He walked forward till his knees hit the couch and bending, dropped her down before laying against her.

    She was wrestling with her top, trying to get it off.

    He stilled her hands, smiling into her eyes, then clutched her top and pulled it from her body.

    His eyes roamed over her breasts, standing to attention, bra free, perky nipples begging to be sucked.

    Her hands stroked his back, her eyes, smiling into his.

    They were both almost breathless.

    Do it. she whispered. Whatever you want.

    His head bent and licked a rosy nipple, circling his tongue around the wet peak, before he sucked it, pulling it into his mouth.

    She gasped, throwing her head back, her hips pumping forward. She was searching for something; she just wasn’t sure what it was, but her body was deliciously on fire.

    She felt his hand on her thigh, strong fingers moving forward, slipping into her cotton knickers.

    His head rose from her breast, looking deeply into her eyes, as his fingers gently stroked inside her warmth.

    He was waiting for a denial. It didn’t come.

    He pushed a finger inside her, not deeply, but enough to feel her wetness. It slid over his fingers, making him gasp.

    Her eyes closed as she pushed her hips towards him.

    Don’t stop, she whispered. Please don’t stop.

    He said against her ear, making her shiver. I won’t stop baby, unless you tell me to. Then his mouth slid over hers, as his fingers slid over her throbbing bud, rubbing the wetness over her, faster, softer, harder, until she screamed into his mouth, orgasming hard and fast.

    She could not suppress the giggle that exploded from her.

    He leaned up, running his fingers over her stomach, an eyebrow raised.

    Oh my god, I’m sorry. It’s just that that has been a fantasy of mine for a good year. She smiled at him.

    His hand slipped over her waist, between her legs, he cupped her, watching her eyes cloud over. He whispered against her lips, Well, we’ll see what fantasy I can help you out with next time? He fixed up her knickers, pulled down her skirt, and then stepping up, he reached for her hands and pulled her to her feet.

    His hands stroked her breast as he pulled her tee shirt back down, pulling her against him, kissing her, hard.

    Her hand ran down the front of his chest, working its way to the crotch of his jeans.

    He pulled away and grabbed her wrist, shaking his head, kissed her again and whispered, Looks like my five minutes are up.

    Josephine blew out a breath, reeling with what just happened. "Well then Sir, until next time.’’ She smiled prettily, turned on her heel and left the room.

    Until next time indeed. Cam said quietly.

    When the door shut behind her, he plonked down on the couch.

    Bloody hell! Damon would kill him.


    Hours later, Josephine was filling Lilliana in about her visit with Cam.

    Lilliana’s mouth dropped open, a smile spreading across her face.

    In the main office, on Damon’s couch?

    Yep, I just let him ravish the hell out of me! It was brilliant, my god Lilliana, I didn’t want him to stop. She plonked down on the end of the bed and covered her face laughing.

    Lilliana chuckled and bent forward to hug her friend but gasped as her stomach protested.

    Hey, careful. Josephine reached across and hugged her friend.

    They both chuckled. Lilliana shook her head. Anyone could have walked in, imagine Dr Richard’s face, if he found Cam all over you!

    Josephine squealed at the thought, Not nice to ruin my happy thoughts.

    Lilliana sighed and fell back against her pillows.

    I’m so happy for you Jose. If anyone deserves it, you do. She smiled at her friend, reaching for her hand.

    Josephine blew out a breath. I can’t believe he has been sitting under my nose all this time, all those years I thought he was an unsavoury individual, and now I don’t want to keep my hands off him.

    It is just meant to be. Fate, Karma, whatever you want to call it. You know about his condition, right? Lilliana asked.

    "What condition, that he used to sleep with anything that walked?

    Yeah, he’s a nymphomaniac."

    Lilliana smiled. That terminology is for a female. What Cam has is termed Satyriasis.

    Okay Doc, please explain that entire term to me so I can understand. Josephine leaned back on the bed.

    It’s a neurotic condition, symptoms of which are a compulsion to have sexual intercourse with as many women as possible. Usually these men have an inability to have lasting relationships.

    Josephine nodded. I always knew he had something going on. I mean, the man has always had a huge appetite for the female population. How did you know this?

    Cam volunteered his story with us as a case study in class. He has been receiving new treatment the past eight months, with rewarding results.

