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Dreams and Secrets
Dreams and Secrets
Dreams and Secrets
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Dreams and Secrets

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About this ebook

Potter Evans calls off her engagement with the wealthy rancher, Rad Scaithe because she is afraid of so many things and tired of everyone wanting to control her life. 
She is invited to come to the Arapahoe Village to stay while she decides what to do with herself. She has no clue whatsoever that these kind people are her fiancé's relatives.  Potter only really wants to know that Rad loves her and why he is so standoffish with her. When word gets out she has called off the wedding and gone to the Indian village, bad feeling and old memories haunt the local Indian fighters and they plan to rescue this sweet girl from the savages.

Release dateMar 21, 2021
Dreams and Secrets

Helen G Huntley

Helen spent the beginning of her writing career on the East Coast of the US writing and directing plays for different small theatrical events. She also wrote captivating short stories she would tell at fairs to small audiences, mostly wide-eyed children. Although she had made some close friendships, ideas for novels filled her mind until she finally left and moved to the West Coast and started experimenting with writing books. She loves to write complicated plots with lots of characters, adding twists and turns at every chance. She will always make sure there is at least one romance to keep the reading spicy and the temperature hot. Of course, a happy ending is a must despite what she puts her characters through. She is heard often explaining that without a happy ending everything is in vain. . She doesn't lack imagination and her list of ideas for books continues to grow. Helen believes as she writes each book she increases and becomes a better writer and loves being an author and publisher on her own.

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    Book preview

    Dreams and Secrets - Helen G Huntley

    Chapter One

    The Yellow Dress

    IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL day, not too hot for Golden, Colorado in the summer. The sky was a pretty blue, and there were a few little fluffy clouds floating aimlessly. Potter stared out the window overlooking the large pasture to the side of the house. The foothills loomed in the near distance, standing like sentries protecting secrets. She understood secrets; she was full of them, little ones to never confess to anyone. It was a familiar sight; the cattle meandering around, grazing, swishing their tails at the flies, and chewing their cud. Her father was a rancher from south of Denver, she grew up on a ranch.

    The house she was staying in was large, built like an English manor complete with servants. Her mother seemed to be comfortable here, but she felt uneasy. As the maids dressed her for the ball, she stood silently, not feeling anything for several days now, despondent, and apathetic, not wanting to marry Rad Scaithe.

    Rad had been coming around for two years, talking to her father, planning for their marriage. He said little to her. He seemed nice enough, always polite, but there was a restraint in him, as if he was pretending to be nice, and it caused her to wonder.

    Her good friend Marilynn Bitts recently wed, her husband had been handsome and sweet to her. Marilynn was so excited to marry such a man. After they were married, he changed, speaking angrily to her, and even hitting her. Marilynn told Potter she was afraid of him and had knots in her stomach all the time, never knowing when he was going to hurt her again. Potter told her to leave him and not put up with it. She could come and stay with her, but Marilynn didn't want to. She said he would get better in time once they got to know each other. 

    Potter was afraid that, once married to Rad, he’d stop trying and turn into a person she wouldn’t like. Maybe, like Marilynn’s husband, he was one of those angry oversensitive types who were hard to please. What if he yelled and called her names when she did something he didn’t like? What if he beat her? What would she do? Her father already mortgaged the estate for her dowry. That was stupid. What had Rad said to her parent’s that made them so convinced he was the one for her? No one consulted her. Rad hadn’t even asked her to marry him. He arranged it with her father. It wasn’t like her parents were getting anything out of this. Or were they? Her mother kept saying everything would be fine, but Potter was not sure. She stared out the window, her thoughts consumed her.

    A maid brought in a bright yellow ballgown. Potter’s eyes got big. What is that? she said, emotion filling her for the first time in days.

    Your ballgown, the maid said, smiling. Mr. Scaithe picked it out himself and asked that you wear it tonight.

    I’m not wearing that, Potter told her disgusted.

    My lady, your future husband has bought it for you and gave instructions for you to wear it, the maid said.

    Why would that mean anything to me? I’m not wearing it, she said. I’ll walk out here naked before I wear a bright yellow anything. She put her arms around her chest and glared at the maid.

    Just then her mother entered the room. The maids looked at Jen Evans with a look begging for help. What is going on? Jen asked.

    That is what is going on, Potter said, pointing to the yellow dress laying across the chair. I refuse to wear it. She glared at her mother, daring her to say anything.

    Jen Evans did not notice how serious her daughter was, and it wouldn’t have mattered. Of course, you are going to wear it, it’s beautiful, she said in a singsong voice as if Potter were four years old.

    This only angered Potter even more, and her mind started devising a plan to get out of this situation all together. I absolutely refuse mother and there isn’t anything you can say or do about it, Potter told her.

    You will wear that dress young lady and that is all there is to it, Jen said as she approached Potter as if she would spank her if she disobeyed.

    Another maid left the room in a hurry; presumably to get some help.

    There was a ruckus at the door a few minutes later.

    No, you can’t come in. She isn’t dressed, the maid said.

    The door pushed open and Rad stood inside the room, his eyes slowly moving up and down Potter’s body as she stood there with nothing on but her bloomers and camisole. 

    Potter glared at him.

    He seemed unsettled. What’s the problem? he said once he regained control. His voice shaking a little.

    I’m not wearing that gown, she said.

    He looked at the gown, then back at her. I thought the yellow would look lovely with your dark hair, he said gently, not able to resist looking her over again and again. His breath was heavy as his eyes settled on her almost bare breast.

    I will not go to a ball or anywhere looking like a bumblebee, she argued.

    Now dear, her mother interjected. You really should listen to Rad and wear the dress. It’s so beautiful, he really does have good taste, and you will look lovely in it.

    He couldn't take being in the room with her in that state of undress any longer. Wear the dress, he said, and turned hurriedly out the room.

    The hell I will, she mumbled under her breath as he slammed the door behind him. Is this what being married to him will be like? I’m not having it.

    Now see what you have done, her mother said. You have gotten Rad upset. Jen moved to the chair and picked up the dress. Now here, put this on, and we will forget anything happened. I don’t know why you have to be so stubborn; you know this is all for your own good."

    Please let me go to my room and calm down for a moment, she said, looking at the maids and not her mother.

    No Potter, you do not need to go lay down, her mother said. You need to finish getting ready for the engagement ball.

    Potter turned and stormed into the bedroom and shut the door, locking it behind her.

    She put her regular clothes on and headed back out the door.

    Where are you going, Potter? Her mother demanded. We need to get you ready for the ball.

    Potter ignored her and walked out the door of her rooms and into the hallway of the house. Where is Rad? she asked a servant, who was bringing something up the stairs.

    He is in his chambers getting ready for the ball, he said.

    RAD STOOD BY THE WINDOW, his head still spinning. Potter was an amazingly beautiful young woman, but he hadn’t known how beautiful. Finding her in her underclothes had totally taken him over. He could barely concentrate. And since she glared at him, he wanted her now more than ever. He sat musing over what happened and realized he didn’t do the right thing by telling her to wear the dress and running out the door, but he needed to get away from her. She was a temptation to him ever since he met her two years previously, but now it was more than he could bear.

    If she didn’t want to wear the yellow dress, that was fine. She could wear whatever she wanted because she had good taste. He thought the yellow would be nice; he didn’t know she didn’t like yellow. There were a lot of things he didn’t know about his bride-to-be. He intentionally didn’t speak to her, to get to know her, because his desire for her was so strong

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