    So, I can rest assured he isn’t going to go all, un-neutered alley cat on me?

    Lilliana laughed at her friend’s description of Cam. Yes, rest assured, so far, so good.

    What do you think the girls will say? Josephine asked.

    "Well, I think Allie will be ecstatic and Jessica will tell you to be careful.’’

    And all is how it should be. Josephine smiled, standing. You get some rest. Christopher is doing you something sensational for supper. I’ll see you later.

    She kissed the top of Lilliana’s head, as her friend nodded and drifted back to sleep.


    Christmas came and went in a busy blur, and as the months flew by, their routines became increasingly ordered, almost to a military standard.

    Josephine had been given more responsibility in Rupert’s team, in the Horticultural Department- H.D, and was now in charge of completing orders and organising deliveries of seedlings, plants, fruits and vegetables to the Given cargo plane, to be delivered to other parts of the country.

    Rupert had developed a new range of seedlings that were going out to five major cities around the world and was very impressed with himself, along with the scientists who had been working with him.

    Orlando and Jessica were six months away from becoming Team Leaders for their very first group and the head Team Leaders were very impressed with their maturity and no-nonsense of breaking house rules.

    Both Allie and Lilliana had been given less demanding, supervised cases in the hospital, to ease their way into feeling out their roles.

    Assessing any new Given, then deciding if they were to go to the main house, or to the Psych Ward, after their initial month’s assessments.

    They both spent many extra hours of their personal time, committing to their cases and doing the best they could for the injured souls.

    Lilliana’s first patient was Eddie, a fourteen-year old boy who suffered from paranoia.

    He was sweet, and once calmed easy to talk to.

    When he was on edge, it took a while to get him back into a normal conversation.

    Lilliana didn’t like to medicate her patients severely, something Dr Richard and she argued about often.

    For chemical imbalances, sure, she could understand, but not in cases where hypnotherapy could help the patient in a more relaxed, peaceful way with lasting results. Allie agreed with Lilliana.

    Rachael and Dr Hillary backed the girls up and enjoyed a different, fresher approach where harsh drugs were not always the last option. It made for interesting conversations in the board meetings, as the year went on. And as the year went on, things just seemed to get busier.

    Allie and Lilliana had drawn up a proposal for a new office that they put forward to Cam, and the board.

    It would cost quite a lot of money, but Lilliana had agreed to do a series of photo shoots that Fox was unable to do as she had prior commitments.

    Due to Lilliana’s lifestyle getting back on track to healthy, where working out and eating properly had her putting on a good dose of weight, which won Cam over in the end to do the photo shoot.

    The space available for an added office was next door to Damon’s, in the hospital section. It was extremely close to the Psych Ward and would suit both their needs.

    The design was drawn over many times by Allie and Lilliana, who’d been looking at it from two points of view.

    That this room would be where they would both be spending a lot of their time, needing it to provide a comfortable and safe environment for their patients, and any other Given that may come to them for help, advice or a simple chat.

    It took months for Cam and a team to get the room completed, and Lilliana and Allie had spent every waking, spare minute directing and helping. It was a stunning space and the two new, young professionals, could not have been happier.

    As one entered the eye was immediately drawn to a high standing tank along one wall which Lilliana had designed.

    She had always loved the peaceful tranquillity of the Koi, that Damon had placed around the property, and having them here in her workspace gave her a feeling of his presence

    An impressive sized Buddha sat, holding a lotus flower, which trickled water soothingly from its petals and was placed in the centre, seeming to float on the top of the water, with a black pebbled wall as the backdrop where water Lilies, and green bamboo looked striking and fresh.

    In the middle if the room, where group discussions would be held, sat a varnished, glossy trunk-table, made from one of the trees that had fallen after heavy winds.

    Around the table, were chairs dressed in a soft fabric, and when placed close together, sat in a perfect circle around the table. Their desks sat either end of the room. Simple, efficient, elegant. A tinted glass screen, when closed, offered the room complete soundproof and privacy from the rest of the office space.

    In the corner of each office was a small step-in alcove where refreshments could be made.

    Along the opposite wall of the tank was a bookcase, beautifully designed with small shelves, sitting on diamond angles, filled with many old books and box-like shelves held pretty glass bottles, candles, gems, and healing crystals.

    Late one night Lilliana was sitting quietly on one of the soft chairs, sipping on a peppermint tea, watching her fish lazily swim around.

    She’d been doing a bit of catch up work on the argument she’d been having with Dr Richard the past few months, an ageless argument, on Psychological versus Biological treatments.

    She had just concluded a two-hour report for him for the following morning on separate patients whom she had been helping.

    She felt sure he would agree with her on this, as she had been completely thorough on every single argument he may have had.

    Time would only tell, she thought.

    Hey, you, a voice called from the open doorway. what are you doing up at this ungodly hour? Cam sauntered in and plonked on a chair, placing his feet on the table.

    Lilliana looked pointedly at his feet, before turning her eyes on his.

    He slowly removed his feet and smiled.

    She smiled back. I have just finished arguing with Richard, theoretically.

    Ah yes, his methods. Mm, well he is extremely old school but, that’s the joy of having some fresh blood around here. He wiggled his eyebrows at her. Keeps things entertaining in the old boring meetings hey.

    Lilliana chuckled. He and Josephine were so good for each other.

    Light-hearted, dedicated.

    What happened to Lorenzo in the end Cam? She had been meaning to ask this for a while now. Life just got in the way.

    What usually happens to people after one strike?

    She nodded, not wanting to say anymore.

    He had two strikes. Cam said quietly, ending that conversation.

    She placed her teacup down and looked back towards her fish.

    How are you doing? He asked seriously. You have been so busy the past few months. Was it everything you thought it would be?

    She pushed her hair back and smiled. It’s so many things. It’s so rewarding, yet exhausting. Heartbreaking too. But the fact that I can help those that come to us, She shrugged. I still clearly remember how I felt when I arrived. I was so numb, for so long. She shook her head at some of the memories, and quickly shut them away.

    I really love helping upstairs too. Can you believe that Eric comes to see me once a week? We can actually sit in a room and talk for an hour without any discomfort between us, and Natalie has stopped her sessions with Hillary, and she comes to see Allie. Lilliana laughed softly. I usually sit behind my screen when those sessions are on.

    I bet you do.’’ Cam chuckled. I hear Clair from Black Ops came to see you last week?"

    Yes, she wanted to know if I’d consider moving to her division.

    You are very talented Lilliana you would be very useful to us there.

    Lilliana froze. You wouldn’t force me, would you Cameron?

    He smiled at the full use of his name. She only ever used it on him when she was nervous. No, no. Don’t worry my angel I wouldn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to. Besides, you are brilliant here.

    She instantly relaxed. Thanks.

    He reached into his back pocket and passed her a small envelope. The photos from the shoot that helped you get this place.

    Oh, I don’t really know if I want to see them, doing it was bad enough. She winced taking the package.

    Relax, as always, you pulled it off and look gorgeous.

    Lilliana pulled out a couple and raised an eyebrow at Cam.

    Seriously, I look like a freak.

    Cam burst out laughing, I don’t think that that is an acceptable term for you to use. And you do not look like a freak.

    The advertisement was for alcohol. If you drank it, you would stand out in the crowd.

    The scene was set at a glamorous bar, and a naked Lilliana had been sprayed white, with green make up around her eyes, and contacts making her appear very catlike. Her lips, blood red, her jet-black hair standing out all the more in a long braid down her white, bare back.

    She was holding a red bottle.

    There were fifty odd red naked bodies up against her, all holding white bottles, identical in every way. The body paint on all bodies was spectacular.

    She stuffed them back in the envelope and handed them to Cam. She smiled. Whatever floats their boat. It got us this room, so I’m happy.

    You do know that Damon would have seen these pics out there in the big old world? Cam regretted saying his brother’s name, as soon as he saw the look on Lilliana’s face.

    Damon. He’d been gone a little over two years now.

    Her face froze, her eyes glanced his way. "Oh Cam, I wonder how he is doing? I know you can’t really talk about him, but please, can’t you give me something?’

    Cam sat up straighter. He was looking a little uncomfortable.

    Please, what can possibly shock me? She leaned forward. Waiting.

    He stood and strolled over to the fish, looking up at the Buddha.

    "I love spending time in this room. May have

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